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(PEJESS ASSOCIATION TEMCB* 31 '),- ; AUCKLAND, Decionber .18, j The annual New Zeal*** Ata- : letio Championship Meeting was heia ™" s afternoon in tie Domain Crickefc Grouna. The weather Tas fine until three o clock, when rain came cm, and 1* ■* making the track somewhat heavy. n« , attendance Was only moderate. -l&e meet- | ing was a success as regards performances, j several good times being recorded, Wβ - ( standard being .beaten in nine events, xae , Championship Shield was secured by Atkk- > land wiife 854 points, Canterbury second' •with 36£, WelHngton third 16 points, Done- [ din last 3 points. The most noteworthy per- j fonnances were by G- Smith, who won the j 100 yds in 10 l-sta sec, 120 yds Hurdles m j 16sec, and 440 yds Hurdles in 61 ~1-stfc sec | without being pushed; by Simpson, *J»o romped over .Ids fields in the Onejmtl Three Miles; by Webaber, who won U» | 220 yds and 440 yds events in good .style, , but in moderate time; by MadiU, who won j the hammer and she* events with ■#**. In t&e 440 yds Hurdles Smith evidently played with his opponents. After leading (the field for 150 yds he dropped back,.and Henderson eecured a lead of sis yards. Coming round the bend Smith iheo put on a spurt, and overhauled his man at the last hurdle but one, and won as he liked in 61 l-stlh sec-1 X-50» sec worse than has last attempt. : Four local men started in the One Mile Walk, induding tlie ex-cham-pion Wilson, only one of whom, Barr Brown, was allowed to fini&b, the others being disqualified at different stages for lifting. The winner put up the creditable time of 6min 54sec. Wilson walked grandly in the three mile ©vent, drawing further and further from the field from the end of the firs* mile and a quarter. In the lOOyde event Webster, who was expected to.give Smith a great go, did not perform up to expectation, and had to be content with a moderate third. The following are the resulteiT-- • 100 Yards Flat Championship (present caainpion, C. li. H. Hiorae, Canterbury; world c amateur record, 9 4-oth sec, J. S. Owen, jun., Detroit A.C.; U.S.A., W. T. McPherson, N.S.W., J. H. Hempton, and H. 8.8. J. Wefere, America; New Zealand record, 9 4-ath eeo, J. H. Henrpton and \V. T. MoPherson • standard, 10 l-sth sec)— First heat: G. W. Smith tAucklana) 1,, A. O. Keating (Canterbury) 2, W. Baiabridgo (Auckland) 3. Won by a yard. Time, 10 2-sth eeo. Seoond heat: &.. H. Heald (Auckland) 1, I*. B. TSTebeter (Wellington) 2, ii. K. 'Marriott 3. Won by half a yard in 10 2-stb. eeo. In the fina.l KeaUng got the beat of the start, and about half way the field <was close together, Keating: about on a level -with Smith. Smith then drew away. Heald passed Keating, and Smith, ■ comiflg strongly in. the last twenty, yarda, won by half » yard from Heald, who' ritri very ewawyTime, 101-5 th eeo. Appended are tUe winners of thi« event :— 1887-8 -*F. Meenan(D.A.A.O.) '. - .. 10i 1888-9 -T.W. Lewis (H.8.A.A.C0 .'. .. 10| 1889-90-J. H. Hempton(B.A.A.O.) ... .. tS| 1890-1 —W. T. Macpherson (E.5.A.A.0..N.5.W,) t*St 1891-2 —J. H. Hempton 1H.1i.A.A.0.).. .. J'Sf 1892-3 —J. H. Hempton (\V. A. A. and CO.) .. IC* 18934 —J. H. Hempton (W.A.A. and O.O.) .. Kg J894-5 —A. J. Patrick (WelUnifton A.A.0.) .. 11 1895-6 —E. A. Robinson(C.A.A.C.) .. .. ICJ 1896-7—A. J. Patrick (Wellington A. A.0.) .- li--1897-B—G. W. BirUth (A.A.A. and CO.) .. l<l 1898-9 —G. W. Smith (A.A.A. and CO.) . • X* 1899-00— Q. W. Smita(A.A.A. andC,C) •• M 1900-I—O.L.H. Hlorns (P. A. Rand A.C. .. l'f 1901-2-O. W. Smith (A.A.A. and O.C). ■ ..Us 'Denotes New Zealand record. jTune not passed as a record owipg to a, strong wind being behind the runners. (Denotes World's record. • . Half Mile Hat Championship' (present champion, C. A. Ouff, D-A.C.; world'e amateur record/lmin frliWth eec, F. J. Crocs, Oxford; New Zealand amsrteur record, Stain, D. Wood, C.A-AJC.; standard, amin 2secV--E. X..Harper (Canterbury) 1, C. JD. Cowan (Auckland) 2, E. Sutherland (Aucklana) 8. Afeo started—A. 6. Henderson (Wellington), C. Cuff (Dunedm), J. MoKean (Auckland), and H. A. l>. Anderson (Auclelarid). Anderson led the way round the first lap, Jjloeely'followed'by Henderson, and Cuff.. This order wae maintained as the second laip tree entered, Sutherland and Cowan dropping Back. - Bound the back Henderson, came to "the front, and Cuff challenging him, the two raced, round .the bend together. Harper, however, came to tho<firont as the straight was entered, and finishing tftrongly, won . by, a yard or two from Cowan, who finished gamely, Sutherland being close up third. 'Xime, 2mdn Sseo. Appended is a tafcl* of winners of this event :— rain, so'v 1887-B—P. Morrison i5.0.A.A.0.) -, .. 2 ti 1888-9 —P. H. Cox (5.A.A.0.) .. .'. 2 IS 1889-90— J. P. Grierson(OA.A.O.).. -.2 5g 1890-1 —D. Wood (0.A.A.C,) -. .. *2 0 1891-2 —J. F. Grierson (0.A.A.C.) .. .. 2 C§ 1892-3 —N. L.Gurr(W.A.A. and O.O.) ..2 4 1893-4 —W. A. Low (D.A.A.C) .. .. 2 Sj 1894-5— W. A.IiOW(D.A,A.C) .. ..2 2 1895-6— W. A. Low (D.A.A.0.) ■.. ..2 4 1896-7— J. McKean (A.A.A. and 0.0.) ... 2 1$ J897-8 —H. O. Ga«i»(C.A.A.C.) .. .. 2 C^ 1898-9 —O. S. St. Hill (H.8.A.A.0.) .. 2 4s 1899-00—J.1L Lynskey (P. A.B. and A.0.) .. 2 e| 1900.1—0. A. CuS(D.A.A.C.) .. ~ 2 o 1901-2— E.T. Harper (0.A.A.0.) .. . .. 2 2 •Denotes New Zealand record. : One Mile Walk Championship (present ohampipn, J. C. Dickey, Auckland; world's -~ amateur record and New Zealand amateur record, 6min Zl 2-stb. sec, J?. H. Creamer, AubWand; standard, 7min)—'C. J. Barr-Brown (Auckland) 1. Aleo started: D. Wilson (Auckland), J. C. Diokoy (Auckland), JS. Bell (Auckland). Wileon was leading at. the end of the first Jap, Bell having been disqualified for lifting*. At the end of "the half anile the ex-champion had dropped to second place, Dickey leading, and BaiT-Brown. close up. Wilson, tteu dtow.ped back to .third, but ac the last" lap was entered, ho wont to the front -witlx a spurt end looked like winning. He had not gone far, however, before ho was disqualified for lifting, and Ban>Brown. who was second, was left with. Dickey a good distance a/way. BslttBrown kept the paw up, .and Dickey, being disqualified coming -up the etraaekt, he finished alone in the good .time of 6min Sisec, 6sec under Jthe siandacd. The following are the winner* of this event :— 1687.8 -T.'Kerr(D.A.A.O.) , .. . ' 1888-9— R.N. Thomaei(O.A.A.C.).. .. 7 40 1889-9C—E. J. McKelvey(D.A.A.C.) .. 7 13 1890-I—A. F. Barton (A.A.A, and O.O.) ..7 6X 1891-2 —A. F. Burton (A.A.A. and 0.0.) ..' 7 5i 1832-3 —R. N. Thomaa (0.A.A.0.) .. .. 7 U| 18934—A. Bain (0.A.A.0.) ~ 6 ij 1894-6—A. Brady (A.A.A.0.) . ... ..7 21* 1895-6 —F. H. dreamer (A. A.A. and O.O.) ~ 7 IC* 1896-7—D.Wilson(A.A.A and 0.0.),-.., .. 6 sz| 1897-B—D.Wileon(A.A.A. and 0.0.) ~*-'2L.ib 611 1893-9 —A. Findlay (D.A.A.C.) .. r>7 Ij 5 " 1899-00— 11. Goodwin (W.A.A. and 0.C.) '„ " 6 &bh 1900-1 —J..Dickey (A.A.A , . and O.O.) 6 of 1901-2 —O. J. Barr-Brown (A.A.A. 'and 0.0.) 6 54 *D. Wilson (Auckland) finished first in 7tnin Olsec, but was disqualified for litline. High Jump Championship (present champions, C. S. Harper and ML Ml Eossingrave, tie; the world's amateur record, 6ft 5 &£th in M, T, Sweeney, Amteica; New Zealand record, slt 9iin, R. Brownlee, Duncdia; standard, sft 7in)—C. S. Harper (Canterbury) and C. C. liaurio (Auckland), sft Bin (tie) 1 T. Laurie, sft 7in, 3. Fisher (Canterbury) also competed. A start was made at 4ft gin, and the successive inches were cleared by Harper and Laurie to sft Bin. These "competitors failed at sft 9in, and then failed at sft B*in. Fisher dropped out at sft 2in ,and T. Laurie at 6ft iin. The foHowing table shows the winners of this competition :— ft. in. 887-8 —F. Perry (5.C.A.A.0.) _ 0 838-9 —T. McNawht (D.A.A.C.) .. 53 aS9-90-T. McSaugbtfD.A.A.C.) «. " 5 3i 1690-1 —J. E. Hume (W.A.A.0.) .. 6 3 1890-I—F-T. Laurie (A.A.A. and 0.0.) 3 1891-2 —F. Meyrick (M.A.A.0.) .. 5 5 ipo?T_J H - Gore ( w -A A.0.) .. 1892-3--( p M eyriok(U.A.A.O.) „ 5 5 1895-4 -H. 8. Bailty (W K . A.A.0.) .. ~ 5 51 1894-S—H.S. Bailey (Wg. A. A.0.) .. 571 1&956 —P.J. Brown (0.A.A.0.) .. ~ 5 6i 1896-7—C. l«urie(A.A.A.andO.C.) 6 6 H. M.Good(Wg. A.A.A.) .. " 5 aj 1898-9— R. Brownlee (D f A.A.O.) .. " »s pJ 18S9-00—C. Laurie(A.A.A. and O.O.) "" 5 84 1900-I—M. M. Koeetnirrave (N.S.W.A.A.A*) C. S. Harper (P.A.B. and A.0.), H. A. Me(P.A.B. and A.C.) .. .. 56J i 1901-2 —C. S. Harper (CA.A.C.) and O. c" Laurie (A. AA. and 0.C.).. \.. ..SB 'Denotes New Zealand record. One Championship {p reecn t champion, S. Penticost iChnstehurch)- world's amateur record 4miri 15 3-sth nee, J. P.' Cenneff, America; Kew Zealand amateur record 4min 28 2-sih sec, S. W. P. Bennett, Dunedin; 1 standard, 4min B&ec>—W. F. Simpson (Can- ! terbury) 1, X Sutherland (AucklaiftJ) 2 C i iE. H&neon (Auckland) 3. These were 'the only starters., Sutherland took up the lead, followed by Simpson and Hanson. The pace was slow, the first lap being done in lmin 12 8-ffli sec. This order and pace were maintained until the hospital bend was reached in the second lap, when Simpson raced away from tlie field, and gained a lead ol about 50yds. The Canterbury crack continued at a good pace until the last lap was entered, : when he slowed down a bit, Sutherland and 1 Hanson gaining a. few yards. Simpson, however, bad the race at his mercy, and in spite of a strong effort by the two Auckland men came in the easiest of winners some 30yda

(PEJESS ASSOCIATION TEMGB* 31 '),- ATJCKLAND, December .18, The annual New Z«al«* Mhletio Championship Meeting was fl « tt ™" s afternoon in tte Domain Crickefc Ground. The weather Tas fine until three o clock, when rain came cm, and fdl ■* *"*™> making the track somewhat heavy. ne attendance -wua only moderate. Ane meet- , ing was a success as regards performances, 'several good times being recorded, tUe ' standard being .beaten in nine events, xae Championship Shield was secured by iwland wiife 854 points, Canterbury ««md iwith 36i, WelHngton third 16 points, »uneI din last 3 points. The most noteworthy performances were by G- Smith, who won the 100 yds in 10 l-sta sec, 120 yds Hurdles m 16sec, and 440 yds Hurdles in 61 l-stn sec without being pushed; by Simpson, *J»o i'romped over his fields in the Onejmtl i Three Miles,- by Web3ber, who won the 220 yds and 440 yds events in good .style, but in moderate time; by MadiU, who won the hammer and shot events with ease. In iite'Wyia Hurdles Smith evidently played with his opponents. After leading (the field for 150 yds he dropped back, ami Henderson eecured a lead of sis yards. Coming round the bend Smith, iheo put on a spurt, and overhauled his man at the last hurdle but one, and won as he liked in 61 l-stlh sec-1 X-50» sec worse than has last attempli. : Four local men started in the One MUe Walk, including tiie ex-cham-pion WUson, only one of whom, Barr Brown, was allowed to fini&b, the others beinff disqualified at different stages for lifting. The winner put uj> the creditable time of 6min 54sec. Wilson walked grandly in the three mile ©vent, drawing further and further from the field from the end of the firs* mile and a quarter. In the lOOyde event Webster, who was expected to.give Smith a great go, did not perform up to expectation, and had to be content with a moderate third. The following are the resulteiT— • 100 Yards Flat Championship (present caainpion, C. li. H. Hiorns, Canterbury; worlds amateur record, 9 4-sth sec, J. S. Owen, jun., Detroit A.C.; U.S.A., W. T. McPherson, N.S.W., J. H. Hempton, and H. B. B. J. Wefere, America; New Zealand record, 9 4-ath eeo, J. H. Hempton and \V. T. McPherson • standaid, 10 l-sih sec)— First heat: G. W. Smith tAuckland) 1,, A. O. Keating (Canterbury) 2, W. Bainbridgo (Auckland) 3. Won by a yard. Time, 10 2-sth ccc. Seoond heat: &. H. Heald (Auckland) 1, I*. B. "Webster (Wellington) 2, ii. K. 'Marriott 3. Won by half a yard in 10 2-stb. eeo. In the final KeaUng got the beat of the start, and about half way the field <was close together, Keating: about on a level with Smith. Smith then drew away. Heald paesed Keating, and Smith, ■ coming strongly in. the last twenty, yarda, won by half » yard from Heald, who' ritri veiy ewawyTime, 101-5 th eeo. Appended are the winners of this event :— r sec. 1887-8 —F. Meenan (D.A.A.o.) '. ~ .. 10i 1888-9 -T.W. Lewis (H.8.A.A.C0 .'. .. 10| 1889-80-J. H. Hempton(B.A.A.O.) ... .. tS| 1890-1 —W\ T. Macpherson (E.5.A.A.0..N.5.W,) t*S* 1891-2 —J. H. Hempton (H.U.A.A.0.).. .. J*S| 1892-3 —J. H. Hempton (\V.A.A. and CO.) .. IC* 16934 —J. H. Hempton (W.A.A. «md O.O.) .. Kg 1894-5 —A. J. Patrick (Wellinifton A.A.0.) .. 11 1895-6 —E. A. Robinson(C.A.A.C.) .. .. ICJ 1896-7—A. J. Patrick (Wellington A. A.0.) .- n> 1897-B—G. W. Bmith (A.A.A. and CO.) .. l<l 1898-9 —G. W. Smith (A.A.A. and CO.) . - X* 1899-00— Q. W. Smitu(A.A.A. andC,C) •• M 1900-I—O.L.H. Hiorns (P. A. Rand A.C. .. l'J 1901-2-O. W. Smith (A.A.A. and O.C). ■ ..Us 'Denotes New Zealand record. jTune not passed as a record owipg to a, strong wind being behind the runners. (Denotes World's record. • . Half Mile Hat Championship' (present champion, C. A. Cuff, D A.C.; world'e amateur record/lntin WiMth eec, F. J. Cross, Oxford; New Zealand anurteur record, 2min, D. Wood, C.A.AJC.; standerd, amin 2secV—E. X..Harper (Canterbury) 1, C. JD. Cowan (Auckland) 2, E. Sutherland (Aucklana) 8. Afeo started—A. 6. Henderson (Wellington), C. Cuff (Dunodm), J. MoKean (Auckland), and H. A. l>. Anderson (Audcland). Anderson led the way round the first lap, Jjloeely'followed'by Henderson, and Cuff.. This order wae maintained as the second lap w«b entered, Suthorkad and Cowan dropping Back. - Bound the back Henderson, came to "the front, and Cuff challenging him, the two raced round .the bend together. Harper, however, came to tho<firont aa the straight was entered, and finishing tftrongly, won . by, a yard or two from Cowan, who finished gamely, Sutherland being close up third. 'Xime, 2min Sseo. Appended is a tafcl* of vnnnere of this event :— mm, so, 1887-B—P. Morrison 15.0.A.A.C.) -, .. 2 ti 1888-9 —P. H. Cox (5.A.A.0.) .. .\ 2 IS 1889-90— J. P. Grierson (0 A.A.0.) .. -.2 5g 1890-1 —D. Wood (O.A.A.C) -. .. *2 0 1891-2 —J. F. Grierson (0.A.A.C.) .. .. 2 C§ 1892-3 —N. L.Gurr(W.A.A. and O.O.) ..2 4 1893-4 —W. A.Lovr(D.A.A.C) .. .. 2 Sj 1894-5— W. A.IiOW(D.A,A.C) .. ..2 2 1895-6— W. A. Low (D.A.A.0.) ■.. ..2 4 1896-7 —J. McKean (A.A.A. and 0.0.) ... 2 1$ 1897-8 —ff. O. GaMia(C.A.A.C.) .. .. 2 (3 1898-9 —O. S, St. Hill (H.8.A.A.0.) .. 2 4s 1899-00—J.1L Lynskey (P. A.B. and A.0.) .. 2 e| 1900.1—0. A. Cu!?(D.A.A.C.) .. ~ 2 o 1901-2— E.T. Harper (0.A.A.0.) .. . .. 2 2 •Denotes New Zealand record. : One Mile Walk Championship (present champion, J. C. Dickey, Auckland; world's -~ amateur record and New Zealand amateur record, 6min 27 2-stb. sec, J?. H. Creamer, AubWand; standard, 7min)—'C. J. Barr-Brown (Auckland) 1. Aleo started: D. Wilson (Auckland), J. C. Diokoy (Auckland), JS. Bell (Auckland). Wilson was leading at. the end of the first Jap, Bell having been disqualified for lifting*. At the end of "the half anile the ex-champion had dropped to second place, Dickey leading, and BaiT-Brown. close up. Wilson tteu dton.ped back to .third, but ac the last" lap was entered, ho wont to the front -witlx a spurt end looked like wiiming. He had not gone far, however, before ho was disqualified for lifting, and Ban>Brown. who wae second, was left with. Dickey a good distance a/way. BslttBrown kept the paw up, .and Dickey, being disqualified coming up the straight, he finished alone in the good .time of 6min Sisec, 6sec under £h& Standard. The following are the winner* of this event :—

ahead of Sutherland, Hanson, -eaaingAip, third. ■«ffle, 4mia 44 4-sth seo. Winners of this event are appended :— ruin. sec. JBB7-8 -J. F. Field (S.A.A.C.) „ - 5 0 ! )&? -P. EMs(U.B.A.A.Q.) - - 5 5 lgS-&0-P. Morrison (5.0.A.A.C.) -- -• * 41f *g»-l—D. Wood(C.A.A-C.) „ -.4 3l| ! Wg-f -W. J. Bark (D.A.A.C.) .. _ J. j}2| 1=92.3 —o. o. Kee* (0.A.A.0.) .. _ 4 41£ IS9M-CD.llorpeth(W.A.A.audO.O.).. 4 «■ j, I &S.&—W.F. Bennett (D.A.A.C.).. - 4. 31f J g*-7 -J. McKean (A. A. A. and 0.0.) «. 4 48 I^7-8 -S. Pentecost (0.A.A.0.) ..• . - 4 38 l Wt* ~ S - Pentecost (C A. A.C.) .. .. « »! Simpson (P.A.B. aud A.C.) ...4 SBJ 1900-1 —S. Pentecost (P.A.B. and A.C.) .. 4 43 1901-2 — W. Simpson (CA.A.o.) .. ...4 «i Putting the 161b Weight Championship {present champion, W. O. Bradley, Canterbury; world's record 48ft; lin, D. Horgan, America; New Zealand record 89ft 4in, O. MoCormack, Wellington; etandard, 38ft Cm)— W. H. Miidill (Auckland), 89ft, 1; F. M. B. Fisher (Canterbury), 3?ft Slin, S; T. B. O'Connor (Auckland), 86ft SJin, 3. Madill : a?ut the weight in fine style, boating tho standard by 18in, and going within 4in of the 2Cew Zealand record. . Winners of this competition :— ft. in. ISB9-90—R. J. Malcolm (W.A.A.C.).. .. 56 7 1890-1 —T. a. o'Couner (A.A.A. and C.C.) .. 3? 8 1891-2 -T. B. O-Connor (A.A.A. and C.(J.) .. 37 6 , 1892-3 —O. McCorinick(\V.A.A. and CO.) .. 37 7i 1893-4 -O. McCormick (W.A.A. and CO.) .. 55 7 ; 1834-5 —C. LouissoiWC.A.A.C.) .. .. 34 6i : 1895-6— W.C. Khodee (W.A.A.o.).. ' .. 35 9 ; 1836-7 —T. B. O'Connoi(A.A.A. and C.C.).. 36 3.J ; 1897-8 —H. M. Good (Wir. A.A.A.).. .. 33 3* 18S8-9-O. McCormick(l>.A.A.O.) . ..38 Oi 18;9-00-W. H. iladill(A.A.A. and 0.0.) .. 38 4 I 19 0-1 — W. O. Bradley (P.A.B. nnd A.C) .. 37 44 l!iO'.-2 — W. U.MadiU(A.A.A. and O.C. .. 33 0 220 Yards Flat Championship—L. B. Webstor (Wellington) 1, A. O. Keating (Canterbury) 2, F. K. Marriott (Auckland) 3. Also started, J. Stalker and C. Cuff (Dunedin). Webster wont otf with tho lead when the pistol cracked. At the bend ha was ohallenged by Keating, but easiiy stalled him oS and won by three yards, Marriott a couplo of yards behind. Time, 23 4-sth coo. The following are the winners ot this event: — 1887-8— A. B. Williams (0.A.A.0.) .. .. 2?" 1888-9 —11. M, lieeves (0.A.A.C.) .. ..27 1889-90— J. H. Hempton (5.A.A.0.) .. -.27* 1890-1 — W. T. Mucpherson (E.aA.A.0.,N.9.W.) *<d»R 1891-2 r-J.H.Uempton(!I,&A.A.C.).. -• W 1852 J —L. W. Harley (W.A.A. and 0.0.) -. 27 j 1893-4 —U. M. Keeves(O.A.A.O.) ... .. 2*i 1894-5-L. Broad (0.A.A.0.) %}s; 1895-6 —W. V. Kingston (D. A. A.C.) .... 2?* 1896-7—A. H. Holder (Wg. A.A.C.) .. -25 18S7-8 — A. J. Patrick (W.A.A.0.) ■ .-. •- 2"'S 1898-9 —W. V. Kingston (D.A.A.C.) .. -. i-6 1899.Q0-G. W. Smith (A.A.A. and O-β.) • • 273 ISOO-1 -O. L. a. Hiorus (P.A.B. and A.C.) . %H 1901-2 —JU. B.Webster (W.A.A.0.) .. - <3>k *Denotes New Zealand and World's record. Previous to last year the distance was 250 yds. Long Jump Championship {present ohanipion, M. Roseingrave, N.S.W.; world's mateux record, 21ft '4&in, A. C. Kraaselein. America; New Zealand amateur leoord, 31ft Bin, J. Kyan, Bawke'e Bay; standard, 20fl> Bin)—o. S. Harper (O&nterbury), l'Jft Bm, 1; C. C. Laurie (Auckland), .l&tt ■51m,-,3; G. Thompson (Auckland), 18ft 7£in, 3. Stycho.abo started. The Bmalino39 of the jumpa is mftirily •to bo ttccouuted for by the take off not being good. The following are the winners :— (t. in 1887-8 —T. D. Harman (0.A.A.0.) ..20 0 1888-9-L.A.CuS(C.A.A.C.) .. .. 19 7 1889-90— T. D. Harmon (0.A.A.0.) ..20 18S0-I—T. h\ UpaiHA.A.A. and 0.0.) ..20 9 1891-2 —T. H , . Upail (A.A.A. and O.O.) •- 20 Oi 1892-3 —K. Gore W.A.A. end CO.) -. 21 04 1895-4 —W. Mendelgon (3.0.A.A.0.) ~ 20 11 1894-5— J. L. Kyan(H.B.A.A.C.).. - 20 4 1895-6-L. A. Oufl (0.A.A.0.) .. ~.20 7* 1896-7—L. A. Cuff (A.A.A. and 0.C.) ..19 Oi 1897-8 -A. Good(W(f. A.A.C.) .. .-19 9* 1898-9-H,Browniee(D.A.A.O.) .. -. 20 U 1839.00-P. Buck (D.A.A.C.) .. •• 20 Oi 1900-1 —M M.ttoseingrave(N.B.W.A.A.A.). HO 6 1901-2-C. S. Harper .. .. 17 8 120 yds Hurdles Championship, 10 flights Sit 6in (present champion, M. Koseangravoj, N.3.W.; would'e amfttetrc record, 15 l-sth sec, A. C. Kranzolein, America, on oindere, on grass i 15 3-sth eec, G. "W. Smith, Auckland, 15 8-sth ' sec; etondord, 16 3-stii' seo)—G-. -W. Smith (Auckland) I, O. S. Hvpor (Canterbury) 2, li. T. Laurie (Auckland) 3. l-heee- vrexo the only starters. .The -thr«o getting away well together, Smith ot once shot ahead, and jump*' ing beautifully, loft iiie opponent* far behind, winning from Harper by a dozen yards in tho excellent time of 16sec. ' The winners of this event are:— 1887-B—C.B. Shaw (O.A.AC.) ..' ..18 1888-9 — H. W. Batoer (W.A.A.0.) .. .. 1/ 1889-90— H. W. Bat(jer (W.A.A.0.) .. " \H 1890-I—H.W.Batger (W.A.A.0.) .. - l&f 18&1-2— W. J.M0ir(0.A..A.0.) .. .. log 1892-3 — W.J. Moir(O.A.A.C.) .- - \lt 1893-4 —H. W. Batger (W.A.A. and 0.0.) .. 16J 1894-s—W.H.Martin (A. A. A. and 0.0.) ..- 16| 1895-6 — W. H. Martia (A.A.A. and O.C) .. log 1896-7-A. H. HolderfWg. A.A.O.i .. , ..16 1897-B—A. H. Holder (Wg. A.A.0.) .. .. 16 1898-9— G. W. Smith (A.A.A. and 0.0.) .. IJ* 1899-00— G. W. Smith (A.A.A. and O.C) .. lof 1900-1 — M. M. Koseingrare (N.S.W.A.A.A.) .. 10j 1901-2 —O. W. Smith (A.A.A. and 0.C.) .. 16 440yde- Flat Championship . (present champion, Oufi, Dunedini" world's , record, 47sec," tf "■.. --Long, America.; New Zealand amateur-.' £L) "^O3-sth eqc, W. T. McPhcreon, Webster (Wellington) 1, J. Sbolkor (Dusredin) 2, E. T. Harper (Cant^bury) 3. Alao started: A. R. D- WeJitpu and Ji. G. Thomson .(Auckland). From ft good, start. Webster and. Stalker were tho first, to chow in front, iihe latter runningjrito -the lead at theend of tho first 100 yd*. thftn dropped back, Watson closing with the leader at the bend. Wetteter came along on the inside of his field, and, passing -them in the etnught, won by five yards from Stalker, who opened out from tho field *t the entrance to the straight, and led Harper third by lour yards, lime, 52 4-sth seo. Winners of this race are as follows :— sec. 1887-8— A. B. Williams (C. A A.C.) - .. 53* 1888-9 —H. M. Reeves (C.A.A.0.) .. .. X 1889-90-H.M. Reeves (0.A.A.0.) >•_.•; ,°*| 1890-1 —W.T.Macpherson(E.S.A.A.O.,N.S.W.) *501 1881-2 —P. Wood (&.A.A.0.) --__;• •- fft 18924 ~N. L. Gurr W.A.A. nud 0,0.) .. 53| 1693-4 —W. A. Low D.A.A.0.) .. -. S2§--1894-5 —W. A. Low D.A.A.C.) .. •■- fj': 1895^,—W. A. Low D.A.A.C.) ..- .. » 1896-7*—A. 11. Holder(Wg.A.A.O.) .. » 52| 1897-8 —R. Oliphan* (A.A.A. and 0.0.) .. 531 1898-9— W. V. Kingston (D.A.A.0.) - :. 51 j 1899-00— W. Strickland (H.RA.A.O.) .. •• §*? 1900-1 — O. A. Cue (D.A.A.C) .. •- |3* 1901-2— L.B. Webafcjr (W.A.A.0.) •• ■ - •Denotes New Zealand Record. ' - Throwing the Hatmmer Championship (present ohotttpion, W. Angl«o0, Canterbury; world'e xeoord, J. 163 it 4Jin; Now Zealand record, 2flp 4Jtin, VV. 11. Madill, Auckland; etandari H. Madill, Auckland), 137 ft lin, I"!'. B. O'Connor (Auckland) 2. Miudill msde his beat throw first, each ot the two succeeding - being o>. little worse. He attempted to beat ih& standard, bat failed. 7b« following are the winners of this event:— ' ft. in. 1892-3— O. McCormick'W.A.A. and O.O.) '.. 88 7 1893-4—o. ilcUormick(W.A.A, and C.C.) ..100 5 1894-5-0. Louisaon(O.A.A.o.) .. .. 75 5 IBSS-6—P. J. Brown (C.A.A.G.) .. .- 89 6 16&6-7— J. A. Kftllonder(A.A.A. and 0.C.) ~ 93 7 1897-B— J. W. Skinner (A. A. A. and O.O) .. 105 104 1888-9— VT. H. Madill (A.A.A. and C.C.) ..121 3 1899-00— W. H.JIadiIKA.A.A. and CO.) *136 44 19001 —W. Anpland (P.A.B. and A.0.) .. 110 Uft 1901-2 —W. H. MndiU (A.A.A. ando.o.) ~. 127 0 ♦Denotes New Zealand record. Three Miles Walk Championship (present champion l>. A. G-. Bich, Canterbury; world's amateur record, 21min 8 l-sth see, F. P. Murray, New York; JNow Zealand amateur record 21min 87seo, D. Wfleon, Auckland; Btamdard, a3min 20aee)—D. Wilson (Aucidand) 1 C. 3. Sarr-Brown (Auckland) 2, S. ,C. Dickey (Aucklend) Thie event* proved a "walk over" for "WiLedn, the ex-ohamrpionl E. Bell (Auckland) waa tne onlj other eteiter, and he disqualified' coon ;after the etart. t field kept together -for a mile aad c. quarter, when Wilson drew away, and, continuing to keep up «• hot pace, coon had a -nibetantial load. The ex-champion continued to increase his lead until tihe finieh, winning by 200 yds, from Barr-Brown. with Dickey aome 15yda away third. Time, 22min 46eec; an excellent performance, well inside of tho standard. The tollowln? are the win ers of this event :— v mm. seo. 1889-90— E. J. McKelvey(D.A.A.C.) .. 24 18| 18S0-1 —A. F. Burton (A.A.A. and C.C) .. 23 3?| IKl^2-H. S. Cocks, (0.A.A.0.) ~ .. 23 lt{ 1892-3 —O- Galloway (0.A.A.0.) .- .. 24 5b 18934 —F.H. Oreamer A.A.A. andO.C.).. 23 34$ 1894-5 ~F. H. Oreamer A.A.A. and C.C.),. 23 43 1895-6 —F. H. Creamer A.A.A. and C 0.).. 23 59§ 1896-7 —P. H. Creamer A.A.A. and C 0.).. 23 1 1897 .8—D. WiUon<A.A-A.andCC) :„ 23 4J 18S8-9 — D. Wilson (A.A.A. and C.C) .. 25 7 1899-00— H. Goodwin (W.A.A-and CO.) .- 23 174 -G. A. L. Eich (P.A.B. and A.0.) .. 23 1901-2—l>. Wilson (A.A.A. and 0.C.) ..22 46 Pole Jump Championship (presoat chamtjion H. A. Prebbio, Canterbury; world's amateur lecord, lilt lOJin, B. C. Cliff, America; New Zealand amateur record lift Oiin, Hori Eruera, Auckland; etandard, 10ft) _C. C. Ijaurie was the .competitor in this event. He jumped, up to 10ft (the standard) and tien stopped. The winners of the event are as follows:— ft. in. 18S9-90—D. JL Robinson (0.A.A.0.) _ 9 54 —T. F. UpttU(A.A.A.andO.C) - 9 10 1891-2—W.M, West (C.A. A.C.) „ ..10 0 1892-3—W.'M-'Weet(O.A.A.O,) .. .. 10 O^ 18934 —H. L. Kinsley (Wg A.A. and CO.) 9 9 1634-5 —H. U Ktngsley(W(j. A.A. and C.C.) 10 5 ,-Q-ji JU. L. Kingsley (Wg. A.A. & O.O.) ) 1Q 5 Hunter (N.A.A.C.) .. f lu . ° ,„,.■ J J. Tβ Poa (A.A.A. and C.C.) \ in ~ 18S6-7-{ H . Eruera(A.A.A.andC.C.) / 10 6 * _H. Eruera (A.A.A. and C.C.) ..10 6j 1858-9 — J. Tefaa(A.A.A. and C.C.) ..10 0 1099-CO-C, Laurie (A.A.A. and C.C) .. 10 Oi —H. A. Prebble (P.A.B. and A.C) .. 9 10j| 1901-2 —C Laurie (A.A.A. and C.C,) .. 10 0 Three MJiea Flab Champjonship (present champion, S. Peatecost, Canterbury; world'a amateur record, 14min 253 ec, Thomas, England; Now ZeaJand amateur record asmiu STlsec W. J. Burk, Dunedin; standard, lomin 80sec>—«W. F. Simpson (Canterbury) 1, B. Sutherland (Auckland) 2, J. Jtl. Kelly (Auckland) 3. Sutherland led tho firet round, the CTthera on his heele. Kelly made the pace through the aecond lap, whoa Simpson, finding the gait too alow, went away from tho others. Shaw pursued him, and the pair soou opened a gap of about 30yds. Shaw had no .condition,

however, awl had to giyj& it host at the end of a mile ttml a quarter, when; Simp&on apurted, opening out a gap of about « hundred Ho ran apparently without euu n and draw further and further -away from li» e followers, ' who tailed away hopelessly in the roar. Along the straigthi to the finishing p«rt Knjpson spurted grandly, brooking the worsted ilOOyds in front of who. beat Kelly bj twenty yards. Time, ICmin lOsoc Following are the winners of this event :— mm. see. 1889-90—P. Morrison (3.0.A.A.0.) - - 16 3$ 1890-1 —D. Woc«[(C.A.A.C.) .- - 15 40j 1891-2—D. Wood (C.A.A.C.) ~ .. 15 43 1892-3 —W.J. Burk(D.A.A.C) .. ~ 16 15J 18934 —O. D. Morjielh (W.A.A.C.) - 15 37* 1894-5—A. \V, Hell (M.mwatu A.A.0.) .- 16 4| 1895,6 —W. IV Bennett (U.A.A.C.).. -. 15 30f 1896-7 —K.-Kewo!t!sCA.A.A. & O.O.) ~ 17 10 1857-B—S. (0.A.A.C.) .. ..16 53 189S-9 —V. ■Mallluis(S.C.A.A.C.) .. ..15 46J--1899-00—\V. Simpson (P.A.B. sU\dA .0.) .. 16 6J 1900.1 —S. Penlecost (1.A.1). *nd A.C.) .. 16 28t 1301-2 —\V. Suups.)n(!'.A. uikULA.) .. 16 10 4iO Yaxdd Etird'us Championship (present champiou, K. T ii'.-.rj>cr, Canterbury; world's amateur 'record end K'ew Zealand amatour record. 58 4-s:h sco, A.. H. Holder, \Yanganui; stimdiird, 3-sth sec)— O. W. Smith lAiieklund) 1, A. S. Hwidorsou (\Vellington) 2, K. T. Harper (Canterbury , ; 3. Also started, C S. Harper (Canterbury). Smith shot oui at the cruck o( the pistol and traa the firat to) riso over the first three hurdles,,, H> 1H bjj about three yards when Ik* eased "ay u-n f.h« field cJoaed with him. Henderson showe he way over the next stick, Smith dropping behind Hnrper. At the bend Smith was about five yurda behind Henderson, and ho them spurted. Hβ drew level ttt the last liurdla but ono, and, rising at tho last a yard before Henderson, he camo on and won without esartion by five yards; Harper 6yds aw&y third. Time, 61 1-olb aec The\vinners of this race arc:— tec. 1890-I—H. W. Batger (Wellmcton A.A.0.) — 6lf 1891-2— H. VV. Bulger (W.A.A.0.) ~ ». ol* 1892-3—D.ilnWoutC.A.A.C.) .; .. .- 6U 1893-4— H. W. Uat jru r ( \V. AA. and O.O.) ~ 65J 1854.5— V. H. Marley (Wellioston A.A.0.) ~ t 1595-6— T. Holu>vta(V..A.A. audO.O. .. .« 61 1896-7—A. 11. >lfl;.'f (Wjr A.A.0.) .. *58| 1897-3— G. W.S...i!h(A.A.A. andO.C.) .. 62 1898-9— R. \V. H;.i ; rr. (A.A.A. and O.O.) .. 65 1899-CO--O W. Si!viK(A.A.A.endC.a) .. 63* 1900-1 ~E 1. H?'A.B. and A.U.) ~ 621 1601-2 -O W >-~,;t v , fA.A.A. and O.O.) ». 61fc ■'•'World , *, nm-t'i'iiv regard. < Kh-Kt and sti'onii im.-n past the posb dinjuallfledt and the rucf awßKlwl 'o Uarluy. . Th<; following have been chosen, to xeprea sent New Zpaiwd i , " tho Australasian chan*«' piotishipß »o.sorrow (Thursday) and Satur» day: —- lOO.vde—G W. Smith. S. Heald, I*. B. Web--8 saoyde—L. B. Wpbster. O. W. Smith, A- O. Koating. ■itOydar—L. P. W»bstor, J. Stalker. Haif-railo—EX 'X. Harper, O. C. Cowan. , One Milo—W. P. Simpson,■ B. Sutherland. ! Three Miles—W. i l , Sinipsor. ]4 Suthorj "one Mile Walk—O. J. Barr-Browa. J>. Wil« son. . _ Threo Mile Walk— J}. Wilson, CJ. BanBrown. 120 yds Hurdlee—(>. W. Smith, C a Harpor, 410 yds Hurdlea-rO. W. Smiih, A. &. Header* ton. ■ lClb Shot— W. H. Mftdill. IGlb Hnrampr—"«■. H-. JiadilL ]?ole Jumrt—C. (;.. Lnurie. Broao. Jiruii— C- $. llfcrpur. High Jump- -C C". Laurie and C. S. Harpefc

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11152, 19 December 1901, Page 5

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NEW ZEALAND ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11152, 19 December 1901, Page 5

NEW ZEALAND ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11152, 19 December 1901, Page 5