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WAITED. DHIiiD - FIS£I. FISH. PRESERVED. LING pa.c dried, 7Jd per lb; Cod Stripe.". 'a; llxai-cured Herrings. 8 !or !»; L.;:!e Neck Claina, Is tin; Whit*but. i Is Gα; Clan: Chowder, Is; Salmon Cut'.cvt. i'e l •id. .bs. lid; Liche'.er.. Triumph brimd. 15 ■M ; Mu':'ci tid, Fresh Herrings, 6d; Kip- 1 j-.i-rnd s}d. Sid; Preserved Blotters. I'M, r kipper SjLrdine*. 6id: Smoked S«n-dm-es. jja. ll)d; Cornish Sardines, lid; SinoK«i Herring* Roea, 9d. " T. laI'LOR. '.»2_s<^j^9^Tß_E£^73B<> ■T-IT.\NTi-D «t one*, Snuui Furnished Cot1V t_;e c-r Kooms. App.y Urgent, "Prves" i . ,-;,.,. " _ _ iX) ] ■\'\" r ANTED 20 to 30 Acres of Turnips with- ! C m ,n uwi;:y in:!--* of Chnj'.churrh. -i lv, c :>•:;! Co.. AiuliuH r>. _ 1637 "IVAMKD to Seli. Motor Cir. De Dion i » ."> h.Ji.. »i«t two. Prioo nr. y i.5 ' sivfu. Aop'.- Bi-estor. M.tor ai.d fw'e C\. Wes: ]>.d Buildings. Oxlord t<;r- r r-.:' r. ( I\.t>- c L.'nrary." 402 -, ■\\ T A>'TKD to <c!".. a Laciy's Bicycle, nearly »' •;«. c.".<ap. Ap•.■•!>■ ;il Osixirno st:«>:, '. l..uivG( .1. _ " ' 441-1 T\ ".VXTF. D, Mndcrr i> f r T rooms, stab.'c » » r> , :.t. term, closo tram. Letters '21 i Stan moo , r-xid. • 4IM i \Y'ANTKD this month. » » commodious house. 10 to lo room*; mv«! bt contra.. Apolv Box 179 a. Chris.- " chur.h. " W5 "IVA.NTiED. for" cash "'client." 3 or mere C.t- - » ' '•»„>■>. ■•r.nj.:r- i!i riiiUl 10s each. .Vipl-.- l>. L-iiklou a,A Co. 4.:> , to Soi! " Coinnil.o "itroet. nenr.'y - i » i:.-w 7-ron:n«i hois? '-..ith. 11. mul c. ;i!iistor."i. mr'iiecd. tile<l crater htvl hearths, ' j clecornt.vl thr-)U~:.out, wir.dnuti. B.»phj\lt path.-, . !u!I .J-:»rre. l'val nice comfortabk , hoinf. IT'O. Vol. 31S. McKenzio and Willis, It*! , , U-rrfnnl street. __ , l "IyAXTF-D Furnished B.'rtr-om for twr» »» UTtlemrr. centra. S:atp terms. Atl'iroan to H., " PrcM " Office. 4W Bonixlers. superior h-u?e." cen- >» tr-iI: ib.rrieil C upl". children: rios Gpr;tiemen, refrrenc"'*. ChrifUmrvh l-'ychatiKd. 174 Lichficid -trei-t. _ 45? * WANTED l>y~ You tig \*dy in Uusine^-o. '»■ !i-flj-d in jiriviitp faniTlv. central. Apply ' Kena. "Pros?" Office. (51 " "W'ANTKD Soil. -2 P.vr.-M.. 'i-l.^"in" : hf«iiht. '» M'l.ii'd mit H/ht cut. W. Lenliart. Sorrierfjolcl street. Sprryclon. l."'j -> MX> iiiiT comfortublo Furnished Bedrooms. L sinjic Ind*. brth. piar.o. Terms v moderate. lir.;i Barlndoes s-tnet. __ _'1 ( >- " TTT'AXTr"'!) —The. place to buy a reliable >> S.vnr.d-har.d B:i-;c!c is Adams Star I C'yc'.e Company. 13fl nr;d 140 Hijrh ptreet. Prices to suit everylmdy. Terms arranged. Di'-iosit £1. Instalment Jtl. Inspection inv:;rd. 117t TVAXTKn "the Piib'ic to havo their Pie- ' * tures Framed «t Oibb's High street ; Art fiaKcrr. Prices strictly moderate. ' = Saliafuction guaranteed. Also, see our large ■ ituck o! I'lctuita. suitab'e for presents, etc. ! ; "lA^ANTKD—Gentlemen, give jour wivce. - y y sifters, cr a Gold cr Silver- - mounted Umbrella. Always cheaper nt 1 Lethaby's, Manufacturers, 64 Cathedral - equare. 7136 "WANTED to "Sell. Papuni:' road (off), pood - ! >> S-rwmod hous-. brth. h. and c, " lun try, scullery, washlrcu-ie. r.ippor. tubs, wirk-hoi), coalho-uae, full J--.i<r.-. nicely laid c out an.l planted, asphalt paths. £SBO. Fa!, j O- , itcKeuzic and Wi'.lss. IG:S Hereford street. - 445 "iVrXNTKbTIor"" Umbrella Repairs and He- f \> cover. rii:£ up ISl£<, Year and Sons, . Armagh Htreet. "ITtfANTKD the Public to know that our > ; V> Knd-of-Soason Sa'.e of Second-hand , Bicycles is now on. Inspection invited. No reasonable offer refused. Terms arranged. ■ Deposit XI. Instalment £1. Adams Stiir J , Cycle Company. 13S and 140. llich street . TyANTED KNOWN—Our special corrcs- , •'» pondent — Lhirin<r my stay in i Iho Northern ciiies I have heard of nothing , i but the wonderful efficacy of Baxter's Lunp , < Preserver. Everyone speaks in its praise, i For cousjhS and co'.ds it is unequalled; it j j relieves the te.rribx> hacking coug-h of con- i ■ sumption, cuts short the parcxysra in aethmr.L, cures hoarsem-ss, iose of voice, bronchitis, ' < ar.d all ;ifk-ct\oi>s of the throat ar.d j can be safely given to children. | • ___ , j . STRiXGE'S SPECIALS. • THIS DAY. ( * 1 t>AiIOU"S~ HATS " FOR "MEN AT : X STIi-VNG KS : We have, just landed, ex s.s. Icnic. a line rang« of Gents' Felt llats. imported direct from the world-famed maker*, Chn:-ty iv.d Co.. Lcr.dtjn, swid invite, your in- : spcctioii. We upi:end particu/.irs of a. few , | of the leading lines receivi<d. W. Strange ar.d ; Co. ! rniKisTVH ••FEAi'irEßWKir.irr ,, hats I , AT bTKA.Ni;US: These Hat's scalo ;Woz, : arc in flexible/ fe.'t "D-erby" shapes. ManuJactur«i frjiu pure rablnt fur; thus ligiitxe.ts and dur.«l)il.ty .ire assured, 'lhe. dyes are pet- , ir>it ar.d specially calculated to witlistawl New ' Ztalai.d ciiinutjc conditions. Stocked in all ( the latent phjpis. Our price: 10s Gd each. . W. Sirau?e and Co. , rHiItISTY'S SnFF-FiILT" HATS AT ! V/ STilf.A. v WE'S: Three enscntia! poirtte in . i a nI.S Felt Hat are: (1) qiulrty of the , body; (-2)/the nature '•'. the stiffening; amd i ;3l the of tike dye. These hats : ■ wtII bo found in th-a highest sat;s- j faclon-. In a variety oi rx>w shapes. Our , price: td each. At Stran«c's. | , /-iIUMSTYS CF.LEBHATF.I) FIUME' HATS AT STUAXUK'S: These Hataure ' iuamifacture<ii of fine "X'titria." Fw Felt. J " Much depi't.ds tipon beinfr woll-dreeaed, ar.d in ord:>r to \-f wcll-dTOsfcd you must ihava ( tire latest, style of Kit prc-Turable. Thia we ) iiro cff.T.iu' in Christy'? "X-itha" Fur-framed ( Ha'a. in th.? n«"w IViver Fawn Shade. Our 1 price: 3is each. At Sfracge's. j > I.■'■OR THE SEASON. AT "STRAXGE'S": ', X Sn:artly ruado KVady-to-AYenr Dinner ; Coa-ta and Vests at Straji'g-e's. ; F.r.'jUsh Tailor-make, with d«?p roll coLlara. j ii.i.d lined Lo.ik just like mtido , i to ordeir l*rice: "js. At Strariige's. |i f/IT AND STYLE UXSL'RPASSKD! Men's i i- fa-sii..oiMb!e "Beaufort" Coate aa:d Ve3ts ] at«'s. F.ngliah Tailor-make. As worn ! " tho smart stripixl Worried Trousers, j F«./r inrmiedinit; In B'.yck Vicuna and i i Jin<>. soft Black Serge. For fit a,nri stylo uu- j 1 surpna.-ed. Price: 555. Worsted Trousers to,'. wear with above: 15*, 17s Cd, Ids 6d per pair. ! ! At. Stia.n,;e's. | ••VTOTOR" AT STiRAXOE'S: ' i.»X CaaLs for Motorists in tho very n-ewest , styfre. In 'heavy, rainproof Tweeds (-wool- ■ lined), dauble or single breasted. 55s to lUw | paitih. In Bubbeir, at 30s fid, 45e. Amd aos. i In Wool-lined Norwejr.a.n Kid. short coats '. b3s, lon;r coa'.e 90s. At Strar^e'e. AT SPECIAL PRICES AT STRAXGE r S: '. Sailor SiLis (Serge -and Twetxl), - 5s lid ; to 3*2s 6d; Suits do., 10s 6d to ! , 355; ; "Norfolk" Suits', los to '2£>s Gd. Also a, . largo lot, of Suits offered at Ids 6d to j Hjs euch. At-.Stisuigc'B. j , BOYS ,- OVDRCavTiJ - AT - 'STIU.XGE'S~: | , Capo Caits (sleeved and sifevelesa), in ■■ < Tweed acd Mdcuitosh. ut. Kis Gd to 30s each, i • '•Horte" Coats (with double sailor collar). 12a ! (>i to 255. Smart Chortt-rfio'ids and Rain- \ coits. l'2.s 6d Uα 3'is Gd. At Strange's. i ] EVEXIXG "DRESS FOR GEXTLEMEN" ' ■ AT STKA-YGE'S: Ciintlcinen who i to dTcss correctly are ;rA"ited to favour us ; ■ with a call. We ato in constant touch with - tho London Fashion C.nires. and prido out- . wives ou keeping right up to datv , . Read on ! E\'l-:XIXfi DKKSS TOR <;KNTLE,M.i;.V AT STRANoF.'S: I>rws Cove*, in KxJ, from Is M. aid in Fabric from ]s per pair. > l)r«-a T.fts ai:<i : Hcv». Gd. od, aj:d Is oaoh. ! i Hu.lSHose, with Fancy fTom i In lid per pair. Dres.s Silk HaJKiKerchiels iirini is (id. Dross Shirts from 7s Gd. Blk ! ' S:lk Dress Mufflers frem 4s 0d; FTont Studa j • anci Ltnk-s rrom Is 9d. At J DRKSS ' SHIKTS AT STRANG E'S: An_ accurately-fitting of :\tx n.uke and .nr.i?h_ frf:<"s a. lorq I way t-i five a. nrjn a w<»Ji-aTes«e<l appeaounco. I O:r fan.o.■•■» "Ojr.e;;t" ]>res 3 Shirts are porfout in every way. oiiiy from, pure l-fol<i Irish Liijcn an<J Sniper Lorrgclothj. Sppcra.l pneoa: Ts Cd, 9s 6d, arad 10s 6d each. At , Stiurure's. I MEN'S ' Our f.nuoua "Orient" I"ndcrclothin.g ha» cs'.abiishcd a name, -for ltiself all over Canterbury. AL«i oije wttah come to play. Erery sarrm-ril -s iif r-T*cialiy selected Pun? Co' Wool. ar_d tbuzouchiy shrunk. Re- ■ mob»r libut by buying "Oriejit" Brajxi yon encoUT*?e k»jaj lodustiry. acci eavn the heavy : <luty on itr.portrti gc<xia. Sn>ecr4l prioee for . Shtrte and Pxrta: 5* Cd, 6s 6d, 7s Gd. At i Stracre's- I COMFORTABLE" PYJAMAS FOR iLBX Ai' GRANGE'S: A really comformble Pyjacna Suit is sc-methL'iir tiat all men apprecrate. Our cw Pyjsoiaus for winter are to plea~"e. itade :n such nmtoTJuU as Crin:«iui. C©ykm. ajui Union Fhumela. they >»to to be desired. IMcee ra,nge from 6* 3d to 27e 6d. , GENTS' WINTER. GLOVES AT ; ■iJTRAXGE'S: We are row sbowic? a' rory spwriil lir." :n heavy Astracban G!ovi:<a. w.:h leasS'iOT pa':iis. ar.d lined throughout wrth wool. This is v gwed. strong, servic- ,,- t')!e p!«n*e for win;<:r wear, sxd ssuita'ole foT eitb'r «t cyc'.ir.g. Special phoe: Ca fj VK-γ p«jt. At Strar.g-e'.-. GENTLEMEN'S XECKWEAR AT STRANG E'S. A few fpecKil rovelties: Plain CV.loxirs xrc £t:li largely worn, and prcKui've to cor.tir.tie ;>opu!sx. W« have the iateet s.r_a<>s dirt-ct fro.-v Lor":- , .). no>tico»t>'.y Violet:• (iresce. «'i-r.d Biu-es. S;>rc;al praces • i» pp a.'ai lid Oicb, At S;r*C4{c'£. 15-U

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 10