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> » _ l J The auction advertisements of j Friedlander Bnx;., Harding. Son and 1 Co., F. C. Tabart, C. A. I-k-oi, and Co., and Rolfo and Co. wilt be found on ' pago 11 of this Issue. By the direct liner, the s=.s. RinmtaJca, which is due in London, on June * 19th, "Tho Weekly Press" may bo sent to the Old Country for ono i>enny, and ? the mail by this steamer closes at the y Christchurch office at 4.15 p.m. to-day. 1 Tho illustrations >in tlie paper are of ' current events, that should prove most interesting to our friends abroad. It contains tho latest sporting news, H society items in tlie Indies , Magazine, , VolmiteoT news, and blight, attractive 1 reading, including short stories from ' tho pens of J. McAnley Palmer, L. A.' ' Long, W. L. Comfort and L. Merrick. The. control of t'he Ash burton cemetery j has now been vested in the Asbburtoui j Borough Council. L j The Ash burton Borough Council, j Wakanui Iload Board, and Upper Ashj burton Road Board have implied unj favourably to the Christchurch Domain ' ; Board's application, for a vote towards > improving the Christchurch Domain for Exhibition/ time. , A deputation from the Board of Man- , agers of tho Technical Classes will wait on Mr Soddon et the Clarendon Hotel at 11 a.m. to-d«y, in regard to the proposed formation of new classes and gejioral proposals for the future conduct of the work. In our report of tho jndgmemt in , the cose of Srbbakl v. Sibbald, on Thursday last, a motion for an order to dismiss a suit by Thos. Speed SHh I bald, it».wiis wrongly stated that Mr Hosking appeared for the petitioner; Mr Hosking appeared, in support of the motion, which succeeded. The gambling oontrovemy continues in tJie oolumns of the Wellington papers with unabated "vigour. The Hon. Mr McGowan, Minister for Justice, says tha-t gambling is a great evil in New Zealand, and «"ems inlierent in tho people from the highest to the lowest. Our Dimedin correspondent writes that a largo order is to hand for electric power from the City Council's Waipori | j works. The General Manager of Rail- * ways bus accepted the Couorci'l's offer j for the supply of electric energy for power and lighting in connection with the Dunedm railway premises. At the Teniuka Magistrate's Court yesterday James Pyke was prosecuted j by the Sfwitli Caiii-erbiiry Acclima.t.u«i- i I tion Society for gaffing trout in the i Opihi. He was fined 4Qe and coste. At ! the same sitting a man named Eagle- , i stone -was fined £5 and certs for wip- | plying a prohibited per«oi> nstmed Sj)i!- ; with liquor, and the latter was .similarly finetl for receiving it and being on licensed premises. We learn from a recent visitor to ' Melbourne that tho reports in the ' newspapers as to the interruptions at * the graduation ceremony at tho Unii versify give a misleading impression of what took place. When Kir Robert ' Stout turned and addressed the rlu- ' den to he received an excellent hearing, j The reporter, douhtle* with the idea of getting amusing ''copy,"' seems to ' have given undue prominence to the j undergraduates' chaff. ' The following were f-ncsessful at the { half-yearly examinations of the Pher- \ macy Board of New Zealand last j month:—Section A: Wellington, A. A. ( Davies. I). Ingle. A. W. Thomson, I). ' A. Gordon. R. J. Hislop; Dunodin, C j Thomson, R. Winning. Smction B: ' •Auckland, A. R. Durrnnt, C Woollams; r Wellington, H. A. Ann4rong, J. R. I | ! Cunninghame. 11. D. l'aul ; Chrirt- ' , ' church. W. J. Gillie.;. J. Sinc'air, iS. i j H. Willis. A. J. Derbridge; Dunedin, . 0. King, G. F. Willie. J. R. Sweeney. ] A Wellington telegram states that < ! the Railway Depaitinent ha« held en- < i quince two accidents on Easter Monday. In conmx'tion v.ith a train -, J being derailed at Kketahuna through | j the point.; having bf»e:i left unlocked. ' two pr»rters are to be dismissed, and ( the utationmaßte.r is to be severely pun- ' ishod. tor failing to see that the paints ' were locked Wfore the t-ignal was * lowered the train to enter the c station. A pnrter if. to l>e dipmi. c f»ryi 4 owing to tJie derailing of a train at v Waitirrtarn. * Few people would l>o prepared to be- • lieve offhand. wri:«; our correspondent. «, thnt Dunedin has bnsn visiUKl by a mili- \ ta-ry spy. He i.- wtilj si«-re for that \ ter. Tin* >tory was receivrd with much ,- incrediiiity wlk>ii it w«w first- reported, , bnit onr]uiry Khcwrd that it wa.s correct. T The D<'fence Offict* people were reticeirt. j however. Thi' man, they said, had t done nothing <-o far, nnd they meant T to k<fp him off as long as he wa« h<*re. r So far his had Ik»&ii dirivet o<l s to tho Ocean and the projected \ Bmall Arms Magazine at St. Clair was a Ihe objeer of lr>. first attention. As* t!ie f building has not yet been begun there c •Kits i;r)thin-2 for him tt> wp when lie i w:'tit thfi-e. Ti. has always l>e?ji a sort r of "*:pc!i ft.-cret" that i*iiormation as to 1 the d'toners <if all port" i.n the Hritish 1; Empire is furrrished p'riadically to Con- r tit'"utal places thrcuijh snares « r '!irh ( s-hall bo nameless; l,nt the latest de- t TCiQpnK'ut Ls something new. p

s Tlie Sydenl*am RMes have decided t to remove t!»eir headquarters to the .' King Edward Barracks. Tlk» rate in the Ashburton Borough , for the citrreoit yecar lia» beoai fixed . at Is 6d in tho £1. p The Gorernor h«e received a communication stating that the German t warship Condor will be at Auckland i from May 21st to 27th. 1 The heavy goods traffic on tl;o p Oxfoid-IJangiora line delayed the ovonn ing train for some time ypsterday, and r express for town, which was ~ kept waiting, was a quarter of an hour late in leaving. 1 In connection with the Arbor Day planting operations. Mr H. G. Ell, L * M.H.It., the lion, curator. will be " plea«ed to receive offers of trees for . planting. will be duly ackuow- . ledged. ;; Throe boj's, aged respectively, 6oven, y eight and eleven years were ~ iound wandorni g along Coloiulw , street last night, end were found wandering along Colombo ' «s being children. over whom , tJieir parents had no proper control, s The children will be brought before tho . Magistrate to-day. i The annual Chrysanthemum ami Fruit Show of tho Horticultural Sacie'.y oiHMis in the Art Gallery to-day, ! and will be continued to-morrow. There >! is every prospect of a fiuccvssful .snow, - as the clashes have filled wo.J and t)a> exhibition blooms are in fine form this f year. The committee li«ve spilt an in- | vitation to hi>> Exoellency the Governor " J u> visit the show this attornoon. J There will be no Mcjimer from Auckland for San on the 2oth ' invtant, and none on tli« loth June. - The f-ervioo from San Francisco will be - resumed by steannY Kviving for New Zealand on the 31st instant. In tho meajitime mails will be d-rsi>aio]ied from the colony via Drindisi, Vancouver, or by direct steamers, as may be most ad- ' vantageous. Tho jury empane-lled in the alleged gaming-house case, in the Supremo Court ' had ail unenviable experience yesterday. * They retired nt 5.20, and sat out the " full four hours without coming to an ; agreement; nor did they get anything . to dull the gnawing pangs of hunger. , When they returned at 9.20 his Honour l expreested his regret at their enforced fast. He had not anticipated that any difficulty would arise in »rcuring refresh monts, but such had prow<l tho ease, and he was extremely .sorry, fle it was not tho custom now-a-dnys to starve juries into submission. Their only pos- . fcible consolation would lie in thf> fact [ that they would dino at an exceedingly ' tashionabl-e hour. S 1 Quito a soriee of accidents occurred 1 in connection with t3ie arrangements made by Mr J. Wood, the Tramway Traffic Manager, last night, to take away those attending tho Musical Union ' I concert. He had provided six oars ; specially for the work, but on leaving [ tho shed one of them ran off the line ( and stopped the rest. When tho cans were got on the lino and proceeded towards the Square misfortune etill pureued them, as tho engine of the" , Construction Company got off the line in tho Square end again blocked their progree*?. \ Ultimately, after considerable delay, caused by the oare having to go a .roundabout way to get into the p Square, the passengers were got off, having had to wait some time in the • rain. This afternoon the Grand Lodge of New Zealand will hold its communication, at which tho retiring Grand Mas--1 ter, Bro. A. H. Burton, >will preside. A very largo number of delegates of lodges from all parts of New Zealand . are expected to be 'present, nearly every lodge being represented. In the evening the installation of hie Excellency the Governor as Grand Master of ', the New Zealand Constitution, will take place in the Choral Hall, the retiring Grand Master, V.W. Bro. A. H. Burton, acting as installing officer. After the ceremony a banquet will be held- in the Canterbury Hail. Tomorrow evening «. conversazione and dance will take pace in the Canterbury Hall, and mere will also bo a reception by the. M.W. Grand Master, Bro. Lord Plunket. A short concert programme will be given, and the rest of tho evening devoted io dancing. At the New Zealand Bowling Aesooiatian's tournament, which was held at Dunedin early an the year, the entries easily constituted a record for the colonj', but it is confident ly expected that this record will be eclipsed nt the Exhibition tournament, which is to be held in Christchurch in January of ■next year. Mr R. T. Wheeler (eeoretarv of the N.Z.8.A.), speaking nt a meeting of bowlers last night, said he expected something like 250 entries for the rinks,-- 400 for the doubles, and about GOO for tho singles chamJ pionships. . Invitations had been pent out to all known bowling associations in different parts of the world, and the first reply came to hand that day from I/auneeston (Tasmania). Thifc was of a very cordial nature, and tho secretary of the Launoeston Association undertook to distribute copies of the New Zealand l Bowling Association's circular emoncst the ciubs in his district. A meeting of the Canterbury Trades and Labour Council was hold on Saturday, Mr J. Barr being in the chair. A new delegate was received from the furniture trade. Mr L.'lvane, of Melbourne, was cordially welcomed. The Arfc Union Committee presented an interim report, which stated that the surplus from the art union would be about £250, and eulogized the work done by the secretary, Mr J. \v. Fryer. Jt wan decided to forward the lady who had charge of the art union shop a letter of appreciation for the manner in Vvhich i«ne conducted the sale of tickets. Two vacancies on the Library Committee were filled by Mesons Cookson and Skelton. The/Timbers YaTde and Bookbinders Uni#hs presented framed photographs of their executive officers. Messrs Bfl.rr, Thorn, and Gohns reported on the work done at the Trades and Labour Councils' Conference. An interim report was received from the joint committee of the Trades and Labour Council and Political Labour League. Regarding tho Tramway Board's election, it was stated that the Council had not come to «ny decision in reppect of selection of candidates to contest, t-he seats mentioned in tho darly papers last week, and that the information given to the Press was given without' the sanction of either the Trades Council or it<? officers. At the meeting of the New Brighton Borough Council on Monday, Cr. Israel son said tlnat some time ago the Council h«nd set up a committee to consider tho by-laws «s to its power to pixrvent advortiserneints on th-r- pier. At present somoof the. hideous advertisements C7l the pier were being painted out with »i moTe Tiid-eouti yellow paint- He would like to f-ee the pie.r the propertyof tho Council. Cr. Glanville yak\ that Cγ. Isnael.son had forestalled hi'n. as be. int-endod to bring Arwn a comprehensive scheme, to include the purchase of the pier. He could not understand how anyone on Ilie Council should suggest that any committee should bo «»t up outside of the Works Committee, which was the only one capable of dealing -with iho matter. The members of Urn other committoo proposed could net, owing to tho nature of their occupations, l>e expected to <]oel with a subj«K?t like this. Tlse Mayor said that the proposal was purely a bargain, and not v matter of works, and, therefore, tlio Works Committee was not the one ro dna' with the matter. A committ<t* of threw would bo nmpie, and most, certainly the chairman of the Coimnitt «h> yhonld Iμ.' .-» memIμ*r. It was d(-ei<k«d to appoint a committee. cwiMf-tinjr of--the Mayor mid Vr<. Light body and Glanvilie, to obtain Jill 3HJCc«v.-.a,i-y information as to price, etc., for the purchase of the pier.

i } Messrs H. E. Muf grave, 0. E. Gobil! c ! win. and G. W. Standland have bee»li nominated* for election as councillorfarli the borough of New Brighton. %& i\ Mr Batsctt Juw sold th« busiiKx» aa&M goodwill of Um> firm of Messre t iiassett and Co. to the InternaUoiaOf " Harvester Company ot America d At the Rangior.i Court Mr C. I. 4' nings, J. P., adjourned the of QmJjKJ v Quill, an application by the wife I hiui.mary separation order, winch H'illipl £ i bo heard by the Muy.stiate in a foti>M s night. \-^ r A first offender. charged with droijLifi on now, appeared boloiv .Mr C j J. P., at the Lyttdton Police Court V ■ ' terday. As the. man was .', ! considerably from the etfocts ot J. : he was remanded for i-iyht <luji> fS'j* niodical treatment. 7-^p The final mooting of the of tho Valedictory Convvrsuzicne WaS ! Bishop Grimes w«> held on Monda*."% ' i After pay-ment of aii account* thote (**& j inaiiiK<l v small balance to credit, winch**! i it w;is resolved to hand, over to the«|f Society of St. Vincent de Paul. 'Jj The census for Rangiona shows lkifc.ll t> there aro 289 inlwilvitcd housivs, an n> «$ crease of 10 on the census three icatt'Ti • ago. The papulation is SlO iua'esaad*')f S)U females, a total c-t 1724. cr Jl fo» ** ttiiui at last census. There- \u>'« 2J^' ' uninhabited houses, compared with 24 ' \ in IUOI. . l> A prisoner who appeared at Hokitd'a . * hist- week charged w;:h escaping lr«a - lawful custody iiad no.hirg j 0 Cuniplajn r of in h;s treatment at the gaol ili S desire to he free wan induced, solely by temptation to got a gUu* of boer, as ' live yoars was a. long tune (prcemn«rt>ly) ' -to wait lor one. His Worship: "How • far did you run ?" Prisoner: 'Aboui twelve miles. 1 took the back country ", y for it." His Worship: "That was a long way to go for a glas» ot beer. You ' could have get one nearer." ISiree *" months were, added to prisoner*. «yjl tence. v j Some quaint excuses are occasionally t put forward in the Police Court by remoi»eful accused. Yesterday « prohibited person was charged with t pi-ccuring liquor when a prohibition • r order was in force against him, urjd h« * explained, in an aggrieved tono, that he did not drink any of the beer alleged to have been procured. "My mote!. bought sixpennorth in a bottle," ho ex," ' plained, "but drajik it nearly ail him. . self. Hβ then handed mc the bottle,and fcaid, '''aye a taste. Why it'e*' bloomin" hogwash, not fit to drink/ 5> Tho sympathetic Bench diwnis&ed tiie -; charge. £ '. At a. recent meeting of the WniranV* No-licciieo League and temperance work«*?£ era. the following resolution was oa&" ' risxl: "That, in tho opinion of this meefc^ , * , ing, tho canteen is exerting a demoraV. ** is ing influence on our volunteer ssetem»v, and is a .serious menace to the joung'li men of the colony. In view of the large '* number of young men who loam to , drink At the volunteer enoampments. tf» l ' meeting considers thjat tomperanoo peop!« would bo justified in discouraging "■/■ friends from volunteering unw tho eit\- - teen is removed. They therefore urgo S upon the Minister of Defence the advisability of abolishing the canteen/ , / They work their Mayors hard at Feilding. In the cou/ee of his speech at the insfcalktion last week, the re- ; tiring Mayor stated that during hie two years of office he had attended. 86 mecU ings of the Council, apart from committee meetings. Another strenuous office for the Mayor wae that of J.P. " Hβ had sat on. the Bench for 153 cases at ' tho local Court. There were other various duties which a Mayor hid to perform, to say nothing ol the interviews, ;( and as often, as not theee interviews \ resulted in some pereom or other weut- -. * ! ing half-e.-crown. "What little time he, had left he devoted to making a living, )}?, Two dogs fend a young lady pensile hair absorbed the atmosphere Civic grandeur surrounding the Hall steps at noon tho other day, wheal*-, , tHe nominations for tho vacant Waud seat oh the City Council *#2pf announced, Dunodin "Btukfej\ A couple of candidfetes, a officer, and a reporter or two were in the as one the audience' wes mostly quadruped. **3 Still, it'was an attentive gathering. The girl was jsoeing a pew sight, cad the •" canines were monienbaruy diejngaged. i They watched with eeeming internet, ! and when one candidate announced that J hie policy was "progress wrth economy" one dog wagged his t*fl joyously and .' gave h» fdlow an intelligent look. But tho other was surly. Perhaps ho h*&\ f gone there dwiroue to know whether, \ any of the would-be coiincillons favoured I the abolition of electric oars. i A meeting of the management com- ' J mitteo of the Union Rowing Club wee "-i held on Monday. PreseoWMeeePS F. •D. Kesteven (onairmam), G. H. Cooper. '< G. Berry, G. H. Hobbs,'D. Lee?T* 1 Chambens, C. J. Atkinson, W. Duggan, '; J. L. Stinoar, end G. Stubbs Gum. eea). * ' Owing to the increase of membership' '* it has been found neoeaeaJy. I to further add to the racing *l plant, and it tvaa decided Ut ■', order anotlier clinker racing ecuUer, J and a quantity of oans end scuile, and, | to commvinicato with various bttuden ''" in re ttT a clinker? racing, J, four. The treasurer reported that •% there were only seven memben "• f- r in arrears with their .eubseriptioai,' & and it was decided to give them four- J| teen days' notice to pay before referring. £i the matter to the Sporte Protection As- $ sociation. One new member wee , 3 ff£ elected, '-| Mr T. K. Sidey, M.ffiß., paand \ through Chrietchurch on lik way*iSojrfiV yesterday. Mr Sidey has joet paid a fly- S ing visit to Wellington., and be informed ' <• a. "Press" reporter that his chief object i,' was to see the Premier in connection with the proposed establishment of ft ' i dental hospital in Dunedin. l"he\P»- s \ mier promised to recommend the » Cabinet to ask Parliament for a rote of £1500 for this purpose, and as tbo , New Zealand Dentiets , Association h»e undertaken to find £1000, the establishment of the hospital is practicaHy «e------------surcd. Mr Sidey eaye that • building j will be erected in close proximity to the Dunedin Medical School, where poor people will be able to attend during certain hours of tho day end eeouw free treatment. The institution will be equipped with a proper operating theatre, end provision will also* be made for a lecture-room. Mr Sidey hopes m time to see similar dental hospitals established in all tho four centrw, and v added that in Sydney there were two such institutions, which proved c great boon to many people who were not in a position to pay the ordinary fees required by denial practitioners. f It is a good maxim never to go into ' j** the witnei'6-box if it can bo avoided; one never knows what transactions may not have the liftht let into them v ,j\ by the gimlet of- the pertinacious croee- * f examiner. A witness in the Supreme. Court yesterday found this out to sorrow. /'Have you ever been coo- T > victed of theft?" asked couneel. Witj / neefc fidgeted uweasily, and refrained from aneweriivg. On being pressed, betJirnerl to hw Honour with the remark, "But I don't liko to deal with these' matters, your Worship. , ' "Probably not." replied his Honour, "but I'M -j afraid we cannot be guided by what yon s like or dislike. Your character > nre questioned, awl you muefc T t anfiw<>r the questions." Witness did jf not like after he had.answerod some other questions ho let | loose liis gathering anger in a fin* A burst of intendtnl wiroasm: "Oh, &9 #? on. rip mc to pieces, tear mo up, I j tkin't tniiul." Throughout hi« examinati<'.n lii> nuaiiitained a particular!? 'J? imprM'tinent domeaijoiir. and fsircjstio- _5 ally thanked tho judpe on turn- | ing to l<Mve. His Honour called Jura birk. and told him lie could con-ider "g'f lucky to CKcsapo without boiug camu)itt<d for contempt lw hie iUMlettl behaviour. & M

The Mayor will bo at the City Council " effice to-day, at noon. ~: Tho amount of the purchase money " frr tin- C'i'.tr.Mliaiy Bowliiij; giv,-n p:o---------p.jf. —L'(>!':'!i)— it-ay paid over on <]ay.' ami tii.' transaction c-cniplvt^tl. V~ ;;•• •.!••.!v t-V.i , j:.ivilioil was i«.'ino\ed bodi.y '<> l ''° m ' ,v i" Durham street. It li.i. , - i> <■!! ::'.<■-tod thnt one of th? t; <il'T- a i;ic : i tii. , li'.iiiin ay Heard Iμ.- diviM'd ;» •> il ini f :!it be Uc-ui 'a* a MU'iter lor i>:i:-.-t-.^.v.-Ut tllC foot, Ol tii.' C')l«-i)l!K'!-O Hl!iS. 'lhere are ;i lai.ii> , number ct visitors to • tlu , liil!>- Tiotaiiiy <v holiday time , .-., ai/.l in CJ--O oi I'-'ul or vi'ry hot wv-itlnv there is no thelter available for th.-c intending to !>y train. Th.> C n-t would mi Iμ , and t-'.c Tramway 80a..i. wring the n\e to whicu tin , c;ii i> to be put. Blight It- , <ii--l>'>- < ' i l t! > iii'in'. , a txjlici'x-ion. A pinail sub.-:ciip'-ioii would cover tlit> amount. DtHT are m> plontiful in tin.' Ma;iiu:;iJiHWa rJiiiu<'s. AVtiika'c. thnt tin , natives hive<loii« -d old culiivutioiw on account 01 tlicii , In tin' okl day.-; tii* , kiiiny,> would liavc bi't'ii •tv-pll Ml'l'plii'fl with venif-nti. whicli wr.nlj ha to coiK-vici'aL'ly cU-piotod tin , iiiuiib<M - iKt«- < > si? , Twoiity yrars u'j;o tin? native owr.i-ih of confs.derably oiitniiinlM-rcd t!i»' drcr. To<ifiy, writ«is t\io .Moi-rin.Nvi!!<> coitv«i-k)ii-driit ot the Haniiltoti "Tiiru'.s,' tliorc are ]'-X) door ior every adult na.tivo ouner. Like all machinery " McCormick." t\w »K' n ' irrjiin. turnip jukl niaiiiiic drill, i" pf.irl'»'crion. .Morrow, Ba-wct. and Co., IJodtord Kow. 6 Social Functions which take place during tin* winter mnimih neons.->itatc «i special dr«»« of ttioir own. It may Ik , semi or full dross that in lvojuivd. However, ©very lady who d*.f<ire.s to Iμ , "an fait" with th<> iitHM.r*"it-y of tlx , occasion should visit the D.I.C. and thejo view tlie windfiw and IShoivrooin display of evening garment.-. Kvwy (colour, doMjj;n. and i4yle is iopre*entt'd, and all moderate]v priced. 1U Tbe of fhp Exhibition is sure to cause a nwsit imimli of people to Christchiireh. So thi> Uaryains in I/icf Curtains wo are offering can so a d<»cid< l d rush of hn*-in«rs;-. \\ hi to aiui Cuvim Lace Curtain* at the following reductions:—(k-. 3d for Is lid, 7s Iki for 5s lid, Bih Otl for (is fW, Hs lhl tor f»s lid, 10s for 7m lid, I 2» M lor «);v Uα fid for 11s (>d, 17s for 13 S tkl. Ulaek, Ht'attie and Co. 13 Tho problem of to-day is, how to keep up r.ppoianances on a ritcill or nKxlrrate income. To isolvo it, p«y n visit to Besith an<l ('ompa.ny"s Drapery eind Clothing Store, they can, ; and will, supply your iiocdis. Style, rpiality iind valuo —as cltoaply as any, and clieaper than many Cliristchiircli store*. You ar« invited t» call and in-spect tho latest shipments of up-to-date novelties just to hand. Beath and Co., Ltd., Cashe.l street »Sc« window for some of. the novelties. 2o "Past«l Troubles Settled.—Carrespoiident.s ami Pittw-jits arc informed tlmt hitters, also remittances, for *Me*ers Frec'nmn and AVnllact , , may in future be addressed to them a*s originally namely, to Tho Klcctro Medioal instf. tiilo. EHaibcth and Bathurst Sta-cots, Sydney."'. 20 Mr ScJiulz, engino driver, 7 George street, Curistchurch, says he has had oithrnji for fifteen ytiars, and that Kurasma stope an attack at once. A tloee at night ejisures a good night's Jeep. Sold by kill chemists, 3s per bottle. Prepared by Kirk, chemist, Svdenliam. v 30 Wanted Known—Lamps—Bring them to bo fitted with chimneys, shades, wicks, burners, galleries, or altered from table to hanging lamps. Ako in Block, a large assortment of bracket, table, hall, hanging, and hand lamps from Is each. Sco window; all marked in plain figures. Competition defied. Fletcher Bros., Lamp Importers, Lower High street. 6 Storage at lowest Tat«s for furniture or merchandise is provided by tho New Zealand Express Co., Ltd., in brick fltore, at Jowest rates of insurance with maximum of .safety. 3 A epociul showing of attractive and ortittic millinery, embracing snuart ready-to-wear h»t» in> great variety, and mauy beautiful Paris Models, is being made at Graham, Wilson, and ymeiliea (near Clock Tower). iio Nevvetst of tho new. Freshest of tho , fresh in fctyle. Which means absolutely correct models, euperior material and • finish- Kaiapoi 'l'ailor-51ade Jackets, 17e 6d, *zm. Black, Beattie and Co. 4 ( Never before have we ever mado ■•' such an at tractive and extensive showing of eilkri as wo Hie ao\y uLsplaying. You 6hould certainly look thorn over. '■ White and Cream Broclie oV Gd, now 3s . ' 6d; 27inch- Jap. Silks '2a lid, now le 6d; Pcau do Soie 2s lid, now Iβ lid. These are a few of the bargains. lilaek, Beattie and Co. « G Wβ are giving tho be6t valuo in bicycles ever offered in Christchiireb. Prices from £11 to £15 15a. (leiuiine JKnglisli-built 8.8.A. bicycle*,'£l2 10s. Repairs unequallctl in quality at moderate prices. Boyd and Sun, 191 Gloucester street, Christchiirch. 6 Notice to purchaser of oil engines.— Messrs JRobey and Co. are lauding their latest oil engine, fitted with self-starter. , H. McClelland, sole representative, 221 ' Cttshet street, Christchurch. SB'2d The Crown Iron Works Company, , Ltd., Manchester and Gloucester etrooUs. liavu a very large stock of enamelled bathe, wonderfully cheap, wliioh ehould be teen by intending purchasers. 6 Improved Suction Gas Plants, 10-h.p. for one j>eii.ny per hour. To users of gas engines tJiiis in worth considering. W. A. Kyan and Co., Ltd., 12(i Caaliel etreet, Chrietcliurch. 6

Tho authontiw of tho .Brooklyn public libraries have placed Mark Twain's '"Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer " on tho '■ rt*trict<<<i" li*t, t'orbid<iing their issue to chiktivn undor fiftet'ii, on tho ground tiuit thoy are 'harmful." .Mark Twain ha« written * wittily sarcastic letter to tlu> authorities, wliich they ix't'ii.-e to make public, alleging that they have not received his permission.

Th« for the <'nactiiH>nt of the now Merchant Whipping Hill, one of the provisions o! which is that aliotsu on British siiipn miu-"t understand lisn words ot roiuiuaiul. wsi.s ilonionttraUd at jvwntly. Two foreign Mvimon cinployctl on a I>riti.-a »hip wore oliariiisl with thott. 1 ho police fjf a tod that they had iisiml live i>r six iant:iinj;i* ii; ttio ciidcavour to make undrir'tood. but lind coniplctclv iiiilcd. An interpivtor lia.l W'll I'liiploytHl, luit ho too luul iailo.l. It. ivas tiioii<;!it thai th«» men w«Mt> \li:t■>an s Finn.-. Tho .M«i>ris;r«to i<ekf«<l ■captain hou- ho t-o make the nwn uiidpi-st.atul his eomn:aiKh. 'I hr capubi ivpln.,l that )u> had to »>y gwtiinv.. hn; tlu> lr.on <lid not inuiiT- ■ btand their fliitios.

In the course of a letter to tin , rilittir of the "Olwi-vcr." Sir Francis Hiirmuid wys:— -'I had intended—l>ut my in'ontion was a .secret from <vervb«idy >nvt> 0 »<» enitfiilunt mtii-i'ly uiicomwvtcd "*.'"" journalism and litCratun , to ri- vtir*- from ilk> o! 'I'lindi' at jlte_ond of tliL- pN'x'nt year <>r -it th.> W'Kinniiig or" next y.vir. I was imdit.;ii- . ing on the f|ii<>-Tiii!i as to ivhai tinio would bo miw rrnvonicnt lor my U ;> n<l», tlw propriftous, to n'cive li .nit m< , tin* j"<>t inli:natie;e ot my piirp.-)-;-—ji rj'.tiit'ieelioate aad difficult' matter after forty-

four years'' se-rvic*, including twenty-f-v»< years «nd a half <-litoi\-hip—when unexpectedly, the proprietor, who had evidently been struck l;y Hie same h.inpy thought t.h-at had occurred t-o mo. v.ire mc a most Inmlaiorily oxpm->ed and kindly-toned letter, anticipating my d< viiiii. of which they hixl no knowledge, li.v the space of one year. It was in cfle;n, "Don't upon the order of your going, but go— vis as you can conveniently manage it.""'

The "New York World' , publishes the following:—Rciwrt, K. Foster jun.. of Newton Sussex County X..J. an orniUiologisr ami biologist has Kiieeefded with iho able assistance oi liis while I/fjiham rwsster.-* and lien-, in developing an ogs ujth a handle. Mr Fotor will not It'll how ho eduraird the I/t'#hoin> up to this, but ho haft seven <;;i-',s with handles. One such L> on exhibition in the editorial rooms of the "Siik-'.'x KegisU'i\" an<l prove-* the powvr nt" >ut;ge.--tion over inU'lliiji'int ar,<l low.'.s. On the small end of thi.s is protul)eianoi> From the shell about as hip; as the handle of a tiny cup. The but* of the epg is flattened, so that the egg stnnd.-> by itself. Anyone can see tlii- immense economic and fonimeicial value of an oerg >o shaped. {•u\» will be superfluous hereaitrr. Hut Mr Foster is nachins; for a hijjlier triumph. He ie adding, gradually. whi>key. sugar and n\itmog to the water his Ijt'ghorns drink. Fie ex]>rct.s soon to ship «'rrg-n<>BS by the erat«> l;ib-'lletl: "Slice off the. top. That's all."

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12499, 9 May 1906, Page 6

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