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. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT Reductions in th« price* of Ccooer.ea at Kincaid's. Our New Fruits have arrived. i KINCAID'S Currant* Sid, New Sul- i tanas 4d, New Valencia Raisin* 5d per . lb - ;■■■:. ~-■■ I KIXCAID'S Special Tea. at Iβ 3d is good, i It has no equal. .: fOHEEP-FARULERS' Labour Exchanee.— ' M Wanted, AUcnine and Blade Shearers, good run; 3 Gocd Muaierers till June; Man (milk amd general), ft>a, urgent; General Farm Jttand, able milk. '. SdtKffAUiIERS , LABOUR EXCHANGE (under the supervieion of the Canterbury Shipowners' Industrial - Union of Employer*,. 165 HEREFORD STREET. CUKISTCHTTRCH. All Clawes of SUtion and Farm Hands Engaged. 969 XGLISH Piano (new), iron frame, oheoie 'action, full compass, walnut case, rich tene. £35 cash or £1 deposit. £1 monthly. Macarthy and Clark, Armagh street. BINOCULAR Field-glnsses—A lot of manufacturer's samples just arrived, latest improved patterns, very powerful From £1 per pair. Half-prices. Come and compare them. R. Kennett's, 183 High street. ■yOUNO Lady (26). domesticated, would like X correspond with young man, view matrimony. Address, "Laura," Charing Cross P. 0., Canterbury. 5527 RIBBON'S— We have secured a parcel of high-class Millinery Ribbons, in self ' colours. Tho usual price Is 6d, holiday price | lOjd yard. Also, Lace . Collarettes, Paris shades. Usual price 2s lid, in 6d, 5s lid, 7s 6d, holidcy price Iβ lid, 2s 3d. 3s 3d, 3s Gd each. Bjack, Beattie and C>., High street. ONE MOMENT PLEASE. ~~" BETWEEN this and tho end of the year you will be in.a difficulty, not knowing what to choose for some present or other. We ask you to como to us then. 31 MIJiSON and CO. HOLMES and SONS can supply you with Uuchesse Chests, bevelled mirrors, from 35s 6d; ' Washstands. from 12s 6d; Leather Couches,' 275; and nre now showing a splendid range of Wool Mat* and Rugs ait prices cheaper than anyone in town. ' T AOIES , Roady-tc-Weor Costumes. Kaiapoi ■Li Tweed, in greys and f&racy tweeds, 36s 6d, 39s 6d, to 55s each. Voile Skirt*, in black, trimmed, 13a Gd, 15s 6d, 17s Gd, to 29s 6d each. Crash Skirts, full sizes, well made, 6s lid each. Black, Beattie and Co., High street. LIPP PIANO. nr\ GUINEAS. THAT'S ALL.. MACARTHY and CLARK. 2453 FOR Sale, the Entire Furniture of an Broomed Houee, furniture almost new, rent of house 22s 6d per week,' splendid position in the City, 6 permanent boarders. Price £95—not the price of the furniture. 11l health sole reason for selling. Dearsley and Lane, 67 Cathedral square. T7I77EAR-RESISTING Suits~for Boys. Nor- ' * folk Shape, in shades of grey, 8, 17b; 9, 17s 6d; 10, 18s; 11, IBe 6d; 12, 19s; 13, lfls 6d. Boys', Youths', and Men's Straw Boater Hats were 5s lid, holiday price 8s 6d each. Black, Beattie. - ■ GETTING -up Steam for Christmas! See our Bazaar. Sixpenny Things, Shilling Things, Half-crown Things. Try Minson and CO; -i 1 7(V ACEES, Leasehold and Freehold, J-J- • v South Canterbury, good sheep country, House 6 rooms, all outbuildings, woolsheds, shearing-sheds, etc., near railway and school, cheap. Dearsley and Lane, 07 Cathedral square. 3347 LAMPS at Minson's, steady burning and economical, smokeless and smell-leas. New Table Lamps 3s 6d, 4s 9d, Sβ 9d. 6s 9d. very special. SAMPLE Lace Curtains, very special values, 3s lid, 5s lid. 7s lid, 9s lid. to 18s 6d. > Beeth and Co. OLMES and SONS'S Bedstead Factory Sell Direct to the Public, at Wholesale ' Price. Wβ are the largest Bedstead Manufacturers in the Southern Hemisphere, and guarantee every bedstead we Mil. Call and inspect our displsy. Everyone Welcomed. Full size Iron Bedsteads from 23« Brass-rail ae* 6d cash. Italian Bedsteads from 60s. -fQ IA S WILL Purchase a First-elaas <&d X\J and well finished Kapai Cooking Ban-'* equal to any in the colony at double the price. Guaranteed to cook for twelve person* on a small coneumption of coat H. Son. Tuam street West. ■pEDFERN'S, Manchester ttreet, m«k* a ■Lv Speciality of Purses, Pocket-books, and all Fancy Leather Goods. 2864' PHANTOM Cloth, in Brown's, Light Navy. French Grey, and Cardinal, Is lljd ytTd. See Beath r s Windows. . BURNTOCT r#et. Red Nose/ all sign* "of a Diaordeied Stomach. Dr.' Croseland'a NOXOL is a great stomach remedy. 2s, Chemist* and Store*. GENTS' Cycling Shoes, the latest pattern. 5s 9d and 8* Od. at Maine Bros.* High street,! opposite A. J. White's. No connection with any other shop. ■ MUSLIN" Collarettee for ohiiaren'* wear. These are well made, and trimmed. Usual price 2s lid, 3e 6d, is 6d, Sβ 6d esch. holiday price Is 6d, ■Iβ lid, 2s 3d, 2e 6d each. Lace lies, in white,, and Paris, Iβ lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, to 6s lid each. Black, Beattie and Co., High street. ' BLACK Liffle Hose, openwork fronts, unstainable dye, Iβ 9d, Is Ud, and 2a 6d. Beath and Co.. Ladies' Hosiers. TTtTHEN the T*mp Chimney Breaks go to v v Minson and Co. Chimneys and Globes of all kinds at 1 Lowest Prices. 220' Colombo street. , . ' "TOTE will Fit your Eye* and Improve your " Sight, at KENNETT'S, 188 High ■treek. .: ~ , ■ ! »• • 1434 MADE to Measure Sao Suits, in Summei Tweeds. 635. 70s, 755. Beath and Co., Tailors. . ; - ■\TrEAB-RESISTING~Tweea Suits. Extra .»" Special, 8.8., in Grey and Brown, 85s each. Well made, and finished. 8.8. Saddle Tweed Troueers, 'stout m«ke, £s lid each. B.Bok, Beattie, High streot ■ : ; :: CITY, Central, good pontion, 9 frontage*. Fine Section, on which ar* erected 3 Shops .bringing in a rental of £78 per an- ' num. main sewer connection. Easy term*. ! Price for- the whole £700. . A sound investment. Dearsley and Lane, 67 Cathedral square. ; ■ . '_ BLACK Roxana, a Stylish. Oostume Fabric. 9s 6d. 2* lid, 3s 6d, 3s 11. to 5s lid yard. At Beath's. - FOR WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS Go io KENNETTS, 183 High street. /CENTRAL City Block for Sale, on which vy is erected House 0 rooms, bathroom, h. and c. throughout, 2 fine frontages, must considerably mcrease in vnlue. fu.l £*ere. Deareley and L*no. Land Brokers and Es* tate Agent*, 67 Cathedral square; __• rriENNIS Shirte in Cream and Fancy, lafoe ' X selection. 3s 6d. 3s lid. 4k 6d, to 15s 6d. Bealh's. Gents' Mercer*. , FOR SALE—Gent's Swift, cash price £12 or , term*. Deposit £1, instalment £1: This machine is equal to new, good lyres. Adams Star Company, IS3 Colombo street, next Broadway's. j_ ■ ■ ' _ T>EAL Panamas, latest shapes. 27s 6(17423. J\ 635; Straw Boaters 2s 0d to 7e' 64 Betfth's, Gents', Hatters T ETTUCE-LEAF Dishes. whHe or green •s-i 7d to 3s 0d each. A novelty. Minson and Co.. the Store foe China and Glass. TKTE will Fit your Eye* and Improve year * ¥ Sight- at KENNETT'S. 183 High •tree! . . • . 1434 •TIOB STERLING VALUE IN RINGS, £ Go to KENNETT'S. , Ms High *tr*t EXTRA Shipment of Paris Allover Laces, 18in wide, U lid, 2e 6d, 2s lid yard Beath**, Cashel street. . MATCH your Pistes and Diabes K*w Stock Patterns in Dinner War* juet opened. Minson and Co.. 820 Colombo'street PEOIAL - Purchase of Black and White Sunshades. 4s lid. 7s 6d. 10s 6d. Beath and Co.. Ltd.. Cashel street ; _ '__ rpENERIFFfi d'Oyleje, lovely assortment, JL s}d, OJd. 7Jd, BJd, IOJd. l«. 1* 6d. Beath ai.d Co.. Ltd. ■ . - ■ IQfif* ■ CHRISTMAS NovelUes arriving JLUUJ daily. Vases, Figures Leather Goods. Toys. Stationery, etc. Jfinson and Cc. tie Pcpular Hon'»hold Stor*. W"HEJftiie Stormy Winds do B!ow, thm the "Lethaby" Umbrella shows «• superiority over ethers. Lethaby'a. Umbrella Makers. 64 Cathedra} square. WHAT care we for wind or weather under a i*Lethaby" Umbrella Always cheaper at Lethaby'a, Manufaetunra. 64 Cathedral *qu««. . ■ _ , BLONG Oak Trays, handled. 4s 6d Sμ ed .6s 6d. 7s 6d, 8s 6d. 9s 6d; Jsp. Tea ' Traya, Is Si, 2a, 3* 3d, 2t 6d, «to. Mixuon's.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12364, 30 November 1905, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12364, 30 November 1905, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12364, 30 November 1905, Page 11