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» SPORTS. N~ORTH CANTERBURY CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. : ArotiaVnt: A. W. Rutherford. M.H.R. Viee-PreeidenH: Meure J. McMorrso, T. MoNauirht, d. MoFailane. Directot*: Messrs R. S. Turner. J. Wilson. W. H. H*l#, T. A. McNaughti H SmitSi, J. J. Sraitk A. H. Weebet, W. Frew, G. R. Helton, O. A. Woroall. K. Chamberlain, W H. Rhode*. C. B. Mnwon, A. Ross, E. VttDonald. Director of Da_e*a: G. A. | Worne-1. Prei« Stew»rd: G. R Holton. : Pipers: H. McKay. J. McKay, J. McLachlaa Treasurer: C. B. Ma-on. Secretary: V L Adait''. H-ridicappers: The ComBtJHee. Starters: W. H. Hal* and R 8. Tamer. • Tie Twenty-four* Anmrsl Gathering of the •rORTH CANTERBURY CALEDONIAN * SOCIETY Wni be held at the Amberley Do_.*in. on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 16th, 1903 PROGRAMME OF SPORTS, To*t*rt at 12.80 noon ■l Handicnp R*". 200 yd*. Ws __d*x 18 years, district. Ist prize 15s, 2nd S*. Entrance 1». _. . ._ ~ ,» , ft, One Mile Bicycie Handicap; Members Amberioy Bicycle Club only. Ist prize 30s, 2nd 15s. Entrance 3s. •'■ Amateur One Mile Bicycle Handioap. Ist prize £3. 2nd £1- Entranoe 1* 6d. i 4 lOOydo Open Handicap. Ist prize £3, Snd ! £\. Entrance 2s. I Cash One Mi's Bicycle Handicap. "i. " priws £3, 2-d £!• Erttraace Is 6d. I. 4»oydl Hurdle Race Handicap, open. Ist priso £2 3nd £1. Entrance 3s. '•■ * Pillow Fight, boy* under 16 years. in | ' prize 7s 6<l. 2nd 2» Gd. Entrance fld. '0. 320 yds Oneu Handicap. Ist prise £3, 2nd £1. Entrance 3*. 9. Amateur Two Miles Bicycle Handicap, lit prizo £3. 3nd £1. Entrance Is 6d. /' -0. 4*oyd« Handicap, 5 pen. Ist prise £3, 3nd £1. Entrance _*. Jl. Sack Race, 100 yds. boy* under 1* years. Jut prise 10a, 3nd 5». Entrance 6d. ( |9. Sack Race, lOOydn, Men's. Is. pri.o 15a, 2nd 7s *d. Entrance Is. 18. Cash Two Milei 3icyct» Hacdicap. let *i, 3nd £1. Entrance 2s. ■'.'44, Pillcw Fight, Men. Ut prise 10s, 2nd s*. Eirtranoe Is ■ i.5. l'-Oyrls Hurdle Handicap, lit prise £2, i , -nd £1. Kntiunr* 3». I*." lmiyd* T_r«i-l».<(nJ Handicap. Ist pr_e ' £1, 2nd 10n. Entranoe 'pair) 2«. i 37 Thrro Mile* Ca.<h Bicycle Handicap. Ist pnr« £2 10*. 2nd £1. Entrance la 6d. ',■•'.' ;'3B. Half-tnilo Running. H-nrlicso. Ist prii* i /f'ii'i £3, Sad £1. Entrance 2s. %"s}&. Marobes. Stra-hepeys. and Ree«*. Ist prize : £2, 2nd £1- Entrance 3a. ■ '■'■■~i' ! 'sjt. Marche*. Strathspfv*, aiid Reel* for lads pM; under 21 yi-atn. Ist prise £1, find 10s. (" : ; :; li('[ : j Entranoe Is. i ''■;'■»';%. Hichland Reel. m»l+ or female, in oosiVk"■*•''• tutoe. l«l priie £1 lOi, 2nd £1. Entrance i';^?^':' as. r* Ii fa. Lads' and Lassiee' Highland Fling, in ccs- • turae. under 18 years. Ist priso £1, 2nd I 10». EbU-oo* 1». fel. Lads'and La-aies' Highland Fling, inco* j tume, under 14 years. Ist pris* 16*. _Ed : :.' 7* 6d. Eiatrance nil. LW. Sword Dance, in costume, Ut priss £1 10s, 2nd £1. Entrance 3s. BS. Lads' Highland Reel, in costume, —ndef < 18 years. l«t prise £1, second 10*. En-■■.'ij-f •■ -tr-nos Is. S M. L-*sie«' Highland Reel, m oostam*. I*l pris* £1. 2nd 10s, Entrance Is. IS- 'jJ7. LaoV and Lassies' High._nd Reel, is oos- ::?&. tittOi, under 14 year*. Ist prise 1-S, 2nd ■' :- 7s 6d. Entrance nil. ' '" "US. Highland Fling, male or female, in costume. Ist pri*e £1 10*. 2nd £1. Entrance irtrr,'.'; Jn, pf, Sailors' Hornpipe, in costume. Ist pris* '.if £1 10c, 2nd Si. Entr_noe _*. ..T '■ •:''f», Ir_* 3ig. Ist prise £1 10s, _a* -l. En. ''iiff-\ ' tranco 3s. |||' RULES AND~mSGT/LATIONS. ■10 «ntri<» to* *» BicyeJ* Race* and *Jl Hand!. . {■irlf *gjn Ifcaow _inst b* in the hand* of the Se-re--I:s'%tfy S not-iter than December 9t_ t aooompanied $£$:■'_?■ ths Becessary fee* and previous perfonnl! ||S*;]i'f S—C6S. „ if AM pwtes** mtsrt be made within fiftsea Wl'vimtim after th* event' which the P*°te*t re'M>> f'.ftrs to', with a lee of 6s, snd if the prote** m « I found to he frtvoloua the foe to be forfeited. ■i*'i ■■■■■ • Two cc«rp**ito r '" or no firnt prise, -ttireo or $; jno second. Youths under *nrt*e_ j*s_* not :.'*:J-Jlbw*a''to -o&peto with men. m't DiM-iet vmm hetween Ashley and Warn .:Ifc*;': ; Rivee».- •' .■ if tt:-• Cettpwiitor* nsi-g ti_1)eoo»i»(t kngnage or |i aisobejinf th* et-rtor will ho disqualified at W optioaof t-»r*__rt«. < ' .. _. 'jf*'lf, Cor-petitor* le*v_ig ths mark Mfors -a* sfe&ijtswirt #f pistoJ 'Will'be pensJiied. &P*: Osinpe-itoTS ars swruesied 'to •end ataa-ped . sddreeMd sirrelop-* to secretary when eater- :»: tntr. so as to sscsivs pass ticket. ' . The Cosst-itiss reßerves th* rig-t to wit_--1/; -raw, add to. w «_harwis« -Iter ths svwnls W - *ra wis VN«»n-ns, also to psn-Hsa the winW ■ a«r of *«y evewt*. . ' ffe.-. Rioyols Bacus nader the Ls-goe of New .y:. Ce-la-d Roles, sau) all .entries to he made m s* form* provided hy ths Les«tie. I: B_o_r*kMt Train will ran f*om Ctatstm' shwch, -s-tna; «A intermedia'- *-rf-e_a at m- snwranrki- ra4es. For t_o«y see Radway Pos- ||.-__._• ~' ill ** Grou-do I*. Children under I- '■'■", * • w«H Sd ' P- v • \LZ' { Wf A GR-XH I eooneotion wWh th* j m? Bodtkr wiU b* held in the Evoning in tib* •F I |pC)-_S_te»V Hall, commencing at •*•'«**«*. ! gm aCnsto try s> first-class Chnstohut-ti Baad. K/C-teei-t by _ flrst-clsss caterer, sow's- jonr [k|{ j-tanoelor a'hlow in ths country air. PJVji ' F. L. ApAMS, : ||*' ' . EDUCATIONAL. " GIRLB' HIGH SCHOOL, CH_mTOHTJBCH, |; WXHTR Serdw Effitamcs Sobol-rtrips for girl* j W is? un-t* as will be awarded on the rwolt of ■ n, to be held in Dses-fbsr. FuQ i| nß_ti_oul-i« may bo obtained from w» Lady |. Piinoip*! ni the Girts' Hivh Sohrol, or from !' tbe -adeaigned. close at th* | School on NOVEJEBER SOth, I A.(IIUCRO"fT"WILSO"S, I C-n4erhnry OoUeg*. Novstnhsc -fed, 1803. I' ' ll * 9l ' 1 i_3s EDUCATION BOARD OF* THE __»>.! s!:' IRICT OF NORTH -ANTERIBURY. ' I lhX'<l_ —— W Mr_"OTI€SE is hereby given that the LIST of I. ■ jPI CANDIDATES for SOHO_ARSHIP3 & ffieaior sod Junior) will CLOSE oo -dON*h* SOth Xtenmbet. I ' H. 0. LAITE, l> t Secretory |'; _t-t- Novtsnber, 190 a. 4360 I; VIOTORU .COLLEGE, !§' <A PPLICATTONS an* invited for a LECS" «». TGRER in MENTAL SCIENCE and Ii JK>_l_-CA_» ECONOMY st a salary of £300 I.*!*, or a "L-OCTURER in MENTAL fr~ iCIENCtt at • salary o( £160, and * J-EO-t|. TTORER In POLITICAL EOONOML at a of _UO. Applto-tao-s, with Testilf-> tttsUala, to be sent to the «&a*rshrned not In 'SSc *Jfcu Moon *m TUESDAY, 13t_ DEtc tO_l__»_-_ >A • - CH. P. POWLES, | . m. Rsgisti-r. § ■ THE ART OF SINGINQ. l ntfRS TIPLER (Pupil ot th* late Sigaor g MX Cecchi, colonial teacher of Madaiae |r M»lba), Teaohwr of Singing aad Voice Producer tkm, 188 Worcester street W., is prepared to > twsiv* pupil*. Class for Adult* every Wednesday Evening. Quarter ending October 2mh. if 7057 I* C VOICE ajLTURB. | {JVfH LEO. BUCEERIDGE (from Miles, [|- SKI »Uo Pupil of Mr Charles Santley, Loniffiii Bon), gives Lessons in Voice Production. Elogh)«*itioß, and Singing at his Studio, 301 Gkmm «ester street (old Gas jOfflet). Registered with 9 <Uie Min-ttor of Education. rfii, ; _______________ W CHRISTCHURCH. SHORTHAND AND M< TECHNICAL SCHOOL. | Drain Agency Buildings, xri-ngl* (opposite ••nLfISS E B. DIGBY, M.LP.S_ N.U.T. fit dJ* Holder of Teachers' Diploma gun ted by B"P, 111* IncoTporated Phonographic Society, § Holder of Typewriting Diploma granted by 1% the National Union of Typists. :);-. MISS M. D. DIGBY. Holder of Sir Isaac fi Pitman and Sons' -irst Class High Speed tffij CerUficste. l":| \! Thorough and Rapid Tuition in SHORTgIHAND.ittPEWiaTING, BOOICKEEPING, i; rand all Commercial Subject*. M MATRICULATION, CIVIL SERVICE. WIKACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. ETC.. In- '" ■'-iridiial Tuition by University GraduaUr. w — £l'. t T«m Comnenaes at Any Time' V G It L B Y*S IL»Jp OIiMERCUL COLLEGE. *f\& no Worcester street. *, >P>ll —— P"' GENERAL EDUCATION-- /' (Primaxj' »nd Secondary): | ft Individual Tuition by University Graduates. Preparation fi.. -latriculatioc, Civil Btrvie*, and other Exanunatioßs. « Term commene** at any time, J CH. GILBY, F.I.P.S. iHonoars). ' j„ ... Principal. '! Laundry Clais "gives, heautif AM. ful ivory -polish to starched goods, miMating in brightness of Chinese lines. Iron- .. ing w'tii r. is a plcatu.-e. Pries, Cd sad !s • (vtrywhtre- >. Wholsssle agent*, John Halt t snd Co., Limited.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11749, 25 November 1903, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11749, 25 November 1903, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11749, 25 November 1903, Page 11