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§ GURTAINS.;£■ s^| m Yoxr can hardly bscomo acquainted with tha Season's Noreltie* without a visit to our House-Furnishing Section.'-, J H In Carpeting there are hundreds of design* aad beautiful colour combinations in every grade: In tho nr»; flg g ' Carpets—tho Brussels, Axminaters and Wiltons—wo have never hold a mow interesting-exhibition of well- ~ & I' drawn patterns and harmonious colourings. The splendid assortment in each grade gives ample oppotfurnty for - g 1 1 tho satiafying of individual tastes and tho meeting of room requirements. In all departments and all merihaa.* _¥j | diss ws sava you 10 per cent. i x * * Z~ ff I Beit BRUSSELS CARPET, with border to match. TAPESTRY STAIR CARPETS, Win., 4|iin 4i and"' % 1 t At 5/fi S7in. wide. At 1/11 2/3 2/11 .- , . - '' ~h I ILAnUmE BRUSSELS SQUARES- ingjjjn WAIE CARPETS, 2*, in. and 27ml | 1 2 Z^'Sa i "Sir c MOHAIR SLIP MATS. At 4/11 * *\ \ T » 5 yds x 3* yda_ at *3 lh ft feOFA RUGS, in Persian design.. 6ft, x 4itt At 27/8* .J & 3 .^ BX * y j *f ilJo n JAPANESE MATS,6ft.x3ft. At2/oeach ' /.<< * 1 1, 31 yds x 4 yds at .*4 i» o Ba rj SB ELS STAIR CARPETS, 18m., 22iin., NtdJOfn.'»' *' I IMPERIAL AXMINSTEB, with border to match. widft> At 3/3 8/114/11 . - :><! >c | , At 6/9 AXMINSTER SLIP MATS, at 2/9 2/11 3/3 8/9 4/0 -~ * & ' AXMINSTER SQUARES, in very handsome patterns, 4/11 each < *- s V , S in crimson, blue, and green— MOHAIR BU US, tjMn.x*nn. At 22/6 < t * « * 10a ft x 9 ft at JB6 10 0 72m. x 32m, At 29/6 'jf I A 12 ftx 9 ft x at £7 10 0 JAPANESE RUGS, a fino assortment At 6/6 7/6- * X i« ft - iiA ft at X 9 10 0 each * * " s ,i.\ & , I 13, ftx 111 ft atXIOIO 0 JAPANESE MATTING, at 10jd to 1/9 », > f £ 1 GURTAINS. CURTAIN FABRICS & WINDOW BLINDS. 1 Our Curtain Section is intimately associated with tho Spring n^'^ 0 * °J,»"? » pleasant borne, there v f %a 10 per cent, by buying here. j^ I LACE CURTAINS, in whit, and ECRU MADRAS MUSLINSL4O.n MANDALAY MUSLINS. Mia. V f§ oream, in very fins patterns. 3 wide. At 1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/U wide, in new shades and patterns. t \ 64 yds long and longer, and thera per yard At 7id per yd »*' m are plenty to choose from. At BUND HOLLANDS, in shades of MADRAS MUSLINS, fancy cold" t m 4/9 6/6 7/6 8 6 9/9 11/9 12/11 moss green, ecm A floral ecru, «Siwida. AtX « 3 to 27/6 per pair lacs and insertion to match At «J i '* f* H SWISS CURTAINS, splendid win- lOd lid 1/-1/1 1/2 to 2/11 yd -/6 2/9 2/11 per yd - i. B dow draping..At 27/6 30/-33/6 GUIPURE LACE CURTAINS, in SILKETTE MUSLINS, In nw{ * Kg 37/6 elegant now patterns, full length colours. At 4/6 par dos, yda - >. $M M . LAPPETS FANCY MUSLINS. 35 At 11/6 12/9 19,- 24/. 29/6 to B HOLLANDS, atoidlOsd" * ffl in.to72in.wide. At7id9ldl/- 59/6 1/-and 1/3 W?th hco A m l/2tol/9peryd FRILLED MjjSLIN CURTAILS, % m PLAIN ART MUSLINS, m all in white and ecru. At 11/913/9 $ M 2/11 the doijdi 18/6 22/6 26/6 to 37,6 7* «| I . " DEUtINES.''-?^ » U AMC AKin RArnM Thisn the fabric par McelieuW'£ m liJt\uX4j for summer Blouses, aadjwo show. ** I a ' ' ' , t. it in all the various grades and tho 4^ H Thero aro hogs and hogs in Canterbury. A good many hogs aro season's choicest pattern., *t* ■$& §1 fed on offal, but there are a good many other hogs that are car©. All-wool Spot f Delaines, whltoi? " iH ■ • fully fed with gram and meal, it is our business to know these ground, with oolouwd »pot«,<at'W Iff grain-fed hogs. Our country shareholders supply us with the !/ 2 per yd * • '.a M particular clasa of pigs wo require—and we are particular in our Delamoa in all shades and neatand^ H choice. By our curing process wa avoid that dry, hard, salt llavour artistic designs, at 1/4| pbrW' M- so noticeable in many brands of bacon The NZ F C mild euro Special Quality Delaines, * tn& m Hams and Bacon stand highest for quality and flavour. We never special valu«;at 1/6* per yd *-** &% m[ havo any complaints, on tho contrary, wo have numerous letters Sllk Btripo r>erta inM> vWimart^f M of commendation, and the steady increase »n sale is proof positive attd lnttch wma ted, at l/6i voVr&lM m. that, not only in quality, but in value also, wo stand pre-eminent. 4 Superior Quality Delaines, in ex<lj§ :I. N.Z.F. Long Wiltahiro sides, tmoked or pale ... 7,dperlb * . des.gns, at l/ Bf andl/U^ !» „ Short Sides „ ~ »• gd „ J ).'» '%. | I Z Sod Ham. I "»„,'- |}d !! WOPLPACKSi i 9 ! «sf „ Hams »» »t »• *»<* »» „ , r , . i-i,. ?Wm m ._ ' Wool growers mo l tbatj|§Ji f§[ I , , , % tho first Chriatchuroh.Mopi **Udfn#l m ~ l>■ .* r> a~ ChUdren*B Shoes. th« season wiub^ok^ThuM.JrJ m SOOrtHig UOOdS Protty Summer Shoes for tho young & iS^SH m & feot-Tneat, .hapoly, and with the J»«» &WM m ftnA elegance that Children's Shoes do- follo^S P ri^%- W! 1 g rtllU BMld< A n the new ideas in leathers 42in.loosatopsat ' '2/-oath.l^l » and starleß are hero-juit,come in 4fiin. loose-tops alfc 2/lH^^l W" Thk pleasure of sport depends upon from £ aropo ftn d America—one ( 48m, loose tops at ... SA^TSSM a tho equipment. You can tnsto , trJlp fanoT gjirap,, black and C4 in, iop» e to pß a* "'S/s'^^S S| play with inferior thingss Wo display ton> Kad :„ a ii ,„„ to (a fc an the 1 154in.-'faittopaat'A>' , w Zi4,y9 fa in our Sporting Section a reauy choice ijttlo feet. Our Shoo prices aro * JES assortment of Cricketing! Tenmii and matchiosa From 3/6 a pair. » ..,„«*. * * k >&aaiia s3 rroonafc Materials. It is the -first tamo , , , . > -WOOI I W nllvws have been to some conßiderablo *• f f _ .j.' Growers who may aecJaO I? «?'»hipw« ■ B ■'' secure tho best In this sec- There is a groat deal of comfort nnd wool to «, Lpndpn Wkog^l It as S others, v/e lead with low pleasure m bemg suitably dad for l m,tead of WlWg atthe^loWia^^^ H •"■ ' fi eld 'P o ' 4 * f*A v P«*>we*» •«<* 'bo are reminded that*wool shfpmenS^9 0 pnceß- „ TIT . . . cost of the drill and cotton suite is p j our hanosNrill'iaoel^ffl H CRICKETING MATERIAL, selected ao trifling that everyone should have a a eattentioaat4iusetoo,s>Mifi|ryl^ m from the stocks of leading manutac- the right clothing Come along and care under th« new. mana^lnl^M WS turers like John Fisher, Duke A 8on r secf hoW s n ymately associated we aro B t our London office, y m Feltham k Co., and A. Reader 4 Son mtfa yoTjr gport plea-, >V *^y3B g CRICKET BATS .from 1/9 to «jf. each sure. B DUKE'S VICTORY 16/6 each Trouasrs at 5/6 each "'" "'^SrSSS^H II STUMPS from 1/-to 10/. per set Kbalri Drill Norfolk Coat* at 6/-» ; >\. ffl SlUflLfa.iromi/ , t~ gfcnped Cotton Trousers at 6/11 V* 1 * .«V t ¥ *4fi #«■ g| ASH STUMPS, with iron shoes, brasß Sac Coat, at 11/6 Andrew. X.. .• moveable tops, and ash bails, at 10/9 g Jftte S(M) Coat- at w 1 :■■••' per set. 4 ." ' Cricketing Trousers, teady nude, at " 1' CRICKET BALLS, from 1/-to 10/. ea 13/6 1 BATTING GLOVES, at 6/9 9/6 10/6 made to —. :jß\y .; per pair ■", Tenni , T rou«rs, ready made, at a 12/9 " < - J •»•■* 1^! (| ; CANVAS LEG GUARDS, at 6/6 pair . Ten - m8 Tjohger,; a, ft de to measure, ~4 M BUCKSKIN PADS, in all deigns and at 20/- I iSUPEPPfIOSPnAT^Sip^^ W£ very boat qualities, at 10/6 to 21/-per Grey Tennis Trousers, ready to wear, , r maA^ii^^nwrpl»<!(iS^r«^^B m Racquets, at 9/6 10/6 11/6 12/6 to 20/ »uro,at«>/. > m AfflSAwßß m ' each -• Real Panama" Hatf.> » Nets. 33ft. x 3,ft., corded, Ac., at 12/6 The gcwtlne Japljap*»ttcl -OuayquU f^^^Jii^^SßSSKM % mWr,y;, tu| ' \ 8 fi fc^A^ cP ° pttl " Eh * ~e, '* t W Standards, complete with legs and run- , * ao/ B *!/; *f/o * jt v j-* TiTT*«ntlffA J irmL«BJiS^^^sß I;—, .t «ii w, w iw »/- 63,CROQUET SETS i We'll fix it up with'new , , turf iw *r*^L«^^OT| Jacques' Prize Medal Sets, for 4 and 8 ribbon, and-make it look quite new, T , , t For,Mspgel.*t players,.at 17/6 36/- 42/- 47/6theaet for the work. , | ; f For THE. STORE THAT „ SERVE N.Z. FARMERS CO-OP. MSiHI BY WARRANT .jMR" '" "ST^QBhH t f j "C^" f "EffiSffla^^ W;P^!fl|i New Wall Pap^i ®lb § nghsl) mRjM Tliese ars qmta the Latest ProduoUona, and are nowjmueft «KTCiSSH don houaea. Very great «are has been «»r«sed m Original Designs and Harmonious Colourings. • Thoss*TO - Wan Paper. *t Moderate Price, will do well to yurt tl»,^rroom.j can be obtained wrond conscientious advice'on att matter. terior or Exterior Painting and Decoration of an*£hoinav mSSi«I Bample. tat all over New Zealand FREE, and a Special psrmanently retained for country work. < 1 ' ' t^^M^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS ,WABEto)tgS 107 COLOMBO °^ 6TO SS??^>^W f \ ' Wfii f Tbe^drtalJDri^^ i WOLrcS ° f^us^*\#^ S' of uniform ' C W A PPSS % strength and quality. if '^*^W^i^^mi a ; 4riisjr\a#\t#%#sf-» • vHm BILLIARD TABLES I '• AND BILLIARD SUWDRiis , ; f-U^ ' Sol. Agents Canterbury-- „jv, . riU , tot^W^'3 M FLETCHER, HUMPHREYS * CO., c **^jSj |f {lßr?^B

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 2