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, . > * f -j \ ,, "'^ ,^'^ fwWmW N.Z. Farmers Co-op. Association - .' 107 to 115, CASHEL STREET. < \ >?M SURPRISING how affectionately the people tHk abput this Store; it ii «Th* ' fM Farmers GxW' an* ** tatniliar in their mouths as househoM word* ' , |S We like this familiarity 'because -it shows the -.people: have f 3|t§||| and appreciate this store. The chief aim and c-bject of Rif|B - Co-op. is to 'bring, the: greatest trading advantages t ffif|l| THE STORE FOa HIEli AH|> BOf l| M ■, Fine, Fashionable ' •'. " ''. ' - "." Jaunty Sefyiceablc;;, -. ■: f ||l|| Felt Headgear for Men Stylish Suits forays lIU ;■;■■■ ■.-. "•' of; all : AgcSv. •'."■•; : >;pll|l IF you rtndy .ppeuwim at nil. you wUI taow that ttj __ raer .' tnlccs care of tho 1)oy Br Wd thcr s "tf 'Sf i S_SSif bSTknow, it. into favour boeau. ' l £jps| Well droßeed men are careful about their headgear, treat th© ; hds right, a_d wo aro now tho hcadnnartw* ■ V- ' : -143 „nd somehow the most fastidious men come here f o r Boys''clothing. :,"' ':■' ■'.-'';: . y ?.f i-'#g|i probably because they know they aro sure of eatufac ■;:•';.. ■ ■. Vtion. ■';".'•.:'■■■ ■ir-^Prioes'-WOT'W'E^tttar^ The New Hats '_rp in ChrWjJJ. Twee d sidor Suits,in all «fes -...' ;,-,'..: : *^$fij| Townend's-the World's foremost maker, of felt hate, BJomo Suits, ia all ■{»■... ... 10/8> ifi-'.' f % i^J;|l and in the new shapes and choicest colours. NavySerU Sailor Snitß r all .iw« ... 6/ T sto 5»). \ \.:im'Mm 76 Dob. Framed Hati. Navy Sot^o Sailor Suits,open frontsi .. ... W"^;W : \ 'y^f&m .; -. _i_if TT-T- ' Velvet Siuior Suits, sizes 3to 5 ... . ■ ...15/"..,t0 %•: yAfry'&mSga 40 Dot. Hard Felt. Hats.. SwSsted Sailor Suits, stees 4to 7 ... 12/0 to lijs , ,t : K^Hl Framed Hate, bound and unbound edges-- . „ B .if suits, in all sises ... ■ •■„ ... 82/6,toJM/6„:- i;,. -.'4-v>.>.^^_| 6/6 7/6 8/6 9/6 10/6 12 J36 „ ggSitlato » Tweed Suit*, «!»» ito 8 $: i^^ffll . American Framed Hate, a fi m i lot- W*,"}* JJg Hussar Suits, in a large variety of ? ood y ?;:SM| Hard Felt Hats in Beverat 4ualities-6/ll 7/0 8/6 10/6 Twe<?d Norfolk -quits, in„aU sixes' . ;.:. .... ■ ■•:/! *W?*fc ", % to* tfismfm The C«>op. Hat. .. . - Suffolk Suits, atep collar «w4.M^nuatimw^

BLACK, BEATTIE& C2_| I GREAT ANNUAL Sf.LE 1 NOW ON. NOW «#>;^i BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK;!;|K« MILLINERY AND JACKET DEPARTMENT. . ijß Just a fow left, LADIES''CHOICELY TRIMMED HATS, to be cleared at ridiculously low Also a special line of LADIES' BLACK FRENCH SAILORS '' Mtfjmm' > ( &H| Somerare bargains to be had in CHILDREN'S FLEECY COATS AND TUNICS. These are alt ttfW foofc : v'jSmjM and splendid value, which we offer at large reductions on usual prices. * _• .j- * * * XiijHHH Also large line of CHILDREN'S FLEECY TAMB AND BONNETS, to be cleared at -; ■;' Ui£?^Bfirfß| °. UsuaLprice, 2/11 8/6 6/6 7/11 '811 <* l^itS&fllßH . Sale Price 3/3 2/$ */0 */ii Bfil, LADIES' WINTER JACKETS, to be had at almost half-price. These Jackets comprise the ■•^"'l'f^.illSiH up-to-date flaked tweeds, shapps, and styles, and'are manufactured expressly lor us »y^^»*Nr«H\oW™B Woollen Company * c -*' '__"-' Usual price 17/6 21/6 27/6 29/6 35/- . 89/6 47/6 67/_, > ffil-iwSfflUM Sale Price 8/ii 10/6 11/6 15/- IT/B 23/* 25/- *•}•'<^^§9H ( ■ 'MANCHESTER* DEPARTMENT.' n *'\ -3lwß Special line of beautiful CREAM LACE CURTAINS, to clear / ir '£« ' 'mRH Usual price 12/6 15/6 18/6. MA- M-^Miiffl™ Sale Price. 10/- 18/8. l*/0 If/*<^Jffi^JJNSHH Large line of White, Cream, and Pink FLANNELETTE, in plain and twill. From" 4jd io lljd I|:^J Tremendous Redactions in all Household ■ CALL AND INSPECT THEM EARLY. ?^f"^lH SPECIAL. NOTICE is drawn to a line of DRESS LENGTHS, in coloured ttirgas andArtf_^U f^S^H 6/11 7/11 B/li Great Sale Bargains in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, in the best mala*, GLOVES of various makes, in Fabric, Woollen, Kid (lined and unlined), at large redactions an including a few only (in Brown and Tan Kid) of odd makes and sizes - ' To bo cleared at j-Jp, Jj*fft.*y^p^ipp ggSmcl BOOTS TO THE BUPTURED., ..; BST ■'«-„-«■-,'_ SERIOUS CXWffIDERATION. , -*, _*'. Zttyß&BmWmmm OOTS SHOES IS -*r 0 MAX IS SAPE - ho h „ Bupture( n0 _,*tiet Juw .n sign, Scant J» «r'j«-^__;WSiM ,-v- ll r&!3^ m rS RED -W to' «"*«7 mart who has died from it one. flattered b,m«lf that ft Ww» fctr** «rt-ttc%Bll_S_-l 001 zJzHFi %. » t v i_ ailment, and erery man who noir suffera from it and the injury »f : ,r)ims»s« **»r ,, "^'lPl^MiSl*l__H 20 Colombo street North, _ xtont ,' hat bU h(e h „ no wioymwt u <me* regarded U M unworthy <rf <t^b^«M'» > l|^»l^_H Just oTer tion Remember, it ii not * standstill aJUotion; it 19 #t*sdi]y pro«m«m^vw r /»^|>X^l§^B RIDGE. - death. Mid he v wise who takes Ihe necessary atepa, to b* •fteotuaUj i%M> , fffi&JH^B ' —— ■ fore the day of suffering and gloom corset upon him. It should Hot _• «f_r«_l Ol*^iffli___| TivrATvnn-iTvr/i rt «B e wlth indifference, as serious consequences may result *t _^_*_____EVJ ; yl£ l ß____l RNGINEEKING, should take «»rr->g from the example ot other*, *nd not m*it with J f|<__t__ffi^&f^l____l ' strangulated rupture, as Gibbon, the great English historian did. '5 4 ___ >aM _t i !_____%^,_____i ARCHITECTURE. _ rcat forcsieht and talents An opportunity is now; granted to the ttferitMrflf V_9l%^^'_____i CARPENTERING, ing the MOST RELIABLE TREATMENT KXOVr'& "IN THE WO»L» f*^Tl_WS«||^M rfUUGHT i-oroughly by Mail. American a*T_CUR_. OF RUPTURE Uses of 10, SO, m _tttr« Yg»r» f . BtUtt<j«t..*y?8 t Utt<j«t..*y?• j gft^sgj_----i 1 School of Correspondence et Armour In- Cured by it, and Thousands o* Persona liavo btea ***>•&»«£ *• «V*«S_Sri__S_s^'*^l»f___l .»i*ut« of Techno'o_y - Catalosrue free at Bound Body. This Trc«tm<al was discovered and lnrented by DR._f, A. «w_JH_ f __f^U:W^_P_PJ ttitute of '«»*»_ , «J M 3„' NEW YORK, und can only be obtained from MX A *W. MABTIK, ** _ , «^** i «*_*_ -^^H^B «lv™ R,«»t*J tvti CIiABENDON HOTEI/ Con«ull«t,o«» Free. Hours; Every Da* 1»» MM*,JaV%#^oMi«_____| C> e -t Morrow. Bassets). 6272 £ Extrll llcu „. _ nwdty Wednesday, at,d rifdajf <naflfl&B|H ~~ Send for Pamphlet, "A W*armn_ and Guide to the Ruptured.'' , ■.■" ,^'4;|l^^ l ß_^B °- T :i::r:^ SK '' anything' in greensto|^__^ 110 Colombo street, Christchurch GREENSTONE HEARTS ~*' J iN- V |S^^H A_*TD BROOCHES. . LATEST DEBIGNB AT ' * --' ' ; '^'_____| s_ ___ ■ -_1- . 1 LOWEST PRICED; *""* 4 > M. m mm M. TIT/Tf/rii ' 'H-^-Sllß 3akingp 0w IUCKEH. nfiM "I>ER JEWELLEJI - - - 228 HIGH ST. %;' «M ..m*MM ■ MEN AND WOMEN! IB liii MIDDLst-AQED, YOU NO, AND OLO, -' ' «'" l n» Are you wrsJt. Low Spirited, Tired of Life i do you suffer from phytteal *J»fjMa»3>^^_____j i'!'l< through over exertion excesses of fcnonnro in youth, debihtyf »«nrcnf wwJtW*;, K'SmSsmM BaT >»«ue«» nested run. down feehrtr,-pimples, bladder, kidney or prostal agecuoaw, Jp&^i^Mm^M W S~" Z s, %3sW 'choha, timidity, bad memory, low of tiesh or vitality, disiuaeas *fter jrtoefisg, twrtaawf >jf^l||j****____i W 1 c r , ye hds or muscles, btshfulnew. blushiuc. vanooM veins, or, any wesknssra, »M jJ»*%/-^_lßß^_^H f \ *»*fc_. you utterly failed m your eSorU to regain HEALTH? If so, know |or * <wta»V <Vj*f jj^ls^BbH ff j char S* *'i * tttt - yen ctn be to » ae bnght> strong and healthy by • J,, *' | l^^#g^^M L__lJ| PROF. NOTMANN, ■;l|« OJ _o DC ESTER STREET WEST, CHRISTCHURCH. *" X' } f|Ml W^—\ " ! '. Th* only specialist adrertiser who wfll GUARANTEE A THOROUOH CCRB |Bi____| *nk-> MfIiLTM im »end treatment on easy terms of payment. Special easy terms to any «Mtwc *^--**Wv4!ffißM»_____j r_r_r_r__ ■ been mi-l-d by co-called specialists or Electnc B*U treatment. / -, f '/ j i^W»3|^bH mMimUW*m± W * I v^^ % Jߣ£Z THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS A3 UNDER. v * MTC#Hr^__H BaPlllWW *""• NERVE PROSTRATION, WEAK VITALITi' CURED. , _.., r^^HLwH *mXJ\m7ntZ PROFESSOR NOTMAN.V, V.rian »tr«t W#fl lf^^wKmmM 9WJU3 tWgOAi- " S'**- 1 h * v « finished your trentment fwmo time W o, »r,d am cur«i Hu«i (fW ■H. ■__■__• y° ur ad,,, «» " d pweewed, «» I«• Marly Rfwagf np m despair, thinkin* I w*# fe^l^ffl_H anilllmll S^5 V " taken in again as I bad beea so often. Thank Gcd, is bn« konesl *M«l.P" k^^:|Mla__B ■ jmiMllll vSZ&SSSuiUnitol 1 hope youVill toceeed with Mr Kidd'k case, as I to'A hin. what yoa had *n*b* mMmMmm} Wm.wUmMiim £^^tSr^' , E*^ , ' ?, l kBOW • ao,h,r ,Ktfwer ' «>4 I wll *«HUmalso—Yow gratefully, I. PATB,{ * o %^|^^B^B

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 7