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WANTED. ■f-ffANTED, a COOA Ploughman. Apply F. \W J___Savill_ IlDTorota. «70 a Dog.""Apply by letter W.Q., »VV- wej»r_Tim_j__ CWce. *_:i> *fTfASfTED", by"""lounj: Man." Situation as _V» Groom and Gardonor, milk, etc; rei*wn«__.JlWil!in.s__ J"_rcsV__ Office. _ 111 1 nSTTANTED, First-class ilerccr, esperier-ccd 1 W buyer, tPcnporary riie'aperocr.t; *t<ito mdiir- otc. _J..L..JTrcra" Office. __ 411 D f\\f ANTED, Gir'.3 for packing «c<l_ wra;>pic;|VV. awoet». Aulacbrook CV., c« llanire-il nrd_S_t. Asaph strci-'..?. _ -U.'jl pfXT'ANTKD, Siluation - aj. liniswkeep'-r, cx- .»'. pfriti-oc>d; ccu__trj' preferred. No. 5 1 ) Oxford trrrruoe. _ 115:? \ITANTED, Kind - Pc7«on to Adopt Baby _VV. Girl, »ii mon-hs; no premium. Ajtip'.y "Mother," "Press" Office. 2373 nriITANTED,' Diiiiv Employmont. Cleanicg, ;V> or O-Hc<?3 to Clean. "Work." "Prcsn" OfiSoe. ._. .. _«30 .T\7"ANTED. a (iotxl General Servant. A?- '.»'». ply, before or_e. to Mr.-i Hoare. Uosto'.kin, Ons'ow str'. - .'?''?? "YXf AlViEbr"Beard " a nd"Ke«ideTice, Mcrivale ?V> or St. Ail-aiie, near tram, by Gcr.t'.cn_ai;. _?_."^ ■\\rANTl_D~to~ Piiroiiase". G<-ct's Bik!- , . in l»V. perfect order, ii-1-inch frame. By!:?. "Press" OlEco. :! -"~ prJTANTEb to Kent. House of tive i VV. within easy distar.ce of City, r.orth p'- rferrct.. W. 8.. "I'r'-ss" OfQce. ZV'Ss r\\rA"NTEL)lo~Buy, "fioci 1 to 3 acrts ia:id. «»» v.ith stab!:r.!», ccnvenieTit to City, 1111- - to "Modoration," "'Prcsii' Office. Exjii-ricnced Groom, u«od io '-»' iivery eUiblc work; none but jt«i'lv irnen need apc.y. F. N. Jones, Wb-tfjpiari aiote , .. 41S- 1 ■"\\rANTE-J, Lady Hulp or Nursary Gover.VV IK , -*, for three youn™ children, and General Server.'., wagee Iμ. Apply to Mis Cmv!i__ha_w,_G__ rw_d_._ -HI\XA]ANTED, ComTorta.bie Home, in private 1V V family, !>y Married Coup!o._ _<Stato terms, answers in by 5 o'clock to-night, to Homo_J.his __1 fIATANT'ED, two Lady Helps, one for pluiu <VV. cookirg, t'tc, others for housework; balariea £28; good borne. Apply, after 6 p.m., 66 Pa.p&uuj read. 4130 riXrANTBD—J. _ jrPa7ker'a Labour Agency, >»*■ Lwhfield streot—Generaia, Ploughmen, Married Couple (manage dairy). Groom, Youth thrive mail ci-rt, Potato Diggers. 'U_l7 "immediately, a respectable and IVY intelligent Boy as office boy. Appiy in own .hiuidwriting, will* reforcmces, to Joynt and Acdrows, Solicitor.., Gloucester etreei, Christchurch. _(_ T7J_rANTEb7"in «T"Superior Privato Family, i .VV. 2 Rooms nj-_vj JJoard, for Yourg Lady; preferably bedroom imfurnished. North-west end. Apply Bos 0?4, G.P.0., Christchurch. r\,\fANTED to SoliriSrEoiuirch tVV Sta'-ion (adjacent to), main thoroughfare. J-aore full, -.-roonml Cottage, in good icpuir, auiplo room for another house. J. 210. iSma.ll deposit. J. G. Eaumcrman, 171 LicUficld street. ' •XTTANTED to PiirohVse, in any first-class 1 »»• locality, convenient to contro. a Modem Home vi ■"> to C rcoiaa, iirafer oriol window, luUist bo thoroughly iinrahed. In first instance addrcf-9 "Ciatide," "Press" Office. r\~yANTED to Buy, privately, 3 to 8 Acros, L»T with sor G-roomed cottage, near Christchurch and traxa. Apply "Chenp," "Press" Office. J3203 ■\7iTANf ED to~"Soli, City FireUciaes Soun-.l iii, Cottage of j rooms, well finished, splendid eection, Uioroughly private. Price, i'29o. Offws. Easy terms. J. G. Bannerman, 171 Liellfield street. I"Y\rANTED to'Seil. a on 'Vt the wain Pup-anm roaj. valuable 5-acro, with 11 iirst-clai-3 .Vrcoincd Hoiiie (built two years), everything iv splondid wxler. An cxceptionul opportunity at £I7j. Sm.ill -leposit. J._O._Bannerraaii, J7i Lichfield stTeet. _ l\^A^i:D - h'VVj clc-rii 6 rooms. J-B»crc, ideal situation, iram service: alfo freo rent for board, 6 rooms. Linv.ood; a Laundry Business for Bale cheap. J. (j. Banncrman, 174 Lichfield ______ 3629 KNOWNirfhe Coneoi idatod '•» Supply Company are same to supply Everyone in Christohurrh with Drapery and Clothing on casv terms, so ploase send in youx orders or n<ldi'rsd and wo will send out Travellers (o ca!l on you. 40 Oxford terraco 2503 JryANTE_)~Seli; Ocn~tV"MaS^ _ HMns ?» » Bicycle. Dunlop tyres, machine in perfect order. Prioo £11 cash. Adams Star Cycle Co., Colombo etrcot.xiear Cathedral. XKT ANTED Self Lady , a"""Famot.Ji" "Bicycle, "»». Brooks's saddle, upturned handle bars, Dunlop tyTos. machine in perfoct order. Price £8 cash. Adams Star Cyolo Co., 198 Colombo ■treat, near Cathedral. X/ITANTED, this month only, we~eeTl a l» * j Single Sunshade or Umbrt-lla, at wholc•ale price. Call and inspect. Lethaby's, U.ll--brella Uakers. 64 Cathedral square. _ 2619 npiTANTOD" Left-off"Clothing—_JiidiTe~~and L» »-i Gentlcmon can depend oa getting their •ztremo value. All letterr and appointments punctually attended to by Mr.. King, Seeondfcand Dealer, 100 _Mad_rae_air_et__C.'hii_.trhiirch. CryANTED, Everybody toTmako"~ab»olutely if T gure of the correct time, by having thoir wa-tchos repaired at S. Clarke and Co.'s, 148 Colombo street. Watches cleaned, 4s; Plain apringa, 3a 6d. S. Clarke and Co. |^^ANTEb~-iNbWN— Jewellery "SaieTlir iVY one monlh, of Watches, Clocks, Kinga, Brooohos, and all other classes of Jewellery, ■old at greatly reduced prices. K. Grieehaber, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 155 Colombo street. i Everyone - ahandle l"»V and have an Umbrella made to their liking from 5s Gα. Lcthnby's, Umbrella Makers, 64 Cathedrnl square. the - " imported umbrellas !*» split, buy ono made in our factory. They don't split. Letbaby's. Umbrella Makers, &t Cathedral square. Latest machinery. 9002 ft*rANTF.D7 500 Mon to oTear"~goodTin«"7.f IVf. Ex.m, Strong Umbrella* «t 10s 6d. Lcthaby's, Umbrella Makers and Cutler*, 04 Cathedral square. _ T_S7ANTED KN'OWN—Pot-oncd Iff. flamed Wound*, Sore Legs, Sore Ejes, Cuts, Burns, Irritating Eruptions, positively Cured with "Spring Blosswn" Onitment. Price 6d end Is, all Chemists and Btovek __£••_ _ (fTTAKTED KNOWN—Wβ aro holding a .VV' Jewellery Sale, ■Watohe 3 , Clocks, Wedding Kings, etc. We don't do things by helves. Genuine reductions all round. S. Clarke and Co., 143 Colombo atrect. ffJiTANTEb.— Success Awaits"You". Learn 1V V to Hypnotise. You can influence every person you meet. Win undying friendships, cure diseases, and bad habits, or produce fun by tho hour. Send two stamps for &n intensely interesting Free Book. Prof. Ward, Pox 857, P. 0., Auckland. \ITANI , Eb""kN6WN—Sirs QnartermaTrTle .'l* a Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gent*', »nd Children's Lett-ofi Clothing. Lett-ore by post or otherwise rttcndcu to. Audre3i lirs I G. Quartermairi, >T. street. | TXTANTED, for Now Umbrellas. ~or B_". 'm covoring. end Kopairing Umbrel!«s, pc to Lethaby's. Umbrella Makers, 31 OthcdrtsJ ef[uare«. Cheapest bonse in town. rT_f?--.-NTEb all Coneuiners !o know hat if fVT i_aey want a PURE, WHOLESOME FRUIT JAM, free from anj adulteration, nnd ABSOLUTELY PUKE, the "IC." BRAND satisfies the taste of tho most fastidious. Sold by β-tl tho principal Ueroiiania and Cirocors. _ JijlTANTJfib, Ladie* to note, it? make Suni\\ ehuuen to match Coetucios. iroiu 5s 6d, recoveries froa. 3s Cd. Lothu'jy'e Umbrella Makers and Cut'cr.'. C 4 Cathedral square. \IXANTEI>~ Marfird " PiotiphmarT. "cotSiisyo ; Tt found, v.-ife'd dulios ral, good Married Gardener, wife cock, iSO yeaiiy; Canter, country, i::.vrris.l win preferred; Four Plough-i'.cu; iircc:::-i;ftrdener; Gencrsvl 81-a-k-tn-ith ; ?!:• pb'rd?; Potato Diggers; Youth, driw b..;.; rV. enrt; Hotel Hacds; BojS. ufcl frrms. Sime'a Registry, 171 Armagh _st:o.;. Telei)hor.£___73. \XjT ANTED, "ExptnVneed Barmaid, tcrA-n; :'l Wat-Toss t>".d Pnr.trymaid, sams plac«, town; Three House-Parlourmaids; Cc<»kljiundros*c<?, town ard country; HouseHousejiiajds; Waitxes-s^s; Gonerals; Kitohenni-Lids; Girl, shop, town. Sinw's Regiatry, 171 Arruagh ataroet. 573. Station Married Couple, withi\ » out family, man genera! hand, wifo cook, eit., £S0 to X9O nnd found; Couple, man plough, wife housekeeper, £75: Couple, uum milk, e:c, wife cook for 3 men in cottage, no fibjectiou to one child; Coup-lea for flax mills, with boys over 1-J years; Station Cowman, 20s; Mesi for clearing land conViriMitl, IJ3 Ploughmen, Stallion Yoia.h \ch ißilking) 15s; 30 Female Sen-ants, town ar.d country, good wages. App'.y, with references, to J. McDonald, Manchester street. Tei»l__bcne_4&7_.__ 3603 WANTED, Pantryman, 153; Kitchen Maid 109. town hotel*; Housemaid. 13*, hotel, Kaiicoura; Two Gei>ere-s, 12»; Houssm*id, 10s; Ba, town; General. 15s, Suroncr; Two Waitresses. 15s each. Aahburton; Children's Nurse, 17a; Housemaid, 15s; Honscmaid-Laundress, lis. same place, B'onjieim; Second Mun Cook. aL-so Waiter, town hotel; Liundreea, 13s, school north of W»»liing-tois; Housemaid, 10s, hotel, Duva-uchrlle'e Bay; General, 12s, hotel. Oiiazd. Mrs Holb.nt'e .Registry, Gloucester e *i^L-^* <^l '-__Z. t,, -'?P2 o * e Ll 10 l- " 37W {WANTED, Tyro Uonsskoppers. country, •" two geutlnmen, i'4o; Useful Boys: Housemaid, town, private. i"A); Second Cook, hotal, to«r_; General, Hawke'e Bay, 14*. faro paid, at once; oxperionccd Generals, highest, -wa-gcie; Two Lady Helps. 12s each, Maatcrton; General*, Akiroa. AM Servants caJI at oace. Two useful Men, country, 2&s and 15s; Girls to osaiat; Nurse Neect'.o Woman, country; - Generals, -p-"ain cooking excel!ent placee, highest wao«>s; Boys for Flax; Nurao Sfecdlo Woman; Uuder Ho«sem.v:d, private house. Mrs Tooaier's Registry (late Sirs D*rby'»), Chancery lane. Telephone ■lioe. ■ -

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11571, 30 April 1903, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11571, 30 April 1903, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11571, 30 April 1903, Page 2