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— o , The Public Trustee has elected to administer the estate of the lato Mr J. Lace, sawmiller, of Fernside. The Sydenham Borough Council last night voted an honorarium of £50 to the Mayor, as provided for "by the estimates. Last Saturday three coaches brought about thirty of the Hanmer Springs visitors to Culverden, returning to town after the holidays. A reserve of 47 acres has been permanently made in the Rangitata district for stock travelling, and two reserves of 3| acres and 5 acres, in Halswell district, for gravel pits. Cr. Appleby last night directed the Works Committee's attention to the fact that weeds on the footpaths are again becoming a nuisance in the city. The statutory meeting of the Waimakariri Harbour Board, to "have been held at noon on Monday, was adjourned, the balance _ieet not having come back from the Audit Office. At a meeting held in the Kaiapoi Council Chamber last evening, the Mayor (Mr Feldwickl in the chair, it was resolved that the half-holiday under the Shop Assistants Act be on Thursday afternoon, as hitherto. Deputy Registrars of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, have been appointed. Mr A. S. Pirani. at Wainui: -ar A. T. Kirtcn, Pleasant Point; and Mr J. H. Porter, at Malve:n. Mr Justice 1-ldwards has granted a rule nisi for the is-sue of a writ of habeas corpus in the Lilly-white case, tbe rule to be returnable at tbe first sitting in banco after the long vacation, which tern-nates on the 31»t

Fourteen persons received letters of naturalisation in the colony last week, one of whom was.a female attending to domesti«? duties in Pas-adise, also Mr R. Anderson, at Idtojton's Bay. * the motion of Cr. Clarke, the City Council has unanimously resolved to thank —.1 tho local bodies contributing towards tho Jubilee Decorations Fund. A r.solution thanking private contributors was also JpF 1 - % |rJn granting some old age pensions renewals, at Kaiapoi, the Stipendiary Magistrate made some strong comments on one or two reported to have been seen drunk, the police have been requested to observe and renort in such cases. the motion of Cr. Samuels, it has"* baen decided to draw the Health Officer's attention to th-e fact that the City Council think the hous_ in Peterborough street, where tha lupus case was so long under toajp.t—.ent, ought to be destroyed. 4t The resignation of Mr A. Chalmers as a Justice of tho Peace for Lyttelton has been accepted, and will be received with regret by the resident- of Port. Mr P. Georgcson, Canlpbelltown, has also resigned from the Commission of the Peace for the colony. The ordinary meeting of the Ashburton Borough Council was allowed to lapse last evening owing to tho absence of tho Mayor and the inability of several Councillors" to attend. It will "be held this evening. Mr Peter Williams, who is now filling an appointment in the engineer's office of the Railway Department, Dunedin, has baen on a visit to friends in Ashburton, and took* his old place in St. Stephen's Church choir on Sunday evening. An Auckland press telegram states that anv-ng=m-ents are well in progress for the transferring of prisoners to the Waiotapu Valley to make a start at planting trees. At a meeting of Auckland Builders and Contractor.;' Union of Employers held yesterday, it was resolved to sand the president,' Mr J. J. Holland, to represent them at a meeting of the Builders' Unions in Christchurch at the end of the month. Mr Holland le-aves Auckland on Thursday. "Have you made any money this year?" "No." "Have you any in the bank?" "No." "Have you any in any stocking?" _ "No." "Have j-ou any property?" "Yes." The Court —"'You have not- put it down, what is it?" "A tent, sir, that's all.'" Pension Jn^ffi 1 : -^ the motion of Cr. Sorensen, the City Council has resolved, with regard to the Lincoln road drain, that the Drainage Board be requested to review the decision, in view of tha fact that the City Council in contributing £200 did so, believing the work would cost £1000, and thut the whole of -the drain (including the portion now -open) would be covered in. A m During his speech at the laying of the rc-undation ston- of —te> new post office at Ashburton yesterday, the PostmasterGeneral referred in complimentary terms to tho long service of Mr R. Lechner, who has been stationed at Ashburton over twentyyears, and who is now filling the position of Acting-Postmaster during Sir Renner's abseafcfr on his annual holiday. I jrA special meeting of the Christchurch" City Council was held last evening. Present—"His Worship the Mayor (Mr W. R*ecs) and Crs. Samuels, Clarke, Loughnan, Cooper, Wood. Green, Morris, Sorensen, Prudhoe, Smith and Appleby. Apologies for absence were received from Crs. Gray and Andrews. A large quantity of business, dealt with under separate headings elsefc v r here, was transacted. •fThe Hon. Mr Ward, speaking at AshBurton yesterday, said we had in this colony a good newspaper press, but it ought to b. run at a lesser cost than at present. He hoped to effect reforms in this direction in 'order to giVs -newspaper proprietors facilities for distributing news to the general interest of the public -it a lesser cost than at present. That colonial life dues not always consist of rapid changes is proved by the experience of a North Canterbury settler, with whom one married couple remained in his service sixteen years, and another couple thirteen years. One man at day work kept on twenty-seven years, another twenty-four years. A shepherd attended to his duties for thirty-three- years, and another as boy ar.d man'tliirty years. Others of his handhave recc-.'ds of seven years and upwards. It is reported in an old parable, that certain guests invited to a wedding made various excuses for non-attendance, but none of them had the plea which was put up for a pensioner, who did not appear jit Kaiapoi to renew his application. It was that hs had gone to have his photograph hik'-n with the Old Canterbury settlers. Sufficient, evidence was forthcoming to enable his getting his pension, and it is believed thc shadow-catchsr took his likeness as well. A very old man and -his wife appeared as witacssss at the .S.M. Court yesterday morning and the efforts to get some tangible information out of them proved highly en-t-'tainir-'* to outsiders. The old man got himself and nil concerned into a. dense fog as to whether he was to receive £10, or half a pig, while the old lady was blandly innocent of nearly everything asked her. After a change of venue had been granted in a civil case yesterday morning, the defendant's solicitor, who made the application, suggested that as ifc hod been granted tho plaintiff would drop the case. "Drop the case?" ejaculated the solicitor for the other side, "No fear; if I have to do the work for nothing she shall not drop the case." The members of the bar present seemed much impressed at the thought of their brother working for nothing. At th-e meeting of ihe Sydenham Borough Council last liiwht a requisition was received from Mr S. Lawrence and others asking the Cm-flail to establish a public morgue in" tha Borough. Cr. Sim considered that the City morgue would be sufficient. The requisition w_.s Tefernsd to the Sanitary Committee to consider and report. Afc the iSyd-.nb.*—i Borough Council's meeting last night the Mayor in referring to the th. recent lupus case in Christchurch, stated tha.fc the Hospital was supported for the benefit of ths sick of the surrounding districts, including lupus cases, delirium tremens, or anything else. On Thursday bust, his Worship .stated, two cases of delirium tremens hadjieirn sent to the Hospital for treatment. . Br A sharp discussion took place at the Sydenham Borough Council meeting last night, as to the present system by which the City Council alone took all ths auctioneers' license fees, in spite of the fact that the majority of the auctioneers were kept ,-ioin.g by tlie suburban population. One councillor stigmatised the action of the City Council in the matter as " sheer robbery," and his opinion was apparently yrhar—l by the other comiciilois present. The .Mayor of Syd-enham last night stated, with reference to the recent meeting oi delegates to consider the half holiday question, that in ths public print it migiit seem us if Sydenham liad acted discourteously in not sanding delegates. He thought vcas voicing th— opinion of the Council when he stared that it was out of no disrespect to the City Council that their delegates were not present. The Syd.nh„m Council had endeavoured in the past to try and geit the Act altered, but they Lad had nobody to back the—. up. They did not object to" the day; if they did ibsy would have sent delegates. The Sydenliam school boys' camp broke up yesterday, and Messrs Baldwin and Smaii brought their charge from Lytteltonby the 3.15 p.m. train. Mr Lane, secretary to tire Board of Education, paid ths camp a visit on Saturday, and spent a couple of nights there very pleasantly. Mr Weston, the Chairman of the Board, had intended to visit the boys, but was unavoidably prevented. Mr*G. H. Moore; of Glenmark, who is staying at, Governor's Bay, was so pleased with what he heard of the good behaviour of the boys that he sent a cheque for £5 towards the expenses. Each boy, it may be recorded, receives a knife, purchased from the donation. On Sunday, at ths church sen-ice, a collection was made for Hairick's Home, and realised thirty shillings. Tlie boys are all well, and declare- that they have had a "real good tuns." In addition to thanking Messrs Baldwin and Small, they wish to record their gralitiK— tv Messrs Agar and Thomas for the us. of the steam launch Canterbury and to Mr Captain Brown for gifts of fish on three occasions.

At the K._apoi Old Age Pensions Cohm - : yesterday, Mr Wardfell, S.M., grantedlfi_. five pensions, forty-nine in full, one _n „; ? ' £12, ono £9, one £7, and one £6. j'j The retail butchers of Wellington hr,- ._ £' vaneed tho price of meat by c_o half-r ~ &* per lb. As there was an' advat. . - nwnths ago, meat is now a penny dear_ .! k_ Welhngton than it was a year ago. *a»f' J. L. Scott, of the firm of Scott _ Tna I engineers, has been nominated for ,_« .."' iV leaner in the Council for tho south s.,A* «" ward, caused by the- death of tha „..„_* " f" £ Sandstein. ' " Mr _• r_ast wrr-ek there were seven hankiw _* & in the colony—a bookseller and a rntirv!! -' keeper at Auckland, a refr„hffifnt-_™„ *', peeper, Wellington, a sheep fanner at R_, "-' Tdeburn, a hairdresser at Alexandra &j_s and a builder at Orepuki. " ' ' - _ M , r A - Miehie, manager in Dunedin of rt, *' pßank of New Zealand, contemplate rank . - a trip to the Old Country, telegraphs "t "' Dunedin correspondent. "During hi. _t fr sence Mr C. F. Thomas. mana<*Er of tL ■* Bank in Melbourne, will act at = Di:i_ev'i_* Mr Thomas has already arrived in __ik<j,;_ ; At a meeting of the Wellington **_;'.„ ' for tlie Prevention oi Cru-tv to \v.-ja_*" -i it was decided that subscription r opened at Wanganui, Pal nu-rston _ on f . and in Hawke's Bay, in order to widen"__ A scope of tho iSociety'.s spliece of action v, " aa to include the ditto**.- snenrioned. ' . Eight men of the Wiuou. Coatinwn* «.' Amuri Mounted Rifles fired early 0 u sAtu'r \ day last under Servant-Major ■ O-lciiau* * for marl-men's bad*—. The fo-lowi_> ~ four qualified for Tie badge :-_Q„g« • '"- Muster-Serge:_t Ke-lvs 48, Corporal Sieivart I" 46, Trooper Bunup 42, Trooper He.ii 4_ ': Sixt.een men of the Culverden Confine.-- dii '' their volle.y firing tbe same day, *vW<__ -1 12. " n * , At the yacht races to-day at VT(.I lington the Rainbow and" the Wai' tangi Trill agwn try con_-ion». ' Sonio alterations have b?..n audc, in the Wi-tangi _ gear, which, j. ju jj_-_. 1 cipated. Will put her on better terms with - the Auckland crack. i A mail named Hector McCattghan. an old [ resident of -Abbotsfoid. attempted to cum mit suicide ye—ei-day afternoon, says a Dune" ' din press telegram. His wife mis«d _u_ . and on -wirthing found him suspended from - a rafter in a byre. .She got assistance,- W d '? the body w-is, cut down, Tl_ man was _. -' sensible, and remained in the same _toi;_ j}* .■ day. His condition is still precarious, tt A meeting was held at Mr Mann's tobacconist, shop at -ydenh—ai last night to _r. I range a concert for the benefit of the wjsW ? and ten children of the late Mr Freder.. '" [ Mantell. Mr J. Hadfield presided, as, _{, * IP. 'H. tStrahan was appointe- secßfciiv. & jlt was 'decided to hold v. Scc-U.-h coocer.' i t * r the Mission Hull, Sydenham, on Wedntj. f February 13th, -id 'Mecsr- Fn_e. «,_ f PMeDon-ld agreed to give their service, „». . Mr C. J. Badhain has kindly given the tic- f ke ts and .p rogi*a_nnles free. " \, At the half-yearly meeting of ths '*C Dairymon's Union, 'at Welhngton tha -\ new regulations were spoken of as very fair, with the 1 that it was thought that the power vested t in the Inspectors appeared to be unlimited. [ The report presented at tha '_aU.yea.-Iy kmeet-i'g of the Wellington Typographical ■Union stated that during tho _i_t six V months trade -had been fiurly good on the whole, duo principally to-the larger num. ber of n—n retained' in tlie Uora*—nent ■ printing office after the close of the se-ion. A number of new books, the i—alt of recent pxlrohas-s in England, have just. -Wen added to the Circulating ant. Tteference branches of the Public Library. They comprise about eighty volumes altogether, b.sidss a score or "so of novels. Those- for the Reference Library include "Pompeii, its Life and Art," by Augusfc Man, translated into English b* F. W. Kelsey; ''Anna's of Sandhurst." by Major A. F. Mnckler-Fcrryman; "Am«ican History told by Contemporaries," by Hart, and Sir Herbert Maxwell's "Life of Wellington." The shipment arrived by the Gothic. Tlie reduction of the entrance fee to tie Exliibition for children lias had the effect ,of considerably swelling the attendance of juvenile Canterbury. Constable Andrew, of Temuka. lus b«D transferred to Christchurch, Constable C&s. sidy, of Stratford, will take his pl„e. The police require an owner for a gold bangle, with trinket attached, found about January IOMi, near the centre of the city. At a me-eting of the Kaiapoi Licens".__ Committee vesterduv. v.-hen th:rv «•<.„ present — M"rp_ V/arrk- (cli.iirai.Dj. Feldwick. and Hopkinr—», transfj. uf is. Commercial Hotel. Oxford, from \\ r . Pajtt to G. A. Scott, was granted. Tho net tonnage of tln« Hnmc-goinc. steamers now lyin . at Lyttelton forms si lword. Th-e vessels in port ar.:--Delphic. 5401 tons; Antea. 4916 irn«: Vv r ahv-n. 'OS tons; Papanui, 4093 tons; liothie, 4275 tons; Abbey' Holme. 1996 tons. Under the r-Kjnl-xl Pecwons Act it is ' necessary where an aipnlic.-infc i-; miirii—, if a husband, that the- w: . should af.t~-i, a»I if & Avife, that tl:.. hu.-b.uid must-attrnd. to give evidence, as the- mear.-i and proi.eily of both have to he taken into —count in deciding tha ojr.ount of pension. The arrangements for tha reception of his Eminence Cardinal Mora*], on th a cic».sion of his coming over to lay the fovrdv tion stono of tlie new Bomin (.itl.c'f. Cathedral, are being pushed forward i.midlv. Tlie various are busily r.l w.-.k, and there is a probability of »"—4 >Mv cesgful reception b:ing accorded to the distinguished visitors. A battered veteran was fined 5s for beiiv* found drunk in the streets of Christehur-1 on Saturday, when brought H-M.ue tIwIMI-e Cotirt Vesterduv morning. "\. •'' <•? .I'-r*/)*!* time to find the money, your Wovfchip?" hf asked. '-What's that'! Will I lend you \h«. money?" asked one of ths Ji:f*tic.s. v.ho h.'l misunderstood the query, and was completely staggered by the* prisoner's Tanciid cool cheek. Occupying the place of honour in tlft —bin of Captain Post, of the Tnls'nekai. is ib» neatly-fi-unied illuminated -iddress to him pn his return from Sydney. The address is on khaki cloth, and is surmciinted by an oil miniature painting of his stearaer as she appeared when -fitted" up for.tho New Zealand volunteers who went ovr 1° tske Lpart in the celebrations connected with the «hau_uraticm of tin- Australia- C—nmonwealth. The miniature is set among nice, painted ferns, and pictures of the Union Jack, and the New South Wales and the New Zealand flags. The "Journal of the Department of Labour" makes ihe following report on ih» labour nrtrket in Christchnrch :. —Build-i* «rades —Only fairly busy; a considerable fali-ing-off owing to the liolidavr*. ftnghieerin)* trades—Still very busy. ' Boot trade— Rather quiet, this beinj* the slack season. Clothing trade—Fairly brisk: dressmakso and order tailors working orertirn**. Retail trade (general): Very good iv all branches. Unskilled labour: Very few applicant-have applied here during the month. The Central Dairy Company, Addingtoo, is having a record "season this year. F«rmera all over the Selwyn County"are loyally supporting the efforts of the directors in increasing the output of the compiny. The season is a most favourable one for*;* .aresupply of milk, while the highly satisfactory price for butter fat has induced'old suppliers to increase tlieir milking herds, and numerous new suppliers have started.'.''ln December the sum of £5608 itijiiSd was pai- 1 to milk- suppliers. At the last meeting of . directors it was decided to favourably consider the proposal to sec apart- one of tbo country creameries for cheese manufacture). The statutory m.—ing of "the Lyttelton Harbour Board was h'-ld at noon yesterdayPresent—Messrs Waymouth, Dunlop. Gibbs, Graham, Field, Laurenson, aud Cantain McClatchje. In tho absence of the Chairman, Mr Waymouth was voted to the chair. He said that this was the statutory meeting, convened under the Act, to receive the accounts. However, the accounts, as Members knew, were not ready: in fact, w auditor had only that day commenced work on them. He' was glad, however, to be abl« to state that tha --ear b_d been a remarkably good one. He moved that the I meeting should adjourn till Thur: day. February 7th, at 2 p.m. Captain McC!atob« seconded the motion, which waa carried. i The meet—ig then tannin-ted.

Ratni- Keeroo*, —* Assyrian, was oommittfd for trial on a charge of arson at Web lin*. on on Saturday. The escaped lunatic Whitkey, who jumped out of th* window of a train, was re-cap-tur—' by Constable Baker in the bush at _ gamrnip.-il this morning. Amelia Lr.—din- was before the Dunlin Police L'ourt yestsrdny, charged with having committed bigamy at Clifton. Queensland. by marrying Robert K. Nainmith during the lifetime of I.uijft Lu*i«Hn:i. Defendant, who was arresUd thw morning, was extradited to Cttartei* Towers. A Maori, n—ned Joe William:?, with »_«r*l aliases was sentenced at New j.yirimith yesterday to twelve months' impri'-onm-'nt on charges cf victimisiiJg two clergymen and a tradesman by _ls»e pretence*. A charga agninut the fame _.. tl.wl, ' ,r ».'i''g th* Hon. James Carroll's name to a cheque for £600, was adjourned till the 23th in--. Mr Francis Hamilton, Lead of the firm of J" Buxton and Co., Limited, died a t Nehon yesterday morning aged iiitv years. " Dec.—»ed was wellknown in mu«i part- of the colony, of which he ivd been * resid-it for nearly forty years. He was formerly in busineu in Otago and Urtrmou'Ji. Nearly twenty years ago he bough* the Nelson' business, and bus rejjdfd thcr. since. Dr. A J- Leggott wns committed for trial a i Nebcin yesterday on a charge 0 j hayiT)_ ' pc-rfonned an illegal operation- A young man named Reuben —-ow_i_ was alsf> committed for trial on a charge of paying the young woman concerned a sum of money for the purpose of procuring' tho operation alleged to have been performed. Both accused were admitted to Gil. A Prww tclesrram from Hokitika s*ys that „ ip;>rr—pondent, writing from South ft'**rtlan-', states that a tourist litis just tra-wed from t"ie Hermitage to Wailso. in S.utli Wentancl, in one day. It is d-cribed l*. the sh'-rtCTt, and by far the most pic-ni-rwiHe, route across tlte range, and points to the' fact tinit if it were mote widely known. is would become a regular thoroughfare for tourist* in search of scenery. The surpassinjr grandeur of the track through flue bush -.wintry, with wonderful glaciers and tsplondjd mountain views, complete a. scene of unU.U— beauty. Messrs W. H. Jackson and J. E. Thwaites, of Mastertcm. arrived in Christcliurdi last Thursday. after a cycling trip from Nelson down tho West Coast. I hey left Nelson on January Bth, and met with good weather, tut found the roads, generally speaking, in j a yen* bad condition fur cycliiig, the only guoi runs beinir Irum Bealey to Christchurch aiid from Hokitika to Lake Kunieri. Tlie road is ci.her. loose and cut up. or newly met*'led in long lengths. The visitors found th-j Buller Gorge Keener,- wonderfully interesting, and the snow effects in ihe Otira Gcrs*. very beautiful. They visited several ul the dredging claim-i, and were much im-prtsscr-d with tho activity of ths gold industry on the West Const, including Leviathan, New River, and Buller Junction. A neighbour-' quarrel caused a lot of nu-ttw-snt when ventilated in tho Christ—iuro_ Folia- Court yesterday. All the parties to the case were sons and dauglitersc) »t Erin, and they let tho Bench know it before tlie proceedings cloe-ed. One old dame, with white hair and a twinkling eye—but a tc-ngu. like a two-edged sword—-was put in the box, and absolutely insisted on giving evidence in Iwrr own style, the Bench being powerless to check her. Home of her passages were perfect gems. Speaking at a lallroad -*»—'d, the old lady said, referring t» another witness:—"She sea to mc, sez<l *>ttt\* 'O'iv. bound ye down, no Oi have.' 'Round n.t down, arrah, nr_ Oi; and phwat iur,' Oi scz. -Phwat for," sez she, 'in-dade, wh-ii. fur breaking tho peace it is.' 'Why, ye bud ould egg,' _e_ Oi. 'for breaking the ptace: slime Oi never broke it,' -tea Oi. 'but it'u yerself that's broken several other things -.titnirelv!'"

Th. ewremony of laying the foundation Horns of the new post, "oflloe at Ashburton, th* —~t function of tho kind since the imiugunition in Zealand of penny po-Uiß. passed off yesterday with great eclat. Th;*- w<*uth.r was beautifully fine. There wo* .1 r<-*y largo j-atber—if. His Worship tire Mayor (Mr Hu_o Friedlander) opened th<* proc—Miiugs in a most interesting and eloI'lii'iit apw-vh. and tho PostDiastw-General t;ave some interesting statistics concerning tue development of the post and telegraph sarviv. in Ashburton since 1858. Mr __* r ' 1 "' va "' i ,r ''" 6nt *d w 'th a silver trowel h. tho Borough Council, and a mallet by th- contractor. Mr P. Hvndman. After tbe -lemony of laying the"foundation stone, th. Acting-Premier was driven round the town, and the necessity of a number of -r—inibla reform.* for the welfare of the borough pointed out to him. He wa_ then entertained at an impromptu luncheon at Grange's Hotel, mid left foa* the South by the .-pros-, which van delayed for not more than twenty minutes. The biigantine R-'tumah. wliich arrived /roni Nt»w—_!p yesterday, had a tempestuous voyage, r.nd Itf sleep era hud to be jet-tin-tusl to ensure th-.» safety of the vessel. 1-tr James M. Aitken, a very old resident in Hokitika, died on Sunday. " At Wellington on Sunday John McDonald Ruv-ell. an elderly man" and t. casual l.b , )t_«r, cut his throat in a dozen places, aid also cut tk*- muscles of both lew. He died at tha hospital yesterday. He had b.-sri -.uffcring from melancholia. Aa enthusiastic mooting of railway men, who have received a recent in:wm of pay. was held on Saturday at Tim—-v. and drcidid to ask tha co-opemtion of railway n-.t'ii in other part, of the colony in donating 6d per member, to ccinmciiiorato the increase, and at the santa iim» v ihow their appreciation *ad «at«em by making the Minister of Railway* a suitable prtsentmion. A Dunedin Pre*?! telt-i. a;n states tint the rsilway station site ba.-. not vet been fixed. Tbo __inist_- ot KaiUv.iv:-> has telegraphed tt> tt—-Mayor, asking him if the Corporation it—:st upon the -ro<__<_ ever St. Audrew t-trt-t. If go, tl:.. undertaking which has air—dv been given must ba considered at *« «nd, and tbe station will be put there. Ihe Govmiment ccMssiders it best in the I ■Ui-uats of the public and the Department, .vitbuut any further complications'! Judge (.;-in-, of Samoa, writing to hist Mr Nor-man Guir, of Welling, on. "."•'»: I am glad to >w New Zealand has eot .oi.tra! t.f _,m. of th* islands of tho f'C_k\ but that there wiil . v. no great scope- for invfM_i\cnt on a large *—"<*■■ fur many y-„rs. If a young fellow "■—not Ur.d any thi:)..: to do in New Zealand. v* -night try th. h:.n_c—,. but there be wiil «»ly succeed Ln uui_ a living. They aro Tiwiable for the purpose of as-, .ing to const—» come of the- colon—l .xce-s of woduce, wt _mt j., about- ail. -_a.t prep strati on*. w_ wademama, are _ »(*„ utt — Msv—- .Stra-ia-* and Company's •Jtcwl-hment for tha hi— _ monster end-of-K&£(B_ »al_. All —tits of special attrac- <*•«* are promise-. ,'1 Tie date of thi* great **«* will very shortly be annouiiced. 34-11 D.I.C. Sale.—With to-day's "Press" we f- 0 * a sixteen-page sale cat,-—>"ugue of unusual isaportaaje, announcing, as it does, tbe «™»mencemont of a large and most interast,s _ eleara-i—■ of enormous stock of general wtapery and furniture. Every page is full °» j?ood r.«ws for housfholders, and we «r.ugiy adviss everyone to avail themselves w th. invitation held out> therein by ihe -assurjement of the D.I.C. " cAbo Mr Grieshaber, jeweller. High stre.t, •acaw leu. has now expired, and as the liwni _r» to ba rebuilt, a_nocnoes a «*arwi{*D taj. of bit stock at great _acri«•—(AdTt) '"'l-*. b no tinit to equal Oats, l.cwry, j **t Co. for built to order bicycles for per- **»* <-f any age, h eight, or weight. Works, <•": street :<outh. Cbrisfchurcb, *--*-!"-:us fr.-?. —Advt. *vi Extract of Soap. Save, yoar uioney *"» Vcttr U-uripcr by using Tui Extract. For **©-_ _"_•»._,. scouring floors, ar.d house- "***« general', v. A_k your grocer. Don't **J *»▼ •übititute. 3 t ~*k*j atwohitrlv -ire of the correct time *(" | 4 - , yhig your watch rcj-iiired at th. lfe" U l -ealand. Clarke and Co.. 'C Uolouilx* stitvt. English watches j*««-. •!.; main ..-rings, 3s 6d; WaterZ?*• 2s 6d. Clarke and Co.'s wedding rings copied, but not Kit*.' *■>? al ' tt -'* leading abops in New ~*_*«!ci. S. Clarke aod Co., 143 Colombo

Turnbull and Jone*. 223 Cuhdttnet, are novr agents for Croasky Bros.' world renowned "Otto" £*J engines. 60S! Mr Morr.'*, r.hotojfrapher. Colombo street, Christchuroh. finds it is not generally known that his charge for cabinet portraits of children end three-qnarter-ienjrth pictures is 17» 6d per do«., any extra charges are for vignetihv*. groups, large mounts, also the various metheds of printing, etc—(Advt.) Preserving Jars. —Fletcher Bros, stock the Largest Assortment of Fruit Jars in Chris'cburch. Mason's from 2s 3d, Jam Jan ll 3d", Tumblers Is 3d per half dozen; Pi-serving Pans from 2s lid. Delivery daiiv.—Fletcher Bros., High atreet. [Advt.] One hundred and sixty-three bicycks to be cleared prior to stock-taking. Sale commences to-day. Inspect the bargains in "Humbers." ""Anglo-Specials." "Oamonds, and "Globs*," ail guaranteed for twelve months. Easy payments arranged. Forty second-hand cycles", various makes, at clearing prices. "Accessories greatly reduced. i Genuine sale of up-to-date goods. Don't miss this opportunity. Fcr fourteen days only. The Anglo-New Zealand Cycle Company, D.1.C., and 226, High street.—(Advt.) When doctors disagree says the adage, who shall decide? It is difficult very often. even without a difference of opinion among the faculty, to decide as to the merits if various medicinal preparations which are upon the market. A safe, general rule is to believe thr.t a preparation which professa to cure everything will cure nothing. Having thus weeded out nine-tenths of the claimants, it. is comparatively easy to find Reliable, evidence of personal use concerning the remainder. Mr K. G. Lane, of Oamaru, if in tho fortunate position not only of having no medical difference regarding the value of his Crcnsoted Emulsion, but also in Having direct professional approval of it. V,o i has in his possession a letter written by a member of the faculty stating that he treated a case of consumption with Lane's IVasoted Emulsion, and was glad to s>;y after a course of treatment the patient bad improved greatly. The sputum had mmini'.!i?d. the cough was less, the night sweating had s-.lmost stopped, and tho weight of tho patient had increased seven or ryht pound l ;. 6443 THE RESULTS OF THE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. A Wellington press telegram states that tho Committee of the University Senata meet at Dunedin on Thursday for the I compilation of tho matriculation and junior (scholarship, the results of which will probably be announced on the iollovring Monday or Tuesday. A delay of a, few days has j bicn caused by the re-arrangement of the French examination, com-etjiient on'the death of Profe-ssiir Giaike. .Sir James Hec-1 tor, Chancellor of tho University, left for Dunedin last night. iRTNICIPALISATION OF PUBLIC * SERVICES. \ A Dunedin telegram states that a poll was taken yesterday on the proposal to borrow £200,000 fcr the purchase of the tramway system, and fcr the installation of electrical power in connection therewith. For the pioposal 942 vottd, and against it 231. The Koposal was therefore carried. THE DESTRUCTOR AGAIN. At last night's meeting of the City Council, Ct. Samuels gave notice to move at next meetiog:—"That the resolution carried by a ' minority' of the Council, that the destructor be placed in the Council yard, be rescinded, and that it bo placed on the reserve at Bromley.'' *A BURNHAM ESCAPEE'S KSCAPE. According to a Wellington press telegram, an escapee from Burnham Industrial School, who had stowed away on a steamer from Lyttelton, was before the Magistrate yesterday, anil wtis ordered to be sent back to tho Institution ami whipped with the birch. The voungxter was subsequently placed in a celt at the pc-iico station, but wriggled through an aperture used for passing food to the inmates and quickly vanished. THE GOVERNOR'S TRIP~TO THE SOUTHERN ISLANDS. A Press telegram from the Bluff states that the Hinemoa arrived from the Southern Islands to-day with Lord Ranfurly and party on board. During the trip, the Snares, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, arid •Bounty Islands were visited in turn, his Excellency binding at all the places touched at. Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs:—Private advices reotived at Wellington by telegram yesterday stat? that Lord trip to the ouilving islands was most tnjoyabb ar.-d successful' The object of his jroing vmn to chrojn specimens of the b;rd*> for the British Museum. Many wera obtained, amonjrrt them being two good specimens of Merganser Austral is. now almost extinct, and two species of birds apparently new to science. The entire collection is preserved wb-!t> in formalin, nnd will be forwardkvl to England br the first steamer. Pine weather was {xoerienced on the cruise. OLD AGE PENSIONERS AND THEIR INCOMES. Many of the pensioners state generally they earn about £5 or £10 a year at odd jobs or selling trifling articles or for small sen-ices Mr Warden, S.M., has decided that Mich c?isernlkies cannot b? accepted. Ho points out it would ho quite a simple tiling for pensioners who are required by V i- v, p •'""count of their income, and are liable to heavy penalties for false or fraudulent statements, to make a note every week of how much they have earned if they have received any money or consideration equal to cash, if a man selling good* exJ>?eted the to find him a pension the Magistrate pointed out the man must b« prepared to give an exact account of his position or he might find the pension with-

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10871, 22 January 1901, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10871, 22 January 1901, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10871, 22 January 1901, Page 4