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PRqPERTIES FOR SALE. ! MAUDE AND HARMAN. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. MAUDE AND H A E i! A X. LAND AND ESIATE ACiENIS. PfiQfl - ST - ALBA - N 'S- n«w coach—House &it\.)ij\J 6 rooms, diinr.g-room. etc., man's room, feedrconi. iooscbox.. trupshed, small greenhouse, washhouse, ocpper, room to | build 4 jrood on ecctioc, summer house, wiie netting, fences, lj-acre land. 705 r?~7-— ADDIXGTOX—Brick Huiiac, 7 <3*O I O rooms, washhouse, cold water, axi lesians, J-acrc each. Fouo ~J~ \ j r?/?~-—RICCAKTON, ""off tram iine— : , <?Wv/tJt-J House ■> large rooms, wishhoUHf?. I copper, tubs, pantry, scullery. sink, h. ai;d Ic. bath, lavatory, p.astered, tiled grates uiid J heart fas. rituu niui.te.s, oift frontage s 2 I chains deep. Foiio Tlfc> jD'JOZ— RICCARTONr~r7ear tram line—: I O(J House j .iving rooms-, u-uphhoui-e, copper, tubs, bath, h. and c, showi-r. lava- I tor/ bas:n. tiitd grates and hearths, p.aslered throughout, splendid h. and c. wn'.i-r service, creek running through property. folio 700 J n-i XXf\— DALLIX-GTOX—New House, C: c&ldOU rooms, bathroom, Rcu!>ry. w.irhhemse. h. ai.d c. wliter. Lund • Transfer Act, 3i acres sniti.d.ii :;ind. S-.r2 J f»r»f\r\—ADDlNtl TON—Xcw 3 \ ArOUJ rooms. KCiil.ery. p.astercu. Lath 1;. ■ a-.', c. pantry, ve:.»r.dah in irci.i «;.d i:;uk, j wide haL, arch, ttc, cupb</iud in k/.ci:o:.*. i V l--u..0 tut 4?O7'X— CITY.""iii■ prcod locality— ( c**O ItJ r-voni?, «:ulle:y, malchlintd wild papered, veruiidr.h. nicely laid out. paths, good orchmd, Uice locaii'iy. i-avro .iti.d. _'_ _ l-' -"-"> £n~J~\— PAPAXUI. "just" off tram line— I »J\J llfuso 0 rooms, p.m-tc-rtd. two R.des , , bathroom, h. and c, scullery, i-vcry modern convenience, nicely iiuu cut in lawn, full j-acri , . Fouo toti Of* rr/V—HICCARTOX—House" C rocnis. 3wOOv/ stable and thuds, windiuill tir;d tanks, i-acre land. Fα.io r»Q9{\r\— FENDALTON— House 10 rw-rin. 3*--.DU every conceivable convenience. G bedrooms, kitchen, sculler/ washhnuse, p-.>.:i----trv. lir.en rooms. 2 bathrooms, comp\-;e h. and c. water service, J-aere land nicely i.'id out. _ Folio t> J jp frr rpc'l'lYr'TTeiTr - Soiith' "bolt— House .5 c**~l I 'J rooms, r.early mv.\ imitiihl.ntd aiid lift tducK washhoiij-e. copper, tills, taps over, iand about oi:o chain friii.-tn^i;. SlO £,i ~f\ —CITY —House 6 rooms, plastered, Trc/vJ bath. wa--hhoUFC, coppoT, connected w,th nui'U tcwer, IS firepiiices, iron roof, iacro _ _ Folio 811 O-yf\(\— BUl!WOOD—HoiTce 7 rooms, rrdUOUU tesun. il-staiied stable. chalYhouso, tru'is'iud, implement ."tied, g-.irden. fruit treo«. \-acre land. This is one of the cheapest properties in the d.strict. Fol.o tl'2 ■V 1 '-^nn -K ''• ALIJAiX'a, <:ff tr'.ini line— cvIOUU House 0 roams, h. and c, bathroom. sculleTy, v.-j?hhouse, coa.hou«e. over i-acro, nicely laid out. Folio fcl3 f>"-7^-WODLs'IOX— House " 0 rooms. c>W«) I O verandah, cowshed, piggeries, fowirun, 2J acres land, two artesians. Folio 7!W r»or»rv—AUDINIiTOX, in iiood locality— Xow lL)u.«e, 1 rooms, p.aslered, bath, h. and c, wa«lihouse and copper, section planted in fruit i'olio 8U (* a Or— SOOKBL'RX— House 5 rooms. i£*-i:JmiO scullery, etc, 4i acres land, paddock and garden. Folio 273 POpjr—ADDIXGTOXI near South belt 3*t~d\Kj iind tram —House 5 rooms, washhouse and t-culieiy, full grown fruit trees, splendid timber in house, and is thoroughly sound. -JO perches lajid. _ Folio ->6i f?^9Cr—CITY, r.ear South belt—Hou=o 7 ewu —i) rooms, scullery, bath, shed, asphalt paths, well fenced, good" oruhard, tower connection., i-acre land. Folio 301 f>r .1 A—LIXWOOD, n«-ax school—Houso 5 c&O I\J rooms, pantries, bathroom, wayhliouse, oopper, tubs, taps over, sewer connection, ' land. _ Foiio 310 i?QAA— ST. ALBAXS, near tram —iloii'o i&tjyj'J 8 rooiuF., scu.iery. pantry, buth. h. and c, gas, overy medern couvcn.cnce, plastered, washliousc, copper, tubs, cwilhouso and storeroom, windmill and tai.k. J-acre sect.wn. Foiio 171 IJ'POfi— : SYDEXHAM,""ncer tram—Houso 4 rooms, scullery, 1 acre VI pejclxa laud, fuwjruns. ".'id jpTr? r—LIXWdOT), Graf ton street—House c*Wtt Itl 7 rooms, bath, scullery, vcne.ian b.inds, washhouse, copper, tubs, stable, s'oiu and Icosc-Ik)X, trapshed, loft, i-acre ,and. Foiio 370 f»r>or\— LIXAVOOD, off tram line—House c&UOV/ 6 rooms, gcullery, bath, h. and c, wafcliliouse, copper.'workshop, 3-rouiiiod cotlaige, i-acre land niceiy iaid out, v.nciy. Fouo 373 North belt— <&t\JyJ House G rooms, scullery, pantry, uas-hhou&e, copper and tubs, bath, h. and c. thower, v.-aiksuop, fow.lioiisej, o iu-rtliuucs, grates, hr.«n mess, gas, windmill and tank, i-acre kr.d. Folio 3.^0 P"'A —Cili', near river—House G rooni3 dwJ«JV/ and scUi.ery, copper, c.-c., i-acro land, L.T. Act, iowlhouse, kitchen, ar.d fnut garden. i'oho ;>JI P"1 "AA- ClTl'—Two-storey Houee., 9 c&J-O\J\s rooms, p.altered, bath. b. and c. scu.iery. pantry, w.ishhoiiHC, copp&r. every ccnvennnce, power connection, nlmost ',-ncno .and. Price, £IJUO. 1-7 n-i Qf\f\— SYDENHAM— Houso 0 rooms, *IOUU bath, scullery, h. and c, Iw.l und vera ntl-tth, Ecwcr connection, wasniiouso, copper, tubs, every convciiicuco, 1J acroa lvi.d. i3j 4?PAA— ST. ALBAXS, near North belt— cA/Ovy \J House ."> rooms, scul cry, pantry, buth, wviEhhoubu. topper, tuba, m-aily i-a-cio land, well lu:d out. 414 4?9^A— ST. ALBAXST'near tram iinc— House (i rooms, pairlry, etc.. l ewly X>a.iiucd. J-acie .ai.d. stable. Folio 4jo _£»r7,--A—AD;-'IX<JTOX—House B rooms, 3i/ I O\J buih, h. and c. washhouse, copper, tubs, taps over, ccaohtioiiKO. stab.c, .eft, pi rttyo. too. house, i-acre iand. Folio 4CO P~Q/\—CITY, rear South belt—House ;> cKiOCxJ room?, bfcth. li. and c. pantry. Git verandah, woshhoube, copper, tubs, i-aere ia::d. Folio -ICG £->jrr\— 9T. A'LBAXS—House" 5 roo!i;s, tJOKJ washhouse. copper, asphalt pa .-as, 2 hot houses and 2 outhounes, ecction, o;.c di:iin frontage by 3 chains di.c:>. Foiio tcrJ OQ 1 (\— CITY. near* nvur—Weil-bu.Jt 3*O'±U House S rooms. pla:-t,-red, hnth, h. and c, Buuliery, pa.itry, washliouse.. co-pijer. tubs, t;ips over, fountain in front, ram und 't.:.k. ni\ir.y j-acre .aixl. lil 3**OO\J bath, coppur, tubs, aviary, laiu , !) , , kij.. i-acro .ami. 1:5 T»7"»"7~~"—Li.N \Vojl). ofT'tram line—iLu: i I O 5 rooms, bath, h. aiid c, .scu.ciy, Wiisuhouse, cepi-er, &tab.c, li,-,,, 41 perv.iics land, pump ana mlr?..n.;i. lli.s is an cheap p:c-;.-,:;y, bfiiiij a new house. Fouo .-i • f* > ~/ r v—SYDKNllAii—House '5 rocnis. ! oWtJJxJ pantry, scu.iery, washhuuse. c..;)- ! pi*i - , i-acre kind, aitobian a:.d pump, t'r.ce, £.'JiO. _ ,iIJ ADDIXu --~ in pocd lom.i-.y— &*\)*~t\J Houso 0 roo.ns, p.a-tuicd, halli. h. aud c, scul.ery. pantry, wusuho;;?«\ co;,,jci, tube, i-acre iai.d, lorco pump aLd ta.::K. i'Oi.o ,U4 r»r»7K;— BROMLEY—Hoit«o 6 rooms, l> :h, 3*Xj It> i.. ar.a c. v.aslili-oii.-iv ooijjier. tius uoikshop ai:d bencJi, 4 acre* lai:ii .1 X)audockd, U'ii-d aa a pou.try farm. Fi...i-. iii . O \ Q(\— LIN WOOD—Now Houpc 5 rc>;rip. D**-Jt.(D\' pauuy, balhrcioiu. »cniii.ry, wr-sli-hi-use. copper, tubs. or.c. wwido'.vs i;.;:i, Bi.-.t.on 50 foct irci.tago by :\ chain? <11-l ;. __ Folio j^i 7?7l)7wi:iC ll M(; XU—House "~ 8 rvr 1;I? , baUi h. ,ii.d c. scu.iery. verai:;..}). \<:-..<.tia!i b.ii.ds,, ct-pi-i-r, J-ii«.-r:----if.:.d. _ j.'.O PQ /JA—I.IX'WOOD. "just' eff tr.i;:; lint— Xew House 7 ruriiis. p.;:. terc-d. Lath, h. and c, scu.iery, veia:,d..ii. Lay w,nci'.iws, blnnas, waihhoute. iciipi-r. tubs, sccticn ___ Fo.;o r»~7,- —H/CCAKTOX. near : '"sta:ioit—Ncv cfcO I •-) Ho'.lso. j rooms, scullery, p-.u.trr, verandah. Venetian blinds, waslihouse, ceppt;:, with h. and c. from copper, over i-acre .u:.d. _ _ Folio JCO rtroms. scullery, pantry, h. aaid c. verandah, wasbhouse, copper, tubs, ttink, ovor 4-acre. Folio 661 P;-9 fr—RICCARTON—Hoiife - ~5 rooms. wnshhoujo. copper, tuljs. bathroom, hot water from oopper. pantry. Venetian bliuds on ft.l wiiidows. J-acie .and, ia.d out. Foiio 370 jPAKPi— ST. ALBAXS, near North be.t— dW'i'Jv/ House 7 niciiiF, washhouse. copper, trapslied. !oof>ebox ard e'able. 'owlhcuse and run, i-acro land, nicely iaid out lawn. ttc. Folio 573 i?7O r—LOWER RICCARTON—Uoufe C cfe I *-)*j rcom«. plastered. l>athroo:n, h-iind. c. shower ar.d lavatory, scullery and pantry, wa.shhous«. copper, and tubs, gwxi urai:;a_'e, srtesiiir.. fowlhouses and run, northern n«peot, J,-ncre. Folio 575 f»pOA—LIXWOOD—Wo'I-built Hrupp of 3 renins, postered. pap.\-<-d )-a:h. h. and c. sen.lory, pantry, verni-.dah, vj.-r.p-tian blinds, wardrcbes. cas laid on. »-icie land, orchard, etc.. wicuv.-i;! ar.d tpnk. Folio 573 SECTIONS FOR SALE. FcndaMon, Lower Riccarton. Op«wa, Lir.wood, Addin-gton, St. Albaru. Small dcpos.ts and easy terms. MAUDE and HARMAX". LAXD AXD AGEXT3, 104 HEKEFOKU SIKEET.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12507, 21 May 1906, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12507, 21 May 1906, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12507, 21 May 1906, Page 11