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EYE STRAIN, " r MR. ERNEST M. SANDSTEIH D.8.0.A., P.S.M.O. (Lent!.) OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN letho.i. Fiti -o-irtti. Uteit IwtrißMti. Consulting Rooms: CASHEL ST. WEST. , 8.M.1. ■-• «>••'*. ""* —W^ l **"*'*' j _____ , . - ,

HOLLAND WINDOW BLINDS . For o«_t«tf« «M> MMMhMs, GEE'S. 101 Colombo rr. • . CUTIt ■ PUBLIC NOTICES. • piANETTE by Broadwood and' Son, W \ don. Check action, ivory hff. IB* ■ "■; cash, or teems. MACARTOT and CLAIaC;, >■ ii■! n ii ' ......I—■ ■■« ■■,■■■■■_■■ « ii, .::'<:}■■ PEA R8 O N*B r : " ___, *T<OLD MEDAL" CARBOLIC iAHDIX SOAP. ■ > ;^ As ' Used by his Meieety'a' N«_v». ■ ■__;.■' '••;,.,, PEARSON'S _OOLD MBbAL" BAND-^V;^ SOAP Cleans, Woodwork, Bra—woth,■-,' SlM,:^^ Coppor, Enamelware, etc '•-i_: , '-'__i_i"--i1 1 -K^ ]?_AksON'S "GOLD MEDAL"-JAlTO^diai: SOAP not only Cleanses but DISINIWH^-jfe^sg TO THE' HOUSEMAID.-;- ::- l '-:'vVsi:Ns PEARSON'S "GOLD MEDAL:";.. §IJl«tf*V&s SOAP* •. ' -.■.•'^l;i**vre£ Is a Blessing none <kn .MM^/.,<■/::;>;^r^fi For Instead of Sunday "only :■■■ i>--.'7-*ws It gives her every evening t«V:fif FOR THE DAIRY use nofting->ial S;:^ PEARSON'S DAIRY SANDSOl*.;,'^.Pfe Specially Prepared for Cleaning put /Dikf:*;el .'■-.J; Pane. etc. Recommended by a lis__sfl)«__7 ; -~;,.; Association. '■ ■ ' * ;•• '-.".>/■• MISTRESS:.What a pioture.your iritel»se_ s ; ,av;i'^ ie, Mary? However do'you.'|f4vtVs»,fSs'gis spotlessly clean and bnfMf'.'#;.;> V^^BS MARY: Yea, Ma'am,' it do look I»«*t ;'V, '. it's very little, trouble whaßljo«-:l«» ;^:;MS . PEARSON'S'"GOLD MEDAL" BAlTO^^gff SOAP.- ■'■' " ••■■•::V'-:--,.to,A| Well, Ma'am, I've triad all _m pssVsat >#i , things' and other- sendsoSp, - bert asttataf %))M is so good as ' "* '-' ;■■ ;-,--^';-,..<fe;sj;i-jig| ! / PEARBON P S "GOLD MEDAL": _ULin>£^fts SOAP. ■ ■■'-■■■ J It's Not Too SoU, and Not Has* //;' f But It's Jutf the Vary' »te.v-_.-V^ MISTRESS: Wall, Mary, evoryttta. faata^MSg so-very nice, that you ■ru4.alwi»;i»J^f| this sandsoap. ■ ' ,; ''-:^:V^__i%« PEARSON'S "OOLD_ WBM&x*ufcWfim ' SOAP IS MADE BY'BPE4UsHUieLtta^ See no other is pushed on. to Ml Sold by All. Reliable >BtiMibil|lil_piM|i| PEARSON'S BANDBOAF- kw mail^____:^lal tations, but ; NO EQUAL. ; ..- ';:.^ ; ll||ii||| •i '' -1 ■ iiiimiMiliiiii»'iJ«iU;||'»J'l BUSINESSES for' Salty, " Mote* :Timi_, ; - % suitable 'for.' oarryiiU'.l' |«4sjs*__ls%'fe™_gj £370. - Boardinghoase 10 , ro«sas, westfor furniture, ■ etc, ' MM, /Pi isamshl _s t rent 12s, working plant, £11.'■■' (tomni Bi«niP r M% with » dwg. roorae (bricW, £M«J», valuation.' , BuburW rraiV and flttinge, £75. B n . working- plant, •'...< 4HO.V :.•■ l_iaO-W:.*:«_|s;f|f CHEC-KLEY, 189 a Hereford *tmi.'oM mi ■ i/ii m^m^l^mtmmiti^fff-fS -' . : Foi';BAmv.;'3''i : .|^^^ SMALL SHrNQLETwltablefor rfil _ Sjj_^jjj Carriage Drives, at«: Also Btt»ka«T|e*_C "«?M all aisea., Apply ' -.' -,-,'« ' V '.^ : SMART-and BOW,; ■ AsplwJtaw, tyd ■■!■■■ j -, - ■. wi«»koi4i.',»». imzM&!(g*jsm ■' ..,-..-._»•_.''.••.'- ,'--■.- <■<>*■'rK<'rt<sssJm HOTELS. -.' ,\. ■,^M^imm TOLLIE • ■ »A 8 i--« p'tl'llfii J HANMBEsssP_alHll4K'''lV'' ;:^^*il , W. J. LABOOMBE. rro_»rs»4j«. |;||§;§§|| - The Only Lioeaeed~Hoe»se U !!■■■ ■ ilj ~ Springs. ■,■__■ : A:im^m First-class Aooommodatioa. ■ _^^f§ Special• Terns to: tmOlmVtW^mjm Conveyance* meet all' (Jotehwa, md^rm-M;.M<M intervals to and fro* Batlea. CIIB i | '•■ CITY BUFFET COLOMBO' (Near ' Rosce's, liomwbs^ii^: I :.^^ FIRST-CLASS ' o3cricOsJ4X>DATIOW '' IsilViS Permanent Boarders and the Travvlltfit Public Hot. Cold, and Shower Betlss. Clew Mil to Railway Station and General taiti Otkm\'-^'M TRAMS PASS - DOOI. Luncheon from -Noon to. I pj_L -■---:' ;^ Letters and Telegrams will reoeiva 'arosagsS \\',WM attention. . . •" :■, -^^W^-i^'S Telephone No. 975..' >;.. _-;>:\".".i v ' : i.-v-'.^'tß^ ."" . TAMES" HOWE^!i : :|fs_&ss ■ - : . ■. WMwmt/f&m . S • '■■■•■' ..'-■'■'■ ''^;'l v Xr..;fe:-"'i|M l '■ , i ' WM I*l7 ft CASH, balaaea m &ID tor a.Dwelling of- *, ; h. and c, plastered, concr_a_ i-acre, tiptop locality, ilst of hmu Knight and Checkley, tea Umntm^ttmK^^m FUNERAL. NOtlCß.ft^\^^§^ THE Frienda of Mr George Humperrers •■•' :;'l',;- ; /l respectfully invited to attend the ___*»!" : ;\5>,M ral of his'late sou Albert.'.h»yin*':hii deuce, Good street,- off-- feuiv.".: *%m June 9th inst., at 180 p.m., for Uio ■We.lowta Cemetery.. J. tor and EmbaJmer. '■'■:}^ : H?>l&*i!£>#g rpHE Friends of the X of Springfield, am respectlHiflr ibrilad 1 to attend his Funeral, which will leave hisV.&/';■s late residence for tho Springfield OeinwteVT'-'-' on the 9th of Juna, at l'pj»,,,..OHHliLORD, Undertake*. ■ ""■', l^:V,uv^ LANOFOED 1 AND »H I-'M'D (Late W. and H. Langford), FUNERAL" •FURNISHERS AMD ; ".- EMBALMEBB, •■■ '.■.-■-■■ .."■ / 16 London street. Pbon»'4_t, ; Addressest . • '•.-■;'-■';■' ■:-.->fi^ HERBERT LANG FORD, 16 LosAm atntt, • * "■ Richmond. 'Phone 688. , fi JOHN RHIND, 48 Montreal straeA •__«_>. ham. 'Phone IMS. -- Town Office, 207 Cashel street 'Phona Ala. LAMB AX » ■ O W-$S TJNDEKTAEEBg ■ ■.' '' "i •'.' : .-^iS And "'-"''; -■"■'''' EMBAiatEBS. ..'•'":'''>[! Ho. 85 LICHFIELD STEEET. "^ C 2255 Telephone CM. •",•,-'■.■ '■^[■"S GEORGE ' BASK E L ."I_'"-''. UKDEBTAKEB aad EMBALXEst, : / . I-'-' vA"B POLISHED ENGLISH OAK OE-MlMn COFFINS,, - ■ . " T^" u -,' :l -. f !._; Are Kept in Stock for Unreal OreWa. ' - : /: Telegrams or Telephone Orders by Nicht as-'..■">>"s Day Keeeive 'Immediate - OFFICfi: 61 DURHAM STREET SOUTH. Workahop-, etc., 233 and SM St. Aaosh stMal '-,"- : Telenbone TIL' ".,--. **..^! ,t 'Wfr: mn^^oL' : 'XW^ SOUTH BELT MONUMENTAL' 'vTOKM -■• '■"''■'' ;: Corner of South belt and Colombo attaaL* ' ;i AKii SELLING Present SU*"*RS2&?-W} Tttsrtski '^M trave.lers and p»y bo commiaiion; tils? era '. *'"i in a position to SaU CaneieWahly ts_Ai_r Curost mates. ;•• '-." .• >':■■:>:■>'■'& INSPECTIOK IKTTTED.'''V,^' ';■' -i^'¥ f -< Prle. T__ts mA *_-T i lil.irtil'__'■_,. »Uea4iee_. ~.-j . : :;^Ji:^,§g

BOARD AND RESIDENCE. EXHIBITION VISITORS. SUPERIOR Accommodation, " St. Elmo House," 187 Worcester street, West End, two minutes from Exhibition, also from General Post Office, Tram Terminus, etc MISS HAMPTON, Proprietress. j C 9667 Telephone 872. WHAKATATA. OQQ CASHEL STREET, West EndZOO Superior Accommodation. Vacancies for Visiting and Permanent Boarders. GODWIN LAMING. Proprietor. TELEPHONE 1856. C 2016 GLOUCESTER HOUSE. 266 GLOUCESTER STREET, WEST. ACCOMMODATION for TRAVEL--X LERS and BOARDERS. Telephone 982. Please address enquiries to the Propnelress. C 2093 CONVEYANCES, GOVERNOR'S BAY. ALLANDALE AND IEDDINGTON ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. ON and after APRIL 16th these Coaches will run as follows:— Leave Teddington .. 7.0 a.m. — „ Allendale .. 7.30 a.m. 3.80 p.m. „ Governor's Bay.. 8.0 a.m. 8.0 p.m. „ Lyttelton Station 9.30 a.m. 4.80 p.m. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday—Morn* ing Service Only. R. H. HARRIS, Proprietor, Allendale. PUBLIC NOTICE. COVERED-IN COACH TO CHEVIOT. A COACH now runs between Ethel ton and Cheviot every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, and returning from Cheviot on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS. i ARTHUR BOYQE. Proprietor, EThelton. Saddle Horses and Traps alwayi on hire at Sourgill Station at the shortest notice. ROYAL MAIL COACHES. WOODBURY, GERALDIITE AND OBARI. IBEO to inform the Travelling Publio that my Royal Mail Coaches will run as under:— i WOODBURY AND BACK- j Geraldine, dep. 6 p.m. each day, via Oran :/ bridge. Woodbury, arr. 6.30 p.m. each day. Woodbury, dep. 6.40 a.m. each day, via Oreri bridge. • Geraldine, arr. 7.40 a.m. each day, GERALDINE TO ORARJ Geraldine, dep. 7.45 a.m. Geraldine, dep. for South Express 10 a.m. Geraldine, dep. for both Expresses North and South 1.30 p.m. ' Geraldine, dep. for Timaru train 5 p.m. Geraldine, dep. for North Express 6.45 p.m. In connection with the above, I shall conduct a livery business. Gigs, Ssddle Horses, Coaches, etc., on hire at reasonable rates. General carrying and carting carried on as usual. Travellers' samples, etc., carefully handled .and brought from the railway. Charges reasonable. __'.." Telephone No. IS. N. SHERRATT, Proprietor, . * Geraldine. , T> SCOTT AND CO.'S COACHES. GERALDINE-ORABI. COACHES running between Geraldine and . Orari now MEET ALL TRAINS. Picnic Parties for Peel Forest,' Te Moan* Gorge, and Waihi Gorge arranged for. Horsee, Buggies, Four and Six-in-hands for hire at shy notice. Woodbury passengers may be arranged for at any time at low rates. Commercials' Luggage, etc, carefully handled, and Telegrams will receive Prompt Attention, w Our Coaches have No Connection with N. Sherratt'a Coaches. C27U t : 1 , i METHVEN AND ASHBUBTON COACH. A COACH RUNS between METHVEN and. ASHUURTON on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Leaves Methven 8 a.m., arrives Ashburton 10.4S a.m. Leaves Ashburton 4.0 p.m., arrives Methven 6.45 p.m. Parcels and Orders left at Somerset Stablee, Aahburton. and Methven Livery Stables. NEILL DUFF. HORNEMAN'S NORTH LINE ROYAL MAIL COACHES. CfcEVIOT to SPOTSWOOD. PARNASSUS, BROOiXDAIiE, HAWJCSWOOD, CON WAY. HUNDAIiEE, and, KAIKOURA. Coach leaves Cheviot Post Office for Kaikoura daily, at 9 a.m. Coach leaves Mr Homer's Commercial Hotel, Kaikoura, daily, at 6 a.m.. arriving at Cheviot 12.80 p.m_ and connect wi'.h train at Domett at 2.22 p.m., passengers arriving in Christchurch 6.55 p.m. same day. CHEVIOT-DOMETT SERVICE. A Coach leaves Domett on arrival of train for Cheviot daily. A Coach leaven Cheviot Pest Office for Domett daily at 1.30 p.m. CHEVIOT-PORT ROBINSON SERVICE. A Coach leaves Cheviot Post Office every Saturday for Port Robinson, on arrival of Domett coach. A coach will meet steamers as required. ' N.B.—All information given at tho Government Tourist Office, or Thoe. Cook and ' Sons, Christchurch. J. E. HORNEMAN, \ Proprietor. LAKE COLERIDGE AND GLENTUNNEL ROYAL MAIL COACH. A MAIL COACH leases Oleritumje! for Lake Culerid?e. via Windwhistie Hou«e and Snowden, EVERY FRIDAY MORN- ■ ING. on arrival of Train from Chrisichurch, returning in time for Evening Tiain SATURDAY. Special attention given to p»*senpera, and Parcela forwarded for delivery by coach. LITTLE BIVER-AKABOA DALLT i bERVICE. J ROYAL MAIL COACH. JW. JOHNSTON, having been the sue- •. cessful tenderer for the Mai), begs to inform t'ae Tourists and Public generally that he has established a First-class Service, the < comfort of passengers being catered for in the best order. The following a.teration in the time-table has enabled him to effect considerable reduction in the time previously occupied between Akaroa and Little River, as from February Ist the Coaches will leave as follows: — Akaroa Post Office, daily, at 6.15 a.m., instead of 7.30 a.m., as heretofore, arriving at < Little River at 11.15 a.m. The Coach will leave Little River at 11 a.m., arriving at Akaroa 2 p.m. The following is the new , scales of Fares fixed:—Little Rjvar-Akaroa, return 10a, tingle 7a j German Bay, 8» return, single 6a; Robinson's Bay, 8a return, ] •ingle 6s, Duvauchelles and Barry's Bays, 7s return, single 6s. Pigeon Bay Coach leaves the Post Office daily &30 a.m., to connect • with Akaroa Coach at the Hill-top 10 am., for Little River, arriving at Pigeon Bay on i return journey at 1.30 p.m. Return farei « 7s Cd, single sc. Headquarters, Little River. Telephone No. 1. •., 3. W. JOHNSTON, " Proprietor. ONE Verdict throughout New Zealand— THE MILlTAitx PlCKLE—rureat, ' Meat Delicious, and 'Economical of all J Pickles. Sold by all Modern Grocers. 2621 . TBI MILITARY PIC'EI_ - To'es~!urther ! thaa any two bottle* ef ordinary pickle* and is made with the Purest Malt Viaegar.' Sold by ail Grocers who art aliva.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12825, 8 June 1907, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12825, 8 June 1907, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12825, 8 June 1907, Page 13