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WANTED. Ci orrv Peas in Midwinter—Finest EngJ* ,th Marrowfat Peas. tA per Packet. Try them. John Hall and Co., Ltd.. Clod. Tower. Christchurch. . iiMi TriA-Crovrn Brand Tea at la Sd per lb is I ui.»urp*»»ed f-:r excellence ard purity. Coupon-, in every p-.-ck.-t and tin. bave the and se.ect your own present John Hal. and Co.. Ltd., Clock Tower, Chrwt. cbuxca. LICENSED VICTUALLERS- ASSOCLi hotel"Servants DESIRING Kinp oyinen- in ts. LBBIsi"cUIKCH iiUIELS •h.-urd regisUr their uam«» ai the utiice of tf*» »•»*'• _** soci.t.on. M-n.cLea.r n«xt Hia Majesty's 'Iheatre. E. NORDON. S*«r«tary fiT-ANTED, a thoroughly Domesticated VV * Lad- Help. :u< lb* country. Apply i 3 St. Albans. l'Xt tii'AN'lEl', Girls !«• Packir..r ar.d WrapII _ n ..__ a*tet». ar.d Co.. street. 1339 » ■' .iNTErI, Good General; tiuee in lain..} , - '-rc:.ct.->. App.y WJ Vi -. .-- -. M-r.vale. H** \i r .'.Vi'LlJ, young CJirl to do light house VV duties, and assist with nivaad. - 'M.. ' this Oflice. H3o \I'AN'IED, Lady Help tot country. n«ar II UAinairu. App.y to '200 Worcester street \V. 12u2 U.' ANTED. General, r.o washing. Mrs Henry WilnauiH, tit. Johns Woo-iston. Ml~ WANTED, Intelligent Girl, about H". for VV ..-.-iice. Apply Box iyn Post t imsUhurch. l ; * ~v WANTED, a Girl to assist. Apply i«V \ c.drO:ide<is ttreet, ot. Aibaus, near tram terminus. • I** , '> UrA.siED. a Good General .Servant. App.y Mrs M-.rris. Car'M-i.i..k. Linco.u load. Add.r.;{ton, opposite C'nitor. street. 'JiTJ WANTED, iinmc-dintcly, Ke.-pectabie Girl, 11 a«siFt housework and chi.dren. 10s Apply, statin-; age to Mrs Hunt, West Melton. "SO \ ir ANTED, or Middle-agerl Womai. .1 1 IT a ?uiall country ...inn. duties light ; comfortable iKiiue; two in t'auuly. Apply by letter r-r othu-r\vis.», on M-.-nday or 'iui>uay. "Corlcton," tx-rncr Brittau and ArlMtij'h .slrtotA, Linwoud. • I* l '**' \ V/'ANIED, a Buixler's Clerk, accuatoui^tl vV t-o timber; youth prelcircJ. App.y l!-:x P. Olhcc. Sti.teexpir.ence. 11--"li'AXi'KD, Steady Vouck Man; grociu \\ ii.""** -».aI u-o;ul; referenced App.y "t'er.da.toi.*. "Prcs-s Oflice. Illy "iVANIED, l":.>wd Cabinetmakrr, wasres 11». Vv Archbold Bros., .Shakespeare road, Syde. ham. I'XW A.RANTED, a Smart Boy for Shop. Bel » » Bros., C'yc.e Makers, High Btrtet. 13J5 "l\ T ANTED," S.-veraF First-rlu-'H' Curpi-n;cr.-, '» F-tivcral nionthn" work. T. Armstioug, 16 Clotlu-.-r street, Linwood. 13'J2 WANTED, strong Active Boy. Apply ti Wiikir.s'Jii and Wood Carvers and Tunes, 'i'il Tuam street. MOo I'ITANTED, a B>v. No waster need apply. VV D. C. Knight and Co., Manchester street. 141 - ---"WANTHD, a Middle-aged Man. with kn-ow-VV ledu'e el Sheep and able to mi.k one cr two own. Apply, with references, to Walt-.-r C'oUi.:*. 12UJ -\l T AN"i ElJ—Tiiree Married Gardeners, £73 \\ lo Ji j; Murued Shepherd, CVuple, nwvn groom and milk, wifa charge of dairy ; General Station llai.ds; Plo-ughmen. Shoepurm rs' Exclißii-re. JJoreford street. 1406 i.'A.\ii',U, Married Coup:-- ior hote. VV ;arm. al«o Generals, ilousemaida, bjhl Laundresujs, wages from 10? to XI. We have everal real gocd Farm liand.i waiting et.-.a-rr-'iue-nt. i'cr reiiab.e servants call 01. ■"iv* C'hri-.tchurch itc>{iftr>-, 1:1--/ High streel. U' ANTED, situations ior Two Competent Station Cooks, good bakers; also. High Ce/untry Shepherd. Wanted, Married couples without families; Improver for -tatii-u blacksmith, ab.-o to nail on; Gardener for gentleman's residence, do a little grooming; .Station Fencer, .'(is weekly and t und; Four PUmsrhmen; Hotel Chef, jEi .ve-ikly. Apply McDonald, 103 Manchester Btreiet" 'Phone 497, 12^6

'■_\*"ANT_D— Married Couple, man plough, TT w ifo cook; Flcu-rbman, Marlborough. 27b 6d. do. _R 6d*; Youth to milk, do. iot stables; Threo Lady Helps; Housemaid, Ueneials for town and country, ticket* boujjttt. to Let. Good Shepherd wain , e:.sngement. iSiuie's Registry, 171 Arma o 'ii street. 'Phone 570. 1223 WANTED, imui.diaie y, Good Cook, country hotel, really good place, £1; Housekeeper -country). £1; Sc-ecnd Waiter, S. Catitc.bury, 3 *s, references; Two Lady Help«. couutry 12a to IS*; Nurse, two children, country, 15s; General, Timaru, 15s; Cook and H.-Maid, tame place, town; 2 Light Ce-.e.a.s. town, las; 2 Cooks, country station*. £1; Generals, Cooki. H.-llaids. Lady Helps, eic. town ai.d country, also Men Servants. Mrs R. U. Mitche.l, First-class Registry and Parcels Office,' G.b Cathedral square. 74 IVAN TED', for Wellington, Cook, 255; TT Parlourmaid, 18s; Housemaid, Ills, -ume place; Groom. 255; Cook and Housc.iiiiid. same place, ails, lis; Nurse, two e.n UreiL. towu, 15s, good situation; Cook-■.-eiierals, town. 15s, 17s; Ledy Helps, town, ,*a tid 15s; Ma.ried Couple, JBbO; Nurse-li..u--e_aid 'liinaru, 15s; Housemaid-W-itrees, 13s; Pautrymaid, 14s town; Cook, .os. c.untry; Boy to milk, 7s 6d. Darby's select Registry, Chancery lane. Telephone 11(J6. 1107 WESTS Lebowr Agency, 174 Liehfie.d i V Htroet. Te.cp'ione jßj. Wenta—Firat- .. .I*B Bread and ciikill Good-. Baker. £2; competent Plou-rumen, 2_ tkl; Waiters. ..■-ivn; Good lv.tcher.maid. 2jb ; Flaxcutter. ts per ton, and ls per hour extra »'«_; r._nt arrival ft*--m England, learn farmius; Porter, Institution, able to milk, 15s; Boy for dairy farm, assist milking machines, 15s; Oiiice Boy, town; Yr.uth, t..wn factory, 17s id; Gir.s, assist housework, country, 10a, lis; Cook-General, town and country, 15s. ' 1403 W _f: ANTEb~Houseke*per~for'~get;tlema:. 30s, City; 4 House-Par.ourmaids. lii",. i6s, 17s 6d, City; 3 Nurses, 13s, City; Ladyaeip. New Brighton. 12s tkl; Cooks, 235, _)s, r> Cook-C-nierals, town, 17s Ed, «ood places, ' Married Couple-., £rto, £M year; _s; Governesses, 17s 6d, 10s. 12s. Tele. IC7-. _. Harrington. 12 Chancery lane. o7j \\T ANTED Known —To tmpioyer-*. ChurW ion's Registry recommends for luent Married Coup.c, new arrivals, man lough, milk, or garden, wife cook, bake. miike butter, reference*. Awaiting Er.gsgeinont —Coupe, man ai.d general farm nand. wile cook and hous-ekeep. Wanted— Piou,-huieii and Genera,! Hands, Youth ior country hotel, milk, -tt-. om. etc.; Generals ior private families, nice p.aces. Appry Churton, 63 Cathedral f-juare. opposite. Warner's Hotel, ad-uinmg Wiiiis and Aiken, Ltd. _ C;*o '.-9 vyANTED KNOWN—Loe's for Ladies' Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 6s 3d, 7s 3d doi. Initial Handkerchiefs just arrived. Irish Linen Store, Clock Tower. C 2803 W" ANTED, Ladies to set their Cmbroliai Re-covered for the winter, Frame* Renovated Gratis. Year and Sonn. VV ANTED to Let. Cily—opendid Houae of ii 7 robins, with evory possible oonvenienc*, '_• per week to go.d tenant; Linwood. 6 rooras, bath. h. and c. etc., £1. McKenzit ai.d Willis, Auctioneers and Land Agents, Catheitra. .-qu.u (.next Poet Office). A\. T ANTED— •..entieino.i, give your wives, Ti sisters or sue-jthearts. a Cold or _il-ver-mounted L'mbrerla. Always cheaper at Lethaby's, Manufacturer*, 64 Cathedra. 60_u*re- 7136 UT ANTED, Left-off Clothing, Ladies and Gentlemen can depend on getting their extreme v.tiue. All letters ar.d appointments uum-tuaiiv attended to by Mrs King Secondhand Dealer, 103 Tuam street, S., Chr.stchurch. C*2„i A\ r ANTED—Gentlemen give your wives i V a.eters. or awnothearts a Gold or Silvermounted Umbrella. Always cheaper al Lethaby's, Manufacturers. 64 Cathedral square. 7136 "\y ANTED, In-valid* >°d Person* of Weak Digestion to drink Bensdorp'a Coooa. C 2041 "WANTED—"Th* Yore" Dmbrolla has it. been awarded Gold Medal for of manufacture. N Z.I.E. \y AN TE D~_N O W N—Mrs~Quartern**in ia I* a Cash Purchaser of Ladies'. Gents' and Children's Loft-off Clothing. Lett«i hy l>'st or otherwise attended to. Address, Mrs G. Quartermain. WANTED— Ladies, give your husbands, brothers or sweethearts a Gold or Silver-mounted Umbrella. Largest variety at Lethaby's, Manufacturers, 61 Cathedral •guare. 7138 TO ADVERTISERS. SATURDAY'S EDITIONS OF "TRUTH." rpHE Ofic* of "Truth" ia OPEN on SATURDAYS until 5 p.m. After this hoar Advertisemsnt* wili be received by th* Publisher. vyHEN EGGS art Scarce and D«*r. give *' your Hens "X" POULTRY TONIC. It will max* them lay. 02*_1

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12867, 27 July 1907, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12867, 27 July 1907, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12867, 27 July 1907, Page 13