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BUSINESS NOTICES. FOR BODY AND DURABILITY USE HUBBUCK'S GENUINE '"" T I%S H " WHITE LEAD. Hubbnek's Genuine Red Lead Hubbuck's Patent Driers (special quality) Hubbuck's ttenuSnc Linseed Oil Hubbuck's Oxford o_hre Hubbuck's Genuine Boiled Linseed Oil T>,,,-\t n -a tt*,-'c;-nn~-' ■n __ 1* y-. • t. i r» -, 3- • -i n>i unrm ana Haw biennis Hubbuck's Genuine Tale Boiled Linseed Oil |_, _ _ , TT , (dries extra hard, does not blister) Barnt Turkey Tjmoer Hubbuck , sGenuineliumingCjlza(aspec:aUy) Hubbuck's Genuine Vegetable Black HUBBUCK'S PATENT WHITE ZINC.' The most Durable of any Pa : .nt; sorest Preventive against Heat, Damp, or Rust; does not Oxidise o Rub off; retains its Colour," being not affected by Atmospheric Chantres; Xoa-poisonous. For many years larcely in Use in India, China, Japan, Manila, West Indies, Straits Settlements, South Australia, New South Wales, &c. Can be tinted any Shade of Colour. THOMAS HUBBUCK & SON, LTD. LONDON. • ESTABLISHED 1765. Australian Office: 3$ Queen Street, Melbourne.

WITHOUT FRICTION rpHE most perfect bearings ever put into a bicycle, and the only perfectly cut sprockets yet made, are in WAVERLEY BICYCLES. The beautiful Waverley Catalogue is free. 5 OUNCES OF SAFETY. The invisible automatic hub brake on Waverley Bicycles makes your cycling absolutely safe. Instantly applied when you want to stop. You give it no thought. WAVERLEY BICYCLES. The brake is on Waverley3 only. I WAVERLEY BICYCLE DEPOT, 217 Colombo street. I [l]--=^^S-Sr^ c =?------=i : --i[Bl "~l | Made in fij t Half a I In Minute n | AULSEBBOOtP § § TABLE JELLIES nJ nj U| a Seasonable v] H Delicacy. n] In in I No dinner table, or supper table I [p Is complete without them. j] nJ .= —-. J U Made in the following flavours:— U [ Lemon, Btrawberry, |_ n • Pineapple, Bed Currant, Apricot, Calfg- n II foot, Vanilla, Prune, Cherry. U nl n) 111 m m. Apply to your Grocer for n f g-. Aulsebrook's f n] Table Jellies n] -B- JL WANTED. WANTED to Let, First-Class new House of 7 rooms, scullery, etc., City, 15s; 4 rooms, ss; 5 rooms, 12s; all modern- conveniences. Dearsley and Lane, Estate Agents, Cathedral square. WANTED" to Let, Furnished Houses, Br, City, 355; 7r, New Brighton, for Summer Months, £2; 7r, Merivale, 30s; Unfurnished Br, St. Albans, 15s; llr, City, £2 2s; Br, City, 235; 7r, Linwood, 17s 6d; and others. Cowper and Sons, Recce's Buildings, Colombo street. 1 ,• WANTED to Purchase, for Clients, about One Acre with good House, 6 rooms, vicinity Lincoln road; also, from 3 to 6 Acres near Tai'Tapu, foot of hills, with or without buildings. Cowper and Sons, Recce's Build-. Logs, Colombo street. 4680' W~~ "ISITED to Sell, in the City, a good. Stationery and Confectionery Business;! low valuation; boiling goods taught free;cheap rent; good position; owner leaving colony. Parsley and Lane, 71 Cathedral square. i W" -vwTJ_l) KNOWN—That you can get your sewing machines and.perambulators'repaired at WVDalley's, 118 Colombo street. ■ " : ' '"'■.' .' WANIi-JD to Let, in City, modern House, 9 rooms, splendid position; cheap to good tenant. Dearsley and Lane, 71 Cathedral square. _ . . WANTED to Sell, Triumph Bicycle in firstclass order, £15. R. Wilkin, Lichfield street. ■ •' __ WANTED KNOWN, now showing at Beath and Co., splendid selection of Costumes, Mantles, Smart Sailors, Corsets, Artistic Dress Materials. _ WANTED, 100 Members to join S. Clarke and Co.'s No. 4 Watch, Clock, and Jewellery Club. A£s article for 10s per month. Goods also on time payment. Best and pret- ! tiest stock of 18ct Wedding and Engagement Rings. Short wind Waterbury Watches, warranted twelve months, 15s. S. Clarke and Co. ANTED KNOWN, Cycling Papers pronounce in favour of White Cotton Gloves for summer riding; neatest and'coolest, are elastic, cling to the hands, di* not make them appear large. a dozen pairs at a time. 6_d at W. McClea and Co.'s, "The Corner." . . WAiNXI-D KNOWN—Mrs Quarterm-ine is a Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Left-off Clothing. Letters by post' or otherwise attended to. Address Mrs G. Quartermaine, 154 High street. ANTED, Buyers 5-spindle Cane Chairs, 4s. H. Atkinson, WANTED KNOWN—That lam now having my yearly sale of Watches, Clocks, and all classes of Jewellery, all reduced in prices for One Month Only. K. Grieshaber, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 236 High street (opposite Triangle). ■ ■ ' - ■ •_ WANTED KNOWN, for up-to-date Tailoring, at strictly moderate charges, try Beath *nd Co., who guarantee good fit. WANTED KNOWN-—Double width Black Italian Cloth ll.d, Silk Sunshades 2s lid, Dress Lengths 2s lid, 4s lid, 5s 4d, White Lace 9jd doz., Pink, White, Cream Summer Flannelettes 3_d, Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose 2 pairs for Is 9d, Girls' and Boys' Cashmere Hose, all sixes, 3_d pair, and other bargains at 210 High street, opposite Wardell's. W'~ ANTED KNOWN—Closing up. Business to be wound up. Every article roust be sold. Drapery «_u Clothing Bargains at 210 High street. WANTED, you to secure one of our Drapery Bargains at 210 High, street, opposite "Warden's. Sale Friday. - . - KNOWN—H. Atkinson's, ManW. Chester street, for Wedding Furniture. W~~~ &NTED to Sell, new Cushion-tyred Bicycle, £12; also one second-hand, £7. R. Wilkin, 170 Lichfield street. ANTED up. Everything must be sold. Termination of 1 lease. Wonderful Bargains of Drapery 'and Clothin-. 210 High street, opposite Wardell's. Full range of boys' »V and men's clothing now showing, at West_cash_ prices.-Woods. Free and Co., j ORT WINE, only 25s per dozen,bottles, or 108 per gallon, at the Waverley Wine Vaults, Worcester atrwt east, near the Cathei dr-L " : «8|

WANTED. WANTED KNOWN — Have you weak sight? If so apply at once to Kennett, the People's Watchmaker. He will test your sight and supply you with Spectacles at a moderate cost. Enormous stock of lenses, concave, convex. Perioscopic, Psaudonoptic of every power. Latest shapes. Fold and other frames. 183 High street, under the verandah. ' W" ANTED—Iron Bedstead Buyers—Fullsize Brass Rail Bedstead from £2, Italian Bedstead from £4 ss, at D. Sykes, corner Cashel and Durham streets. ■ ANTED with defectivo sight can be supplied with Spectacles at a really moderate cost. Do not injure your eyes. Apply at once to Kennett, Watchmaker, etc., 183 High street. An enormous stock to select from, all the latest styles and shapes, frames, or in steel, nickel silver and gold. WANTED— Furniture Buyers — Special Value in all* lines at D. Sykes, the Practical Maker, corner Cashel and Durham streets. WANT_JDT_NOI\W, for very best value in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Ties, Mercery, go to Beath and Co. _ WANTED KNOWN—New Cashmere hose, ladies' and children's sunshades, bows and ties. Woods, Free and- Co., The Hall, High 6treet. WANTEDjLinoieum and Floorcloth Buyers, Crockery .buyers and Furnishing Requisite Buyers—Just landing, large assortment of Good 3 selected by Mr Sykes during his visit to the English Manufacturing Centres. Call and see the Bargains we are offering. D. Sykes, corner Cashel and Durham streets. - 4940 WANTED KNOWN—Prints 2_d, Girls'' Hose Id pair, Floorcloth, 2yds wide, Is Bid, Perfumery ljd bottle, Trimmed Hats 2s lid, Silks Is 3£d, Straw Hats Id, Tennis Shirts 2s aid, "White Muslin Aprons 4Jd. Winding-up Sale" 210 High street, right opposite Wardell's, Friday. WANTED KNOWN—Our two guinea suits to measure "can't be beat," 'trousers from 12s 6d to measure. A splendid selection of tweeds, one trial solicited, satisfaction guaranteed. Woods, Free and Co., Cash Tailors, The Hall, High street, Christchurch. WANTED, for the holidays, Umbrellas to Repair and Cover; Repairs from Is; Covers from 3s 6d. Lethaby, 64 Cathedral square. •: - - ■ WANTED KNOWNWust opened ex s.s; Rakaia and Maori, new curtains, new quilts, new fancy muslins. Woods, Free and Co. - - ' KEMPTHORNi; P-tUSSER and LTD., are the . Wholesale Agents for Senior's Linoleum Reviver. AIT stores sell it at Is per: bottle. ' ' ■" ■ WANTED KNOWN, • splendid selection Ladies' Trimmed Sailors, smart Coats and Skirts, Blouse Prints and Muslins, Sun-' shades. Beath and Co. •■ ■'' ■-' WANTED Buyers Violin,, case, bow, £1. H. Atkinson, Manchester street. ' WANTED KNOWN,-latest novelties in Dress Fabrics, j-pbes, Blouse Silks, Skirts, Corsets, Mantles, Millinery, Flowers, Blouses. Beath and Co. ,■ W~" " A^TED~~KNO-WN—New hol'and ' ' and( white linen: cooking- aprons, "full" sizes, 10Jd tc 3s 6d. Woods, Free and Co., High street, Christchurch. __:_ WANTED KNOWN—Sou cannot see in the. dark, neither have you any idea of tho beneficial qualities of Spring Blosßom Ointment and, Pills; they are worth "their weight in gold. -y ~■•. ". ' WANTED KNOWN, new season's novelties, Millinery, Mantles, Capes, Sunshades, Ribbons, Dress Goods, Blouse Silks, Chiffons, Ruffles. Beath, and Co. - WANTED KNOWN, good reliable makes in Boys'.*nd Men's Clothing, Hats, Ties, Collar's, Shirts, Hosiery, Pyjamas", Beath and Co.. - ■-'":. WANTED KNOWN—Gents' Cashmere and '_ natural Vool half hose from Is, new natural merino and Cashmere shirts and pants, new braces,.. new ties, new straw hats, new frame felts, just landed ex Rakaia and M-ori. Woods. Free'and Co., The Hall. WANTED KNOWN, Dressmaking up-to-date; high-class work; moderate charges; perfect fit. Beath and Co. , ■ .. OD_CLOTH keeps clean and bright when Senior's Linoleum Reviver is used. Kiwi. Trade Mark. Is a bottle, all stores, Once: tried always tried. BALLANT YNE'S for Fancy Goods suitable •: for Christmas' and New Year's Gifts. TRAVELLING TRUNKS, - Bonnet Boxes, cheap, Meat -Safes, Fishing Tackle (large variety). Stockings and Waders. Aitken and Roberts, Furnishing' Ironmongers. 2053 SHEE-» SHEARS, best brands/ Turkey Stone, Wire (one to six feet wido), Garden Tools. Aitken and Roberts, corner Cashel and Colombo streets. 2053 LAWN MOWERS, all approved makes, ■ cheap, , Lawn Sprinklers, Garden Hose and Fittings, Syringes. Aitken and Roberts, Ironmongers. ' -"' . 2053 MONEY TO LEND tor Building or other purposes, .repay able, monthly, -quarterly, or. as desired. HELL and SCOTT, Solicitor si 194 Hereford-street, Christchurch. B~UY New ..Zealand Port at 3s per bottle, the Waverley brand, at the Caversham Hotel, High street. The only agent in Christ- f church. . - ■ '■ ■' OPAWA.— -Gentleman's."' Residence of 8 rooms, bathroom (hot and cold water), and every convenience, Opawa road; coach passes; . price £550* -Cards to viewi from Forest and Perkins, Sydenham. *. . ' -, • 2875 . LAWN TENNIS- RACQUETS Renovated, Repaired, or Restrung. F. BURDETT SAPSFORD, Expert/ and Importer of Materials from Best -English Makers. Brittan • street and Canal. Reserve,,Linwood. , ; Local Agents: Davies and Lamb. .> ..:... :L ,■-'-' FOR Sale/ English .Piano by GroverVCand ' Grover, only £18 -18s. cash price, or £1 deposit and 12s a month. R. Francis, 159 and 161 Manchester street (The Musical Exchange). K~~ NfVES and FORKS from 4s 3d half dozen, the best value in the" world. Table Cutlery a speciality.- Tea Spoons 2s 3d half do_ten, Dessert Spoons 4s 3d half dozen. Fletcher Bros., High street. , FOR Sale, a bargain, English Piano; only, £18 18s" cash price, *or £1 Is deposit, balance 12s per month. R. Francis, The Musical Exchange, 159 and 161 Manchester street, 3 doors - from - Cashel street, Christchurch. , > 4726 FOR Immediate Sale, at Springburn, 1100 Acres Good Light Land, very suitable for sheep run, well watered; must be Bold, no reasonable offer refused. Cowper, and Sons, Recce's Buildings, Colombo street. . 5041 FOR Sale—Hand Wertheim Machine, new, £4 10s; Twq Improved Singer Treadles, £6 and £5; Old-style Singer Machines from 255; Excelsior Bicycle, £8 10s. W. Dalley, Machinist, 118 Colombo street. SPRING BLOSSOM OINTMENT cures chilblains, chapped hands, boils, cuts, burns, Bruises, sore eyes, "sore legs, ulcers, cracked nipples, skin troubles, etc. Price 6d and Is. Chemists and Growers. NEW Steam ■ Furniture factory Just Opened; all goods made from seasoned timber. Beliarityna and Co- \ TTtTEDBING PRESENTS—Enlargement of Vi premises became, necessary to meet in-' creasing popularity of our trade. We are now. showing much larger assortment of Cutlery, Spoons, Cruets, etc. Minson and Co., 220, Colombo street. OUSEHOLD Requisites in. Ironmongery, Cutlery, Plated Goods, Lamps, China, Glassware and Fancy Goods, at Minson's Cheap Depot, 220 Colombo street. LINOLEUM Reviver (Senior's; is used by ail good housewives. Saves labour and preserves the cloth. Every household will havo it soon. Is a "bottle, all stores. GREAT Extension of Premises has made room for a much larger assortment of Useful and.Ornamental Household Requisites.; Our Prices aro .known to be the lowest'poa-' sible. Minson amd Co.. 220 .Colombo street; R. CROSSI__ND r Sf Noxol is about the best liver, kidney and stomach remedy that you can get. One cachet (tasteless) taken every night for one week will rouse up the man who" knows he" has"-''liver liko v cold bath. You should not fail to get a box and give them a trial. They are especially good for ladies, la JBd a box. C->«_u_t» aad atoroa.

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Press, Volume LV, Issue 10215, 10 December 1898, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LV, Issue 10215, 10 December 1898, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LV, Issue 10215, 10 December 1898, Page 5