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I*& ™ BiCYCLE | I If LAMPS, MUDGUARDS, TYRES I i MW : "sh — AT — 1 : M I ■ ■ Stock . . [j fl SLM i t \ BLUEMEL ' S Best Q uali -y 'i- 'S&w N IHI Vvit V ° •a***"*I"**1 "** Guards, with flaps, 6/6, ~ Ai *'*£**. j:' ll Zf Front Guards .. 3/8 each M& \ Jl i ■! i Back Ouarda ..3/6 each Jf&J n€^ c o^t7^ ' -I i.OOO BOBBY DODGERS, fmf \i\ 1 all at 2/-each Best Steel Guards, with /W y^^^^^*^^-^ ' ■ to, Gi.. sw . on,, wici™, flaps •• 7/6 set If M \ I £■■- H A/ew Anglo odd rasi] fef \ / [ I 1 msssMs& . G - dg '»- Hr \ / M BlT^ ;,: t^^4 tfy V■V' V ■^■ 2/-each \/ '<■ ! I GARBAGE'S GREAT SALE . | I DUNLOP SALVAGE STOCEI JI .^—»m SPLF.NDID COVERS 2/- 3/- S/- 7/6 9/G 10/B upwards f-' l so^^ BESTTCBEH •• ' »/ % 8/6 3/8 B/- and G/6 ,& ' 1 best acetylene lamp', GAMAGB'S BEST QUALITY COVERS 10/- 1 2/6 1 5/- and 1 7/6 each \ g| PRICE .. .. 12/Geueh BEST DUNLOP TUBES .. .. .. 3/6 4/6 5/6 each [k> I CHRSSTCHURGH fSFf>. IV3ILWE, Manager. | liUim'% i ,/j^^w s -^'^

!A FRIEND IX NEED. NOTE CIIAXGE OF ADDRESS. DR. ELMSLIE, QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST. Registered by tho Governments of Great Ur.tuin, Mew Zealand, and Xciv South Wales. ?-"?f) MADRAS STREET. CHRISTCHURCH. 'PHIs Highly-qualified I'hysieian and HurJ- <reon from the Jloppitn's of London at:d Paris, has by 1 .vctitv-five years of study and resvurch K-eome an "EX PER 1' in CHIiO.NiC XERVoUS. BLOOD, SKIX. and SPECIAL DISEASES of .Men and Women. In liia very sue e-.-rul treatment cf the -~ above ela c s of d./liru't cvnes there is "Xo V Experin.ei:ti:]j» ai.d Xo l''ui.ures." X CoruiuHattons are Free t.i nil. so that a L friendly chat with tlie Doctor r-r by letter. E| costs nothing, and may s-ave you years of k misery, to ik>i;o need iie-uair. Xew X 'I'roatment and Xcw Un't'ailins Remedies of X tho very host and pnrc.-t aro Honestly and C! U«ed. lU< derate Charges. E COX-ULTATiu., HOURS: H 10 to J?. 2 to 4 7 to 8. H YOUNG MEN! R If you mc or weak, or pad, call b or write to Dr. Klmalic. 2.10 Madras afreet, fV Christchurch, as he thoroti-riily understands Fj yeur troubles and thr.r cau.-es. His Skilful E .Treatment and Se:eut.tic Remedies enable E him to GUARANTEE a Complete Cure in R overy case urdei taken, or make no charge. IStrictly Mrderato Charjrcs. Consiiftin? Hour? —10 to IJ, -J to 1. 7 to 8. X.B.—Patient* at a diMan-je may ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary tor their rose. _*iVan;anui. June ls-t. 1901. Dear Dr. Elinsiic.—l received your kind letter, and medicine and the -jird.'c. and your kindness and bei."fit to mc 1 .-hall i..-ver lor-ei. I really cannot find words half Mifficient to convey to you the opinion t have of you. or the amoiu t of thanks I would like to i-ive you. But there is one thitur I would !ik(s to say; tint is. "It is v Y;reat p;ty tliat there aro not more doctors like yon."— ,- Your grateful patient, |j W. McLACHLAX. P SUIUFXTS OF .MOST IHIEADFUL R EXHAUSTION CURED AXD i- MADE HAPPY. H MY DEAR DOCTOR.—I Jiave no h??lta!!ion whatever in suyii: ■< "Y'-s" in reply to y.,ur V-tte:- to-day. -v which you -,i--k n.e whether I am'liii-,' to jet the p-.ib'ic know tlie benefit I received at your }•;.-.■■?. When I "-aw \ou u>ior. tlie rocutnmciu!ati'-.n of Mr Griffith r.vhnm voii had pri-vM-u-s.v complotely cuied of a similar complain: i I think I was in about a" bad a state oi rui.-ory ond depression in both mild and I odv an any human l-.'.n -j- tould l-e: in fait, I th-merit life v;-is i:.,t v.,nth hvin-r. tnj my future was a blank. T was an object of misery and tle-tmir. Yen tcfcl mc plair..y «:-d hon-;'.'-.' tbi.t you could and voird cure mc. so that I should no V-iiu'cr be ba«hfu! and ftupid in society, und c<:uld take my part and interest in the amusement- and sports of others and have an lunii.tinii in n-.y businc=s. At fir.-; I thought your )->roni:so .? was too -.-ord to be true. I am thankiu' to £) say I tried your treatment. I jct-i: solemnly *§ 1 feci a different man '■ d.iv. I have put on "k flesh and muscle, ar.d have any a:...-.nut of J* coufidetu-e in mvse'f. 1 am perfect v lieahhv 3 and quite ha-pv. and capable of 'enjry.utnysr'f as otlieis do. and I don't mope ihv ir.vs-.-lf and shun so c; el v. I yeX j conr.ucisd all my fe'.lc-.v-sufTorers to t-.ttt their 3 i confidence in yon. as your trentninnt j.s pp r . g ! fe-t and your diaries are Email.—l am, yours 5 trulr. t i 1233 LAC II LAX CAMEKOX. i !

The Habit of Buying at Toneycliffe&Carey's ; ji A good habit. It is rapidly growing with Christchurch people. It is a habit I by which hundreds save in their daily, monthly, and yearly expenditures. It ; I is n habit that becomes morn used the oftencr people buy here, and the j, | bro'.d reason is our c.ish system. People are satisfied with our prices. People I are satisfied with our merchandise. People are well Batisfied with the ways of | our Store, its munnors and methods. I In point of merchandise, facility for display, dependable character, value ; I for price, and liberality to cuatomers, we have determined that none shall j ,8 BurpusH us. I Eg \Vutch our prices carefully, and you will find every item a money-saver. 5 J STYLISH and DRESSY BELTS j B For fashionable ladies. Experience has demonstrated the fact that the 5 R ohpicpst goods nro alwuys sold early. These are tb-s days to make your < f ill selection of our priced, well-assorted slock of Ladies' Belts. ( It Kemeniber, it is easy to match tho prices, but it's hard to match the f ■ qualities'. > 1 LEATIIEIi BELTS, in the newest shades of tan, green, red, navy and brown, | -1 at 1/6 and 1/3 each ;. i Latest Shaped LF.ATIIEK BELTS, in the stylish shades of tan, brown, green, § fi' pule blue, laven.iir. n ivy and cbiinipHgne .. .. at 2/3 each l E Serviceable Black LEATHEU BELTS, that look well and wear well, F I at 1/6. 1,8. 1/9, 2/-. 23, 2 G each fi B . GLACE SILK I'.KLTS, that add appearance and finish to a lady's dress, in 't KJ pale blue, pink, reseda, heliotrope, nil and red, \ .g at a/11, 3/3, 3/G, 3/11, 4/3, 4/G each g II BLACK SILK BELTS, in all askrd-for shnpes. \ A at 1/6. I/O, 1/11, 2/-, 2/3, 2/G, 2/9, 2/11 and 3/11 each ': Q ELASTIC TINSEL BELTS/suitable for evening wear, at 2/G, 2/9, 2/11 each \ J LADIES' NECKWEAR j ji It's the little touch of smartness that makes the smart pirl smart, and it's ' H nowhere so noticeablß an in Neckwear. Our Fancy Department is well-stocked j gj ' with the latest, most fashionable and reasonably-priced articles of Ladies' j v Neckwoar and Blouse Trimmings. 5 I JABOTS, the latest in Neckwear, at 2/G, 2/9, 3/3, 3/11, 4/3, 5/3 and 5/11 each ] ■ Stylish CUEAM LACK FICHUS, in Rrent variety at 11/9 12 G 17/6 each j Handsome CIIEAM A WHITE LACE FRONTS, that put the fini-hinß touches ? to Rood Rrirmcnts .. .. at 2/11, 3/3, 3,6, 4/0, 5/11 each k CREAM A Win PR FANCY LACE SLEEVES, as now worn .. C/ 6 each \ CIHCULAIt THIMMING SILK, with lace and insertion inserted, invaluable j for Ladies' Collars and Yokes .. .. at 4/3, 5/G, 6/- each ■ ' ~*" I SILK VELVETS, at i/ii a yard. | I A Rare Economising Opportunity ! \ Our large purchaser pay. Wa are able to give great values when sellinß, i because we receive great values when buying. AYe havo just bought a latge quantity ot SILK VELVETS at a very low figure, and can consequently oiler : ; thorn to you at prices t!i it urtko it wise, tor you to anticipate future want 3 ! , I'- - But remember, our prices while low, never reach the point where quality ) ceases. Amongst other first-class values, our special purchase consists of all < the fashionable and latest colourings in ', ' SILK VELVET at i/ii a Yard. | CHIFFON-FINISHED SILK VELVETS, the correct Trimming for Up to-date ; Millinery and Dresses, in all the sought-after shades .. at 3/6 a yard. * TONEYCLIFFE & CAREY, THE READY-MONEY STORE. COLOMBO STREET. |

roSTsjOiNEsl j> P.8.0.A. I j . . OPTICIAM . . j j> Highest Grade Spectacles. Over Simpson & Williams. | |> " Reform " Artificial Eyes. High Street. Q t THEY CAN and OUGHT to supply every Club J T and resident in the neighbourhood with C I FOOTBALL hE HOCKEY REQUISITES j J WE are legitimate ironmongers, and carry an £ S immense stock of all Sporting Requisites, both r C for OUTDOOR AND INDOOR USj3. ! " T YOU CAN scarcely realise the importance of ~ C this statement, therefore YOU OUGHT to send J; Hen your enquiries to us, or better still, come and C J Bee for yourselves that our statements are correct. ? HIGH-CLASS GOODS WILL DO THE REST. k *i-ir-n- r -ir-— -Tina- iirr-igttaLyjn.-imngiaai-TwrwTniii rum «m»Baa— 1 5 : WIAS©^ 9 STi-lUTS-lERS & CO. q COLOMBO and LICHFiELD STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. j]

I - 1 ! "FLEUEON." ? i TAIyItU'ROX holds the Premier Position _ -I iLincnt; "jetiutitier* and .Ski.. Foods. A.l 1 that ;s claimed tor it it will do. and it? Uf? fur ?n.-ue T;vfi:tv Ypar= (it 7 Koine and on the speaks* C* it will nourish and c «'.»•>.• th" i k.n. rem. vc F* VKs' H'-i'-', ?J tcrraee and at ~l Townend's, Chcmi.M. 313 \ BENJAMIN GUM ij (REGISTEHED) C For* Coughs and Colds & SECOND TO NONE. ;3 BENJAMIN GUM bbs heen in uoe for six hundred jears, tor ciaii(.', (l.;-,t hs, Cold.;, itc The biuf-ains of the Gutn are nil the J BAiiie, but its ctliciicT is greatly increased and 3 Oad ft much more ple-c-iint "to txke in :he modern preparation, the (jreat LJenjnmin Gum Extract, rfei^tercdas''Jionatrim.'" t> See that the registered trade mails, " Bona* •* irim," is on the l.»uei. ■] Cold In Bottles, at 1-8 & *J.'6, irerjvher*. ' 1 , . Wholesale Agents: j 2 MHPTHOME, PSJ23ER a CD. LTD. ii

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12508, 22 May 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12508, 22 May 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12508, 22 May 1906, Page 3