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WANTED. Cook nnd General, at once. 'VV Mr* L\~.y, Hole!. Temple ten. __ 2775 .tTANTED an" Experienced HoM'cmeid. reAp,..y \Vwr.rr. U"."!. "!■""' -ixrANTED, Smart Br-v* for P;.rc.-:s Ofiice. •\V "Blsck._Btittie an"l <>. ."""8 a," Stroll- Lad to in)-:" li:m■.■?'■ f |\'\ ttsrful. A. IbUraT. I'a->r ; cv<.k. 3iiy3 PIGEONS wanted." Pigou-. wanled at nnc". prod strong bird... J. S::<">l.,. V ishmo-.i. ■af rWTED. Two C.Trnci-.tcrs. Apply on jib. :■.:-.:! Alhr.rmarl•treat*. Sydenham *f Hir__NTED t-. s,-.,. I;,",;' 1..---;: Hicylc. |\V B.S.A. P»r'.-. s''l r- ::?<" : A'!'- ca;h. i,*''«. = : .d.-i-hi-.;:-. > -IVANTED. Snwrt. U..-■-. :-r i-hon m-.'i! l'». t\V W. J!u-I. *:i'i S-'.v '*'►' <■"•■"! ' :'l'r_ sf*fT.N"TEi)rstrTH.-=;"s.- ullcr; <r..v.<i. 1.y.; nl'O ?\V Wailr.-ss, i'.r :<".v iv--k.', o>n;;:i':rr;al Kcs'jurant "-'' <-'r<.-!. "1179 1 . T \NTKD. f"r final iannX l>orn«: -iriVrd iVV* Heln.' Apply Mori.,'.-', or Evcm---;. _2i Hereford Mrei-i. L;nw,•...,: 3071 -IT'ANTED R-::'. . or.-.:or!a'., .-' Flo nr'm .'...: d \\ Koo:p. :,r ...,-1 ;• mn. ll&ire** ".M. ." "I'!'-- <of. - . ■'■■>'i 'HVANTED. <;•!■<-.,!. ':-.•:•.■:„.:. l.nni y. .'Aw r.-.-.'x ke).; .\;.'i-..- Mr Wit ;;<:t.<!"n. '•'Jje-th f.nd to. C;->h:: -::,■■; rt " 7li '-i-i'AN-T'D. v •/■' d (;•.•—■;.' :-<- t y.'-.'.. i,;_"■'-: »)Vl wa?'~. >r ;: <■■:;:, ' ;:t. p< :-■,:;. Apv " H--tel. _ ■ _...._. 3^ ; ••' i-:;1u.:r.:.-ii Y'.uta for W* A l^SS^'> , 'f"''' r Wkfti . stu<l":e, VI C < ,;1 "-~ ?■** ' !i"tfANTET), !<■; i-'ii--t-t li.*.s .VV. Onu.;ry HU.V:>, Api.'y Mi.urlr. ai.d llnl-ja.n,'S-iil'-itnr-. Il'.efr.rd •.t_rc.--i_._-. ;?77 \I?AN'tJ'D, <s:d of .111 lourm.ird. llr.; it. .'\i. .'.>-rt. :i, Hornby. 27L : 3 %\r\l?}ft:i).~Z Tutor !<.:■ a You its;" Boy. Ap- '.]} "ply Anhi.r ii. <.'. Khcd.,, H,, jtrset. 3{'.i7 "itrAN'IKU to' K•:'■'. S : x t Seven-Vr.omrd 'VV 11.-u.e. e.Ttr:,;, ••-.:.;-.:.bie ■'■;• 'in,..rd;-r.-,. Appiv."-'!"!'" -I'rr- f'».fi-o. :^-.5 "fTTA-VrKI), KxiK-i ,• v ' lk-!!, c ~ii!i.i Table ■VV. Maid, f'l- .'on::!!-.-. Ap...'-.- aittr 5 p.m. lira Walker Mji!,ir'ii,.«, ltjj X. rrh be!'.. •JyuO YVANTEI/."'_:;ia:-t Com,i'-r" Hand; "Apply '.VV at once to fc' Bros., Grocers. A?hburton. 2055 r^r"AXTI-l)7 _ IrHcriiity,'"Cottage of VV about 5 rconi.;, with conveniences, not exceeding iMOO cash. Adurct. "."-itlistaiitial." "Press" Ofljce. *\\r ANTED to Buy. from \ t.o i-acre Section, IVY with trood fi-rof.m.-tl House, convenient to the city, l'urticulars to !:".-cc Air, "Pre=3" Office. Tlf ANTED," Lodgiiis"'. f-r '('Jcr.tlraiaii;" within 'VV fifteen minutes' from po:■*. ofiice. lireplaco iv beilroom prefcrrid. Apj.iv by letter. L.C.. "Press"_Oiricc._ _ -i"6 TfTANTED, J. J. Plukrr's'Lai.our Agency, !»V LichSold street-Married Couple, station, cottage; Ploughmen; Yr,u:h, dairy; Piv tato_Diggrrs._ _ _ _'_'_3067 .TTTANTED to Si-!!, a. Ppleidid Prapcrty'on 'Ww the main Papirnm roirj, v.i!ua.b!c 1-acrc, with ii lirßt-cin.Js j-rcoined House (built two years), everything in splendid cr.ler. An exceptional opportunity at ClT.'i. -Smiill deposit. J. G. Bannirmnn, 171 L.chlield street. WANTED KNOWN-The "~C'or_solTd_tSl '»» Supply Company a-rc to supply Everyone m Christclmri-h v.-ith Drapery and Clothing on easy trrui3, so please send in your orders or address nnd wo will send out Travellers fo call on you. lo Oxford terrace 'Woet____ 2605 riTTANTED Sell, Ucnt'T Massey~Harrfs lT T Bicycle, Dunlop tyres, machine in perfect order. Prico £\1 cash. Adams Star Cycle Co., 19S Colombo Btretit. veux Catliedral. .ffJCrANTED*"So!I 'Lady's"""Famoi.j : ' Bicycle, !f». Brooks's saddle, upturned handle bars, Dunlop tyres, m_chiuo in perfect order. Price £$ cash. Adams Star Cycle Co., 1.3 Colombo atreet, near Cathedral. WANTED, this month only, we seil a . Single Sunshade or Umbrella, ait wholesale price. Call and inspect. Lethaby'a, Dmbrella __a.kcT». C. Cathedral square. 2619 *OfrANTED, "Left-ofl "Oltfthing—Ladiea and l'». Gentlemen can depend on getting their -xtromo value. All letters aud appointment! punctually attended to by Mrs King, Secondttaed Dealer, 100 Madras afreet, Christciurch. "ITTANTED, Everybody to make abaolutely t,» » sure cf the correct time, by having \heir -watcht. repaired at S. Olarke and Co.'a, US Colombo atreet. Watches cleaned, 4s; main apringa, 3s 6d._ S. Clarke ar.d Co. WANTED KNOWN—Jewellery Sale, for i»» one month, of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Brooches, and all other classes of Jewellery, aold at greatly reduced prices. K. Grieshaber, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 1.5 Colombo street. "171/*ANTEb, Everyone to choose a handle '•V and have an Umbrella made to their liking from Ss 6a. Lethaby's, Umbrella Makers, 6-1 Cathedral square. .TfiffSSTErPlf the - ' imported" *» w split, buy one made in our factory. They don't split. Lethaby's. Umbrella Makers, 61 Cathedral square. Latest machinery. 9092 |T_"l/'-VNTI"D, no. Men t. oieafgood "line - of iff. Ek.i» Strong Umbrellas at 10a 6d. Lethaby's, Umbrella Hukere acd Cutlers, 64 CathedraJ aquaro. _ TSTANTED" KNOWN—Poisoned and'ln"lf ». flamed Wounda, Sore Legs, Sore Eyes, Cuts, Euras. Irritating Eruptions, positively Ourad with "Spring Blossom" Onitment. Price 6d and Is, ail Chemists and Storekeepers. • .WANTED KNOWN-We are holding a l»T Jewellery Clocks, Wedding Rings, etc We don't do things by halves. Genuine reductions all round. S. CUrke and Co.. 143 Colombo street.

jtJlTAJlTEb.—Success Awaits You. Learn Iff to Hypnotist!. You can influence every person you meet. Win undying friendships, cure diseases, and bud habits, or produce fun by the hour. Send two stamps for an in- - tensely interesting Free Book. Prof. Ward, Box 357, P. 0.. Auckland. '(\\TANTED KNOWN—lira Quartermaui is rTT a Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gents', and Children's Lcft-ou' Clothing. Letters by post or otherwise attended to. Audress Mrs G._QnarWmain._is4 High street. _ PLANTED, for' New "Umbrellas" "or ~Re!f f. covering, and Repairing Umbrellas, go to Lethaby's. Umbrella Mnkers, 34 Cathedral equare. Cheapest hoann in town. all Consumers to know hst if "l»» they want a PURE. WHOLESOME FRUIT JAM, free from any adulteration, and ABSOLUTELY PURE, tho "X" BRAND satisfies the tnrte of tho most fastidious. Sold by all the principal Merchants and Groocrs. _ _ _\"j_7"ANT_D* Ladies to not., wa mako SunIV f shades to match Costumes, from 5* 6d, recovering from 3s 6d. Lethaby's Umbrella -Makers and Cutlers, M Cathedral square. _ SANGER'S Egg Prouuo»r is not a "phytic* but a stimulating food, used with quod rssults on stvsral Government poultry stations- Sold by and top,_Ch»mi*t-Exncrirnix-d Grocer, country. •If i-tato. former employers; Night Porter, JSs, country ht>:ed ; Dsiy Porter and Relieving Barman; Sccval Cook" Wellington; Married .Couple?, st.itiors ar.d farms: Five Ploughmen, ■Competent Shearer:., for cr.itrhing; Pick nnd Shovel Men; Elderly Man. look after garden, 'horse, tow; Youth. »hce)> s-titioji.'s Registry. 171 Ar:i:ii„h Te:cy:\oi;e_.">"£._ i'\\7"ANf II l)', "'"Ciiiubio Uoiiek'eeper. " Iff-'uury. .cci!'. for: able place: Plain ?ook. station: Lady Help, fo'.vn; Cook. :i!.-o Housemaid. l;n; Barmaid; \iir-.'-lltHi>f-tnaid. Wvllinatcii: Wnitre.»M; ".icod General. ..teen home. ;.<• i-'uvuhiy work; a. •mimb'T <'i GoiM-rii'*. town a>ul country. S.tne"s Rogistrv. IT I Armsgh street. Te>j»hor.p 579 ._ " .'lO3 "ITITANTVVO. ""HouWhcetier. c.ui-trv. 'hroe \\\> grnt'emc:i at on< c . Pe-.or.d Crok. hov'. town; General. Hawko's B.iy. 1 Is. fare paid. al <>rtct?; S.i'.r.eryra.iid. i'- l"s mo:;th ; Kxperi<"r---<I Gritrr.'.. highe*i wage.*; Cook, * a - n , i7.t Cd; KiU.tfitinnn. -i lc . t-m-r. : Two Lidv lLcipf. *-"< <"e„eh. ; Hou.-;e-»Ridi«. coimtrv ho'cl? pood wastes; Generals. Akaroa.. All "Servanta call at Good Cocks, 15s to -J.'.', tov.n _nd country; Hou,c maid. J?S2: Cook. i'-V L.I 10. ILver: Two \"ur«—lloiisoniaid». V.una; Gir.-s. to assist; Housemaid, private. XX town Mrs Darby's "Registry. Chancery lai-.e. Toler-hor.. "<*>■

"WANTED, for Sution* and l-«rni*. Mx *>\ M.rricd Couples., wit* and without f-milv. it"" to X.W »i:<-. found ;>ration H»r.d». «io fencing, bush work, etc.; ion Ploughmen, accustomed to Durci::'.-« rr Re-.d a.nd Uraye Plou-bs; Severn 1 Men for cenntry note's. <to wilking, drive horses, etc., 2<>f weekly each; Waiter .V..: Farm Labourers; ioutns. Los; Female Servants. Cooks. Houfcmaids. Waitress,-*. Generals. Young Girls, highest wa<p ,'nr servants with reference*. App.y J. ««■- Donald. Manchester -tTeet__Ty>r_hcno. 2*Bt "TTIfANTKD Housekeeper. -20s. six in family. •VV. butter and brc_d to nuke . Masterton; Laundress 13s. schoo'. North o: Wellington; Eiderh" Permit *s Nurse. 17.*; Housemaid. 15s; ilou*cmaiil-LauHdrcss. 15s. suit widow with daughter*, fare* paid. Blenheim; Experienced Housemaid, hotel, town; Housemaid 10«. hotel TJuvniichelle b Bay; Lady Help. rs.d. Housemaid's ciities, nil Sor irstitiriior ; Nurse-Needlewoman. £30; Gciserii. lis. hotel. Oxford; Generals, 12s. countn- hotels; Generals, for Ashburton. Mrs Hulbcft's Regit-trv, Gloucester stree. v. est. Telephone 1101. _ ' .. 3084 DON'T save up lor a Dinner Set. If you replace your breakages with our stock patterns, it will socn come. Any piec* sold. Minson and Co.. '220 Colombo street. DUCH iK.SS" COVERS. Tray Cloths, ar.d Toilet Covers of various patterns and colours. Exceptionally cheap. Irish linen Dr.e_.e_s Covers. Pillow Slips. Oriental IrnJx~rti:.jf Co.. Hish sUest next A J "Whit* ■

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11562, 20 April 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11562, 20 April 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11562, 20 April 1903, Page 3