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Councillors Hadfield and Forrester, of Sydenham, will be candidates for the Greater Cfaristdiurch Council. The Labour Department will send » further batch of fourteen men to the co-operative works on the WaiparaOheviot line to-day. . Captain Whitby has consented to contest the Lytteltoo Mayoralty with the present Mayor, Mr J. Qrubb, and Mr W. Radcliffe, the other candidates. . By reason of tlie increased cost, of feed and of the high prices ruling for dairy cattle, the dairymen of Timaru have decided to increase the price of milk from 3d to 4d per quart for the winter months,. At a meeting of the St. Albans Borough Council last night, a circular wa» received -from the Charitable Aid Board, stating that-the Borough's contribution for the year was £195 6s, The Mayor (Mr T. H. Davey) stated that this was £38 IDs 5d more tlian the amount paid last year. - "•* Following the lead' of the Clkrastchurch City Council, the Timaru Borough Council, decided to asphalt the main street of the town, and a start was yesterday made on a length, in the middle of Stafford street. If this proves satbfaotorjv the whole of tns main street is to be asphalted. Nominations for borough representatives on tlie Harbour Board closed yesterday, when the three eitting membersMessrs W. Evans. T. D. Young, and D. C. Turnbull—were the only candidates nominated. They will therefore be elected unopposed. • ■ A etart was made yesterday in preparing the land for laying the foundations of the new hall to be erected by the Ashburton Masonic Lodge. The site is in Havelock street, immediately opposite the Borough I Council Chambers. The hall Jβ to be a two-storey buildings in wood, on concrete | foundations. A Timaru correspondent write*:—A| cheek was given harvest work of all kinds by heavy rain, which net in yesterday afternoon. The bulk of the grain is, however, now in stack, and a good deal, principally oat», hae "been threshed. In the majority of cases the yield* have t>een j very heavy. ! Preaching to his congregation on Sunday morning in the Baring square Welseyau Church, A&liburton,.; Uie Rev. T. Fee expressed hie conviction that before long the Bible would be restored to ite lightfui place in oar State (schools. For twenty-five year* it had been exduded, bat he felt that the conscience of ffie people was being awakened on tlie subject, ami that in ti>e near future the Bible would be included in the school curriculum. Says the "Mount Ida Chronicle: "—Mr S. Harris, of Kyeburn, Las established! a record in harvesting that it will be impossible to break, in thia district, at anyrate. He had grain standing in the rtook at ten in the morning, and at nighi it was in Dunedin, the whole of the operations of threshing, bagging, and carting being done in time to catch the train, and it then commenced its journey of nearly a hundred miles tlie name day. The work was done entirely by Mr Harris's own plan*., a traction engine being used for carting the grain to the railway station. The grain was cold off the trucks next day. Even the Americans, with, all their boasted business methods, could Jhardly do better. Up to yeccteirday harvest operations in the Ashburton district bad been carried on without interruption. The titresthiog mills are giving exceptionally heavy tallies m all ports of the'district, and the general average for the county promwes to be a record. The light and medium lands are giving exceptionally good returns , . For instance, ■& Lyndhunst property (for a number of yeacs owned and farmed by Mr Max FriedUuDder., with average returns of about 30 busheb) of wheat per acre) is this year yielding 46 and 48 bushels to tbe acre, and an averaaja of 80, and up to 90 bushels of oats. Messrs Dickie and Dent are* the present owners. The neighbouring farmers are also threshing out fine yield*

The Moeraki t*>k 3367 tsck» of Sydney m well as quantities ■ barley, graes eecd, and butter. n T\\t IfigjblMd cattle sale k«H«4 JgfM 453200, the average per lw«tl.tieißg 2jp-^B The Kaiapoi Cycbng Clubi buur w'Sli continued on Saturday, tie net welt l2'§l ing about £80. -^§1 A Dunedin telegram states that a, mM' I 3A deal of rain feU yesterday, «*! thaaU will further d*hy harvest work ia OtagJ.^l The Municipal Opera House, which* % % to be eretted in Pahnewton North. w& accommodate twelve hundred peraoni. ffi'-'j atage vrill be 60 feet by 40 feet. '^1 The name of the Rev. C. TumJuXj. by an oversight, omitted from th* Utott' -? those present at the f oneral of tit kU U. '*,} W. P. Oowliehaw on Sunday. V An old resident of Ashburton He * W. Randall, died on Sunday. Deoeaau > '$ for many years followed the occttpttim *- I of a market gardener, and nraii inU-> known all over the district. ' : ' £ At the sittings of the Electoral CoaunJ*.' jeion at Auckland yesterday, the. taking tf M U»e complainants' evidence "in wgwdto tS^* : '* charges against the Registrar of fittctotm. ■was concluded, after a hearing \rhick «.'&'• cupied eleven days. The case for the tfc ; { fence opens to-day. -fj%. An Anckkuni corre,«p<mdent telemnU that although it vnxs supposed tfcet as novelty wo« off the traffio oa the eW»,l£ tiic tram vara would decrease, it has aJi'Xi done so. During the month of March tie?." weekly average, showed that 222,531 pewoM "?3 were carried, or a daily average of 3?ojj ?a passengers. * ' , ;g Dr. H. C. Parsons, and Messrs W. F. Paruluun, of Kaiapoi, returned fwei deer stalking at Lake Tennyson and bow. country yeeterday. "Although &»$ scenery was very fine and good weathtfijtT was experienced oftvr passing Jatk'e and Top House, there was a ecarcity % gume. which only allowed of one head to ''k? the three riaes. ' f . A male lunatic was arrested at Lytitt # ton last night. He had escaped Sunnyeide, and went to Port by the 4,4$ $ p.m. train. Aβ he had no ticket the",; police took him in charge. The nun viu■£■-! not violent, and on a telephone meriut}3* being Kent to the Asylum a warder sent from the Asylum, and tlwman -mi "&■ takeu back by the 8.30 p.m. train. In regard to the old ooup!e robbed of their money on the voyage fwfe|| Australia to Wellington, it is stated th*M|| the £100 guarantee required by the OttSidp> toms before tlieir son would be to land, has 'been given by the Salvat«m|& Army, which, during recent years, haede^ much good in the city. The young men who had their money '.tti&'ftgj on the steamer, and who were unafo iji?& pay the duty on their bicycles, Customs claim on the machines This was monnged by pawning wittches and adding tlm- proceide to few shillings left in their pockets, " r^"^ Several canes involving alleged of the Licensing Act will come before wl>;% Magistrate to-day. In addition to oaajqp|S; against a licensee of having supplied to drunken peiwons, an important points will be raited in one case in with the Chief Justice's recent with regard to the rights of travelktj'.lS obtain liquor en route to their A visitor to a neaside lesort ia'i£h|t'il vicinity of this city -was supplied drink at a public-house between side resort and the city, and this it be an offence. - ' .'/•'•{S^ A meetlug of members of the Sports and Racing Club was Iteld !it 1 vkM Winslow • Hotel on Saturday evcningV chairman, Mr W. Sutheriandj the manner in which the fundf'of Club had been allooated laefc year.s; question of any p* might acaue was held over, 'sticwasH oi the next meeting., mention was made of the generous Tmttitfi^l

in which residents of the JijtrK*','Wijfl come forward with monetary contribjmpwml It was resolred to hold a race meetiiif'u|||] Wednesday, June 2nd, Prince tof waMj|J|J Birthday." • ■ \''Z^Wm Estates of deceased persona vrere fiod to last month as follow:—tfelU|jJßgH ton—Robert Leaiy, £31,120;Spearink. £1483; Patrick Mcllroy, £1059.||| James Smith, £6139; Alfred Xtaaiml £2090: Frederick W. BnrfonJ, VU&fsM William Mitchell £9624; Tlic«.-Kenjitfj|l§ £6691; Henry Jonce, £4258; I&m..K§6 Car«ill, £5730". Auckland—C*ib«rii»:e||§ McDerraott, £2657; H«nry MeinvwK £2165; Jjohn Gow, £2555; . RichwPii Helloby, £65,541; Blanche Duddy, fiUftgp Edwin" Robinaon, £1825. Cari*tchttK*i}§|| John Vallance, junr.. £1116; 4avqg§|| Curry, £8923; David Scott, £7460; Afgl; Ross, £2538; Georgis A. Piewy, fiJSle Dunodin—Peter Stewart, £1594} P*WSi§ Fitxgerald, £2871; Andrew Bell, fi3»HgS Jessie Davidsou, £1328; Martin. £2372. Napier—Lionel P. ' £1113. Nelson—John BloTrisott, £10 f 2K|M jfew Plymouth—liotert ACorey, &WMm Alice Abbott, £1195; Patrick ©#$f| £4453. Invereargill — William Y9>*fji|js £1032; James Pirje, £2246. ' ,^§m A' Prewe Aiwooiation f telegram ' fitfmjM Wellington states that the committ4»*';Mm up recently by the City Council to W™§|l| upon the housing conditions hi ?Mi<isii IMirU* of the city have submitted theifipK' ]xirt to the City Council. The showed that the committee vutited fflffijjt liousee in 54 streete, the result hliuvv a number of deplorable canes of orl|4||| crowding. One "house of two r ° onle c*gS seven occupante; seven of three ■' contained Sbven occupant*; one roome eij^ht; two of four roonia one of fire small rooms eleven , . weekly rental of the houses, per ro worked out: —For a two-i\>omed h OO 2d; three rooms, 3s 2d; four roOie 7d; fire roonv, 2a 3d;- six rooms, 2t'J|||| For many very mnall liouk* Die wei*fj§g| weekly rent per room wa« 3r 7d. f tM&jflf thau half the houses visited were in condition. One lodging house wm overcrowded, another was unfit for buhftfjjjj " tion. 'ITie committc-e remarks that * | proportion of the houaee visited were \ fit for habitation under condition* £&|P decency and health. The rente fib«gN« were outrageous. The report •*■» ' ted, with a recommendation that , the , : i tents receive the serious conaideratiMl,<*§ \ the incoming Council. , \ fioioewbat aurprising is the demand "■fl | made by the Flwur-millere , Union of W«wfe| | ers in this iwluetriul district. It 1* r*J'S those men employed on the day shift Work the whole of the time without «t»PPW« for a. meal—that is to say, that they ««M work continmously from in the n10, 5S ing till four in to* afternoon, without &Wm thing to eat. The work don* by the &*&£ shift is of a character, conß the loading and unloading of dray* and Ek||| ting tliings in order for the nignt *'™^ fact, ihtt dayiihift;, it ia stafcSi, P"" 4 do jJI ih& bard work. The men « n at one large mill ere reported to strongly to *he proposed dbaoge that it eventuate they intimate their of leaving the milL With tie «»*r*2ll of this demand, an ba» arrived at between the Union and the *"g|| ployers at conferencce, with, regard to otier demands made by the ynion. 'igm The fast-diminieiiiiig rank* of the bury pilgrims bare again ket another o *J?||| members in tie person of the Lit* MCM Benjamin Jefib, who died at *&» c on Thursday laat from ti» result •''•S® accident. Hβ wa* bom in Beckiagb«e*il ehire oa the 14tJb May, 1626, aod m Canterbury on the Oexlotte Jane, <M of the first four ships. Hie tot <*f C£li tion in the colony wae to superraUed Wf.a eerving out of freeh water to w,""*"";'"? graote at LytteKon, and his first aw«*'| tion on the plains consisted of • i f graes and fern. L*t«r 00. b»woA to K»ef -v poi and built Sneyd's Aim* Hotel, *W*|s is stall etaadtog, being used as a- P»Tg"'~f dwdline-house. The later part •«**£& life wae epent in tratelliiag m *» e *£fg parte of iitt colony doing odd J<*«J° 'jf£!m way ' of road-maldng and fencing, aB 2, I SJFs like. The old man we* present » &'*& M church at the Canterbury Jubilee * ee "'""K!l| a few years ago, and, excepting ""'fSraa dente, "never £ad! ft day'e iltetw to »i i Hit. ■ J f^ii

' ■ Thirty «»«« of sc:,rlet fever were rei> ? !t ' rf .. WfHiDßtun Iwt w-vk. , tlwt JJ.ejmlemieisslillk.qM.r,' up. It » umlerM-vl xh-'.\ o.<.bii«-t 1u... d.cidrd ' Four boats n Sumiwr on Sunday got beUiem 25i dozen cod, in a-ddmon to (one coDg-cr and ling. fc Lvtielton y ( s;- i-.!ay the Ju*ti«.i lined .-."I- Yin •>-■. !n, !!■>: .-.ikl:ii-ll).s fin!.l F *tw On W-^-! - Ui -y * kU ' tin,A \ fo (tti-i). ' J TI-β of tii» k-pl rp-.ion il- ; Wul VOUIU -:....-s w:,s ht.Md y-_. 1.-i:U.y : J^ lg m<i uv a f,1.., ~, 0.d,, Jo claim tnruliuelK, a.i.d lulvd .0» w. U :i co.t.s, £1 Bs. T( t . Mayor <if Miinnlin has a 'for ths •■rtaWisliaient i.f Toutiis - wsoits in ih- uty, for •■ benefit of young m>-n wlm loiter aiwut thestrwte. He pioposw to <Teet a bui'dian i n ea< -'' t '"' luur tj " stril! " 4 - where

•Jste will 1* « reading-room, i/jnuuwiuin. - and 'billiard and ca id-loom. Thi i.-ust. of all, rtawrt i* *-.--*iuiat*-.l «t £1000. 'IV JJavor considers tlw city would derive a revenue of £150 to £200 on a charge of jd per hsad per niifht. That the "Whit..* Man* Burd».-u" is being ttadily takm up by British universities and educational is evident from the fact that Kiiik'" l4 College, Loiidou, hua ■tinted tla.'eitsi in DuUh and Zulu, and is spared to pruvid.< instruction in other African langujgt-s ii" dtt>ir..-d. The Prwiii'-r iu.s ivctived the following |el«Tani from the- Jupui;<.-<-e Commission-cis, Jlesars X. Tukaoka and T. An do : —"Just before leaving, we \ to thank yuu for the courttsi"-* shown to iw whilu your oolonv. We have aliualy written yuu. tud WW \vi.<h t<» nay j»oo<l-bye. Witli wiehee and iind regards.—X. Takaoku, T. jbj<k), Japanese C'oiii.mi->ii«iitr!i." Saturday waa the forty-third sinniveraary of the buttle of Waireka, th<> tirst action fought, by oolui:ial troopa, many of whom irero under twenty years of a.tfe. They ViTi under the command of thp late fciir Bairy Atkinson {them Captain Atkinson). Tiieir behaviour elicited the admiration of the whole colony, an well an of tlw Imperial troops, they being tlu> thvl under fire and the last to lea-vo the firld. A rather novel siyht witnessed in C'artertun the other evening i.s recorded by the "Observer." • A weJI-divused individual yrss observed walking through the m:ihi ■treet with boots off, and carrying the same under each arm. This yeutleinan in qtKstioa (who is taid to l>:! an Osfoid University graduutc) tseemed tn have the "peck" up his for lie joked gundlomouredly witii the ustonislud to\vn«- ---' people, wl'io naturally thought his dtincanOOT etrange. Inquiry elicited th-_- fact tlwt the uifiur wiw the ivwiilt of a. joking wager, which prolited tho bare-footed one to the . extent of soin-i;thinji over a i:ouni!; sterling, thist sum having b.en laid ug.iinst him informing tlie ftut. He is quite willing to repeat the joke at an,y tin»j at the eiune price. The "Daisy" Cart has raised the farmer from the status of ;i to tho happy condition of a pix>sptroun business man. 1 Holiday-makers and othei-s dtwirous of % change uf air near the sen side will be pleased to learn that "UUgh's Gardens," ifevv Brighton, ure tt»ain tqa-n tv tho public. They huve been leased by Mii-a Cowper (late of Wui-Murei, L'umbridgu "terrace), and will bj conducted on thoroughly modern lints. A special feature ' of the pluce is the perfect shelter atfoided from all winds by the large pine trees ■which surround the property, c-nvlosing the troquet lawn, UnnieJ court, etc The beach is only a sdiort distance down the t<Mi\. Boating may be indulged in on the lagoon and river, running along the edge of the propt-ity, uml visitors will find

plenty of al fivsco Htuts iiikl shady corners, v while some good cricket matches have , taken piece on the cricket pitch. As an iil'eul place for *n outing for country schools or i. picnic partite, Bligh's Gardens could be Ludly excelled. The tta. ruums, und, in fact, tht) whole establi&ment, has bmi Very nicely furaished. 47 Wβ would remind the ratepayers <if Jhe Mandeville «nd lUngiora Rood Board Vho have no-t yet paid their iittes that toIttorrow will be the last opportunity they rnrill have of doing so without the addition pi the 10 per cent. 1182

Foolish lampless cyclists. Why risk being fined 20e and easts, wihen Gates, Lowry, end 00. can supply you with "Bobby : dodger" lamps at 2a 6d, others at all prices >»p to 15s for the very best- 4746 Further large ehipmeaite of new seaWn'e novelties are announced as having artived at the D.I.C-, and are now opened top, and reaedy for inspection. The management requests us to announce that as these very special lines are in such demand Wies.are invited to make an early call. Further particulars may be found iv the company's advertisement on page 6 of this fame. 24 Death and Co., Ltd., are now making a grand display of latest novelties for the " coming season. New mantles, millinery, costumes, mantlee, jacket*, dresses, silks, ..-. velvets, blankets, quilts, furs, gloves, hosiery, also new hate, ties, collars, ana clothing of every description for gents' ■wear. Beath and Co., Ltd., Argyl'e House, Cliratchureb. ito

The latest creatioue in ladies' jackets *nd paletota for the autumn swison, manufactured by the Kaiapod Woollen Company, *re now on view in the leading showrooms. The universal opinion is that for elegance. •tyle, and beauty, no imported garments can compare with these. Tha lovely llofchs are soft and warm, while each garment has the stylish, tailor-made etfect peculiar to all Kaiapoi gomle. See that four new winter purchase bears the special Kaiapoi ticket, which is the guarantee of Reliability. ° 9 No middle profit; factory prices, and hijjh-elaes workmanship. Jones and Sons, practical pewellers and manufacturers, near B*nfc of New Zealand, High (street. 6

3,000,000 Envelopes, well assorted; 2000 reams note and letter papers, good and cheap; folio papers, every size- and quality. Thousands account books, all siai.* •nd bindings, now on sale by H. J. Wood Mid Co., at unprecedented!}- low prices. Office requisites and stationers' sundries, of beet quality. Large new stock of photo, albums and photo, frames. Thousands of , Wnr books, just landed, dLso immense a-s----•ortment of dietip reading. A great «ale of fancy goods upstairs. Inspection invited ' Vγ H. J. Wood and Co., Stationers' Hall, High street. -Remember the whole stock is to be sold .olf. 2362 Wanted Known—Jewellery Kale," 1 -for one Oonth, of watdies, clocks, rings, brooches, *od all other dosses of jewellery, cold at" j greatly reduced prices. K. Grieshaber, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 155 Colotnbo Wreet. 7463 If you have tlu> faintest suspicion that Jour eyes are not just right, if they bother jeu in* any way, it's beet, to have them ttamhwd at once. Do not go to the Werage optician or spectacle- seller, for he ' * unable to distinguish between optical . defects and diseases, but consult John R. ■. Procter, 180 High street, Clirislchurch, ■ irho -will jfive you v thorough examination few of ehivrge." 2115

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11546, 31 March 1903, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE BAY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11546, 31 March 1903, Page 4

NEWS OF THE BAY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11546, 31 March 1903, Page 4