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The police require-an ownpr for a bicycle. The Rakaia River was in good order for fishing on Saturday. Air T. Hamer, the Hon. R. J. Seddon'a private secretary, went by the express ca Saturday for Dunedin,. where he joins the. Premier. The criminal session of the Supreme Court will open before his Honour Mr Justice Denniston at 11 a.m. to-day. The calendar does not contain any cases out of the ordinary. • . At an inquest held under the Infants' Life "* % Protection Action Eric Courtney vHutclie- 5 son, a verdict was returned that deaths resulted from infantile diarrhoea. , ■■..=:■ The following constables, transferred from Wellington to Christchurch, arrived 'on Saturday morning: —H. R, Lomax, Q. M. Ryan, and Alfred Brown. Dr. and Mrs Bevan arrived from the south by the express on Saturday night. Thsy ."."■■ are the guests of Mr Justice and Mrs Denniston, and will be at home for visitors this afternoon. The surface men belonging to the Wai-' , mate line, have made a start putting up the iron posts to connect the Waimate raiJwajr station with the telegraph office. i Dunlop tyres reduced. Oates, Lowry ami . Co. are now supplying genuine Dunlop covers, best quality, twelve months , guarantee, for 27s 6d each; inner tubes, with valves, ! 9s.—(Advt.) Detective Fitzgerald arrested a woman, oh Saturday on a charge of alleged forgciy of a document for £40. Yesterday Detectives Oassek and Fitzgerald arrested' a man on a charge of alleged forging and uttering <of a cheque for £20 9s Bd. Two of the school children who were with a picnic at Sumner oh Friday had theu* ' shoes stolen whilst they were paddling in ' the water. A person was seen about whc is suspected of this mean theft. The Hon. the Minister of Lands arrived ! from Wellington by the Rotoma- > hana on Saturday. .He was joined (at the railway station .by Mrs and Miss McKenzie, and with Mr Mewhin--1 ney, the Minister's private secretary ,*deportl ed for Palmerston by the express. The survey of Waikakahi is now practically completed, and the several parties of surveyors who have been at work on the estate' since November last, will break up their camps this week and return to headquarters, i A man will be left at two of the camps to , show intending applicants the different sect tions, boundaries, &c. , At St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, , Kaiapoi, the new bell, recently imported, was rung for tlie first time for mass on Sun- ' day. It has a deep, musical sound, and fulfills the conditions required. The church ! was consecrated by Archbishop Redwood on January 28th, 1882, and it has been the am- , bition of the congregation foe some years to furnish the steeple with, the present'bell.. . According to the Auckland corespondent ' of the "Otago Daily Times," Hone Mete ' Rewi, one of the Natives who were arrested ' aft Waima, Hokianga, lost May in-connec- ■ tion with armed disturbance there arising out of the agitation against the do# tax, . has besn appointed* deputy-registrar of dogs and collector of dog taxes. p A contemporary states that Mr J.. Med* way Day, who for several years was} t&e '< editor of She *'South Australian Register,'' and lately held the same position os the Sydney "Worker," has given up liter**- . ture to go into the groceries and provision line. He has been appointed secretary aid ' manager of Jie Sydney and Suburban Cooperative Society (Limited). ' ' The Conference of Anglican Bishops from the different in New Zealand, to take ■■ place here during the next we«k, will be ; held at Biehopscourt, and will be of a purely . private character, the subjects for discussion relating to Church matters. While in Christchurch the visitors will occupy pulpiti at different churches, and, time permitting, will probably visit the institutions established here connected with the Church oi England. On Thursday, as the excursion train from t Waimokariri Gorge, containing the children of the Richmond School was nearing Oxford station, a horse grazing on the line jumped 1 in front of the engine and was impaled on ' the cattle-catcher, and was so much injured • that the police ordered it to be shot. Mr Doody, the owner, estimates his loss at £12. Scone of the members of the Williamson and Musgrove Company went to Dunedui in the Tarawera; the greater number went by the Elingamite, and were accompanied to Lyttelton by a number of friends. The company leave by the WestraJia on her next trip from Dunedin, and proceed in lier to Auckland, and from thence on to Sydney by the following trip of the Elingamite. As showing tlio quantity of scenery a company like this has to carry about, it may be mentioned that the luggage, &c, taken down in the Elingamite measured over ICO tons.

Alluding yesterday to the acquisition of Dr. Bevau re.mnrkrd that there whs **old M.viiijr that •' f*>ituiio only lasted SrtCUflh t'.iree generations. The first t tiled **"; g f aV ed to make it ; the second enjoyed J°and the third squandered it. •»' Mγ Alfred John Uland, of the Public (Forks Vc\yM -tment in Wellington, was marV j 01 , Wednesday list to Miss Henrietta 2 jiimii:'. third daughter of Mr H. Minifie, *» jfcw Brighton. The- ceremony took place % the Wesieyun Church at Pc'one. Qn S.-iturciiiy evening , , at Lyttclton. Mr WjHiam Sinclair pMivkily i-.ived a hoy from dmwned. |''ii!i,;i!i o ' in from the vncht uttv find hpt<uily hunting t;ie boy, whose Ilnie is <Hv( :i. T.i - h;!i-o. Mr .Sinclair kis record for h-mmics of tin.*, kind, the present 'nst&nce lnii:.u' the sivente.Mith in which lie wu shown his courage and skill in swimming* Yesterday afternoon Dr. Bevnn gave ■erernl illustrations of what was meant by •rainii-i? t!u* world. One- of thw-e was the of material wealth for weilth's vie. and lit , contrasted the life of the man *ho'did that with the one who made proper Die of it- I , ' Australia lie e-iid a man died w ho hud li'tt million*. he asktd iras bis bft- ! " •i/iiu.ut to his we-.ilth? Jt iras a sort of :_'UiU-.->|lh- absurdity. Lady Kanfurly la.< yctr offered a prize for Ei'ylisli hislory, bi l c-.MTipi.'ted for by pupilf of the Wellington (Jills' ritjjh School, Ind list week she visited the kliool and presented it lo the winner, Mi** Maude The prize—"A Short History of ihe English People. ■•>' <I<'hu Richard (ireen—consists of four li.iudsoine volumes, beautifully illustrated, it was iiiinoiini-ed that the prize, jrhich iniiv be competed for by any girl in the school, will be given annually as long as Jrtrd and Lady Kanfurly remain in the colony. The new Superintendent of the Wellington Fire Brigade, Air Hugo, is a native i-f Liverpool, and in his 38th year. The "New Zealand Times" states : —"He tirst joined the Adelaide Brigade in 1885, leaving temporarily three years later in order to travel through Amtrita for the purpose of acquiring more extended knowledge of brigade work. On his return to South Australia Mr Hugo was appointed second officer, and has Since been in cliarge of tbe drill class and workshops at the head station. He was also supervise tho erection of a new Station at Port Adelaide, where he was in eherge during 1896. At present Mr Hugo IB in charge of No. 2 statiou, Adelaide city. Of the large edition of 6000 copies which tfte late Rev. W. Colenso printed of his New Testament, only one is now known to exist, And this wa* in Mr Colenso's own possession. Since his retirement from active missionary work he filled important public offices. In 1861 he was elected to represent Napier in tho first General Assembly, and retained the seat for many years. Under the old provincial system he was one of the town representatives in tho Provincial Council, end at various times filled the offices of Provincial Treasurer and Inspector of Schools. A few years ago he was elected F.R.S. He was the firat to recognise the fossil remains of the moa, and had in manuscript a copious lexicon of the Polynesian language. Disaster 'has befallen the first consignment of salmon ova forwarded to this colony by Mr Ayson. Owing, principally, to a perfunctory system of packing, the case which arrived by the Warrimoo early last week contained only two hundred eyed eggs, which are being hatched out at the Masterton ponds; but even these are very •weakly, and are not expected to survive. Tho authorities here believe that Mr Ayson forwarded the consignment on the off chance. Ho is expected to bring s6me millions of ova under his personal supervision by the noxt Vancouver steamer, including some of ihe celebrated white fish of America, to be placed in Lake Kanieri. The institution, of the Rev. Staples Hamilton, tlie new vicar of St. Mary's, Qeraldine, took place on Friday evening. There was » largo congregation. The clergy were met at the principal door of the church by the churchwardens and vestrymen, and led to . tha chancol, while the congregation sang, ' ''Onward, Christian. Soldiers,", as the proqtssional hymn. Tho institution was conducted by the Rev. H. T. Purchas, vioar of Papanui, in the absence of his Lordship Bishop Julius, who was unable to be pre•ent. The service was also taken part in by the Revs. J. Knox, Barklie and Staples Hamilton, and the Rev. H\ T. Purchas then • addressed the congregation, recommending them to give the new vicar every support, and that tho ministry then, begun might be one of increasing blessing. Amongst those injured in the Wellington wharf accident were Mr F. Trommer Ibrother-in-law to Mr Michael Flurscbeim), Mrs Charles Riffg (daughter of Mr William Gill, of tho Alliance Insurance Company), ■Mr John Mackay, and Police Sergeant Haddrell. Mr Andrew Torning, the unfortunate man who lost his life, was in the act of waving his stick to a friend on the steamer when he was struck down. Mrs Bigg's injuries are serious, portion of the ecalp from the forehead to the back of the 'head having been torn off. Mr Trommer was wounded over the left eye, and was bniifed on the shoulder. Miss "Flurscheim, Who was with him, became alarmed by the tightening of the rope, and luckily stepped back a few feet, so that she escaped with * blow on the bad: of the head. Mr J. Gifford, a member of the pilot boat crew, who was assisting in berthing the Tarawera, happened to observo the hawser slipping, and had just time to bend down, dragging a young lady with him, -who was standing close by, -when the lino freed itself and hurtled over his head. His prompt action In all probability lessened the list of casualties. It is stated that just before the rope ■lipped several officials warned the crowd to Keen clear. A New Departure in the Drapery Busin e«.—Wo have just completed arrangemnts with Australasian Free Insurance Aseociation, givintr Uβ the sole right to issue policies of insurance in Christchurch and ■üburbs, free of charge or cost of any kind to all buyers of drapery and clothingto the wue of seven shillings and sixpence and over. Our £50 policy holds good for seven days from date of issue, and renewed with every purchase of 7s 6d worth of goods. Our £100 policy is good for twenty-eight days from "the • date of issue. These policies keep all customers dealing Wgularfy with us constantly .insured without cost, and all payments are guaranteed by the Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company,, of High street, Dunedin. . By dealing with us regularly you are always insured against accident without cost to rourself. Send for one of our pocketbooks, giving full particulars, it will pay you. Shaw. Robinson and Co., 213 Cashel ttreet, Christchurch. Morris, . photographer, from Dunedin, personally takes all the portraits in Colombo street. Call and see new specimens.—[Advt.] Further Reductions ir. Groceries:—Oati&eal reduced to 3s per bag, Californian tinned apricots, peaches and pears reduced to 8d per tin, sharps 4s 9d per sack, kero*ene 5i 6d per tin. sugar (sparkling white crystals) 2d per lb with tea.—Hubbard, Hall and Co. t If you require a tonic take the best— Syrup of Hvpophosphates. Barnett, Chemist, lib bottle, 4s 6d; ilb, 2s 6d. 16 Two Nuts to Crack.—Excelsior and Red Bud Bicycles.—Send for catalogues. Barlow Cycle Manufacturing Company, Manchester street.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10270, 13 February 1899, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10270, 13 February 1899, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10270, 13 February 1899, Page 4