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MISCELLANEOUS.. c/ ■ rpHE moat con-terrted Horwewife i» efh« who X usea Klenz» Exliract of Soep. Cash CTupon every peofcgt. . . 1 TUB Whitest Clothe* banging oat are those washed by Klenzo Extraot ol Soap. Cash Coupon" eyery packet." . .2 PATTY Pan. Baking Powder wiH ~m*ko h'gbter partry than, any ' crther. . Cask Coupon crery tin. a Cooking day buy one Tin of PaAty •1-Y Pan Baking Powder. Ca*h Coupon every tin. 4LADIES— Be it known that Hayward's Ocr Own Sauoe. baa beaten all others for sixteen yeaf». Cash Coupon around erery _5 AS good as any imported ia Hayward's Our Own Seucc. Cash Coupon around every bottle. 6 T ETTERS, Receipt*, etc.. should be ey*teJU roatjcally filed on Stolrenberft Patent Files. Price Sixpence. EK»!«eton and Co n esie agents. ' . '- NEW~Sprinff Shipment of Corsets. Veirts. Combi cations, Pinafores, end Baby ai Beath's, Casbel etreet. " rpO Cloee Trust Account.—£soo w»!l purX choao a first-class House of 6 good rooms, all offices, deep well, on electric tram line, Linwood. A cheap property. Dearsley and Lane, Agents State Fire Insurance, CathedTal aquare. F. 141 A MPLE REASON for only charging you Is 8d for a first grade tea is given in the "SOVEREIG-X" memorandum book, now being distributed: Have v.ou got one? TTfiXl/fNiERy, New Spring Shipmen.t of the ItJL latest London and , Pirisian IvoVeHiw now obtaica-blo at Beaih'g. ■ -» 7 S IHII»DREN , S Wheelbarrows end. Fouryj wheel Waggons, iron wheels, etc., Tricycles cheaper than ever. Minscn and Co. UPLEX Lamps 7e 3d, handsome iron stand, coloured opaque fount,' fancy glob* and chimney, complete. Uinson and Co. ; ' ■■ "VTO. PRIZES," No Presents, No Risks, No Disappointments. "SOVEREIGN" Tea Coupons ■ are worth money. Just 'thai. '■ : LL - Night Bedroom Lamp. Burns Id worth ot oil in a fortnight. No uniU. Is" 3d. Nt Minson's. . 4 ' ■ ~ '= f ©2CTS' Hats in -the' neweet etyles, 'for spring, large- range of Tiee; Coilarrf an' 4 PriderWcar a,t 'Bei-th's'. "' _ " . ".. ■" -. ■• ■ ■ ■ "'"" " i ■T-EALANDIA OATS : for Bieakfatl £j ■.■;■".■", '/ ■■■ ■■■ ■"• ■. '-"TT-:.; : • P9/Ifi—GREAT KIBBLEr-Two cfcOUv Harper street; yearly rental owr £40.- : '■ Splpndid chance fer c«*h- buyer.-: and Perkins,- Houeo Agents, Sydenham.. : " V ;■■■ .. - •■■ : :.::■■ ,',.[ .'■■ "-iv-' &2§ t> EDFEBN/S, Manckoste* stiest 4hA BiiTj *\ giore, 'present a Blotting Book_io all puTchagers of Box- of Bt»tion«ry. lißj J?7KA WILL Purchwee fiite mii 4 XtrOU, thoroughfare, capable of carrying 4 firat-close shops. 'JTicro : is a Houm of 5 room» ; on same, / which 'will pay : interest if you wish to haug on. • Dearslcy and Lane, Cifsr Agents State; Fire Insuranc*.",' J , .' ijOJ at Bsath-'a.- w>v( X l \apring meitetieils' jnsb opened up. "your tnxrer wjthbnit' dalay. ,■ Sei'Qi'g. * ■ •"*"' ' MIMSVBET Patent-t>ußter'and Polishmf V- Cloth. - '• G6Il«ote ; dusV -pbteiniblf evorywhwe'." '■■'• '■ Eggleston and - Co., ;B6w*on> Buil4i^e,'-;Sole'' ! A?erits [j_ 2 '"'-''' rnHREE' Boot Bruefces, Pirt Blecksr 'J.' ' .. and' Shinqr.. The Set for Jβ- «d, Iβ ,3d, <2e 3d. 2s Oct. 3a, 8s 3d. Mtnipn >nd Co..' . •DIJYiHa '.'SOVEREIGN* , TEA eimplt means 'paying "'f»"Bd per Jb'for a bettej preyionsly paidlS* fcjr. "all.":;--'-' "■'■■■', - ; ;,'-'/ .:■"■"■■ - : -y--r... '•..';'■. ;• . C[AX«VAC[E Bo<rt iSale joow on. ExcelsiotS—Boot Coi's Stock ofßoote. iOO Pairs oFMen's Boots, "not damaged trt all, :: sola a|. Sftlfa'ee Price.- PuTohasers eagerly picldnfeiiß bareamsat W.Bobineon's, Mancheeter an 4' :S*?wirJ • R6bineon'e, "Caehi?l' ■ Weetj T.-OTE&Y: Osihchi Millinejrtr. GlpYeei Li ■•'• Hosiers!.'"'.l*ce*>. Ejbbor,», • itwrt *o hjama e/t BeatJr's. '.*.. . '... "..'.. i ■ ■'11 l'-J." -.-' -.■•'<-.~ - T-'.'." .'-■-■ 'A' :; pJ. f l -'? TpOK Br»akh(?t you can't beat ZEALAND!^

i-iANTERBURY BOTTLE. EXCHANGE V . , Are of '■'M«talt ; of All { Kind*'-^;. ; - '■'-■- !■♦ J ;-- ---• B«ttl«e. Cnejtß,-'Seeks ■-■;•,■-•• -; .'.'■'-; 'Hoiee Hair, 'Bonce, -Canyae, ■ Rppea • ' ", And All.Kinite,?f Waste Mate^l s '; •'. ; . ■■■./"" . Prjow 'ApgUcalfen.;,!' '• 47 COLOiITBO S-EREET'SOIJTH, -. ; ■ .-.. v r PH^ISTCHURCHi *'" ; lie. - "" , ■"" ■"■ _ PATRONISE LOCJAL ' elTir STEAM LAUiYfIRY, 186 St. Ae»ph r ne*riHialh'"-itr«SeV/ 'Why''eh<ral4 I patronise .;;U the* • \h» h*e\ TVtfo tawr donHUear-your clcAhes.or them, or penny immhera, Qr.loae but return them promptly in.tw6 dayiV 'mads .^ifibifi, •acb. . Chii ,c»ri calls ,wh(rie required. !.4;Kfng - ; ;^-^ UP; 1715 -^ *~;: . ;'r " .; ; ''4'! '■'".' .'' ■'•'".■' ■''"'■■. For^ ! : "'-'' '" ■'" ■ l " - ; -PIANOFORTE.:AND ORGAN '• ■" > ~.,.,...- .BjEP£ : :A2iD Ii£? ; OBTER3. •,..,,, Ntw Addrcsa— • ,-■■ ; '•■]•"'■■ ■-'■: • '.'■■• »'T>i :-.--. , m"oxfo»d. terbacb,, ~ , , ' Oppo»it# Pioyinokt CWJpbert, : :../_..-' : ■*■...> : :p«»».-.4}W.'. i -.--. i , :■■'.. «J SU C CESS F U L TRE ATMENTi .Vi "Telephone 1406.- " '• .•. ■> •; FOB BKIN and BLOODrDISEAqES.t. Primary, Secondary,' and .Tertiary - Sympioaa, OLD Ui/JERS,. BARBER'S rITCH.LUPTJS, and Kidney,-Bladderr and nil dfeaaiM.- - --' 00 iiatimer^-eqiJaie,..:».'■•. '. Corner of Glouceeter.*treat,v Cnristchxirch. Hours et'.Gonsuiwition: -• > .'.-. ■.;. •,..-•.••: 10 to livajj}.,.";-^;^:^■•;:•;■■■. '■:■.. . ; Jto 3 and 6to 7JO p.m. '■ . ■' ■ :.'.. •'.' .« • " '<3Selephoi»'l6ofc.'.v.'. - •'-■. rpHE "PETTER , ' KEHOSijNB~piL"IBNi X, GINE;: ; Simplicity,'Eo?iji>ajy, .Safety, Qn TJe«r >t~Craweh*w,%rid ,Qe,'s,: *2'Pxf<ij4 terrace. Agents, .'" ,■.,"".''.' ....' ■ ~.'•..•*:» , ••- ; DIXQN. . ; ■■"::■ 1783 " '. .• HI H«ireforJ •Uett : ■ /:r --' ■ ' \/;' , i"6;u'i'a.K.v.":'- ? v'' , , •-•■' ART MiLLISj SCHOOL.; ■I. T\AY AND EVENING' r CIA&SE^ ?"' .' ' ■■ ,"io. 'Lweoßß ':i»: cd* , ..■'■'..-'•"■'■'.■' ;■:•.";*■•'■• ■- '-Voiii-s'e. ""• ;.■■.- '■>-,'■'.: ; STEWART DAWSON'S CHAMBEBS, . . t',.;.."--" i; . ; ./'--H.;^«beei;:.-: v .:v; v -.:;-T 9633 ' } BALCAiW TO LEITHFiiiLI>..V.-7; ACOACH meeU tht Jlorning Sonth ai.d North Trains Daily and EVenins xraina when required, either by Wfr» r .or Lettjr. Partiei to * Sta Beach' cah be anangeo; for.,: : -■ .■■■ :■ '-■■■•' FBANK A3HBY/ • ' r-',- ; •■'•■ -'. .■ , -. ■•■■•■:. ' '■■,'. - ; -Leithfield; . The Coach meeta train at LitUe Rive* Monday. Wedngadaya, and Saturday, .. gffl < BOROUQH COUNCItS, * v| ' BOROUGH -6J , KAIAPOL" ' In the >m*tteqr of "TM Rating en Unimswoved .- ~, , Va4u».Aflt, 1896."r".. . rV'v' NOTICE is hereby- given that « POLL of the KATKFLVYiEBS cA the Borotwh. of Kaiopoi -will be'beJd'Co T-aURSDAYT 7th day of Seiptembor, 1205. -at tire' Cotffidi] Chambera. 'K«ie.J)oi," io- docide' -wheifh«r ihe Ktiaipoi Borough : CoUnci [ tiatll'. adq^t" tIM Rating on; TaJue S^etdm. , ; : " ■' .'" :v '•/ CHA&-H. WRIGHT,; /" -"''"■ 5128 . . ' " ."V'.",_,. •" -R»|ttrninjr .Office. .' \\_ LOST;A^p:FOUND^ :: ---' ■, \ T OSS', in .'FitigeraJd "etr*et ?ot ;Bwi«y U avenue B.iu:6.'.and Gold 'Soarf Pin. (keepetke).- . Finder, rewarded roa -reCwafns '- t^K "-^°. t^'^3 > - 1 -^'- •-"■•' -' : "'~ ■ ■ ■■'*'•'' •'* i - s^ TOST: between- 'Worcester.. etreet *We*t. wsl JU» ; I CethednJ equern Lady , * <W«ASCCH. aaft OHAX& Greenstoce-Heint tttm&md.v Fifldrt rewarded on wttirniny eesue to- 306 Worcw4«* *tM?> Wtit. ■ --•'•■■ ■■■-.•■■ cTmffylJD,'* BrowH.'M«r» iritb/ tftm'tmi O i .Auyoce '"ntnxniiig" *w» ; tfaf ■' ateblfta'ytlll<> ; re:wa^»s. :j ?/ ' f -6708 J - lJt^.J^lUhft-;,eqß(r > fli3 O . T-aurvlay. Mgb&. "Findee 1 wwariW J eii returning- to • Cntlatcnurch -'Swem' LMteory Co.. .iM-'Q'. &^- : " •.•*•■ •-/.-.,c:-fv.!riiq ■'QaUtAyED-<tff.«uO>!acw, One* Rod ted Whit 4. O Yeaxjiog SItLTEB. Owwsr oqA hare teae' by piysirje-xpenec*. Apply Geo.;EV*C4rpeaj

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12282, 28 August 1905, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12282, 28 August 1905, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12282, 28 August 1905, Page 11