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Wo flic indebted to tho Right Hou tho Premier for the following:— The accounts for the year have l*M»n cortiih-d. to l»y the Deputy-Auditor and Ccntroilor-Ginoral. a:ul thru? are no "taifi," The account-, will appear in detail in tho nox: i>.-ne of tho "Gazette." T!io follow ing uro fcnn , of t h<. , pa it i c v I a i> : — Ki->-,i';.is i-";)H Til!-: r>r>-ca Xrt .■nirpii!'' . •• £7o£~'J:> Mar;;> up as foiiowa: — KKCKI PTj. Ki-vcii'u- .. .. IT r&l.xa biv.k.-.iv r'lid;.s iOJ'ljO O'.h«r rf«-:t:ts .. l7»0 Tot a: .. .. ... £T.63t>,l>jJ EXPEND LIU RE. Pern: ar.c lit appropriations .. .. JL2.?-~o.lifi Annual appropriations i.'t.->2 2&l Ti.t-.i! .. .. .. rr.l-22,3i0 Kxeo?* of rccfit.ta cvrr pxper.cii;uro '.. .. .. £Vj:.:-O IJu:..;:, <• .".Ist M;,rch. 10'■:. .. i.:<)\ >.:»; to l'uhac Wi.rk-- j-\ii.<i i ; .;<>:> ll:il:ii;<.-o from la.-t year .. i^'u.'i'. ! Balance. 31st .March, iflOf. . i;7.-.-.7'.S RKVKNUE KKSULTd nm.-,.:*. ]'.-•;in: srip for .. .. Af.tiHi receipts .. .. .. A'7,j.-4.:J.">J Kxrcs* of revenue over o-tinuito I'i.-'I.TiJ r i.Mi-AREi) vara i : i?!;viol's ybak. JJ. ve:.u... i:>'M-tr, .. .. 17.'>2..-7rt i;.vnne. J'J:i.").|ftJ .. .. X7..).,.'t3:l Increase .. .. .. i."101. !.-<■.( Ci'!i:p:ii«'-ve 'Statement < '. :h-~ Kstimaled ;.i <1 Aetna! Ketc-.uts • : :))■• .ConiahirAAcd Fuiui ,>iu- Al-.-oiii.p for the l-\n.ui-ci,,: Yi«r end.-d -M.rcli. Mr.!. iJiiierence. Keceipt?. Kstiin't'd. Actual, More. J."".'. £. £. £. A , . Revenue Account Customs 2.(07. 11l a.V-ill — I.'ailway.s -i.JtH.iKM OMIS StainiJs 1.171 jiX) l.'Jitl.i"! 'JJ.7IVJ — tax ;'>oi.(i.n) .'{'.■>,7>*> 'i'J.TSiJ -— Income Ux 26J.n0 2.U..-1:. — 1A") LSi'cr fluty L'7.!;-.:i) Up,l&> 1.133 — ;cn -a i! rl <»tii c r F.cs lft--i.5(v.) luS.22> — 278 Marine 3U,0W1 3<>.7T>.J 233 — M iscr!li'.i:eoils 300.000 JMSII — 4159 Terr-iuriat rcvvnue 2&J.1U0 SfiO.T.'O CSD — £186.111 Xi,63-2 4 o>2 Total i.7.4Cr2,600 £7,551.330 X151.7i3 DETAILS OF lv-- \ iiXUE. Staiicmer.t showing th* £ot the 12 months ended 31st M.jrch, 19CG. ar.d for the corrcspon<Hn;r p-r <il of last yrar. CONSOLIDATED FUND. Diffcrcrce. 1903-06. 1901-05. Inc. Deo. i , - i , . X. X. Oitlinary Rrveraii-— Customs 2,007.411 a.G.'U.'VM G5 127 — Sta-nsps (including Post and T c 1 ejrrapl'a Keceipts 1..201.2C3 1.160.119 41.141 _- I/and Thx' 385,7 j(i 35:2.854 ,"52.';02 I ncomei Tax .. 261.81G 2J3.952 7.8G1 — Boer Duty asi.'JS &C.210 1 U2i> Huilways 2,338.118 i>17.757 120 CJI l< C % i stra'iou <5c other fees .. 108.222 lf)14C,"» 4.757 Marino ;iG.733 36 121 IHB Miscellaneous 193.811 170,37$ 25.43;5 — Territorial Revr-nue— Cash L a n d Sales 32,106 41.1G0 -t 11.7G.1 Deterred I'ay.n't Ij a n d Sales 5.440 5 337 R3 _ Pastoral X v n s, Re n-1 a. etc. .. 222.M-2 210,40-i 12.443 — J8313.25-2 Xll,7C:i 1 1,71>l Tofcil X7.061.35S X7.232«70 f>01.443 i;XPE.\-MTrRE, 1905-CG. Appropriations—Amount appropriated. Permanent charges .. .. £2.851.298 An mini appropriations .. .. XJ,312,8H Additional appropriations for railways , .. .. .. Xaa.4lfl Total .. .. .. X' 7 292,550 Expenditure—Amount expended. Pcrina,r.ent charges .. .. £2 870.107 Annual appropriations .. .. X 4.352 >*3 Total ~ .. .. X7.122.:'t0 Saving on estimate . .. X 170.2.0 E.cpentliture—Comparative statement for 1905-03, compared with 1901-05: — K.ypcr-ded. 1903-C*. I'crins'nent appropriations .. X 2.870.107 Annual appropriations .. .. £4.252,i03 Total .. .. .. £7,12'2.:t40 ■Expended, 19CI-05. Permanent appr-ipriations .. X 2.670,972 Annual appropriations .. .. X1.9C1.93/ Total .. .. .. £6.635.902 Increased expenditure .. .. £466,438 Aβ tinder increased permanent tharpes .. .. .. £199.135 Increase annual appropriations .. £267.UM Tol*l .. .. .. X15G,4,!3 Exponditur* , —Comparative Statement of the Ksfcrtntfted and Actual Expenditure i'orthe Yca-r- ended 31st March). 1008. Differeroe. Estim'i'd. Actual. More. Lv?s. X. X. X. X. Revenue A.coount — P ermurtent propria--1 iom Civil hh± 31,900 38 : 9t3 4,043 — 1 and s i v kin g Fund 2.076,716 2.087.201 104 581 — I' n d er Special Acts 273,752 310 921 37,172 — Siil>"ii!ie< )>,id tn !«;;.< 3:I,VK) ?.\MI — 9,g?,8 'lerr.trral :i-vo>;i!!' 2oV.W :r? 9I;J 12.613 — X I, «lnv.----ii!-;.. » C 1.10.1 y.).M — 4»)1 O.d ; .-e pe-mions 2-:.VOOn 2.33.962 — 31.0 M Annual appropriations— l.?'.'is'mtive 25.853 23.094 — 795 Colur.Lu Si-rrctiiry 93.537 112.738 14,201 — I , ii Mic Health 39 120 23.216 — 13.90= 1 l: :VMt r le-s. in c rce, a n d towist 85,=65 eS.I3-2 — 20,7K C olonial Treasurer 45 CCI 40.459 — 4,57; Old Bir« pensions 3,033 4,758 — C7o Minister of Justice 10j,612 146.574 — 1e,7;5S C r own L a Tf Dcpt. 3.005 2,913 — «W P o stmas-tor-G'n'r'l 585,235 576,810 — 5473 Commii?sior.iTof Trado .V Cui-totii.s 4? 933 47.1-J7 — I«3G Marine iV harboiira etc. 59.912 57,'\T7 — 2.073 I'rintinir A- KtaiL«mery 4.3,7 M 4-3..= IS 51 — C o mra !?^: > >- 31,097 30.731 — 3« X d iic-.i-t:oa Dfi>t. 718C7S GO7.a>7 — 20.32] Lnr.styt: C h.u:i----n'/.e D.-Dt. 88,959 83.576 919 — Vent, of Labour ll.GflO 12,220 551 — M:r. .^er « f M.nes 23..J.W 23.314 — C23< Mil:i~tor forAcn-i-a »t'''e li-><>.> 7 113,316 — 9191 V."ork:r.i: sai'.wuys 1.G33..'.:- 5 I.VJ4.9i'J — ."*.'. M:v.:-u'r ior i'ul-K-Wnk» 23.0:-2 2rt.Sf» ~ 2 1U Dei.l- 177.1'JS 159.150 — 17.73;

Po'ico 137,3?3 135.407 — 2,55)2 Dept. of Landi& Stirrer iOO.ZZI 1~.&X — 2-2.633 Vehiatioti I)o;;1. CO.C:O 30.272 6,»2 — S i-rvicc* !:~t rrro- i ! v.'.i'yi for — *.j-t <.y--l — I jESS.Set £*56 Sftl 80,584 'I.'. :.■'.- £T ■.j2..160£7,1C2 310 — XITO.^O ' C', ;i'.:ht:!\v-.; cf the actt:aJ Expertiii •'■•T-- <■:" :li.- v. FuiwJ (TJt-vcmie A"^-.:i.:' :n: tl-o Fii.ajicial Year endc-d :;!-'. 1»6. compared w-ith the year j Difference. J IO.Vi-'Hi 10iM-'>3 Mt-rc. Leas. ! £. £. £. £. j Pornianp;.' Appropriations — !ci v ; i i Li,: . . 33.913 31.153 — , I i.: c r c it ! a !., d I S i.k::-.. ! Kit:-1 .. -2f57.2-H 1.')j:'».723 93.175 — ■ f r. .i .- r I -S ~ .-<■:.[ I .. 3J0.9-1 377 21.3*7 — ; L"o c a. ! li o:.»s fr..G.-2 7.1.G10 7.022 — T ,>rr.-,on;ii H.-vri.iiii 3-).9!:5 30.7C0 S 153 — !■: v <\ o *■- ::> ci. is r.0.t0'.) I.ICG — <>X A.c . ]•.!..-..• n- ;.'>;.ji.'2 i0".97i o.).'j* — Vi'iiual Aiiprt'priatKins— 1. .■•--:s.- J- ---! ; -.-,- . 23 f".)i 2*.539 -105 — C o 1 ..!-,;:. 1 i So c r <■- ! ;nry .. 112.7:fS CO tdi ■!:! -2(53 — I , ii 1, il o ! JfrMi'th -';-215 31.773 — 8.553 , I Ku-ustri'-s a ii .1 C O 3j;I .»ci>-o ii ii a Tourist tIS.IIW 62470 5,C53 — C O loill-.. , ; T r i! aa'.ror .. 4O.tst> 41.0il — 5W O!<1 A;c I'o-nsioNj 4.758 H »37 821 — o- r J üBtU-i- liar-ri ii").lisa i.4«g — (.' r o v 1; Law lαl> a r tnn'!-.! .. 2'.i13 2 193 420 — P..-::n.isw>r (Jvi-.-ru! 57Ci.SH> 057.53 a 10.'275 — C o in m i> of Trs.k & C;.,.-loms 47.127 iO.oSI 6.513 — Marii.v & Iliii'.ours ( t;-. .. 57.837 G 1.301 3.53:5 — Printing t v Htvifn'iy -n.SIG 12 122 1.724 — Com nriMs i oner of S tumps 30.731 30.771 — 13 E <li;c;itieu 1).-1> t.. r>37.957 635,037 G2.020 — Lunacy &, V harilablc .. K>,S7B 75.-173 11.105 — Drp'l of>rmr 12.220 10 813 1.372 — MiriAtcr of M i nes 23.314. 18,469 — ii j n i st cr for Agri'o n itiii'o 115.81G 112.631 3,135 — Wo r ki-i:¥T Rai:w'y.» 1,594,919 1.471 827 123.092 — M i 11 islor for Pui;lic W'h £6 680 26.2G8 612 — D i> ie r.icii s Di-p't .. 150,459 1F? : O51 — 28.795 Police I>op t .. 133.407 130,676 4.731 — JJep't, or L-aiicl* «>c .S 11 rvcy 177,626 119.412 2S,ISt — V a luati.UL Df-p'l .. 30,272 23 307 965 — S c. r v ices not p rev idwl for .. 7.921 6,215 1.70G — Gi-and TU£7.l->2.311>J?6635 1 902£1*G.-i3B — Analysis of increase in expenditure 1905-05, sis compared with previous year. I«!3-0f, .. .. .. * .. £7.122,310 190-1-03 .. .. .. .. £8,G33.9C2Increase .. .. .. £486,438 This increase is accountre] for us folIntere.=t .. .. .. £93,000 I Sul>?idirs to hospitals nnd payments t;> local bedies .. £?o,00t) O'fl a>iv pensions .. .. £CO,OOO ; Elect >ral .. .. .. £,">O,(K>;) I'duc-atioii .. .. .. £70,000 I liailways .. .. .. £124,000 j l'osl ar.fl Telegniphs .. .. £19.001) i L-incls and survey .. .. £23.(MX) j Lunacy ar.A liospitola .. .. £11.000 j JVlicc .. .. .. .. £4.030 1 Crstoms and Marine .. .. £10.000 M lips* .. .. .. .. £5.090 1 Exhibition .. .. .. £13,000 Total .. .. .. £522,000 Suvingra in expenditure wrro effected ns ' follows : — :>i fence .. .. .. .. JKS.OOO I'ubiit! health .. .. .. £8,000 Total .. .. .. .. £30,000 PUBLIC WOJIKS FUND. I The tolul amount transferred from revenue <n ih? Public \V.)rV:» Kami since 1891 was 'X" 1855 COT. as follows: — 18.11-92 .. .. .. .. £.30.000 18*2-93 .. .. .. .. £200,000 l°j:i-9l .. .. .. .. £250,000 1,-'.''!-■.)"> .. .. .. .. £230X00 !."93-9l> .. .. .. .. £'150.000 .. .. .. .. £150.000 IS:i7-!,'S .. .. .. .. £M0.).00O 18;.«-9:) .. .. .. .. £425.000 ' i;-:!). 1 .. .. .. .. £ir>O.(KiO l()0)-i)l .. .. .. .. £300.000 '0i:l-02 .. .. .. .. £5).'0.()00 19i.2-'i:l .. .. .. .. £200.0!0 19.11-O4 .. .. .. .. £350.0€0 19'H-n.3 .. .. .. .. £600.000 1905-00 .. .. .. .. £500.000 Total .. .. .. £4,855,000 The following are the result.? cf the Public Works Fund, 19.15-06: — Bal-anco from last year .. .. £851,G70 lieceipts, loan money .. ~ £850.851 Transfer from revenue .. .. £503.000 Other receipts .. .. .. £3,1«) Total receipts .. .. £2,215,710 Expenditure .. .. .. £1.723.411 Balance »t 3lst March, I9OG .. £192 2?0 HaU\.«i of 1905 loan to receive .. £182iC86 Avni'jiblo IVblic Works mon-ey.s to K.'Hrt the cxirrent year (190U-07) with .. .. .. £'67-1,335

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 8

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THE YEAR'S ACCOUNTS. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 8

THE YEAR'S ACCOUNTS. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 8