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I The Store that Serves you Right, T^ I 107 to 115, CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHTOCH. | I S Second Week of Special Offerings and I I I Especially Fetching Prices. 1 $ "An Instantaneous Success!" That is certainly the verdict that must be passed on the innovation Iα marktUng $ 5 inaugurated at the Punura' Co-op, last week. Such is the prestige of this store that the response wat prompt ami "f> \ pleasing. Hundreds came with the full assurance that we would " make good every statement and every price reoorded & * in oar advertisement. Tne value, are exactly as stated. We have no desire to mislead, for the very e.mple reawn that >'■ S it is unprofitable. For this second week we have a fresh array of splendid bargains, and practically every department £ 3 makes a coatribntion. Some of our special job captures were cleverly effected, for we are anxious to have thoM weekly |r S offerings characteristic of the Fanners' Co-op. Come here this week for these bargains. §1 1 BLACK VOILE SKIRTS, trimmed with 1/11 a yard, or we will make a dress KID GLOVES of extra fine qtxallW, M J silk uretiilv shirred, and with deep to order in our dressmaking depart- but rather small in size; it wUI '?i S frill, at 2G/6 instead of 29 6 ment, from this tweed, from 47/6, therefore be necessary to order a rlm : l | 5 BLACK VOILE SKIIiTS, shirred and which will inolude everything except larger thau theregular sorts. TJeual 'H fc trimmed with insertion, marked at trimmings P"°e 2/11. this week 2/3 a pair pi 3 31/G instead oi .15/- HEAVY MOLLETON FLANNEL- WOMEN'S CASHMERE HOSE winM S BLA.CK VOILE SKIRTS, with strap- ETTES, for dressing-gowns and ub- tor weights, ribbed or plain. Regular pings of silk, deep shirred frill, now derskirts. Regular prioe 1/G, this p r j oe i/jo, this week 1/6 a pair B SKIRTS, shirred BLOUSE FLANNELETTES, in a MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS open front. fl If ft and inlet insertion. These are ex- patterns. Usually B}d. » D J '°?« ' r ° nU ' •*"* U U 16 > |' M $ ceptionally etnart. This week 39/6 "hi. we.k6sd; and the regular 7Jd week 6/0 each ■ %A S instead of 4>/6 flannelette for sid per yard MEN'S CRUP GOLOBHED BAL- M m J BLACK TAFKETA SKIRTS, trimmed WOMEVg L^A THER BELTS, an MORALS, hand sewn and .mart ■ & J W f h aC itwitVr r «\o g h assortment of 300 belts, in plain shapes, this week 15/6 instead ot 18/8 B I HS3?SS staattstasaas ««»»»««««»«». 1 51 S 42in GREY DRKS9 TWEEDS a White MUSLIN HANDKERCHIEFS, 36in. wide, usually 1/11, now 1/7 yd g f\ I range of 15 very neat patterns, in embroidered Thereare i about!2oo BOWLS, large imitation old H % $ cheeks, stripes, and self colours; also dozen m the lot and the regular aom n % " S orerchecks of green, navy blue, sky pries are 7Ad, 8d 9d each. Ibis iy B ?• S blue, and heliotrope. These are very week 6»d each or 3 for 1/6 ' B r ; i § desirable tweeds for costumes or for WHITB MUSLIN APRONS, large size FERN BOWLS, large terra-cot* »nd ■ S the fashionable Empire Coats. Re- and fully 12 dozen available. Kβ- gilt bowle, tbis week M, 10d and B V $ gular price 2/6 per yard. This week gular price 1/11, this week 1/G each 2/3 e>ot> jB ' ¥ A*iT>l 1C RTnerTl/ »I /MICCC Evening Glovai far Woman. I § GOLF JERSEY BLOUSES The .ocial function, associated with B fr «,. -. .. j.i_« e» winter are about to begin, and it will be B ■ j. Strong Fa.VOUPIteS tniS SeaSOIIi worth your while making your selection B fi of gloves at the Farmers' Co-op. The H The decided utility and their general beeomingnees have naturally lifted these choice it excellent. Ml I? Golf Jersey Blouses, and manufacturers have not beea slow to humor the popular L onß Elbow Suede Fabric Gloves, in ml y fancy, for Blouses are presented in such a variety of pleasing styles as to wn ite, grey, beaver, champagne and HI % satisfy the demands of those who want them for outdoor pportß, and of those who black, at .. 1/6 1/9 a*pair fflj % require them for dress purposes. Wβ show t> really excellent assortment of these Tj On - Elbow Siik* Qloves, in white Ml I goods, and our prioes are decidedly moderate. ereanJi b i 4ck( and ft variety of colerni| §9 1 11/6 GOLP JERSEY 3. with plain torn-back fronts, In cream, cardinal, navy At .. 1/11 2/3 2/6 2/11 a pair HI % blue, and dark green, at .. .. .. .- 11/6 each White Kid Long Elbow Gloves, 4/9 pair tS ;.- 10/9 GOLF JERSEYS, in cream, navy bine, and cardinal, with white spotted Long Suede Evening Gloves, in white, H V fronts, pleated turn-down collan, at .. .. ... 10/9 each cteara, champagne, beaver, ligbt grey, fflj -,:'. 9/ 6 GOLF JERSEYS, in cardinal, nary bine, and cream, striped in d fferent and black, at .. 6/6 a pair Pg ■'i shades, at .. .. .. .. .. .. 9/6 each ■W, ft 10/11 CREAM KNITTED WOOL JERSEYS, with turnback rovers, Dreaet Fabrloe. B -' i At 10/11 each Robe Lengths. Smart Silks, m I 15/9 GOLF^ JERSEYS, in grwn, navy blue, and cardinal, with tartan border Tfae Farmere , C(> . op exhlbit of ifm M I 19/6 j^ A ..sortment of th. M W y effective ££%& | f? Jerseys, in all popular UrUnt, at 19/6 each by becoming nhMm , Ooae ud H I TRUSTWORTHY TRAVEL TRAPPINGS, I^ffiSJ2?SJ2!S3l.?*.|-'i I TEMPTING PRICE TICKETS. B i Runawat for a holiday whenever you oan; it is good business because it ia prefitable. black. The lace designs are positively Hj f' A change of scene and occupation, if only for a week, is far better than drugs and exquisite, at .. ..3/9 per yd gg ; I physic. If you are about to travel on sea or land be sure you have the right sort of THREE NET ROBES, and only three; B| ; ji travel trappings—the kind you'll get at the Farmers' Co-op, for very little money. for wearing over a coloured feusda- B ' MJ For instance — ■ tion ; in white, black, and black and Km .. d GLADSTONE BAGS of English and Colonial manufacture, in several sizes, white. These robes an very hand- B At .. .. 24/0 27/6 SO/- 32/6 to 40/- each tomely trimmed with ehiffoa and H ,/, REAL COWHIDE GLADSTONE BAGS, very strong and durable, ribbon and are absolutely exclusive— ■ '■$ At .. .. .. 35/- 37/6 40/- to 50/- each only one of each. At .. 45/-each B ■\i GLADSTONE BAGS, in real Cowhide with nickel fittings, 20in. JAPANESE SILKS, imported di- H At .. .. 47/6 53/6 57/6 65/- 73/6 each rect from Kobe, Japan. Taew silki M ■ q- BRIEF BAGS, a very fine lot .. At 9/11 11/9 13/6 15/- each are in all shades, for day and evening B ifi. COWHIDR BRIEF BAGS, the very best At 18/- 20/- 25/- 30/- each wear. At 1/- l<6 1/11 per yard £1 >5 KIT BAGS, in real Cowhide.. ..At 25/6 28/6 31/6 35/- each 36in. JAPANESE SILKS, in white and II 1 COWHIDE SQUARE HANDBAGS .. At .. 15/9 18/6 20/- each cream. This is an extra wide silk, and KB I STEBLTRAVRLLING TRUNKS .. At 11/6 12/9 13/9 15/6 to 21/- each cuts to great advantage j the quality M ' I STB BL BONNET BOXES .. .. At 6/- 7/- 7/6 9/. each it excellent. At .. 2/G per yard H ■% WOODEN SARATOGA TRUNKS .. At 39/6 45/- 63/6 each SILK POINT D'ESPRIT NET, in iky B r '£ WATERPROOF HOLDALLS .. At 9/6 and 10/6 each blue, pink, and pettmia; 451n. wide, ■ % "' At .. .. ".. 8/3 per yapl"-H ■ I MEN'S FOOTWEAR. CALICO & SHEETING. x <2in. crepe db chenk silk, i>l I ru " ,W6ft "' Yon can never hope to get better value white, cream, and black. Alovely,,B ; * Just right footwear for just now, strong - m these eoods anywhere outside the co(t ' shimmering tilk, partioularlf M I shapely, durable and weather reeieting. Farmer's Co op charming for evening wear, 3/3 fryd gj 'I The "King" Boot in Box Calf or Glaoe White Calic, one yard wide —" " - M ■ U Kid, best American make, hand sewn, At '] R a.JtrfJHJJ' Chllfon. for Evening W«M*. M m and in six different shapes, at 21/- pair f or ,in ß l2 bess a»' Chiffons play an inpartut part in the B a Box Calf Cookhams, American make, qJ 1&? per yd. dr«. f eoorations for the evwiag. Thil X I hand sewn, stout soles, in open or »t ' Beft filmy fabrl ° lni ' iteelf to ***^< , B I closed fronts, at.. .. 25/6 a pair IOXd 12* d l/3*d l/4id. 1/6 per yd. »"■*»«»*■ ooneeqnenUy irta ta great ■ I Bex Calf Goloshed BooU, sewn *" ' tt J&&?*J&m*EZ I I At... .. 14/6 15/6 16/8 17/6 1/3 1/5 1/7 1/9 1/11 2/2 per yd. ""'■ 1 French Calf Boots, at 18/6 19/6 21/. SHAWLS AND WRAPS 4in. Chiffons in white, cnaa and klatfc, B 1} Chrome Goleehed BooU, sewn, medium for EVENINO TIME. at Sd per yard ■ B d toes, at .. .. 13/e Here are the shawls and wraps yeu'U 6in. Chiffons in black, white, oreaM, Mid B a ____^_^——___ be delighted to throw over you when all wanted ahadee, at 4d yard \H : ; bound for the Theatre or to some other 6in. coffered and pleated OhUloM i> Kg 2 THE DUCKS ARE SHY. evening function. * white, cream and black, at 4Jd. per yd. M ;l Small Shoulder Shawls, all wool with jin. Fancy Ruche & ribbon edged pleated 59 'A It is said that the docks are a bit shy fringe, in white, cream, sky blue and Chiffons, in white, cream and Mack, at H ■I this season and can only be shot at long pink, at .. .. l/6£d. each Bd, lOd, and 1/- yard B % range. That means yon must have a Silk and Wool Shawls, in white, sky, grey loin, and Win. fancy pleated Chifletu, B % good shot gun and reliable cartridge!. pink Sec, at 2/6 2/11 3/3 3/0 3/9 eaoh with niche edge, ia white, crew, eky B "A Why go fooiing about these things; if Fancy Silk and Wool Fascinators, worked blue, eao de nil, ohampafM, piak, B i*. you want the best at little money you are with Chenille, in white, cream, rose, black and white and white and black, B . ;? bound to gravitate to the Farmer's Co-op. coral, peach, grey and pink, pink and at 1/2 and 1/6 yard H i We have the guns and ammunition yon white, Ac. at 1/11 2/3 -2/11 3/6 3/11 ea. 18' in. pleated and goffered ChUfoM In B -j want and there is a splendid choice. All Spnn Silk Fascinators, in white, white, cream and black, at 1/9 & 2/1 yd B ■M Come in this week and make a critical cream and black, at 7/6 9/6 12/6 each 43in v double width Chiflena in white, H I examination. All Spun Silk Shawls, in cream and black cream, black, and all the newert ttfti B I only, at 21/- and 24/6 each at 1/11 and 2/6 yard ■ ■ I

a ,** ( Suratura Quality cannot be < duplicated in New Zealand ( Because no olher tea receives the j same scientific care and attention ] from trained experts. Suratura is the kind of tea that < produces the richest liquor of full ( strength with perfect stimulating i power?. 1 here is absolutely no . J waste in Suratura because there J is practically no dust— for dust is j waste; it is the powder of with- { ' ered, deteriorated, dead leaves, ( Sand possesses no value. Suratura is pure, honest Ceylon j - Tea, and is guaranteed not blen- i j ded with Indian, China, or any t J cheap or inferior teas. j RETAIL PRICES. J Suratura A quality 1 6 per lb. ( Scralura B qualiry 1,9 „ j Suralura D qualily 2/- „ I Suratura X quality 2,4 „ t You can m*ke surf of setting Scratura Tra rr Uie N.Z. Famicn' Co-Op., in OwW Street. 4

Support British Industries. FRY'S MILK CHOCOLATE " UnriTiOled as a Chocolate Confection."— Medical Mtgasine. THE OLDEST HOUSE IN THE THAOL Sst*hli«W 1728.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12498, 8 May 1906, Page 2