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PEOPLE OF ALL STATIONS OF LIFE TEABE HERE. This is not a Store far-one, class alone, but for all classes. It ia a Store which people in all walks' : j of life have come to regard as their shopping head-quarter. Wβ believe that the customer who comes •in to spend a few pence is entitled to the same civility and attention aa , the oue who spends several ; sovereigns. Once under this roof, you may or may not be a customer, but you are treated as a welcome ; guest. The high standard quality of merchandise, linked to low prices that are lower than at any other store in Canterbury, give to the Farmers' Go-op, an enviable prestige among an economy-loving people.

ClinchaHpc Gloves for Carnival Week. aUUMIdUC:>. Charming fabric Gloves, in the For the Races and the Show you styles and shades now worn and at will need a smart Sunshade, to give such trifling prices that it would be a the touch of elegance to your toilette. pity to deny yourself the possession AYe want you to try to see the pure of two or three pairs, silk Sunshades we are showiog, in Lace Cotton Gloves, in white, cream, all white, cream, or black; also black grey, tan. and black— with white border or white stripe, At 7*d, 10d, 1/- per pair • and m light fancy designs in all the Lisle Lace Gloves .. At 1/6 1/8 1/11 dainty summer shades. They are Silk Lace Gloves .. At 1/8 1/11 2/3 decidedly chic and very much under- Silk Lace Mitts At 1/3 1/6 1/11 2/6 priced, for they are honestly worth Lisle Gloves, in white, black, grey, 9/6 .. Special Price 6/11 each and beaver At 1/6 1/9 1/11 2/3 Beautiful Millinery at Carnival Prices. " Y° U 'U w &at to look your best when the crowds are about, and correct Millinery mean 3 much: AVhy not come around and see the chic trimmed Millinery that we have specially priced for those who want them badly. A lovely group of trimmed Millinery, in every fashionable shape and shacle; just as dainty a lot ns we have ever shown .. .. At 14/6 to 63/Sailor Hats now coming into favour with a rush. We have them with the single and double brims .. .. .. At 3/6 to 7/11 each The Wanted Summer Blouses, Marked Down to the Special Carnival Prices. They appeal most powerfully by. their wonderful charm and liliputian prices, and the selection is very large. AVhite Muslin Blouses, trimmed insertion or fancy stitching— At 3/6 and 6/6 each AVbite Silk Blouses, prettily shirred and trimmed with insertion— Special Price 8/6 each Cream Silk Blouses, shirred and tucked .. .. Special Price 10/6 each' Cream Silk Blouses, with lace yokes and deep cuffs, or trimmed with Valenciennes insertion .. .. .. .. Special Price 21/-each Black Voile Blouses, with fancy stitching or smocked At 7/11 and 12/6 each Black Jap Silk Blouses, trimmed insertion or with black lace medallions— At 16/6 17/6 21/The Greatest Show of ' - Bee-keepers , Requisites. A long experience of markets and intimate knowledge of what bee-keepers require has taught us where to get the wanted things, and our customers get the benefit of our knowledge. AYe show a great assortment of bee supplies— the latest and best from the Yankees, who know all that there is to know about bee farming. The New AVeed Process Comb stronger, tougher, and purer than any other kind, and there are more sheets to the pound, too. We are agents fot the A. J. Root Company, America, and the Alliance Box Company, Dunedin. ■ . If you cannot come to see our stock, let us send you our illustrated Catalogue. It is jours for the asking. - Dessert Fruits. It's the unexpected that's seen in our aggregation of food supplies. There are heaps of tempting delicacies, in cans, jars, and boxes. Get some of these Dessert Fruits into your home and you'll he delighted, for there will always be something ready for that hurried meal—something, that will tickle the palate. AYe lead for low prices, and are rigid in our demands for excellence of quality. AYe commend these Dessert Fruits. Flickenger's Sliced Lemon Cling French's Crystallised Pears, Apricots, Peaches, in heavy syrup— Cherries, and Angelica, at 2/- per lb. At 1/8 per tin Eaglet Brand Peachesr Pears, and Bartlett Pears .. At 1/8 per tin Apricots .. At 1/3 per tin Royal Ann Cherries At 2/-per tin Sta / and Crescent Brand Peaches, - Singapore Pineapples, in syrupAt 6d. per tin Anrienta At I<M Queensland Pineapples- Evaporated Californian Pears^ , , ' „ At Bd. per tin oots, Peaches, Apples, and Prunes— Queonsland Cape Gooseberries— . Atßd. At 1/- per tin Californian Pie Peaches, Pears, and Crosse & Blackwell's Pie Plums, Apricots, in gallon tins ...At 1/8 Cherries, and Gooseberries (in Frhnsby Orchard (N.Z.) Pie Plume, /bottles).. .. At 1/2 1/0 in gallon tins .. ..At 1/4 Wool. The opening sale of the season in Cbristchuroh will be held on Thursday, 17th November, and we shall be glad to receive entries* as early as possible. Last season, in spite of a shrinkage in the number of bales offered in the South Island, our catalogue was larger than ever, clearly proving that our methods are appreciated. Such supplies as -wool-growers need to get the staple ready for the market may be obtained here. : , ' Wool Packs. Seaming Twine. . 42in., loose tops .. At 2/- each xhe jnost serviceable 5-ply Seairf 46m., „ „ .. At 2/1 each . ■ Twine _ 48in., .•„ „ .. At 2/1 each »ng xwme— ...... 541n., „ !, .. At 2/2 each •" At 7d. per hank 54in., fast „ .. At 2/2 each • Or 12/6 for 24 banks

HOSIERY. I Tho kind of Hosiery that women will « want for the Carnival week offered to-day £ at speciality tempting prices; . $ Black Lisle Hose 1/6 1/9 1/11 2/3 a pair- | Black Lace Lisle Hose, % 1/6 1/0 2/3 2/6 2/11 a pair § Black All-Lace Lisle Hose, 2/11 a pair i Black Spun Silk Lace Hose, 3/11 4/11 a pair | Blaok Cashmere Lace Hose, ff 1/11 2/3 2/6 2/11 a pair jj Black Cotton Hose— }£ 1/- 1/3 1/5 1/6 Iβ 1/11 A pair Aj ■ $! Big Savings on I Women's Shoes at I these Carnival Prices. | The Shoes have all the elegance and stylo '4 that the most exacting women would wish ?| —it is the-prices that hare been lowered to \< help you save a little for the Carnival Week. ' 4 Glace Kid Oxford Shoos, without caps. 3 These are plain, but very comfortable, a nod the best for tender feet. k Special Price ~ ... 13/6 % & Glace Kid Lace and Button Boots, light and -1 smart and just what you Trill need for> 1 the Show or the Rj co?. . • • « Special Price .. ~, 15/6 M, Smart Street Shoes with patent caps, in ff lace or button. Neat and shapely. § Special Price .. .. 12/11 1 Bostock's Strap Shoes with patent leather " I caps. Very dainty footwear for Summer ' > wear. Price " .. 11/6 j Morocco House Slippers with flexible pump 1 Boles. The best for tired feet. ! Special Prico .. .. - 4/11/ ; I Veilings 1 for Fruit Trees. 1 Fruit Trees need protection and we have S some nice white cotton netting specially, ' £ suited for tho purpose. > | 50 yds. x 7 yds. at .. 60/-the piece <i Lawn Mowers. I Some people like one kind and some J another. We have the sorts thai do their \ ® work thoroughly, out olose and evenly and "* J don't leave any ugly tufts. Our prices too-- m are a strong recommendation to those who '": 1 like good value. Here are the beat kinds m .of lawn mowers. - M The" Banner" Win. .. at 25/- i The " Standard' 14in. .. at 30/-' . 1 The " Phlladelpl fa ,, 14!n., 16in., & 181n.V' I at ..' .. , 40/- 46/- fiO/i *\ I The "Excelsior" with grass box,.l6in.' M at' '..'.. .. ,;;,77/6v' | manures. ;■"••;.;; I For Farm Lands or Cottage Gardent:f 1 Good M»nure is a good tonic for sick land,' .. 1 and if o i want a good crop you must have <'. I the best, Manure. Th* .artificial manure's '" % most wanted by farmers have this season jl 'received special attention. ,The ingredient*.- 1 employed in (h3 manufacture' of \ 1 Manures nre the best obtainable, proved by ," 3 anolyi! to contain a large percentage of ; M tho essentials of plant food. Oar stock ie - 1 large und wo have no hesitation in asking ";,' fer the support of farmers. . - • •;' :£ Superphoiphates—the Anglo, Continental, i: M and Japanese Brands, from 85 to 30 per -,*- 'm cc n , . soluble 11 £4 12s. 6d. to £i 17*. ~ | per tin. . *" . *• '!}? i | at £6 per ton.' '. . •" \ | Kail lat £4 per ton. \ \. \-'A\ | ' '. MIXED MANURES. -' } For Grain .. at £4 15a. od. per ton., \ For Turnips .. at £4 17e.- 6d. per ton *:?, i For Mangels .. at £5 os. od. per ton , | Forßape'. •../■,at £5 2t 6d. pertoa.'; | - h

IN.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Associations 1 ====== 107 to 115 CASHEL STREET ====== || MEN AND WOMEN! 4i PWBT'"jUJfIKHI 1 ' MIODLCAGED, YOUNG, AND OLD, ;;{ + \<\s. . Are you Weak, Loir Spirited, Tired of Life; do you suffer from ' phyficd^wliM? gfcWHflnge 'iyg through over-exertion, excessos, or ignorance in youth, debility, nervous wcaJm***, *'?"£ « la.vSVw'BJ&h SV 9I V'flLiV 7H J(?Bsnc»s, wasted, run down feeling, pimplce, bladder, "kidney, or proetw eneetionj;JJ»*»,<-J I,iMWJMffcJpli %«#*» Mif^ , Hl cholia, timidity, bad memory, loss of flesh or vitality, dizziness after stooping.*™ te ?"*| '*77i of eyelia* or musclce, bashfulncsa, blushing, varicose veins, or any wetkneift *M BJP*3 B>3*ja£r^!p-. '~• flM£ &+**•'£* '■U >'°v utterly failed in your efforts, to regain HEALTH? If so, know for » c^ Uattr Jr t uS* B&SHTjV'•* V change all that. You can he made vigorous, bright, strong, and he»lthy by coanu«||> PRQF.'NOtMANN f m.^m.©| §2. 'V ~ ^*, ' ) ! 23G GLOUCESTER STREET WEST. CHRISTCHUECH/" '*-* >m K'-'UpV .", *;V-iiirl*:3yi The on 'y specialist advertiser who will GUARANTEE A THOROUGH CURE" *n&* M '*tB * en d treatment on easy terms of payment. Special easy term* to »ny sufferer woo h>l^ ■.J yftTPL Jp» JP'y ■>*f* %'*. *!<■'s%& €en m s so-called (pecialists or Electric Belt treatment. . -J^ ' thousands op testimonials as under , .-sS ' SEBVOUS IRRITABILITY AND WEAKNESS CURED. » , '""..'IJ Wmrjit I'ROF. NOTMANN. *"* "* 'September fith, l^J^ WM§ ■ Sir,— Many years I euffcrrd from nervous irritability, weakness, etc, alw«yj J"™ l^ H|w Bl j 1 M and weary after sleepless nights; but with pleasure J now inform you the > wwlpw»^ i wjm Alf* J" , * disappeared. I. sleep well now, and have no dTcams. Such speedy rertorattOß ■I rm I YSgQ Kr Jβ did not expect after years of suffering, and the many odrerli*ed electno • beiti «*Tr-J^ BR*& M/ Xi remedies I ufed. You are the moat stiaiqht forward specialist advertising, •Bα y°pr***V jjgji HEla J jGH W Wssffl/m»ik ment and appliances are the only cure for weak men in tho colonies, an I unforWiMWj *ffl MMI ' jfMr&^ > dffl WBfflMsk tried lhcm all " nd J thaEk Gcd l took Mr Fisb * ,,s ed^ice and COD pr>BEBTSbv '' l M is made easier when your B \. A m I •» *'v H them along to us for Re-rubberinc, ■ nkfT\ rifTlTlD llT'fiQhi H and we return them fitted with gl 4ffl KMI N XX MNLI IJC.L)UIvH I V/I% r" 4I g New Rubbers that will give you m * * A-1.1. *-*!»** H Prices: 10 x i}. 4/-each; 11 x \\, 4/6 H TT 111 _ _. ■'^'3» each; 13 si}. 5/-each |I ATI 7 lflf CI I I ?l E THE DUNLOP THE CO. OP AUST. LTD. O IVVα W W«f J*li 1 1 JL all ftfThj l * K«PV , t-m, DM ii|C»c»ltlI8«, Adelaide; IU-na Adelaide EL. Brutenr; H JL %S |a| »I 7 luy 8.. WTth; I* UrkScUSL, CkrMchacb. Hi. JRB ' •"/fe - Thee* *n» quii* 'the Latest Production*, and are nov much Oiedlto , < '^i don houew. Very great ear* has been exercised m wlerting onlj ««J«' Original Deaign* and Harmomous Colourings. Th . oß » ,n c lf arC X, o i v where -ll MPKf GKIM! has just arrived. M Usui SKIN ' S2i2r"ssa sX..»ut ...1. , ,• *■■ m Burn., sung, oflnsecu. etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAH, OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS' ™U»%?^^B COOK & ROSS, c Slmw I iSBC. , 107 COLOMBO STREET, CHfiISTCHUIiC %i^e

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12027, 31 October 1904, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12027, 31 October 1904, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12027, 31 October 1904, Page 2