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The Wtestport Coal Company's ootjoUL, last week was 13,882 tons llcwt. ", The two pound loaf is now being ttU -< at threepence in one Wellington bakery. . ' The publicans of Kaiapoi, who have been v> for some years selling beer at twopenoe ptr ■glass, at a meeting Inst week decided w; * raise police after April Bth» An appeal by the Lancaster Park Qricfcat* : * , Club will be heard by the CommitWβ of Uμ, *• Canterbury Cricket Association this era* '". • "* "- The employees of the Winderaere osd $• . Surrey Hills estates, in tho AEhburtoa «Qi- " trict, have erected a fine-toned bell \ handsome belfry «i St. John's Church, ," r Windenuexe, in memory of their late enw \ pioyer, iMr E. G. Wright. , In response lx> a requisition from the rat*. ~ payers of LytteHton, Mr W. RaddJfo hm consented to bo a candidate for the rntyoN""j-_ alty of the Port. Mr o. Grubb, the $&?} cent Mayor, it is laideretood, will akb W X a candidate. ■ "■•(s< Under the new old age pension tions a life interest in a property in cetU 4 mated as if the applicant held it tut hold. At Kaiapoi a fenudo applicant &&&M I ehe had very little benefit from a * valued at £120, but this interest ptttwsedhPr the previously allotted pension of £18 ti|& the extent of £3. ' -.£, Mk At JRangiora.OM A ge Pensioae Cattirt Bishop, b.M., granted three penMone vtfs £12, £10 and £8, but refused a of £2 to a man whose property was in «&'s< cees of tho limit. At Kaiapoi five renewal* *c of £18 and one each, of £14 and £10 vrtn f made, and one new pension of £18 *«* « granted. _ Complaints have frequently been ma3*"J about the iasuflicient accommodation !<*»;? trucking cheep and cattle at Valetta way station. Double railway lines and «4w';S double'trucking yards are badly needed this etation. At present all the truck* ?>' have to be pushed up hill, and the aiding % will not hold tho filled trucks. ; '■£ A movement is on foot to form a nastio club and school of physical culture ift Ashburton, on wimiiar lines to the bury Gymnastic Club, Christchurch. J!bk"t classes will be conducted byK-Mr A. H<"£ Jewiss, gold and silver medatKW£jo£ Chriit- /'' church, who kw been connected -with tiba V | Canterbuiy Gymnastic dub for the teat yeans. ' " i ' ui *^l On Saturday the following candiduWtrtj were nominated to reprasent the Lerefe County on the Timaru Harbour Boardr-Wl A. C. Pringle, P. E. Thoreau, i>l Angland, and J. Hoile. Only two repro»a»»Tl[i tativee are wyiuired, and , a poll will ]»:•£■ taken on April BLh. ""%%, It is stated ihat during; the lawn ieaaJ*!i*'; interprovincial matches at 'Lancaster Parktt, on Saturday, eoine person or pereora Tufijknown, but presumed to bo emali raided the pavilion and abstracted sums money amounting to about three pound*..?. , from the clothes of Wellington players. J^H* At a meeting of the Canterbury lypprji - graphical Union, on Saturday e%ht»t*%?t ■ sum of £25 was voted towards the fund tot.-^i the amietanco of the locked-oat manbtlf > of the Auckland Furniture Trades ' A resolution .was also passed, -urgvog ti»'>. . GoverDmeiit to take to have the die- ~i \ pute in the Auckland furniture trade keerf ,t> . by the Arbitration Court witliout delay.,*, <, ;' In the course of his wermon at St. } Jlichael'B Churdi la*t evening, Ca«wf i% i Averill utatcd that personally he eirt>nsfj-, i objected to many of the morbid, eentimen* \' '• ' Ul hymns -which people eang. • He } convinced that many of the imutterabij.'V \ stupid and false children's hymns did W- •'■* S told harm. It was absolutely silly fo?' \ young people and children, strong W '\ § and women, hale and hearty old men » n^3 l -J ' women, to eing about wanting to d» "i \ t be with Jesus. ■* '. ■' The annual meeting of the Amberlty s - [ Breeders' Association was held on | evening, ilr G. B. Starky beinj in d*vt % « chair. The balance-sheet, showing a credit?*/ ) balance of £35, was adopted. was exprewsed at the departure for En)s%" r - land shortly of the President (Mr G. Rtarky), and ifr F. Lapce was nomioetrf j£. for the presidency for the crawling ytaX.Jp, Several suggestions for improvement* Si/pJ the class events for horsea were ordered be printed and sent to all members consideration at the next meeting. A tion exprc-SBing tho Awociation's at tlxe death of Mr l<. H. Jxane vns oaf};?' ried. Tlianks were Recorded to the **"'/$ tiring President for tlic interest he h»» taken in tlie work of the Association. >"fe In the Anglican Churches yesterday *."**. cirotilar was read from tho Bi*hop, inviting attendance at tho meeting to 1* | held in the Cathedral to-night. It wm etated that an addrese will be given b ? ?i the Bi/shop, and probably l>y one othw epraker, on the wbjevt of the holdiDß « | eports on Good Friday, and an opportumtf. will l>e given to tho«e present <o Rign ti* A folloM-ing declaration:—"We, the iindcr* J signed, without in any wny desiring to «»- rT\ force the of Good Friday upo* J others, strongly deprecate the holding <* f public sporta on that day, as n* - ,-| give pain to many citizens, and aa a breach , *.| of that spirit of 'mutual , toleration and If* <£t spect for the feelings of others, nhich » Jμ to the well-being. of the jnunity." '^>-^m

■ ' Tiia Arbitration Court will sit in the I «, Viiffifal Council Clmmber lit 11 o'clock I V monvnz, tho depute in the I a Dunedin tek'-ram states the pe■3 ■ n in favour vt Greater Dunedin is i SJ numerously signed by district decjf. goutli Dunedin. Jhe petition will «Stir * P rtii " n, ' d t0 ,he CnunciL m «Ji»ce for 30,000 racks of grain Ims alB Xb-cn «i.ica?ttl from J'im;i.rn and LytI ■ ! «J undsr tlw South African contract, I Pgjtovra New Zvalaud about the thud 1 in April. ~.,,, 9 1 ntvr guide book, covering tw> whole of I iuTmlobv. wiil shortly h* by the IKS 'Department. Smaller leailM*, I i,i in/ mon; etfnaustivi-ly with the GifI will also be published. I On Saturday DeU-et.i\v, Fn-hoy a nested I roantr pirl "on a •:har-« of stealing a I 'Ji% »nd t! <- l' hl - vnl,!rd ;,L £1 !0 *' £ l"opW of Walhce, of W.i--lißgton. ■At a P»V lio nirn,ill - at Wrs-tport on Eaturday nizht, tin; K" Humane Kotietv'a rcnitiiat.s w»-.-<>. presented to i'tr.s "" RocW Hur.K- and C;'[>tnin Irviiu.-, imd a l-ronze medal t<» tho for .vvb- - life .pr J- -'f- v ' ,o * s tn accompany the Parliamentary party on th'-'ir ivmtii Island crui;f, will visit tho leper island Itl'enrbyn, ami will a!«o investigate, nevpial of the tropic diseases to bo found in ■ tb» other islands. T!w ship Aißf.ila.le, which put into Tort ' flalmew owing to the .ln.-atin- of her -am "* c "' l! frn!U ,w '- ilwi: '-'' iffciimd li-r TdMCa to Taltiil. .Scu!':t Amorici, a'Friday. A portion of the ciul was turn*! over, and miiif; landed and - ia!d. The TfKirint r.m«s throughout the cokmy «" bl?ir 'S s»l'Pli "" illt r.r.k'pap.-r tnd tnvelopft*, Warm.: particularly utMao lira coloured picturfu and bolk! cl the New /-mliuioi tourist ;uid health resorte. This .'■tntionciy v.ill 1* fwiJ*bl» for the iim of mid visitors. Mr H. Creaghp, of the Dnnedin Amateur gwimming Club, Mr L. Penrose, nf the Adtog ,oll Swimming Club, and Mr I l '. Drake, of the East Chxfcrtchurcli Kwimjning Club, who intend competing at the championship meeting in Auckland, left for Wellington by the Rotomiihana on Saturday . »igM. . A meeting van held in the German Chorch on Saturday afternoon, for the pnrposii nf passing a resolution conveying tliu iriDpa'vhy and condolence of the Genium people to the family and -widow of the We Hon. W. Rolleston. The Eev. Mr Merer oocupied the chair. It was deter- . mined to open a subscription list in aid of the proposed memorial, and Mr J. A. itasman was elected to act aa treasurer. Tbe Government poultry grader reports tiat the total number of birda packed for nport at the Dnnedin depot for the year ending March, 1903, was 10,071, a« ££G4 for the previous twelve months , . This is wry satisfactory, considering the bad leason'breed'eni experienced last year. The percentage of hatches was very low, and -there wm a. high -percentage of deaths c amongst young stock. This, coupled with the high price of feed, has hud a prejudicial iffeot on the progress of the industry.

■ The Canterbury College Dialectic Sodety held its first debate for the year on Saturday night, when the motion for discuwrion was, " That some form of com- " milsory military service is necesfary for tho home defence of the British Empire." This Iβ tho subject sot for the debate «t tho y Inter-College tournament, to be held iv Auckland at Easter, end , the leaders -were ' the speakers who havo been selected to represent Canterbury Collect! oil that occasion. Tho mibject brought forth numerous speakers, tho weight of opinion b«ng overwhelmingly in its favour. - A good <Teal of consideration is being jrimi to the question of enlarging St. Michael's church, the neeesidty which. . U becoming more Apparent every Sunday. Jti is allowed that the work will have to be S tried out come time within tho comparer rely near future, but anxiety ie felt not • to max in any way tfie present symmetry of the building. As showing tflio urgency of the work, it may ho ntated that List evening, which could haTdly bo called a -'special occasion, n largo number of chairs bad to bo placed in IJie church, in addition \o tie ordinary seating accommodation, arul ~ev«n then irony people were unable to find iwm. x : The following eelections have been made ' of tbo Canterbury Oollejjo students, to represent Canterbury College at, the 'Varsity Championship, at Auckland, on Easter Monday:— IOOycV. Moves, Benjamin, Bkhop; 220 yds, Moyes, Benjamin, Bishop; Wyde, Moyes, Cox, Kissel; 880yde, Foster, Cox. Robertson; one mil©, Robeirtaon, Fcwter, Kiasel; 120 yds hurdles, Rice, Bishop, Burns; 440yde hurdles. Rice, Bishop, B&njamin; throwing the hammer, Benjamin, Stowe, Rice; putting tho weight, Stowe, Rice, Burns; high jump, j Burns, Cook, Foster; long jump, Bishop, Rtces Bums; one mile walk, -Stubberfield «d Cook; relay team, Moves, Cox, Cun"imgbam, Kiwel, Foster. Challenges may ,be lodged with tho lion, sec up to 10 a-m. to-day. Mmotb P. Pirani and A. Guy have been Sppoinfred to represent tho Palmenston . Jforth Chamber of Commerce at the Co- ; lerial Conference, to be held in Amklr.nd ■fieit month. The Chamber has decided to approach tho Postmaster-Genera! with a ; nqneat for telephone facilities between l'alnerston and Wellington.

Mr Blackmoro, Government Pomologist for tie South Island, hna just returned "iron a -visit to Central Otago with Mr Pahner, •who hoWs a similar position in the Xorth Island, It was Mr Palmer's first Tieitto Central OUgo. and h© has returned deeply imprwrced with its fruit-growing .Capabilities. Ho endorses the opinion expressed 6omo years ago by Mr Blackmore, thai it mijjhi easily bo made a second - California. A Wellington correspondent telop»phaj—The comparison of the rolls used lor the purpose of tho New town Licensing flection was completed , on Friday- Only two trifling clerical errors wero discovered, ro no way affecting the result. There wm only 17 informal votes out of the total of 4000 odd polled, whereas in the rity election tliero w«*re over 400, wit of a total of Borne 10,250. The krgwsb lino of fat lambs ever sent from Dußsandel wero despatched from 'Htskrton station to Belfast Freezing Works -liy rail on Thursday, 19th inst. JFweaty trucks -were used to tako this line, irkjch'immbcred 1669 Down and English ld«et«r cross Jamb.«, which averaged 37.61b fewsim; weight. These, lambs were the tiini large draft of this season, and were fcradacd fattened on Heslcrton station, and *» fc proof of what Dunsnndel district can -ftoduce. A deputation, consisting of Messrs T. H. D»vey and U. Witty, M.H.R.'e, Captain , "her, and L:euts. Bishop and Bachelor, *«eted upon the Hon. C. II- Mills on .Sat"i»<Uy, with reference to the non-inclusion *?&yidford in the Bisley team. The depu- ■ **tioa pointed out to the Minister "that ftwdfordl stood, fifth in tho Championship towilts at Trentham this year, and twvntyftird last year, and men had been in. in thet team, who had nothing like *w» record. Mr Mills, in rt-ply, said that, .Jβ the fact 3 stated, there appeared to W» been an oversight. He appreciated J« good ehooUr.g done by Sandford at "«ntham, ejiil Jie -would certainly lay the *&tter before the Minister for Defence. Wβ would remind the ratepayers of *c MandeviUe and Rarariora. Road Board i **> have not yet paid their tor r ' l *f n »w will be tha Inst. opportunity they :-""*«l iavo cf doing so without, th-> addition j H.tho 10 per cent. 1182 about the children going io school? ™*7 not hny tlwm a "Daisy" cait? Price •*U 10s. Morrow, Ba»-sett and Co. 9 'Jam Tars.—Mason's patent with air-tight , to*w tops, quarts, usual price 4s 6d, now i HditoeA ti» os 9d per dozen. Hulf galio" l,*Sß< nsuol pricj lα, now reduced to 6s; LV? MA fiize gln«s tumblers at 2s dozen. bjjen Hall and Co., Limited, opposite j ■Kelt Tow« r .—Udvt.i '

Foolish lampless cyclists. Why risk beiaip fined 2Gs and costs, wthta Oatea, Lowiy, and Co. can supply you with '"Bobby dodger' , lamps at 2s'6d", others at> all prices up to 15s for the very best. 4746 Further ' large Bhipmemte of new season's novelties arc announced as having arrived at the D.I.C-, and are now opened up, .and reaedy for inspection. The managenu'nt requests us to announce that bs these very special lines asv in such demand liiJii's nre invited to make an tally call. Further particulars may bi found "in the co-mpiiinyVs advertisement on page 6 of this I issue. 24 Bsath and Co., Ltd., are now making :i i grand display of latest novelties for the ! coming fiCiiM n. New mantles, millinery, j costumes, nuinties, jackets, dresses, silka, velvets, bliuiketa, quilts, furs, glove.*, ! hosiery, also now hats, ties, collars, ana clothing of every description for gents' wear. Btath and Co., Ltd., ArgyfceHouse, Clirir-tchureb. Tiio lat'.st cnvatioia- in lad ion' jackets and paletoia (or the autumn w>a«nn, maiiufnetuud by the Kaiapoi W'lolk'nCVm'.p.iDy, aro now oil View in tlie leading showrooms. Th'j univor.--ai oi»ini<>n if that for tlogiUM/o, aihl b'Miity, m> iniporv-i . o 'armc7ii!i can (.ouipare with Uk»l>. Tlu lovely cloilis aro soft and irann. while each garijienr- has tlie stylii-h, tiilor-iiuule efTf:t \ki uliar to all Kaiapoi poodfl. See your nrvr \rintrr puivhiis? bears the special Kaiapoi tiket, w)u<li is the guarantee of reliability. 5 9 No middle profit; factoi-j- prices, and hisrh-clr.M woik;nan:-hip. Jones and .Sons, jiractical powelleis and lnanuLicturerw, near Bank of Srw Zealand, High fitrcct. 6 The Xew C«-nt\uy lyprwriter is f> nin.'iy adjusted that each part doc« i:.s ■work frtvly, and yet holds firmly in its piiice: tho* kej-.s work .so easily tho fioujid votild scarcely bi.< noticeable 1o anyone in the same room. Tha Nt-w Century produces 25 per cent. more, work thau machines. This is not our «t".tcment j it is the conservative opinion nf oj>erators who have all other make.?, and swear by the New CV-ntury. New Cc-ntuiy Typewriter C/ompany, 117 Colombo street. Telepiioni 1267. * 698 3.000,000 Envelopes, well assorted; 2000 reams note uid ktter papers, good and cheap; folio papt-re, ereiy sizL: and quality. Thousands account l>ooks, all sizes and bindings, now on sale by H. J. Wood ami Co., at unprccedentedly low prices. Office requL<sitce and stationers' sundries, of b;«t quality. Large new stock of photo. Hibuira and photo, frames. Thousands of new books, just lauded, al/so immense assortment of cheap reading. A great eale of fancy goods upstairs. Inspection invited by H. J. Wood and Co., Stationers' Hall, Hiph street. Remc-mber the -whole stock is to be sold off. 2362 Wanted Known—Jewellery sale, for on« month, of watches, clocks, rinM, brocclies, and all other clasnes of jewellery, cold n\> greatly reduced prices. K. Cirieshaber, Watehmakei , and Jeweller, 155 Colombo street. 7463 If you have the faintest suspicion that your eyes aro not just right, if they bother you in any way, it's beet to have them examined nt once. Do not go to tho average, optician or spectacle sollcr, for he is unable, to distinguish between optical defects and diseases, but consult John It. Procter, 180 High street-, Christchurch, ■who will give- you a thorough examination free of charge. 2115 Preserving jare and jam jars at Fletcher Bros. Mason fruit jars, la lid, 2s 3d, 3s 3d, rubber rings 6d dozen, also extra lids, tie over jars, lib Is 3d, 21b la lid, jelly tumblers is 3d, tin top Is sd, Is lid, all per half dozen. Wood epoons 4d, 6d, 9d. Largest assortment of fruit and jam jars in Christchurch at lowest prices shown in window. Packed and de•ivered. Fletcher Bros., direct importers, Lower High street.—(Advt.)

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11545, 30 March 1903, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAT. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11545, 30 March 1903, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAT. Press, Volume LX, Issue 11545, 30 March 1903, Page 4