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RETIRED FROM THE TURF. United Presa Association—By Electrio Telegraph—Copyright. LONDOX, July 12. Mr J. "W. Larnach has abandoned racing, aud sold his horses at auction. Our correspondent telegraphs:— "At a meeting of tho Committee of tho Qreymouth T.C., ccneial regret was expressed at tno contcmplutcd withdrawal ot llr P. Sohg from tbe Chairmanship of tho Conicronoo and the Sew Zealand Trotting Association. In tma connection a resolution was unaaimous-y carried expressing tho club's Tejrrct, and trusting Mr _cli_ would suo his way to reconsider the matter. Tho club feel certain that at his hands full judgment and impartial lucigmcn. are brought t<> bear on all questions euojnittcd to either body." WELLINGTON* "ItACIXO CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. (si_cia_ to "tub rntss.") WELLINGTON, July 13. The- weather wa-s showery, amd the Roinf? trry holding for the first day of tho Winter llcotinjf. The sum o£ £BGSO was handled by 11,0 lotilisoW staff, including _Gt» invested en the double event machine, bcini; £110 more thin was mit through on tho corrc.-"p«/naing day last year. Twenty-five investors selected tho winiii-R double. Kaitere and Tahae, and thoy each iceeived tho sum of fJ ««■ ±»° attendance waa good, and included his Excellency tho Governor «uid auito, besides a larsc Biuri>cr of members of both Hou»3 of Parliament. After tho Parliamentary Handicap • complaint wa» lodged by Fail-brother, the lidor '->! Shrapnel .Shell, against l°« e "- wno i„d« Look Erin, on tho ground* of intcrlermcp, Tho pretext waa dismissed. -mo following wero the result*: — 6_*EWAHT>S* HANDICAP, of 130, acv„; (■coond 20 ftova from stake, ais mr--ICO. 1). Thomson's h g Kremlin, by Stepniak—Ailcen, Cyrs, list lib I (S. Lindsay) 1 70. J. George's b g Paritutu, aged, 121b .. .. ( E - George) 2 G3. J. b m Regulation, Gyrs, list 51b .. •• (W. _a,hey) 3 21 Okoari Hat filb (P. Johnson), 08 Cannie Chiel list Sib (J. Aahby), 33 Ballorat lost Ml, (W. .Thorn**), 23 Cyrua 9«t 12lb (H. I-air-brothcr). 121 Narcotic Ost 10lh (J. RV s : c U >- 60 Capulet !)st Bib (C. Jenkins), 93 Maluku a*t 711> (T. Friohard). G7 Nonean Ost 61b (fc. Lan*strme). _> Sanfoin Ost s!b (J. Fritchard). 30 White- Ribbon Ost 3ib (E. Moran), 8« Hepulso 9»t (J. G_Haffher). 63 Torowai 9st A. Watson), 41 Matanvu* 9st (R. Derrett) also " Prom a (rood start Kremlin quickly showed an front, with Okoari and Repulse aa his nearest attendants. At tho turn Kremlin -aa ttill eoi_K strong, while Okonri was, apparently, in difficulty, and Papulae *»•»""- dor tho whip. Once in the straight Paritutu came strongly, and ho and Regulation •pßMcd Repulse, but Kremlin won easily by threo lengths; « length between second and third. Time, Imin 21 3-sth sec. Dividends —On Kremlin, XI 10» 6d; on Pantutu, £i YVBST "HACK HURDLES, of 80 mjv,rwoona 10 soya from stake. Ono mile and three-quarter*. 227. T. IT. Lowry'a <b m I». hy Torpedo--Rivulet, fiyrs, Wat, 9lb <F. Linrl) 1 6L P. Preston, b g Otaio, aged, . 10ft, W. Johnson's b £ Lurcher, Syrs, lft-t 4\\, .. (P. Johnston) .1 G8 Ambrosia, lOst (VT. Galbraith), 12 CJove l - U Oat 131b (F. Carmoni). 27 Po»itw>n Oit 101b (R. aitlno). 03 Soa-weea Ost 51b (R. Walden). if, To Kohau 9st 51b (A. McMorran). 1M Talkrrio Ost Sib (R. Mcfiiwr). at Del.pM 0»t (A. -McConnonV 24 Ciprr. Jack Ost (R. Amort). and 7 Olive 9«t (J. Mullis) • also started. . , , , __rch<rr, Ofalo, Valkyrie, arid Ambrosia .-era tho loading division over tho firat_ hurdlo, and. alao while passing the aland. Otaio and Valkyrio drew out alomr the hack, Ltirchar and In lyinfj handy. Otaio led up tho utrafeht. but Li. came stronrly on the out»ida end won by two lengths. To Kohau was fourth. Time. Smln 3 l-sth sec. Dividends—On I». _3 Oa 6d: on Otaio. _1 19s. MIRAMAR nACK HANDICAP, of 80 soys; aecond 10 aovs from stakes. Seven fur--60 P. J. Quirk's h c Joo Chamherlain, •by Bonnie Scotland— Lady d'Esu, 4yrs. 10«t 2lb (F- Langatome) 1 •50. IT. Hilton's eh f Hlnerewa. 4yra. Ost 61b .. s .. (A. "Watyon) 2 40. J. McT*irtratt'» b c Xgataroa. rjyrs, 10»t 0,1. Ryan) Jl 50 fJawain lOst 13lh (Russell). 48 Sardonyx lost Mlb (Derrett). 42 BarndmMter 10»t lllb a. Gallmthor), 101 Sychem lOst 7ft (F. Bavfci). 10 Harntw lOst Sib (A. McMorran). 10(1 Ice 10it 41b (W. -WhittaVer), 103 Elibank ] (C. Jenkins), 13 Do Wet Ost fPb (P. .Tones). .58 Merry Boy lOst slb (C. WhaM. n"2 Jewn* d'Albret (H. Kinynn). and 27 The •Ruler Ost (T. O'Brien) also parted. 'An even start waa effected, and the first to ahow out wore Hinerewa, Gawain, and 151ibank. Ice. tho favourite, appeared to *oo jhomnied in on tho rails, »nd. after goiriK throe furlongs, sho fell. Hinerowa led into the atrahrht. but Joe Chamberlain and TCjratarna olotinjr up, th* trio frus-ht out r"H>d finish. J'*o Chamberlain winning by half a ilenglh; NCTtiroa. a close third. Time. Imin. 517 sea Dividionds—On Joe Chamberlain, £0 Bs: on Hinorowß, £5 14s. ■WELLU'HSTON' STEEPLECHASE, of 350' novs; aecrmd 40 #ovg, and third 10 soys from stakes. About three miles. 132. 8. Darrftffh'a 1) g Kaitere, by Castor— Viotoria. aged, lOst 81b (S. Howie) 1 51. H. Weal'a b g Cresrpin, a<»ed. Oat Blb i (F. Howard) _ 208. STcManomin and Davia'a b ij Haydn. asrod, Hat 13lb .. (S. Fertfus) 3 , 114 Papstn lOst 71b (F. Burns), 110 Ak» Ak« 1M Clb (\V. O'Connor), 103 Pipi lOst 61b (H. Can). 186 Comfort lOst 6lb (F. Lind), 6S Victory lOst 31b (W. Thomas), 71 6tßr Ost 101b (X Quinton), 83 Rowlock 06t 10lb <H. iMooro), 100 Nadador Ost 81b (J. Hall), €fl TWhatu Ost 7lb (J. McGregor), and 27 Kohunui Ost 71b (H. O'Lcarr) also atsrted. Kaitero and Alia Aka led over tho first fonoe, when thn latter waa nulled back, and Victory and Star joined Kaitere. Haydn :wm romiin« fifth.. Pipi fell at tho jump near tho road, and Ipaaainrr the stand for tho first timo tho order was Rowlock, StaT, Towhafcu; and Kaitere. At tho water jump Comfort ran off snd lost his rider. Goinp alone tho back for the- last timo Star and To—natu wore forcing -tb» v tcc r w 'tb Haydn. Kaitere. and Creapin close up. Kohinni lost hia sider «t tho water jump. Koitcre. Cres•pin, and Haydn then drew away, and jumped the last two. fences in that order, Kaitere' «YOTvtu»Uy wiuninij by three lenaths; a length between Crespin and Haydn. Papatu ■was fourth, and Aka Alt* fifth. Time, 6miit 32 l-stli sec Dividends—On Kaitere, £& 10s: on Crespin. £5 Mi. PARLIAMENTARY HANDICAP, of 200 soys; M-cond 9S aova from stake.' One milo and a4oyd». 108. F. MoGovern'a b g Loch Erin, by Lakeshell—Nightingale, 4yrs, Ost 7lb (B. Towers) 1 SSO. J. IT. Prosaer's br o Waitarers, 3yrs, Ost 6lb .. .. (Jenkins) 3 120. B. Gay's br m Hinekoa, Syrs, 9sl 2lb . (A. Julian) 3 133 Dnrablo lOst 121b (E. Georjre). 279 Boottv lOst 01b (M. Ryan). 233 Shrapnel Shell lOst 71b {11. Fnirbrother), 07 Plaidio 10»t IS. Lind.-ty). 112 'Waimoo 9»t 13lb (D. 'VTrig-ht), and 07 Mussoll Ost 3lh (D. Kemp) also >torted. A good Jstart waa marie, but Tfaimoo was now to move. Shrijpnel Shell, Waitorere, «nd Hirteko* waa tho order for four furlortgs, when the leader suddenly dropped to tho rear and joined Scotty. Entering th" >traißht T/ocb Erin passed WnilareTe, and. runninrf on, won with scmethiirf to spite '■■by two lengths-. Hineko*. a poor third. risJdio was fourth and Durable fifth. Time, 2min ssec. Dividend*—On Loch Erin, £0 6s: on 'Wailnrere, £1 3s. WINTER HURDLE HANDICAP, of 230 am-s; second 30 sots, and third 10 soys from stake. Two miles. US. F. G. Parker** b g Tahne. by Rc-rel— 'MVsteruw*, 4yrs. Ost Il'.b (F. Howard) 1 47. F. "Watson'a b g T-iara, fivrs Ost Olb . (P. Johnson) 2 87. It. W. Patterson's br rr Liwv ayr". B«t 101b .. - .. (Telford) 3 33 Waiwera list lfllb (,T. CsmeTon), W Jtocoiein lOst 61b (J. Ouinton), 70 Catherine Gordan Ost-lift (D. Moraahan). CH Rnnana 0«t lllb (T. Howie), M 0 Oeusot Ost lllb fF. Lind). 77 irwimer Ost 101b I.T. Mcare K or\ and 1 133 Puahful 9*t Tib (J. Norn*) al?o irturle^. Jtoc<'«in. Jlourner. s.nd Tnpsra jumped the first hurdle together, and this order was maintained p*"t the stand. At the seven furlong pe«t tho order was Pusbftil. Tupara. Tahae, and Catherine Gordon; Waiwern snd Cren«ot beins; Sinie diftapce iwsv. Tshne sjid Tuc»r» wer>> together at thi» l»«t bnrdle, and fought out a desperate finish. T»hae winning' by a neck. L>r*n ■*'•>* third, a Alien lengths nwoy, while Pushful end Mcmner were the next to finish. Timo, •Jinin 2 1-s'h rte. Dirider.ds—On Tahae, *M 8s- on TiiTit,r«, U 12*. TE ARO lIANDICAP, of P0 soys; second 10 soys from stske . Five fvtrlonv*■. PO. 3. Geor—b's rh f M»U«ra. by Svlvi* Park—Durus. 4yrs, 9st lnib (E. George) 1 106. 11. Hilion'a eh f Hinerewa. 4vr«. Oit 41b .. • (K. Wstson) 2 137. 3. Good'-on's br f Crimr-on Lake, 4vr». Ost Sib f.Tenkirs) 3 1» Gswairt lift (J. Ruasell). <7 Sir GalaBad lOst 101b (S. Lindttv). 179 To Aroha 30»t Bib (IT. Rran\. 45 Waikakiho 9*t 13l'o fF. Carnwnt). GB Bkck Squall O.t 13lb (T. Pu'chard)". Ru-i*mwa 9;t Olb (R. McOr«»or),*18 Languid Ost Olb (F. Johm), 83 fit. Winifred 7»t 81b (B. Towers). 122 MatakoVirl Ost Bft (J. G»llai;her). 0 Bendisro Ost .Wb tJ. Collka), 40 Scrsp Iron Jack Ost 61b

(Walden), 58 Laertes 9st Sib (F. Lang-don), 17 Wangamoana 9st 51b (J. Bums), 76 Athol Brosn 9st 41b (T. Wilson), 26 Msrry Lad 9«t 4:b (W. Better), S3 Koingo 9st 2.b (McMorran), and 40 Gadfly 9tt (I). Kemp) also started. Mdlaura quickly showed out, followed by Hinerewa snd W»ik«k»ho. At the end of two furlongs Crimson-Lake joined issue, but Mitnnra held the field saie, »nd won by a length. Time. Imin 10 9-sth sec. Dividends—On Mataura, -13 6s; on Hinerewa, i' 3 7s. The weather is clearing, and there is every prospect of a fine day to-morrow. The following horses should run well in their respective engagements: — Onflow Handicap—Paritutu, Shrapnel Shell. Narcotic. Hack Hurdles—Rnntrarawa, Otaio, Lurcher. July Steeplechase—Crespin. Star, Papatu. Winter Oats—Plaidie, Waitarere, Loch Erin. Hurdles—Pushful, Catherine Gordon, Moccasin Thomdon Hack Handicap—Gawsin, Mataura. Sir Galahad. [The Presa Association has omitted to telepraph the weights and acceptances for second day.]

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 6

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 6

SPORTING. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 6