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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. BUILDING SECTIONS. CECIL STREET. "WALTHAM. Only Threo S«::ok« Lrft. Anp'iy at once to IUS ILVRMAN ar~J STKYENS. TTTHYTOCK f-nd CO.. QUAY. VV Krtfl r,u?Lncss ar.d Lir.ti Brr.krrs. Financial Agents, and Vc'.uators. KM Hctcls en cur br.ois. Xerth Sou!b Islands, to cheese frr:r-.. Cu« r! All Ivi::;is or. our Tinnks. Li.-d a.vA K»/n:s in th? Xorih IpVrcl. C!ii»r.ts va:;;i!:j; to l«y or ?p'.: vzt~ cor«u'.t | our Mr Y»'hytoek duru;< tho :..r:;t :■:■:■ j at Ta:;oT&ah'n tiiurko'.-). '--'.) FOR Sale. Clieip Sections. Linwcou, Wa:cestfr a;"'ct. half-acre, £ll"i; train frontage jCG.I. J. G. Bar.r.crn:an, 174 Lichfield rtreot. CITY, most crr.tral, r.nd bo:rg oce of ih.leidir:, , strt-c:'. t'ne tft* :_-. ;i:t st v" uab.c. '.n;;e'.:;tr C-ro.'ined boil"* , , we'i-buiit. on dce,j concrete foundation?, p'.as'.ered, jroorl conveniences, vrator laid ctt. proper: , / n-ould rommand a h;*h reutn!. Tlie owner is sacrificicif at £160. 'J>r!ns ci>n ho nrroc>:cd. J.G. Baitncriuan. 174 Licli£v*:d street. be'i (near) f.'.u-.:h'.y Modrrn i-» R? almo-f.t ;.rv.-. of 0 larc;e Tt."-:r, = . splendidly situ.ittd on corner £cct:a;i. espoct, wcil finiMitd. with xW r.-.0.-lc-rn tiT.vcniMJces. h. aud c lictrciir?;! waihhoiise. deep concrete, built on r'.py foimditicns. An i exceptionally chc;ip pvcpcr.y at ii"o. .Sn'-a'.l j deposit be ar r a!iged. J. (j. iJaj-iurnuM:. | 171 LithSeld street. _ j M~ KKIYALF.r Hesiiciice r.T~C superb y Suieiicd, Willi;}: up-te-da'.a. h. ar.d c. service. *p.'ruti;d site c: 4-scre, rrrt'.evn espect. wr':i-l: >;:t ;:nrdci - .. v.v.h nojiouie. Thin projicrty ij cheap r.t I'.-.'iO. T»rm*. J. G 13ar.i.criiiai:, 171 Lichtic.ii street. __ _ i ST.' _ iocd _ Toc?'i^-T—XTv?".T- j buill House of G ro<.i:;n (.ue.irly iif.v). ] witli pantry, bathroom (hot v.-attr from tcpperl, 2 wardrobes, presses, V. blinds, verandah, waohhouse. asphalt paths. good cection. with chain frontage. Prico i'.'>23. Tcnue can be uvraujjed. DAVID BATES. Solicitor, Cathedral square. I have instrucUonK to Sell a Xew and AYellbiuit House of 7 rooms and offices, hot r.nd coid water, V. blinds, 2 buy windows, d'-ep we.l, connected witli sewer. A very convenient and thorough:? np-to-dato houso, witii good secticu. C'.ty, :j<,od locality. Anply to DAY U) UATria. I Solicitor, Cathedral square. I XTOnfll belt. Superior Modern lUsidciue -I-' of C larize rcoms, bay windows, vrriindah, siibstantirilly and faithfully built ; wcllfmiihed. h. and c. ecrvico end all oonvt'iiiPr.i'cs. fine aspect. Piico S'CW. Terms it heceseary. j J. G. Banr.crnian, 174 Lichth'.d street. BUSINESSES FOX " SALE BY BAKKK BKOS.. Christehurch, Dur.rtlin. Wellington, Auckland. FOH SALE— REGISTRY OFFICE CKXERAL KTOUE (Suburban) BOOKSELLER'S and IA.s'GV GOODS COFFEE PALACE and L'IUVATE HOTEL CONFECTIONERY BAKER and CONFIvCTIOXER 034 JJAKEIt BROS., Hereford street. Q P E IBS A -\ D W I L S 0 X, O ESTATE AXD GENERAL AGENTS, 11U CASIIEL SMiEET. "MIRAMAU, , " ST. ALLANS LANE—No>v in occupation of U'!.cri:h.ll Cooper, y'.vq.. u> ba offend by auctioii. 'j'lnir&day next, Apri! 2,id, prior to commcncrmnut of salo of funiituri». ('LIVIERS ROAD. LIXWOOD—£39O will buy houßO G roo.nn, plastered, bath, scullery, \vr.«hhoiiee, also doUicht'd ri-rcomed cottage. food arlesiau well, togi.;lier with h-su:te of lavicl, well fenced, e.IC lic.-.utifully laid out, fir3l-cla?s orchard. Thi3 is wortii consideration. An hoi-ic. TO LKT—6 Aci'c.i Splendid Lund, β-ood locality, house 8 rooms, all modern conveniences, orchard, Etsiblo, trapalied, iowlhoi'?e, cloao to tmm and school. FOR S.-VLE, Euat 8e1t—.£235. good subRlar.tial house, 4 rooms, pia-stered, passage, scuiiery, copper, *hed, etc. 'J'criii?. c I'O LET. City— ilagniticeat Modern House 3 rooms, rangi, ?*s etove, h. and c, m.s. cciinoction, aviiendid petition. Rcut £75 per year. "FOR SALE, City—Modern 10-roomed hou»o, in parect order, m.s. connection, deep -well, lirst-olasg locality. SI'EIRS AXD AVILSOX, ESTATE AXD GENF.KAL AGENTS, 11G CASHEL STREET. 9756 ■VKT J, BIRCH AXD CO., HOUSE AXD LAND AGENT, 177 High street, opposite li.night, the Butcher. FOR SALE. ISLINGTON*, close to tne works—Good sroouicd Hou9o, vorundah, wsulihouse, wcrlrshou., man's room, etablmg. windmill β-ud tank, 1-acre in fruit tre-es. Price. £?Ao. S.i-l RICHMOND, North Avon road, opposite

Hiil'e road—T House, -t rooms, scul.ery, waahhcueo and copper, trap-houso and stable, Jacre. Price, Jtl'2o. 32-4 SYDEXHAM—i-Acro Land, House 4 lar;o rooms, b.iy window, Freiioli daor, bathroom, kitchen with tiled '.vas'ihouse, copper, t;fl3 laid or., concrete foundations. Prite, i's'3s. 41-2 ClTY—Fine Section, i-acro, pood Hou&e, 4 rooms, cupboards, scullery, copper n-::-d tubs with t"'is over, workhouse-, asuhalt pa.iii. I'rice, £;!IJ. -Ij-3 LIXU'OOD— of 4 rooms, scullery, washhou?c, copper, tub*, aitesiaii v.-c.l, wiK'.cJi lined, section -lift by JGsft. Price. £115. 4-1-1 IIORXBY—House 4 rooms, ecu!lory, cca! a::d wood hotisu, washhou.'O ai;d copper, fou , ;. l.ouse and run, cement iloor, §-acre. Pric-.>, £"120. , 40-; i ADDIXGTOX—Two Xew Houses. <-ach 5 | rooms, ]);ered, ooat-re ]):cccs. arch. 3 i'veb.itbrocm, pantry, o-iuiu'ry, waahbouse, ciT'ppr, tub*, donb o of o3 feet, settio':. 2J perches, well fenced. Price, £300 each, j j ST. ALBAXS— Xcw House, of 5 rooms, p:as- | tored. cemre pieces, ltt.>k on, cupboards, I wardrobes, 3 tile prktc-s and hearths, | houaa and coppiw, J-acre. l'rico, .£135. Pi}-1 ] SYDiiXHAM—First-class House of 5 rooms. pl.isU'rccl. bow windows, buthro'im, h. and c. water n.:;<l cvry convenience. This ia a di- ,- siriiblo proptrty. Price. £ivyj. f-0-2 SYDEXHAM— Sew Homo 5 rooms, plastered. •'! fircvlacoa, scu'.lt-ry, copper, iron rrof, ] cor.ori'tf foundation! , , i-acre. Price, £iOO. 81-1 j LIXWOOU—Hour.o 6 room?, verandah, iron roof. waV.'.house and copper, traphouse, i-acre. i Price. £.-)?5. 13J-0 | SYOEX'HAM—Xe-w and vrell-buiit House, 6 ! rooms. 5 fireplaces, tiled pratu-a, bathroom, ! h. ar.d c. water, equaro Boctioa over J-acro. i Price. £300. 141-2 \ Sections in Citj* and Suburbs all prices, a:ao Farms in Xorth and South Is:ar.d.i. FOPi SALE. -i'lOA ACRES, neir Wangtuiui, 750 acres \ in frrass, balance bush, 103 acres j river not subjoct to floode, .modern 9- | roomed house (ten), woobheds, dip, yards, j eto. This property has been inspected by the I undersigned, who those wanting a bush farm no. to miss an opportunity of this kind. A bargain at £} 10s per acre.. Ex- i ccption»l terms. \

W. i£. ASHTON, I Land Agent, etc., I Box 1 Ij, YTanjranui. CITY, Salisbury street—Splendid ee.ect posiuor, lurtViem aspect. Villa of 5 rooms, mO'.lfii:, most cciivenujnt. deep sec- ' '.ion. A raro opportunity. JC475. Xorms. j City, Xorth—i-scre Se ect Sita, modern resl- j dr::i:o 5 rooms, b?.y wi::aowd. wrardah, h. ari.i j c. service, lour yc?ra old. £Qf»i offers. J. G. ! Bar.nerstan. 174 Lichfield sirect. j TRUST AXD AGENCY COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA. -10. •pPvOPEHIIHS FOU SALE. 970 ACRES. TAR.VXAKI—RcaiIy good 'and. li:a?3toi:e. papn. and sht;l rock, hilly, tm- I dv i'liLg. and flat. 7 padlocks. 4-roomed cot- j lacs, pood yards, ar.d dip. Ali ex- j ci;ilcr,t!y gras?cd, with imported seeds from j .Sir.ten's. Two uiV.ea from railvrsy station, i Kai'.afcle fo: ilsiryir.? and sheep. Price £G I lOs per r.cre; £l:iO() may rcaia:n On ir.crt- | gage. This proper'y C4in be strongly rccoaiitier.dcd, and is U.nnd to iEpr-.-ase greatly in ACRES FREEHOLD. fiISBORXE DISTRICT—Hi;I country, «bout 2io SC-γ""! river fla'.s. K n o tush. balsnce we!! passed, winters '2 to CJ sheep Ber acre, with ; cattle, splendidly watered. 12 milos from j coast, we.l fenced ar.d &uu!irijed. Price £3 ; 15s per acre. j i-JOO ACRES. lIAWKE'S DAY—Low ecdu- ! luting downs cour.try. ail plouirhable. 10 r>a«- [ dixks. 3-roomed house, woolshed, stn'uie, etc. ; I'rice X 4 lOi per B"re j COS ACRES". STUD FaUM, GISBORXE— 360 s<res rich alluvial flats. Fuitab!o lor | nairjiiig. cropping, or stud flock, balanc-e j h:ils. About 30 paddocks, 12-roo:ucd \ kcuse, woolsneu, ar.d all necessary build- j iu£-«. Well watered End k. perfect order. 270 ACHES. DAIRY l-'Alti!. MAURICE- ; VILLE—3O acres rich Ellu-;a! i lotv hills, well watered. Scoi 7-rcon,ed hous.-, j tjv.-shcd. and dairj" rauw.-.y station 2 mile?, j Price X.? 10s per a^'re. The Cocipaf.y wili. in a.l case?, make liberal rdvsnccs oil every property placed on its books for si!e. For further p&rticia.»r3 app.y to TUL'ST AND AGKNCY COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA. LTD., National Mutual Build.r.RS, Customhouse quay. Wci.ingioß. CHARLES BATESON, Manager.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11547, 1 April 1903, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11547, 1 April 1903, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LX, Issue 11547, 1 April 1903, Page 11