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BOARD AND RESIDENCE. I BOAKD AND BSSXBSNOB. TTiUItNiaHJjIP JLPABTMENTft f« I«d«* > J?: and Qeotlemen, J I£BS JAMESON, MSI Alweda Hoaee, S5 O»shel street B. OLOUOESTS& HOUSE, I 356 OLOUCESI-KB yTiiEi.l~ WEST. FH»ST-Ci4,SS BO4UD ANB EBSJDENOiJ, Hot, Cold, and Shower Bathm ' {-""Central" Telephone 083. I£RS SXcNIE. BOAKD KESIDENCB ior Ladi>»t Qi»ntieqten> MBS JBARFORD, AB£BI)AB£' HOUSE, 839 Gloucoater street West - tqoabd' 4nTp bk^idencbV m,bs ikying, the, uimbs, tiotojeo4 sqtjabk iioi BOA3RD AND RJBSIDENCB. HANDSOSLBJLY FURNISHED APABT. Sherwood, 78 Cartel 4»<rt B. Telephone *J*. ' . ItAX MABiJI HQUm 31 ipamhridge terjraoe West BOAllpand, I X. Hot, Cold Jbud Shower Baths. Biano. ' ' COBiNTiUL POSITION. ; -_j mas cowpaaa. BUMN&B. . "fTSB TAfI.TJJSfA" (oppoaite the -«mw»j X Bridge.), FTJ . HHED APABTMTRNTB, hot, oold, «od •bower bftih*. gjas MBS H. J. Y. KOQEBS. ' IMPEBUIi HOTEL, PBINCES STBEET, <>TJNEDPT. Ci EOBGE haa p.laas«uce jpR %a< . U? nounowg to his kiend.s. sffld P«tn>na ik>i he has taken the above oonwaQdwua and w> to-date Hotel, which he has I - thoipughls lenovated &»d atocJtee wife Shfi best 94« will pleaded to cater for the public m his usual weu-knowa atjle. Veowioiee, for % few pero»vaaai hoarders, sCarif£ rea««ftble. aiTg gEQBGE Prpprirtw. j HIGH STBBSET> JOSJS NSOLLb Proprietos. Sample Booms. Telpp>o»* if. Night Porte*. COFFEE PALACE AND Colomljo ftinceet,, "Victoria square, Chrietchtucb Three Minuiea' Walk rrom Anicultural and Industrial Asaooiation Mall, Choral Hall, Theatre Royal, Cathedral square, ««d Poet Offioeu Txaut «ld Braga paaa every Few Minutes. Opposite Supreme Court, Magistrate's Court, «na Gcryefltnaaeni BuildingeBand Rotyada, in o{ Building. The is of three «tor«?s, built of brick, &n,d contains 60 rooms,' has a splendid outlook oil to' the J river aad Yictbria equare. which is plaated with shrubs and ornamental trees, andi provided} with seats. Private Sitting Boom. " aep*r&te. Dining Boom for Families and Public Dining Boom. Food of . the Beat Quality sesved w|tb, punctuality and cirility. There axe Bathrooms with hot ana cold water; on Qvh landing. P«*Vol*se Aocommodatzon is offered to Tourists, Traveller* * ndVWt *' r TBBMS MODEBATB. Permanent Bo«rd|«re as per Arrangement «nid Promnttg Beplied 40. Proprietress. T«>uhqn«. yg. ;0«. 7083 . o» •BgrClawi of 9iowi<y» ' Interest faom 4i PBS '. ■I. J. DOUQAXiL. . , / SolioitoT, 6 OathadwJ WW. C«wrt Port Ofaasj, "ETpNiaX ta tiEND, ou Lwd ox P«aoatf *■* at lionr Bat« o< Interest CrBOBGE SWANN, Solicitor, 169 184 Woatoastor Ohri«tohu?oK. g ,'IA/Jli h»T« Tiwjpi!* «»»• fc* iTT, Xmreftoent on goo 4 T»wn or Conatqf Freolwlds, 0 Lowest B*Ue of Interest.. Pgfl ©arable fcca* for repayment. JOHNStp&R koA S|ls" Hemfqgn otraet, ' And ttt* Rfcngiora and Lytteltmu "", ""'. ' v ' it M y< T VAEJOTJ9 SUMS OF 1 SO LEND, AX liOWESX BATES OF INTKBEST. .Boxxowata oaa errang* to pax efli "bjj in* Cktiia« «f « eSurt aptios, ,W, & D. BISHOP, . Saliotter. , Hereford »tr»t Chambers. <6H _ J jfOTICJS. "! ' d&JUbO l '' INYBSTMENT. Serial othet SUMS «A I<ow Bates. Reasonable Term*. '. - • , Q. W. a SMITHSON, " . " Solicitor, 20g Hereford street. . - MONEY TO I&HD. S\X PIBST KOBTGAGES OF FJ&SEHOLD V 7 SKOXTBITIES, from «J| per oeafc, aoocwdit>g to •eourity and. axnottbt. Also, on approved Second Mortgages. IZABD and LOUGHNAN, 8olioitor«, # Hereford street, Chri*toharo£L : Leseton and Soathbndg*; HyrONEY PBOMPTLY ADVANOBO, xa JIL BJJU3 of £6 and UPWABDS. - XO ANY PEBSON UPON ANY SBODBITTC. Aleo upon ldf« Policiw, Sh«res, Deeds, Lease* and Bills of Sale over Hou»» * hold Furniture, Idira and Dead Stock. All Bnsiaes* Strictly OsandeottaL " Posisi Address. Box If. Telephone No. 1S& 3?. 0. RA p H*Kyb. Financial and Commission Anal 100 Ouhel skooi, ChMtohureL > MONET. LOAN AND DISCOUNT 00/B OFFICEfI, 1» £dohfleld street, Box 84, P.O. Telephoa* 034. rpHE above OOMPANY have MONEY TO JL LEND on foUewinc ia Bs&w of i3Q and upwstrue:-r» Freehold Property, Ltaeaaold Propcriav . Sfaena ol any descanptios, BiUe oiSali o?*r Farm Stock, Bills oi' Sale evea Fernitaw ana Household Proparfr, e> on Personal Seoaxi^sr. We Diaoount ■ Genuine Trade BiUs/ at a vary oheap rate; weakly <k payments oan be arranged to any amount. Wβ Lend Money on Barenuonary Interests ozmsc wills, or will purohase same. Having beau in business eutoe 1864 v a sufficient cuaxaatee that our business is carried on witk tike utmost seoracy. Comptoe otu pxkne ebtoming aaoney ehuwbexe. VZCTOB HABBIB, _ „ „ iMan*e« of Directors. Wβ Here ao Board, therefore you* VueuunM is don* direct with the Manager. 4321 COKVEYANCES. TEDDINGXeK—LYTTELTON BOYAI* MATT, gOACH SEBVICB. ON and after OCTOBER let, the COAC3 will (weather petmittinfij leave Dafly— TEDDINGTON--7.15Xm. TEDDINGTON—3.IS p.m. GOVERNOR'S BAY-S.lO a,m. GOVEBNOB'S BAY-e.15 p.mBAXLWAY STATION—9.3O p.m. KAILWAY STATION—4.3O pan. On STJNDAI'S the Coach meets the Launch at Governor's Bay to take passengers for TED. DINGTON, returning in time to catch the Launch in the evening. PIMM and DTJBEY, _ Proprietor. METHYHN AND ASHBUBTON COACH. AOOA.GH RUNS between METHYEN and - AuiiBTTkTON oa TUESDAYS and SATUKi>AY3. Leaves Hethven 8 s_m., arrives Ashburton 10.45 a-m. Leaves AshburWt 4.0 pes., arriros Meihven 6L45 p.m. Paroftls a&d Orders left at Somerset Stable*. 4aboerton, «ad Methven Livery Stables, NEELL DUFF, #> Piopiietor. CANTEEBUBY EMPLOYEBS , ASSOCIATION. Offioef 190 Cashel street. Telephone 1083. THE OFFICE of this Association is now OPEN DAILY from 9.30 aj&. to 5 pja, esoept fiatardays, when it ia open from a •jaw to 1 pjn. ' ~ EmptoyisTi invited to Communicate &»aii*ra of Social lutereftt to WboiesMe or Busiaessea. 1 HBftBY BBOADHEAD, Scmte^.

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11108, 29 October 1901, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11108, 29 October 1901, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11108, 29 October 1901, Page 7