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(SPECLVL TO "THE PRESS.") AUCKLAND. April 14. Tho meeting was commenced to-d«y in favourable weather, but the attendance snowed a falling off compared with that of previous years. The going- waa in fair order, and the racing was interesting. The sum of £10.102 was passed through the totalisator. as againßt £9202 on the corresponding day last year, when bookmakers wen , allowed to p!y thuir avocation. TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP, of 100 sove; second 10 sove from stake. One mile and a quarter. 318. A. Teller's br g Nerrine, by Phoebus Apollo—Eve, 4yrs, 7st 121b <Ryan) 1 397 J. T. H Lowry's b m Rose Madder, syre, Bst 9lb .. (F. Davis) 3 20S1. W. Fossa b c Master Delaval, 3yr, 8t lib .. .. (A. Julian) 3 64 Akarana Bst 21b (Buchanan). 284 Kingi Paul 7Bt 13lb (J. Chaafe), 28 Defender 6st 12lb (Paramore), and 38 Baltimore 6st 7H> (Brady), also etarted. From a good start, King Paul -was the first to move, but he gave place to Roso Madder end Nervine in the first furlong. Rose Madder, Nervine, Kin? Paul and Defender was the order to the cix furlongs, where Nervine went to tho front, with Rose Madder, King Paul and Master Delaval following at about two lengths intervale. This order was maintained to the straight, where Hose Madder closed up, and after a good race Nervine won by a neck from Bbso Madder, who beat Mneter Delaval by a length. AknJrana was fourth, ajrd Kirog Paul fifth. Time, 2min losec. Dividends— On Nervine. £2 3s: on Rose Madder, 32s NORTHERN CHAMPAGNE STAKES, of 500 povs; second 75 sove. and third 25 soys from etako. For two-yeax-olds. Six furkwies. 471. F. W. Arnold's b c Cambrian, by CyTenian—Mies Annie, Bst ltfb (Ryan) 1 30S T. H. Lowry's b g Loftus. Bst 71b (F. Davis) 9 171. M. McL«ui's eh g Celtic, Bst 71b (Gray) 8 176. Chas. Weal's br c Conductor, SstJOlb (Cress) 0 295. A H. Ansen's b c Inglie, Bst 101b (Ju'ian),fl 74V J. Monk's b c William 1.. Bet 101b (Oliver) 0 250. Hon. J. D. Ormond's or c Zimmerman. Bst 101b .. (Gallagher) 0 701. R. Cleland's b f Sweet Alice. Bfrt 81b (Erickson) n Inglr* was first to show out from a good Mart, but was soon headed by Cambrian and Loftus. Zimmerman and Oltir being the most prominent of the ethers. Cambrian was first into the straight, and although challenged by I/afhvK, won by two lengths. Celtic waa four lengths away third. and Zimmerman. William I. and Conductor were the next to finish. Time, lmin 17 3-sth sec. Dividends—On Cambrian, £2 4s; on Loftm». £1 2s. EASTER HANDICAP, of 575 sots: second 75 soys. and third 25 soys from stake. One mile. 183. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b f Mobility, by The Officer—Montdread, 3yrs, 6st 71b .. .. (Paramore) 1 f>6sl. L. CoJoman's eh g Leonator, 4yrs. 7et 81b .. .. (H. Gray) 2 115. C. Weal's eh O Gladstone, 4yrs. Bst- lllb .. .. (Cress) 3 too LajwT.ock 3st 31b (F. Davis). 178 i Lady Annio Bst (Pinker), 202 Strathavon 7.vt 131b (Spcaknian). 131* Annette 7st 12lb (Ryan). 1741 Delania 7st Oil) (Towers). 34J Jewellery 7st 7lb (Holmes). 116J Te Aroha 7«l 61b (Deeley), 48 Waipuna 7st s:b (Porter), 61 Apologue 7st slb (Conquest), 121 Ironmould 7st slb (Buchanan). 217 Millie 7st 4lb (Erickson), 75 Certainty 7st 4lb (i"):iv(>r). 96 Rookby 6st 121b (Brown). iuid 2(7 Bully 6st 131b (BucklaJidV also started. Landlock was left nt the post and took no part in the race. The colours of Strathavon were the first t:> show out. but gave, place to those of Leonator and Mobility after the field hnd gone two furlongs. Leonator increased his , lead down the back and P. 10115 th° t,a P 3 . trctcn - where Mil'.ie. Strathaven and Mobility were showing out from tho rest of tho field. Leonator was first into the straieht. and appeared to be goirvs pnsi'.v, but Mobility challenged him, and n'tcr a ?ood Tace dovrn the etra.ight. l>eafc him by a nose. Gladstone was third, a a half away, just in front of Te \roha Ironmould. and Delmiia. Time, lmin 43«ec. Dividends—On Mobility, £10 13s; on Leonator. 19s. BRIGHTON HURDLE RACE, of 100 soys; second 10 sove from stake. Two miles. DOV R. Hannon'e h s Hautapu, by Mitiora—Lady Sarah aged, list 2lb .. •• (Wilson) 1 I<*T W. Fossa br g Cuiragno. syrn. 9st 9'.b .. .. •- (A. Julian) 3 70. B. Armitage'i b g Khama, list (R. Hall) 8 f>B Aka Aka list 51b (H. Phillips). 30J Princess of ThuJe list 21b (Decble). 1-J9 Lady Hune 10*t 3lb (Howards, end tiOJ Vexation 9-tf Tib (Tower»). also started. Cuirngno showel tho way to the first fence followed by Hantapu. Running along ■the top stretch Hautapu «nd Cuirnsmo were Tiring together, wpII out from Princess of Thu>. Passing the the pair were still together, and the order was uncnanged im to «he lop turn, when Kha.miv sot out after the lrpder*. Hi' mannsed to g*-t within » head of Cu.ira;no, whom Haut»ou ni>st by two lengths. Aka Aka wns fourth. Tune. 3m"n 57 2-sth see Dividonds—On Hautapu. £0 1S»: on Cirrasjno. 10s. EDEN HANDICAP, or 100 sots: second 10 soys from stake. Seven furlongs. 573. A. Lcnnard's b c Carl Rosi. by Seaton Deiava!—Vieux Rose. 3vrs. S.«t lllb .. .. (S. Lindsay) 1 S7B. A. Tooman's br m Bonomiana. Syrs, 7s_t lllb .. .. (Buchanan) 2 55. J. K. Hedge's br g Noteorini. syrs» f*st 3lb ".. .. .. i"Ryan) 3 101 Avalanche Bst lllb (Juljar), 115 7»t 131b (Galla K her). 55 Vivandrl 6?t 121b (Brady), end 23 6st 9!b (I'aramore). ale» started. Bonomiana took charge noon after the start, and showed thw wav a!ontr the too. jnst out from Intonibi and" Noteorini Eii-t'-ring the straight. Bonomiana was Mill in »ront. but Carl Ros* then came fast, and

after a gnod race won by three parts of a length. Bonorn-iana beat Noteorini by two lengths. Trephine was fourth, and Yivandel fifth. Time, lmin 31sec. Dividends—On Carl Rosa £1 15s: on Bonomiana, 17s. ONSLOW STAKES, of IPO soya; second 10 sots from stake. For two-year-olds. Five furlongs. 292 J. W. A. Scott's eh c Friskie, by San Francisco— Lady Moth, 7st aib (.Conquest) 1 401*. M. McLean's br g, 7si 31b (Deeley) 2 83V D. McKmnon's br g Oymri, 7st 3.0 vGray) 3 07>> Lad-/ Cressy 7st 9".b (Pcrcival). 103 .\polionari3 "st rub (Lindsay),' 613* Aria, to Lrtl 7ft Jib \lUc). :W1 i'aroqiiel 7st 3.b (lirown.i. nrd .Vii Ucan Park 7st 3.b 'Buchanan) a>o started. Apo.lonaris showed in front from a pood (star;, io. lowed dy Arai to Uru. and Friskie. Ec'e'iiD" the stri-sht Friskie was in charge, with Arai te Uru and Lochbuhie nest. In ■the run to th-o post Aral te Uru swerved badly and finished a Ion? the grandstand rails! Friekio won by half a length from Locbbuhie. who beat Cytnri by three, lengths. Arai te Uru was fourth. Time, lrnui 5 2-sth sec. Dividends—On Friskio, £3 17s; on Lochbuhie. 13s. PO-Vl' HANDICAP, of 100 sors; second 10 soya from stake. Seven 715. 3. and 11. Hussey's br h Fashionable, l>y Soult—Bit of Fashion, Gyrs, 9st lOib .. •• •• (Julian) 1 126*. "SV. Verraa'i oh f McrTy Delaval, 3yrs, Tst S!l> (Dce.ey) 2 W. Lvon's br g Kilderkin. 3yrs. Bst ' jail. ' (K* l, ) 3 267 Lady Nannie Ret 3lb (Pinker) ana 69 Mi.= s Cuirassier 7st fßrown) also rtarted. Lady Nannie led to the top of the straizht. followed by Kilderkin and Fashionable. in the striiijfht Fashionable drew out and won l-y two lengths from Merry Delaval. who la'f.t Kidoik-.n by a similar distance. Time lmin 33sec. Dividend. £1 15s. IKAMWAY HANDICAP, of 100 eovs; second 10 eqts from stake. Five for511.*l)"°kavanB!rh's br g Hohoro. by Talisman—Lady Moth, aged. Ost 9lb (Cress) 1 W. F. Williams's br g Waitati, 4yrs, 7st, nib .. .. •• iDee.ey) 2 121. C. Dawscn's b m Ben, 6yrs. "st s.t> 3 1311 Sun Paulo 7af6lb (Oliver). Clsi Omati 7-t Ulb (Gray), 3.53 Tambourina 7st Cib (Holiuesi. 46 Kambler 7st lib (lowers), and •J.iP. 7st 3.b (Cor.quegt) also started. \Vaitati waa the first to show out from a, good start, followed by San Paulo, Ben, and tlchoro. This order was maintained to well into the straight, when Hohoro chal-lei-x'ed, and after a good Tace won by a length' from "VVaitati, with Be.n a similar distance back, third. Time, lmin Saws. Dividends— On Hohoro, £2 10s; on "Waitati, 19s. SECOND DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. ST. GEOROE'S HANDICAP, of 450 soys; ono mile and a quarter—LandJock Ost lib, Paritutu Bst 12!b, Gladstone Bst 111b. Strathavon 7st lOlb. Nervino 7st 10.l>. Geord.o 7»t 7ll> Dclania 7it Clb. Mobility 7st 6lb, Master De.laval 7.*t 4lb. Zulcika 7?t 41b, Jewellery 7st 3ib, Ironmould "st 3lb, Waipuna 7st l.b, Anolfltrup 7st lib. ELhvTMC UA..i>ICAP. of 100 soys; five furlong?—Hohoro 10»t 41b, To Aroha Set Sib, Medallist Bst olb. Waitati Bst 31b, Hiss Winnie Bst. San Paulo 7st +lb, Tambourina. 7st 4'b. Berv 7?t. Lucreco 7f>t. AUTUMN HANDICAP HURDLES, of 100 boys: one mile and three-quarters—Hautapu list 12 b. King Paul lOst 3'b. Lady Huno lOst lib, Seabird lOst, Oat 12ib, Catherine Gordon 9st 9lb. Vexation 9vt. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of ICO soys; one mi'.e—Leonator Ost, Delania Set 51b, Bonomiana 7st I'2'b. Cyrano 7st 81b. Trepluno 7st 31b. Bully 6st 121b, Haeremai 6st !)lb. Baltimore 6st 91b. EI.LERSLLE HANDICAP, of 100 soys; six ftu!oni?e—Cambrian 9rt B'.b. Pyledes Bst 101b Celtic Bst 91b, Zimmerman Bst 91b, Loorirnna BM. 71b. Conductor Bst 61b. "William Bst, Uenuuku 7st 13lb, Saga 7st 10lb, Cymri 7at 21b. . ' HUIA HANDICAP, of 100 sots; six furlongs— Hohoro lOst 21b, Te Aroha Bst Kb. Millie Bst 41b. Certainty Bst 41b, Soultmard Bst lib. Lnicreee 7st. . PONY HANDICAP, of 100 eovs; six fu-r----lon?s—Fashionable lOst 61b. Sonoma, 9srt fib, Kr.dcrkin 9st. I-idy Nannie Bst 31b. tto 7st 111b, Inspiration let lOl.b, Rapid <et. SELECTIONS. Stewards' Handicap—Delania, Leonator, EUerslio Handicap—Cambrian, Zimmerrra*. "William I. Oaks —Isoit. _, , __ ..i St. George's Handicap—Landlocfc Pantutu, Gladstone. „.... Huia, Handlkap—Te Aroha., Millie. Tony Handicap—Btu. Sonoma. Awt-umn Hurdles—Seabird. Kin? PauL , Eleotnc Handicap—Tβ Aroha. Miss Winnie, Tambourina.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12479, 16 April 1906, Page 8

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AUCKLAND R.C. AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12479, 16 April 1906, Page 8

AUCKLAND R.C. AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12479, 16 April 1906, Page 8