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ARRIVitD— March 3

Paparoa» *.». 16.13 β-m.), 6563 tons, R. Jftggiud, lrom --jtaru. Aow &hippny Co'mp»nj% Ltd., agent;.. h.oon>«a, •.*. (8.53 wn.). M»l toas, W. Stewart, lrom Duaedai, Oaiiaru, a.nd itmaru. Union siiauu ouip Company, 1/td., ageots. \\aikare, t.t. ft.m.), 3U71 ions, J., lrom Duneain. Passenger*—Miss joa«, Mesdaraca i«eoombe. J«tfe and child, Buchanan, and Pietts, Messrs Crarlend, lxwin, Xbomson, Anderson, bqmres. ar.ct \\ aiJist and three sleerag*. Union bteani bhip Company, Ltd., agenis. Victoria, 5.5. β-m.), 2900 tons, W. VVaUer, troni Sydney, via Auckland, Giabornc, X«.pier, atd Wellington. I'aseomgers— Misses .Seill, Frame, Roberts, lopping, and (iinnct, Mesdamcs Ftetcncr, Frcebiurn. Mtjlgan, ftpeiglit and chi.d, Jiaithaai and .cnild, and Is 7 cil. and fhree ohi.drcu, ilessrs Shanks, ireobairn, Hunt, Heimiah, Morrisoa, Waiter, Willy., Meare. Cwsrney, Taibot, Chase, Leane, morgan, i>oyd, Xo,than, sscin, Uay, and Piuinrirtgc, end twelve steerage. Kinsey, Hams end Co., agents. Maiaroa, e.s. 110.30 a.m.), 2538 tons, W. Maruiing, from Wellington. Paasengers— Aliases Cressweil, Sheffield, Black, Orfcney, L«ijrhton, Jiaision, Taii, XHum, i'aiihxothcr, Kcese, Johnson, FranklingLon ('2), Poppy, Bicknull, Hiurtowe, Cuniilfe. Good, Mnlmtosn, acd I'ruaer, Hesdam-cs Vvtrick, Aloylo and chi.d, Crosswell, iiaxicy, Gibbs, Howorfch, Uarrieon, Brightning, Webster, O'OonnoLl, Coles, ilageo, Gilkvtw, Kernot, Aitken and infant, Thompson, Hasolden, l>r. Gibbon, Dr. Gibbs, Judge Hasolden, M«eers Dawick, Omerod, Dyed, .Forbes. Hutchieon, Harley (2), Ho worth, Milne, Wilson, Kidson, Fodon, Shixtclifio, Malct, Brown, Aboraethy, Perkin, Hooton, Carey, Cetnpbcll, Baxron, Arnutago, iloOiuie, Frxnklington, Hendersen, O'Conncll, Hamilton, Paul, Mantonn, Wbcetley, Colee (2),' HiLman, lUymond, Tee, 'i'uinor, Wood, Kornot, Arthur, JDeakim, Mclotoeh (2), DaJeton, Soouter, Saaith, Webeter. Fuji, BjudTrin, Asfaoroft, Bl»ckweH, and thirty-eigbi etcenago. Union Steam Ship Company, I/td., agents. Brisbane, ca. (120 p.m. in th« stream), 1113 tone, MoLeod, from Newcastle, N.S.W. C. W. Turner, agent. March 4. Toroa, as. (6.45 sum.), 388 tone, McAlieter, from Waitangi, Chatham lulanda. Poseengera —-Mra and Miss Kami. Kinsey, Barne and Co., agente. Botomahan*, s.e. (11.40 ft.m.), 1777 tons, W. Collins, from Wellington. Passengers—Miesea Jonee, Coggen, Harding, Puroeil, Brownlee, Pavill, Goasett, King, Smythe, lendaey, Jtuttedigv, and Borough, Mesdames Ancell and children, Hogg, Henry, Bobertson, Purcell, Burns and child, Murgutroyd and child, Mitchell, Plimmer, Henley, MoMillatt and infant, Pordy, Creighton, and Gisborne, Captain Wheeler, Captain Willis, Captain Gieborne, Dr. Robertson, Dr. Collins, Dr. Martin, Dr. Hoskin, Dr. Purdy, Dr. MoGavin, Dr. liard, Messrs Fischer, Lawry, Wright, Allen, Cutta, Mason, Brownlie, Sutheriaiod, Hamson, BalJin. MaoGunn, Bnrimpton, Hajkud, MoNeily, Henley, Goaset (2), Miller, Kewton, Tannor, Neave, ißutt, do Montalk (2), Palmer, Holton, Shearman, Seager, Horeley, Patterson, Sbapd, McKenzie, Burrell, Allan, Holmes <2), Sim, King, Morgan, Ooffain,, Maymud', Molineaux, Stevens, Cameron, Jonee, Davidson, Caldwoll, Nicholson, and 36 steerage. Union.Steam. Ship Company, Limited, agcints^ Alexandra, e.s. (6 p.m.), 378 tons, W. J. WiMman, from Polorus Sound. PitcaithJy and Co., agente. SAlLfiD—March 3. H.M.S. Prometheus, third-olaee protected cmiser (5.55 a-m.), 2136 tons, 7000 horse-power, 8 guna, Commandor Woollocnnbe, for Auckland. HJtLS. Powerful, first-cl«ss protected oruiser (6 ajn.), 11,300 tone, 15.000 horsepower, 18 guns, Admiral Sir W. H. Fawkes, Fl»g Captain Lionel Halsey, for Auckland. H.M.S. Peg»sue, third-claee protected cruiser (6 a-m.) 3135 tons, 7000 horae-poTror, 8 guna, Commander H. for AuokCanopua, e.s. {11.45 c.m.), 1337 tons, G. A. Lobb, for Westport. Weetport Coal lAd., s.e. (0.30 p.m.), 23*6 tone, Stringer, for Westport. Union Steam Ship Company, Ltd., agents. ■ _ Ngaru, ecow (2.30 p.m.), 66 tons, F. Fletcher, for Karamo*. Pitcaithly and Co., agente* ■ ** Hawe*, «.b. (5.33 p.m.), 1758 tons, G. H. Lacey, for Greymoutii. Union Steam Ship Company, Ltd., agents. Koonyft,B.e. (6.15 p.m.). 1091 tons, W. Stewart, for Wellington, Nelson, Weetport. and Greymouth. Union Steam Ship Company, (6.25 p.m.), 29g) tons, W. W«J. ler, for DunedJn. Horn*. Ordney, and Browne, Mesdemee Grayson and <=mith, Captain Monro, Meeara Sparrow, Burt, Wilkinson, R. Bhanke. Pollart, B. Grayeon, and H. A. Smith. Kineey, Barns end Co., agente. M»raroa, s.s. (9.5 p.m.), 2538 tons, Manning, for Wellington. Paeaeragers— Misses Mackay. Bell. Aliport. Mann, Scott, o»rmioh*el. McIntosih, Lynoh, Latham. Wright, Hall-Jones, Lloyd, Mesdames Feirburst, Benall, Knox, Adams, Hall-Jonee. Luke, Inncs, Roberteon, Latham. Giimer, Whelch, Baill. Coke and infant. Wbollam and three children, Wright, E. Houghton, Foetei, Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Cupiains Ha-wkins and Leome, Sergeants Ligbt-toot, White, Moss, Lance Corporals Haigh an 3 Pearoav Sapper Bunton, CorpcTal Whitely, Prhrat* MoHer. Messrs Dargavilte, Webb. Cuddie, KineelH. Beynolde (2), Kiinboll (2). Schmidt, Fairhurst, Acion-Adame, Gee, Roberts, Recall, P. C. Smith, Henderson

(2;, Wilkinson, King, Tonks (2), George, Adams, ilclntosh (2), Uuke, iSani-Ui, Koberteon, iJash, H«iiy, Stevenson, Homi.ton, Freyberg, Chiaroni, Troug-hton, ifyhre, Helmore, Waldc.iL, itennie, ALoncnei, Jlacdonaid, CrolJ, Wright, tlawson, Brabcer, Boleyn, Battray, Lyiui, Lisa, Cockrort, Coward, Lire, t»t«waxt, boiigwortb, Campbej, Gow, A. K. Triggs, J. Katon, Crabtree, iJroy, Shuttjeworth, and Litverv-. Union Stoam Ship Company, Ltd., agents.

iVhangape. s.s. (10.23 p.m.), 2931 tons, 2i. Eutfter, tor Xewcastio, >'.S.^. Union Steam Ship Cornp&ny, Ltd., agents. Baden-Powc.], s.s. (liilO p.m.), lOi ton», Muir, for Stoneyhurst and WeHington. Kinsey. Barns and Co., agents.

falcon, sohooner (11.30 p.m.), 95 tons, Clarkson. for liavelock. T. H. Ker, agent. Waikare, s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 3071 tons, J. Rolls, for Wellington, Napier. Gisborne, and Auckland. Passengers — For Wellington: Ji&sda.tiiea Budd, Longton, Manning, Corporal Barnes, Sapper Kemp, Messrs C'hisholni, Longton, Budd, 'Healy, itcvenson, Skermin, Foote. Woods. Rigsn. Foster, Munns, Gee, James. Thomson. Dash, Hrg»ins, Cunningham. JJollicar, Alien, Smith. i*reyberg, Goldstone, Mouldey. For Napier: Miss Vickermann, Mcsdames Viokermann and child, and Bell. For Gisborne: Mr Baker. For Auckland: Misses Smith, Moffat, Ayre, Brown, Chadwick, Lockwood. and Brouino, Messrs Ayre and Williams. Union Steam Ship Company, Ltd., agent*. March 4. Wakatu, s.s., (9.30 p.m.), 157 tona, J. Wills, for Port Robinson, Kaikcrura, ana Wellington. Kinsey, Barns and Co., agents. Alexandra, b.r., 6.30 p.m., 378 tons, Wilding, for Pelorus Sound. Pitcaithly and Co., agents. SHIPPING iNOTES. The New Zealand S-hipping Company's steamer Paparoa returnedi from Timaru early on Saturday morning, and borthed at -No. 7 wharf. Sic is to load general caxgo here for London, and ie to sail on Thursday next for Wellington. She completes loading, at Wellington, and' sails thence finally for London on the 15th inst.

The Papanui, of the New Zealand , Shipping Company's line, left Wellington on Saturday for Timaru. From TCmaru she proceeds "to Wen-ganui, Waitara, Napier, Auckland, Wellington, and LytteJton. She is to sail finally from LytteMon about the end of thia month for London.

The Cygnet want on the patent *lip on Saturday {or cleaning and xainting. She is to come off again to-day, and will Mil tomorrow afternoon for Akaroa, via the Bays. The Ayrshire arrived at Fort Chalmers from Lyitclton on Saturday morning. She is to (proceed to Ihinedin. to discharge cargo and load cargo, and is them to call at Bluff, Timaru, Lyttelton, Waitara, and "Wellington. She ie to sail finally from Wellington on the 22nd inst. for Bristol, via Monse Video.

A few yean ago it -was though* «t Liverpool, thai a dock gate at IOQIt width had readied , the limit of necessity, but th« increasing size of liners has caused the Mersey Docks Board to begin the making of two 135 ft entrances, *n<l 4ho building' of two new docks to take vessels 850 ft long. Liverpool's annual returns show it to be. the neocrnd seaport in the world, with 250 millions of shipping tonnage. It had 274,000 ship passengers. The increased tonnage up to July was 370,000, Now works costing four millions are 'being carried: out.

■ The well-known steamer Brisbane, from .■Newcastle, on Saturday afternoon, «Mxt anchored in the stream «i 1.20 p-m. After being passed by tho iPort Health Officer, the et-eamer came into a berth at No. 5 wharf. The Brisbane left' Newcastle on Saturday, February 24th, «t 3 p.m., and , experienced ligbt easterly winds and smooth aeas across the Tasman Sea. Cape Farewell was leaohed at 7.10 a-m. on Friday last, Stephen's Island at 1 p-m., end Cape Campbell «t 9 p.m. the same day. Fine weather and smooth, seaa lasted until arrival at Lyttelton. The vessel has a cargo of 1100 -tons of coal to land l herq, after which she goes as usual <o Eaipara to load timber for Melbourne.

The Atbanio, of the Shaw, Savill line, ■wiich left Wellington on Thursday afternoon for London, took the following cargo from, New Zealand porta:— (From Wellington: 31,647 boxes butter, 4283 cases oheeso, 3175 carcases •mutton, 3512 carcases lamb, '5662 oales wool, IS boles skins, 75 casks tallow, 1000 cases meats, «nd 45 packages sundries. From Napier: 6082 carcases xoudton* 3423 .carcases lamb, 160 ooeea kidneys, 166 quarters beef, 1685 bales wool, 96 casks tallow, 68 casks ipolts, 47 casings, 2 boxes sundries. From Auckland: 6603 boxes and: 49 kege butter, 16 cases cheese. From Gieborne: 12,639 carcases mutton, 361)2 carcases lamb, 27 bag* hearts, 79 cases kidneys, 714 'bales wool, 83 casks tallow, 57 casks pelts. From LytteHon: 16,725 carcases mutton, 33,844 carcases lamb, ,500 cases kidneys, 20 boxes eweetbreada, 58 boxes -beef, 3411 bales wool, Iβ bales skins, 181 socks cocksfoot, 151 oasks tallow, 217 casks premier jue, I£6 casks peMs, 44 casings, 2174 benee butter, 717 cases ch«sse, 54 boxes pork. From Bluff: 2412 cases cheese. From Bunedin: 3704 'boxes butter, 605 cases cheese, 186 bales wool.

The Union Company's collier Kotuku ia at present on the 'patent alip *t Wellington, undergoing her annual survey and overhaul. The New Zealand and African Company's steamer Essex, from West of England porta, via Australia), is expected to leave Sydney on tho 15th inst. for Auckland; Wellington, Lyttelton, aud Port Chalmers.

The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Kaipaxa is expected to arrive at Wellington to-morrow from Napier. She takes in coal at Wellington, and will probably mil for London on Wednesday. According , to pre»«jt arrangements, liho new steamer Atua, of the Union line, will leave Port Glaegow for Australia next month, mak-

ing a osJl at Durban en zoute. She i> intended for the company's trade between. Syaney, Fiji, and Auckiind, via the Friend*} and Navigator Isrands. j£xceliont accommodstion is provided for between, sixty and sevfeaiy j>ae«eiigvji3. for whoee comfort tht. most moaera appointments havo been introduced. A conaideraKe portion of the veeeel'& space will be devoted to the carriage of cargo, special provision having- been made for iroioi. produce. . ' . lie steamer Toroa, from the Chaiam leJands, arrived yestwd»y morning, and we'zU a.oDgside tho cattle wharf to land IOaS sheep and one horse," after which she berthed at So. 3 wharf. Captain McAiister reports the* he left LytterUm »t 11.30 p.m. on Monday iast, and arrived at Waitangi at 6 a.m. on Thursday. The Toroa left ihere the same night at 9 o'clock, and met with strong variable winds on tie run -up, arriving here at 6.45 a.m. yesterday. The eteamer sails again at 10 o'clock to-night for the Chatham Is.amds.

The Canterbury Steam Ship Company's new steamer itipp.e was due at ihinooun yesterday from Edrthburg. Ihe vessel wiU make Her appetranco in Lyttelton on April Ist, on. which date she is to .cave on her first trip to the Chatham Islands.

«ffhe Shaw, iiunil and Albion Company's steamer Aotea left Wellington early- yesterday morning, and is du6 hero early this morning. She wiil complete loading , here, *nd will sail' for London probab.y on Wednesday.

Four colliers finished discharging, and took their departure from Ivyttelton on Saturday. The C&nopus and the Bakanoa sailed for Wesiport, the Uawea for Urcymouth, and the Whangope for Newcastle, h.S.Vf. The Wesiport Ooal Company's steamer Canopus is due baok here on Wednesday with another cargo of coal from W-eatport. Veseeie arriving at I»yttelton on Saturday morning were delayed by a thick fog outside the Heads.

The scow JJgaru sailed on Saturday at 2.30 p.m., bound for Kaianien,, whore she loads timber for Wed-iogton. From Wellington she afterwards proceeds to Pelorue Sound to load sleepers Jor I/yttelton. The schooner F&loon finished ballasting on Saturday afternoon, and weat out into the stream. She got under way about 11.30 p.m., and sailed with a light southerly breeze ior Havclock, where aho will load timber for Lytte.ton.

The barque Wool!ahra h«s almost completed the discharge of her cargo of ooal, and is how taking, in. ballaet. She will probably sail about tho end of the week ior Kajpara, where she will load timber lor Sydney.

The great German shipping .companies are constructing nine now steamers, representing 130,000 tons, specially to compete with British vessels cm the North. Atlantic and in Eastern trades (says the British shipping journal "Fairpvay" of 28th, December). K-ach of these vessels is to be rendered specially attractive to passengers, is being fitted with the "StoneLloyd" marine safety doors, and co made practically unsinkable. We understand that on "the German liners whioh have already been so fitted the commanders have definite orders at different points in each voyage to invite passengers to the bridge, and also to the engine-rooms, to see these safety-doors in actual operation, end so to assure l&emsolvos that it is next to impossible for a vessel go fitted to founder. By doing thds the German companies hove already found that the extra cost of -this installation baa be«n pair for over and over again by the increase* in the number of passengers on every vessel so fitted. The Cunard Company have no intention of leaving these laurels of safety in tie bands of their German and have fitted, or arc fitting, their four new crack vessels with the system. The Carmania, equipped with this gear, which left New York for Liverpool 'on the 14th inst., the day after the sailing of tho White Star liner Baltic, had a full complement of passengers, every berth being taken, although the Baltic was known as the "Christmas boat," and it was feared ifcat the Carmwnia would not leave early enough, to land her passengers in time for the first day of the holidays. Other British ship-owners will do well to consult the eafety and comfort of their passengers at least m fully as their foreign rivals. -aM the leading' lines in Germany, and the leading lines in Fiance, the Compagnie Generate Iran satl are using this means to improve tbeir position as caterers to the public, and none of these companies have the reputation of throwing "their money away uselessly. British ship-owners should consider the adoption of euch an obvious means of securing an xnoreaeed feeling of confidence and security on the part of those travelling by their lines. The Alexandra arrived from Pe'.orue Sound yesterday with a cargo of 1360 sheep, and left again for the same place' for another shipment of sheep.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12443, 5 March 1906, Page 9

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12443, 5 March 1906, Page 9

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12443, 5 March 1906, Page 9