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MISCELLANEOUS.: ; TEETH. " TEETIL .. TEET^. ANGLO - AMERrCAX DEXEAL, 8 CATHEDRAL SQUABE;- . Pure Gas 3s 6di" Extraction! Is. Set* from -■ ■■':■■.■•■ \■. £3 Bs.' ■'-■-*•■. : -', ■■ • ■' Opea Daily from 9' a.m. to 8 p.m. Telephone 1515. Our work tpeaks for itself. ' '■ : 2S5* Booms vacant, with or withJ- . out Sc«rd. 12 Ons!ow street, near Xorth. licit, off Papanui road.. _______ 6201 EGXSS— Guaranteed Purebred "White Lejr- ' horns and Jlinorcas, 3s sitting, delivered, W. H. Day, Styx. _G207 i?OR Sale, Dining. TlTbles, new, 10s 6d; Stained Wood Chairs, new, 2s Cd; Sundries. 312 Colombo street. CUM FOR Sale, Lady , * Bicycle, in perfect order,' equal to new. 50 Hereford street, City. . . __6166 EGOS —Black Minorca*, • Wilson's Famous Lnying, Prize, Strain. G& sitting, -fertility guaranteed. 60 Salisbury ClO6 ITOST Extraordinary Xotice.—We havethis •"■lday ?old to Mee*r* W. Robic«n and Son, o: Cashel street. Christchurrh, a very large parcel of High-grade S.mpie Boris and Shoo l , si a discount for cash; also a number of other lines. These gecdw will be sold »t prices that will command an instant ea.'e. Sale To-day. Sale To-day. W. RCBINSOX and SOX'S. 225 Csslic! street West. BOOTS'and" highest grado on market, to be eU<U"hJered for Spot Guh. Nt Robiuson's, Casnel street We.-t. Smart To« Dress Boots 12s Gd, Working Men's Shooters 8e 6d, Walking Shoe? for .Ladie? 3s lid. All goods puKiwntecd. Sale now on. r pHE Chicapo Typewriter Agency. . Thos. J- Deanc, 422 C*s3icl ftrect East. .•_ 635S *13OOT Trade—Wanted Table Hands and J-* l.eanrcrs for iUchiue Work, Upper Department. Apply ■ upstairs, Bovnron Bros., Hereford street. . 3914 pYCLES for i'ale, Lndy's and GViitT'BJS-A.. ..Spring Frame, Free Wheels. ■ Back Pedal Br»ke«, Front Rim Brakes. Roman non-rust-ing Kilns, Duivlop Tj-Tts, juit arrived irom England. Lady's £12 10s Gent's £15. LurP»ce Carrier. Lamp, Bell, sll Tools. Apply 270 Hereford, street. 12 to 4, or sto 7. 5G03 rpHK "~latest" xovelty at •A STRAXCE'S: The " "BROOKLYX SHOWKRBAIri IUXG." Cun be used in any ordin-ary bath, end dispenses with the use of the fixed shower. Healthful, invigoratintr. delightful. By means of this pimple appliance you mny indulge in n refreshing shower without the splttehing; of any water outside the bath. If pieced round the neck the rin<* will prevent you from wetting your hnir.. Ihe rinpf cannot rust. You will be delighted with it. Price only 9s W each. W. Stranpe and Co.. Ltd. ! \TEW A' Turner Linen Xotepaper (bhio. Rrevj I •white, antique, and Silurian) duches** size, Is 9d per box. ilso the "Victoria•■■House"Stationery Cabinet of assorted paper at Is 6d per box. Repp stationery (white and cream), 2a 3d per box; Letter Block* (100 sheets), Is each; Commercial Envelopes, grey and white, 5 pkts, Iβ; 'lEagle" lead-pencils. Gd doz. -IV. Strange and Co.. Ltd. - ■_ rniiE BLEACH ,T ~Af X STIUXGE'S: This wonderful preparar tion mokes whito straw hats as-good as new. The Bleach is easily and quickly applied, and it) also invaluable tor cleaning baskets canechairs, etc., etc. Full directions with: each lot. Only a shilling per box, containing sufficient to render eight faded and. soiled hats as good as new. W. Strange arid C 0. ,; Ltd. " , . ..:.'•.

""RO-CK'S MENDER" AT STRANGB'S: J-' Will mend china. ■ glnss, wedgwood, earthenware, marble. • rrieerchaum. amber, alabaster, mother-of.pearJ, ivory, metal, wood, horn, bono,-etc. Also excellent for joint* jof engine-bolts, patching- boote and : ithooe, bellows, etrapn, billiard cues, and waterproofs'. When pronerly dry it will reeist both hot and cold.water. Price-only one shilling per box. Invaluable in tho house. W. Strange. and Co.,_ Ltd. _ ..' ~ ■.. ■:■ ■■ -■. • • ,■■ ■■■ • "CTRANGE r S~IS THE BEST PLACE , FOR" C 3 GLOVES 1 Imitation Suede <w»«bi abe) Gloves, aeeorted shades, excellent perfect fitting, very useful for. cycling-or hard wear, Is 6d pair. ,Just landed another'largo shipment of Foune's Beal French Kid .Gloves, in a fine rmig© of new ehadee for euiumcr wear; fit well and.wear splendidly, Sβ 6d pair., -co Ernest Calvat'e famous French Kid Gloves at 4s 6d. 6s Bd, Cβ pair. V Sole Canterbury agents, W. Strange and Cp., Ltd. A GOOD"INVESTMENT*FORri3'*3s7" : A "New Vaudergrift Rotary, .Washer," to bo had at Strange's. This capital washing machine) will'enable you to do your washing at home and .save laundry bills. Only, 63s each. -Sole agents for Canterbury, W. Strange and Co., Ltd. : • ". ■ ' .■.- ;■'.,. ~■.-> BY STRANGEAND CO: Ouifetoffr of export re,fai<)*iiT» do thoir jWbrltwyell land removed b v , rosd,•:' rail, 6r£sea., Very .moderate terms!' w. Strange and <to., Ltd. - .' '.',■■ ~ ;,...■■■/. -\ ■,- ./ .' \\ S ~FRESH" .AS. A,- XCAISY!" .., Carpets SX beaten; by Strange, eiid Co.'c; Pneumatic SU-am.Beater emerge froni the machine in three or., four minute* looking; *a "iresh. na the proverbial daisy, all the dust haling been, driven, out of them.; GwpDts cjJled lor, beaten, and re-laid same day,if d«injd. Terms very' moderate.» W. Strange murCoii: Ittd; > '-■'. rpSEY. -*• , referto our wonderful Sewing Machines; Every buyer is delighted. 'Eecav machineguaranteed for fivo yoare. ;We employ; no canvassers—henco our. low prices*";-■HawjUMa-! chines (with cover), £3 ;.-35e;. Treadle »Machines, from 1265; Drop Head,, do., from 1435. Come and see them in operation 1, The best maohines manufactured.- ~W. Strange and Co., : Ltd. ■•.'■■ ■ ■!-■:, ■../•.■ ,'■ ••". OKILV A SHILUNG~AT r STHANGI?Sj bottles of the : Famoue* Heir Tonic and Beautifier, "Juleptia," Wonderful value. W. Strange end Co.,M*td.i. cole C»nterbnry —qente. __ :,■ "•■ .■,-'-.-y--y ■■:•;,.-;.. ..y.-v,:-.'.;-STRAKG&S CLOTOHNO: is - unrivalled • for quality. The neare*t Approach•> to : -> beapake^good.a; on and-onlyAib'out naif the price. : For Mea and Boys. In'nil sirea end at all pricee. , ;- Tho txevr BVanmtT suits will please you. -W.* Strange iand' Co.;* Ltd; * •'■' ■'■ ■'■ >■ " '■ .■•■•'■',.."•.■;•■'■■"':'-'■•"'»-•':■'■■■'' STRAXGEV«}"TAn7ORIN r G~IS'"PERF'Eci.; TION : Jet our V charges ".are I most reasonable. Summer suits, stylishly cut and beautifully made,, at"63s: to 100s. Special Indigo Vienna suite 70s, 77s 6d, BSe- the- suit; Blk mid Indigo diagonal-coating euite at Pss the suit. Trouaers to order. vl7» .6d "to 35s 6d. W. Strange and Coy. Ltd. ' ?|' . : rpO ATHLETES: StrangeTand Co. make a. J- feature of outfits for, athletes. Rowing, running, cricketing, cycling, tennis, motoring,. etc., outfits rendy-made or made to order. All prices.; W. Sir»nge;and Co., Ltd. , ■ ■ y- ■ ■ -~"•■ ■••■■■ .•:.-■ "■ V- , -' TVAINTT LI^S~ATTSTRA^E T S~PuTf. tan Collarn, new shape*.-\Oriental colourings, la each; white cmbrbideredi cambric collaj-e Ed, 7id, od, Iβ each; veiling* in ring-spot, chiffon (new greens)'ls Sd, Iβ M, Iβ lid each;, motor veils.,in chiffon and fancy Russia nets Iβ lid, 2s 6d. 1* lid, 3s lid each. Strange and Co.. Ltd.; ... TSArXTY"IrIXES AT~S 7 ftlA?f&l5 t S: '"Hew U Shaped Turnover 'Collarn- 2. 2J. 2J in. deep. 9Jd each; embroidered stock' collars Is, Is 3d each: lodies' belt*, in soft kid and suede, pleated and piped (aeiwrted ehadec) Is lid, 2s 3d, 2« Cd, 2s lldj 3s 3d. 3» 13d. 4a lid each; chiffon pleatinge, .all. widthn, ivhite. cream, and black 7i£ lljd, Iβ 3d, Is lid, 2a 3d, 3e'.3& yard;-weehing net for vcilingß and neck wear Is 6d yard. W. Strange niid Co.. Ltd. . TF you wa-nt a good Eub*tantioJ LUNXH or TEA., then giro Rattray, late Jones's Candy Store, » trial. You will be v moro than satisfied. ; . • 4763 CATARRH CURED. ' ; ~ r THE Latest Scientific Discovery for the Cure of Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever. Bronchitis, and Deafness. It has received tho highest endorsement of the medical profession. Sends medicated air into every air passage of the head. The Co-To-no, with aix months' supply of medicine, posted free for "s Gd, from the (New Zealand Agent*— HEAL'ij* SUPPLIES .COMPANY, !MsCe»hel street. Chriatchurch. Stnd for free pamphlets. HOT LUNCHEONS aad TEAS all the rage at RATTRAY'S, late Jones's Candy Store, Colombo street.GRILLS a Speciality at RATTRAY'S. Everything up to time, and served a taking style. . • ' Give RATTRAY a trial fqr your Lunch or Tea. You will be more than satisfied. Laio Jonee's, Colombo street. .' t 4763F A NIBBLE—Sound House of 4 rooms, verandah, vrasbouee,. grand section. Toon for another bouse. Only CUM. Forest and Perkins, House Agents. Sydenham. 2333 TpbUNTAIN Pens—Our One ShilfinFVuT- ■*- ctnite Pen is mirve'lous value. Red fern's Stationery Wareboiue, Manohestei street. '' . • t'ATEST NOVELTiETlijrTrimminge, New U Fabric and Kid Gloves. Hosiery, just landed. Both and Co., Ltd.. Cash el, street. npiUMBLERS. Tumblers, Tumblersl Win? A gloeeee Cuftard Qhetm, etc., etc See Minson and Co.'s set of samples before decidifig. - ' • • . -nOR STERLING FALUE IN BINGS, Go to KENNETT'S, :83 High street. | qUILORING—New Stock of Suitings. CoatJ- ing» and Trouserings,, jutt opened. Newest Patterns and Colouring*. Both and Co., Ltd.:

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12014, 15 October 1904, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12014, 15 October 1904, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12014, 15 October 1904, Page 10