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WANTED. ,Tlf ANTED, a Few Good Skirt Hands. 61 *"- street, Sydenham. rWTANTED", Day Porter. "Apply Cafe de ■ 2 _.." j Paris. 3804 ijy" AN TED, Milliner. W. E. Munday and ■*\ Sons, Sydenham. 3776 TirAISTED/ Strong "Girl, about 17. assist ■** housework; referenrea required. 20 St. James street, Linwood. 3770 \\7 ANTED toliuy. irotting'Sull.T, reversi- •» » b.e Wheels. Apply G. Birchfield, care "Press" Office. _ 379J *\7trANTED, by'G'oodCarefiirTenant. 4 or * ' 5-roomed House. House, "Press" Office. 3814 pWr^TE"D7T~S"mart~Boy. Apply to 11. '- » « ■ Scrinwhaw, 41 Durhnni street SouLh. PWTANTED, General, small family, good »» •' wagm. Apply morning or evening, 133 Kilmore street. ~ ___ 3607 T7y"AXTED,"li7~Yotm_rWftn, Job in bake- ■ » » ' hoitfc, would do round. Apply To Awa, "Press" Office. _ • SSU3 WANTED,""GIrirtoTiSiVt wTtli housework, mußl bp a,b!c to wash. Apply ftalishury "troet. 3810 WAN TtiD to Sell, Good Fast Marc, 6yrs, . Riutablo for doctor. W. Ford, Beou»nwjt_strect, Sydenham.' Wl2 country hotel, state '» * age. Apply C, "Press" Office, Christchurch. _ 327S ,*Y\7"ANTED," Smart "loung Jfan, assiat on - » * ■ dairy farm, only good milker need apply. .7. Wright, Cashmere. 3782 ATirANTED toßiir, a Farm oi from 100 to 111. -200 Acres, within about 20 miles of Christchurch preferred. Baker Bros. 3134 TX T ANTED~C.ood General; references re- !»»• quired, .five in family, no children, laundry work put out. Apply immediately, Miss Buph, 131 East belt. _3«)1 jWTANTßD.Thoroushly Competent Woman ■»» Cook, no Sunday work. Apply, -nith roferwiccs to Jones's Candy Store, 200 Colombo street, near Cathedral ._ __ 3805 City "Property, tiii valuable rioiibln section, river frontSj(o, with 6-toomed residence. Only X 750. Bannerroan, 174 Lichfield street. pOtfAJsTED, by trustworthy person, situa--11 *. tion as Housekeeper or any placo of trust, gootl needlewoman; first-class referApply Alpha, "Press" Office. 3760 tlTf/ANTED, by wupcrior person, situation as RT 1. Neodlowoman, or Nurse and Ncedle•woman; good references. Apply F.C., "Press" Office. 3768 kOTANTED, J. J. Parker's Registry, LichliVi field street—<sencral Servants, Lady for shop. Dairymen, Ploughmen, Toamt-fer, Storeman, Housokcepcr. 3771 Guns, Cartridge Ba«j, !U. Field-glasses, Gend's Bike, £0, cost i2O. W. R. Harding, auctioneer, 112 Manohestcr etrcet, Christchurch. ■ PITJ-ANTED to" Sell, THanos, from £3 to i »». i'JOO, and on any terms you wish. W. R. Harding, Auctioneer, 112 Manchester Christohurch. T<wl*y, 2 Waitresses for Coun- . -.ii. try, 15»; Kitchenmaid, 10s; 2 Farm Youths, 12s 6d; 3 Hotel Femwlo Cooks, 10a; Oenerals, 10s, lis, 12s and 16s. Collier, 98 Manchester street. 3779 jHTANTED, Oirl, 15 to assist, sleep home; /jxgeriewced Nurse, £30; .Cooks, House- , naaidlfT*iOTouf&iaidSj Parlourmaid and Ladies' Maid, GefigraHE Bliss's Registry. Telephone 814., g „ 3783 rt7|JfANiPBD »to Sell, an inveftment for £26* f » t*.. a, |oope«ty that brings in 16s per woefc, Hitttfttetmw good locality in the City, iritb splendid "Wectfbn of land. Bannerman. 174 ' Lichflald street __ _________ n[7|7'A'l!«Sll> Section, over JtwlL sesf. wll fo second atra**. 6ft fency just over belt; only tfdft WoMR-Tilarding, 112 Man- '' otester atreet, Christcbnrch. 140362 T_n\7" ANTED to Purchase for Investment, ' til Freehold Properties that will, give a return to investor of at least 8 per cent City property preferred, but would entertain aruburban property in good locality. Apply * "Capital," "PtssV' Offioa. frtTAiiTED to "Sell, on Ollivier'e road and rvv Ferry road, Linwood, 20 Splendid , ; Bmldlng Seotiona; some of the. beet in this ' rapidly-growing district. Low prices, sizes ■various. Terms, £10 down, balance by.metal BMOta any time up to 21 years, Interest 5 per oeat.; or cash and L.T. Title any time. Money found for building. W. R. Harding, Anc- ' tioaeer, 113 Manoherter street, Christchurch. < 148-368 ITXTAiNTED to Sell, privately,, Sewing MaITT. chines at half cost. Ladies' and Gents' (New and Second-hand Bioyoles, from £2 10s, . Violins from Ss each, Meat Safe, Large Dining Table (suitable for ping pong), Overmantels from 23s eaoh, Austrian ChWs, . Kitchen Chairs, 10 Watches, New and Second-hand, €s each, Harness. W. R. Harding, 112 Manchaster atreet, Christchurch. /TCTTANTED IO.OOu Umbrellas to Coyeriwitb tYY our- ■celeh r,l *efl ajlke and silfcamona. i tel i !^ to?p f fatt^rf: g> (TTD'ANTED Known—New ranges of Boys' [~v. and lien's Clothing, sow allowing ffmtcnile Cleibiac, a epeoiality. Beath and A ;.;._; • pa.. Limits ''''■'~ iTfTANTBD Ken and Youths to see Special $»'. Becsaina in Seoond-hand Gents' Bi- „ cycles, as follow:—Swift, 1842, £&; Zealandia, ,-_" 1173,1*5; 3STew Rapid, 1313, £5 10s; JnWlee, 1166. Vs 10.; Boothroyd Scorcher, 1831, £i 10s; :'V. iNew Rapid, 1399. £8 10s. gee window facing '.'.-.-• Bt. Asaph street. Adams Star Cycle Coy., i/. ' tOMaaohaeterstteetf Chrletchnrch. r;'' .' ttXTAISTBiIy, Ladies to inspect our Drees 7i ■- rll* , DH«rfement. Latwt NoveWee sow . Showing, up-to-date Dressmaking, Moderate ;-.>_. ■ Charges. Berth and Co., Limited. a*( _.'""'•-' ifXrANTED lo Sell, One Lady** Secondhand •fc*,f. Bifflrele. in flrat-claae ord«T, 48 rash; 1 alio, X 'Gfebk'a (nearly naw), £10 l :>/■• Gant'» (Perry psgt»)JDl W»; 1 Gent's (I^dis ?.'f V*xts% «4 Wi. S. Wilkin, 170 Lichfield ,<?.' ' eteeet. • j- . ; •"" aftmtt'Wohna*,'Bare Legs, Sow Eyes; {..-:, Cttle, Burns, Irritotinij Eruptions, positively ~ Cured with "Spring BIomobi" Ointueat. '.■- .♦•lice 6d and Is, aQ Chemist* .end Store- . v -,' •', »#epera. „>~ : , . i-X, .^AiH*I) V, "& WJ •to&<£axcb**ai ol Ladies', Gents', -■-'-. - .end Children^.Left-ofl Clothing. Letter* by • f post or othltrwise at-tended to. Address Mra 151 High street . : JW^l l3^o ' U&«* % <3otttiJi«-»lrtdie« and t'»..Q«»ti«n«i can depend oo getting their extcesMV^MM^AU lettera and appointments . JWtwtaaUy attended to fay Mre Mo*. Seerad. laad.D«M«i W Madra* itrtet, Christ* «h»itch,fi[f>JiamUe .. ImTJmNTBD Known—l b»ta » very large t - ■ ii~. aasextmsst of Qreeastone Goods for ' the patUia to diooaa item at very low cut and also for Presenta ~'-, ianted, K. Orieehaber, Mannfaoi WWg''WWfllelit > 1S& Colombo atreol 7387 J" " JIJIfANiPED, -temediately, Competent Fe- .-; . *2fi aml*'C«ok. 97e 6d to 80s, hotel, Aahfor two ladies; Three ■ Waittesaesi 18s to 15a, hotels, Sumner, Waiuarte, Kwkoura; General, 13s, Houaemaid, mum place. Hinds; Housemaid, lie private; Large Number Generals. 9s to 12s, town, suburbs, and country; Lady Help, OpaWa; Scullerymaid, 10s. hotel; Cook, £30, Rangiora; ' Competent Cook, 45a to 80s, town; General. 12s, fonr in family, Dunsandel; Experienced Han, Sfa, milk, etc. Mr* Holbert'a Registry, Ckooeater attest West, near Colombo street. Telephone IMHL *. ... ■ 3718 rUtTANTED, Barmaid, e»eri«noe not no•Tf* «hut; Eipenenced Cook, country * lotel, 37* 6d weekly; Waitresses; Hon»esssidsi Hooee-Periourmaida. town; Cook, private, submbe; Lady Helps; Good Generals, torn, and country, 10a to 17s 6d weekly; GlrU, to aaaist, sleep hopie; Pantrymaida. Simo's Begistry, 171 Armagh street, Tele- • phone 67>. 3432 {ITTANTED, Groosn and Gardener, eountr?, tYY, must have references-. Married Ploughman, cottage foand, wife's duties nil; Several Ploughmen; Youths, stations, farms, and flex mills; Hotel Hands; Dairymen; Lad. groom and assist gardener; Cook and Baker: Boys, town aad country. SXme'a Registry, 171 Axjflagh TITANTED. Meiried Couples, withonTfiSi. iV V lies, £15 to £80 yearly and foucd; Station Blacksmith; Shepherds: Ploughmen; FlaatnUl Hands: Station Gardeners, do milk--teg. etc.; Youths, for country bakers, 13s 6d weekly and found; Farm Youths. Can recommend Head Ploughman, dlso s First-clasi Station Cook and Baker. Apply J. McDonald. Manchester atreet. Miss - Conway requires Lady Help, for a station (musical), irood warn jriven; also. Cooks, Houscfawper. 13a weekly; Centrals; Yoq>% Girl*, etc. Servant* with references auickly suited. Telephone 437. 3103 "WTANTbr*/, - Competent Lady's Maid, one 11 lady. town. £40, good references indispensable ; 'Experienced Nurse, two children, -£80, ceontey; Houacmaid-Noedlciwcunwi, town, £30; Honsemaid-Laundrees, institution, 12s; WaitreM. conatry. Kb; General, Nelson, tbree 'in. fatoily. no washing or bedroom work, 12s, fare paid; General, Weliington, small family, 15s, jare paid; Cook*, town and country, 17» ■id. to SSs; Parlourtcaiid, - 14s: Hoasenuida, ♦own and country, 10s to ISs; Working Housekeeper, town, 10s; Two Generals, town, two in family, no -washing. 10s. Waiting: Head Shepherd, excellent references* Mrs Darby's Recistry, Cathedral square. Telephone 1106. 3800 fTTANTED KNOWN—People with defective ;VY sight can be supplied with Spectacles at a really moderate ooet- Do not injure your /. eyes. Apply at once to KenneU, Watchmaker, iy£< etc., 183 High street, An enormous stock to '-; • select from. *ll the latest atyles and ehapea '•" "'% framea, «r in °Uel. nickel, silver and gold. ' .TDirANTED KNOWN—Have you weak sight? >, \JYY. If so, apply at once to Kennett, tbs Walchtnaker. He will test your sight and supply you with spectacles at a moderate ; coat. Enormous stock of lenses, concave, conrex. Perioscopic, Paaudonopiic, of every jpmtT. Latest shapes. Fold and other frames. I 183 High street, under the verandah, •

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11278, 20 May 1902, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11278, 20 May 1902, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11278, 20 May 1902, Page 2