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;-. ft&oyer, clwcfed 4tetft of the sky! jester;. morning .probably -int6rfefecl v -triltlt-'af large* tfoe' Ghristehuroh 'pul* lie at Xyttelfon'- to,'witness ■ the: annual re~, Afternoon settled, 1 and, large tusaberV arrived: from tcrtra, aaid/thoagli ifche crowd' period so numerous' wie .there .was still a very. gathering*./ • By two ' o'clock"/ the ■ wharves /and*>& breastwork" ware' thickly jQov&ed .with-; people. In the sailing andxowing events, the swimming anil • land- were a' number" of. side show* 'which "veil,' provided' for • the «niertainmfint\of j&e public.' : 31»e ~ excursioas were,,.aa usual, well patronised. '33ie shipping- in the harbour ;was gaily bfr ■decked with- bunting, as were also a number: *of the buiMings in the ,town. The . flagship wag the ship -,Weetland, and CapV tain Saanuelsand his officers and the Hag- . ship Committee, were assiduous in their «fc forta'to se«jare theeojoyittenttof the numbear of gitesta wha-w*re on board."-. •. > - - - ' • ?There w&s .very lifctl? wind in'the forehoon; and what little there waa -was from : the south., This resfulted in the, water,in the inner harbour being'almost'Bmooib, and therefore.highly favourable for the rowing events.' [ .On the other hand the early stages '• of the yacht races were robbed* of rouch in- . terest owing to the lightness of ihe wind. ■ At. one stage of the yacht race handicap . the eight boats which were competing . were so 'closed that "in nautical parlance one could have put a blanket, over the lot. In the. afternoon "the wind changed, and was decidedly fresh, th 6 direction being nortih-eaist; ■ The surface of the water in the . inner> 4»Tb6ur was raffled, bufe not-suffi-ciently so to -be dhoppy, whilst the yachts began, to epread out, and en opportunity ; was given for v the respective boats to show.theik, , sailing powers,: and for the various : crews : -16 display " their eeamanship. J "Shu rowing evecte created a, large amooßfc _ of snterest;, aud the finishes in mosft instances were very cjose and'©seating. - One dfH3ie -anost interestistg events "was the Senior Bear-oar, -which resulted in a'very close.finish betwen the -Canterbary Bow- ; ing and tae Aiaroa Rowing orewa For- tiie past two or three years ttoe object blows up by the submarine mine has ' Ireen « Taft, but yesterday a frulk, all that rranamed of the once smart Island schooner ♦Ocean Bird was i&artfcerfcd. <She was gay ; irith. fenntittg, and some old -paint had been ' 3j>pEed to her tell. Ati»M-past two she tvs set alight, the oil-eo&ked combustibles • <kttettmg fire very easily: - At #bree o'clock Mrs LaureosoD, iwife of Mr. G. Laurenson, M.H.E., fired the mine, and the air almost immediately became darkened with tie Slackened pieces of timber, which, after - iteng ?.&[& Hugh in the'£ir, fell into the wfctßx, the face of which, in the placa where . tl|o -hulk previously'rod© at anchor, was , black with charred timbers. After ihee; plosion & number of bouts were seen on f5 c s]pot, the occupant* of which were pickirig up the fisii which had s>een kDled by tfe «xnlc«on. ' .Captain Falconer, under i tfhose sop&riMten&nco the explosion took place, is to be complimented en its success ]n die opinion of many frequenters of prefious xegafctae yesterdajre submarine explosion was .the (best witneseed for eaveral years. 3lr T» C Field, Mayor of I»ytr t ielton, in proposal ' Cefptain Falcaner'e leaitjt at the on the Glads ijtone Pier, Teferred to 12»e great indebted- , aese -She regatta ofSckls w«i« under' to C&p- . ijain Falconer for ■managJsg the subinanne 'whidi iraff <aie of the featwes of pc day's sport, (japiain Falconer, in restondingj expressed th£ jrkasure that ife gave ■ 'him to assist tife iegatta, and intimated

te wffingnM on any occasion to tender eaonaar seroees. A* tke ooaualttee-room on Gladstone Pier, Mr W. iff. Shepieard wa* the caterer for titte oflfcatTluncC At intervals during the afternoon the Lytlelton Brass Band gave an appropriate), programme of music on .the flagship. The Committee and officers of the regatta worked energetically to make tihe function successful, and they are to be congratulated on- the results. The -railway arrangements, both at Ghristehurch and Lyttelton, appeared to giveevery eatisfaotion to the large nasmfbers who were travelling. No accident of any serious character has been reported. About eight o*clock ibe weatier became overcast, and many who otherwise would have remained to witness tiw fireworks' aisplayTTßfcurned to itown. The,-following is , the list of officers: — Patron, Us ExceHeiicy Lord Itanfurly; commodore, Mr O. Laurenson, M.H.R.J vke-commodores. Messrs "T. C. Field, A. E. G. Rhodes, F. Waymouth, and Captain T. Mcdatchie; hon. treasurer. Mr J. Garrard; hon. secretary, Mr W. O. deary; judges, Bishota Julius, Messrs €. Cook, J , . Johnston. J. J. T. Brice, Captains Cilark, and Whitiby, 'Meesrs <X Asohman, G. Harris W. Putnam, Bey. E, E. Chambers, aiessrs J. Plunket, W. G. Fraeer, W. Haimey, J. W. Cookson, aod G. A. L«wm; timekeepers, 'Messrs H. Kohn, F. J. iSmith, R. Kenaett, F. J. Murray; starter, Mr A. E. CiiuMockj uiopites, Messrs J. F. Grierscn, T. L. Smith, N. li. Mcßefch; tfattery and flags, Mr G. Dimond; Flagship Commitaee, Messrs " J. AsMey, C. Efty, iA. Khmd, J. Sowden, J. T. Brace, P. CSeary, W. Taylor, W." Foster, A. H. Glasgomr, W. Stewart, H. Smith, A. W. ParsoMd, E. IJ, Just, O. -W. ExaH, and J. L. Gill; Sailing Course Cbmmitt«e, Messre- J. H. Ooilins and G. Dimond j Rowing Course ■Committee, Messrs J. Page, D." Page, E. Pavitt, and D. Jack; marshals for Towing events, the Bowing Oourse Committee j Fireworks Ootamittee, W. Toomey and A. Khind; Sailing Committee, Captams Clark and Wihftby, Rev. E. E. Chaanflaefs,'Messrs C Ferri&r, G. A. Lewin, and H. J. -Rapttiael; of&caal measurers (yachts), (Messrs ,<X Ferrier avid G; A. Lewin;"'handicapper (yachts), Mr O. H. Rich. ' The results are as follows: — MAIDEW PAIR OAR; first prize £7, second prize £3. Union Rowing Club~A> A. 'Barlow (bovt), T. OUey fsti), 3. 'Sterling (coy) ... ... 1 Christcliurca Amateur Bowing Clvb — J. J. Kyan (bow), P. J. McEntree (etr), S. Andrews (cox) ... ..; ... ... 2 - Timaru Rowing Cltib—H. H, Fraser (bow), C. Healy (str), ' ... ... 8 The Canterbury, Avon,. Akaroa, and Lyttel- , too Olubs' also started. This, the'first event of the day, ehould «*ve started at' U n.m., but it was quite twenty minutes later before the boats got away with » very even- start. The Canterbury Rowing, Club soon wtfnt io the- front, with. Lyjtelton a good second. Christchurch Amateur j.».owing Club then began to' improve their position, and were first round tho v turn, with Canter- ' bury, Xyttelton, and Union venr Hltl* be-, hind., A steady row 'home resulted in tho race , closing as above recorded, about half a length separating the first ftnd second boats. JUNIOR PAIR OMt; first prize- £7, second ■• £3. - Christchurch Amateur Rowing Club—J. Fry (bow), j>. 3>, Mahoney (etr), S/ Andrews - (cox) ... ...' ... — 1 Canterbury Rowing Cub—G, Beauoham<p ; (bow), H. L. Hobba {tsit), H. Dann (cojt) 3 , Alcaroa Boating- Club—3. "Wolfrey* (bow), ,F. Perham (otr), R. E. Blaclc (cox), ... 8 ' The "Union Rowiwr Club also competed. From a- capital Canterbury showed in (front, Union falling tack" and Christchurch Amateur being β-good second. 'The-lest-nained got-round first, with- Canterbury second and Akairo* third, union being quit© out of the race. After a game Btraggk between the others, the result was s »s recorded above; a, couple of lengths separating the first and second,.and Akaroßr being a good third; ' YACHT RACE HAsOT>ICAP; fittt prize flO, ; • . •;• second , JB4» third £2.' . . - Water. Beetle (R.. J. Scott} Bmin SOse» ... 1 §ueen Mob. (7. Ollivex), ISmin ... ... S eittina. (J^ , Sittclait), Smin ' " ,3 - Patibi (O. .Marquet) llmin. Heresy (G. Andrews) lSmin, Shamrock' 111. (W.- Willieme) 12min, end Kotiro (E. Smith) ISmin SOsoo Also etarfea. -. -.%''',' Punctually at. noon the yachts got away, ■Water" Be&l&V-Turing - feat,' Shamrock 111.-----second,' WateSrwitch III:; with Bettiba, Queen ' Mab, Heresy, Kotiro in the order -was :et'.y"ery slow,one,'.ihe,,--winji dying' away oiid "not, for:, eomo time freghening. At .4ength the wind - came up from the And resuliod in a win for thej-Watei "B.eet3«: ' - • ■•" • - ■ SBNiIOR PAIR O&Ur fitet s>to©'£l2v second ', l ~ '• ;■;■; ,ptizs is, ■ ■ ' -; Caaterbary-Rowing-Club—H. Ayere (bow), . •A. S." Hardy-Johnston' (str), - H. JDann- -,* '(cox) ' C v« . «•• ' l'-\ . ii« 1 Alcaroa Boating Goodwitt (bow), ': J. 'Wbodiir(B,tr)/.Rv, E. 31a«k (cox) ~♦ 2 -.'There 1 waa a.«apitaf'«ib.buoye, but just afterward* -vie Union 'boat fo.uled the Ctfre lioat, andtney out of.H3ie running. 'The .two boats left in made a desperate cSoit to^^ecure'.first , , anct ii was almost a' deaduheat. TJie.--'judges gave the result iff' favour of thY GaateTbiiiy Club.- ~ ■ , .'• .YOUTHS' .OAR, for, yoaths; anuet .81.. -" -yeata of age; first prize pecbn4 prize £&, ' - : - .- " - . Canteroury' :Stewing ■ Club—G. , Gnthrie' .'- ----..(bowVE. P;luttle-«tr), H. D«nn (c 05)...". 1. Union-Rowing-' Mansfield (bow), -. -A; E. mbb-(str), ."J; Sterling (box) ... 2Akaroa. j ßbating-<3lyb i -tP. Brown (bow),'A.", •■ Brooke* (str), W r Pool (cox) ~.:..' ' ... a - Christekurcft Amateur Rowing.Clnb, I>yfctelion. Rowing" OWb, Avon Rowing. duV »»«' Cure Boating , Clnb;*!sq competed. ■ - / .. From.* Sjplendid start i>he Canterbury" Rowing dab soon.-went ahead, <th& others being - «retty well' -Cm* -wereitheva .seen to' Itoii, eomething having aprwreittjy gone wrong ,with "them. 1 Rounding, the Canterbury RowingClub' were first,'the Union second, and the -others not iar behind. The finish was a close 1 ' one, livttelton,being b> good fonrth. YACHT RACE. ;HANDICAP, open to any '. yaobt over 22ft waterline; first prize £15, second prize* £5, third, prize £3. • > ' ,Kawhai (R. HatcEwell) Ssmin 1 o»awe (C. -Brown)- «cr ... .„ ~. 2 Fleetwing (G. I/anrenson) 12min ... ... 3 Zephyr (A. MdSTab) aor, Myrtle (R. Anderson), airnin, and Sneild(H. Haydoa) "4Qmin also started. " ~"_,. The race waa started,in $, dead" calm; bat the wind, freshened end en&b'led it <tb h» cony pleted. ' . / YACHT RACE, fifst-clese, for yachts . 30ft linear rating and over; fliet prize £85, - second pxssti £10. ~ Kiaora 0. H. Collins)' 33.3 linear isting r smin 448 CC ..., ' ...■ ... ... 1 Pastime (M. Miller) 3t.4 linear rating, smin 4laec / '.-• ■ ... .<> ••> These w&re tßs only cornpetifors. "The result was a decided win, though, the second yaotht 1 was not far behind.' - ■ , . SHIPS BOAT-RACE, four oars rowing; first prize £!) second prize £2. Westland 1 The Rimntaka and the Tar&wera sent boats,

■which competed, bat the winner was a long way ahead of thsm; Tarawexa was second. SENIOR DOUBLE SCULPS; first prize JBl{2, second prize £3. Cure Boating Club—<G. Simpson (bow), A. 'Driscolt (str), H. Manning (cox) ... 1 Canterbury Rowing Chiu—fi. Avers (bow), W. A. Callaghttn (str), H. Dann (cox) ... 2 Aiaroa Boating Club—l*. P«rham (bow), J. Woodhill (sir). 11. 'E. Black (cox) ... 3 The Union Rowing Club aUo competed. The start w»3 a good one. t and till -the first turn the boats were pretty well on even tonne. The Cure, however,,got the lead, Canterbury being second and Akaroa third. This order -was not altered till the gun* were fired. Three lengths separated the firet front the second boats. YOUTHS' DOUBLE BODLI/S, for youths under 21 yeere of-age,' firefc prize £7, second prise £3,. . Christe-hurch Amateur Rawing Club—P. W. Mansfield (bow), P. Newton (atr), S. Andrews (cox) ... ... •- — 1 Union Rowing Chib—H. Manefidld (bow), A. B. Webb (sti). J. Sterling (cox) ... 2 'Akaroa, Boating >Club—<P. Brown (bow), A. Brootes (ntrt, "W- Pool (cox) 3 Lyttelten !Rowin?f Club and Curo Boating Club also competed. From another very oven start Chnstehurch Amateur' and Union Bowing Club got a slight lead, 'but all , the others 'had a good prospoct of bei»R pieced. Going round the buoys Akaroa Mid Chmtehurch" Amateur were to the front. The race resulted in the Christchurch Club having a" full length advantage. JTJMOffc ©OUBtd3 SCUIiLS; .firefc price JT7, second prise £$. Chrjstchurch Amateur "Rowing Club— J. Fry (bow), ■ D, ID. Mahoney (str), 8. Andrcwe (cox) " ... ... • ... — 1 Akaroa- Bcafcinij Club—B. Wolfreye (bow), ■ C. Gflodwin. (str). W. Pool (cox) ... 2 Cure Boating Club—W. Keetie-y (bow), F. Barnes (str) ... ... ... ... 3 From a very fair, start Cure and Christchurch Amateur .soon- appeared in .front, Alcarjoa*. however, disputing precedence. Rounding the-turn, Cur©> Aknroa, end Christchurch Amateur- wero together, the others close up. After a splendid race for the win, the numbers werft as given above; Avon came , fourth. " : liAltmS DOUBLE SCTJUjS; first prize £7, second. £A. • Christchurch Amateur.Rowing Clvb —J« J. „ Ryan J. McEntroe (atr), S. An- '- drews (<sox) • ... ■ ... '' - ' ... ... 1 Union Rowing. Club—P. Otley (bow), A. A- , Barlow Jflix). J. Sterling (oox) 2 Titneru Rowing Club—H. H; Frasor (bow), C. Hifealoy. (bit) .3 Avon Rowing Club and. Lyitcltoii Rowing Club also, started. ■ Cure Boating Clus and , 'Canterbury Howing Club were scratched.. \ Prom an *yen start, Christchurch Amateur. Avon, and Lyttelton, went 'to the front, and this was the order wheh thc> boats rousded ■ the-buoys. Lyttelton shortly afterwards, and the finish ended- in a win for the Christonux,ch Club by four lengths, SIJfCrl/B SCUX/liS (with cox); first prize £5, -*■ ■. - . • second £2. ■ ■ ■ ' , , Chrietchnrch A;mAteur Bovang, Club—R, F r '. . r ' Andrews (cox). ... ~.'J ! Cure JSoating Qlub—A Driscoll ... ." ~. 2 ' Akwroft. Boating Club— J, Woodhill, - R.. E. Black (cox) '"..I , ... " , ..." ' ...'8 |' Union Rowing* Club (J, Jurißs) f C*»terbtns ! Rowing Club (A.O'Callnghah), Union Rowinc Club CA.J. Wicholle), end Curo Boating\Cluh (A. Drisccvl)' also -competed.. , . , " ■ Won , by-two'lengths'. •"'.'' -' -• YOUTHS'. &ING-I.B' SCUIiDS. with cox, foi - youths render 21 years of'nge; flret pri4e I Chrietchnrch Amateur Rowing Club — F. - . -.' ..' ... ... - . .>«; .....1 pAUaroa Club—A.',Brookes'* ... 2 i Canterbury Rowing -Chib~JE. C. Little... 8 VTimaru Rowine Cinb. (H.H. Fraeer), I<ytt telton Rowing ClwbjfD;-Warren), Union .Rowing OlUb (A* E. Webb), and Chriatohuroh ' Amateur Rowing' Clflb (P. W. Mansfield), also competed, / \ •'- -. . .• ■, - , ' "F.rom a good start' iho two Chrietchurch' Ameteuf Rowing Club crew? w*h&,ta Ihe front , and,- rounding: tne, turn, • F. -was 1 firs't v , [ !Lytte'.ton ana .Union following close. ■ Aiaroft [.made it etrdng bid for first lionotirs, but*were beaten by a'gocd lengiih, Caniefbury; Rowing Club making a gbod third*'/, -,- J - ;• , • THE HWMMmG SPORTS. ,• TJhs year the swimming sports ©yeats were not lafge-in nmnj>ef, ami owing to the graving -" dock tto* *. beinc - available they ' hdd ■". f<r ibe "'' hfeld* ''in ilhie !wat«r- ■ behind • ■ Gladstone . Pier , .- , - The arrangemeata in this [taction of the ~ dajr's big programme were tiot> quite so perfect us in, other departments,'-although much credit is.due to MrWa-lte*,Johnston (vho iictedin his rejruJar one ais handwjapperj ajid Mr H. Giffo-rd (Secretary of too , :swaiiamxg «vea]bs). The otlwsr officials were j—Judges, - Meeera Geo. Harris, A. Francis, and,W. Jacques j tamekeepers, Messrs W*. and-W. Johiwton; costume steward, Mr A. Calvert; starter, Mr C. Msizey; check starter, Mr 0. Kenib; clnb hamlicapper, Mr J. Olliver; commit-: tee, Messrs IL A. JRhdnd, D. Smclair, T. i Lindsay, C. Maeey, vE.'Percival, Harold Rhind, H. Ayres, Griff. Rich, and'C. Wj-attv Following are the'ireeulte':.— Pioneer Handicap, 50yds; ,]sr:sea value £2 2a and £1 Is—First heefe: S. "Eldridge, 9sec, .X;' P. Campbell,- lOeeo, 2. P. A.*- Devereaux lOsec, S., Paul lOaec. Vf. Johnston (Dunedin) lOsec, E. Percival 12seo also started. Second heal: W. Xioeder.' 12seo, 1; -F. Sohwartz. llsec, % G. Rjch 4sec, H. Walker

-lßseo also Third >cat: I). M. Bte» i> wart (Dunedin), lthsec, 1;" A. Smith, lOeeo, \-.. 2. L. A. Shand ! ssec t C. Biyant 6eco> 0. \ Schniedor lftsec.C. "Wright 12sec aleo starftsJ, .'•-■' Fourth heat: T. Pa-tereon, (Dunedin), 12aeb ' ■' 1; F. Truacolt. 4aec, 2. P. W. Ql.iv*r 7soe -'-* G. Hardacre, Baec. X, E: Dnuby lOsea D. ~* Jones lOsw, H. Ansley llsec also started. FiftjJ , : heat: O. G. Holmes, 9sec, 1; M. F. Wliecler, ' - 12aec, 2. L. Quin l()seo p S. Louder lOsec, A, '. M. Sims lObbc, G. Howeon Useo also started,--Sixth, heat: P, Hiawsoa l2sec, 1; R. S. Knox - " (Dtmodisj), 128 CC, 2. W. Atm strong lOsoo L. •" Puluam 12sec, h- "S. Sibbald ISspc, AY. kft. ,'> ten 12spc also started. Somi-linals —Firrt " heai: Holmes 1, Paterson 3.. Second heat; v Whcsiler 1, Bnnvaon '3. Fianl: Holmes i •.'- Paterson 2. All the heats were well conteeu*. - ed, and *ere watched by as many iateroiAed ."*,,. spectators m could poesibly crowd along U» ' ".' cdfla of the breastwork. New Yonr Club Handicap, 50yda; pri*«» > ■ trophies valued at 30s and Io8«-E. ''- Ssec, 1; H. RHnd, 4aec, 2. Aldo startedr- - ** , ' W, \V«,tson Bcr, B. Rhind 3eeo, C. Wyatt < , soo, W. Clfttkeon lleeo, and F. Suttea 17»*o '-, Intor-Club Jubilee Handicap, lMyds: priati value £2 2s and £1 Iβ —First heat: F. Itt* .'■ - 1 . oott (Christohuich), ssoc, end F. G, Winiemi"-.' (Dunedln), 18sco, dead heat. G. Bich 7esa ■ ' G. G. Efolmoe 14eeo, B. Rhind l&eec &t« ;, ? started. Second heat: J. "Wauchopo, 6noc, 1« V , A M. Russell, 7sec, 2. 0. AnaleV 7aw, t'' "' "W. Olliver aOsec also etarted. Third icei-' , E. Giil 16eeo. I; H. Sherwood, Oacc i' E. E. HaU teoo. H. S. WillWa 7aeci &."..'■ Hardacre 18sec. A. M. Sims SOscc also cd. Final: Gill, 16seo, 1; Wauchopo, 6ttor J - '' 2; A. M. Sußaoll, 7aec, 8. ' '" ; There woa. oKily one entry, for the Wftrfe , '??" Fljfinst Squadron Teams' Scrtklch Keoe—ll>* -t ; East Chrietchurch Club, who had » walk wet /.'" for the Harris Challenge Cup. The men iri». '■'-. awum were:—C. BuHivunt, F. Drako,, J; 5,:.1 : Waiitfhop; If. G. Wanohop; H. H. WattcWv*'' i There were no diving events on the 'ptk '£ • grammo. The vater.waß smooth, and•*!«",.% wcnttier \ira*m, ' , \l

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11163, 2 January 1902, Page 2

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DETAILS OF THE DAY'S PROCEDINGS. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11163, 2 January 1902, Page 2

DETAILS OF THE DAY'S PROCEDINGS. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11163, 2 January 1902, Page 2