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An address from bza Worship the Major to the citizens of Chrafcohurch, on tlie subject of the proposed water supply, together with a map showing the reticulation proposed fo fee put in hand at once, io published aa an inset with "The Prees" to-day. , The Chrietchuroh Hospital, not tho Bottle Lako Hospital, wae opened again on Sunday io visitors. The first meeting of the Avon Improvement Committee will be held at the City Council Chambers at 4 p.m. to-morrow. Mr Patrick Holly, at present a member of the Otago Conciliation Board, haa been appointed Inspector of Awards in the Otago district. . Another section of the electric-tram line in Dunedin, along Princes and George streets, will be opened for traffic next Veek. While Wirth's circus was at Whangarei, a fight took place between two panthers, the male killing and eating half the body of the female. ' Mr H. Rossiter has received intimation from the representative of Meaew Reynolds and Co., music publishers, that his song, " Waves Rolling Deep," will be. pubHelved by them. A number of the seat* recently promised to Mr T. Bullock for the use of the Aahburton public, have been placed in position by the local Beautifying Association. Messrs J. Stadholme, G. Hefford, F. Waymouth, Cooper and Duncan; and P. and D. Duncan-are the latest donora. Writing of the appointment of Mr A. H. Cockayne ac assistant to the Government Biologiet at a salary of £175 per annum, our Wellington correspondent states that Mr Cockayne, who. is a eon of Dr. Cockayne, waa trained at Canterbury College, and was highly recommended to the Government by Profesaors Dendy . . end Cliflton. ' v ' •■■'■; : Mr H. Wvnn-Williaais wriUe a» followej—"I fhall feel obliged by your allowing mc space to correct a misprint wluch appeors in my letter 4n to-day , * "Fmm. , ' I wus ajlirfing .tothe ktter, in which he accuses mo of hurling mieaes around mdiecriminately; Aβ printed, the word '■iiniW has been subctituted for ', ./■ ' ;y /., .r : \ '}. "*:: The ministera; of Asbburton are uniting to conduct open-air serrioee—at tb* Clo»of the ordinary church serviow on- Sundaythe railway reaerve;/ Tbi, secood of, the ieriee, held on, Sunday, evening, was largely attended, and was addressed by the Beys. E. Wbitehoase (Anglican),,W. L. Saltts , (Baptist), and APeters (Wealeyan).

The threshing' machine owners, of the Ashburton district, who recently, formed/ a Union, have decided to affiliate with the W&imate Mill-owners'' Association.' Considerable diesatiafaction is expressed at their decision to teduoe the rates ot pay of machine han<3ft'and a jneedng'-pf sOa» 150 harvesters, held in the juhburtoo Arcade yerterday afternoon, unanimously decided not to accept less than last year's rates. Twoof the raiH<»wner» h**tf'agT<!ied* :, to pay their men &&s_____________ s having de* out on. the new term«. Referring to tha floating of. the Welling-; ton Corporation loan the "New Zealand: : Times" says;--"A cable message is to hand intimating that the Wellington Corporation loan of £330,000, 4 per oeni.y for electric tramway construction, erection of Town • Hall, and • wood-paving, has been floated in London at 96. This news will be reoeived with gratification, since it gives assurance that these Important muni- . cipal works will be carried out and financed on favourable terms. The price at which the loan has been floated must bo considered good, in the pre/sent stringency of the money market. It" was recentljstated tliat a Durban municipal loon had netted 97 in London; but this was an error—London files to band. showing that the pric<? was 97 gross, which is a . very different, thine. Tliat was in October last, when tto market was a good deal . easier than it iv now. It may also be. pointed cut tliat the Johannesburg muni' cipal loan of £i.5C0,0C0, floated in December last, was isftued a: 95 grots, or one per cent, lower than the Wellington loan. In the circumsiauoes our Corporation is to be congratulated upon a highly iaroarchle '• flotation, and the Union Bank, through which the cei-otiations were carried oat, is also to be felicitated upon the success of the operation." , • four members sent sixty-nine' birds, winch were liberated by tho ftationmaster at one o'clock. The wind was strong southwest, tho weather fine. Remit:—Mr Brunt's Dakota, 921 yd» per minute; Mr Jones's Bulldog. 897 yds; Mr Chambers's Playful, €35jxls; Ifr Holmes's Young Clipper; 772 yds; Mr. Fountain's Ether, 722 yds; Mr HancockY Quiet, 699 yds; Mr Edmonds's Lottie Derby, 696rds; Mr Downing's Misteltoe, 693 yds; Mr Porter* Chance, 678 yds; Mr Closes Red Lancer, 650 yds; Mr Turnhall's Seaforih, 642 yd»; Mr Wilson's fimji, 636 yds; Mr Smith's Mitre, 633 yds; Mr ReidVßnfus, 484 yds; Mr Adcock's Copper, 347 yds; Mr Bull's Witclicraft, 344 yds; Mr Johnson's Ecom, 329 yds. A race from Culverden, a distance of fifty-one mile*', was also decided. Twenty-two members sent fifty-eight birds, which were liberated by the-statiomnaster at 12.45. The following is the result:— Air Brunt's Mutton, 911 yds per-minute; Mr Jone*'s Blue Cop, 852 yds; Mr Wilson's Morrie England, 843 yds; Mr Patterson's Governor, 834 yds; Mr Close's Red Lancer, 817 yds; Mr Fountain's Ether, 814 yds; Mr Farrell's Header, 808 yds; Mr Un win's Roceal, EQ7yds;' Mr Chambers's Red Jason, 804 yds; Mr Bull's Witchcraft, 808 yds j Mr Downing's Velcx,- 792 yds; Mr Lindsey's Darby, 752 yds; Mr Holmes's Jonah, 750vds; Mr Smith's Mitre, 748 yds; Mr Edmonds's Provincial, 721ydis; Mr Sealer's Fleet Wing, 663 yds; Mr Adcock's Copper, 618 yds. I

There were 30 birth*, 8 death*, and 4" marriage* registered in the Aahborftm cfiV ' trict last month. \ . >' > " The Premier ha* accepted Uμ prwdcWey-. of the British Navy League in, New 2e»v laud. Detective Mitchell wrested a , yesng iran yesterday on «u«picioa of having, stolen a cruet-stand The amount of rainfall recorded at til* Magnetio Observatory for lost moothw** 1.738. Bain fell on cix day*. In the Lyttelton district there ware fa. gistered 12 birthe, 9 marriage*, aad 3 deaths, during the month of January. An additional £1000 worth of Auckland City Council 4 per cent, debenture* went sold during the pant week or to, making J a total of £4000 sold out of the £10,000 r. placed on the market. In the Lyttelton district during 1905" there were registered, 135 birthi, 44 deaths, and 41 marriage*. For the preceding ye«r the figures were:—Birth* 137, deaths 44, and marriages 38. A lady had a rather startling experience while ascending Mount Egmont recently. She was crossing ft strip of snow, whea slie slipped, and went eliding for about 150 feet, and went plump into & bed ot scoria, but sustained oulv a fright. Sltt described the slide as delightful. At the meeting in connection with Uμ water tupplv scheme at St. Albasa last night the Town Clerk stated that is respect to., two of the city loans the city sinking fund commissioners had 'luificiant * funds in hand to redeem them, although the loans did not mature for twenty yean.

We go from home'to hear aews. The following interesting paragraph it from "Pearson , * Weekly":—"ln TaranaH, Australia, is a church. labelled in large letters on its outeide walls, with the nuau and trades of a grocer, a draper, a painter, and a miller. The tradesmen built tb* church in return for the advertisement* they obtain." "■ "X* Mr W. Prodboe, J.P., and'.Mr<ll? Pearce, J. P., presided at the Police Court yesterday, when Herbert 8. Taylor. for having been found drunk, was Sneer 5s and costs, with the customary alt«raa- : tive. Three first offenders, who did not appear, were each fined lpe and coett, or forty-eight hours' imprisonment, for -ha?*, ing been found drunk.

A Stratford lady writes to tie local paper as follows:—"I writ* to you wrthr* -;■■ gard to a very aenoue natter, viz., the cutting cS of their moustache* by t> section of the public men of this town. Now,; I am married' to one of those— l donV know what to call them—men. He wa», : \' heaven knows, plain enough when that : event took place, but now I think there it justification for a divorce—l hjui no id«* he was so fearfully ugly." ; -•: The managers of the Technical Classes: are prepared to organise ladies' afternoon classes for dress-cutting, either for the Laager or Frisco evetems, but names matt he given in on or before Friday next, the. School of Domestic Instruction having asked the Technical Association to lakft over these subjects. Hie numberV.'of-i----atudent* for the present term shows a stfll further increase. For the quarter ending September 405 were oil th« roll,-for.D«- :r ; ©ember 605. but for the prs«ent term no km than 600 names have been «nrolled in- ; the various classes. . V • '•".';" In the Tailway tumwl, at Karaaeahake , a quartz reef has/been; intenectea; intervals in the: course. oi '. driving -\,ttt'•: i tunnel email qunrte leaden have bten . intersected, and -wherever this occtrred: ■: samples have been taken trwied,in, , the aesay department of th* Crown min*t The values of the euo.jfin : and the' average" 4s per ; toa cine» Ittij-. quartz stringen were first cut som*wittt»-. - about a score of sample* have b*en;t«rted,;. and in every instance gold was'fduiid prt--sent.. ;...; -•, ..;';■:: ■. .t; 1>~^£;0?MThe (Domain 'Board y«et«rdayl>Me*4 r » vote of thanks to *he wllbwing presented -seats- '"for' Garden*: _-r-ileet« : W. Strang* and Co. (2), J. B*Uftntyhe;and Co.;;<2), E. Beece.utd Son* Woollen Company (2f;'<*}oper' aax/XAAjffij-is:- ? Tlniea, , - D.£o.*"A«liby, J.. White, Jime* and P. Duncan, Ltd., Singer Manuferfur*:: ing Company, a: X;; Elliott,;.; : Tombi one seat each. 'A'-: ■■'■•" ■'■ '■- .'. '-fl I' >>' t^Ms~

"Do animal* commit tmctde? x What ' *> looke like an instsnoe in support of tf» g theory occurred a far day* agct'ln.tbe, ,v Keraogfthakft Gorge. It appear* H bocte* were gracing on the side of the IS old track, trhieh ekirte tl* preefpfoe oyty- M looking the gorge (*».? a the WaM spendent of an Auckland paper?- / 4enly one of the horeee seemed, aevif Jtb« f'-lg. act were pnemeditated, to jump over th* ; 3 node of the track. Felling' aOOft,. thtf animal was diuvhed to pKtes. ''•AlaSC&r «m,ultojieously the other after its mate, and w« horribly bxtiJteo ; £$ up. No person was anyway near wi*f*t!i** the horse* wer« gmuijf. ' -* "' % Mr George (Laurooeon, M.H.8., *-£* received cable advice, frota will probably aecasitate hu to the Chatham T«Uads V steamer, on business in connectioa jrit|i < - .new fishme company, t!» Wk. the operations of wtocfc Trfff ™R£h Chatham*. Tlwr land tMbfore stand over till be return*. ffi|» CW Fowldu, M.U.8,, wfll pjtob*b>f drfir *> meeting at Dune 4'» at*Mch po-eibly Mr T. *& i1M.8., wjll be present. When Mr L«W, 'M reSo return*, together with Ur Taylor, ,& heSrill vuit Ashburtoa, and dt*l~wttk 'M so A local aspect* of the laad qtßMstuo,' §« case* occupied the atUntlob of C Merrier, J.P., at the Lyttdton OeM, yesterday. Antonte' TTrlidc, *' GeiSha seaman, was charged with 4e*«** ,' tioSrom the abip Wellington on" Jwraary*, 29t8 The accused said that he wished to .f-a •teSe Geroswi Conrel, and the «a«e iriri & *\-Jm>n adjouriwd till fe^.'/* 1 f ErS also a desert«r from the WeWf r %' tonWeaded guilty, but stated,tha* n» baa bwSarrteted without a warrant. Tto po« sergeant stated that accused w*» j| re»M under Section 10 of. the Shipjing andoßcamen's Act Amendment of v 188e which state* that * deeeting «eamftSould be put on board his *bip £y U» m*. or agent, with tb* wdetano* tLoMolioe, providing that the man ha 4 beeierought before a Justice of the P«a«w ;* Krewas arrested on Saturday night* be* „ i| a* Mrefueed to retatn to his snip, 1» **» * IOOM up tfil tbw morning. Mr Ferkr ;? raid* thought the police had don* thdf dutyei arrwting the man - 10 oßbe'Act: ' Accused wae *entgnc«ito rf ■MgMakajext for one month, and oioctca. /a ~ fPtJHPHffea board when the ship *a*. ir f The euetion dr*d«a Rabi Sedden, irhidl^-^

sustained daxaage in the Red S«t4 *S-i.i>, which was rtioentily repeired, ;bu a **J%^ ,: B ; Wellington Hai-bour on Friday under § tom Post, who U to take the ditdg* ».'4| Westport. The d*od*» is eboot to M i&iS handed over by tl». building conUacMr*. Messrs W. Simons and Co., of 3 $ the Goremment on fefthslf oftne W«Mgn|j|ei Harboiir Eoerd; and after tbernn on m day Mr the;C«mp«iy> %i tire, cfitertfllnSd'-tlJ* Premier, the &luuste&;"j for RaJlwap, and others at a '-f Both th« "Minirters spofce. wwwt* W\< "Post." Th« Premier explained bwr shoalinff o* the Westport bar by bjht wMtj; j wben the river vas in flood, muMljifr ~ lar?e vessels from, completingr their losd»* t.' in Westport Harbour. (During lus »«<«C% visit be was pleased to see the AdmnaW • eol&r.MereedVa taHnr .way.2ooo to!»d '- • coal, bat she ws« capable of carrying «W - - tons, and when tho Rabi Seddon went work be was satiefled mch reesela wobM r bacapftbk of being loaded ut Westport wilft - their full compl«neat Hβ was «W» tliat in detign, conception, and compleuj* the dredge was well adapted *» xtno" 9 barrier to large draught Tessels* ,«>««* would be the me*ns of gmnjr tbe» 5W of watsr in Westport HarfKwr;-and tiurt - they would be wanting her, in UrV«»e» and Kew Plymouth,- as thereby v would be enabled to onter tboee harboea. j, Th* rciult might be that tie people » y d Greymouth end New Plymouth would to - 9 wanting a similar waeL ' j;

"Uβ Waitaki, RangiUta-, and Rakaia ■J'jjud vere reported fishable yesterday ttoxaaig, b°t ie branch of the Wai- : Uafauiri waa a good deal discoloured. It i* rumoared in Wellington tliat Colonel Porter is about to be retired, but, cay» -Sir correeponfeat, tho rumour is not con'grsied. :' : ';'/J)iirjpg the twenty-five days in which £b Cnrktchurcli Toorist- Office waa open w month, 637 persona called for infonaaaverage of over 21 per day. The v-jjjgjjge ja December was 25 per day. ■> -Tlie Rotorua correspondent of the. Auek- : "Herald" reports that smoke or steam ht» betai seen issuing from Mount Tara- '»«» during tlie patt few days. '"■'■' ifye stun of £366 was paid out yesterday to old »ge pensioners at Cbristcburch. This v t lecord payment for one day at the load office. the Kuiipai Court yesterday, Messrs Vcere and Fold wick, J.P.V, presiding, ■indflfflent was given for plaintiff in cases JT| H- Williams v T. Eccles, £1 Bs, v J. Marshal!. 16-. f TJ>9 respondent in a separation order ' own' •*' t ' je Feilding Court last week dedaitd his love for his -wife vras Jast ac jateose as wlsen tli*y first met. Yet, he Jad left marks on lier face, but then «h© va#a strong wouuui, ;uid he had difficulty 'ja holding her. She hud blacked lier eye vfeile chopping woud, and blamed him for jj. . He inserted a notice in tlve local P«ier to p_rev«nt her fitting uiineetsiury Jj£des, as he could not. afford to pay for tbem. Bhe frequently spent his money at POO meetings. His wifo wae given to djiijfc more than he wae, and ujuaUy had %b kd temper when under its influence. He jjift -want hie wife to have the order— brtjib© got it. ■*. Hffo&aerful aro the ways of the British \fa: Office, save the "Post." That busiH«t*nke Department is prepared to consider tfltfs for or 21C0 tons of oaten hay, to " be delivered at Port' Elizabeth or Durban, to be chipped not later than lnth Febru- : H y_ This is almqst on. a par for idiocy impoßsible invitation to the coleny to «upply meat during the war. The Premier indulged in some plain talk on d»*«nbject on tliat occasion, and he may «tU."let himself go" and "make hay ,, of thii latest proposition. What hope is ti>er« for the farmers to eupply this dejjuad at liule more than a fortnight's notice, and even if they could, what cer- ■- tdity ie there of being ablo to ship before 14th February? TJ» Norfolk is advertised for "'early" in the present . month, from which it may be assumed that the date of her departure i 3 uncer- '. tain. It may, of course, happen that looM speculative "middleman" has the J»y ready and kr-ows that ho can comply *ith the conditions. In such event it ; Ifiold be interesting to know the difference in imces received by the producer and paid by the War Office. It is said that it is sometimes possible to "get in on the ground floor" in a War Office contact as in a mining venture. Sensational clearanpe. —Further redu.- ,- llana in drapery, clothing, and f uraiihinys, .at JBciiUi'b Grait Sale. Exciting bargains. Jtlance of summer stock mu&t go. Ligut ■ blae ood navy prints, for 3£d; dciain- • ettes, Bjd for choice blousings, llj'l fcf 6jd; fancy merlauns, IIA-d for 3^; btrdered delaines, 10id for 6jjd; zephyrs, for mercerised ret&ens, for BJd, l> 6d for Hid; all-over muslins, Is in- for IOJd. 2s lid for Is 6d, sj» 6d for l«lld; nannalctt-es, 6W for 4Jd; majmfne'iwer's ttock of soiled curtains,, worth 3s Ud to Z&s, tale prices 2a 6d to 23s 6d per pair; -tapsstry carpeta, 3s 6d for 23 -Id; certain poles* 6s for 4s lid; bedfteede, beds, mattresses, pillows, and bolitert, all at special sale prices. i&e win- ; ton for genuine bargains. Beath's, f. Quiid etreet. 33 'U Strange'a Greet End-cf-Sumaier Sale will ■ Vbe Weomed at ten. o-clock this morning. ''. Ihe bargain* in mQlinory, mantles, jacket •>, «ets goods, silks, children's goods, rib-L-bcni, and leces, etc., etc., and alw in (ur- ' nitt*e, etc., surprise all visitors. This ,1* iailly •*■ cheap clearing sale. 23 ■..■;■ Oil and {trrang* for a trial of the Benida Disc Plough in stubble, ilorrow. 3«*ert, and Co. 5 Many thing 3 cause headache? —late hours, : tonkotle food, nervousness, aye strain, ; : *ownrork, e*c. One thing cures them — &t«*ma' Headeche Cure. It is without an equaJ, as it ticte very quickly, aand in easy : taHaie, naving no bad taste. 4o ;, Black, Beattw and Co. are making their ' nsaal «id of season reductions in Mens* 'Snita acd Trouiere, Shirts, Tiea, Straw ISaXs. Special line Boys' Straw Hats 3d Mi-h.' " Heal Panama Hats 10s 6d, 15s ■;.;«*h.'-._./ _ t _ - , 36 The Great DJ.C. Sal© continue* to-day tad dnruig each day of this we*k and next , neck. On many generous bargain tables itt tbe different departments many tempting thing* are offered, scarcely any of - ■whkh ever find their way into the Com- [ Jany't advertisements. Odd lots, sample. ■■■ «nd *nd» of liuee—always desirable enough ~<uid all at most marvellous Burgaiu Price*. Customers are invited lo call and . inspect t2w»e attractive oddaieuts. 29

■';• '."'Jwa and Fruit Jars at Wholesale Prices. Tie-over Jars, lib Is 3d, 2lb Is lid; Tin .Top Jtßs, la sd, Is lid; Jelly Tumblers, : ,1s 3d, *11 per half-dosscn. liason's Screw Toft Improved, GUehrist and Chicago ':'. -WMe-moath Quarts end Half-gallon Pro- . : •Erring Pans,. in brass, ca*t iron, enamel, ;.- lignt steel euaaiel, from 4s 9d. Fleeter ■'■< Bros., Direct Importers, Lower Hi,jh .- • ■ 202 Bargains in dress pieces now . being oflered at 3s lid, 4s lid, Sa lid, os ild, 7i lid, 8s lid, 9s lid. Also, trimmed . BilUnery, 15 8 now 3s lid, 17a 6d now - 4«'Ud. 1S« 6d now 5s lid, 20a now 6s Uα, 2& 6d now 7s lid, 31s 6d now 8s ; Jld, ,42fl 6d now 123 6d. J>oe windows. ••; Bkefc, Besttie and 00. 835 3Patents.—The old-est end best firm for 1...-obtaining Patents is Henry Hughes, 133 v Heptiord streit. Consult tilem on all mat- -•* ten relating to Patents and Trade Marks '*nd obtain pamphlet "Advice to Inventors.' c - 'io :' -Mr Edward Hop?, sargeon demist, has ; tommenoed practice at 45 Hereford strfet '■;■ East. Telephone No. 1361. 1431 "Dentol" may be -purclseod from any ;■ of the Clmstchurch cheinista fur 2s per bot- :, tie. As a cleanser and beautiner of the t* teeth it b besides being exceedingly pleasant and refreshijig. Try it. 6329 Pianos can be purchased on the one, two, , flr three-year hire system from iO guineas; organs from 17 Lowest prices. k Ijisiest terms. R. Francis, Hie Muskui ': Exchange, 159 Manchester itrect, Chrisft- ■ church. 32 Higlres* class modern dentistry, Dr. Black, B.Sc., N.Z. University, D.D.S., United States. Gold and other fuliugs a speciality. 186 Colombo street (corner Hereford). £1 ilessrs Turnbttll and Jones, Ltd., are prepared to indent and buy motor cycles and cars to order. Having an efficient ; staff, and well equipped works, they are ■. prepared to undertake all kind* of re-ih:.-pairs, Mr R. T. Turnbull ie leaving % shortly for the purpose of obtaining the I? latest in English, American, and Continents tul motor practice. 32 t£ If you have the faintest suspicion that f tout eyes are not just right, if they bother ?■ you in any war, it's best to have them at once. Do not go to the t ; average optician or spectacle seller, for he ; : : is unable to distinguish between optical :' defects and diseases, but consult John R. ;Ll , rocter, 180 High str«t, Christchurch, 7 J - wno will give you a thorough examination ■;-• free of charge." - . ■ - 2145

A CURIOUS LAND TENURE CUSTOM. There ttill remain Lα England a few dnoas customs in collection with land . tecmre. At Oliingford, in Essex, an estate is held by a very strange condition. Whenever it pa&ses into new hands, the .owner, with Ids wife, manservant, and ' ttaidservant, comes en horseback to the i Waoaage and pays his homage by bloyr>w}thr*o blasts upon a horn; he carries *«ttvk upoa his £stj his servant has a

greyhound in the «lip,. both for the nee of the rector for that day. Hβ receive* » chicken for tbo hawk, a peck of o*t# for his horse, end a loaf of bread for lib greyhouxd. After dinner tlie owner blowa three mere blaste, and th«i with hia party withdraws from the rectory.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11806, 2 February 1904, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11806, 2 February 1904, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11806, 2 February 1904, Page 4