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■«■■' Ef F-a&rs Htra_. CRAP-T'bJR TLXBL.—JL DtSTL-E-S-[n-i.-. ri-rmi Aired blankiy at LoveL and bur.;; .ii:t f.iit'j-i-ng, "Frank Chaakia!" said he; "my old friend, the murderer of my proms «<*d wife': Yaa ar« mad to an? ao '." '£ Mit aoc ot-id, as yon know very well, sfr Berne. I darsj.-ay yoa came oat of your toani i* .v tlwt uiglit quickly enough to see Clia.'k.n itt-ai -"*- frona Eke __ne of his ciime'.'" "I swvvtr by all that I hold mnat aaered * tint, t -ww notliing <if my friend oa that n>—hf. f rv.dtf h(u-._ to Itarboraugh. and rwgkt a-cprjisa t*> L<indon. without un anyone witk wiiom 1 was ar,----oui'inr-v-ii. I iiave told yon that I came m <iv^.w"f r . m in tike!v. I -i~k yo»i-. .\ir Liv--*!, r,ii:it. f would nullify tkat disguise hv to. my fetrest fi-iend? N'oc twiy my msumii mli. mark you," added Heme h "bus a priest of tke £ag-»-i Church, to whnta I could not wirhr.ut shiime rave—l my secret visit. i for i good objwt, no doubc, o'ir. rhft nietuis 1 w_* t'.ii-'.ed to adopt w-f* none r.iie less diatAateraL 1 den*?' -r. my *>«y I itnow skit Frank Choskia ■>i r.i-"-y ;' -'iid whiir, ia mora, gentlemen, i wiiiiid he pr-tpared r rt > stake my e_uJtea ce eii.«i iie is innocent." "f -ihould iike to agree wick y<vi. ifr H-*r.i.-;.' *-~d Paul, -wdiy' "but unfortunately I havi herrtA prr,of of Him guilt." ••Proof.' Wius proof?" '•Thi.*« pistol," -taid Paul, prodncing the wi*uo.iu -'iiid it to Herne. "It wiis iVumd toy Mother Jimboy «n this ipoc. on die nigiit ut' tk*i amrder, .iad siiorcly -iter the eoilunttr.- of die «irune. You wiH" ace than the Yicar'* name is engraved oa the butt." Herue at the piatoL and returned it w ifextoa. "I have no need to see," he aatfl sternly. "I u_:o-rnise the pistol well en-mall. it" i-i -ice of a pair which Chaskin aud wften he was hi the army. It wm tnuad oa this spot, you say. What of tkat?" "Simply tuia."' broke in "that GntiarMa mnat -v.v* siropped it after Mling Hilly." "ta does- not ;irg!ie tkat Chaskia waa kere at, ' retarwd -Jerne. "This pistol was no dijnhfc a&iiea from hi.** study, wtiere he kapt it,, itocher .raaboy, you my—•*. gipsy. * thief. Why,' he added, struck by a iudden elui ugfat, "jke wa* m Chaafcia's study a week before the m-U'der! I remember qxiite weO. 3n> dnubC <i;e atoie the puitoL" "And tailed Sliily, why don't: yoa add?" anes-nd Lu^eL "Becanse £ doac accuse flar of so purposelum a rtr.nte. Tsc danht she gave the pistol to the mnrderar.'* "Admitting that she did,' 'cried PauL "whom do yftu siwpect?" "So one,' replied Heme. "Tkough I might anspect L<*.veL" "Ok," -mid Lucas, shrugging his shoulders, "are you going over the old ground agpia?" "No-, I am not.'"' replied Heme. "I say again that I do not suspect you," "And I ask again why have yoa euaaged yo«r mind?" mid Lovef, "I was with Mily when you tell into your trance, and I was absent when yoa tame out of it. So far as yoa fcaew, no one el** wag m the lane, and Jtm awofca from your senseless state to see fc-y/s- dead body. Oa these grounds you •ess- suspect mc only." "Yoa state a very good ease against yourmM" sneered Hamae, "Evkfeittiy, yoa wish to he kiwigedl'* but I wish to haag the vif_an who IrilTed Milry. I can defend Biyael" i( need' ful. Bat can yoa defead Chasfcof" "I would do no with my fife f He ia ioso--esnt," "Til have to hear that from his own "jps," fgpfed "Slyaeff aad Meztoa are oa our way to see him. Will yoa crvme also?" "So-; Cru—dun can defend kimaelf I have feut left him, and he aaid not_i_g which %t&n%t met to doubt him." "Tfie pistoli n "*]S*o doubt he can explain the piatot Bat p> and ask him. For myself, I mast hid jaw g-wd-day. I have an sag^sment,'" One moment,"' cried PaaL catching him by the xrat as he w*a» moving- ofL~~ '*_<> yaw in««nd to ahandoa the searek fas 3__s £e»V,v"t assaiwia?" "i»o r '* seplisd H«rn» etMhr. "I will find Ihe' flf«wwwi« wie&rmt your he^' r ' "JS-awae*- vow- know he is CB_skla^ , cried lAvtel -»c«ft*n*n%-, "I dw ««*t fewwir he is* Caaftkiar retorted -fern* disrfaiaftxily/, "-"lrewmwa whom 1 •o»pc-if'-*w6»aa I- kn<iw-~_ni«d Mißy ia on* yaw amrtfif iwver Amanv of -Mamßg", sfm« »*«* ii» he the fi«nd to bring: the oerroa to Justtce. Trtt tnen."—he waved has haadt--"I hate rwf*t**i«|r; to say," and with, these goal wr-sos h* uv>ved away, P»»f atriffld loolriiijif after hrw wftfe * Jo«k «f dwoftt on fcisr fee-f, **W_om do yow tksak -talrM t6e Wnalatt, "f db*».'ft kiww,"' frft eaftt be »r, Lester, er Maw Cfrde, fcr w* hrve *v*d#aee tiwfi tl»y are ttMsflcent.'-' Mid I'aol, pesple-ed; -_or yoo ,beesßse he *biw <h>t y,n we ggikr; Ch_*_i», lor tlw* siTvte r*j3.?or*; so * ~t d»n"t be?i<svft fci» dermi »rf Cfwwkin r s |f*jft. «ied Lovel with a frow*; w3I make mc befieve that he did not kiS MiKr. P«rl»a{v« Hsme awpetttt CS»«i„ka." -iMpvmibfe. «Jb» eieawd heraeff ia my eyes, ' -IVeil,'* said I-wrf. dworctam* the subject withering, Mr CAMkm mtends to efear hrnwelf Be will J»M st hard to deny the evideoee of that pistol," Paul thosghf. ■» _b_, &* w frf, eoa,. I»wion seemed indisposed for farther cobvwrMttmn htf h*Td tvi» j*»ce. The two y«rrog fen vftOttd al&wly the Wradmg each mtent on hi* own thought*. Mevtort wondered on hsw many More peopfe !**** ** *"!#« <Je *•■■ KWr lo i a ?; ~M|^' Jfi,iiE 'w cuui »nd H«rmr r «« ttad Urn sospeetet! on swfHemihr stnmg evbdevmf bat oa evideae**f**"y »* rn ««i •*» fea««e«e« of mc «&d *B hsd &*«* cfearfy ITow the m-«aw»«a*-S»{ evidemie #g the pistol was #g*m*t Cftttsftin, a«d te wmU appear that ***** *»*•* «J»f 5 tee. for alfl that, tram was- not hwlined to he- cert-ra of his gail*. OeJ»sr» had cfewred theouerVcK hy «sp"ana*io«„ so why should not do- the memet Mextoa (jt»«e es> fected that #h» Vfear woakt be able* to <**> pfem the loss of hi» pistol and aeeeont m same pl-waibfe way few _mf meeting: oa the ftMMftoit *» Mother .lasboy. And it he himseff to be giwMsss, ft woald he onite it**p<viwibfft~-««-. la* «« Patil «yw—{<> #«e»>»er the Msassm of Milry. Ber fate wottftf r*m«rrt a tragic mystery, and the p«nwtt who- had wrought *«eh iH woald »v« on, in of eh* law. But though Jii*—or she. JT«r it might be a woman, thonght F*ol—«*Ktped the kw of mar*. there w*a yet the law of fi©B to be reckoned with. Gmm what might, th* dw&med who md fim& the fout shot wonkl not escape finiitsiment m the' wo?ld, 0» thenr w»y to iae «juare of Si. _hm*ta», where the Vkimm was sftsated, the young men met with Dr. Lsstor, who at «Bee stopped to give them some news. "I have jast heard from Drek that asy trial takes place next week," he said, eagerly, "and I must somnder to my bait 1 shall be gkrd to get the t_i_g over, as, aotwithstanding my innocence, I feel mu-sy until I am pronounced guiltlea-" "That need not trouble you,' said Paal; "you assnredly will go free. We know oow who committed the murder?* "Who was it: Who is the assassin?" '"I'll tell you that later on. Is Drek here?" "Yes j he ia at the Heme Arms." "Then tell him to meet Lovel and myself there ia aa hour. We have something to tell him which is of the greatest importance." "Is it the name of the assassin?" "Yes," broke in Lovel, fiercely, "it is the name of the assassin; and I hope FH ace him in gaol to-night Where are yoa going How, doctor?" he asked, abruptly. "To ace Mother Jimboy. She is fll, yoit kaow. «wX?*\ I know ." assented Lovel, glomnflr. "Will she die?" 8 "I hope not; but she is old, and should :!I e r/"_ rt T ene *.,? r "-flMomation set in, I am afraid ahe will die.** ,3 f*_- ** ,7* v *«> dow,** mattered Lovel to -unself. "Good-bye, doctor. Yoo St S*™ WU<> kUkd W «S' vi_y «Sr_; l [ »i^^s lal v fch " •»4'*wHh«rt «a_k rtJlflculty were shown into the presence of Uiftskin, The Vicar happened to he at Umm tit the moment, and saw them with AjPp**«nt willingness; but Lord, with

!'• jealini.- ayss. perueived that he ("hanged j colour when tkey entered Ah-n. ki* vntee ' f-*hook when, he asked tiiem to be ssarati r and h-am these signs of emtitina ;n the 5 ahsence of any apps-aat* -jauaei P'iui j aagnred iiL For an innocent man Ckaakin , I}'. waa strangely movedl i. | "We have come to see ynn on i very im- , - S pm-unt matter, sir." aaid I "Yes." responded Chasfcia, trying to pre- , i' serv-* _!» "'aad ahwre what?" r 1 "Let mc taiswer that auestion.' -wid LoveL ; i I before Pud cnuld speak. "'Ahout the odtur- ' » !' <fer of Miw» I__ter..' I **Wk-«; abont die sumder, 3ft Lovei? t I Why do you earne to mc on sack aa erB i rand'?" i "Because I think yon can best anawsr airr 5 ■ rj.ne3tiorj9." - i t.':_aHkia rose suddenly from, hia cliair. and i ; cnninianded his voice witk » powerful effort , I of will-, but che perspir__on beaded Ixm bniw *■ i. :u» lie spoke. "Wkat am I to underst-ud by , r l this apeecir,. Ms Lovel?* * I "That yoa are the assassin of s__y Les- - i tar '" C ! -I—lf gasped the vicar, itirting down. * 1 again, less by will than, because he cordd » * no longer ■«_nd reprigkt ''You dare to ae> j 6 i cuse mc of this terribui crime! 2_r Ifexto-. | ' ; is your friend mad?" i j. "So. Mr Cliasfcai," replied Paoly in sad . > tenes*. "I believe the same as he does:' 1 ' ■ ; "Ekat I kitted Misa Lester—L- who read I • tlie service ov*»r ker cotrm V ' I "Yes," exefaimed both roext together, ' | Chaakin passed hi* hand <ioxr,sa his brow j and groaned. "This is some horrible i ' dvvim," he said, in an agitated voice. "Yoa j ! ; i—omofc be serious ? _ i ! "But we ars: serious." said Mextort, _gi- I ' : ami also. "I wpuld willingly believe you * ' •riuklum, sir. hut what can. I say —"kit can j ; i Lwel aay—in she face of such evidence aa j . i this?" r ' i [ "M"v pistol!" Chfl_kJn tonic the weapon ; 1 • a-oia "PiHil's hand. And looked at it ia a I - \ startled way. "Yes, it i*s mine; my name ta \ "• on It. -J_ Loveir Mr Me_ton'- Low did \ : you come by it?" _ I i "I received it from Graa Jimboy, -tid j \ Paul. ' ; "And fjran Jimboy pu-.ked it op on. the P i vsrv i-otit. where if-Iy'a body was lying,' ] i :>dded "shortly*after the akot waa I * i tired. How did it come chere?" ' f By tliis Caa.«kia was the cofiinr of ' ' pacer ; but there was a certain digrury in h» ' " answer. "I airmot rail you, gentlemen.' he 1 ; replied. "I did not lose it ia the Winding ' j Latie." * i "'But it is your pistol.'* aaxd Lovel witk a j , scowl. ! "Tc is r but I—l lost it over a month ago!" I "I thought; you would try and get out of \ " i it in that way," scoffed Luca_ "£■ weak I ' s defence, truly I-"' j "I need make n#> defence," said Chaskin T \ haughtily. "I am ranocent." . j '"Then, how can you explain your presence ; oa the coouaon before nine -clock Gf that Bight?" "How do you know I was on the com- ; „ j mon?" . _ I ' | "Mother Jimboy says she met yoa.'* | , \ "True." CTiaskin again paaaed his hand ] , across ki* face. "I did meet her, I was going to ace a skfc man oa the other £ti& 1 of toe common." I "Away from the village?"" ; "Yes. I went there and saw thh raaa im- j 1 mediately after evening service. It was on i 1 oiy return about midnight: that I found the body of that poor girl, and gave the alarm. ' But I stated all this at the inquest." * "I reraeßib-r," said Paul with a -fid. *'Bot 3foi Jimboy declares that before nine \ o'clock; yoa were going towards the Windiag Lane, and is making a mi-stake,'" interrtrpfeed the Vicar Jmrriedly. "I was going ia the , other dtwetiott,'* "_he denies that," aaid Level aharply; I "and it was shortly after she saw yoa go into the woods about the Winding Lane that * she"heard the shot." 1 "I did not tare it."'" said Chaskin emphatically; "and ht mc ask yoa T Mr LoveL, if ~ yoa were with Hiss Lester oa that night, at | that bora?" "I was,' r admitted LaveL "I. don't mind saying gov as I can prove my amoeeoee," ' "Then yoa mast know who HQ-d Miss 1 Lesterr* - I ' ' "I do not- The shot waa feed cart of the j f darkness* of the trees," 1 "Were you* standing hy the state?* , wifih Mias Lester," i ' s "llieit- if I came towards that -t_3e yen* j , must ha-i-ra* saea me,' [ "I <__at see yaa r 1 adh«V' tegfoi Lttca^. somewhat *_ut if yoa ;_s not j * jpeJ&y, Ifr €h____ r yoa know who a," - ! 1 ! "Icaaneiuher aayeae-dngnor theother r n " ' ; aaid the- Vicar; M if yoa tuiak mc ga&Gy r , | . yoa must da wax" j p ' CELAFFKB XXIII.--I»BKr_ S OflSlOSfa. ; Ihere was s affence after tliis -tw-wartioß of Chswiwr/*, for neither of the young sea knew what reply to make. The vicar did : , not afßnre his rnnoceace, as- he had daa& \ earSer m the mtecview; nor did he aecase acyone e_* of eommrttme the mate with r | W-idbr fee was ehargg., B* took trp » pure' : }y negative attitude, and by dotng a& thxew i f on Paul and Lovel the onus of yetmag their ' r '[ nccawtitioa. sfothing ia the way of defence I ; co—ld have bees more a_sat»wctor—, Oa i aceias their hesitatioo C_xsfcra rerterflfted his . 'speech, , "1 do »ot repeat that I am mtwevat/* he \ , asaerted; ~if yoa tlmvk that 1 ktßed that ' ' u_haj>py zirly yoa must contmue to do* ao, I But, added the rkat, vith iroay, "\ fate ace what asotive yoa can- aaerute to* mc k for amen an» act.'" ■"The motive of jealotay,' T saai Level, awl_«ly; **yc_ ww& ia l&ve with MMy. o_, : voa seed sot deny it, Mr Chadas; x k-©w ' it for a tact," f ; fnetKf," said Cliaskm enJCnr, "I do not intend to deny it; but 1 «rae«tß>a year \ rurht to make such, a »tatet_e_6, It is true ' ; that I loved Miss Lester; bat she never * knew of my pawnor*-, She was ike prrvmiaed wife of my friend, and as aoek I did not [ thjak myara justified m revealing sty £h_- ' . mgs. Yoa, Mr Lovei, were fes» jf-rffpaksa."* "I admit it,' replierl Larch attempting a f weak de-&nce; **b_fc—f fovsd -er," ' I "AH the vtßage knew as mack; bat I do- * : ruot call that lovev which debases its object, 1 11 yam had aedd nothing to Miss Lester, she might have refosed to meet yoa, Aad had * she not met yoa," added Ckaakin e_rp___- ' es_y r "tfris tragedy would not have takea ' ■ pfece," 1 **A« to that, yoa know best!*' sneered ■ : the yoaoger man, * yoa please, *_"," rejoined the vkar. . - "I refose to defe_d myself to yoo." i r "€an yoa defend yourself at all?" crae*- - tkmed 3ie_to_ r sadd»_y, ' **f sh_o answer thact question when I am | s aaked it by the dnry co_stiit-ted asnfchofi- ' 1 ties," ' ' "At least tell tm horn yon lost that p_tol?*" . - The vkar rose from his ehabr, sad walk- ' 1 ; ing across to a aide table, lifted tkerefrom ' '■ an obfong box ol mahogany, TM* he opened- ■ : aad placed before hi* visitors. :| "This is a-remc-nt of My arjldiert-g days,'* * he said, "Once it owtanied twr> pistols; ■ now, ac yoa see, there is oafy oaev The j ; other, I admit freehr, is the weapon which ; yoa -bowed to ate. Sir Mexton," ' "The weapon with which MiQy was star- * dettd" laid Lorei, viCToady. "_F» doubt; bat, as I told yoo, I lost it i ' some four weeks ago." r **How did yoa Jose xtf aaked Paul; fea* it seemed to him that C*h_skra was evading thepot-t. ' *T cannot tell yoo," repfied the riesw; "the box stood always oa tost table. I see xa_oy people in this room; any one of them > might have takea it." '•Mother Jimboy, far instance.** "No; for the simple reason that Mother f Jimboy never came to the Vicarage.'* > "Herne says she did," cried Level; "and ■ that yott taw her ia this room before the murder.'* Ch-skin drew * long breatk r aad seemed ! to consider his repbr. "ilr Heme is ads- : takea,"' he said at length; "the gipsy was ; -ever in this room.'" "Theo aomebody is telling a Ber* raid t Lovel, looking sh-rply at Chaakin. "No doobt," he aoswoed, coolly; "bat I am not bound to find the Ear for yoa."" "Perhaps I know where he is to be found [ without your aid!"" The Vicar -hut down the lid of the box with a snap, and once more rose to his feet. I "This conversation has lasted long enough," ! he aaid, with dignity, -and I have -replied to your questions vary patkatly. I refo« to answer any more." i **Yon say you aie innocent?" asked P__L t *T say nothing." i "Yob know who is g«i%r insisted LoveL i *I know nothing.'* * . This was _Q the answer they could oht-to I bom Chaskin, so, seeing that it was oaei lam to prokmc the interview with ao obstii oats • brno, p»Qi „£ !_, _~__ depj_t»i

\ Tlteir vimt hod been productive o£ aa goe-L. * j xnA —if _h.®»km wersi ,uiky—dh»— had cmlv- ; flTccet-duti ia. pHttimr ~"him oa hl_ guartL [ B«n **•*_ ue "uity' Die two- vounsr man ' Dmk diircr-_ic"v:ii—> «£ this question. Piwii ; «_ imiuned r« -arte w_k die Ti__v ~r___ j | w,i* <»tj__iy bene on. iri___ng Ghat the j j _i«ui was die •_H-asain. ■ "If he Sunt not ki~ed _G_y. Usi wcnld ■ i deul—re t_a_ he w-i-i innocent." -sua in. > "ife did. _k wuea we first spoka- to i__u ' , TIl-C *!* .1 point ill. ill.t —Woa - ."* ! "£ <--_~t -»*-~>e it .*£ -Ui." -s_*t Lovel ob»ti_- : ■ 3X--.W i "he t_d _t»c k_uw wba. evidence we- • ; —->_(<f bring <k£»—isc tun— When _c k_aw„ ,' i_e t Mk rafnjie ia silence." ! "Wail. * t)bjetit£<l mure hisc _:.m his ; prejudiced cumponiun. "if you remember. ; in» denied thai; Afofcher J-_boy kid st-oPen ; *r.;e pu&>{. 11 be were jnltry. iz t» pr-:babj_ '■ thau he would seize on e-—=_y e_i_<-ii to ex--■caJriice aua-elf .m_ -sculanr. ethers. The ! made by Herae n~iafd _*—c brat i .i. 4-jod oppucuu—sy <>t _b_t b—■__ ! jr-i—t hue own dh.tsuld_.-s on. to these of __■ j s-riT-s—-: but. aa you heard for ~mr«etf. _.<iv_L he declined t.* _t_a .idv-.v__-ge ut the , opening." t "Bah: that ia his cunning. I daresay- he . 1 lias a defence all randy. | I "If so. he .did aoc entrust us wi__ it."' re- ; I joined He—ton. a. mfte c__j.. [' "3»o: he's not suck * fool a_ to shew hia :{■ 1 Land unless forced so do aa. Did Efekr ij ; V arrest; him. he would have Sea in. pleat—• to | I prove Ms innocence; ' '■ I '"I don't slunk Skere Is _—_£___ evidence \ j to arrest him." I ma— chink ocEexw_e.'' repßed \ 1 F-zwe-L fcn-.kfu'r at kf* watch. "'Coma to tLe v • Heme- Arms. Mextoti, 6?r I expect t_e in- ! ; speitteir will be waiting for us uiiere. We ; I will tell him- of our interview- with ths : f Tiear. and see wiias hit npinicn hf aaout f | the -natter: I should niiG he s-irpriaed if' id* \ )- Ciiadkin was in. g-iol by this- e-elun^." , i "T -fhoulil be very muck anrprtsed." spUI I empdiixioally-. "_i Lester is :Ursi!iiy ; i accused of the crime-,, aud a to sfvnil bh- [ crial nest week. Drsfc cannot arrest Chaskin I aa jet. Lowe~ar guilty- he inav- think him, ! I _o_ can't _*—c two peopie- legally- -tccuacd j 1 of the same crime. Qu& mnat be proved | I kmceent before ske ecfter caa. be impi-isu-sd ; ! or suspected of guilt.." i i * i As to tkeae points oc law,. I know- nock- >. ) in*x about tkem v replied Lovei. nnpanientlv-. ; ! *'__E I know ia skit, j*o my* _ii_d. Ckiafcm f" | ia the gtiiiuj person. The evidence of ; ! €fc~a Jnnbcy and. t-he ptodau—oa of skat ; ] piscot ;ire auflieient- to kang* kkn. How- j | ever, we .-shall sea." \ There was nothing more said at theme- j ! meat, sa the cooversatioa threatened to- Be- | | coxae and eke two men walked i. | no tile Heme Arn_t. Here tkey found In- j j apeetor Drek, who mformed them that I i r_atfcer had fieMvered the me-iaage. but could j | rifit be present at the interview, aa he had ]■ been allied out Co see a patient some miles j away,, and did not expect to be buck before j . air »clock.. However,, he was an _*_ir dia- j posal,. and very anxious he waa to know j why they had smigkt the interview. "Come up to my room,, and IU tell yaa r " said Lucas, and he led the to- his s*uictinn. Here he ordered cigars- and whisky; and _a.vi_g n-uide bis rriends and himself ; comfortable, he ralatad to Brek the story i ol Ma connection, witk Mra Jh_boy r and hist J knowledge of what had taken, place in zh& Jane on that fatal night. All of which has been alre-idy set forth. **i think it wtae that you should know all tki3 r Mr he 3_id r eoacluding-, *_» someone else may relate my history in. a more or leas distorted f-iahionr and I ; aa I can see plainly, kt too- dangerous a poarcioQ. to tseofe witk the law IS em our friend Meiton here can teS you of his visit , to- Loodonv and our visits to Mrs Jim-ay and C_*ski—. rT "Mr Chaskin t the Vicar 1" cried Brek, I wha in his interest had let kia go o_L w Wk_t kaa ke to-' do with this matter ?" _ "Let mc explain." said F_al? and, m iiia turn, he told like inspector of hi** interview witk Catluka,, hia diaca-a-y of i>ke piatnl in the gipay tent, and finafiy kir terview which, with Loyal, he had token pars- in at the. Tiearager. I>rek r being thus in ga«»e_aoa cf all the evidence gaitkered fey tkeppai r was in; _ poaftaon to d__-er judjrnusit, 'EhiXr howe-er, k_ fomui _i_xe_tt . to _ov a_ he waa not a. p_rt_Ba_~*ty efe - er ■ m-a*; and fcke maltralicit - of fa~ts with : ir&jcip fie Bad now zn deaf Mi-ew__6 he-w-dered* Jb* taa Howe—erv he saw waa* wa* espected him ia. hist ofl_c_B ea.pacijiy r ; and 1 , riarag. to th*- oc-iaioOr he did ki» 'best j t» grappie w#k the situ-ticfK. : r \ "BTyo- w-I pecßosfi isev gen-em-n,"' SB__ ; ; _a r tefcm% a. <&mk of whisky to freakert -p< -Inaf feeufeirSSTr "1 will rwapitulite aQI t£a* : w& Bays _ii(So _ er6J— . ; since t_* «r«ne wa* com_tttted. Tfos_ we : can. sea *gai-r*sjt whow* the csridence- hf steosiisMy aad perhaps; fearm t&erelwr wfe* . ; _ilfed~i« But I ' veUfo » d-wncaat air, "that I ar_ not very SaiigTKTiei•*W_y net?"' exeUitoai h_«y. ' i "TB«ft- c* of erid«3ic«." "TEa* i» t_« wftofe pomt, aflrj tlMce i» i too* mtse— evidecee,' "And ag-akwfe Henve atao-," orMterved Paal. *If t_e pisldf found by Uran Jirafeoy ik--aaminalsest C3saakr_ r no less does the bleed-stai-ned h-_dkeirc._ief point to the gnS* of _jf#cn&- >T *B_B Bern* can-'o be guilty r protested ; toe-sv aa-griiy- "I teS yoa h« wa* ia a : traasce; wft«» the shot w»af fired.' "After t&e _io« was fSredr" corrected MesEon, ~EeTOe»!&er, yoa did net see Mr_ u-fttil the gjarl waa dead," "He- cowldn - -awe fired toe a_ot and tkea ' ftaare* felfe- t-to * tr-awa-,'' '■'Wky nott lk& very act nug&t e_ctte ! In* nerves 6» soc_ a degree* a* to carse; t&« : trance, Yoa knew that these- cataleptic sfifttes of Ketna/* are caused potefy by riafent emotion,"" A , _ T _ "Bufc it he had fired fike; sho* fcwre fotmd the ptafeol r» _fa _ai_L' r *"He might &aye dr&ppsd it,' -"•Nor. I seardked for it, sakE L_cas r Gbstl_»telv r "and dtda'* find rfc." "Ia -©bt yea m*ig_a haTe o-or-looked id/* repKed P*_l, as ofeatinately. "Geotleme-T gea.tle-oe_ r " crted Drek, ir_- : tervenr-g in tke matter; w tMs &nsaam3t ia t»pTr3rtabkt Yea may" be bo«S and both wrong. Bat we s&aU ao* ar-rive at any eoacioaioa Iry sue_ loose argv__e_t_. _a begm. at the fegnar_ng T a-d state all the ease-." , _ t . caae»?' r asked Lovei, abTOfay. •*__e e»ies agsaw* ali tfcoae c®__ectea witk the waiter," said Brek, •'Dr, Leate-, Mias Clv&, tfrw Pofiafe ; vioßni3€ r Sir Heroe, and fiaaßy 31r __as%rn. Thetis stroog evidence agarnat ««*-" -, "I d_resay;' raterted Lrwasv ftaxfify, ! pleased at fc» Bame being n* tb» Ba* j ~wr* ; sack evi_e_ce ta_ proved the r_osfc_ot m __H>ce_fc. I>r- Lester, for i_sta®ce, ar, L«st«r? fook at we ems against _hn. He is very. jK»r; _c w»b«d ■ j»w to aaarrr 34r Hemey arid feairst > t_a* tius to ft«» *s 1*» means of secsravflf a **& sotm-i«v p»f Bi* debts—is KkfeLy *• *• feroie* o# By w« yotrog* fitdy 1 * _rrtatt»>« twtfii yoo. The *S<r> tar beco-ws m_d wish «Spmk» a«d tftfeisg; * pist©l r acsrts «rfc to XX yo«. H* ; away all w'gbt, *_a aetioi_t La tk* mterval ***>*&*Q* killed; ar> we* may assume th^rstetxtmg -Qaito »/* aowf P*ot dryly f 1«J ; that evidence » aalMcd by Mas Clyefe's ; tbrt,- «*K*a D«fc, with i neSßj "nirt fefKog >»«» ClydVs the evidenc* « atnsftg Ttz, Ue**** \ B*i™ he is msGcetn, #> he is eat of tt* case, Mm Cryd_*, she w a* l&ve tmh 3ir Lovrf, aftd m ■"futom «« Mc_* L«s€«r, |he taker a loaded j»atol,«tt «&* doctor* awJ is lorkms? ia the laae to see the weefemg at the man Sue loves with the wotrracm she hatea. Here, Ot-B- we way say th_f> 7 ; S torrid of i rival, Miss Clyde Idßed ____i __irl-' 1 " evMeßfts is rebwtteJ by the bet that Miss Clyde eonM r_* have arrived herae ro time if she had kUkd Mifly. Her W-of arrival at the ferm can be jmma by «rs Diss-*. Also, if Mis» Clyde were ««»?> she would no* have produced that ffik*, _ood," a_wirrted Brek, still uuperbirtMblernhe- we wiQ cml 3iN» Clyde also. Koar, then, for Catrnka. Sh« wants _Ir HJerne"s monej. aad thinks she.-wiH hose ife if he raarrks Wm Lester, To remove tins ob-tack sbe cooes down to Barastead and kill! the giri.'* ■ . "Brsh!" a_id Lorei, radery "H «•« fed killed Willy she would not have left the eh» of the rainbow feather, whereby she could be traced. Yost can strike Cati-ka o_t of yr«n-I_* also, Mr I_*pect-r. w -Certaißryr repßed JheK obligingly. -Caiinka is kmoceat* afthoßgh, as yoo see, the evideiKe against her ia very strong. Xow , we come to yoa, Mr LovsL" \

"Oft * -said tkat pnrngr nma*- aoowaJSv, ■•and how do- yea mraiat ta i~ov~ mv* S&&- : -l am nut pß9_B__e«a« jy-tt- a*-* rae Gmet- "I -a-B-ty^ia&nd _» -Bstt the _ t-videneii a-c.u—*t you, -I am afl" _a__Ci-a_' -a:d^l_?v«_ "We_. sir. to pat U brifi% _"« ™* airt. w are wi_t ker -in the hoar of the murder. -on «s up. * fidse __*■.? yro _a every to bring sutpt-on of gmiS ea y'>(-——_ "" "Hiit I am. _iti«;ceut . _. "W.* will presume jo &ir the _t»__ot.. reofied the Ih_ J «-.-=-»r. coolly = "bat you mast k-_-\ Mr L»»cl. tii~t oey-a-" v.-or bare word we have- ao pp»t rFu»6 v«a did out _t&- rue ~ "bre"::** T..ivcl ".limped to his feet wirk ■'■-,*-r : ■.'«,-"•-_ "Van diJii's say that I ■"•::"-.-.{ *-[;•:-" "*"»./"." b-/ __c e«.*i-''".w_--JsV Lfli"S it stronger - * n-st; H-2rn'» .inu Clnisim? Did you fin- ■«: .:u_c_aied.' M yo» -Jk.-iv.ji- * _,-:o{ -/-:"v my name ca it. , *-.V.* - hrr«-ir<* _iwver* mijl'-s say tnatyou 1 -l U she one .:i Cki.'fein s room to in- j tiT-.-r. liim •- .t prr->-red <__ne. Awo. j thus vcu v,« fc Ffen.e'-f h.-uidferckief oat or i b - nu.-ko*- -r-w ■■ >*.•> was in a U-ance. and J drooped "it int - ?.-.e blood to -set evidence j a-simst >uin. Ok T .l-mt -ay chat yoa are ; 'uilr—■ Wt Lovel. hut mc-** id_lit that J she evidence Vr*jn_\" You t_B_c that Mr | L'haafeia. kiHed :he _k" : H«_in bere m- I -■Jives to diink tiME Mr H-rne is gui.tyr. but . „i« e-rtdence aji the w is no 3trr"i'*:er j d__> ajsiinj-t -*->v. A lawyer could build J np a powerful "* j "St-'p' -»t;:u:" 'tiiid Lovel. aifit_ig doxru. j "Stop* You will mjke mc believe that I , ■clkd tils pi:i;r i_:. atter ail (To he r:exc week. ,

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Press, Volume LV, Issue 10132, 3 September 1898, Page 2

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"THE RAINBOW FEATHER." Press, Volume LV, Issue 10132, 3 September 1898, Page 2

"THE RAINBOW FEATHER." Press, Volume LV, Issue 10132, 3 September 1898, Page 2