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POKX OF LYTTELTON. ARRlVED—October 15." Moeraki, e,B. (C.2Q a.m.), <892 tons, Neville, irouu Sydney via Wellington. . Pae»eng»re— AL'saes iiuibcrt, Capiil, Donaldson, Jioare, ijradbury, Watson, Wright, Wallace, (Jraat, Wi.son, Husmey. Sirupeon, Talbot, Hiorna (2,, and McLachlan> Mesdames Bamneid, Webb, Loving, York, Malet, Gibson, Neale, ltuaucnkiau, ilcNamara, Davis, Wilson, liiorns, Hoaro, and Smith, Rev. Dalkston, Cuptain Noalo, Lieutenant Herd, Messrs Williams, Helming, Bamrield, York $), Wh»te, Webb, Watson, K'enuett, Sponce, "Watte, Culling, Arnet (2), Malet, Hellmoro, Gibbons, Mooro, Holmes, Buncy, 8011, Manhirp, Houn. seli, Cohen, Bradbury, Roberts, Ruddenklau. Lane, Edling, Hurndell, Hosseiy, Snell. Stutmer, ■ Turner, Watson, Small, Jatnes, Thomson, Coop, Parkinson, MoGrcgor, Wilson, Hiorns, Parrott, Bannerman, and Pearsc, ani 47 steorago. Union Steam Whip Company, agents. " -■ Talune, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 2087 tons, Berqcch, from Dunodin. Passengers—Miss Ruthven, Dr. Newell, Messrs Ovendon and filler, and four steerage. Union Steam Ship/Company, agenU. Wcatralia, s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 2881 tone, Rairiey, from Sydney via Auckland, Giaborne, Napier, and "Wellington. Paeeengers—Aliases Blanco, Molnto3h, Borslcy, Gcrrard, Murray. Ayneley, and Rutlcdgc, Mcsdamca Knight, Spence, Ranee, Stone, Murray-Aynsley,, Mitchell, Priest,. and J once, Messrs Sunonssn, Johnston, Stone, Charters, Mclntoeh, O'Rourke <2), Priest, Mitchell, and Orchard, and 14 steerage. Kinscy, Barns and Co., agents . , ' Rotomahana, s.s. (10.12 a.m.), 1777 tons, Manning, from Wellington. Paasengers— ilesdaruea Nicholson" and Blackburn, Messrs Head, Nicholson; Adams, Cook, Moore, Hislop, Taylor, D. Buddo, MJI.R., and. Captain Blackburn, and throe steerage. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. John Anderson, e.g. (2.80 p.m.), 52 tone, MoConville from Akaroa, via the 'Bays. Pitcaithly and Co., agen-ts.

October Iβ. Oanopus, e.s. (7.20 a.m.), 1350 tone, Lobb, from Weatport. Westport Coal Company, Uα., agente. Koonva, c.a. (7.40 a.m.), 1091 tons. Williams,, from Dunedin, Oumaru and ' Union Steamship Company. Ltd., agente. Dingadee, c.a. (9 a.m.), 640 tone, Dillner, from Greymouth. C. W. Ufcrner, agent. Penguin, s.s. (3.10 p.m.) BSM tone, Lambert and Backstrom, from Wellington. Passengers—Misses Hcbden, Hey wood. Harvey, iSprouie, ilarton, Hoaly, King, Beard, and Codling, Mesdamee Peek and infant, Hebden and infant, Williams, Hartland, Vallanco, Sandeson, Perry and 'two children. Beard, Messrs Gay, Peck, Sidey, Mime, Wallace, Walters, Dunnage, Morgan, Haine, Haitland, McGregor, Pinch, Cooper, Soeen, Storor, JJcKay, 'Tβ Awhiwokitui, Tinker, Greenwood, Goodger, Haughton, Orr. Grant,. Cleggy Her? wood, Brown, Chieholm, Buchanan, McKellor, Davies, Heywood, Strange, Parry, Cornish, Gardiner (2), Prout, McGregor, Wright. Kinneaf, Mcßwan, and "Brownlow, Union Stcem, Ship Company, I/td., agent*. . . ; SAlLßl>rOctober 15. : Moeraki. *.s. (2.80 p.m.), 4302,t0ne, Neville, for Melbourne, via Dunedin, (Bluff, and Hobart. Paaeongcre—For Dunediu: Miss Bromley, Meadamee Finlnysoa and Mountain and infant, Unseats Scbata and Maofkrlane. For 'Melbourne: Mrs Froak; Meaere H. liinerd, Holmes, and Freak. Union Steamship Company, I/id., agents. . j , Brisbane, e.s. (3.80 p.m.), 1119 tone, Neale,. for Kaipara. Paesengere—ilrs Nea-le and boy. C. W. Turner, agents. Falcon, schooner (4.40 p.m.), 93 ton*, Rennlo. for Havelock. T. H. l£er, agent. ; ■ •■ ■\Vhangape, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 2331 tons, Adams, for Timaru and Dunedin. Union Steamship Company. Ltd., agenta. . ' r : Westralia, b.b. (5.5 p.m.), 2384 tons, Raincy, for Dunedin. Kinsey,' Barns and Co., agente. Talune, 8.9.. (6.15 p.m.), 3067 tons, Bernech, for Welling an, Napkr, Giebomo, and Auckland. Passenger!— For .Wellington: . Mr Smith. For "Maptor: 'ITisscs Waterhouso and Mooro, Mr Moore. For Auckland: Mr arid Mts Sherrard. Union Steamship Company, Ltd., agents. . : ; Rolomahana, «.g. (10 p.m.), 1777 tons, Manning, for Wellington. PosEingers—Misses Snell, Baulf. Drew, Hervoy. James (2), Clark, Gilmer, Gill, ttnd Watson. Mcsdames Mbcfarane, Goiild, Young, Vogel and child, Snell and two children. Mayer, Beed. Jatnee. Eadce, Hallott, Dyer,'' Horn and family, and Chapman and three childrfn.-Messrs Laurence, •Macfarlane, Campbell, Milligan,. Miller, Cock, W. B. ClaTkson, junr., G. Clarkson. J.- C. Maddison. Jonea, Upton, !Berliner, Molineaux, Young Vo— * G. Chapman, !Van der Veldeh, Bevan,;Trompp, Galhn, Duncan, W. B. Andrew, C. Bewott, ICoGowan, W. H. Gibbe, Fitton, G. OSllie, Slyth, Do*ding. B. Soott,Hutchinaon, Price, Goitrejr, Stiell, Eobcry, Perry, and Brkcr. Union Steamship Company Ltd., agents. . October 16. John Anderson, e.g. (10.10 a t m.), 52 tone, McConville, for Akaroa. Pitcaithly and Co., •gents. ». ■:■[■_, ~,. ' The Huddart Parker steamer < Westralia, from Sydney, via Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington, arrived on.Saturday morning efc 10.10 o clock, after meeting With heavy southerly winds and seas on tho run down the coast. The Westralia sailed at 6.5 p.m. for Dunedin. . . " The ferry eteamor Rotomahaue, from Wellington, arrived at 10.12 a.m. onSatnrdey.. Directly after leaving Wellington the vessel met with dirty tveather, heavy southerly squall* with considerable sea being encountered until well down, this side of Kaikoura, when the

weather moderated. H» ,Botom*hiai. Bailed again at 10 p.m. for Wellington. : ' v" Ouo of tho .largest shipments of wool which has left any port in toe Commonwealth in one bottom was sent to Europe fionl Adelaide in the 'lyaer liner Star of New Zealand, which left on the 2nd October. Iβ five days the steamer loaded 10,127 bales,'.: m addition-,267..ba1es of skins and sundries. The record for Port Adelaide is held by tho •ferthshue, which Bailed on the 30th Koveiaber. UKtt, with 10.964 bales. , .-.V... "■-■ The latest charter list to hand advisee that the steamer Petone, which left -Napier io» Sydney recently, is to return to New Zealand wjth a oargo of coal from xVewcaetle, and then make another run to AustnUa, taking Umber from Groymouth to 4>ydney, ,-. ~i The Union Company's sttumer ilopraki, from Sydney, tia Wellington, arrived oa Saturday morning, and berthed at No. 3 wharf at 6.20 aanu Tne vessel left Sydney at 2.30 on the afternoon of Saturday, October Sth, aaid.cleared Port Jackeon Heads at 8,13 p.m- .', Northwest to westerly winda and emootfl flea* >ere the rule uatil Hearing: Wellington Heade, when a strong southerly gale was encountered, Ine.veetel arrived in the stream at Wellington at-6.40 ft.m., and coneiderable tiouble wae experienced in beitbing the vessel owing to the howling gale. TbV vessel left. vVelUngrton at 4.85 p.m, on JPriday, and encountered strong southerly wind* and heavy seaa umti! well down the coast, and ahe reaehod LyMeltoa as above. The Moeraki waa a day behind her time-table date owing to detention at Wellington, on account of the bad weather which prevailed there on Thursday. She Bailed at 2.30 p.m. for Melbourne, via Dunedin, Bhiff,. and Hobert. " i : The Taiune returned from Ihxnedin- at 7J3X> rt.m. on Saturday,- and sailed again at 6J5 p.m. for Auckland, via, Wellington, Napier, and Gieborne. '''. . The Dolphio left Wellington for/London yesterday, and the Victoria for Sydaey. A concert on board the Mbbraki during her run from Sydney to Wellington realised about £3, which cum is to be handed over to the Shipwreck Belief Society. ■'. i

The chip Westlantl has been oharterod to load a general cwgn>, at London for Nelson. The steamer John'Anderson returned from Akiroa, via'the Bays, at 2.30.p.m. on Saturday, and after loading a quantity of cargo, sailed again at 10.10 (urn. yesterday on » special trip, to Akaroa. - . .-...--v The "Union Company's steamer Koonys, arrived «rt 7.40 a.m. yesterday, from Dunedin, Oemarn, and Timaru. The vessel, which is a day behind. her timetable date will toil today fjut-*Weilington, Westport, and Greymouth.. . . . : ■-,;■.■ . The Union Company's steamer Penguin, which took the place 6f the Takapuna for the Saturday fcight trip from Wellington, arrived at 3.10 p.m. yesterday, and will sail again to-night on the return.trip. Captain Lambert had/ charge of the vessel on the run down. Captain Backetrom, who acted in conjunction with Captain Lambert on the Wellington, Picton, and Nelson tun, it also on beard the vessel. : , r Mr W. B> Cunningham is siill with the Penguin as ptfrscr.', " '. ' ".;■.' The schooner: Falcon was' towed out at 4.40 p.m. on Saturday, and sailed from the atream with a fair wind for Havelock. i '•'■■■ The Union Company's Steamer : vVhangape finished discharging the Lyttelton portion of her. cargo of coal, and sailed at 4;45 p.m. on Saturday for Timaru and Dunedin, where she will put out the balance. •" . The Melbourne , Steamship : . Company's steamer Brisbane, after 'discharging tho whole of her cargo of coal from Newcastle, sailed at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday, for Kaipara, ,whero eho".will load timber' for 'Sfelbourne. Captain Neale was. accompanied by Mrs Neale and their little son. • ' •':. : : The Wcstport Coal Comijany's steamer Canopusi from Weetport, asrived yesterday morning, and'was berthed at No. 4 wharf alongside . the hulk' Chittoor. '.The steamer, which was four days eight hours on the passage round, •> was delayed , by the ,hoevy southerly gales which 'were,raging in the Straits last week. The Canopus loft Westport at 11 o'clock last Tuoeduy night. On the run up the West Coast she experienced light eouth-weet ■ winds and''smooth-.':seas,, which she, carried with her until after passing Stephen's Island at 1.80 p.m. on Wednesday last. At 3. p.m. that -day'she encountered strong south-west winds with heavy southerly seas, which increased in force hourly..-,At'4 p.m. a heavy southerly gale was .raging, and tho Canopus ran into Queen Charlottes Sound for shelter. She anchored -behind. Long lolahd at 4.10 p.m., and there until 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. During the whole of this tjm* a. strong southerly gale accompanied by heavy seas, was reging in the Siraits. By Saturday morning, however, tho weather: hid mod«rated somewhat, and the Canopus stood out'of the Sound again. A strong S.S.E. wind, aocompanied by a heavy southerly swell; w«s'met .with, and this continued right through.iho remainder of the passago until Lyttelton Heads wore' reached' at- 6.20 *.m. yesterday, the vessel being made at the wharf at 7.20 a.m. Tho Canopus, in spite pf the heavy .weather, came through without sustaining, any dwnepe. She haa a cargo; of 1700 tone of coal for discharge at Lyttelton.... ■'•; ■'"?) ~v ■■■•• .■:,■',' '■...;' The Blackball steamer Ddngadee, .Captain DUlner, which arrived, at nine a.m.' yesterday, from Greymouth, had a. similar experience to that of the Canopus. The vessel left Greymouth at 8 p.m. on, Monday last, and experienced light south-west. winds '■ and fine weather until 4 a.m. on Wednesday last, when the IWngadee. was about half way , between Jackson's Head, and the Brothers light, when a heavy black rain. storm came- up. ; Th« Teasel was just outside tho Brothers, shortly after 8 a.m., and she then met with a strong south-east gale accompanied by a very heavy sea. The Dingadee, deep laden with, coal, struggled against wind and sea'for the next two hours, but at tea o'clock she w*a compelled to put into Port Underwood for shelter, where she anchored et noon. The heavy

y '*trinf : -Ihi!»W* :^ ! day, and U pA.K<n Slua*>^v^^ : wont to the at*» and got. etamt .Jtolf toVO»H",Oa»»*-:,' ■ *11 th* Ume, «d itto^SS ■ to lore.ti . mudi that tie YeaaelwM-WJWMIWWti*. P^^rtSeii^^ ■' 'h«4^' v tor have two ' back. to Port Underwood, some slight)damam ■ was done.; about, the dwfa the -Urpaahn ' ■ : . »w«y,'.whiJe;--tae*fe^ingi^xotda.":th**wheel?«- >- hox was aieo slightly damaged. The eonthat* \y galea cpntinuSa:»Jf the tunvbttt on. Setar. day morning at 5 o'clock' Uto.reeMl got under vrey again and went jto aea. It w»e etijl blowing,; hard,v bat; the ae* / had - gone ■ 3ot»n, >/Jittto,' n ««4 U»e> TeieeFfawde Jbyttelton Heads at 8 o'okwk yeiterf»T"a"ornmouth. ;Ihngade» ha* 466 ton* ol coal ■ for dieche*ge;h*je.4,-:.O->>V. *■;■. J;, t ■,-;,-"■»■-•■%: '■ ■ilr Barron, eeoond offiow oi the TUune, who'ha* been, aahoie, ■ xeioined, hie vtwet tt thuiediji on Friday, , aid iMi Howden,,who hae been acting in the came poaitionk /went '. over ■/;*>.■ • •• ;

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 9

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 9

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 9