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I These watches, specially made to our order, are now. •' 1| 1 I after our forty years' experience, perfect. v ;!■" I ASK Farmers, Railway Men. and others who are ?WA I \ engaged in heavy work and who require accurate ''W-\ I timekeepers the best watch to get, and they will ' W&9 ■ \ unhesitatingly reply SANDSTEIN'S Rotherhams. -mm I M. SANDSTEIN & SON 11 ; I ESTABLISHED 1M!. «««* BAtiAHTYMej. ■||

PROPERTIES FOR SALe! "* BAKER BROS. """. 42 PER CENT. ' -'J £35,000 _1° LEND " ".J ROAD ACRES OR CITY PROPERTIESPREFERRED. > BAKER BROS.. » j Finance Agent*. ■«OUJ dence in th;» charming locality Jot immediate sale. There uc six well-hirhtrt and cheerful rooma. The dining-room ia. a large and sunny apartment. lUndion* miuitchiiocr* add to appearance of roctna. Tiled hearths, etc.. eviuy poseible oanveni., ciicf. orccU'd 2j yours, mam sewtf cotuiPtUoa, nciirljr i-aere ground, useful outhouses, leS' BAKER BROS., * -> EstaA* Agenta. ' Pifl^n Sectio »- i"chalS~SsS: : J*±UJU Shop end 3-roomed Home. A'« 4-rooinetl Cottage. ljijr* BAKER BROS., . _Estat« AgtnU- - Pyl rrr—CITY, on a. niain bwrnHf' 3«»Tt<J»J thoroughfare, ■ Section, frontajfa' •12ft. depth 70ft ._ jjfj l pTrxz— the spur, RaDCLipreTlSE' <Jt±UO tion 110 ft x 60ft, miijrnifieeal bfljk site, facing sea and Cave Rock. 3 nußeJtl< from train. An ideal upot for small &.' house, boating and fishing. Terms sired. \hta" 1 RAKER BROS*™ , Licensed Land Broking .3 n-i 7rA— PAPANUI—iTlcrwi, witb'liwf cTi/J. I «.)v/ 7-roomed house, stabling,.'. a)pj( 2 acres orchard, well stocked with pnJW' fruit trees, small deposit. . BAKER BROS., S$ Land Agcato, 9 PO9A- FENDALTON-Hr-acre, with~T:' <JJ€)~t\J roomed house, outbuildings/nst»; garden, fruit, etc, . ICSI^ P^QA—RIOCARTON—I acre, with *«$ J*\jV\J G-roomcd house, eTenr ■ poeubttl convenience, 2 verandahs biy window, groa&di ■well laid out, tank and ram. Jfljr BAKER BKOS., "V Finance Agents." # O-t OX—SUMNER— Full *-»ere, facing'»»£ 'JJI.JLO and north, gebtle slope at reaijs. first-class building site, main sewer oohmovtion to bo laid down in the street befoi*| long, 3 miirutoa from tram. 16SJj i? x7vfpߣi^ra , Fs-ii «"• °* k* l . *n> XiOKjyJ sheltered. 1«£ BAKER BROS., 44t EsUte Agents^ i?Xlfi—° FP PERRY EOATV-New S leqg| c&uXvr room*, bay window, bu&h, h> ead.Aj| plastered, oenlro flowere, tiled grate* weJIM Jiouao, tuba, wjumjafc, higti ooocrote foiaiifaSj tiona, i-sucre. - .MKa A. M. JJOASBY arcd, CJO., .-?fe| aoa BerWord stToet, next P.O. Snix&wik'z J? KAA-GRAFTON STREET— *"vv looaw, vewindaii, h. and scullery, waahhousc, nearly Jngcre. ""Wt , A. M. LOASBY and CO, -'. yjS. 203 Hereford etroet, next P.O. Bvtirgt Bm|^ α-office ROAJV-jfew ,6 ■■I^; *Wv rooma, rcrtmdaih, pkatwed, oenttlf flowers, b*tix h. and c, windmill and doiached oothouen, i-acn. 376* A. 3L LOASBY and 00., ' 203 Berofcwtl stpoet, mart P.O. Saving* BaaJc,',i Y?CQTV—RTVEII ROAD—Sew modem -$;' raam«, verandah, ptatared, oenitt'k flowera, beth, h. and c. 2 bey window* ana.] tower, Tonreijaaa, waatlwuai, J-ecre, orobMl4 A. M. LOASBY,and .00, . ' *i',% aoe Hereford street, next P.O. S»Tingißarij^| X*aQ{\— MOSSTRBAi STREET-3 SmM New 5-roomcd Houaee, tet to gooM tenants, corner block. Aowing 10 pa'OWttf itrtereat. 9MS A. il. LOASBY end CO, 'H@ 208 Hereford rtreet, next P.O. Bwriagt BaMPg, f»Q£»n— OT - ALBANS—Keartr *ODV/ rooma, lined md peprnd, bxnißO, copper and tube, baih, ecullary, A cheap bouse. - ,^% i A. M. LOASBT and CO., 'tg* 203 Hereford street, next P.O. Seringa B*Bfcs -PQTfV-JOHNS STREET—* 11/ lery, p*trtry, wide hell, plertiwJK axrd papered, cupbowr<fa, waidrabtv gu, ■wedb-l; house, i-acre. ,' MfZ A. M. LOAfIBY ana 00, .'"gi 208 Hereford street, n*rt P.O. S»viag» BWji /? / 4 7C—OFF MAY'S I O buth, Bculkry, v«Band*h, i-aana.Mjp/i n Q-1 X—ALDINGTON—4 room*, tfmtO-LO tubs, ato., j-aaae. : ylgg i?Q/1 K— SYnaNHASaC*- non% ordw, j-a<H». r»QQK— 'BABBADOBS STEEET, *OUd beM—* raome, pUatendk » Wftjf order, over j-acje. '^rat (?CA DEPOSIT, balaac* JiOU TON—Modern 5-rooraed Uoam, *lU conTeniences, verandah, detached outiKMMWs; i-acre. _____,— 'Tplf PKA DEPOSIT, balance £1 p«r w«k-Bl§' dwOU ALBANS—N«w Modern « »<«ntp verandaiu all convrauen-cca, i' B *^ l jffi^ O rt-MODEL New Meetera 4 WfflfcS ajybDO voraiMiah, bath, ecul!«lj. }<•»(•, i-acw. . % "POULTRY FARMS—Wo have tmeiti Ipt% X Oa'.-c, some on very i"asy totaia. v'^j /I ESTLEMBN'S RESIDENCES—W# VJ several in differbnt looalitwi. ftw 6 **-' from. £1000 to X. _ »000. J A. M. LOASBY axd CO-, ',«, 206 Hereford etieet, next P.O. fi*viag» omax |

MISCELLANEOUS. Study Economy by Usiaff T^DMOXDS , CUSTARD PO\TDEJI r Sit " A Larsro Tin equals .1 Doien Egjrs. 9 |"\IXX;vR Horvit-cs ut -Miiison s. Another XJ lot t>: thusf i*s tVI su;ta i<l4 pieces), brown. B bH;e or arix-n. Xo v»!ne like thorn in town. * "jr'OOTUAiJyS' at Mins>n's. ami xvA i- rubber. Is od. Os 9tl. Us »d. 7s 9d, 8s 3d. - En;:ii»!i iiinkc. '22D C'-nioiulx) urtreet. 17RU1T Dishes Is 9d, Cheese" DisheiT3s - 6d, . Stenk Dishes Is 3d, Covered Bacon I>i*he« 2s 9d, China Toast Hacks Is. Minion's. CL OC X HE P AIRS , By a First-clyss Kxpcrt. just arrived from London. CLARKE and CO., 148 Colombo street. " TenerTfTc d'Oylcye. s}d, 6\d j lvv ejd. l(Wd. Is I'd. Is lid, Is Cd. Jus! arrived. Bcatli's for Xoveltiea. 3 Q.*; DOZIiX Ladies' Wool Vests, long . OO aiwves, Is 3d. Is Cd. io 4s \k\ ; shcrt s. sleeves. ]s to is Gd. Beath's. QS OD three piece - Bedroom~Sets, 12s Gd j t) O forty piece Ten Sets, 23s Gd fifty. four piece Dinner Sets. Minson and i. VI/'ATCHES—The -Enigma" Ts' tho"~ beat .» ' value ever offered. Only 10s Gd, at Rodfern'p. M»nch(<sleT street, and at Rangiora. : poll GREENSTO-NE JEWELLERY, i Go to XENNETTS, 183 High street. f 17100TWARMERS at Mineon'e, 2s, 2s Gd, 3s, >■ S 4s 3d. 4s 3d, English stoneware, flat-bat-tonicd, rui>ber-fitt>ed. 220 Colombo street. t "OOVEREIG.V BRAXTJ is not a low grade 1 Tea. It is a High Grade Tea, cold at a I reasonable price. Obtainable at all Grocer*. 3 QTEWAiRT ROBLXSON'S Pricee for Boole 0 Cj —Ladies' Tan Lace or Button Shoesi, 4e ' Gd; Black in same. 4s Jd; Ladiee' D-ancing ' Shoes, 3s lid, 3s Cd, 4e. 4a Gd. A splendid assortment to choose from. Geavta' Patent Dancing Pumps. 53 6d and 6s 6d, best qunlity. 2-25 Caehel street Wegt IOEDFBRN'S Stationery Warehouse, Man--1 XX cheater street, is shortly undergoing alterations, and will henceforward be known as "Kvdfe™' B ' ATcadc." 8829 C rpHEItB i» only One Pnce for ■*• "SOVEREIGN , Tea—lβ 8d p*r lb. It it not a matter of giving inferior Tahie; it - is a matter of doing without excessive " profits. MADE to M-casure Suits is another groat feature of out trade. Wβ can pro- ? duce a suit that will give the acme of satiafaction. Great ranges of suitings to select ' from. Modurato prices. Blade, Beattie • and Coy. ) POULTRY TONIC coets only Iβ for a ■*"*• 2-pound Packet, but will Work ' Wonders in Increasing your Egg Supply. Try it To-day. F. H. ST E X J BUTCHEB (Late Langdon and Steel). T"HE LEADING ESTABLISHMENT OF i 1 ITS KIND IN CHRISTOHURCH. .NOTHING but ABSOLUTELY THE BEST MEAT THE COUNTBY PRODUCES ; KEPT. i Cuatomera in City and Sutrarbe "Waited on Daily for Orders. Ccruntry Cuetomers can always rely on letters and telegrams beinff promptly attended to. SMALL GOODS a Speciality. The Annual Output reaches nearly HALF A MILLION POUNDS. The quantity sold spaaks for . itself. SSteO PROPERTIES TO LET. HOTEL IX CHRISTCHURCH TO LOT ON LEASE. WE require TENANT for Ntewly-fcual* SUBURBAN HOTEL; Chrietchurcb. Preeent Leaee expiros June. Will give 10 years' lease. Free-- house.'" Tenant am re- ■ furniali. Apply unftil Monday to T. DWAN", : Wbrte Hart Hotel, Or DWAN BROS.. 1384 Wellington. : TO LET. '■ DATRY FARiM. 56 ACRES, with all , Buildings. Apply M. MACPAELANIE, 1732 Coldstream, R*ngoora, TO LET^ TS.K WHOLE of out Spacioue UPSTAIRS PREMISES, eabdivided inrfo euite.blo rooms' for Clubs, Offica?, Saimple Rooma, etc ■ Full portJcfuJ»Tß on applkaUion to IXGLJS Corner of Worcester and: Manchester »tme»ie. , _ 1 !5H" ; PROPERTIES" FOR SALE T A XCASTER PARK and Power Houee (con- ' XJ venieiii to; —Modern T OotfaJg<s of 4 largo rooms. pisurt«!i«d througbonxt, flowers, picture mouldms, fine sunny aepeot, betk, hot water, scullery, copper, tubs. Kwk. £420. Knpv terms arranged. J. G. Bamnencmui, 117 Colombo street. 806 SUBURBAN" 14 Acres, excellent l»ad, with orchard)- facing , tram line, valuable posi- ' twn, together with a G-toomod House, con- ; venienoes. To effect a sale an exceptionally low price is asked: j£42O, the bulk of which < can be had on J. G. B*nn<nnan, I 117 Colombo street.

DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT, jf Ernest M. Sandstein, | D.8.0.A., F.S.M.O. (Lond.), I Jl I CONSULTING OPTICIAN, || i OP CASHEL ST.. CHRISTCHTJRCH < | M 5 (Nexl BallAßtjne's), Cw f May be consulted upon all eases of Defeeiire Eyesight remediable ( JS i? bygUssei. Dajlight not necessary, artifiouwl light being used. 2 J-«B FEES MODERATE. \ '.ll I CONSULTING ROOMS, CASHEL STREET WEST, |9 1 CHRISTCHURCH. ~ <S C 9.30-1,2G, Daily. 9.30-1, 2-CDaily. f^»

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 10