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« Tlio auction announcements of C. A. Let* and Company, Field and lioyds, New Zealand Farmers' Co-op., P. A. Herman, North Canterbury Co-op., Dalgety and Company, Guinness and Lo L'ren, National Mortgage and Agency Company, Canterbury Farmers' Coop., Deveroux, King and Company, anel C. R. Wilson, will bo found on page 15 of this isMie. A meeting of tlie Cabinet waa to have ber-n held at •"> p.m. y<\s-te*ie'ay. but owing tr> proe-mre of engagements the*. Premier found it ne:u'--sary to postpouo tne meeting.

H.M. shirs Challenger, Pioneer anlra__ Pyr-amus are to leave Lyttelton 6_»fl November 10th lor Auckland. YaSM The very successtul flower at Lyttelton recently, iv aid of tOffl funds ol" Holy Trinity C'lntreh, ton. rmlisev.l a net profit eel £81. must be regarded «s eminently satisfSlll tory. Tlio parish r« now, as* a entirety fro. of debt. mm At a meeting of the Board of Manilla gera eif the Clirivtohurch TechnSJlll Classes li«»ld !a.>t night., a letter was|S'|_l c rived from Mobs re Benin and Compai»'*9!l offering a pilar* valued at £2 is. to t_T?J competed for by improvers and anpr«_sp| ticca in tbo couch building cla.>_. '•i'&l Tho Mati-on of Samaritan ll«n_.Wl desires to acknowledge the U*ltowjß_s?l elotiaCioiw: —Bacon, etc.. Mrr« x2*&£M rows; buns, I'room an and K_J&l wank; clothing. Rev. Mr Purchas, *Hn_*{l Bridge, Mr Donholm and A F»_4_sl milk, Addington Dairy; books _?s»__ Tenld. Rev. Mr Rein, and A Mr Archey ; hats, belts etc''lll Bal'antynos: wawte nie-vu, Mi ß JI se-n ; fruit, St. Paul's C.E. Soc.ietv. ,"*<■ James Stanbury. tho cx-chauminjQ cruller of the world, who is to rMßt_| Webb, the New Zealand ohntnnion coll tho Wiingamii Hive-.r on Boxing ba»ff| for 121X1 a 3«*, kit Wellington fi'M V\ anganin yesterday morning. It kSn ro_>oi Ud that « r.i.-'.TT, To be rotrej w M Wellington about the* middle*- of Jaau. *« ary, lias been armngexl between tha 'H ve-teran, William Hearn, cx-eham.4l pmn of New Zealand, and &tanbu»,!S« Hewrn will bo given 30 *ooond_' start'li ia a mi!e. "JI Tho tobacco Troin J. R*t.'>!_| tray atul iSons' promises iv Dunedin ■■ < xj are assuming somewhat large dim«n*. II pious. Detectives Hunt and Mitchell yesterday recovered twenty boxes of %M Three Castle cigarettes, fi'vo boxen of-1 Olel Judge _ cigarettes, and two bturai "¥■ of Harlequin tobacco (alleged to h_T* •*■ lroon stolen from Rattray's) from _ij '*■ different traek«jveople to whom it w« -1 seikl. This property is valued at about" '1 Tlie annual four-oaree! race for tha Union Rowing Club's President's Ctip :*t| presented by tho Presielcnt, tho BonY 1 H. F. Wigram, was concluded lasterea. 1 dng. The results wero:—First heat: 0 Darby, F. L. Booth, E. O'Brm, G,"-'? El>?rt (stroke), l*e a t J. E. -Shiro, J,'.-' Gill, B. Tompkins, J. Fry (.train)* ■ _ Second heat: H. L. Booth, J.*W. Blade* '*V more. W. Dug-gnn, T. Wimaor (strok*"-,:•s beat J. J. Hall, T. Booth, D. Manwiw! ft T. Chambers (stroke). In the final If Wrnsr-r's crow won by threo-quartere <j( ,ffi a length. v | At a meeting of the Canterbury Lara -§ Tennis Association, Dr. NodwiiH ing. the Tokoa Club, of Sydenham, affiliated. Lettptß .<w«re- read several ©wintry 'nation with a view of affiliating, jpjji motion was passed thanking the Zealand Association for tlio effort* fy'm took in endeavouring to get the Mat*"el Buckley Competition played in Chrift» , )__« church nt tho Christmas Word was received from Mies Baker, 'M tho holder of the Now South _ Wftioig| Ladies' Championship, that she intaJt&Jl ed to tako part in tho C*hamp'o„abip*|| Meeting at Christmas. Reports of various sub-committees set up to arrangements for tlve tournament *«"»d| presented, and Viewed that mattertrijl wero well in hand. , *M A meeting of the North Cemrbro of the Leaguo of Wheelmen "WiJ|j hold last evening. I»resent--Mr Boyd (in the ohnir), Mew»n*j Walter Philip, Kennedy and R. W. Banry, Bocnetary. Th» AoV.-si burton amateurs wrote seceding tbo Centre owing to anlry having * t*/ir!M riding members. Mr E. J. was appointed to repreßeavb the AinWffitfl ley Cycling Club on tho Centre. P#M mits wore ftnunted to tho llatnaiori,-® Q>-cling Club and tho Ashburton uitt Cycling Club to hold meetings on "Jaajfra ary Ist and Deoember ISth rospecU<ra|9l It wm docaekyl to writ© to the ChjpL| 1 church Cycling Club msking for an w_Mi pin nation why they allowed a take part in the hill climbing oomp«l||H| tion when they hnd been advised iHR| the Contro tiiat tho rider waa a 4^H At th« Ashburton *Maaiistrate"_ OowraH vvsterday, beforo Mr \). A. S.M., Arthur Wilson, for driving <mMhB a footpath at other than a wal&lj£|fii pace, waa fined 10a and costw. ItaMl allowing oattle to wander oath© riuiwßß way line art "Rnwald, John JaJhnatwMl -mas fined £3. Goojce F. Thomas O'Roilly and Patrick for braaoltea of probibition ovd«]tl'«|HH Methven. wore each, fined 40s IUM oocrts. William Porter pfeadod IiNjWIH to making a false declaration, of bmlwfflH and waa oonvmitted> to tiho fl*n>Wri*MW Court at ChriatchuToh for mnt*iw£sß In th© oaao of CJharks Beech r. 7-?«t_H Smith, claim "£2 10s Od; New ZealiUtMl|l Farmers' Co-opcrativ© Assooiatjon -Omßm F Taylor (£1 __ 6d), fl.nd Orum v. Stephen, Batoman (£24 2s), jwreigl ment was gtven for *t-ho plaintiffs fault. Matthrw Patterson claimed iSffHH 15e Gd from Patrick Daly on a grabbing ootntraot. Judgment given for defendant. James Hi*»elwßs|M sited Frodorick B. Robinaon for t""l§ffH seersion of a tenomont, and. an °rw§j§Bm was made _ for defendant to grv»i jmHI possession in fourteen da_j-_' tune. ' ,J|_3fl At tho Ashburton Magistrate's. yesterday, before Mi- C. A. Wray, S.MiM||H George Hick mot t, of the Union BipPHfl cry, Christcbuixsh, waa finod costs for Bending liquor into, th* trict without proporiy advising ,!|MHH Clork of the Court ait to ths waWHM of tho oonsignoe. Judgment wa*,!J|||BH served in tlie oas© ol Iteginald Tasker, a resident, who waa <^l r*4__|_H with receiving am order for Jiqtj<ilH| Thomaa Walah, Harry McElraa, A." f TyreU-Baxter, Edwara Puree, Graham, Arthur* E. Taylor, WiflMiMl Chikls. and Robert Mitchell, *PJgH woro charged with being found the premises of John Tayjor. "I__fp___j Hampstead, when th© polios BMwHra||B a rajd, the subsequent result of ,*MHB raid being the conviction of Taylor__*g*pi!_j sly Rrog selling, pleaded guilty. Baxter, Purse, and Mitohcll had Biim'inonod as witneases for the P ro * ! tion. but had not been calM ob TfWpfflß pleaded guilty. Sergeant Fouhy that an exceiition snould he mM * > regard to thane three, although he as the reetilt of his questioning thw l""tei||H specting th"i previous case ho got very out of thero." «a*MB three defenelanta named w©r© Ogijj|m victed nnd dis*charg<?d. The othar were each fined 40_ and costs. ;, ,'^nl The unique vessel in which Mt'g-i||p Williams, of Whangami, intends circumnavigate tho globe ia now *N|n| advam-od in construction. In tt PP e Kfl|jl a nee it is like O'm clongat-ed oitlior end tapering to a sharp P'jSyHß and displaying a clear, unhrolma fffMH from stem to irtorn. It is contefiMMmH that the vet*«l wtill be equai t<» all demands made upon It by the w! winds, ns nothirug but th« 6nM s_fjf____ curvocl surface will l»o oxpoeod. oraft is 30ft long, anel haa a beamJf_||HH 6in, with a depth of sft ftin. 2&8& M latter nieasnroment eloos not. inUWWaHB the keel of 12in, with 4in. of lwid tached. Thero is annplo room , anel acooii"jme>diatbn for two lwr ?°' ll flß|M with fitorago feir six montW supply*_______! water and provisions. Tho vessel ca.lcnliated to elram* 3ft Gin. of wai<ft|M and is riga?*<l, the canvas ccwmm prising a jib f)ta>>»il, maiinsail' mizzen. At* it will often lie t'i cjawl over tlie ronmkxl in orele-r to atte'nel to tlw he-ad v.heji ronfmi, two snw.ll ba-ttons to lie nttachorl, to provide a ho}&, a strong n<;t. in to tie placed on r.YV* as .nn rukiitional protortinri. J*s»H Wi!!iini to nwike the I" teH^lß________ Kxhibif.ion about at- Aueklanel. ("ifilwrtv*, Nap"W«BM anl We-Uin-2-ton ejn th-n way d:>wn. Fourteen br-rtlis. four eleat!t«* "" n *[_JS_i____j ma triage a were registered, at ton during October. *-n_____j

T!k» prart.iral examinations of thr» Aβtwiiite.l Board of tlir IJ<>v:il Academy of ]\lilMi" and the IJi\v;il C>llo;:" of MuMC. jiv Mi' Wr-cho. v.-ill ifinimiMico ~;.i Monday iit i'li" Canterbury C-olle-.v , . •|'h(" IJakaia iiinl Wai'aki river* were roioit 1 '! not lit for IWliinu yt*>terd ;y nicniMi". ill' , LiiaiT A.«lil>urtoti „,!,,,!. Jin.! tin- liin-itui.i 'lirty. The other Canti-rl'ur.- riv«-rs were dear. T!i.» <'!i. it !':<■■- in tin , adminis! rat ;..;i of ilu. \'i lent :!;:il |)<-;vartirent i.inliri.d ),v f,.r Land, i> I-,- 1!, • ~{,,-.. of t hi' >- •"•'■'■ ''-''II I-''*" l>->o". «i« from Dfci'iiil'. i- 1-t. Tin ro will _ !<■■> any lectures in r ,u<io. «t tl:<" ('.■u:i''!'i!i!n- (Vli'i.!*' from \oviiil'<T : >'' n to -'"■■viiiil.'r Kitli, ii'.cliiMVO. <;ll aoi'Hllt. in' tin- ]i<i!l(i:iys ;iit-! Ilni t .x.i::-. ; :vii ion-, <<i th ■ A-v-cia 4 .-! jio'inl <>f th<' I?' , .™! Academy ol' M;;.-,(■ cii.'l I?".v.i.] "I Miiftic. Tin , to'in-t m jlvmi ?v far as t"ie •\Viiir';iii'.n river i* concerned w , rli .'sx v. <«'kt» «'.'i! , Ji' , r il:Hti i:s:ial. d:;<\ ro' 'V'lbt. I<i' Inhibition. Lar:/,«> ,', 1 ,, 1 .b.;rs an- '.-.mii.- ihro>u<l, from \,,<-klan'! a:.'! Hotoni.-i. via tho Central i;-iil\v.iv ;i!!«l Tai'.r.iiii-iiiim, tlu'iu.x<io«n t"ii" nviT t>. Wan-ii.iui. William S("v.iikmi AicUin app«ir<-I at t1,,, Aurkland l'<-o CV.nrt (( , r(b v .1.a.V.1 w.t!, m.m<lm.S a thn-i.N-n.1./. K-N-t U, \\.;i'. aii'l was lint h-T n'li'.an'lMl till Wvu,,,vViv ii> tii'' ill"'-'-* "i" t'- ,, ..rinnVal wiMww. vlui iji in 1,11. JliMl V^ s ll " i " HK,SII fOr, Tl,p Council of tin- New Zf-alan-l Athletic ( rim>ll lih* ii iiianit<'st(. .1— clariiiK tl'"t ■->''/ "' ,h " '•oinj.'i'Tit..!-.-'v.-1.0 ,M,inp.'t«at tl..'S l -.,tlishS...-,,.t\ s sports in ('hii«t<iiiirt'li on January 1.-t an-l •»n«f will 1« »li.-«|nalili«Ml for l.yo vrnrs and no comp.'titor tliorout "ill >m sllowchl to fonip«'l«' at any in tho colony Iwl'l tiinl<T th«> .iiiriK-Jif-tion of tho liiiion during tliat tinio. Tho (Tiwit*>rl>ury Honing w »t nfc tl)' 1 OiiuUjrlinry lUnving C'lul»'n lMUitlK>uM> liiot «v<>nin.£;, wlicn Mr .). 11. Morri'-on j»e-rr-icl«-*l. The pivfrr.'Uimic for \ho Cliaiupioasliip ll<'£;atta, to lx> \wM • t l,itt!«> Jiivor on Fobnrary lfith. was ■ippriivwl. Tlk>' Akaioa RegafcU ('lull's '~ro-Tanimo vraa pnssrti, and it wa.s foimiwmW llwt tho wninr pair ami doiibkj scull rmx& hlioiikt bo iow<hl in clinknrs. . Tlio fJfifinoJ Tont ww n.(?:nn wHI fill«l Inst ovi'iiinK, when Evaiuri-lu-'t llatnilUm tiistoiir.spil on '"Tlio Good In thowirlv part of Mk> Kvan-olist Hiwtio anhwcml qiu<sti<Mis, and Mr GiirnwnK Kii.ns pi>los f-ntitlcd "Can » liis MotluM-'s Vnivcrs? Tim inomtin'is to-morrow «»nchi<i(> t-lio and a .siht.uil fontnn , will l»o a hiiildiiiK fund rally. In tho afternoon (i Sunday fiohool rally is to tx , h.'Ul. At wvpn o'olrok t.hia nvendns a bnptifiinal prrvico will ho hold at tho Durluun Btrrot chapel. Tim tomptins windoir display mado hy Hulbert, Slaymakor nnd C<imp!iny, in their smart new promises in Hipjh stront (noxt Frwrnnn's), ift oti«j that appears to all, wnd that itphouUl somp in for it.s full slwro of attention fwm Kxliibition visitors fttid holiday-iiN»k<Ts in not For Hate, Caps, Tio«, Collars. Shirts, «t<\, :us well n« for .Stylifili Tailoring, llnHx?rt, Wbymakor and Company aro unrivallod. (! Tlioso who ero strangers m diri.stchurch will no doubt do tlio ehona from tln> outside as a part of their scheduled and tlioso who wimli to ««> tho shops from tho insido should iiiako a Kpocifll vi.<;it to the Farmers' Coop., in Cnshel stroot. Tho Farm-ors' C!o-op. is tho iKMiplo's popular s-toro, and is ono of tho prominent institutions oP Canterbury. 7 Tho grout Rune Messrs Armstrong and Company n.'ly upon «ro small pri<xe, up-to-tlato goodn, and unoonqiiorahlo valuo. At both of their houses th<> attractions ii re. very strong. Elegant Costuincs, ftnd l>«witcliing at pricNw tho ppoplc can afford, explains the enormous run on tho linn's splendid show room utocks. (5 The groat firm, Jfttwre oiul Co., rolp upon, a-r© small prions, ui>to-dato gofKls and u.iux>nqncriable Vftluo. At both of llieir houtrcs tho attrnetic»i(i arc very strong, elegant eostnims jiatd bewitching millinery, at priers tho people can a.fF<»rd esplairiK the , enormous run on tho firms splendid show room stocks. 0 AY. and E. Broadway wish to announce that « minimum ch«rgo of (id will l>o mado from dnte, for refrcsh-iniMit-i soired in their tea-rooms. Cathedral .Square. 7 If disappointed with the oil engin<« at the Exhibition, oomo and see the Hob.'V rim at tho Chmtc.hurch Show. Tho father of thorn all. H. McClelland, 1221 Cmslu'l street, Chrisbcliurch, solo reprosientative. 7 Laditw who requiro somctJiing smart ami frtylish in ready-to-wear cost nines slioiild kc<( tho large collection shown by Mi'FKr.s Black, Ueattio and Co. Tlicy «re of the smartest summer weight inntorinlβ. The garments aro ptjrfoct fit— tiny, anil in ovt-rv respect represent the nliill which has been employed. Kxhi- i bition rnodeJe in smart Eton shapes, vurious phadee of groy and green checks trimmed with silk braid, and daintily faced with cloth, G3s and 70« ciich ; s ; lk limxl, »(>s each ; smart gn\V tn'ctsd «i6tuni<» from 30s each. 11 Always consult Henry Hughce for ptiUnts, us ull instructions in coance- j tion with same are oouipleted on tho spot, 183 Hereford street. 1263 The Carnival week brings the fnde and fancies of fashion into _ striking ' prominoiiw.', and although Christchiireh is Renerally to the fore for correct htyle, tho usual good taste Ls in ore pronounced than ever. The D.I.C. lay themselves, out for this perfect style, and tl*oir ilome buyers liavo <lit>playt"d sound jiKlgment and exceptional skill in their selections for tho Exhibition season and racing iioveltw*. Tliomj ladies who follow the heights of fashion will do well to inspect their wide diversity of splendid specimens, which aro rich, rare, pleasing and pretty. 9 Mr E. A. Enrp, consulting optician by examination, ni«y ho consulted daily at F. T. l'annell and Co., Cathedral square. Hours, i) a.m. till G Artificial light used. Consultation iW. Alodorato prices. 11 If you have tho faintest suspicion that your eyes aro not just right, it' they bother you in any way, it's best to iuivo them examined at once. Do not po to the average optician or K|wctacl« seller, for ho is unable to distinguish between optical defects and tlit-ea.-es, but consult John K. l'roctor, High street. ChrHtchurch, who will giro you a tljoroiigh examination, free of charge. "illo A phenomenal success ha.s scoitxl by Al«wsrs B»>ll Bixus .in the Timaru to Christchurch anil Warrnatnbool to M<'!iKiurne lload Race. To liavo scored the second position and first and oecond fastest tinio in the t'trst-nained race an<l secoiwl and third positions and tirst, awxmd. and third fastest time in the last-named race is v record never yot approached end one to be proud of. Bufiiuoss premises, Hiyh street. 6

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12641, 3 November 1906, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12641, 3 November 1906, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12641, 3 November 1906, Page 8