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. PROPERTIES FOR SALE* LAKE AND EVANS. QUBURBAN PROPERTIES FOR *■-" ' SALE. RICCARTON. | 11 ACRES, with six-roomed house, stables, etc.. or separately 9 ACRES, with improvements, and 2 ACRES, good corner section, now in grass FENDALTON. 12 ACRES good land in one block, very suitable for subdivision % 5J ACRES. Deans's Estate, with frontage on stream 7 ACRES in a block, and Sundry smaller Sections, with and without river frontage _ _ j £T. ALBANS. | 51 ACRES good land, with new House cf | 6 rooms and ' modern conveniences, stsbles, etc. 3| ACRES good lard j Ik ACRE, good Building Site HAWKESBURY ESTATE (new Subdi- | vision), , Adjoining the' Hon. J. T. Peacock's Residence. I A laTge selection of really first-class Sec- | tions of i-acre anu upwards. LEINSTER ROAD, 3. ACRES, in one block or in .-acres WOOLSTON. | 6i ACRES, splendid land, well fenced and planted with ornamental trees 2-ACRE,'(.about), with 6-roomed Cottage, stables, etc.; 3 frontages, high, and near | tram J-ACRE, high and near tram SUMNER. Sections (with and without Houses), facing the beach, Nayland street (Tram Line), and other streets. LAKE AND EVANS, Agents, Land and Estate Agent*, etc. (New Offices) Cashel street Chambers. T|»OR IMMEDIATE SALE. ADDINGTON—Good position, Cottage of 4 rooms and scullery, splendid section 96 feet frontage x 3J chains deep, large number of profitable fruit trees; price £23.5, worth enquiry. PAPANUI ROAD (off)— Superior House of 4 rooniß, plastered, hall with arch, 4 fire-places, 2 bay windows, and portico, Venetian blinds, outshed matchlined, 32 perches of land, in choice garden and fruit trees; £350. ROLLESTON STREET, Linwood—House 6 rooms, room for -bath, pantry and washhouse, j-acre section; £600. P THOMPSON AND HILLARY, 10&, Manchester street. RLIGHTBODY AN D CO. • 115 Colombo street, next City Buffet ADDINGTON, close to Workshops and Tram—New House of 5 rooms and bath, scullery, nigh and dry; price £375, a genuine bargain. HOUSE of 5 rooms and vcullery, washhouse, asphalt paths, well fenced. Bvtua„ Sydenham, close to Tram. SYDENHAM—House 4 rooms, scullery, gas laid on, asphalt paths-, corner section; price low. ' NOR-H UNWOOD—I4 J-acre sections, from £65 each, splendid building sites, high and dry 3 QUARTER-ACRE SECTIONS, PapanuiSplendid building sites. MORTGAGES arranged on any of the above Properties, or other Freehold Securities up to £5000 pODFREY AND TAYLER (Late C. Palairet), LICENSE-- LAND BROKERS, ACCOUNTANTS. ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. L_ad brought under L.T. Act. Transfers, Mortgages, Leases, etc., Prepared. Money to Lend on Freehold Security. for saleTwo Houses, each 5 rooms, Hereford stieet East. Also, Building Sections in Town and.Suburbs. TO LET— House of 10 rooms, with modern conveniences, 5 minutes' walk, from Cathedral square. Offices, Worcester street, next A.M.P. Buildings, containing two large rooms arid strongroom, on ground floor.

J. T. BELL, CATHEDRAL SQUARE. "PROPERTIES FOR SALE. OPAWA—A few magnificent Building Sites, beautifully situated, overlooking the Heathcote river,-and very convenient to the Opawa Station; easy terms of payment. LINWOOD, facing tram line and cloee to belt—Half an acre of splendid land, nicely laid out, and fully stocked ydlh fruit trees of all kinds, house of ,4 rooms, washhouse and copper, workshop, and fowlhouse. " The property is in first-clasß order, and is a most complete home. BAi'H STREET, very convenient to centre —Well-built house of 5 rooms, pantry, washhouse and copper, good section, well fenced; cheap. AVONSIDE—House of 8 rooms and every convenience, three and a half acres of firstclass land, stabling. SELVv _N STREET, Spreydon—Two Acres of first-class land; cheap. .-, . • ANDREW STREET. Sydenham—Well-built House of 6 Tooms, scullery, washhouse and copper, quarter-acre, planted with fruit trees. LINWOOD. very handy to tram—Six Acres of first-class land,' with house 7 rooms and scullery, large stable and. shed,-fowlhouse and pigstye. A large part of the money may remain on mortgage. CHAPPEL STREET, St. Albans-r-House of 8 rooms, bathroom, hot and cold, wide hall, verandah, watmhouse, fitted with copper and tubs, three-quarters of an acre in garden and orchard, large greenhouse. LAND DEPARTMENT. CHAS. -HILL. ADDINGTON. A HOUSE of 7 rooms, washhouse, copper, workshop, shed, i-acre, corner section, truit trees. This property is close to Government Workshops and can be bought for £375. CITY, SPECIAL. A House of four rooms, scullery, washhouse, copper, and bath. Venetian blinds, everything in good order. This property is very central, and can be bought on very easy terms, £330. ST. ALBANS. Edgeware road—A tip-top Building Site very high section, containing 1 acre, wcil planted with various fruit trees, all in profitable condition, artesian well with a capital flow ol" -water- £190. CHRISTCHURCH. An up-to-date New House of six rooms, hot and cold water service, bathroom, shower, pantry. Venetian blinds, gas, tiled grates, centre flowers, washhouse, copper, tubs, tank, good high section, nicely laid out, shrubs, lawn, etc. Price £675. SYDENHAM. Nearly New House of four good rooms, with scullery, washhouse. and copper, two bay windows, J-acre section with paling fence, only a few,'seconds' walk from tram. £350. ST. ALBANS. A substantially-built House of six rooms, two bay windows, bathroom, scullery. ga3, Venetian blinds washhouse, stable, and trapshed, fowl run, asphalt paths, back and front, everything in capital OTder. My instructions are to realise at once. Trice £540. SPREYDON. Farm of about 60 acres of superior land, with a well-built new house of six rooms, windmill, and outbuildings,- all in good order. ST. ALBANS. 5 Acres of capital Land, well fenced and divided into two paddocks. RICHMOND. SPECIAL—A Modern House of six rooms, •with pantry, scullery, -bathroom, washhouse, large shed, developing room, summer 'house, deep well, sewer connection, nearly J-acre section, just off the North belt, convenient to coach and tram. This property must be sold at once. • My instructions are to accept any reasonable offer. LINWOOD. HEREFORD STREET—J-acre, grand building site, northern aspect, bargain. £75. MILE ROAD—IJ acre corner section, small deposit. £420. ST. ALBANS. Just over tho North belt, a modern and wellbuilt house of six large rooms, with bathroom, scnllervi pantry, bot and cold water service, washhouse, tubs, gas, asphalt paths, ever J-acre section, artistically laid out. A really nic 3 residence. £7*o. IMPORTANT NOTICE. I have HOUSES of FOUR and FIVE ROOMS and UPWARDS FOR SALE, close to city, which can be bought on exceptionally easy terms. Also. Several CHEAP BUILDING SECTIONS. Money advanced for building purposes. CHAS. HILL, Solicitor. - 191 HEREFORD STREET.

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11006, 2 July 1901, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11006, 2 July 1901, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11006, 2 July 1901, Page 8