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The annual meeting of the Canterbury Jockey Club was held yesterday afternoon. There were forty-five members present. The Hon. EL W. -Parker presided. The report and balance-sheet were taken as read. They were as follows:— . , "When your committee preaeoted their last report they congratulated the members on the fact that the receipts were the largest in the history of the club; they have, however, the pleasure to report tbat large aa they were last year, the past season exceed them by £2,563. As in the past -few years all meetings, except that held in February, have returned a fair margiu of profit. The receipts from the totaiisator have been satisfactory, the total amounts handled being £86,962, by far the ' largest amount put tbrough hy any club in the colony, when the number el days' racing is taken into con* ; siderotic— The Spring Meeting was partiCTla—y -eucces*-—, the sum of £47,076 : being invested in the ■ three days. The official stand baa, been completed, and the [ oommtttee hay _ reafioa to beUtve that tho

new building is appreciated by the publio. The reduction in tho cost for entering in the classic, races has been very satis—etorily responded to by owners, and while the pohoy of the club will be to continue increasing the stakes from time to time as funds will permit, they will not lose sight of the fact that the great bulk of owners who are not fortunate enough to win are entitled to consideration, and iv preparing the future programmes further reductions in entry and acceptance fees, etc., will be suggested. The committee feel sure the members will join them in deploring the deaths during the year of three very old and prominent members of the club—Dr Prins, Mes_— Cunningham and J. D. Lance. While the latter two gentleman did not take a very active part in the management of the club lately, the former retained his love of the sport and active interest in the clnb to the day of his death. All three gentlemen had been members of the club for over twenty years. Twenty-one gentlemen have been nominated for the stewards, and eighteen for the committee. The usual ballot will be taken, as the numbers to be elected are twelve and thirteen respectively. Messrs Stead and Tabart being the only nominations for the positions of lion, treasurer and hon. judge, no ballot will be taken.—E. W. Parkbr, chairman.*' STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR SEASON FROM MAY lav, 1896, TO APRIL 30th, 1597. R_***nrra. sr/BsoßimoKS-- £«.».£ a. » Xleinbers* _. _, 656 5 0 General .. _. _ 105 0 0 761 5 0 HOIirSJITIO.VS, AOCIWAKOB., &C.— Entries, &c. .. .. 4807 0 0 Forfeits of future events .. 100 0 0 1907 9 0 RACE R-C_TrTS— Grandstand & Entrances.. £3056 ? ft Entrances collected by Railway „ 1155 9 0 4191 16 « C.J.C. Railway tares to course _, _, 423 Id a 4617 12 10 PRIVIL—IS— Booths .. _> w 62115 0 Race Cards _, Z 606 12 3 1228 7 3 Totaiisator Account _> _. 8238 3 8 Selling Races .. «. «. 76 17 0 j Traimns- Fee* _. -. — 134 7 0 j General Fines ..... _. 13 10 0 Registrations, Colours, &c... ... 13 13 0 Ronli ol Reserve .. .. .. 203 13 3 { Interest Account .. — — 170 2 9 Plant Account .. •«, . ' M 23 0 0 Maintenance Account _, «. 14 7 6 Balance due to Bank .. £800 5 10 Uapresented j Cheques _, 11 3 6 811 9 •> ; Less Cash in hand ... 40 7 6 Less. Petty Cash in hand 1 10 8 41 18 a 769 11 2 £21,17110 5 ' Gxr_*rairtra-. £. s. d. £. s. d. By Balance, April 30th, 1896 .. 656 6 9 Stakes Paid _. «, _, 13.—0 0 0 SALARIES'— Secretary -. - 400 0 0 Handicapper _. _ 250 0 0 Caretaker _, _, 120 0 0 Clerk .. -.«. _. 65 0 0 835 0 0 ATTINDANCI AT MESTINSS— Men at Gates, Band, Starter, <—. _, 609 -10 11 Racecourse Maintenance Account — 284 19 7 Advertising-and Printing: « _ 229 18 9 GRAND NATIONAL MKETIKQ— Christchurch Hunt Olub _. -. 350 17 9 •Sotbcriftioss Account— Hawke's Bay Floods. See. -. _,'. 103 3 0 lOTAIiISATOR ACCOUNT— H% Tax on £66,962 _. _, 1,304 8 8 Totaiisator Plant Account .. .. 18 0 6 rBRMAKKKT IMPBOVMENTS ACfJOITKT— Additions to Tea House, and Re-floorim* 2/6 Stand 382 0 ft Altering Carriage Paddock and Road .. .. 114 12 6 Painting -. _, 92 14 1 Tree Planting . _ 71 7 6 Asphalti-p .. _ 63 1 6 Tracks and Fencing; .. 40 17 _ Railway Fenc. .. .. 29 7 5 Starting Machine, Jockey'a Boards, Timber, !k. -. 63 19 9 848 ft S 0.*.0. jUtWAT— , Maintenance .. .» 95 5 4 Extra Siding Accommodation. _. «. 103 3 » H» SU Plant Acoount ■...','._. 38 15 .0 Ollloe Furniture Account — 6 3 0 Stationery.. .. ►♦ 9 10^1 Jockey Cwb Ball Account «.' 34 16 0 M*.W BTARIJ AOCOOST— Balance ot Contract .. 2,012 ft i Balance .ol Architect -»nd Overseei.' Fees and Sundries .. - .. 121 4 10 Furnishing _ - 101.10 6 -— 2,235 . 10 BRNBIUE KXPRRSKB ACCOUNT-" Rent of Office and Cottage 70 0 O Confereaee Kxpennei .. 47 7 8 Postage, Telegrams, and Exchange ~ _. 33 5 1 Insti—nee .. - 26 10 2 Rate* and Taxes — 25 1 4 Telephone and P.O. Bo_ .. 19 1 8 Bicycle 17 10 0 Cabs, Carting and Freight 13 0 _ . Bonus-Turf Register .. 10 10 0 Offlee cleaning: .. _ 10 8 0 Secretary's Guarantee _. 10 0 0 Library .. .. *. 315 0 Gas and Coals .. _. 3 2. Sundry Accounts -. 14 19 4 304 11 3 £21,17110 5 LIABIIirMM. £ a. d. To Entries, &c,, Future Evtnts -. 101 0 0 „ Sundries Aocomtt.:. ~ ~ 36 o o „ Distressed Jockey*' Fund .. «. 419 2 0 ~ Profit and Loss Account .. - ~ 16,843 6 6 „ Balance due to Bank £811 9 4 Less Cash in hand 4118 2 —• 769 11 2 £18,168 19 7 AnsKto. _ a. _ By Railway OonstrucUou and Latul Puicl—sed, also Cost of Platform.. 3000 0 0 - Grand, Stand, Tea and To—tisator Houses, _c. .. „ .. 9500 0 0 „ Totaiisator Plant 550 0 0 „ Reserve Account (Invested in (Government Securities aad on Fixed Deposit) .'. .. .. 5000 0 0 „ Interest Accrued .. — M 49 4 2 „ Sandry Creditors.. «. *. 6915 5 £18,168 19 7 Pkoht anb Loss oh ««_*—__ Weaime AocousT. Da. £, •. d. To Stakes *. «. 13,110 0 0 „ Salaries .. .. _. - 835 0 0 „ Attendance at Meetings _, _. 609 10 11 „ Advertlfiiog and Printing .'. „ 229 18 9 ~ GennnU Expenees.. .. .. 304 11 3 „- Written oil Permanent Improvements.. .. .- « 348 0 5 „ Race—unse Maintenance — M 267 14 7 „ Subscriptions Account M _. 103 3 0 „ Christohuroh Hunt Club -. _. 360 17 9 „ Railway Repairs .. .. _. 198 8 11 „ Totaiisator Tax .. .. «. 1,304 8 8 „ Written od Totaiisator Plant _. 118 0 6 ~ Plant Account .. _. _ IS 13 0 „ Office Furniture .. «, -, 6 3 0 „ Stationery ' .. _ _ 9 10 1 „ Jockey Club Race Ball ._ - 34 16 0 , Written o2 Official Stand _, «., 286 19 2 18,132 16 0 „ Batenca <_,_*..- 2,121 2 l 1 Ca. £ 9. d. By Subsoriptlonr* .. w _. 761 5 0 „ NominatiotiH, Entries, fee. — 4,919 0 0 „.Race Receipts _. *. 4,617 1210 „ Privileges _. . _, .1,228 7 3 „ Totaiisator _ « - 8,238 3 8 „ Selling Races _. -. _. 7617 0 „ Training Fees _, -. — 134 7 0 „ General Fines _. — ►* 13 10 0 ~ Reglstration _. _, _. 1313 0 „ Racecourse Rent.. «. — 128 8 5 I. Interest- _.'-._._, 122 13 11 ' £20,253 18 _■ C.3.C TaArmnA' Provwkkt Foko Aocovar. April 30th, 1897. Dr. £ •. «L To Balance, April 30th, 1896 „ _. 61 13 0 „ licenses Issued «. — H 29 0 0 £100X8 0 Gr. _ s*. A By BfJanae _ B__k _.«._. 100 18 0 - £100 18 0 C.J.C. JOOKK—' PAOVR—ST FOX» AOOOI7W. . Cr. £ •' d. £ 8. d. I To-dance, AprU 30th, 189- _. -. 6811 0 ' „ Jockeys'—it* _. 15 X 6 : „ Liecms l—usd m. 73 0 0 £154 12 6 ' Cr. £ »■ dByßefttwi, « . - '-■ » 0 0 „ Balancs ia Baak *,*.*. —1 — c £154 12 6 The Chairman said tJaat aa the report and balance-sheet had been taken as read there was not much left for him to say. He eoulcTbut heartily congratulate the Cluh upon the very successful balance-sheet presented to it. Members, wonld notice fi—ri the report tbat the receipts for the past year had been considerably in advance of what the Club had ever previously had passing through its hands, proving thereby that the grounds upon whioh it had been working for some time past was not only sat—factory to the public but it was satisfactory to horseowners also, having regard to the very liberal way in which they entered for the Club's different. races. . He could say that the Club could take to .itself the credit of holding out every inducement for them to do so, and the terms and conditions of the Club's races were more ,libe»l than those of ftfts o«_s frataQy*'

inNewZealand. Theworkof thehandicappit would be allowed hod been satisfactory, as was proved by the amount of money which went through the machines on the different handicaps. During the past year there had been some large races, but* the totaiisator receipts had not been so satisfactory, owing to the pre-eminence of one or two horses. He was sure members would agree with him as to the loss tho Club had sustained by the death of three of their old members—Dr. Prins, Mr Cunningham and Air Lance. They were very energetic members of the Club and their loss would be very much felt. He concluded by moving the adoption of the report and balance sheet.

Mr G. F. Martin seconded the motiorawhich was carried without discussion. The were elected mombers :— Colonel Fox, Messrs M. Harris, C. S. Howell, L. de C. Molet and T. Maude. The election of officers resulted aa under:—

btewai-ds-Me-rs A. Boyle, C. F. Martin, *. H. Pyne, J. B. Reid, R. Heaton Rhodes, D. Rutherford, J. Studholme, T. Teschemaker, C. B. Winter, Hona. E. W. Parker and L. Walker, and Sir Geo. Clifford. Committee— Messrs A. Boyle, G. Gould, G. F. Martin, R. M. Morten, F. H. Pyne, •V ™'~, Reid ' J ' Studholme, R. D. Thomas, C. F. Todhunter, C. Hood Williams, C. B. Winter, Sir Geo. Clifford, and Hon. E. W. Parker.

Mr D. Rutherford moved, pursuant to notice—" That the following new rulo be added to the rules of the Club, viz. :—Rale 29a—' Not leas than seven days before the annual general meeting the Secretary shall forward to each member of the Club a voting paper with tho names of members proposed as Stewards, Committee, and officers of the Club. Such votiug paper to be returned duly completed to the Secretary, at the Club's rooms, for deposit in tho ballot box, not later than the hour appointed _r holding the said meeting.'" There were, he said, a lot of country members connected with the Club, and to attend the meeting was expensive to them —considering the short time it lasted— besides causing them the loss of a considerable amount of time. To avoid this and still allow them to keep up their interest in the Club, tbe proposal would be a good one to put into effect. Mr C. F. Todh.**t_r seconded the motion.

Mr G. B. Winter said he hardly thought the adoption of such, a rule would be conducive to the Club's welfare, though it would be a convenient one for country members. But if such a motion were adopted he did not think there would bo any need of holding an annual meeting, for everyone would Btay at home and fill in the ballot Sapers. It would be a move in the wrong irect-ion. If the election were left to members who did not take sufficient interest to attend the meeting, a Committee would bo elected who would not have sufficient interest to attend Committee meetings. That would be the natural result of the proposal, and the affairs of the Club would come to a standstill.

Mr R. D. Thomas said he had much the same feeling as Mr Winter. That day after the ballot closed the room half emptied, which showed that many took very little interest in the affairs of the Club apart from the election, for the result of which they did not even wait. If the motion were carried ifc would mean that tbe inter est which was now shown would die out.

Mr A. Boyle asked if the difficulty could not be got over by altering the date of tho annual meeting to such time when members were necessarily in town on some other purpose. The Chairman answered that that could not be done without altering one of the existing rules of the Club. Mr w. H, WYNN-Wr__XAMs suggested that the motion should be made to apply to members residing say twenty miles or over from Christchurch.

Mr Jos. Gould said he thought that would hardly do, as it would make an invidious distinction. A town member might be out of town, and why should he be prevented from voting while a member living away should be allowed to, There did not appear to be ■ much iv the contentions advanced by Mr Winter and Mr Thomas. There was a great deal to be said for til** motion from Mr Rutherford's point of view., for those who could not some except at the sacrifice of .convenience and money would feet that they had an intercUt in tho'elect—ft and were practically taking part in the annual meeting. Mr J. Stu-holM- supported the motion. As matters stood at present it meant that man*/ members were debarred from taking part in the business of tho Club. Mr G. F. Mart-* said there was not the slightest doubt that if everyone had the opportunity of voting by proxy the interest in the Club would die out. Those members who attended once a year did not think of the time spent by tho Sub-Committees in their arduous work. He thought the object aimed at might be met by fixing a distance limit. Mr W__w-William9 said that Mr. Rutherford was inclined to agree to a thirty miles minimum, Sir, G_o.' Clifford said he did not like —> oppose members of the Committee who had done so much for the Club, bub ho thought that the original proposal of Mr Rutherford was the proper way to conduct an election. What passed in the room did not influence the voting, which might be done by the receiving of the papers as suggested. Mr Gould had hit the important point in his reference to the injustice which would fall upon a business man called away from town. The desire of the Club was to have as many members as possible with widespread inte« rest,, and this would be attained by the proposal. Mr Corn!rill 6ald he hoped the proposal would be carried in the original form. Mr Rotitbrpord decided to stand by tha motion as originally read* The motion was put and carried by 19 votes to 10. The Chairman announced that the ruto would need to be confirmed at a meeting to be called in not less than fourteen days. Mr W_»n-Williams moved, pursuant to notice—"That the number of ladies' tickets to be issued to each member be increased to four." The motion, he said, was rejected some two or three years ago because there* was not sufficient funds, and the crowding of the ladies' stand. However, since then the funds had increased, a now stand hod been built, and he was pleased' to notice that the increased attendance Was already crowding the stand. He thought the Club could now reverb to the issue of four tickets. Mr Winter seconded the motion. Mr Maotin said he hod not the alight—t hesitation in opposing it. Anyone musfe have seen that it would be impossible to provide the accommodation which wouki he required. Even now unless the ladies went out by the early trains they had difficulty in getting accommodation. Sir Geo. Clifford asked if it. were found in practiee'th&t all the ladieu' complimentary tickets were used, The Secretart answered that they w_*» at tbe Spring and National Meetings. Mr J. Studholmb said it would be a great mistake to increase the number of tickets. The stands were already overcrowded. To carry out the proposal w«*_4 necessitate increased accommodation. The Chal—han said the Club was so* ia « position to do that. The motion was lost on the vote*—, aad the meeting terminated.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9738, 28 May 1897, Page 5

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CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9738, 28 May 1897, Page 5

CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9738, 28 May 1897, Page 5