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The adjourned annual meeang of the Lyttelton Harbour Board was held yesterday. Present—Messrs F. Graham (chairman), R. Pitcaithly, J. Joyce. W. Raddiffe, F. Waymouth, I. (iibbs, E."i». Wright, Capt. McClatehie, and Hon. J. T.. Peacock. Apologies were received for ttoe absence of Messrs Buddo, Hay and McMillan. Tie Chairman reported—The statutory annual meeting held on the 16th ultimo was adjourned _ until to-day in wMer to allow the completion of the audit of our accounts for the poet year. This has cftw been done, the accounts having been returned from Wellington on Saturday last, duly certified to by the Controller and Auditor-General. Taking the chief Bources of our revenue, there nave been the following decreases in our receipts, as compared with the previous year: —Pilotage and port charges £715, wharfage on frozen meat £60, on grain and produce £105, on wool £150, towage fees £<56d, graving dock dues £585, decrease £1948. Un the other hand, the following increases of revenue have taken place: —Storage £iso 3, wharfage on merchandise £214, wharfage on coal £40, wiwiage on timber £278, wharfage on minerals £83, wharfage on live stock £226, increase £1074, total decrease £874. The prospects of the ensuing harvest are very encouraging, and our exports during the current year will no doubt be considerably increased, and our revenue correspondingly benefited. As the treasurer's report and statements of accounts deal very lully with the operations of the .Board for the past year, i only propose to refer to those points which have some bearing upon the ruture financial policy of the Hoard. It will be noticed that we closed our year with a cash balance of £6597 14s 3d, to which may be added our outstanding assets £2474 9s 7d, giving a total of £9072 6s 10d, against which we have outstanding liabilities amounting to £1152, which leaves a credit of £7920 3s 10d, but from this sum has to be deducted the renewal fund, which the Board has, by resolution, decided should be re-es-tablished, in tlie sum of £5000. tnus leaving the actual balance at £2920 3s 10d; but | £1382 of this sum cannot be considered a fluid asset, as it is outstanding on grain still in store. The foregoing figures, of course, only refer to our gene/al account. The dredging loan account ia treated separately, and we have a balance of £10,374 9s 8d remaining of first instalment, of £30,000 of the loan raised in December last. Provision will have to be made for meeting the interest dye on this loan, to the extent of £2400 a year—namely. 4 per cent, on £60,000. In connection with this subject, the Board in September List adopted a joint recommendation of the Finance and Harbour Improvement Committee, "That the revenue tariffs of the Board require revision, with a view to. yielding about £3000 further income per annum." As there will not be time between the publication of the annual accounts and the biennial election of members of this Board, which takes place in about ten days' time, the consideration of the tariff must stand over until after that date, but it is one of the first subjects requiring the attention of the new Board. The raising of a portion of the dredging loan, the purchase of the dredge Manchester,, the extension of No. 5 and 7 jetties, and the renewal of decking of a large portion of the jetties and wharves, are some of the most important matters dealt with by this Board during the past year. Looking to the immediate future, it will be necessary to expend some £3500 upon new boilers,'decks, and engines, &c, for our steamtug; and the boilers at the dock, which have been in use since 1882, will require considerable expenditure upon them at no very distant date. The expenditure of £1300 to £1500 a year, for which provision is made under the head of our general expenditure from year to year, will suffice to renew the decking and superstructure of our wharves and jetties. . The piles, which are nearly all ironbark, are nob likely to require renewal, according to the opinion of Mr Napier Bell, for many years to come. Our dredging operations are specially provided for under our dredging, loan account. During the year the Board have held twenty ordinary and special meetings, and there have in addition been* twenty-five committee meetings. As this is the last sitting )of the present Biard, I take the opportunity of expressing my due appreciation, .«i the courtesy and co-operation I have invariably received at your hands during the two years I have occupied the chair. The Chairman then moved the passing of the various accounts, which was seconded by Mr Joyce, arid carried. , Mr Wright said that before the meeting closed he thought the Board should pass a resolution expressing their thanks to their Chairman for the attention he had given to | the business, and for the cordial and pleasant manner in which he had conducted tbM business, and he (the speaker) moved in thiis direction. ' • Captain McClatckie seconded the motion, which was carried. On the motion of Captain McClatchie and Mr Radcliffe, a vote of thanks was passed to the staff. This closed the annual meeting, and the ordinary business was then proceeded with. The Chairman" reported that no news has yet been received of the departure of the dredge from Manchester. The last correspondence from the Agent-General showed that they were pushing forward the fitting out, &c. The next meeting for the election of a chairman for the ensuing year had been fixed for Thursday, the 28th: February. .The Board affirmed the placing on fixed deposit for thirteen months of £6300 No. 2 dredging account. The credit balance on No. 1 account was reported to be £4144 19s 7d. Accounts amounting to £1324 9s 7d were passed for payment. The' Chairman reported that, with some alterations, the specifications prepared by Messrs Meikle and Milne for repairs and boilers to the tug had been approved by Inspector Croll. • OiTthe motion of Mr Waymouth, the question of undertaking these sepairs was deferred for the consideration of the new Board. The tender of the Blackball Company was accepted for the supply of coal—Steam 16s, small 12s 6d; delivered on shore, steam 18s sd, small 13s sd; firewood 28s and 30s a cord. The tenders for stores were referred to the Chairman and Secretary. - The Board considered several matters in committee. . Mr Gibbs gave notice to move—That the application of Messrs Boyd and Keir for an extension of time for completion of their* contract be not granted, the question, of enforcing the penalty to be considered when delivery of timber haa been completed. i The Board adjourned until Tuesday, February 28th, at 2p.m. V „ 1. TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE. For the period commencing January Ist, 1898, and ending December 31st, 1898 (12 months): — RECEIPTS-—IB9B. - General Account— Balance to credit of Lyttelton Harbour Board on 31 et December, 1897 8,305 16 0 To wharfage to 24th December, 1898 .. ... .. .. 13,130 11 9 " Pilotage .. .. .. 3,894 1 7 '' Port charges .. .. 3,160 18 2 "Towage fees .. .. 1,228 0 0 ~ Warps .. .. .. 386 0 O ,r lucenae* .. -• -. 17 7 6 „ Pilotage, exemption certificate*—lees -. ... * 98 0 4 „ Rent —No. 5 grain shed (15 >. ' months) to December 31st, 1898 .. .. 1,562 10 0 Lot 16* aid 16b, near Tunnel Mouth, £110 * p.*. leu 25 per cent. Ie- «. dnctioa dating from Ist October, 1893 .. 83 10 0 „ „ Lot* 15" (let N.ZJj. and M. Agency Co.) 1 year, to 31st December, 1898 .. 300 0 0 „ „ Shaw, Savill - and Company's office site .. 12 0 0 „ „ Temporary sites on reclaimed land .. 1 Iβ 0 „ Graving dock dues .. .. «88 15 7 .„ Patent slip due* .. .. 11l 0 0 „ Interest on fixed deposit (renewal fund) to July, 1898 .. 112 4 2 „ Sale of plant and material .. 57 1 3 „ Incidental receipts .. .. 13 6 0 „ Refunds •. .. ,- .- 46 15 9 „ Electric light—refund* from shipping and railway .. J. 19 7 6 „ Storage .. , .. .. " 757 11 4 „ Cool chamber storage .. 334 1 3 Dredging Loan Account— „ Sale of proceeds of first in- ] stalmeat ; (AMMO) -of .loan : under "Lyttdton Harbour • Board Loan Act 1897" .. 30,072 11 0 v MMtt 4 10

EXPENDITURE. General Account— By Harbour Board office staff salaries .. .. .. 711 9 2 „ Harbour Board contingencies— Printing, advertising,, sta- . tionery (including bylaws), and plans of harbour .. .. .. 136 5 1 Members' travelling expenses * .. .. 71 15 1 Office . rent and cleaning (Lyttelton and Christchurch offices) .. .. 162 10 0 Election expenses J Incidentals, telegrams, postage, furniture, fuel, etc.* 28 6 7 ( Auditors' fees .. .. 12 0 0 . „ Solicitor to Harbour Board— Law charges (1 year) .. 65 17 11 J „ Grants in aid—fire prevention „ Grants in aid—Sailors' Home and Seamen's Best —Maintenance " .. .. ... 300 0 0 ~ Harbour Master's Department ' —Salaries .. .. .. *1,614 15 6 „ Harbour Master's Department ' —Incidental expenses .. 84 3 8 „ Pilot, Sumner—Salary ... 120 0 0 „ Sumner conservancy, including lifeboat (£150), and' breakwater repairs .. .. 248 8 8 ~ Pilot station at heads—Maintenance .. .. .. 16 16 10 „ Buoys, boats, moorings, beacons, warps, maintenance, . and renewals .. ... 101 12 0 „ Time ball—Maintenance * .. • 2 1 8 „ Naval Point breakwater — " Maintenance .... „ Officers' Point .. Maintenance „ Wharves, jetties, and sheds—, , Maintenance and repairs, in-;, ; eluding the renewal of portione of decking, etc. .. 824 9 9 „ Insurance—Sheds, grain stores, offices, etc. .. ... .. 86 12 6 „ Lighting wharves and jetties— .Electric lighting, including two new boilers (proportion of cost, £500) and six new electric lamps (£70).. 1,360 5 5 Gas lighting ,' .; .. 84 7 3 „ Steam tug working expenses— . Salaries .. , v .. 1,566 11 2 Coal, stores and maintenance, and repairs <ft',- " .. 748 5 3 „ Public Revenue Actjflß9& i - Expenses on tug Lyttelton, harbour inspection with Defence Commissioners 21 2 0 „ Graving dock working expensesSalaries .. .. - .. " 162 1 '4 Coal, stores, etc., including £248 11s Id, repairs to caissoon and pumps ~ 638 2 6 „ Patent slip—Working expense* 23 4 6 „ Storage department— Salaries—Clerk -and warehousemen at £225 .. 225 0 0 Labour—Receiving and delivery at stores ... 773 13 „ Printing, stationery, advertising and sundries .'. ... 10 < 6 . 0 „ Rent — Store, site Norwich - quay (12 months rent to 20th " ~ December, 1898) £374 10a p.a.; ' • kerosene bond £70 p.a. .. 444 10 0 „ Cool chamber-rWorking. expenses (also proportion of cost' two new boilers, £238 10s .. 528 15 9 „ Interest on overdraft on No. 2 account (Dredging Loan Account , ...' .. ..- 191 5 0 „ Lyttelton Borough! rates .. 39 13 9 „ Siding rent to lot No. 15 at . (£SO a year) .. . ... .. 50 0 0 Interest Account— „ By interest on debentures (12 " ... months) Ist January, 1897, to 31st December, 1898 ' .. 12,000 0 0 „ Exchange on London credits and advertising payment of ; coupons -.. .. .. 50 10 6 „ Sinking of fund on debentures, for year 1898 .. .. 1,000. 0 0 Harbour Works— - . Engineers Staff— - , , Inspector of Works, salary 12 .■'...- ---montha" ... .. 250 0 0 ' Office /iontingenciea .. 4 3 7 Borings and soundings .. .. Tally clerks'shelter shed :. ..-• " . ' Extension Nos. 7 and 5 jetties (timber and labour) to date.. -2,790 17. 0 Cave rock signal station, etc .. ' ' 170 12 11 Special Account under "Lyttelton Harbour Loan Act, 1897."— Purchase of dredge, etc., and expenses raising loan ..» ..19,698 1 A By balance at credit of Lyttelton 7 ■Harbour Board at Bank of N.Z. on December 31»t, 1896; as Current account .. .. 3,284 19 8 Less outstanding cheque 6 12 9 Fixed deposits renewal fund ■ account .. •• 7 9 "So. 2* harbour fund dredging account .. .. 10,374 9 ,8 Credit balance q» 31st Dβ- ".,-, ' ■ 1898- y. 16,972 1441. ~ £64,320 4 10 'fITATEMENT OF ESTIMATED ASSETS ; •AND LIABILITIES ON DECEMBER 31et, 1838. "ASSETS. Credit balance at BttU g«n«»l "account, on .81st Deee«*r, 1898 .. ~". ■ <•'■ 6.597 U S , Credit balance at Bank," contractors' deposit account, 1898 165 15 3 Credit balance ai Bank, dredgin loan account, No. ,2■■■*. - 10,374 9 8 • Wharfage duea (outstanding) 4th to 81st December, 1898 (ap- • , . proximate) -• .-. 320 0.0 Towage (outstanding))' on 31st December, 1898 .. .. 109 10 0 . Warpe (outstanding) on Slat De- , cember, 1898 ..- - .. 32 0 0 Pilotage v exemption certificate, (outstanding) on.3let December, .. -. .. 3 0 0

uocjc <raes (ouiatamtingj oa sits December, 1896 .. 40 0 0 Sundrioi .. .. .. 40 0 9 Blectric light' .. .... T 17 6 Storage account* rendered and | outstanding on the Slst De- • cember, 1898 :— Account lot December, 1898 Ut 7 I Accounts previous to ditto .. ISD 10 2 Cool chamber, including £158 ■ 2s 8d due from Government 203 10 4 Storage on goods still in store on 31st December, 1898 .. 1,382 IB 3 Storage on cool chamber, .. 91 15 7 ♦Total cash assets on 31st December, 1898 .. £19,612 8 9 Debentures—Sinking Fund, Ist July, 1879, to 3Let December, 1898 (194 years, at & per cent, per annum ou £200,006) .. 19,500 0 0 Ditto interest accrued on Sinking Fund investments from 1579 to 31st December, 1898 .. 13,747 8 7 Peacock's wharf property, and sections 213 and part 814, actual cost in December, 1877 31,900 0 0 •"Minna Bell" steamwinch, etc. 80 0 0 'Boats, buoys, moorings, warps, etc. .... .. 438 0 0 •Pilot station.buildings at Heads, (built in 1874) leas 10 per cent, for depreciation .. 297 0 0 •Steam tug -'Lytteiton, including marine fire engine, after deducting 10 per cent, per annum for depreciation .. 1,884 0 0 •Plant in store and yards, timber, iron, pilee, drain pipes, boring rods, fire prevention plant on wharves, rails, chains, anchors, office fittings, et?. .. .. 198 0 0 Harbour Board office buildings in Lytteiton .. .. .. 8,500 0 0 Sections of land purchased at Naval Point, part Rural I section 247, and Town sec- ! tions 232 and 233 actual cost, and estimated value, sections 231 and 234 .. .. 4,272 0 0 Dredge Manchester cost to date (a) Estimated cost or value of ■ breakwater (see Note b), re- ! ' ' clamation, wharves, jetties, sheds, breastworks (exclusive of a valuable foreshore), time v ball, building and apparatus, harbour light, etc., as vested in Board by The Lytteiton Harbour Board Land Act, 1877, as under —— .. 454,493 0 0 ' £359,559 17 4 percentage deducted for depreciation on the items of plant marked (*) above for the year 1898 amounted to £325. Estimated Cost— Harbour Works— . . £. ■ d Officer' & Point and Naval Point breakwater contract, completed i 877, reclamation between Scyrew Pile Jetty and Gladstone Pier (less Government refund for their proportion, £4,479 9s), 1880 .. 146,614 0 0 (Note b)—Re the estimated cost of the breakwaters, the above amount is subject to reduction as to value, by reason of. the specially reserved rights of the New Zealand railways (under the provisions of The Lytteiton Harbour Board Land Act, 1877) to build sheds, etc., i and run the railway traffic upon the Lytteiton breakwaters and wharves. The Railway never paid anything towards the cost of constructionV or maintenance of the Lytteiton breakwaters or wharves and jetties. The Harbour Board have to maintain and repair the whole. of them. Gladstone Pier (1,100 feet in length), completed in 1879 35,000 0 0 Boat jetties, as now standing, ■ completed in 1875 .. .. 500 0 0 Screw Pile Jetty (560 feet), / completed in 1867 and 1877.. 16,000 0 0 Breastwork Screw Pile Jetty, to No. 2 Intermediate Jetty, cost in 1870 .. .. 20,000 0 0 No. 1 Intermediate Jetty (400 feet), cost in 1870 and 1877.. 8,600 0 0 Time ball tower, machinery and land, cost, in 1875 .. .. 8,000 0 0 Tunnel Jetty, cost in 1878 .. 9,000 0 0 No. 2 Intermediate Jetty (400 feet), cost in 1882 .. .. 8,300 0 0 No. 3 Intermediate and timber breastwork contract, cost in 1881 .. .-. .., 10,000 0 0 , Harbour light, cost .. .. 500 0 0 Timber breastwork from Screw File Jetty to Gladstone Pier, .1881 16,500 0 0 New export shed on breastwork, cost in 1883 .. .. 6,180 0 0» Telephone line, • Christchurch to Pilot Station at Heads, . coat in 1881 .. .. 1,100 0 0 Schoolroom at Pilot Station, cost in 1883 .. .. 120 0 0 Governor's Bay jetty, cost in 1883 .. .. .. 400 0 0 Timber breastwork west of Peacock's wharf, cost in 1883 .. ' 1,000 0 0 Graving dock and pumping machinery, coat ia-1883 and 1886 105,000 0 0 Reclamation near Dock, cost in 1883 . .. - .. .. 2,260 0 0 Reclamation, ballast - ground, coat in 1883 .. .. 430 e 0. 0 Sailors' 'Home buildings and furniture, cost in 1883" .. 1,428 0 0 Worics — 1884-85-86-87-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-9S--96— . • Sumner jetties, 1885, - and widening, 1895, also Yacht Jetty, Sumner, 1895, and boat slip, 1896 .. .. .. 865 0 0 Road and reclamation to Ocean ' • Steamer jetty, 1883 .. 5,568 0 0 Dredge smithy, 1885 ... • \ .. 77 0 0 Electric lighting installation, 1885 .. .. .. 3,665 0 0 Road to bathing place, Sandy . Bay, 1883 and 1886 .. 101 0 0 Patent slip contract and altera-tions-to caisson .. .. 6,801 0 0 Port Levy and Purau .jetties and eheds—contracts, 1885, and addition to Purau jetty, * 1896 ■- . ;. .. .. 932 0 0 Ocean Steamer jetty—Timber contract; ,1884 .. .. 9,948 0 0 Ocean Steamer jetty- contract - and 1885 ~ .. 6,649 0 0 Ocean shed contract (cancelled) —cost of material,. 1885 ..2,700 0 0 i New shed on reoMmed land ', contract—labour, 1885 .. 1,53 ft 0 0 Railway siding on reclaimed land—half coet, 1885 .. 1,109.0 0 Brick store purchased from N.Z. Grain Agency Company « December, 1885—lease '.. 4,785 0 0 Kerosene bond, 1886 .. ..* 210 0 . 0 * Graving- dock/ floor, levelling, • etc., 1887 .. .. .. 431 0 0 Xj Siding to lot No. 15, 1889 .. 460 0 0 ;• Extension electric light installation to dock and- Naval Point, 1891 and 1892 and 1896 1,917 Q 0 Telephone line, including new - cable to Heade, 1891 .. 298 0 0 Cool chamber and siding, 1891 and 1892 .. .. .. 6,114 0 0 Extension low level breastwork, 1891 .. .. .. .149 0 0 Cattle jetty, Naval Point, 1891 116 0 0 Boat landing on east side of Screw Pile Jetty ~. .. 48 0 0 Yacht jetty near the Dock, 1892 * Shelter shed for wharf labourers, 1892, and tally clerks' shelter, 1896 .... .. 142 0 0 Purchase of machinery workshop at dock. 1893 ■•,."■ •• 350 0 0 Screw Pile jetty, widening, ' 1894 ■:.. ... .. 61 0 0 Cool chamber, additional pipes, 1894; .. .. is .. 61 .0 0 Sailors' Home, additions/1895, (Seamen's Rest) .. .. 568 0 0 Actual cost of deepening the harbour by dredging (11J years) to November, 1895 ... 83,486 0 0 No. 5 and 1, jetties,extensions— - part of cost .. ' .. 2,721 0 0 Cave" Rock signal station, etc, 170 0 0 Lees 2 J per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber works, etc., for 1880 .. .. 2,850 0 0 Lees 2J per cent, per annum, for depreciation on timber works, _'jF. etc., for 1881 ... .. 3300 0 0 Less 2 J per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber works, etc., for 1883 .. .. 3,518 0 0 Lees 2J per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber works, etc.,Vfor 1883 l ■.-. ■'.. 3,516 0 0 Less 2& per cent, per annum for depreciation' on timber works, etc., for 1884 .. .. 3,525 0 0 Less 2J per cent, per annum for ' degradation on timber works, etc., for 1885 -. ... 3,525 0 O Less 25 per cent, par winiim for depreciation on timber works, etc., fdr 1886 .. .. 4,750 O 0 Lees 2J per cant, per annum for depreciation on timber works, etc., for 1887 .. .. 4,750' 0 0 Less 9| per cent, per amintn fox depreciation on timber works, etc, for 1888 .." .. 4,750 0 0 Liees 2£ pet cent, per' annum for depreciation on timber work*, '' etc., for 1889 .. •■ 4,750 0 0 Less 2J per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber work*, etc., for 1890 .i .. VSO 0 0 Less 2i per cent, per annum for depreciation bo timber works, etc., for 1891 .....' 4,750 0 0 Less per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber works, etc., for 1892 .. .. 4,750 0 0 Less 2J per ceet. per annum for depreciation on timber works, * etc., for 1893 .. .. 4,750 0 0 Lola 2J per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber works,./ etc., for 18M .. .. 4,750 0 0 Less 2£ per cent, per annum for ~ depreciation on timber works, \* etc., for 1895 .. .. 4,750 0 0 Less 24 per cent, per annum for aepreciation on timber -works, . etc./ for 1896 .. .. 5,000 0 0 Lees 2J per cent, per annum for depreciation on timber works, •to * tor 1807 .... 5,000 0 0

Less 24 per cent, per annum for | depreciation on timber works, etc., for 1898 .. .. 5,000 0 0 a. Total estimated cost or value of harbour works as above.. £464,493 0 0 N.B.—Timber in Harbour Works.—The Harbour Board's engineer (Mr Napier Bell) estimated that the piles in wharves and jetties would have to be renewed in 40 years, other timber, caps, braces, etc,, would have to be renewed in 25 years, planking would have to be renewed in 10 years. LIABILITIES. General Account— £ c a Rocket apparatus .. .. 100 *0 0 Grant in aid, fire prevention 1898, .. .. .. 100 0 0 Black ' birch timber, balance contract .. .. .. 482 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .25 0-0 Harbour Works— No. 5 and No. 7 jetty extensions (outstanding) .. .. 420 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 25 0 0 Due to contractors for deposits 165 15 3. Special Account—No. 2 Dredging Account— Estimated cost of voyage out to NeW.Zealand of dredge Manchester .. ~. .. '3,000 0.0 •Total estimated cash liabilities on 31st December, 1898 .. 4,317 15 3 Lyttelton Harbour Board Loan, 1879, repayable in the year ~ . 1929 200,000 00 Lyttelton Harbour Loan Act, 1897, Dredging Loan raised December, 1898, repay- ' able 1929 less amount outstanding as above .. .. 27,000 0 Cr. balance, including estimated value or cost of harbour works, etc., up to 81st De- , cember, 1898 .. .. 328,242 3 1 £559,559 17 4 CASH SUMMARY—GeneraI Account and, Dredging Loan, For twelve months ending 31st December, 1898. , Cγ. , . £ s d 'General account—Caeh awets in hand, and outstanding on 31st December, 1898, including £3,318 7s 9d on fixed de- • posit as a Renewal Fund .. 9,237 19 .1 Loan account, for dredging .. 10,374 9 8 ' ' £19,612 8 9 Dr. £ v. & •General account— outstanding contracts and liabilities on 31st December, 1898, (as above) .. .. ••'. I.?" 15 3 Loan .account, dredging plant » liabilities .. .. ... 8,000 0 0 By balance general account; including £3,318 7s 9d Renewal ■ ' ' . .. •• •• 7,920 3 10By balance dredging loan ac- ■ • count ..'_.. > .. 7,374 9 8 £19,612 8 9 CONTRACT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT, 12 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1898. .;' - :: RECEIPTS. balance from last account .. . 90 0 0 Contract deposits in 1898 '.. 276 15 8 £368 15 3 ■ ' PAYMENTS.- • - Amount of deposit refunded during twelve months to 31st De- ~ cember, 1898 ' . ... .. 200 0 0 Balance at credit of contract deposit account in Bank of .Z. ' ■ on 31st December, 1898 .. 165 15 8 £365 15 3 LIST OF CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO DURING THE YEAR 1898. (Furnished as required by the "Harbours Act, ■-'■■ 1878). . ■ * let, November, 1897: Scott Bros., Chrietchurch —Two Cornish boilers and Worthinghm. feed pump for cool chamber aijd electric ' lighting, £739 10s; date for completion, 30th August/1898 (two months' extension), lat February, 1898: Black Ball Coal Mining Company, Limited—Supply of Blackball coal, tug or dredge, steam coal at 16s, un- •' screened nuts lla 6d, and on shore 18s fid; ■ unscreened nuts on, shore, 13i 5d per toS»; for office—screened—26* per ton, and fittowood'at 27s and-29 per cord, for period ending 31st January, 1899. 10th February, 1898: K. Forbes and Co., Lyttelton—Supply of stores, at schedule prices, for period ending 31st January, 1899. 27th April, 1898: Boyd and Keir, Rangiora— Supply of black birch planking iot No. 5> and No. 7 jetty extension, and for renewals of No., 3 »nd 4 breaatworke, etc,, 135,600. • feet, super., at 15a per 100 Jfeet, £1017; date for completion, 31st December, 1898, and two > months' extension in addition granted by Board. lit April, 1868: Murray, Arnold and Company, N b.W—Sui'jJiy. of ircrberk timbsr afcr2os per 100 feet euper, and piles "*t 8e per v foot; date for completion, 31st July, 1898,, fo- No. 5 and 7 jettio*' extension, etc., £1,663.28 4d. „,!""'■*,' 15th June, 1838: W.-Thomas—Cave Rock ugnal station building contract, £166; date for completion, 15th September, 1896. SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS' , ■' ACCOUNT. For 19i7ears ending December 81et, 1898. Lyttelton Harbour Boitd Debentures—Loan — £200,000—-SO yean—due Ist July, 1929. -■-■ - RECEIPTS—IB9B. £ ■. d. January Ist—To 18i year* Harbour Board contribution to Sinking Fund, from Ist July, * 1879 I*> Slot December, 1879.. 18,500 O 0 April Ist—To Harbour Board contribution to Sinking Fund, for 12 months, to 31st December, 1898 ... .. . ■• -1,000 0 0 January Ist—To interest accrued to December 31et, 1897, m per last year's account .. , .. 12,400 13 4 April let—To int«reet on 41 £60 Chrietchurch City Drainage bonds, half-year, to Ist April, 1898, at 6 per cent. .. .. 61 10 0 April 15th—To interest on 27 £100 4 per Government bond* 6 month* ending 15th April, 1898 ~ ■•" ." •• 64 0 0 June Ist—To interest on 15 £100 Lyttelton Borough Council 5 per cent, 6 months, to let' June, 1898 :: " 87 10 0 June. 4th—To interest on 50 £100 Waimakariri-Aehley Water Supply debentures, 5 per cent, 6 months, ending Ist June, 1898 .. ..' •• 128 ,O 0 June 16th—To interest on Permanent Investment and Loan Association's Debenture, £7,500, *t-4J per |sent. r 6 months/ ending 15th June, 1898 •• .. •• 168 15 0 June 30th—To interest on Wai- s makariri Harbour Board de- • benture, £450, 6 months,, to ' SOth June, 1896, at Q per cent. (less -6a exchange) ~ .. IS 9 6

I August 15th—To interest on Permanent Investment and Loan Association's - debenture, £7,500, at 4jpor cent, for 2 months ending 15th August, . 1898 56 8 1 August 15—To interest, 4$ per cent., on fixed deposit, £4W 10s 4d, Permanent Investment and Loan Association, from 15th. December, 1897, to 15th August, 1898, 8 months .. 13 18 8 ' October let—To interest on 41 £50 Christchurch City Drain- k age bonds, half-year, to Ist October, 1898, at 6 per cent. 61 10 0 October 15th—To interest on 27 £100 New Zealand Government bonds, 4 per cent., 6 * .months, ending 15th October, November 29—To interest on 50 ' £100 Waimakariri - Ashley Water Supply debentures, 5 per cent., G months, ending Ist December, 1898 .. .. 125 0 0 November 29—To interest on 15 £100 Lyttelton Borough Council 5 per cent, debentures, for ' 6 months, ending Ist December, 1898 87 10 0 December 12th—To interest on fixed deposit, £1,606 ISa, with ,v - Bank of New Zealand, Christchurch, 1 year, to 6th December, 1898, at 8J per cent. .. 62. 14 fl December 29th—To interest on Waimakariri Harbour Board debenture, £450 at 0 per cent, to 31st December, 1898, G months (less 6d) exchange .. 13 9 6 December 31st—-To interest on fixed deposit, £3143 Is 3d, with Bank of New Zealand. Christchurch, 1 year, to 31st December, 1898, »t 8J per cent 110 0 1 December 31st—To interest on . fixed deposit, £1234, with , Bank 'of New Zealand, Christchurch, 1 year, to 31st December, 1898, at 3J per cent. .. 43 8 8 "*! December Slat—To on i, 's '' v fixed deposit, £883, with Bank ' " " - of New Zealand, 1 year, to 31st December, 1898, at 3J ' per cent. .. .. ..■•.;■■' SO 18 1 December 31st—To interest on fixed deposit, £1447, with Bank of New Zealand, 1 year, to diet December, 1898, at 8j , per cent, per annum .. 60 12 11 December 31st—-To interest on . • fined deposit, £779, with Bank oi New Zealand, 1 year, at 8& per cent., to 31st December , , 1898 > 37 5 0 December 31st—To interest on '■' fixed deposit, £1461, with Bank of New Zealand, 1 year, . . ■. to 81et December, 1898, at Bj£ . ' " . pet cent, per annum .. 61 9, § - r ,- December 81st—To "interest on , ' > fixed deposit, £817, with Bank , ' of Now Zealand, from 7th January, 1898, to 31st De-, t • * cember, 1898, at 3J per -cent. per annum. .. ~ 28 11 11 December 81st—To interest on £8003 St. Albans- Borough " ' ' Council Debentures, for half ' • )' . year ending 31st December, '. r 1898,-at 4 per, cent, per an- t . > ' -' num, £160, less refund of in- , , ' terest Ist July to 15th August, 1898, £29 14s .. . ,130 6-0 - t £33,247 8-7 • INVESTMENTS. , , , £ B.d. October 4th, 1880—By purchase . - V i, -' of 31 Chriatchuroh City ; Drainage C per cent. Bonds, \ * ■' ' of £50, at £47 13e each, in- ,-. •• * terestjpayable lsfc April and Ist 'October in each year.. - 1,472 10 0 Jnasl*t> 1892—8y purchase of 10 ' >• Christchurch City Drainage " ' '* 6 per cent. Cionds, interest . ■ I*. , payable . half-yearly,' on Ist } - April and Ist October in each year .. .. .. 535 0 4 ; : ; By Bank interest on overdraft, V '■• to 30th March, 1893, conse- v ;i ■ •' quent on purchase of the . ' ' ; , above Bonds .. .. <■ - 7 10 8 December 28th, 1894—8y Purchase of Waimakariri Har- / . r bour Board Debenture, £450, 6 per cent., with currency ,- -, i of 8 years from 28th Decem- - ', ber, 1894 • .. .. ..' "450 0 0 , .* February Ist, 1895—8y purchase \ of 15 £100 Lyttelton Borough •' . ', i> Council 5 cent, deben- " >,! ' • tures, 10 years' currency from let December, 1894 ..•"' 1,500 P 0 August 15th, 1895—8y purchase of ' - 50 Wftimakariri-Aahley Water • Supply debentures (16 years' . • . " currency), .of £100 each, bear- \ ing interest jit 6 per-cent., ' , payable half-ycarrjr on , - i December and Ist June.. ,' 5,000 0 9 August lGth, 1895—8y purchase of 27 JEIOO Uew Zealand *;n X <Jove,mment 4 per oentr i " */ , bonds, interest payable in . - *'"l . : colony .- ..- .. 2,700 0 9. August 15th, Ifl9&-By purchase - ,- , ,' of 8 £1000 St. Albans Borough ' - . Council debentures (20 years' - - -;*',/. " currency), from July Ist, 1898, - s ' •'-J^ bearing interest at 4 per cent., , \We payable half-yearly on Ist • V^? January and Ist July .. 8,000 0 0 ;■; December 4th, 1898—By fixed de- , V nosit with Bank of New Zealand, Christchurch, 1 year, at 3£ per cent., to 6th December. 1899 .- •- 1,506 15 0 December 31st, 1898—By purchaae of 12 &\m St. Albany * Boro ( ugh Council debentures (20 years* currency, from let July, 1898), bearing interest at 4 per cent., payable half- • yearly on let January and let ' December 31et. 189ft-By balance . at Credit Sinking Fund Comroiseionera' at current account at Bank of New Zealand, on 31st December, 1896, current account 75 12 10 £33,247 8 7 SUMMABY ON 81st DECEMBER, 1898. SINKING FUND AND INTEREST. £ b. d. Total contribution from Lyttel- . . ton Harbour Board to Sink* .vo ing Fund during 19J years, ; ending 31st December, 1898 19,500 0 0 j Interest received on loans or inrestmenta to 31st December, 1898 .. ~. .. 13,747 8 1 £33,347 8 J7 INVESTMENTS. • , " ■ ' » : ,* •,a. ; Thirty-one £30 Christchureh City Drainage 6 per cent, bonds, . . purchased at £47 10» (repay- I, abU l»t October, 1925) • .. 1,47310 0 ■ ■.

• MB &° Christchurch City - Drainago 6 per cent, bonds, * ' purchased at X 53, and cs- ! pen»os consequent on purchase thereof (repayable let October, 1923) .. .. 542 10 9 * Hurbour Board debenture, at C per cent, (repnyablo Sfcth December, 1902).. 450 0 0 Pifteen £100 Lyttelton Borough Council debentures, at 5 per cent, prepayable let December, 1904) .. •• •• 1,500 0 0 ■ J"jlty £100 'Waimakariri-Ashley Water Supply debentures, at 5 per cent, (repayable let June, 1910) .. .. 5,000 0 0 '•Twenty-wen £100 N.Z. Govern- ' ntent I per cent, bonds (repayable October, 1913), in- ' ■ • terei"t payable in colony .. 2,700 0 0 Fixed deposit for 1 year, Waring interest at 3J per cent, with • # Bank <>f Nrw Zealand .. 1,506 15 0 Twenty £ir«M) St. Albans Borougii Councii'Debentures. at 4 per c«nt. (repayable Ist July, 1918) 20,000 0 0 Bnla^ , ' 0 at Bank on 31st December, 1898 .. .. 75 12 10 £33,247 8 7 ! Statement showing the ordinary rcvonue actnally earned and the racpenditurc belonging | ' to the twelve (12) months ending 31st December, 1898. ; 18D3. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. a. Wharfage, 12 months, to 31st December, IS9B .. .. 12,418 10 10 a Piloting, P"rt charges for 12 montlM 7,054 19 9 I Warp* ..' •• •• 276 0 0 ! Licenses • • . • • • 17 7 t> Bent of No. 5 atore, 1 year .. 1,250 0 0 Storage—including amount outstanding on grain still in store on 31st December, 1898 1,268 11 10 Cool chamber .. ... • • 529 19 4 Towage fees .. . ..' .. 1,195 5 0 Graving dock fees .. .. 928 15 7 ;: Patent slip dues .. .. 10G 0 0 Pilotage exemption certificates .. 25 10 0 i Electric light refunds .. 92 7 6 Rente, lots Nos 16a and 16b noar tunnel mouth (rent reduced 25 per cent, per annum . in October, 1893) .. .. 82 10 0 v< Rent, lot No. 15 .. .. 200 0 0 Bent, temporary sites .. .. 13 16 0 Sale of plant, etc. .. .. 67 1 3 Incidental receipts .. .. ,13 6 0 Refunds .-? 36 9 9 - Interest fixed deposit renewal •,* fund 112 4 2 £25,678 14 6 A. Note —The wharfage reductions in 1893 (reduced from 6d to 4d per ton) on grain and agricultural produce, coal and frozen meat, took effect from the 22nd July, 1893. The transhipment charges were also abolished from that date, and re-snipments freo. B. Note—The Harbour Master's fees were abolished from the 22nd'July, 1893. Total reductions .. .. £2,693 10 11 1898. EXPENDITURE. Salaries— Secretary and treasurer and two * clerks .. .. .. 711 9 2 Printing, advertising, stationery, lithographic plans, etc., by-laws, office rent, members' travelling expenses, audit fees and contingencies .. .. 410 16 9 Solicitor to Harbour Board, law charges (1 year) .. 65 17 11 Interest on loan (£200,000) .. 12,050 10 6 Sinking fund (£200,000) .. 1,000 0 0 Harbour Master's staff salaries 1,614 15 6 Harbour Master's contingencies 84 3* 8 Pilot station at Heads—Maintenance .. .. .. 16 16 10 Sumner pilot, -lifeboat (£150) and conservancy .. .. 368 8 8 Buoys, moorings, boats, hawsers, etc.—Maintenance .. 101 12 0 Time ball and signal stationMaintenance .. .. 2 18 Insurance—Sheds, offices, etc. 86 12 6 Grants in aid Sailors' Home .. 800 0 0 •Wharves and jetties—Maintenance, including renewal of portion of decking of wharves ' including (£482) balance black * birch timber contract .. 1,306 9 9 •Wharves—Lighting, gas and electric, including six new . electric lamps, and t*ft new boilers (£570) .. ' .. 1,444 13 8 Expenditure under Public Revenue Act, 1893, inspection \ of harbour, etc. .. .. 21 3 0 fitearn tug—Salaries, stores, renewals, coala, etc. (12 months) 2,314 16 5 Storage, salaries, expenses, labour, ront, etc. .. .. 1,452 17 3 ,_,-■ ' Cool chamber—Working exV pense*, including cost (£239 . ' i 10s) new boilers '.. .. 628 15 9 • Graving dock—Working ex- ' », penses, including £248 repairs '' to caisson and pumps .. 800 3 10 '*'■> Patent slip—Working expenses 23 4 6 'y Rent of siding to lot No. 15 .. 60 0 0 f"' Interest on overdraft No. 3 l r ; .< account dredging loan, Aug. p to December, 1898 .. 191 6 0 Vi . Lyttelton borough rates .. 89 13 9 '£ ' Inspector of wharves and works ' % - —Salary and contingencies .. 364 8 7 I Burplus balance on 81st DecemI ber,lß9B .. ~,. .. , 438 410 "''\ ' ' 14 6 •■ ';- Memo.—Special expenditure in*' '\ eluded in the above state- "\ ment:— " * Sumner life boat .. .. 150 0 0 f\ Two new boilers electric light f.- » and 6 lamps .570 0 0 !/ Repairs to caisson and pumps >}■• at dock 348 0 0 <*"„ Cool chamber new boilere ..339 0 0 || f Total .. .. £I,W 0 0 ~\y Estimate of revenue and expenditure (general f/ account) and interest and sinking fund act . counts, for the year ending December 31st, • : lew. ?: , ■ ' . 1899. lij ESTIMATED REVENUE. ' ¥ " • ' J a. d. /),-" 'Wharfage, under existing tariff.. 13,500 0 0 \, port charges, eto. .. 7,300 0 0 ?V' Warps .. .. .-, ' 380 0 0 ■ - licenses and pilotage exemption t, feea , 40 0 0 , ' Steam tug—Towage fees .. 1,800 0 0 ,-.- Graving dock dues .« »« 900 0 0 , Patent slip dues - .. .. 100 0 0 < v Storage ~ .. .. 1,800 0 0 „ Cool chamber .., .. 660 0 0 Bent—Grain export shed (1 year) 0 0 ,' „ Lots Nos. 16a and 161, reduced 25 per cent. .. 83 0 0 „ Lot No. 16 .. .. 300 0 0 „ Temporary sites ~ .. 14 0 0 '' L' Sals of plant, etc.—lncidental receipts and refunds .. 60 0 0 Electric lighting—Refunds from the shipping and railway .. 80 0 0 Interest on fixed deposit (1896)— ' ■■ r Renewal fund ~., .. 115 0 0 , Deficit .. .. .. 9441 0 0 ■ £29,112 0 0 , The wharfage reductions of 1898 -, - from 6d to 4d per ton, on , grain, coal, and other produce , amounted 1,896 18 0' Transhipments .. .. .. 884 11 3 * 4The loss by the abolition of Har- ' ' hour Master's fees amounted *« .. ~., .. 413 1 8 Making total reductions .., £3,883 10 11 r . 18W - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE. l- r £ a. d. ~ By Secretary and Treasurer and :"' two clerks' salaries .. 731 0 0 y,. t> Harbour Board contingencies— Printing, advertising, stationery, etc. (including by-laws, plans, etc.) .. 140 0J) Members' travelling expenses .. .. 70 0 0 Election expenses „., 60 a 0 Office ront and cleaning—* I Lyttelton and . Christchurch • ... . ~ 160 Q.O g» Incidental expenses—Fuel, > postage, telegrams, etc. 35 0 0 v; T Audit fees .. .. 13 0 0 j* ♦.Interest on debentures (13 t •. months) Ist January, 1899, tf* vto 3lßt December, 1899 ~ 13,000 0 0 y. »,lixchange on London credit .'. and advertising payments . o- ? f Coupons in London .. 70 0 0 „ Sinking fund on debentures, for year 1899 .. .. 1,000 0 0 y m interest on dredging loan (£30,000 raised) .. .. 1,300 0 0 ~ Solicitor to Harbour Board— n Law c ' l * r e ee (one year) .. 60 0 0 wUrants in aid—Fire prevention and Sailors' Home maintenance .. .. 400 0 0 „ Insurance on sheds and of- ' flees, etc. .. ..' 90 0 0 n narbour Master's Departmem—Salariee .. .. 1,600 0 0 „ Harbour Master's incidental *" expousM .. .. 90 0 0 „ Pilot SUI-ion at Heads Main- , tenance buildings, induding painting .. .. 30 0 0 ~ . " ">'<'«' iil-Htiou-l-Snmnar conservancy .... 150 0 V ,, v *. 11 Buoys, boats, moorings, A b«icon», and warps lnaintename .. , .. 100 0 0 i'J n Time bail—Maintenance and sy repairs .. ~ .. 10 0 0 i\'* i« Na -val Point breakwater— ?'" Maintenance .. .. > —. ,*/< «Officern Point .. .. '*"''.: ' VS vj M*Wh*rvee, jetties, and sheds * '•4 —Maintenance, renewals, v }f repairs .. .. 1,850 0 0 ?&'< »Ligdting wharvce and jetties.. 1,000 0 0 ;.' »Siding rent, lot No. 16 .. 60 0 0 S|"; n Storage, including aalazies,

labour, etc. .. .. 1000 0 0 „ Rent of shed purchased from New Zealand Grain Agency, and rc-at kerosene bond '.. 445 0 0 ~ Cool chamber working expenses .. .. 300 0 0 » Steam tug working expense?— Salaries, coal, stores, including £3500 for new boilers, decks, cylinders, etc. .. .. 5,800 0 0 „ Patent slip—Working ex•penses .. .. .. 50 0 0 „ G raving dock salaries .. 160 0 0 „ Graving dock working expenses (twelve months) .. 400 0 0 ' „ Inspector of wozks and con- | tingencies ... .. 255 0 0' „ Lytteiton Borough rates .. 40 0 0 ■ „ Unforeseen contingencies .. 300 00! £23,112 0 0' Note—'lt will be seen that vtie sum 01 j £1350 is set down in the above estimated ax- J penditure for "Repairs, renewaU, and main- j tenance" of wharves, jetties and sheds, the ' greater portion of which aura will be used in ', tho renewal of the timber work of the wharves \ during the year 1899. The sum expended last j j year tor this purpose was £1306. Ihe sum of ' I £3500 is also included for new boilere and re- ( [ newal of decks, sponsons, and machinery of \ ' the tug LyUeltou. The balance to credit ol the . ! "Kenewai Fund" on fixed deposit, waa on 31st : December, lo£)3, £331b 7a 3d. A resolution waa passed by the Harbour Board on the 3rd February, 1893: "That a further sum of £1567 be placed on fixed deposit, to be held for renewal fund account, thus reestablishing this fund to its original £5000.'' This £1567 will have to be paid out of the balance in hand at the close ol the year IBI>S. Keturn of wharfage diu-a, showing the class of goods on which whariage dues were levied during the years 1897 uud 1898 respectively, and the wharfage rates paid: — Month. 18*J7. £ s. d. January Ist to January 2nd .. 82 9 0 January 3rd to January 30th .. 1,026 11 4 February Ist to February 27th .. 1,116 4 0 February 28th to March 31st .. 1,117 18 3 April Ist to April 30th .. 927 8 4 May Ist to May 29th „ 943 17 11 May 30th to June 26th •.. 782 17 1 June 27th to July 24th .. 855 18 9 July 251h to August 21st .. 882 15 7 August 22nd to September ISth 836 19 2 September 19th to October 16th 948 1 1 October 17th to November 13th 847 19 10 November 14th to December 11th 1,136 14 6 December 12th to December 31st 714 18 8 £12,220 13 6 Less 2J per cent, paid for collection .. .. .. 305 10 4 Net wharfage for 12 months ending December 31st, 1597 £11,915 3 2 Increase in 1897 .; .. £707 10 6 Month. 1898." £ s. d. January Ist to January Bth .. 478 18 4 January 9th to February sth .. 1,086 17 10 February 6th to March sth .. 973 9 10 March 6th to March 31st C-J 960 4 9 April let to April 30th .. 1,052 14 8 May Ist to May 2Sth .. .. 887 19 10 May 23th to June 25th .. 914 7 3 June 26th to July 23rd .. 759 9 1 July 24th to August 20th ~ 971 18 10 August 21et to September 17th .. 815 11 10 September 18th to October 15th.. 1,083 11 1 October 16th to November 12th .. a 33 14 3 November 13th to December 10th 1,159 1 9 December 11th to December 31st 779 0 0 T „, £12,736 19 4 Less 2J per cent, paid for collection .. .. ~ 3iß 8 6 Net wEarfage for 12 months ending December 81st, 1898 .. £12,418 10 10 Increase in 1898 .. ~ £503 7 8 Return class of goods and tonnage upon which wharfage dues were levied during the years ending 31st December, 1898 and 1897 respectively: — 1897. General merchandise, 73,534 tons at Is 6d per ton, equal to .. 5.515 1 0 Frozen meat, butter, tallow, etc., 38,058 tons at 4d per ton, equal to .. .. .. 634 6 0 Grain and agricultural produce, ' 67,633 tons at 4d per ton, equal to .. .. . 3 217 4 4 Coal, 93,712 tons at 4d per ton, equal to 1 egi •.» * Wool, 78,890 bales at 4d per bale', ' equal to . 1 jg o Timber, 16,140,800 feet, at 2d per 100 ft, equal to .. .. ! 345 1 4 Salt, cement, etc, 441 tons at 9d „. Per ton, equal to .. .. 165 8 3 Minerals, 3,322 tons at 9d per ton, equal to .. ~ 124 n g Live stock and sundries .. 432 7 1 Gross total for year 1897 .. £12.220 13 6 ■»•• 1898. • ». General merchandise, 76,411 tons _ at Is 6d per'ton, equal to ,-. £.730 Iβ 6 Froien meat, butter, tallow, etc., 34,469 tons at 4d per ton' equal to .. .. 674 9 8 Grain and agricultural produce, 61,343 tons at 4d per ton equal to , lo« 7 n Coal, 96,146 tons at 4d per ton, ' 8 equal to .. .. lfim „ . Wool, 69,872 bales at 4d per bale? equal to .. ]](Uln „ Timber 39,477,200 feet at 2d per 100 ft, equal to .. .. lm 2 0 Salt, cement, etc., 4068 tons at 9d ~. Per ton. equal to .. .. 162 3 6 Minerals, 5566 tone at 9d per ton, ■ equal to ' 208 7 n lave atock and sundries .. 658 14 0 Gross total for year 1898 .. £12,736 19 4 .Note.—Owing to the minimum chargee, the above quantities, if calculated at the various rates, will not agree exactly with the extensions. The wharfage dues were reduced on the Ist May, 1889, as follows:-General merchandise, 25 per cent., grain and agricultural produce, 50 per cent.; coal, 50 per cent.; minerals, 25 per cent.; all live stock, 6d per head and per score. On the 22nd July, 1893, the Lyttelton Harbour Board further reduced wharfage dues on grain, frozen meat, and all other agricultural produce, and coal, etc., from 6d to 4d per ton, and made all transhipments free. The effect of these reductions was that the Harbour Board received £1396 18s less' wharfage on frozen meat, butter, grain, agricultural produce, and coal, and £884 Us 3d less on transhipments; or a total reduction of £2281 9s 3d during the year. ; °. r * nd ort Chantes received s,t Uie Port ol Lyttelton during the twelve months endlwr December 31st, 1898, and also dnrinr the preceding aix yean rtsjwctiyelyf—

Decrease in 1898, £715 Oi lid. Note*—The pilotage rate* were reduced in the year 1882 from 6d to 3d per ton register for sailing ttwain, and from 4d to 2d per ton for stinrwTii The pilotage m further redaced in May, 1893, on foreign-going steamers wben nflioi twice on the urn« voyage—only on* pilotage being charged. ' The Harbour Master's fee* (of Id per ton) were abobsfaed from the 22nd July, 1893. These fee* in 1093 amounted to £413 for the year. BATES OF PILOTAGE AND PORT CHARGES lA FOKCE AT THE PORT OF LYTTELTON. Pilotagv—On all sailing vessels over 100' tons register, threepence per ton register each way. titesmers will be charged two-thirds of the rate o< pilotage on a aailiag vessel of aimilar tonnage. When a pilot is detained on board any ves&el whilst under quarantine, or by any act or default of the xnaeter or officer of each vessel, a fee or sum of twenty shilling* per day shall be paid by such vessel. , The above rat«a shall be paid in the ca*e of Te*aals eajlsriaig the port iouMdaataljr on •atariac iamrds at ta* Custom* Moeae, M»d *■■' V ' ! i . ■ i ) "; -:/-,,l■■■.: •■-■•..- ;■

in the case of vessels leaving, before clearing outwards at.the Customs. If any person liable to. pay any dues or charges in respect of any of the matters provided for evades or attempts to evade the payment of any dues, or offends against any of the provisions of this by-law, he shall incur and be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, to be recovered in tho manner provided by the said Act. PILOTAGE BY-LAW. AMENDED 14th MAY, 1832. That in the event of a foreign-going steamer calling more than once on one voyage, only ■ one inward and outward pilotage fee shall be J charged. i PORT CHABGES. j vessels of 100 tons and upwards, plying ' Ssl „ •♦F"* ° r in coasting only, - shall pay the sum ol twopence per registered ' , or measured ton quarterly in advance, { * «;Tlf ?Be 4i! to , aa '*** u P™rda, not plying * ™ t only ' or ** «> lel y I ! casting, shall pay on coming into the port a I iSEnSUK* , ** per tOB regißt * red or ! Such port charges not to exceed the sum of , sixpence p« ton in any half year j ; * iy £—Payment of Harbour Master's fees I was abolished on 22nd July, 1893. In 1692 ; they amounted to £412 per annum. ! Bell r£t°i- Dr^f Dg k done *» the Port of sss^ar 1 * months, Total quantity dredged from the commence- , ?K?*il\ M * y ' IS J 6 J to November, 1895— 16,181* barge and dredge loads, equal 3 211 200 cubic yards, equal 4,496,045 tons? Total average «ut for the above 11* years was about6d per cubic yard. Note—No drodging work was done during the years 1888, 18S9, 1893, 1896, 1897, and 1898 Meam Hopper Dredge, No. 223, was chartered from the Otago Harbour Board for twelve months from 27th November, 1894, to the 27th November, ISS3. Dredging, maintenance and working expenses—Expenditure, twelve months ending 27th November, 1895; salaries, dredse otaff, twelve months, £2,978 18s 2d; stares, current repairs, and renewals, twelve months, £2,247 6s IOd,; twelve payments to Otago Harbour Board under charter party, at £250 a month, £3000; insurance on Dredge No. "222" (£15,000), twelve months ending 27th November, 1895, £603 15s; total £5830. '■ Notes—The dredging operations were discontinued on the 3lst January, 1886, and the dredge and barges were laid up. On the Ist May, 1887, the dredge and barges were again put into commission, and the work was continued for five months, ending on the 30th September, 1857, when the plant was again laid up. On the Bth June, 1890, dredging operations were recommenced and continued till the 20th October, 1890, when the dredging plant was sold to the Westport Harbour Board for £12,000, and the amount expended in dredging work at liyttelton by the Otago dredge during the years' 1892, 1834, and 1895. On the 3rd November, 1891, the Lyttelton Harbour Board chartered the Steam Hopper Dredge, No. "222," from the Otago Harbour Board, for a period of six months, dating from 3rd November, 1891, and ending 3rd May, 1892. On the 27th November, 1894, the Lyttelton Harbour Board again chartered Dredge No. "222" for a period of twelve months, ending 27th November, 1835. * Dredge No. : '222" carried 850 cubic yards or 1250 tons of mud in her hoppers, on a draught of 10ft 6in forward, and 14ft 6in aft, and dredged to a depth of 31ft when light, and 34ft when loaded. ,Note—No dredging has been done in the Harbour of Lyltelton since the 27th November, 1895. The Lyttelton Harbour Board purchased tKe Hopper Dredge Manchester in August, 1898, and she should arrive at Lyttelton by the end of April, 1899. Beturn showing Beceipts and Expenditure in connection with the STEAM TUG LYTTELTON. During the year ending December 31st, 1898. BECEIPTS. £ 8. d. To amount of Towages received from the Ist January, 1898, to 31st December, 1898 (£1228), and outstanding for 1898 (£lO9 10s) .. .. .. 1,337 10 0 Less towages earned in 1897, but collected in 1898 .. 143 5 0 •Credit given for services ren- . dered to pilot service by the tug during 1898 .. .. 800 0 0 Dr. balance for year I#9B .. 319 11 5 £2,314 16 5 EXPENDITUBE. £ s. d. By salaries—Master, who is also * head pilot, £325 a year; mate, £200 a year; engineer, £20; 2 firemen, 1 at £13 and 1 at £11; 2 deck hands at £10 -each; and carpenter, : £12 per month; and extra' ';■" ; •-•. hands .. ... TJX6 11 2 C0a1—492 tons at 16a ... 843 '4 0 20 tons at 11s 6d .. 11 10 0 Stores, oil, waste, etc. ~ 119 9 5 Current repairs .. .. . 172 4 3 Cleaning and painting .. ... 61 7 6 Sundries ..., .. .. 40 10 1 *The head pilot has, since January, 1886, been acting as master of the tug, and the steamer is now practically a pilot boat as well as a tug boat, consequently a very large proportion of the pilot service is done by her. The surplus of pilotage receipts more than covers the above deficiency on the towage service. The tug also undertakes the work of shifting vessels from one wharf to another, for which, no towage charge ia made when it is done to facihtato the general working of the port New boilers were put into the tug in September 1895, at a cost of £1545. Special repairs and renewals were effected on these boilere in September, 1895, which should enable her to run until August, 1899, when new boilere will have to be put junto her, and her decks, sponsons, paddle-Wheels, and machinery also require repairs and renewals, the estimated total cost being about £3500. The insurance premiums paid on the tug Lyttelton up to March, 1894, amounted to £5539 15s lOd, when the Board became their own insurers. Graving Dock, Lyttelton—Working expenses for the twelve months ending December 31st, 1398: —— RECEIPTS—DOCK DUES. ACTUALLY 6th January, Ptreora .. ~ 80 0 0 17th January, Taieri .. • . . 50 0 0 31st January, H.M.S. Torch (actual cost) .. ~ 15 18 0 2ttt February, Botoru* .. .. gj i<, 0 2nd March, Aotea .. .. 50 0 0 4th April, Hesketh .« .. SO 0 0 23th April, Jtrfalcon .. ~ 20 0 0 4th May, Bakanoa .. • .. t 60 0 0 19th May, Rosamond .. .. 82 10 0 let June, Janet Nicoll .. ~ 82 10 0 3rd June, H.M.S. • Tauranga (actual cost) .... 19 17 7 9th June, Rotomahana .. .. 60 0 0 16th Juiyy Corinna .. .. 50 0 0 18th July, Aotea .. .. 60 0 0 19th July, Ruahine .. .„ 60 0 0 20th July, Pareora .. .« 30 0 0 15th September, Hesketh > .. 30 0 0 15th September, Opawa „■ 45 0 0 20th October, Maori ... .. 60 0 0 2nd November, Waimate .. 60 0 0 4th November, Susanne (5 days' extra) .. .. .. 60 10 0 9tb-December, Herniione .. 45 0 0 17th December, Rotomahana .. 60 0 0 £928 15 7 Dock Dues—Sixteen years, ended December 31st, 1896 .. 14,527 13 1 Dock working, expenses, sixteen 1 years, ended December, 31st, 1886 . 9454 9 3 *Cr. balance for .sixteen years, ended December 31st, 1896 .. 5073 3 10 EXPENDITURE, 1898. Salaries —(12 months) —Engine driver, wages at rate of £3 per week and extra labour .. 163 1 4 Wages—Labourers, and cleaning dock, &c. 118 3 0 Repairs, caisson and dock pumps .. .. .. 348 it I Coals—l3B tons 11 cwt Sqrs at 18s 6d 127 13 1 Oil, wedges, waste, etc, etc. „ 69 1 8 Repairs, timber for new shores, staging, firebars, &c. .. 84 Iβ » Credit balance MB 11 9 £938 IS 7 NOTE—The actual net earnings of the Lyttelton Graving Dock for the 12 months to 3Ut December, 1898, were £138 lie 9dV The net earning for 1897 were (Ruapehu 4715) £1096 8s Id. 23 vessels were docked in 1883,28 Teasels were docked in 1884, 25 vessels were docked in 1886, 25 vessels were docked in 1886,18 vessels were docked in 1887, 17 vessels were docked in 1888, 15 vessels were docked in 1889, 15 vessels were docked in 1890, 17 vessels were docked in 1891, 17 vessels were docked in 1892, 17 vessels were docked in 1893,12 vessels were docked in 1894, 15 vessels were docked in 1896, 15 vessels were docked in 1896, 23 vessels were docked in 1897, 23 vessels were docked in 1898. The docking charges were considerably reduced in October, 1884. New by-laws were < made by the Board on the Ist August, 1888. The provisions,of the latter were such as to relieve the Board of responsibility in docking vessels, and also enabled the Board to dispense with the services of the assistant dock master, at £300 a year, and also half that bf the superintending engineer, amounting to £125 a year. Consequently, the charge, under the head of Dock Salaries, at present, only amounts to £156 a year. . , . On the 15th September, 1891, the graving dock chargee were further reduced, whereby vessels of 1201 tons and upwards are charged £50 for four days in dock, instead of £75, as formerly. • " . , . •The graving dock and machinery cost £105,000. Interest and sinking fund on that sum of 6$ per cent, amounts to £1835 per KataMt «t BmfeU ua sTipenditw «f tk*

Lyttelton Harbour Board, from the da^β of its constitution, 10th January, 1877, to 313t December, 1893, inclusive, being a period of twenty-two years. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. General AccountWharfage (22 years) ... .. 355,805 2 7 Pilotage (22 yeajfe) .. .. 83,646 6 9 Port Charges (22 years) .. .. 52,239 14 10 Harbour Master's Eeea (171* years, abolished ib 1893) .. .. 6,732 9 5 Pilotage exemption certificate fees (22 years) .. .- 661 7 0 *Towage fees (20 years).. .. 43,404 9 9 Graving Dock dues (16 years) .. 14,487 13 1 Slip dues (15 years .. .. 1,25118 0 Warps (22 years) .. .. -moOB 15 0 Licenses (22 years) .. .. W&ls 0 Refunds (22 years) .. .. SjM 3 5 Rents (22, years) .. .. 31,£| 8 11 i Interest on current account in Jβ ■ 1877 .. X 2 10 Incidental receipts (22 years) .. « 12 3 Sale of two cranes .. ■ ■ w> 0 0 i Sale of spare gear and plant, etc. !• V 17 2 I Wharfage on dock material used. B by dock contractors .. flf 1 0 Elecfric light refunds from ship- "• j (15 years) .. .. 1,288 17 5 I Transfer contract deposit forfeited 862 10 0 Interest on fixed deposits at Bank of New Zealand. 1885 to 189S 6,126 7 6 Storage (12 years and 10 months) 15,728 0 6 Storage—Cool Chamber (7 years) 3,132 5 11 Haulage refunds .. .. 43 6 2 Sailors' Home Building Account — Transfer .. -. .. 30 3 0 Proceeds of sale of dredge plant to Westland Harbour Board, * riovember, 1890 (expended in dredging) .. •- •- 12,000 0 0 Refund—Harbour Board expenditure on Gladstone sheds .. 3,300 0 0 Total general receipts .. £645,633 7 6 LOAN RECEIPTS. Gross proceeds of sale of deben- " tures of the £200,000 loan of 1872 ... --. .. •• 204,785 8 6 Bank interest on current account and fixed deposit from 15th August. 1879, to 31st December, 1884 ...•■'•/.. .. 20,944 15 10 Interest in connection with loan to Messrs Scrimgeour, in London -. ■ '" ■ ■■ ' - - 111 18 9 WORKS—REFUNDS. Refund by General Government of cost' of reclamation be- t tween the screwpile jetty and the Gladstone pier .. .. 4,479 0 0Refund by General Government of cost of portion of timber breastwork between the screw pile jetty and the Gladstone pier .. .. .. 748 8 9 Sailors' Home — Government Grant-in-Aid .. .. 500 0 0 DREDGING LOAN ACCOUNT. Sale of proceeds" of first instalment (£30,000) of loan under "Lyttelton Harbour Board Loan Act 1897. . - .. 30,072 11 0 •Tb)ese towage fees are exclusive of the credit due to the tug for the 2d per ton rebate off the towages, which amount is included under pilotages, - and also of the pilotage services renderel by the tug during the years 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, and 1890, when she practically became a pilot boat as well as a tug, and the balance of pilotage receipts more than covers the deficit on towage service. . This would be in— £ 8. d. 1879 .. .. .. 518 16.10 1880 .. .. .. 725 9 4 1881 .. .., .. 704 5 7 1882 The 2d per ton rebate was discontinued from Ist January, 1882. ' ' £1,948 11 9 £907,275 14- 4 EXPENDITURE. General Account— £ s d Harbour Board office staff salaries (22 years) .. ..-»_.. 14,593 8 9 Printing, advertising and stationery (by-laws, etc.) .. 3,984 6 4" Members' travelling expenses .. 1,252 15 7 Election expenses .. ■••-.. 243 16 8 Office rent 3,747 16 3 Office furniture (Christchurch).. 145 4 4 Model of harbour .. .. 82 12 0 Incidental ext)enses .. .. 1,724 14 5 Solicitor to Board (law charges) 2,050 15 11 Insurance, shede, etc.' (20 years) 1,986 2 11 Law costs re May Queen .. 43 16 4 Auditors' fees 123 0 0Expenses—Matters in dispute with Government and Rail- if way Commissioners re sheds 506 & 1 Grants in aid and contributions^— Lyttelton Colonists' Society, etc. 161 5 0 (21 years) Fire Prevention. Lyttelton Borough Council .. 2,100 0 0 (15 years) Sailors' Home .. 1,920 16 5 Harbour Master and Pilots' salaries (22 years) .. ~ 39,423 17 1 Harbour incidental, expenses (22 ' J '..'■■■ ••" 1.908 3 9 Pilot stawbn—-maintenance and repairs <22 years) .. .. 997 12 6 Time ball buildings and flagstaff —maintenance and repair* (22 yeats) .. • ... .. I,o*l 15 6 Buoys, boats, moorings, warps, etc., (22 years) .. .. 2.821 2 8 Sumner pilot (22 years) .. .. 2,020 0 0 Sumner, Conservancy (22 years) 897 18 5 Bonus H. McLellan, dock master 50 0 0 Gratuity of late F. , night watchman.. 13 13 3 Retiring allowance. H. McLellan, harbourelaster .... 513 17 1 Gratuity laWiPilot Reid's children & .. .. •• 225 0 0 •Gratuity lafe»3Pilot Reid's widow 50 0 0 Accident Conference, , . settlement-of claim .. .. 574 4 0 Margaret Gaibraith and tug collision—claim and repairs .. 24119 9 Lyttelton Borough rates .. 71 6 9 Wharf liffhtiiijt- r gaß (22 years).. 1,842 13 9 Wharf lighting — electric (15 years) i**. •• •• 15,391 0 1 Maintenance 4fharvea, jetties, ... . eheds, repairs and renewals (22 years) % *-. .. 23,522 16 5 Naval Point tieakwater—maintenance .. •• 1,074 3 10 Officers' Point lieakwater .. 626 4 8 Special repairs feeastwork decking, burnt 1878 .. .. 533 12 9 Wharfage refunAi .. .. 322 114 Haulage refund 1 .. .. 44 7 2 Steam tug Lyttelton—Bialto col- . lision claim* ' .. .. 154 16 6 Steam tug subsidy, January, 1877, to December, 1878 (2 years) 1,853 Iβ 2 S.S. lonic's claim; 1884 .. . 194 0 0 Steam tug Lyttelton—salaries (20 - years) ... .. • • 27,612 14 2 Steam tug itores, etc., (20 yean)- ..'- .. 30,275 8 6 Steam tug Lyttelton—lnsurance (14 years to March, 1894) .. 5,539 15 10 Steam tug LytieMon— Contract two new boilers, 1885 -. 1,546 6 3 Steam tug Lyttelton — Public Revenue Act, IBM.. .-. 80 7 9 Graving «alariea (16 years) cpel, stores, etc. .. . ... 9,454 9 8 Patent clip working expeniee— a labour (15 years) ~ .. 473 7 10 Storage department (12 years and 10 months) — * : ' Salaries—Clerk and-warehouse-man (12 years and 10 months) 2,819 12 10 I Labour—receiving md deliver- j ine from, stores (X years and 10 months) .. •• 10,697 10 4

Printing, stationery,. edvertieing, sundries (12 years and 10 months) .. .. .. 646 12 5 Bent store, Norwich Quay, £347 ' ■_~.' 10s p.a., bond £70 p.a." .. 5,707 6 4 Cool chamber working expenses (7 years) 3,653 16 7 Siding rent to lot 15 (at £50 a year) (10 years) .. .. 487 10 0 Interest on overdraft, October - Ist, 1890, to December 31st, •1896 '■-.. .. .. -50 3 0 Interest on overdraft, No. 2 Account Dredging Loan. Account .. .. .. 191 5 0 Interest on debentures and expenses (19J years) .. .. 234,938 9 10 Exchange on London credits and advertising payment of coupons .. .. .. 1,440 18 9 Sinking fund on debentures (19J years) .. .. <. 19,500 0 0 Harbour Works, etc.— Purchase of Peacock's wharf property in 1878 .. .. 22,650 0 0 Interest on overdraft to 1879-82 and 1886-87 .. .. 2,283 410 Debentures, preliminary expenses, Stamp duty, etc., £100,000 loan (cancelled) .. 618 16 2 Debentures, National Bank of New Zealand, charges, London, including transactions with Messra Scrimgeour .. 3,308 10 2 Dredging—salaries (11| years) .. 47,102 15 6 Dredging—working expenses and maintenance .. .. 33,063 10 5 Dredging—Minna Bell (cost) and winch .. .. .. 628 0 0 Dredging—Minna Bell working expenses (2J years) .. .. 1,1fi7 9 7 Dredging—new plant (1887) .. 747 8 9 Dredging—Special repairs (1890) Prior t w!l' e °f dredge and 2 •• ■• 707 10 0 Engineers' jBiS-salaries (22 ' years) .. .. 9,893 13 6 Engineers' staff-contingencies.. 590 15 8 Bonus to C. Napier Bell, 1883 .., 250 0 0 Gratuity to widow* of late Inspector W. Riach .. .. 10Q 0 0 Gratuity to H. Turpin—-caisson alterations, etc. .. .. 75 0 0 Purchase of tug—incidental expenses .. .. .. 678 17 10 Purchase of steam tug and voyage out .. .. 12,795 11 10 No. 2 Intermediate Jetty .. 8,079 6 9 No. 3 Intermediate Jetty and breastwork .. .. 11,098 1 9 Extension No. 1 and Screw Pile Jetties .. .. .. 6,612 11 3 Gladstone Wharf extension .. 10,255 611 Gladstone sheds re-erection .. 3,302 15 10 Lanid purchase—Naval Point.. 4,271 411 Graving dockvßfteliminary. expenses) .. .. 483 13 1 Graving dock and contingencies .. .. .. 94,321 14 1 Graving dock machinery and caisson .. .. .. 11,773 410 Harbour light and basement .. 558 18 0 Reclamation from Screw Pile Jetty to Gladstone Pier .. 10,093 15 4 Timber breastwork .. .. 16,497 10 5 Harbour Board office—buildings and furniture, Lyttelton .. 3,617 12 5 Telephonic lino—Christchurch to Lyttelton Heads .. .. 1,7?7 10 2 New export shed on breastwork 6,178 7 2 Borings, etc. .. .. « .. 761 2 3 Patent slip .. .. .. 6,601 3 1 Electric lighting (preliminary expenses) .. .. .. 85 17 6 Breastworks west of Peacock's Wharf .. .. 2,067 15 0 Filling in ballast ground to weet of Peacock's Wharf • .. 433 0 0 Harbour inspection, re defence 32 4 2 Reclamation near dock ..,* 2,262 0 0 Schoolroom at .. ' .. 127 13 2 Governor's Bay jetty contract .. 401 10 8 Sailors' Home—Building contri- ' butions ... .. .. 2,427 16 0 Sailors' Home—Additions .. 568 0 9 Road and reclamation to Ocean Jetty .. .. • .. 5,56814 10 Ocean steamer jetty—piles and timber .. .. .. 9,948 17 1 Ocean steamer jetty .. .. 6,649 11 4 Road to bathing place .. .. 182 10 1 Minna Bell repairs .. .. 39 9 6 Ocean Jetty shed contract cancelled and material taken over 3,208 610 New ehed on reclaimed land contract—labour .. .. 1,530 2 5 Pigeon Bay and Port Levy jetties and sheds .. .. 864 15 3. Sumner jetties .. .. ' .. 820 6 4 Dredge - Smithy—building contract .. .. .. 77 0 0 Electric lighting— ' Installation contract (Gulcher) 2,318 14 10 Engine shed contract .. 21617 7 Engine and boilers contract and extras .. ,' .. 1,086 5 9 Sailors' Home electric light installation .. .. .. 125 19 2 Installation extension to dock and Naval Point .. .. 1,851 10 2 Railway sidings on reclaimed land (half cost) west of Ocean . Steamers' >tty~.. . '.. 1,109 13 11 Kerosene bond—building ' con- -■ * . tract .... .. 209 15 5 Purchase of lease grain store, . . . Norwich Quay, and Stamp . duty on same .. ... 4,785 12 6 Purau jetty .. .. .. 68 1 6 Shelter sheds for wharf labour- : era and tally clerks .. 145 1 7 Cool chamber 'building, machinery and siding .. 6,114 18 1 Extension low level breastwork 149 17 0 Cattle jetty at Naval Point .. 116 14 10 Boat landing east aide of Screw • ■ Pile Jetty .. .-. .. 49 17 4 Yacht jetty .. ... .; .. l S3 4 9, Workshop at dock, purchase machinery from Scott Bros. .. 350 0 0 Screw Pile Jetty widening .. 2,438 18 5 Sumner yacht jetty .. .. • 23 10 6 Boat slip at Sumner .'. .. 20 18 11 Extension No. 7 and 5 jetties.. 2,720 J. 7 0 , Cave Bock signal station .. 170 12 11 Special account under Lyttelton Harbour Loan Act, 1897—' '• . ,' \ Purchase of dredge and ex-. pcnaes raising loans .". ' 19,698 1 4 Credit balance No. 1 -account; [ general, on 31st December, 1898 ... .. ; .. 6,597 14 3 Credit balance No. 2 account . general, on 31st December, ■■■■"-, 1898 •.;■■■ .... 10,374 9. 8 • • \ £907,275 14 4 Return of receipts and expenditure on account of the Lyttelton Harbour Board Stores | Department for the year ending 31st December, 1898. ■. ■• ." : - ■■ - - : ' . . . '•■ ■ ■ ■■■ RECEIPTS, ■■••■;. ' ■ - "■■ • ' . ;. ..; • M •• & (a) Actual amount ,of storage earned at stores for the twelve months ending 31st December, 1898 .. ..-.:■ .. 1,268 UlO (b) Drl balance fox the year end- : ing 31it December, 1898 .. 184 5 5 ; £1,453 17 8 EXPENDITURE. ' • ■ ■ ,-'■.' * «.d. Cash paid— : - Clerk and warehouseman .. 225 0 0 Labour at stores, 1898 .. 773 1 8 Printing, advertising and ■ sundries' .. •• .. 10 6 0 Rent of store site, Norwich Quay, rent of kerosene bond 444 10 0 £1,452 17 3 N0te—14,892 tons of goods were handled in the Harbour Board stores during the year 1898, as against 13,072 tons for the previous year. Notb— (a) £124 7s Id of this amount is for storage on goods delivered during December, 1898, which could not, of course, be collected during that month, (b) The greater portion ot the work done at the cool chamber (i.e. receiving', delivering, and handling, &C.), is dene by the permanent staff of the Harbour Board Stores, Department, but is not charged against the cool chamber. ' Return of receipts and expenditure on account of the Lyttelton Harbour Board Cool Chamber for the year ending 31st December, j 1898: — RECEIPTS. £ a. d. Actual amount of storage earned at cool chamber for the twelve months ending December 31st, 1898 .. •• .. ff»l» « £529 19 4 EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. Cash paid— " Salary—Engine driver and fire- ■ man .. •• •• !•• ,*J !? Extra fireman .. .. •• I*lß* Coals—l2o tons 18 cwt 2 qre, at 13s sd; 1 ton at 18s 6d ..-. Ml J Oils, stores, Ac. .. •• 21 4 0 Current repairs.. .... 13 17 10 Contingencies .. .. - •• * » ' 2 new boilers (proportion of cost) 299 10 0 Cr. balance for the year ending ■■ 31st December, 1898 -■ 12 7 £529 19 4

UB8. January .. February ». March .. Off : June «. July September... October .. November .. December .. 1898. £7,064 19 9 £ b. d. 766 7 10 769 18 2 727 12 4 285 2 0 467 7 2 412 12 6 717 17 0 56118 8 654 4 2 510 16 4 403 6 9 777 16 10 1898. Pilotage and Port Charges. Total, ie97. £7,770 0 8 £ a. d. 852 18 4 564 17 4 900 0 0 755 0 2 443 14 4 506 2 8 778 18 2 667 6 4 741 7 8 434 510 427 19 4 697 10 6 1897. Tot*I, 1896. £6,864 sTlO £ m. d. 709 12 6 618 2 10 722 510 621 3 0 486 6 6 468 11 0 567 17 4 663 18 0 645 0 0 567 6 2 310 3 4 603 19 4 1896. PiloUge and Port ChMire* (or Corresponding Period (or ' the Preceding Six Yean. Total, 1895, £7,515 6 6 £ r. d. 999 18 8 622 15 10 642 19 10 616 8 4 , 683 16 0 402 3 4 495 13 2 769 6 6 652 5 10 569 15 0 474 2 0 698 1 0 1895. Total, 1*94.1 £6,72714 21 £ s. d. 738 3 0 848 4 4 374 13 8 677 8 6 575 14 8 428 15 10 617 0 3 528 12 7 407 7 0 635 6 4 693 10 403 7 0 1894,\ Total, 1893, #6,871 2 4 923 5 10 783 0 0 464 13 8 545 17 0 701 2 5 364 1 7 48818 0 .617 16 5 616 5 3 563 3 0 332 0 6 471 1 8 1893. Total. 1892, •£8,3l4 711 £ *. d. 964 2 3 859 3 9 915 9 7 733 10 1 854 1 6 362 14 3 799 18 9 574 5 2 583 12 8 517 10 7 551 8 8 600 10 8 1892.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10262, 3 February 1899, Page 2

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HARBOUR BOARD. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10262, 3 February 1899, Page 2

HARBOUR BOARD. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10262, 3 February 1899, Page 2