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I""™ - mm ~ ""' -__«-"-----i-----_--i -yoU will agree with ua that it would b« a I difficult matter to find a man or woman who (\C CitA/rinl dislikes the idea of wearing a gold watch. vJ_ OpwLlfctl Many never expect to be able to afford one; others again can easily afford it, but do not like Irif /-fACi" |-fl *? run tue r *"'- c °* losD S u ch a valuable posses--11l lCiC_>l IU sion. If wo could only meet these people face to face and have a few miniates' talk with thero, we Thnilfflltf 111 in/i could quickly show them a way, and a satisfactory 1 llUUgllllll- ttllU way, too, out of tbe difficulty. The Hct. goldfilled case was the invention of a mechanical PB*AVl_i Afl i" MaH genius, oris Jame* Boss, in 1353. He conceived I IUVIUCUI lrlGll the idea of a stiffened gold watch case; a case that would look like a solid geld case for a flfS/1 WtfitCTPfl speoified long term of years, would be actually ailU IF UiUCU* better than a solid gold ens* as a protection to the movement, and would cost much less. His _________________«_-_-_-_-___-___ thought t-aa to replace the gold that was hidden _■■_________- away in the thickness of the case—the wasted 1 Lr "| gold—by a cheaper, stronger metal, and thus preserve all the beauty of the solid gold case at I no sacrifice, but an actual gain, of utility. These ! Hct. gold-filled watch case* are made of two j < plates of solid 14ct. gold, with a pbUe of hard composition metal between them, thus making 9 the surfaces that are exposed to wear of solid fi j got-, and using a cheap metal to obtain stiffness 5 -nd strength, thereby obtaining a case which I -£_-*__SS*l?*'i?sS_*L *° r *" P r * cti --l porpoeen is equal to solid gold, I ' a * * °' ' rorD one-third to one-half the cost I ! o{ * • oli <l gold cane. Stewart Dawson A Co.'s S i 25 7**"' guaranteed gold-filled watches are not G I to be confounded with the ordinary American - 8 made gold-filled or rolled gold watches. In all I the essentials ours are the equal of solid gold. I 1 Externally, there is no difference; the gold on I I the •litsl-e, the designs, the workmanship, and I i all the details of finish are precisely tbe same I I win & solid pold watch. Full details, with I 1 Prices, will be sent on application. I j Watch Repairs of every description I I • executed by expert tradesmen. . STEWART DAWSON I CO., sgs I JEWELLERS, HIGH ST., CHRISTCHURCH. S wLl°° r I C 2170

WANTED, WANTED. PIANOS. "T_RIZE BLEND" TEAS for perfect X flavour are the best. Is id, Is Cd. Is fcl. ADVANCE EXHIBITION MODELS. Is lOd. 2s. "Prize B.etid" Tea Coupons and T. TAYLOR'S Cash b'nk Coupons obtain best ~I\TE have received some samples of P"-es in value and variety in Christchurch. *> PIANOS, similar to those which will rrv SHILLING CEYLON" or SPECIAL In- shown by us .it Hip Exhibition. They BLEND Is Sd. COSTA KICA COFFEE. Is; have boon specially constructed, and have -Mocha Bicnd. Is Id, in one pound canisters received tbat care and attention in their net. manufacture which gives them that superior T. TAYLOR, 97 Colombo street. 671 Touch and Tone which at once attract the — ■ ■•H 0 ! 1 -, 1 , 0 , ~ . "WANTED KNOWN—Mrs (.uartermatn is BLLTHNER, that King of German VV » Cash Purchaser of Ladies, Gents, makers, together with HAAKE and HAG- and Children's Left-o0 Clothing. Letters by SPIEL, have gent us some of thoso instru- poet or otherwise attended to. Address, Mrs inentn which the German critic has pro- G. QusTtermain, 134 High street. nnum-ed the best. . ~^r ', ',',",','"-r ,'■ " •■ — PLEYEL. that French maker, who pro- Tv/MSiIED to bell, Lady s Cycle, _G 10s duces Pianos of such fine Tone ar.d sus- ,* T t -' ! '- Rh Price. Terms arrun s rod. Girls, taining qualities, has sent us tw. instru- .bring your money along to Adams Star Comments pany. 198 Colombo street, next Broadway's. iIHINSJIEAD, aud COLLARD and COL- -_._: v .". " , 7" LA.HO have also sent us the beet they can WAN-L.D, anyone requiring apartments produce. or board-residence, apply Christchurch Wo are not going to make any advance in Exchange, 174 Lichfield street. opposite tho prices of these instruments, and tho Mason Struthers. Open also Monday, Wedtrrms will bo made to suit almost anyone. rc^d%Jt Saturday Evenings. 7.30 to 9. We shall bo very pleased to show these .- ..__-_... _ ..? Pianos to all who" admire high quabty. T"t7" ANTED Known—Our stock of second- « » hand Ladies' Bicycles have been overMILNER and THOMPSON hauled, ic-cnaniellcd and plated by expert. Manchester Street, Christchurch. workmen. Adam 3 Star Cycle Coy., 138 and ; HO. High street. __ _ WAN'TbD to Sell, Lady's 8.5.A.. thorTO ADVERTISERS. VV ougbly overhauled, re-enamelled and plated, new tyre rear wheel, £*9 cash. Terms ——— arranged. Deposit _1, instalment _1. Adams Star Cycle Coy. 13_ a_d_l-o_liigh street. SATURDAY'S EDITIONS OP "TRUTH." WANTED' to Sell, "Lady's "Humber BiVV cycle, thoroughly overhauled. reciinmelled and plated, _8 cash. Easy terms arranged. Deposit _L. instalment XI. Adams THE Office of "Truth" is OPEN on Star Cycle Coy.,_l3S and Ito High street. •\\7_NTEb to Sell. Lady's Sterling BiSATURDAYS until 6 p.m. After this » t cycle, overhauled, re-enamelled and plated, £8 cash, Eaey terms arranged. Debotir Advertisements will be received by the posit £1, instalment £1. Adams Star Cycle. Coy., 138 and_l-10_IiiRb street; Publisher. -fA'ANTED to Sell. Lady's Tribune Bill cycle, new tyre rear wheel, thoroughly overhauled, re-enamelled and plated, .£7 cash. T\7_NTED, yon to use Wyandotte for Terms arranged. Adams Star Cycle Coy., *T ■ washing dishes, glassware, kitchen Kb" and 140 High street. utensils, woodenwaro, sinks, and clothes. In tid bags, from all grocers. WANTED Known ~ Wyandotte washes -y^W.-iVr.W"; — _ m t. : _-* : —37 woollens, windows, woodenwaro. In T"\TANTED to Sell, Papanui road (just off), . »V splendid 5-roomcd house, i-acre, bath Cd bags, from all gTocers. (h. and c), gas, pantry, scullery, washhouse, ___________ copper, plastered, centre flowers, northern - __.„_„ ._ T , lfl -, aspect, 10ft stud. £325 McKenzio and BEAUTY IS DUTY. Willis, 163 Hereford street. Fol. SG. „ _ LEAOTIFUL P R^ l ii_T( V USE MLOS VV Stores in the North Canterbury District. PH-FA-iAnON-. Splendid chance for a good man. Easy ~ „_.,_, terms arranged. Good district, no bad debts. \TILOS Skin Food for all Facial Blemishes McKcn_ie and Willis. 163 lleroford street. -** (guaranteed for Wrinkles). MILOS Hair Food ,or M lh , in - ,a . dod ' ° r h,slrele " h ™> W Bicycle, overhauled, re-enamelled and 0 V l _ r , e . l ?.^ nre^m A a-- _-_,-•_-._ f it ~»A plated; dirt cheap, £G cash. Easy terms ar- v Cß f' m i N0 ,_,_ A '.-^ n * M«, 15h_, ranged! Adams Star Cycle Coy.? 138 and Pow f«> for * ol,n S and old * **** other «"f^. |r _ jV _ ..... . ... . calf "'send for book, "Aids to Beauty," Ti/ANTED to Sell, Lady a Masscy-Hams published by Milos Toilet Co. V V Bicycle, new tyre rear wheel, machine FREE on application, overhauled, re-ensmelled and plated; price, t{ your chemist does not Stock MTLOS, buy £0 cash. Terms arranged. Adams Star direct from MISS BEATTIE. Cycle Coy.. 138 and 110_llighjstre_et. No. 9, Royal Caf« Buildings. WANTED" Known—We have 30 Ladles' Agent for MILOS TOIL.ST CO second-hand Bicycles, all iv the very Original testimonials on view from many best of order. Every machine has been re- besut' f ul women, who owe their chamm to enamelled and plsted. Prices from £5 up- MTLOS. C 3014 wards. Adams Star Cycle Coy., 133 and 140 •\'\TANTED KNOWN—To peooie ribeut to High street. V V furnish, that far best desiim and finish WANTED the pub'in'to see our""window in Furniture, and at the same time tho display To-night of Ladies' second- lowest prices, there is no place like Mitchell's hand Bicycles. Now is your chance to buy Furniture Warehouse, 13 Colombo street, near a good and cheap bicycle. Adams Star South Cycle Coy., 13H and 140 High street. T^TANTED—Ladies, give your nusbands, WANTED to Sell. La'dy-j Star. Cash Pries »' brothers, or sweethearts a Gold or £8. This is a first-class wheel at low SiUer-mountod Umbrella. Largest variety at price. See window. Adamß Star Company, LetLaby's. Manufacturers, 64 Cathedral next Broadway's. equate. __713G WANTED— Ladies, give your husbands, brothers, or sweethearts a Goid or IN LIQUIDATION Silver-mounted Umbrella. Largest variety at Lethaby's, Manufacturers, C-l Cathedral NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRIAL CO- .iquare. OPERATIVE SIKJIETY, LTD. "ITTANTED to purchase, ono or more small —— VV cottage properties. mu_l be in good July 2nd, 1906. ration and price right. Early replies to InWE have this % day sold to Mr Stewart '-estor. "Press" Office. Robinson, "of Cashel street, Christ- YxTANTED to Sell, the Cheapest. in church, tho whole of our stock of Boot 3 and VV Town, outside Adams Star Cycle ComShoes, at a discount of Six Shillings and pany's window, at 198 Colombo street, next Sixpence in the £, for cash. Broadway's. J. A. EFFORD "VXT" ANTED Known—The Christchurch ExGEORGE W HULME change inspoct all places on their Liquidators. books. Would like to hear of good boaidresidence or apartments to let. 1251 BOOTS CHEAPER THAN EVER. TTT_SiTED~i7I^ Having bought up the Working Men's VV £1 discount is allowed on every Second-Co-op. Boot Stock at a great discount for hand Cycle bought at Adams Star Coy., next cash, it is my intention to turn it out at Broadway's. _ _ _ cheap Soots. I can sell Ladies' Shoes at *\„ 0 - . lel ™ : il de P 08lt : *"*?- £1 g* 4s Cd, worth Bs, Dancing Shoes 2s 6d. Child's month Wll _ RIVC _!° P' eltsure of rid '"S th l ß School Boots 3s 6d, Boys' School Boots 6s n* ount - Adams Star Company, next BroadMen's Boots 7s 6d. Hundreds of lines, and wa y' s - all sorts nearly given away. "fTr'ANTED to Sell. Gent's Angio-Special. GREAT SALE NOW ON. V T Cash Price £9. or easy term? arranged. STEWART ROBINSON, B.S.A. parts. A bargain. At Adams Star C 2133 Cashel street. Company next WANTED, all who have laundn-ToTkTto W A * TED . Housewives to know that u-e Wyandotte; it makes clothes' V* * st ■"-••*** for ar - dotte - which whiter, sweeter, and cleaner. In Gd bags, cleatls . V'W-ines, and sweetens. In t*d bags, from all grocers. ' , lie.m all grocers. f^TANTED— Gentlemen. give your wives, j V\7ANTED—G«ntler_en.~~l;7vo your wives] " sisters, or sweethearts, a Gold or Sil-I VV pisters. or sweethearts a Gold or Silver-ver-mounted Lmbrella. Always cheaper *t i mounted Umbrella. Always cheaper at Letbaby s, Manufscturers, et Cathedral I Lethaby's, Manufacturers, 64 Cathedral BC i uar «- 7136 square. 7136 ' / t are you mmm 1 I GOQDYEAR WELTS? 4 ' 1 BflP*' THERE ««several VERY GOOD /B^wS ■ '"*" REASONS -by you ffiS 5*V-w N should wear GOODYEAR WELT B BOOTS, but a few of tbe chiefest ought *^^ ! * M to be convincing to the most sceptical. & „'• - ;om B flflT* STOCK'S GOODYEAR WELT b"^-^ffe\ m w*_wr_ w BOOTS „ elMtedfo Kj_ . yv£S M perfectly that they are more uniform in f\ .*\\ Y% H shape, and will hold their original shape M-'V** a Y% m longer than boots made by any other fV^---'Hft f% ■ process. f ?_.'" ', \£s m MT STOCK'S goodyear welt X ; v HI mWmW ***** *** have smooth |f "''-- -;-fl M insoles—free from tbe tacks, threads, or t" i l-^ H lumps which result from the old-fashioned V'"'^\ H process of making boots. V i i ALL THE FETCHING STYLES-ALL THE POPULAR LEATHER. fej g PRICE 18 6 21/- 23/6. 1 STOCK, the Goodyear Shoeman, --s^ I CITY BOOT PALACE, ' . I CR. COIOMBO & LICHFIELD BTS. &_!_*_., | ' ;i?JU-i_s-VJW«K_i»i--is_B--^

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12571, 14 August 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12571, 14 August 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12571, 14 August 1906, Page 10