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WANTEP PIAXO3. -D PER WEEK and uiideris what or.o : «.) of our PIANOS will cost you. We g* in for qual.ty, and specialise in regard to | MILNER and THOMPSOX. Manchester street, Chrutciiurch, ■ty _\TED a Gcc-d Female Cook. Appiy \\ t-tty Buffet. „_'_:' T"\ T AAIi-J). a L-.unUrt'es. Apply City ! \> riufltt. ' Jiu ' A\"\VrhD a Pantr\-rnaid. Appiy City \\ ii,-7« 1. ' »JWj "an""Assistant Milliner. App.y » V (. Shaw a::d Cc. 213 Cashe: stu-et. AY v"Vl'E'D""Resp"cc:_b!c Girl to assist with j \\ ho'i-»cr.-c. A-..ply i:io Montreal ! s :iv«, ' " _ ■'....... Wl-J i "\\'AN"TED. Good General Servant. K.?- j » T for'-.xes required. Apply Mrs F. A. ; li: j b<iii. !■> Irinmer»-. ! W-»J ■\\" VXT":■.".■). General Servant for two ladles. \\ \nn v Heywi-od. Fast bc-'tt. opposite f-.-i. _ 'JS<« I T"fVNIKI) a G»".e'ra' t'Kvanl. hcus-e.n-.aid I *» k< ,- .• M:si Xecl-.vii.. Ox:ord tcn_rc. ' " ' ' 93'JS Gei:erai Servant, three in f_:n:ly. >> .\-j w.*m_g. Appiy IS Menva-.c ia'.-.e. S/JOI ■\'*l".AX'l Et). _ a Co<)k" L-aundress lor the » > t . >;i:.Trv. App.v lic-tweon 3 and 6 any fVl .; i;ll r -jv.ji Kwi: ixcvpt t>_turdav, to Mjts i!o:!i<r. ->t Ca-.-ii#l stn-t-t West. 97+3 AV'AM'KO for about six wee-ke in eo'.iJilry, »» Vi-iiiv Liriv as inotuer'ithi'lp. no wafhn-.. Ap» v. w. l l;"re;>rc:!;i*9. si it in;,' w a »es U'<ii:.r. _. • MV-:l:iT." '•prise" Oil::c. 'JcKi W'AInTMI). a Respectable Ycuiij,' Lady for » ' hiiusownrk. be aiile to cook. No rhi<lre:i. Waaes. 10a. App.y ■•l v rogresrt." •■l'r.-.H ,, (_,&.,.?. 'J^JO an Assistant "to the Matron. >> Waltham Orphanas;. Apply by lett.r. statir.g a>:e. experience, and salary ro{ju.rcil. andrc-wc-d to tii--. Chairman ut tfco ih?-ri;ab!e Aid OQkc Arniagii street. Chn*:(•hiirUi. up tj 0 a.m. o: Monday, April 23rd. UCTT _ W r ANTEbT"by — fhorou-ihly Reliable Per- » > as.-n. re-tfnjjaKemer.t a,s Housekeeper. <li,-<kl rcierecccs. ••Chc-iter." Liuwotd I'ost {.:'.'d\.'C. 0*33 "VV'AXTEb Pc».tion of Companion to InVl vflid. exper.enewl. dame-ticatcd, can drive. "Ausuralis." WM ~f\TJLXY&D by Youny: Lady. Situation as VV Working"Cou>p.ini«-.ii small family. «e» preierred. A.pply Waiting, "Press." 9870 "iiy~Yoiing - " Lculy in business, VV Boanl n'r.fl in quiet home. Pi-nnaßer.l. Anply A._... euro Tms Office. ' V&Ji \\T\y;fK.l) B"o"y~_"l>out l.'» years. Apply W. VV K. Muudity and Sou?. Sydenham. 900. "VXrAXTMI). Boy. lo to IC, Apprentice CarV V per.ier aiid Joiner. iJ Glouces^r Flrect. 9yJO firAX'l'E!). v Mnsßa-e~Boy. Apply Jnmc3 VV Co'". corctT T'uam and High strpfl.-<. '" 9352 "XXfAXTKD. a Smart Young Man for Cloth- ♦ V iiiv and Merot-ry Department. Apply (;. Shaw "and C0..j21i Ca»hol_ street. ___lfcC. \"\' A.X'l EU, "I'wo "Sma-rt Respoctable Lacia. V V Kaiupoi Cothung Factory, Ccshei eirert. 9^° TTrA'XTED a first-class Pasirs'ocok. Apply VV ixtween 11 aa;d 12 or 5 and 6at Hi B-r'undots .Lroet. OS>» T:\rAX I'ED Experienced Youth for Cyc:o VV " Irsule. Good was«R. Apply Massey Harris Cycle I>e.i>ct, Christchurch. C67_ "IS WANTED Carpenters. Apply Exhibition VV. Buildings. J. and W. Jainieson. Ltd. ; 9731 WANTED at once, a Good Musterer'e VV Packman for Glynnwye; permanent; references required. Dunoan Rutherioid, Culverdeu. 9121 "IXTAXTED. Competent Groom-Gardener, VV able to luuk. Apply G. Clarkson. Aildir.frton Sa;f*vajds, between 10 and 12 tod,,y. " 9836 WAXTED for llicoaxton, superior Genera!, £40, also Kupcrior X-rsc-Hauiernaid, £;JO, aamo place suit friands, parlourmaid and kitcbenniaul kept; experienced. Parlourmaid, station. O'-inariu 15s; experienced Teacher for '•AiUiti" School, M-rlborough. nmalo and n-oedlevTOrk, plaai and fancy. £50 per annum and expenses paid; Xurse-Housemaiid, town. l,")s; 3 Hot<>l Cooks, country, 'iOs; Hotel Gonpral. town. Ijs; experienced Chudiron 9 Niuse, £Xi; Hou.-einiiid-Laur.drcsa, 17s; action Married Couple, 3 in family, jKM; i_itohcnma;d unci I'antryinaid. 12s; fe-murt Youth, 14s; Two l'wter.s 'JOs. Mrs Da.rby'6 CiiaiK-ery laJif. Tclcphouß HOG. "IA'ANTED — "\V.~ ' Vi. Morrow's I^abour V * Agency, Lichfield street. Tekphano rs.'. Marriixl oouplo, private hotel; compotent plousliniau, 2->s; dairyman, good milker, with cart. £1; young man assist gardener, oos; rouseabout, able to milk, £1 ; ,irood di<r?er*. Is per bag; nudd-C-ajfi'd man. pardon and aaaist in house, £[ ; groom, gardener, country, I'l; general farm hand, nVio to milk, £1; ploughman, a'oh' to milk, £i ; threshing- machine hands; man. lo.ik«:r prize stock, able to milk; youths for dairy farms. S** 3 "tT7"AXTED for a rkTiUeirran's Ro-aidencc VV near town-, Coup.'c, matt do n^ Oo __ n "' gajrdeni'ti.?. wifo duties nil. cotta.'ro feu ml; Station Couple, rra.n do niilkLmr. gtirdonir.ff, Sna and found; 8 Fk/Hjrhmon, with C_nte.rl>iuy or Otago experience, -'2i 6d, 'i^s; Har.dy _lan do fe.ncinir, etc., 255; Men do nrilkiug, j-rooni:ng. g_Tdcn:ng. 20a; Xuvvics. 8s per day; Youths dto Milking , , los; Shepherd for North' Island, £65. McDonald, 103 st.reot. Telephone 497. 9660 WAXTivD. 20a; Two Waiters. 20s; Second Cook, 20s; Kitchenman. 17s Cd; Cook. 25a; Four Married Couples. men to plough, £00 -90 year; Waitresses. Easter Week. _0s; Housemaids, 12s 6d; 21 Generals. 11.; Cook, 17s 6d. Waati,—Girls li? for Xorth Inland. Telephone 1678. Miss Harrington, 12 Chancery la-ne, Christchurch. 9012 VV ,- ANTED Known, Two Young EipcriVV enced Ploughmen waits engagement; also recommend. Station Married Couple, no ciLCUinbrance. Wanted for station, Cook-Baker; Plo_gh_ien, 255; Hotel Hand«; Groom-Gardener; Youths. shecpfarms; Boye and Girls for factories, town, fees paid. Furnisher! Rooms to Let, etc.. town and suburbs, all prices. Information free. Simc's Kegi-try, 171 Armagh street. 'I , hone 579. _ _ _ "tIT-ANTED to Place on Farm. New ArV V rivals from England, two sisters, able to milk, make butter, also Fema.e Station Cook, local references. W T anted—Mother's Help, country, where general is kept fare paicf; Cook-Laundress, also House-Parlour-maid, town, fee paid; Temporary Cook, private, good wages; Four Generals, town, hitjheit wajcs, fees {raid; Cocks; Experipuceii Xursc RaJigiora, fee and fare paid. Sime's Regiatry, 171 Armag-h street. 'Phone 37J. 94_2 \Y7"ANTEiD to Sell. Casks ior Preserving VV Eggs, good, clean, and cheap; also I Small Casks iroin 2 gallons upwards for summer diiuks. Butter and Honey Kegs, Good Oak Washing Tubs, full size. 4s Cd; T_,b3. Caske, Churns, and Vats made and repaired. Broken staves and hoop 3 replaced. Hoop Iron, black aud galvanised, all sizes, For dale. John Sutherland, 293 Tuain street, W. 'l&iephone 1751. ■\ \T A.XTED KNOWN—£G3~'irrPri-iTwiirbe V V sriven away for the 1 hird Grand Swift Road f_ic«. to be run at Christchurch May sth. Entries close with the Adams Star Cycle Coy.. 12S ajid 110 High street, or any oi our depots. vyAXTED to Sell. St. Albans. Splendid » » Xew 4-roorncd House, with bath. h. and c. gcii'iery, ; perfect little home; ijood position, bandy to town. £110. McKenzio and Willis, 16.! Hereford street. Fol. 118 "iyANTED, i.-cmedlaiely. for a cliont. Land V » suitib'.a for Poultry Farm (with or \s-itbout biii:d:ii?s;; also Property suitable for general fanning purposes. David Solicitor. 67 Cathedral square (Xorth sidei. _ 9J71 X*l 7 ■: —XORTH BELT." jusr oil—C-ottAge I:) of .! rooMis hi pood order. i-ax;re of srutxl land. X cliarsci- for a working man k.-t ujsp«.-«lator. Knight and_Check!ey. HUGE Purchase of Buots from Leading Boot Manufacturers—Cheap B<x>t4 for I_a,-i;er Holidays.—Having been able to mako arrangement* with a few boot manufacturers lor. a large consignment of Boots u;:d Shoe 3 at '.he old rate, boots and ."hoes having in th<" meantime gone up in price, and getting p. large discount for cash on delivery, I am in i» position to startle everybody vf;tb my prices I shall ko.d an Easter Holiday Boot Saie. commencing on Friday. April 6th. ioOG. to April -Ist, I»>6. .Vote trieae marvellous l>r:ces for abaoiute cash on'y :—Gents Gl_cp Kid Button Boots narrow toes. H3 6d, usual price les 6d; Gent's Glac? Kid Lace Boots, i-arrow toes. l_s Gd. usrun! price 16s €d; L;vdies" Glace Dancing Shoes, usual price •If 6d. sale price is lid; Girls' School Boots. 7. 8. 9. 10. ?.s lid; 11. 10. 13. 1 in same. 43 lid; Youths' Go.oah Bids, for Sunday wear. 1 -. 3, 4. 5, 0s 3d pair, also hundreds of other lines too numerous to mention. Country customers kindiy add extra for carnage. ' STEWART KOBIXSOX, 2-25 Cashel -•treot West. 8-177 ]V"O PRIZES, No Presents. Xo ftsks. No Disappointments. "SOVFiREIGX" Tea coupons are worth money. Just that. Sale. Lady's Maseey-Harris. Cash •a price £1 10s. Jus: tile machine for a working girl, in quod order throaghoui. Easy teraia can be arr_nged. A4-_a_ Star Coy., uc_t B;oadway'_.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12481, 18 April 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12481, 18 April 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12481, 18 April 1906, Page 10