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The Paradise duck is, the notifies, protected for one rflifHßE'f As the potato disease appearance in various colony, the Oi-ders-in-Conai*-. its first appearance quai_a_iy fog j tain infected districts hava' > _' In connection with the J*w_\j over, tbe final eervioes will be'eaadSS^RHI *" ed at tbe Synagogue at five evening, and 10.30 a.m. ■^^MnfH^Hß The local Labour Bureau,' %vii^_\__\\_\m_fi : , ceived no instructions from: Wail%wgß_y____\W to enforce section 3 of the Offices Act, dealing with the hotni||H9^fl§> The funeral of the late Mr tiiWaWamaW White took place at the Eyreton imw_W_\_\__\W ■ tery yesterday. There were a ,*lm___________& number of friends present. IbtJg|K| vice was conducted by the •>> l *«*<***^ v |^B_K" 1 .j choir of " Our Father's Chttr^lw^K-: visited Nurse Maude's Camp for eumptive Women at New week, and gave a much * 'H'P-W'—|m_9BP : entertainment, the patients being times delighted to receive such kn|Sf|_H____po marks of attention from the tedium of camp life being Wm_____w' eiderably brightened thereby, -. -*fjlj_fflH§|». At the last meeting of the of the Catholio Club tbe appointed in connection with vision of' amueemente for the * i^inMJ^____^___^'' sessions brought up a report, agreed to, in favour of and also starting caret The president (Mr R. O. ised a priae for the card toumam«_iJ__________-K' Mr D. Casey waa appointed TilWf' The 'Kaikoura Star" it iafMJi^HH- A that katipo spiders abound beaches in various parts of the diamii______Hf ' Dr. Storey and Mr B. A. W.ImBhH ' while proceeding along the beach m_\f____i, the pound up to Aahwick corner, nearly a doaen of these dangerous insects above high-water mark driftwood, tins, and other debi secured several specimens, _ _ r Four first offenders, charaed drunkenneaa, who appamrmd woxmsma_mmma% •■ H. W. Bishop, S.M., yesterday, "wfHßlf eech. fined 6s, and foor..otbara''- f con-rioted and • dischargied. - J Brown was fined 90s for being drunpfflHK.'' lower High .street, and an 40s for using insulting language, Werdner. a prohibited 6s for drunkenness, and curing liouor from a IJosnasd the district in which tha order was in force. ~-~X $$s______Wf A man charged- •^<tlie/'llti^a < Court;'yesterday with -takmg obsosne language, by a jury, and tKms -of witnesses had- to .When tte eridenoe Magistrate altered the of using insulting in respect of which the exclusiveiuri-dietiou, <a_b__ar _DiL v • % X^^_^^m__i_l_a______^ the _nY used ianot lcpgi the fee will be 'additional* three?; minU"ka^k^Wh#aj>ij____^_____________^ line is over be a shilling for furtl*r shilling three, minutes. .-Tor for tha use of e''b_i > aau > above, Branded, die U raaoe>ithin the -Units; district ia ' v^-^ i * f^'-; ' l^|^^^H^K The aioea. -drawale in tha Oaaoe teviai_MHH^ during tha Mawh-autotir.tjdiwaßSraWß^s^i tha -'"<H-wtte;';;toti^^ci«jmMH^^ against £S44.^^^WMH_____H quarter ct : <lMi. various postal ferwe:**-Aueklaad £472.!, "Ohribrtchurch M499%^Um_W______WM £21,067, Qisborae ■ OM*; tlwiOi W-i £8389, Napier £18.M4, f iiip| : New Bymwth- X_W,r;o-SSgIWH^P Timaru £o^7K^^_m^*^Tom______m lington £86,078. XT& the, Thames which the wrtWr»w_ta ; depesita--Gl«yi-Uivtl. '-^^X^_________W £385, .Weatport Msaw\/Bkmm^Waa_______M A mim poataL regukt^,i :^WfflS^M|§| S rending that -"or. any tar any letter or invoioe, draft; or anything *n-«w^_^_|___^_________^ limy at aa address borne by tbo jparoal iMf*^Jif s l_ii|flfl_____H within New Zealand tain invoioea, ' drafts. -'A pared bank-notes, -or tared aad aaaled; bank-notes must: be aaaled,' !*___JiH__________H dot be registered. For sj-aerr closed in any P««U-»^^_S____i^^ article directed to *■>**_**■-2__l___\&m than that on t-a.;pai^/t^- i! liable to a surcharge of ■poetaaw which the enctkauw costTf sent separat-»ly. m J^^jgffim must be not Wa more than a-xtoan must hava passed the **™sP***m_ffl_____m Preference may, a> l boys who have passed i * Mjgfr*g| JSMIIJ aminatioo. ' Massage V*im --dtjgS 9HHI eligible for promotion .to of the they way, be same data aa * a«-i cilwval distributor to a cadetahip> in division, to be -deternimed on 'At|MH| either tha senior or junior Cayd MfiSSmaWl exaainatun frill be in -receipt of the iriaxunum - jaay JHffi poaHion for two qualify, fot* pro-notion ; to ; *™°\¥*_n_____M in flte aq_vderusal ortmon, cadetship, will be -^ a --^> ;, AfterjUie > ***_$*£ tl^fflKS clothing allowance of £5. YC?f JSHBi Two bulioaks were .©ooked :*> f ground at tbe Kaiapoi md Maori Carnival _J<***™7'. w waa placed on a revolving coke lira and under the earsful < tendance of Mr D. Haaey rt to a turn. The oh»»*» T_Sl_^l______l--BI the native manner. Furafc inches deep and 10 feefe "^ t i' w '!l*__f?MlHl in the ground. In thia a fire,. a cord and a half of V_m, waa -fcniMHH| and when it was at the fall two cubio yards ofriwr laid over the firs. When the red hot the wood embers were «f_*!l__^____t______n_f raked away. The caresae of l'\^________\^Kt ' lock waa laid on a trestle; of;'* ,J I poles and wire netting, wn;t, 2:„__^B_______. j placed over the heated stones. • 1 -H|iSß^^M of water were poured oa to form the carcase waa oot*ei*tl wil* JT^H^H ' calico and Maori nas mats; •B^^ r --*^nH^H , thick was laid over tb;*:**i_j£^B^H , water was put on. The bullock wMJS^B^W left to steam till-it waa .' lw « , «ii^H_______l carcase had been oonunittM I^^H|^H umu to the accompanime—t of ■* f!MHD^H| j chant,; and when the umu v -Hm_§s9__B________l 'there was another X *2!^_______H mands for samples of the nMaaa^^H^^H very numerous, and after « 9a J^!W^^m^^M ' been supplied, the Sfsons nts£eJ|^^H^^H > feast, waa til WfWB^K^B

•X Tbe Land Commission will sit in the '0 Land Board room to-day at 10 a.m. >•' The Art ■ "Exhibition, despite the "■" holiday attractions elsewhere, was f w«U attended yesterday, particularly in .-'SSerening.Verening. It will be open again 'today at the usual hours. ! * " The Sonoma, with the San Francisco •mail on board, arrived at Auckland - 1 __dV yesterday morning, after a pas- '•' ___* of 16 days 17 hours. The Rotoiti, •Sh the Southern portion of the mail, r St Onehunga at 3.30 p.m. yesterday *f" for New Plymouth. <-*" *'The second express from the South ' * l«t night was a particularly long and A' heavy one, and in consequent* of tho . 1-J lumber of excursionists to be picked up STSopped at the different stations, So train was forty minutes late in reaching Christchurch. '. The annual elections of School Committees take place to-night. All house-hoS-W, both husbands and wives, of SS. school district, have votes and ineligible for election to the Committee Parents who hvo outside a 't district but lave children attending tne school, have vot«, but are not eligible 'for election. j The two officials from Wellington, who have been deputed by the Government to ta«pcct the site selected by the local committee for the Exhibition, with a Kw Vrf having a topographic* > survey made, will arrive to-morrow. The■ sec- ' Starv, Mr E. J- Bighten, has notified . [be 'committee of .their visit The | Executive Commissioner (Mr to., b. Munro) will to-day move into h» office in tho building formerly occupied by tho Christchurch Meat Company. The Wellington .Mission Band cave a concert in the Choral Hall -V last night, when there was a large at- : tendance. The following programme * was Played .-"Southern Cross BnH JaV P march (PryceJonea): "Welsh &-, hena*." (Frost); "Awake the Song I' of Jnbike" (Frost); "The Kani omoo March" (Balch): "Tho VieI tor's Return," contest march I (Ord-Hnme); -*Bwc--t Sounds," f *" to ?- a ?* iHaiKh); --fltradella" (Flotow); "Major ? and Minor," march (Southwell); "Tho V ' Nabob," march (Southwell) and the * "National Anthem." ;. King George, of Tonga, who is at '.- present visiting Wellington, paid a -' , visit to the Premier yesterday. He is ' ' awaiting the reply of the Imperial Go--5 > vernment to a petition he bas addressed to King Edward regarding the action » cf the High Commissioner of the Pacific * in deporting tho Tongan Premier and - Troasnrer. ' Asked whether he proposed > to visit England, King George replied that at present it was impossible to say •■ .what would be done, or what contingencies might eventuate. ' "" While deer-stalking on Taonui sta- ', ' tion, in the Wairarapa, last w-eek-Mr ■ - - 0. W, Palmer, secretary of the Wellington *lington branch of the Navy. League __- (says our Wellington correspondent) lost '>S his bearings not far from where the late •[' Mr J. C. Andrew died last year. Sir S' ftl-or waa out on the ranges (which ?- ' are clad in very dense bush) from 5 a.m. % until 7 o'clock the same evening. He i ' teas completely "bushed." During his (h'' , wramble through the bush Mr Palmer p * lest his hat, watch and chain and pocket W - K>o - £ ' I p* A football match at Palmerston IT" South wso (says a Dunedin telegram) m bro\ : to a close by a tragic occurm' rence yesterday. A team from the E&-. Albion Club, Gore, journeyed to PalM merston to play a local team, and being jjSL a man short a young man named Lindjjj'Vaay i . son of the ex-Inspector of Facsl's tones bore, but now in Wellington, was Svi-.taken on to play. The game had only fe- : -; been started a few minutes when LindM%wy was observed to fall. First aid was ®S administered, but Dr. Baeley, who was brought on to the ground, pronounced ||<?'lifc to be,extinct. ,> i m ..The Easter season at Akaroa (writes ' i;!i ear correspondent) has been a dull'one, I?'.*:" the wintry weather during the latter of last week being responsible for fj-^tte.small, number of visitors. The .state Of the roads, too, .kept the $?'<:/usual quota of motor cars and cycles f■'-?,: from coming through. The yachts & f £Sri*/ateer. Onawe ,and Fleetwing, howmade the trip from Lyttelton, in PS'fWfte cf tho gale Easter Sunday was Bj-j.tba it dry day since Wednesday, and momtwyptbi appeared to take advantage of l^^itne-siint—ine. A bazaar was opened on by the Mayor (Mr Orbell) in ■g& *m*«l,tno Roman Catholic convent, and the day good business was done. ■pf>'W-'-aater Sunday services were held SlfM* Peter's Anglican Church, at If jyitf & the Rev. A. H.. Julius officiated, §|pad;,'St St. Patriok'e Roman Catholic |l|p(feiireh,-the latter being conducted by pM-^bf'Rev. Dr. Kennedy. Both churches Rs%ltat' prettily decorated, and special ||||||Wb waa sung. annual meeting of the parishM§Mfm of St. Mary's Church, Adding§f W&£*' W * i * w,d !ast n -B nt '* The vicar; the "• *-*• Bean, presided, and. there attendance of about 100. The §Wi_W' X 9 annual report stated that there debt of any kind on the church, or the Sunday school. During there had been 90 baptisms, j and 27 burials. The rereferred to the loss which the had sustained through the deaths J. M. Hey wood and Mr J. C. The annual balance-' anowed receipts £566 ls Id and I £555 18s lld, leaving a balance of £10 2s 2d. The report! bjdance-sl-eet were adopted. The ||ra& offioera were elected:—ParitshH^^PAn > churchwarden, Mr A. Schwartz; Mpßcart churchwarden, Mr W. Dowrivestry, Messrs E. H. Banks, G. , l||Kl*a—i, J. M. I'Anson, A. Johnson, W. D. Leathern, J. W. TwentyW. Wright, A. Morton, and Kpf||&ii_e interesting remarks on the sub* !i'!-§--_r * ne 'collection of meteorological ! gngra are made by. the Rev. D. G in this week's " Gasette." Tl» Hs-ft-—!f .* wnn * 9c -i° I * ox the weather with Hißsl'TOsng has, he says, been shown rr> -s__fiS_^- r ** * rera * r ' ttt ' s ' e manner by tlie iHil ttl-i Meteorological Office. It is IlllpSpte.found that, "with certain exc<jpeTe *r*! hich of autumn rainfall in-B-f-Pi-J—f 8 * * wminution of the yield of for the following year by a and a quarter per acre." In -country, comments the Rev. Mr April practically cpmrnenoes; the H^i;Ml > _k_t_ltttral year, nnd attention is hE-®_**W. to this fact in the hope that, next harvest as an en*, in [Bp|lffy>'the observers will endeavour more and otwistantly to correlate with its effects, thus showinfluence upon vegetation, etc. __§_§IP_V meteorological returns would then tho farmer's progress at tho of ploughing and sowing, and i BEfl^t 8 changes in the growth, ripening, 4 harvesting of his crops. I ploughing young manutai or ' Bwer land the Benicia -Diso Plough supreme. 4 |K%Tho Olds Mobile Company tarns out ra& M can a day. That is why fhey can *° cheaply. A. W. Smith, 126 KCaahel street. f 29 HB-f-yith the thrifty housewife tne points lißwhw'h. tell aro quality, stylo, snd price. ___g||ft these we excel. Ladies funtop lined ■Igpid gloves, 2s lld, 3s lld, 4s Udj mar■KUtot fur collars, 7s lld, 8s lld upwards; j K»|eable marmot muffs, 10s 6d tf 635; new } Hp>wdela in erect form and strtight-front ' 4s 6d to 29s 6d; mew dross H&akirts in navy, black an<J assorted. Htweeds, 10s 6d, 12s 9d, 15s 91, 18s lld; H|'*uperb variety of ladies' ready-to-wear and straws, latest shades and Hfshapes. Be»rh and Co., ltd., Cashel Bptreet. 24 Hft The Beattie Bond Studio r 179 Colombo are now doing beautiful cabinet ■Bgt-botoa at 10s 6d per dozen > Don't miss ■nUa opportunity. Come a*d get a good oheas. X«» •* «4iup chanoa. 7 _________a_-^>--^-A^^» *& j .f.

' Tho London buyers of tbe D.I.C. have been fortunate in securing a large stock of high-grade down quilts at extraordinary values. The majority are covered with down-proof coverings, some in sateen, others satin. More artistic colourings couldjscarcely Ibe seen. Many are in the two-tone effects, and are priced from one guinea. The Royal "TTber-bed" quilt is one of the D.I.C. specialities for this season, being filled with finest quality Artie down, and retailed at 355. 22 The showroom of Graham, WiUon I and Smellie has been a very busy scene I this week, tho attraction being their j display of Winter Jackets and Easter ' Millinery, which ladies will find well worth a visit of inspection. 4025 " Your (Booth Macdonald) discs do better work, and oeem to be lighter draft than other makes." This farmer tells us he has done 700 acres, and can see no appreciable wear. 3633 Rambler motor cars have met overy requirement of the road. The only practical test of a motor car. The speed is controlled by the throttle attachment to the steering wheel, requiring only one hand to steer and control. There is only one lov»r, and no internal gears to go wrong. Jates, Lowry and Co., Christchurch, sole ageuts. 4 However you spend tbe Easter Holidays, one thing ia certain, your outfit is not complete without a perfect fitting suit, made from a stylish material. Now, with regard to fit and style, we are in a position to give you all the most fastidious could desire, aa our new cutter (late of Redfern and Co., Conduit street, London, and Paris) is an artiit of undoubted ability. Our stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, Vicunas, Serges, etc., ie one of the finest in Canterbury, therefore selection is made easy. Beath and Co., Ltd., Tailors, etc., Christchurch. 30 For repairs to all kinds of bicycles, both English and American, the best place is Boyd and Son's, Gloucester street (opposite Rink Stables), where they have every appliance and convenience) for making satisfactory repairs , at lowest prices. Agents for two of England's best bicycles at English prices. 36 Household Requisites. — Fletcher J Bros, have a good assortment of baths, ! buckets, saucepans, kettles, frypans, ; brooms, and brushes, w. and g. cups j and saucers from 5s lOd, plates from I2s 6d, meat dishes from Is, big dishes 2s 9d, toilet sets from 8s 9d, lamps, cutlery, glassware, etc. See windows. Fletcher Bros., Crockery and Hardware i Merchants, Lower High street. 8061 I If you have the faintest suspicion ' that your eyes are not just right, if they bother you in any way, it r B best to have them examined at once. Do not go to the average optician or spectacle seller, for he is unable to distinguish between optical defects and diseases, but consult John R. Proctor, 180 Etfgb street, Christchurch, who will , give you a thorough examination free of charge. 2145 THE ANTARCTIC MEDAL. Lord Jersey is reported f to have received an intimation, in response to his application on behalf of the Australian Museum of Sydney, that two copies of the Antarctic expedition medal | will be supplied to the Museum as Boon as possible. The medal has not yet been struck. Surely if any Museum is entitled to copies of the Antarctic medal it is the Christchurch Museum. A LONG VOYAGE. It does not necessarily follow (says ar# Australian exchange) that because the Russians have voyaged so far their ships will be difficult to handle—their bottoms being so foul with streaming seaweed. Not so long since a British warship did a continuous voyage of I €6,000 miles, and steamed up-channel at I the rate of over 14 knots an hour, three I and a half years after starting in commission. The vessel in question was the cruiser Dido. Her commission befan in May, 1898, when she went to ,as Palmas. Immediately on her return she was sent to the Mediterranean. In December, 1899, without being over- - hauled, she took Lord Kitchener from Malta to Gibraltar at a speed of 18 knots to join Lord Roberta on his way to the Cape. At lees than a day's notice she left for Hongkong, arid did the 10,000 miles at 16| knots. After taking part in the Chinese incident she went to Wei-hai-wei, whence she ultimately, returned to England, and was paid off at Chatham after the longest continuous voyage ever made by a modern warship. An old member of her crew, now in Sydney, asserts that the Dido would not have shamed her commander had ehe been called upon at the last to take part in line-of-battle manoeuvres. HOSPITAL TeT AND BUNS. A! bar at which out-patients may obtain light refreshments is the latest hospital innovation. At the 'annual meeting of the King's College Hospital, London, the chairman. Lord Methuen, said that the committee had instituted j a refresnment bar, where tea, and buns and other eatables are supplied at a small cost to out-patients, who are in many cases necessarily detained at the hospital some time. The provisions are ! provided by the hospital authorities to I ensure their good quality, and while it is not intended to make a profit, the i refreshment bar is to be made selfsupporting. Tbe out patients' bar has been a decided success, and is much appreciated by the patients. The appointment of a lady almoner, whose /duty it is to inquire .into the circum- ' stances of the out-patient, and where necessary place them in communication with the various charitable organisations, is another King's College experiment which may be followed by other | hospitals. The visits of the lady almoner will, it is stated, act as a cheek upon applications for medical adrice for patients who can well afford to pay dootors' fees.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12177, 25 April 1905, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12177, 25 April 1905, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12177, 25 April 1905, Page 6