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The south branch, of the Aehburton river was still very thick.on Saturday, but ifc should be in order for fishing again in th 3 course of a day or so. Mr T. Mitchell, master of the Ashton school, has turned the most critical period of his illness, and there is now every hope of his speedy recovery. la consequence of the expenses attendant on the office of Mayor of Rangiora, the Council has voted a salary of £25 a year as honorarium for 1898 and jtjuture years. The Rangiora Borough Council, in ordeT to obtain a water supply, have decided tc ascertain if it can procure a race from Mr E. Wilder's creek at Ngapara, Fernside, which will, it, is estimated, "provide enough for a public bath and for other purposes. The Government Land Purchase Board, have prepared a further report respecting the suitability of Mr John Reid's Ellerslie estate for settlement purposea. The Minister for Lands will consider the Beard's recammenda* tions on bis return to Wellington.

A ma» vv:,s airbed «t an early hour on flftturdav by Constable Culleti. in the vicinfty f Bright""*? s yards, and will be charged iith indecent exposure. Mr iiii'l Mrs H. Overtoil and family returiied mi Saturday by the Waihora from a merv ciii»vable trip to Nelson and round the North Island.

At an imjucst on an asylum patient, held Fndny, a verdict of death from exhaustion following <>n acute mania waa brought in. An irujUL'-t was also held on another patient, vim died on Thursday, and a verdict of death from gaugri'iie following phthisis was returned.

At tin . Magistrate's Court on Saturday, Mr Beet hum. S.M., on the Bench, Frederick Adams, an eld man, charged with drunkenness, was convicted, discharged, and handed over t<> an otlicvr of the Samaritan Home. There no other business.

As evident ing tlie serious character of the recent flood in th« Waimakariri, it is stated that it lu>Kil another hour the crops on the l.inJ i>» the sitlu of tlie Cam river ■would htfvi! been completely submerged. In KMiie insMiice-s the water rose to the ties of the sffcHiks.

At the Human Catholic churches yester• dttv. reference was made to the death of the Ye'rv Rev. Father dimming:*, and the prayers of the o<allegations asked for the njl>use "f ' i:s sou '- l ' ,c Requiem Mass is t« be ct'lciitaleil at the Pro-Cathedral at 9.30 l.i-ia:>n,i»v. A Rejiiiein Mass will be cvlebrau-.l at Mt. Magdala Asylum at the lame hoi:i- t'iday.

As the good feeling existing between the Borough Councils of New Brighton and Simmer, it may be mentioned tnat on Tliiuxliiy morning -Mr h. R. Deacon, Mayor uf SumiifT. rcruived a telegram from Mr R. C. Bishop. Aiayor of New Brighton, expressing i-niigratiilutiuiis on tne fine day fiumner n;til for it , * regatta and fete, and wishing it to lie a thorough success.

(Juod ((i'oi;; f>.i i* being made with the Completion Fund, and in another eolutnii the second list uf stib.scriptions is iunouiivtd. making a total of nearly £4000, or oiu'Uiiid (if the sum required. As noon jm £6000 is in hand, tho work is to be actively juiii iwled with, and all intending roiitriMitcis "ill hi-t' i the <v<iiiu»:icenitfiii toy it prompt response to t.Se appeal now issued U> complete a building which all citizens of Canterbury should feel interested iv.

The Minister for Lands spent the greater portion if Satiiiday in inspecting the Christdiuali Freezing Company's works at Islington. Th» .Minister was highly pleased with his visit, and speaks in high terms of the inner economy and management of the works. -Mr Al'Kenzie leit by steamer on Saturday night for Wellington, where he will .stay for two or three days, returning South towards the ond of the week. The Minister docs not leave on his visit to Greet Britiiin until after the close of the financial year.

A recent visitor to the Amuri district speaks in eulogistic terms of the effectual method in which the rabbit pest has been coped with. Two years ago, when he was in the district, he would not have paid for one of the largest runs in the district the price of the sheep then running on it owing to multitudes of rabbits tliat were to be seen. Now that only an odd rabbit can be seen here and there, he admits that the value of the estate lias been immensely improved. As an indication of the difference that the absence of the rabbit has made, it may be stated that one station will send to market two hundred bales of wool in excess of what has been sent in previous years. Poison and the clearance of the rabbit trapper have been responsible for the almost complete disappearance of the rabbit from the Amuri.

By a flro which occurred shortly after 10 o'clock on Friday night Mr P. Cannon, who lives at the corner of Riccartou and Clarence roada, loses two stocks of hay which were built towards the end of December. One stack contained about 35 tone, and the other about 15 tons, and both were in tiie yard enclosed on two sides by a tall iron fence, and on the other two by the stables and trap house. The fire was first noticed by Mrs Cannon from the window, and it was then burning up the north-east corner of the larger stack, fanned by a fairly strong easterly wind. Willing neighbours assisted in throwing buckets of water over the burning hay, and the effect woe to keep the flames from the fence and buildings, from which the horses, traps 'and ltamess were removed. Both stacks were destroyed, and Mr Cannon estimates his loss at übout £100. He had no insurance on the hay, which had been stacked as winter feed lor his dairy cattle.

The new Catholic churches at Halswell »nd Hornby were yesterday consecrated by his Lordship Bishop Grimes. At the latter Mass was celebrated in the morning, and •fter his Lordahip had blessed the church, he was presented with an address from the congregation, to which he replied, and he preached a sermon. The Key. Father Marnane, of St. Mary's, Manchester street, in whose parish the church is situated, was also present. At the former liis Lordship, having blessed the church, was presented With an address of welcome from the committee and the congregation, which his Lordship acknowledged. a eennon by his Lordship the service closed with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The priests present were the Revs. Father Lβ Menant .Chesnais and Ginaty, who acted as assistants to the Bishop the Revs. Fathers Marnane, Foley and Richards. Before the service duded a collection was taken up, which realised £40.

"Swift" Cycles are like the current of ■wiffc waters, they carry everything before them. Just landed, the Austral "Swift," with '99 improvements. Weight 271b, price £22. Write to the Austral Cycle Agency, Limited, L'olombo street, for an Illustrated Art Catalogue, sent post free on application. 9257

A New Departure in the Drapery Business—We have just completed arrangements with Australasian Free Insurance Association, giving us the sole right to issue policies of insurance in Christchurch and •üburbs, free of charge or cost of any kind to all buyers of drapery and clothing to the value of seven •shillings and sixpence and ever. Our £50 policy holds good for seven days frop date of issue, and renewed with •very purchase of 7s 6d worth of good*. Our £100 policy is good for twenty-eight days from the date of issue. These policies keep all customers dealing regularly with us constantly insured without cost, and all payments are guaranteed by the Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company, of High street, Dunedin. By dealing with us regularly you are always insured against accident without cost to yourself. Send for one of our pocketbooks, giving full particulars, it will pay you. Shaw, Robinson and Co., 213 Cartel •treet, Christchurch.

Having received a shipment of B.S.A. 1899 bicycle fittings, we con execute orders btiilt of these at £19. Boyd and Son, Gloucester street, Christchurch. Telephone 658. 8851

The famous Elswick cycle bearings, stated by English cycling journals to be perfection. Zealandia bicycles fitted with 1899 pattern Elswick bearings, twin roller chains, and Duntap tyres, for £21. Oats, Lowry and Co., makers. Christchurch.—(Advt.)

If you require a tpnic take the best— Syrup of Hypophosphates. Barnett, Chemist, lib bottle, 4s 6d; Jib, 2s 6d. 16

Two Nuts to Crack.—Excelsior and Red Bud Bicycles.—Send for catalogues. Barlow Cycle Manufacturing Company, Manchester street.

Gould and Co.'s Quinine Wine restores exhausted vitality. Sufferers from general debility, depression, weakness, tired Md languid feeling, poverty of wood, 4c, should take our Quinine Whie, prepared -<-.4pMB 'sound Spanish *ine and pure quinine. Price, 3s 6d per wttle. Hot den and Cole, next Ballantyne.—(Advt.)

Hal/milo New Zealand record flying •tart reduced to 57sec by A. W. Humphreys Jaounted on a Waverley, at Lancaster Park, on January 13th. Waverley Cycle Depot, 217 Colombo street. " 2396

Morris, photographer, from Dunedin, Personally takes all the portraits in Colombo* street. Call and see new speci-"fcnt-CAdvt.]

Further Reductions ir. Groceries :—Oat**al reduced to 3s per bag, Californian tinned apricots, peaches and pears reduced toM per tin, sharps 4s 9d per sack, kero•W»es»6d per tin. sugar (sparkling white *7«lala) 2d per lb with tea.— Hubbard, Holland Co.

On January Ist there were ton patients in the Asliburton Hospital. 22 were admitted during the month, and 22 discharged.

Tho Christchureh represent.itive.s at the Congregational Council, which opens to-day in Dunedin, will leave this morning by the express.

The Upper Rangitata traffic bridge was seriously damaged by Wednesday's flood. One of the pair of cylinders , were carried uway. and the bridge" sunk a foot. The remains are supported by one cylinder, and the lattice girder may collapse at any time.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10264, 6 February 1899, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10264, 6 February 1899, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10264, 6 February 1899, Page 4