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i 3 Daily Opportunities. ■ 1 OppoKTOStiT comee not once, but time and again, to every wideawake person. Not once in a hundred times, however, ion it bear such unmistakable identification marks as to force recognition from the sluggish mind; not once in a thousand dVa it hold *J oat such exceptional chances ns to dwarf every other prospect. The opportunities of a day, rightly advantaged, make up what ;jif i 3 grandiloquently called the opportunity of a lifetime. How to distinguish a genuine opportunity i> what troubles many people. #£ " Your " opportunity, we mean your trading opportunity. i3 at the Farmers' Co-op. It ie taneibl* and easily recognisable. Your duty i< to save money how and when you can. In the course of a year yon spend many sovereigns in shopping. Now, if yon can «*; save some of these sovereigns you ara doing right. At the Farmers' Coop, fewer sovereigns are necessary to purchase a Riven f quantity of merchandise than at other stores, and the reason of it is that the Farmers' Co-op, is not striving to get rich, but is striving to give to the people of this city and district the greatest trading opportunities. 107 to 115, OASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. ;' IMPORTANT OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK. \ EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS FOR SHOPPER*. V BRILLIANT BARGAINS IN FINE FURS. In a multitude of ways is the pre-eminence of the Farmers' Ce-op. being emphasised, and yet, perhaps, at no time I* \ recent years have we given such positive and comprehensible proof of this leadership than just now, by the inauguration of the m - 5_ special weekly bargain offerings. In each instance is the saving so conspicuous that it ia scarcely to be wondered that we are \ nS always very busy. t - *•)[ Grebe Necklets, that were 39/6, are now Worsteds and Serges, in the latest Wool Shawls, extra fine, medium Kite, J * P* marked at .. .. .. 29.6 shades and newest patterns. Orders in white, sky blue, pink and other C j| Brown Bear Necklets—the number is placed this week for suits made to shades. Regular price 2/6. jl ;>/ L, limited, so that a quick response is measure from these fabrics will be This week .. .. .. 2/-eaoh "I ' P* necessary to Regular executed at reduced rates. Sao-sutts, Fabric OlovM, in Bingwood, Bootoh r> 3 prices 10/ ft 27 .-6 '29 6 47/6 52/6 made to order, and for which our knitted, imitation eaede, also cashmere, J. if Thi« « aL-Vii 'Uir"^-.h~vi fi ii c, each regular prices are 75/-80/- and 85. in all the correct shades. C ■ eJ pi ■ „*?,„ <j ie» ■ ,i, o , „„„ 0n,.: nrn will be medo up, if ordered this week. Regular prices .. .. 1/11 and I/, m i I* rjifcctnc oeiil oto es that were io/o fire , .... _ n . r , „, T , i_i * mL . , ■, , c Tf L, , Iα „,,:,,„ ,!,,„ w . f i. ... in o at 05/- 70/- and 75/-. If unable to This week 1/8 a pair ] / T song this week At .. •• „„ call at Farmers , Co-op., self-measure- "Vanessa" Suede Gloves, in mj. t l= Black Caracul Stoles, now marked at 11/9 ment charts will be sent on application. beaver, brown and black, 8 domes; J £ instead of 13/11, the regular price. If the chart directions are followed Worth 2/11 a pair This week 2/3 a pair H v jj Black Thibet Stoics, reguiar prices 16/6 carpfuily a good fitting suit can be Flannelette Blankets, honestly worth 8/11 F:tZ and iy/11, reduced this week to relied upon. Now .. 2/11 eaoh J> fJ 14/6 and 16/11 ench Toilet Cubes, containing 100 best steel Sixpenny China and other lots, grouped t ' *3 27in. Japanese Silks, in white and cream. pins, with black, white and coloured by themselves in the China seotion, 3j £ This silk is of superior quality, and heads, assorted. are quite a number of articles that we H. 3 was imported direct from the Japanese Usually fid. This week, 4d per cube. place on offer for this week at 6d eaoh. t > N manufacturers. This grade silk is sold Pearl Necklets, Bingle row, double row There are Afternoon and Dinner Plates, J*" r at all stores at 2/3 to 2/6. Our price and treble row of pearls, on elastic, worth 7d., Bd., and 9d. Sweet Dishes, fciJ for this week 1/11 per yard. Nurrooer single row with pearl pendant. Usually Pie Dishes, Fanoy Glass Dithes, Piokle f^f LJ width of the same quality silk at 1/9 and 1/11 each. This week 1/6 each Jare, Basins, Large White Earthen- jf^ , f>| 1/- 1/3 1/6 1/0 per yard Lace Collarettes, in cream and Paris ware Soap Dishes, China Candlestick*, £-&, J nfim !,„,.,„ cut in whifponlv This shades, and in very choice designs. Plain and Fancy Olass Vases, Glass 3Jf i silk foHtisof Usually 1/4 and 1/6 Now 1/3 each. Jugs. Fern Bowls, Sponges, Tooth 5v ? exceptionally °«qnS Begular Fichuß > in ™7 fine Eidelweiss lace, in Brushes, Nail Brushes. Scrub Brushes, j»4 H Price this week 2/3* a yard ivor y and Paria ehade *- Blacklead Brushes, Dish Mops, Rope fe* T price 2/9. Price this week a yam ÜBua]ly 4/9 and 5/11 Lines, Empress and Cream-lald Note tk ■] Winter Suitings. Our stock of fabrics This week .. ..4/- and 4/9 Paper, Stationery Onbinets, Writing J.% r for men's winter suits is ultra fashion- Cashmere Hose, in plain, medium' and Blocks, Visiting Cards. 1905 Diaries, Sf> I] able, and comprises a fine range of wide ribs, considered very good value Dolls, etc., worth 7d, Bd,9d to 1/- Eg L, English, Scotch and Colonial Tweeds, at 1/8 a pair. This week 1/5 a pair All going this week at .. 6de&eh 'JX \ w Zr B L™Z RY THE SEASON'S DAINTIEST MILLINERY. I 5 Hosiery is a little more exponsive every- ALL MODERATELY PRICED. Ms C where than at the Farmers' Co-op., . > S|f •J mainly because the recent advance in The ver dict of hundreds of women assures us that our millinery styles stand P? T wool has been eeized upon as an excuse ~■.*&, |_ for increasing the retail prices. Even supreme for artistio excellence. Some of the models are magmfioent examples 0» E£< jj under ordinary circumstances Farmers'" the milliner's art, and the values are on the side of economy. Here we enumerate R|| 5 £ 0 -°P-P ri ces are lower than others. a few of our offerings:-. ' 2f J - Boys' Heavy Knitted Hose, sizes 2to 9 b • » »w ■J At .. ..1/2 1/6 1/10 a pair Black Velvot Picture Hat, trimmed with glossy plume, buckles, and swathed with' jR?, t Boys' Colonial Knitted Hose, Bizes 3,4, chiffon, at .. .. .. .. .. .. 86/6 .§1 Jl 5, 6, 7, 8, at .. 2/- 2/6 2/9 a pr. Black Chiffon and Velvet Model, rucked chiffon, trimmed with large plume and ~lp C Girls' Warm Caehmere Btockings, sizes hlack ribbon, at ..■«.. .. .. .. .. 49/61 »!r r 2to 6 from .. 1/- to 2,9 a pair Black Mirror Velvet Hat, lined with white, trimmed with chiffon and plumes, 89/6 ,E§| T Children's Warm Cashmere Socks, in Smart Model in Black Felt Tricorne, trimmed with a bunch of black plumes and *3k C black, tan, white <tc, all sizes, from ospreys at side, at 25/- §& ■J 6d. to 1/11 per pair Pretty Model in Black Satin Straw, lined sequin net, trimmed ribbon velvet, and B§; U _^____________„___—— with plumes at back, at .. .. .. .. .. 48/6 !p| w* Smart Shape in Black Velvet and Tulle, large buckle, trimmed with plumes, 49/6 sfe h COLLARS AND SCARVES Very Stylish Hat in folded blaok oloth, trimmed with sequin and large black Mβ h And LACE QOODS. Smi Jt s™ape*in Black and' White Crinoline'straw, trimmed with blaokplamos, 35/1 -Jgj 3 The dainty etceteras that play so impor- Pretty Model in Brown and white, rucked sUk, teimmed with sable and ribbon, 8M -Jjk L tant a part of the toilet. Buy these , Smart S . ha P e m Wme-Coloured Cloth, trimmed with chenille and ***£ ;I| 3 things at the Farmers' Co-op, and you ™ P'° meß » a * •• •• **j^ ,, " ,>T,« h buy the most fashionable goods atpopu- un?™ ' trunmed wlth P lumM and Os P«*s, *nd &* ««»• ihtArf W 5 WhUo'puritan Muslin Stock Collars at Smart Hrt in Navy Mirr}> Velvet/trimmed with TiVlets, at " V. wX C 4d 5d 6d 8d 9d 1/-each Pretty Model m Brown Mirror Velvet and Chiffon, a very smart hat .. tfJf^JNI P WViitn lim Stnnk rnllara at ' Stylish Shape in Violet Chenille, trimmed heliotrope chiffon, heliotrope and greie.'"-® q White Lace Stock Collars at ribbon and bunch of pheasant {eathergf * # * m Jβ C Lace Stook Collars in iv'orv and Paris Cardinal Chiffon Hat, smartly trimmed with cardinal poppies & shaded ribbon, Hf»> W 3 shades at 6d 8d lOd 1/- fach Cardinftl Btraw Hatß - trimmed with wrwthe ot t*™* ™W and ribbon « »* Iwfi 5 Narrow Embroidered Linen S?ock CoUaT.*, Smart and Fashionable Far Hats, in imitation ermine anTwhite Poxoline, I* in very dainty designs, at A * .. ~. 9/6 and 10/9 ***j^ 3 Bd, 9d, lOd, I/-, 1/3, 1/6 eaoh. i C White Muslin Stock Collars, with em- HIOH-CLASS FINE CEYLON TEAS. |§f^ J broideries in all colours, at PIIPNITIIPP t *. i*_ "a « • . *$&m! L Gd, 9d 10d l/-eaoh rUKWIIUKB. ~ Just in from the Ceylon gardens, wittkW^ r Silk Scarves in narrow' and wide designs Th«» are many good reasons why you »U «»• newness and delioate aroma **££ 3 and all fashionable shades, at should buy your furniture here. The new season's high grade tea. The»^l •U 1/9 2/3 2/11 3/3 3/6 each designs are all good, the workmanship teas were bought for ns in Ceylon, u< em ? Wide Hemstitched ' Crepe de Ohene excellent, and the materials of the fere carefully selected after exhaastt^N h Scarves, in white,'cream, sky blue, highest quality procurable. And our tests by a Jea expert. Eaoh grade Is/Sjg C pink, navy blue, cardinal black, all P rioes are TerT , moderate—more than P*neot, and eTery ounce of tea has a,S 3 perfect washing ties, at .. 3/3 each. 10 per cent, below what yon would pay t^^^° t r^S;. I L, Embroidered Silk Scarves, with Btock _»* man y exclusivei furnitnre stores. Finwt Broken Orange Pekoe- m I* Collar combined, in embroidered silk, Large Carved Wardrobe, nicely fitted In 501b Chests, at 1/6 per Ib. H 3 all correct shades, at 2/6. 2/11,3/3 eaoh. « 00 * , ** •»V "£1 7 1° 2& b °??«: »* 1/T ■? S* ,-, I C Fine EidelweiPs Lace Ties, in white, Double Washstand, with two rows tiles. In 61b and 101b Boxes, at 8/-and 16/- ■ 3 cream, and Paris shades, at pedestal, cupboard and drawers, £510 per box. m T 1/8 1/11 2/3 2/6 2/11 3/3 eaoh Large Doable Cheval Dressing Table, In lib Packets, at 1/8 per lb. 9 r Black Chantilly Lace Scarves, in narrow shaped bevel mirror, riohly carved, A. good family 4ea t rich and •teWl.uri M 3 and wide sorts, at 5/11, 4/11, 5/6, 6/6. „»'•••• •• •• *».10 with a driiintfulflaTonr, rtl/lptrlbra C 7/6 10/6 to 15/ each Englieb. Oak Sideboard, in a very pretty Kemember* there are no (ifta erlH P E«al Silk Maltese Scarves and Ties, in a „ **?«*> •* •• '•; •• *W 15 eonpons giwn with out «MV«oaH-id| S wide range of patterns, at 8/11, 9/6. Handsome Solid Walnut Sideboard, guently the costa we not added jM ? 11/6, 13/6,15/6, 19/6, 21 fc 23/6, 25/6, SSSISggS* SnratnraT^J 5 Lace J * bOtß, in ivO a T 2 /3f ipxMsSt COAL AND FIREWOOD. "WHEATSHEAP" .»-M 3 Lace Berthas, in White Luxueil Lace, for Good clean coal and a fall load care- Fine Factor? Butter. ' I J&K C evening wear, at.. 11/6 and 18/6 each. f u ii y weighed. You get your ohoioe of A splendid Winter butter, and of tkMffi r ' ' ' the best New Zealand and Newcastle same standard quality as the bnttet wtteltljK 3 H a D co ri iddcdc coals—coals that burn brightly and found such a ready sal* last wintattiS r nuKSc wur-KCKS. give out plenty of heat, and that art Our special arrangements will enaU*«J^B •J We have not many of these left, but those - not troublesome to handle. Just let ns to have on hand a fall supply every dljf^K "J that are here are reliable and trustworthy . have yonr order, and see how soon onr and the. price throughout the T- wtat»t^« Jγ Wβ have in stock duplicate parts, top ana" delivery cart will be round to damp months will be '"-^K 3 bottom plates, for all the popular make 8 the coal into your bins. ONE SHILLING PBB LB. i \>Wm

> Suratura Tea is more J~. < i*OOItv*OAAO*OOAOIOIAOIAAAAAAAAAAAAOIAAOVI4fHm v Economical than other teas Jj » > AN OPPORTUNITY* N. ThouMnd* of women in New Zea- | ! <|Skl r land who have made careful test*, ) i JfcllVMM- ■■*■■ ■ HHIPHII V 'iißsS > know that one pound weight of Sura- < , R||pAP .WALL PAPERS Mi V tura possesses as much stimulating J< , ||Ilhfl| llfilib ■ ftl ■■■■w . ( properties as a pound and a half of i ' , ___ — _, J«1B s otheTieas. s<! HUE AD 111 All DIDEDSiII X The average consumption of tea J j , . UlßEfll if ALL nir HNPH f per year by each person in New 1 ' | vSSiB S Zealand is about 6 pounds, and the \ ' i . _. _ _.._.. '*<#«H C average family would thus consume ) j ( *» P«T Oent. DltOOUllt Off Ml •• • • ; ,j«™ ✓> about 301b in a year. "S , < ( Wall Paper* tor One Month only. I^B £ The users of Suratura receive the j 1 , ■ . 7jSiß C tame palate pleasure and tea satizfac- N ( ' '$m&M V, tion from 20 lbs. of Suratura as others J { ' { do from 30 lbs. of the common kinds. J ( m mm M , v^^B \At 2/. per lb. there is a saving of 20/. < j E2 EX II I I■! Ml • ! ( on Suratura, and the consumer gets a J j ' Wm&M tUO I I better »ea, with a fine texture, bright S | ' ;__ , -^j^« N. liquor, and an agreeable aroma. j , 810 OA9HBL STREET ■ • • N«Xt PPtW OIB»* h i > RETAIL PRICES. / Suratura A quality 1/6 pet lb. x * jifflM C Suratura B quality 1/9 , J ~ — "' - ■ ■ .•"'»»■ f „ Suratura D quality 2/- M \ </%Plt« 5 Suratura X auality 2/4 .. c .. _ ' _ _ jsS>» > I Mm M m I I Support British Industries. nf V V ■ V j I MILK CHOCOLATE F)V e important pointsm " UnnraJled at a Oboeolate Confection. ,, — ',a|i Tβ bttoDiidtrid In bujisg s FOUNTAIN PEM. ~,M Wf OLDEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. }&ISS!2ZI£SL «... p« » •'*■ Sstabluhed 1728. THEY ARE THES2: Doe* It leak or blot? ». Hi' Will It last lonjf enourh to pay for boyle* Hf.';MM , — Iβ It really an economical Investment? t ■'Wjm " ORIENTAL There are iom« Fonntain Peng that cover one or more of these polnte, bat AllllinAA nftlimrn* DR - FABER SELF-FILLING PEN U the only on. thftt «bw]a>^.«|i miUrilrliEi 5 CoTeni * 11 of them- c " ,11 * nd ccc them or writo for p*^ ool *"* "f^» For ole»n«tnit the ««lp, und prudnein K "Wiitn« M ' C H- PET Al U GO|I - '"HH | iod clow to ih. h»lr. 1/6 Box. C «n» 1 COOK & ROSS, I Manufacturing Jewellers, *

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12503, 26 May 1906, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12503, 26 May 1906, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12503, 26 May 1906, Page 2