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Lnthan Famwb FnND.—Hie Worship iW" Mayor has received 10a from Z, for.tfi*Indian Famine Fund.

Kaiapoi Borough Council.—The etsta* tory meeting, to paes the annual accounts waa to have been held on lueuday, bat the , balance-sheet had not been received itotn the Audit Office, and the meeting **> adjouvned; * -a Personal.—The many friende of• ■«£• • Garland, of Cuat, who has been ill, m" "*-.■-.- - glad to know that he is rapidly recovering- _ r induction of the Be*. A. Dooll■»•-»«.----charge of this church, to fill the raMnoy eaneecl by the Rev. P. R. /■ : tion, taken place to-day. * Waimat*.— The Queen's Birthday, ww observed as a gfcrict holiday at Waiß»M*J L The volunteers turned out and fired a Wjraj - salute. The town vraa quite deeerteT throughout the daj,* picnic and ehoo*M»if; : parties were the chief attraetione. ' CAtXDOStAtr Society.—The ladies « till Caledonian Society have arranged to M» * ' > ; Record Keign bafi at the Art Gallery °» Thursday, June 17th. All the arrangement* are complete, and aa any gatheripg inOTiioiithe ladies of the Caledonian Society 4aK« 9A interest is bound to be successful, it «»lO** that the Record' Reigo ball mast be we ) event of the season. . . Oddfblwjwshtp.—The fortnightly ai^ 1 " ing of the Loyal City of Norwich Ufß*> 1.0.6. F., M.U., Lyttelton, was heM o» Tuesdayevening. The N.G. Bro. H. J*? a j , occupied the chair. There waa • >{£• ,1 attendance of membere, Provincial <*_*?: Newton and the district ofikeru •"•■J** the Lodge a visit. Sick pay amoontu»B ',V> £16 waa passed. One candidate. «** initiated. Bro. T. W. Sutton wae iw»«"*fi. for N.G. for the eneuing term, and Bw* *• Harris and H.Wales For V.G.'e. »ff I decided to celebrate the iotfcy-eixth *a*'J' vereary of the Lodge with a emoke oea* B The officers of the Lodge were apppiiWKl • Committee to arrawge for it. [ eentiment waa responded to by the North Canterbury district, Bro. P.P.G.M. Bro. Cleworth of the Wm town Lodge, P.P.G.M; Bro. Gough <f j|J Perseverance Lodge, P.G. Patrick « *• Benevolent Lodge, and Bro. Doff^fS , - Briiannia.Lodge, Wellington. *£hs r«#r ~ of the evening amounted to £41 W" 6 ? ,^-." W, Strange a*d Co. intimate *wj,--. bnaiaess promises will be open all a*J-^i|'

utrHMOSD WoßKivo Men's Cmtb.— The •aSnrned' half-yearly general meeting of Jfißiclimond Working Men's Club wiR be ffilJi««vening, at oight o'clock. - w.iN-TKBS , Usios.—A. special meeting of .1. ffinwrV Union will bo held in Otley'a 2lt tonight at 7.30, to consider the JeJanuend ations of the Board of Concilia-

%Wxn CoNCKKT.-To-night Mr W. .t t,,,i7i> will cive the fourth of hie C at the Opera House. A £2v attractive programme has lweu preZ\ uirf ia addition to the members of fkTconipauy Mias Alice Corritk will tuko •"!, The company appear in LyttelLon r morrow nicht, and on Saturday a matinee •11 be aiven in the Opera House. «fcnoor. Committee.—The monthly meeti ffof the Southbrook Committee was held g 'i"loarlAV Present—Mesers Willis (chair°Ji n Seed, Withers, Sittclifife, Watson, f .itev and Adamson. The Inspector , .* SSft was considered highly satisfactory. J?!, decided to join the School Com< «ittee.V Association, and Mr Watson was Snoinfcd delegate ; to vote for Mr Hardie tar the Board vacancy, and to grant holi--savs from the lbth till the 28th of June for the Record R«»gn celebrations. AnRU'CLTITRAI, C'OLLKUK O.OVKRXORS.— A -twcial meeting of the Committee of the fWterbury A. and P. Association was held vMtenlay at their rooms, tho President, Mr t> McMillan, in the chair, for the purpose oi nominating a candidate for election to tho Board of Governors of the Canterbury ArfioiUanl College, vacant by tho resign*fkwi of Mr R. Heaton Rhodes. Messrs W. Roost B nd Dr. Levinge were proposed, and a Sjtot recited in -Mr W. Boag's election. jietßOPourAK Pooltby Hirow. — The •ntries for thi-* exhibition closo to-day at the vinciers . Club mam, .The Secretaries have wn extremely busy 'the whole, week receiving entries from alt parts of the colony and snpplyinf? the necessary information to "ijjntry exhibitors. The ■Committees now We the arcangemonte completed, and every oossihle effort is being mado to cause this of poultry, pigeons, canaries and children's pets to eclipse- anything yet seen in the colonies. The Som.vrr Fatamty.— An inquest was held at the Lancaster Park Hotel yesterday afternoon concerning the death of Annie Watts. According to the evidence it ap. neftted that deceased and Mary Martin sa6 ontlie top of a clifl'while six other member* of the party went down to the beach. Aβ they started to return Miss Martin got up and moved to a path. She turned to look for her companion and saw lie? slipping down the bank. Mies Watte fell on th* rtony beach and was rendered unconscious. She was conveyed home, where she died at 116 p.m. on the> 25th, never having recovered consciousness. The jury, withont retiring, retained a verdict of "Accidental death. Canterbury College Engikkkbiko Society.—At tho first meeting of the Canterbury College Engineering Society, held at the College last evening, the conutitotion of the Society was drafted and the following officers were elected :—President, Professor R. J. Scott; Vice-Presidents; Messrs John Anderson, A. L. Beatfcie, and J. L. Scott j Chairman, Mr A. R. Craddock; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr T. R. Hurt; Committee, Messrs Cull, Dansey, Higginson, Mackley, and Marriner. Fteß— A email fire occurred last night in tfae right of way at the back of Messrs Wardell and Cos. The fire originated near a email furnace for heating the water in the factory. A quantity, of tools belonging to the workmen employed on the alterations was destroyed. Only the pail engine from tichfield street station was brought into requisition, and the fire was extinguished without doing any further damage.. The damage done was confined to the shed. Lake Ellesmkre Domain Boakd. —A meeting of tho Board was held yesterday at the Selwyn County Council office. Present ■ — Messrs R. Westenra (in the chair), A. Cerriok, A. Scott, and J. Wolfe. V It was resolved that application be made to the Government for grant of trees for planting. The Chairman handed in his resignation as Chairman, and it was resolved that Mr Repute be asked to accept the office. After jnaking arrangements for tree planting the meeting closed. Thk Sheep Dog Trials.—The final meet-

ing of the Committee of the Christchurch Sheep Dog Trial Club was held at the . , yards > yesterday, Mr P. - A, i i, *Wpiiiig: I Is Kmortea \UiTM \ ~ wragemcnta for the trials, which commence •»t Cashmere thiw morning, were completed, Bid that there was every prospect of <v successful meeting. A lai'ge attendance is expected, and as the grounds are very suitf able for the purpose a number of pionio parties have been arranged, so that full advantage may be taken of the day's outing. Special drags run by . the Christchurch Iratnway Company will start from Tatteraall'e for Cashmere at 8.30 a.m., 11 a.m. ; and 2 p.m. , | EsruDiANTiKA Clob. —The newly, formed j Estudianlina Club were at home last night, • »t the old Caledonian rooms, Hereford • itreet, and the only trouble was to comfortably dispose all the friende of the Club who arrived. However, this was managed, and a very excellent programme was provided. The President, Mr A. E, G, Rhodes, occupied the chair and briefly spoke. He touched upon the traditions of the Estudiantina Band and referred to the many occasions eader its father, Mr Arenas, upon which it • had helped the cause of charity. He also ■poke of the fact that they had got now a : habitation of their own, and trusted that* the future of the Club would be as sueEeseful aa its past. The vocal items on the programme were contributed by Mrs E. T. Kobinaon, Miss A. Corrick and Miss L. Ryan, Messrs Moller, Cornwall and C. Reid. Miss Ryan sang Mr Rossiter'a song '• Reconciled," with violin obligate by Mr Painter. The Estudiantina Band cbntri- '■■ •bitted several items verywell indeed, ami MUs M. E. Bash'and Mrl. Hollow played t . the accompanimentfl excellently. |- North Bklt Peksbytkrun Chueoh.— 'l.'uhe seventeenth annual meeting of the of the North Belt Presbyterian , ? |wlnm>h was held last evening, when there \ 'I** 8 * attendance. The church was twtefally decorated, and the Rev. Dr. \ j USnrla presided. The statement of the kirk % JJfiV' congratulated the congregation on kyto steKdy ; progress made, and increased ~«. average attendances at the morning and <f; evening services were reported. The various **g»aiaationa in.connectioo with the church *ere generally doing good work. The finance Committee reported that during the .Tear £158 had been paid off the debt on the «">«*> which now stood at £681. The i |*»nce.slieet showed that the receipts had ! «*a f6SI 16s 7d, and the expenditure £648 " *Tk v) eav ' n S a credit balance of £3 lla 4d. *«»• Sabbath school report was a most P»tifying one. The roll number was 320 *jw the average attendance had risen from «9 to 825. There was a staff of. thirty-one "•ehera and office bearers, \mder the superJjjwdenoe of Mr H. Wilson. During the JJJWr two teachers, Misses Henderson and D * r, B ono out aa miesionariee to "jr* , during the evening an interesting *? was given by the Rev. G. B. InglJs, <mJj bonr ton, and a number of anthems *«5 well rendered by the choir, under the jwWttctorship of Mr Iff. M. Johnson. ReJjwanwnte, kindly provided by the ladies of *™ congregation, were partaken of," and the <amomary votes of thanks were passed. ?„ are the original tyre* First *n 1888, foremost in 1897. Guaranteed D j J^ ontns " Beware of imitation. EgWop Pneumatic Tyre Company, Limited, «81ichf ie w street, 241 tiS?*** o, AN * D Co - fw tea 3« **m^ , °* nd,es ' kerosene, butter, cheese ?SP,i Dacon, hams, &c , in any quantities, at wweatpneea. * 2159 v»i **i^ —^ ne Dea * hrain and nerve tonic hL.I °^ ered v Compound Syrop of «Jpophosphit«3. Barnett and Co., Victoria tun, „ 0938 " «« Ennunos. That the Victory the b&r 1 * 0 !"? c h fMt gaining favour with ieain \ ' i 8 best P rove<i by the increasing lunffk *' uad ,to Praises are constantly being 'ttritf£ cv * 1 T on « who has tested ita high ft tK, v we,l M being the best machine *eacW **~ l ' tbe P* aces »* rttiv* **» ■eenlvv 1? I*« Lessons fr&* of charge at the (Eμ J : C '» Cashel and Richfield streeta, fiettS? l w C n ! !!' 0RT& " ma y be enjoyed by E S S, eiUth foods for infants, lure n lth (fluid), Rheumatic mix. W if' SohussJer's celt salts. Have a fejftt-ja *?** opened hot water bags, I>ocket ;>v ß ? r,nges » enemas, vaporisers, X >^ lera ' stoves anH other fcUTP;^! Sp,r ?^ re ' stomach tubes, catheters, fee. t^ 1, , abdoininal bolts, muscle roUere, colony a geßt nygienio rooms in the '(ki.. V?! n d aily. Health Supplies > vgtt Pany. 245 Cwhe 1 etreefa Christ^huVi,.

Crcf,i Aseocu«o».— A general meeting of the members of the Cycle Association will be held this evening in the Chamber of Com* merce, at 8 o'clock, to approve of the ruled as drawn up and elect officers. Important pBOPKawr Same.—The well knowu property, " The Grange," at PrebWeton, belonging to Mr Hay don, will be submitted to auction to-day by Messrs Dalgety and Co., at; noon, at Prebbleton.

Tukatkk Royal.—The Lyceum Comedy Company appeared last sight in a doable bill, when "Ruth's Romance" and the " Mexican Tigress" formed th* programme. To-night ♦'.The Prodigal" and "Taming a Shrew" will bo given, with Mr Norris's skating exhibition. Riccautos Road Boaho.—Messrs Johil Deans, P. Delahunt aud J. Mmmings have been nominated for the seat on the Ricearlon Road Board, rendered vacant by the death of the late Mr H. J. Hall. The "poll will take place on Thursday, Jnne 3rd, between the hoars of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. FltoHlßitioH.^—An open air prohibition meeting will be held to-night opposite the Club Hotel, Sydenham. The speakers will be the Revs. Porter and Chappeil, and Mr J. Field. Musical selections will be given by the Sydenham Mission Band from 7.30 to 8 o'clock.

Thr Winter Srtow.—The promoters of the Winter Show are to be congratulated oti the success of the project. The display mode is excellent, and ths attendance has been f-.r beyond the record of such gather* ings. Laet night Mr T. VV. Adam9—than whom there is uo better authority—'lectured on "Tree Planting." To-night Mr J; Bayne, Director of the College of Agrictilturp, will speak on "Drainage." SWremk Court. —His Honour Mr Justice. Denniston sat in banco yesterday, and disposed of the cases on the list. An iN'fERKSTmo Case.—A case of soma interest to hotelkeegera yas before his Hononr Mr Justice JSSmiston yesterday in banco. It was aft epjjeat front the decision of three Justices at Bangiora, fining ftn hotelfteeper under tho Beer Duty Act for putting a syphon into a caek without destroying the stamp. It vraa proved to the satisfaction of the Justices that no withdrawal of beer hod taken place. His Honour held that &» no withdrawal of beer had t«ken pboe no offence had been committed, and allowed the appeal.

An ExTRAOKtJiXAUY Goes , Incident.— While the members of the Keoilvvorth Club were playing a mixed foursome recently a remarkable incident happened. . One of the players, Mr 0. W. Hume, ittade a fine drive, the ball when in mlciUair, striking a chaffinch and cutting its head completely off. Such an incident as this, it is believed, has never previously happened in the history of the game.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9737, 27 May 1897, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9737, 27 May 1897, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9737, 27 May 1897, Page 4