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Canterbury Co___ge.—The final meeting of the Board of Governors of -Canterbury College, as at present constituted, will take place on Monday next at 3 p.m. The nominations for the new Board will close at noon oh the same day. Mate-Nity Home.— The Salvation Army will open their new Maternity Home, the building known as Sumner Lodge, Cashel street east, on Thursday next, at 3 p.m. His Worship the Mayor of Christchurch will perform the opening ceremony. North Canters ctry Education Loard.— The Sumner School Committee has decided to give its vote to Mr J. R. Brunt in the election of a member in the place of Mr Sawle, resigned. Concert Matinbe.—Mr W. Mackenzie will give a concert for children this afternoon at the Opera House. This Cathedral Orqak.—Mr Prouse, of Wellington, who has just returned from Australia after a very successful concert tour' with Madame Trebelli, will sing at an orean recital to be given by Mr Tendall in the Cathedral next week.

Footsall.—Given fine weather the Senior matches at Lancaster Park to-day should draw well. During the interval afternoon tea, which has been provided by the President, Mr A. E. G. Rhodes, will be dispensed. Buffalois**. —-The annual smoke concert in connection with the R.A.0.8. will be held at the Wellington Hotel on Tuesday evening next. .Horse Clipping Machine.—As notified elsewhere, a trial of the Chicago horse chppmg machine, exhibited by Messrs E. Reeee and Sons, at their stand in the Winter Show,' will, take place in TattersaU's at 11 a,m„ to-a_y. : -■•*.' ~..WestC pAs-i-..R^^-*f^-r-rA^--t—> the address of the Acting President of the : Chamber of Commerce yesterday, JV|r George Humphreys urged that the Committee of the .Chamber should take some action towards exciting more interest in the construction of the West Coast Railway. . Law*? Tennis.—The Linwood Lawn Tennis Club are playing two matches to-day • viz., a team of six gentlemen and four ladies against the Canterbury College at Linwood, and a team of ten gentlemen against a team of the Christchurch Ciub at Cranmer square courts. Play commences! in both matches at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Wool Freights. —As will be seen by reference to a notification elsewhere, the, Shaw, Savill and Albion Company and New Zealand Shipping Company announce that they have fixed the rates of freight for wool by sailer next season at §d per lb for greasy and Jd per lb for scoured. These rates are |d per lb less than ruled last- season, and, no doubt, the reduction will be duly appreciated by woolgrowers. ' " Pbx*_b Canterbury."—_t the quarterly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday Mr Gilbert. Anderson referred to the action of the Otago meat shippers in appropriating the brand " Prime Canterbury, and hoped they would see the —defensibleness or the position they had taken up in the matter. He also stated that as regarded 0 tago-grown sheep being passed through the works here all such were branded with the brand mark "New Zealand." Friday afteraoo*-t, at the Kaiapoi Borough School, the head master, Mr R. J. Alexander, presented in the names of the teachers and scholars a handsome wicker lounge chair with crimson plush cushions, to Mr C. W. Garrard, second master, on his leaving the school to take charge at Papanui. He referred to Mr Garrard's popularity with his fellow teachers and his kindness: and winning manner to his pupils. Mr Garrard expressed his thanks in a few words, stating he should always remember the cordial good feeling sho"*n to him by the teachers and r—ideate in the town. Christchurch Meat be outdone by the show of meat in the Winter Afflricnltaral and Pastoral ■ Exhibition, the Christ*—ureh Meat Company made a very effective display yesterday of all kinds of meat in their Caehel street shop, which was spec—lly lighted ap last night. The quality and quantity of the meat displayed was by far tbe best and. largest ever seen in Christchurch. It included twelve bodies of prime steer beef from tbe herds of Messrs Hay Bros., of Pigeon Bay, and Mr T. Borgfeldt, of Papanui ; cross and halfbred sheep grazed by Mr W. Birdling, of Halswell; pork from Mr William Boag's Burnside estate, and lamb from the Mount Thomas Station. Some ve**y artistic work; was shown in saddles of mutton, colonial geese, and a medallion of her Majesty the Queen in meat. League ot New Zeal-HD W__**J4_-_sr. —A meeting of the Executive was held at the Clarendon Hotel. Present —Messrs A. R. Kirk (Chairman), W. Thompson, G. H. Cotton, G. H. J-_w_y, J. H. Thompkins and W. G. Williams. Correspo-_ie_ce was received from various Clubs, and several permits were passed- It was resolved to have 2000. copies of the new roles printed and cjircu—ted amongst the Clubs, cod aleo that a circular be sent to aU the affiliated Clubs regarding important basiness in connection with the League. The Secretary was instructed to write to several gentleroen asking them to accept the office of official tin—keepers.

*_b_s Wik-_b Show.—There was a very good attendance of visitors at the Winter Show yesterday, partk-_—rly in the evening. It may be noted that the Show will close after • this evening. On re-K" becking the points gained by rjrize-takers in roots it has been ascertained that Mr Jas., Dysart, of Co_tenay, comes out one ■"joint ahead of Mr G. Ii B-vodes, and he therefore takes Mr J. C_4'fl **pe__l prize. MrG. H. Rhodes, of Clare—ont, Timaru, has sent in for _ebibitioo some very froe mammoth purple top W$ g*W& B*°'* turi-pe, and M^ssru __*_. and J". JGteicJ. of JDax ■£ie let, _o_r_© ■___t_r__ _-"********le"-*—e-*y —Jtt o-i -whirrh _adxe_-cyed mreig—fc-g—eeaing competxtio—s •-.' -will ' re__—a ope- to-day, competators being given tbe task of estflnatiog the weight of a pen of sheep ——c lof two bnllo— ks, one _£—*__**. —»__■ X>. ;R—_———or_*« fflan£. —loas, —_i<—a jbasslbeexL _—tog—f——— ——— Tmntr —p -or cnrtrilii— my..

Aqricowurai. Lecture.—Mr G. Gray, of the Canterbury Agricultural College, will lecture to-day, at 2.30 p.m., in the Lecture Halt of the Winter Show, on "Soil Feirtilising." Sunday Lsctfrk.—Mc C. H. Hinman will give the last lecture of the series on " The Tabernacle in the Wilderness " at the Albert Hall to-morrow evening at 6.30. Ox*-oj_o C*__*-_kby.—The ladies of the district are collecting funds for the purpose of erecting a mortuary chapel in the Oxford cemetery. Bib-s Society.—-The annual meeting of the Bible Society will take place at the Art Gallery on Tuesday next, at 7.30 p.m., when the Rev. Canon Snowies will preside. A leoturette, illustrated by limelight pictures, will be given by the Rev E. P. Cache—aille on the origin of the Society. HuNntfQ.— The meet of the hounds of the Ghristohurch Hunt Club, to-day, will be at Sookburn, at 2.30 p.m. The dates of further fixtures appear elsewhere. Theatre Royal,—The Lyceum Comedy Company produced " Uncle Tom'a Cabin " last night at the Theatre Royal. For this evening, which is the last of the season, " Oliver Twist" is announced. Mr Norris will also give an exhibition of skating.

Pkrsonal.—Mr and Mrs and Misa For, who for a number of years had been in charge of the Old Men's Home at Ashburton, left Ashburton on Wednesday to take up their residence in the Oamaru district. St. John Amboi_inc_ Association.— Dr. Greenwood's class first aid for men will commence on the Tuesday after next at the City Council rooms at 8 p.m. Candidates wishing to secure a place should enter their names at once with the Secretary at the Supreme Court. Plum-Eks' and Gasfittwrs' Sooiat„— A well attended meeting of the plumbers and gasfitters was held at the Foresters' Hall last evening. It was resolved that the annual social be held on the last week in June. The following gentlemen were elected a Committee to make all necessary arrangements:—Messrs J. D. Colville, H. Oakley, A. Holl, W. Dixie, H. Pyne, and C. A. Eldridge. Mr W. J. Kerr was appointed Secretary. Thkosophical Addresses.—Mr J. Rhodes lectures to-morrow afternoon at the Lodge room, Opera House, Christchurch, on " The ascent of man in the light of the secret doctrine." The subject of the address in the evening at Lyttelton in the Lodge room, Oddfellows' Hall, will be "Theosophy and religion." The hours of meeting are 3 and 8 o'clock respectively. Thb Weather.—There was a very heavy fog yesterday morning, which, aa the day advanced, was dispelled by the sun, and the afternoon was quite warm and springlike. At about 10 o'clock last night heavy rain began to fall, and there was every ap pearance of its continuing. Our Ashburton correspondent- telegraphed that after a protracted spell of dry weather, muohneeded rain set in last evening.

School Committee.—A special meeting of the Woolston Committee waa held last evening. Present—Messrs J. ' Richardson (Ohairm*»n), J, M. Douglass (Hon. Secretary), J. Anderson, R. S. MoDiarmid, J. Milne, M. Gimblett, and W. T. Thomas Apologies for absence were received from Messrs J. Cleworth and T. Manifold. The tender of F. Partridge and Go. for the supply of fuel was accepted. A cironiar wa3 received from the Railway: Department with reference to cheap fares on Jubilee Demonstration Day. Circulars were revived from Messrs Brunt, J. McKeague, William Harding, and Thomas Quayle, who had been nominated for the vacancy on the Board of Education. A letter from the Board of Education was read with regard to the nomination of membera of the Board of Governors, It was decided to nominate Messrs J. M. Douglass and J. L. Scott for seats on the Canterbury College Board. It was decided to hold a apecial meeting on June 4th, The headmaster and teachers were requested to co-operate with the other schools on Demonstration Day. Supreme Court, -rHis Honour Mr Justice Denniston * sat in Chambers yesterday, and disposed of the cases on the list. • To-day's " Truth." — The eight-page Saturday edition of Truth will be published to-day. Among the contents will be found another instalment of that interestingstory; " The Christian," and several abort stories, including •'« The Troubles of Mr Jones'f and " The Trainer, of the Winner." Other articles too numerous to particularise will also appear, and they wiU be found instructive and entertaining, and just the class of reading to while away a ;pleasant hb_v Two editions of _V«*M*. -will be published, the first at 3 o'clock, and the second, containing the very latest news; ;

Kaiapoi Musicai. Sooibtv. —■ A second performance by this Sopiety of " Trial by Jnry," in the Oddfellows' Hall, on Thuraday evening, was again well attended. The: piece ! was excellently produced, and the new songs by Mies Ethel Corrick, were *' I don't want to play in your yard," which was encored, when she sang "Sunshine of Paradise j Alley." Mr H. Featherston sang " The man that broke the bonk at Monte Carlo," [ when he gave an amusing parody. Mr J. Johnston gave a laughing song. There were several new jokes and local nits whioh were received with general approval. The music of the piece went smoothly aad well throughout. Our Industries. — At .Rangiora Mr J. Rowe has just completed the erection of a ; plant for working concrete culverts on a novel and improved principle. The oulvert tubes are formed of concrete in iron moulds, and the superior quality of the Ashley river I bed shingle with the manner in which the !' culverts are made gives the work a superior finish to anything of the kind yet made in j the colony. The piping, Sin thick, in sizes [ from lit to 2ft in diameter and in 3ft lengths, will resist a powerful strain or weight, and renders the new manufacture | invaluable for road culverts and water ducts ! where strength and durability are desired to : be obtained.

Opening SociAii.—- The opening social in connection with the East Belt Mutual Improvement Society was held on Thiijraday evening last. There was a very large attendance, the schoolroom being filled. An excellent programme was gone through. It consisted of. a short speech by the Rev. J. Orchard (President), glee by the choir, quartette by Misses Orchard and Howard and Messrs Piesher and W. Sherris, duet by Misses A. and H. Hunt songs by Misses Stud, A. Banks, Messrs A. Roberts, W. Sherris, recitations by Misses Parkes, Shaw and Mr H, Armitage, readings by Mrs Green and Mr Salter. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to all the performers and friends who helped to make the evening a success. Refreshment- _ were handed round by tho ladies, and the singing of the National Anthem brought an enjoyable evening to a close. For the Me**.—The cold and wet weather is approaching, Attention is drawn to » sale of fifty waterproof coats by auction at W. R. Harding's rooms next Wednesday. ■•• 1395

Nrw Propki-itob.—Mr H. McAnally, late of the Dunsandel Hotel, has taken up his abode in Lyttelton at the Empire Hotel.; There will be seen by notification elsewhere the improvement- made and special advantages for visitors. For many years Mr McAnally was connected with the Union Steamship Company at Lyttelton. 1414 Hu-Babd, Mall akp Co. for teas, sugars, candles, kerosene, butter, cheese eggs, bacon, hams, &c., ia any quantities! at —west prices. 2169 Naurs.—The best brain and nerve tonic yet discovered is Compound Syrup of Hypophosphit—< Barnett and Co., Victoria street. 6938

Doklop tyres are the original tyres. First in 1888, foremost in 1897. Guaranteed twelve months. Beware of imitation. Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company, Limited, 128 Lichfield street. 241

"Home Comfoets" may be enjoyed by getting Health foods (malted) for infants, _-~ Health magnesia (fluid),' Rheumatic mixture, Dr. Sehussler's cell salta. Have a large stock just opened hot water bags, fountain syringes, enemas, vaporisers, pocket inhalers, pocket stoves and other Limps, respirators, stomach tubes, catheters, Eflje Pipes, Abdominal belts, muscle rollers, Sec The largest hygienic rooms in the colony. Open daily. Health Supplies Company, 245 Cashel street, Chri*-tch-_ch. 8650

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9739, 29 May 1897, Page 7

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9739, 29 May 1897, Page 7

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9739, 29 May 1897, Page 7