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' WANTED. OF UNDOUBTED MERIT. •m/TARVELLOUS CUBeToF INDIGESTION, *c., LOASBY'S '" WAHOO," Have been Invcstigtitsd by Sydney Newspapers, and Pronounced GENUINE AND PERMANENT. LOASBY'S "WAHOO" Obtainable fc very where. Wholesale Agents— Kempthorne, Prosser aud Co.'s N.Z. Drug Co., Ltd THE GOLDEN CROSS PICK-ME-UP IS RECOMMENDED for iv Stimulating. Invigoratinc and Digestive Properties ; s>i*o in cases of Const iUitional Weaknem, Mental Depreiiiion, Langour, and Want of Nerve Power. J. S. "COOKE, THE PEOPLE'S CHEMIST, ISO Ca?h?l street. WANTKD KNOWN—Rcath and Co. make men* suits to measure from *2«, splendid stock of ready-made c!othin»r. AUTKifKSdws - Kincaid's G.I.C. for the Best Unni-i and liicon. ANTiTtTIKH6IvN^fi-ofe«„rßickerton repens thai S.ixoT) Tea is pure 'I"r> it. W'AN'TKf•" "KNOWN-.SnowHrop - Sugar iJ|d j)er Hi, <ir2is per cwt. At Kiueikiu's U.I.C. WANTKD t--> Sc:ll, .: »j:>j>act fltiustc, 4 rooras, scnllerv, piintry, wa->shho\tse, copjx?r, sttabif, loaseboy, vrindinill and tank, and i-acre tint-e-rden ; only £75 rt-qnin-'l in cash, li-lnnce" Hs per week; uo inu-n-ti. Co., 131 Colornlio street. WANTKIi-'l'n 'i.r> well known. Atkinson's, Man <-lies?<-r_>troi.-',. W~X\Ti-rt}"to~Se']i,'Several lteady (loal Farms, from "-5 to ICOO acres. Send for printed caUloguci (i r« :■(■)_. _i:.isK-3and Co., Coloiiibo street. ANiv:T>~ all qiiAlitien at »*!« pricey. Gigantic Realising Sale, Kennt'tn_S!jith«»«on ami Co., Tlie fta.ll. | WAf-iTKI>T\NO\V - rr^T , ornSw:7rres, Best and _Clieapes.t, we itiuit «o to Kincaid's G.I.C--WANTKIf KNOWN—iFeath and Co. are sbowinjr all the iashionaMe fail nets and gossamers, tuajrpie, jackdaw, ptn'py, pink, ka. W "ANTED KNOWN—Heath and Co. are showing, fjrand new ranjf&j of men's and boys' clothing, maciiitoshc-t, overcoats and hats. "ANTED" KNOWN-Beath and Co. are showing a splendid stock of blankets, flannels, calicoes, uhpotirurfc, dantusks, Al value. WAXXEK liavors for (.adies' New Season's JiuikcU 16* (xl for B*i 6d, extra large Knitted Yeste'hbd for 2s fx\. Kenneth Matheson and (Jo's Great Salc,_The_Ksll. EANTKfi liNOVVxV—Beath and Co. are showing lovely mantles, jackets and capes from tbe b. KreiK-h ami Berlin luarkeU. ANWiTTvNOVV^'—ileath and Co. are showing Lvtest novelties in ladies' and children's millinery from l.ondon and Parig. W~ ANTKD KNOWN—Beath and Co. are showing immcrcxf .ito;ks ol inen'sshirts, pants, socks, pyjamas, huts and football jerseys. WAN'I'KD KNOWN—Beath and Co. are showing a charming selection of all new dress matetiala, blankets, flannels, fco. WANTKD KNOWN—Children's Macintoshes frmn Is lid to 15s 6d, worth Bs6d to 22s 6d. Kenneth Mathcsofi and Co.. The Hall, High street. ITfTANTKD KNOWN—Ladies' Btvlish Check TV Macintoshes I&6d for 10s 6d, Knitted Skirts ls9d, Kenneth Matheson and Co.'s Great Sole,' The Hall. High street. WANTED KNOWN—Mrs CJuartermarae is a Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gents', and Chil dren's Left-off Clothing. Letters by post or other wise attended to. Address Mrs G. Quartenntdne, 15 High street. 8518 WANTED KNOWN — Kincaid's G.LO. for Coylindo Tea. TKT|TANTED KNOWN—Ladies' Knitted Woollen If ■ VcsU from 10id, Corsets from la lid. See Windows. Kenneth Matheson and Co.'s Realising - "»fT_S[TEI> KNOWN — Kincaid's Q 1.0. for jOy, c py!.^°- Te * l _. t %liT ANTED, Tea drinkers to know that Saxon Tea Yy relies on its quality. Only one braod.Saxon, 1* IOd.JS; WANTED KNOWK-Oi/ltf' Capea /_ school weu 1m Xld- _b _I<l fco 5_ XX-, worth X_* __ to _S_ *__ » b—z^e—_?_>_ Kenneth Ma_eßOa ___t <70."_ £be—J___ _r iVinuuittiMDnii ~r ▼ tooclera—e prices at. r>. Sykc3"« Fnmiihin< Warehouse, corner Cashel and Durham streets. WANTED KNOWN-Bcstvalue- Christchurch for Furniture and Bedding at D. Sykee's Puraishins Warehouse, corner of Cashel aad Durham «5 OLAKKE and CO. ex-tn_s and tan a. 12 IB *MM f II IlllHh'-'Ql*"* Vjm. -i4-i__t' prui-r-nteo with oil Waic___t or Clo_I_» - K_p__ro_ oreold by tfaem. __rxa_p W—tvixixys XS_ &_» Aotoerimm Levers £4 10s. 8. Clarke and Co,, iw Colombo street, opposite Reeoe'a. WALLACE and 00. tor " Wahoo." Beat remedy tor indie—tion made, Stmolatea wbola •JWtetn. Powertul nerve ionic. ■JIOtJUD —<'.hilhjairn. en—pped handa, cars, boras, JC* sore teg-, sore •r-s, eared with "Boring Woß»(ffliOißtmeni, u 6dandlaevßrywhe«. AfwitiKemnthornc, Proner and Co. _ 6d from oil chemhua and stor ' TV \ keepers. Wholesale agents, Kemptooroe Prosser and Co.'s N.Z Prog Co. - from Mars, sounding the praises of JT» those MarveUous Remedies, Spring Blossom Ointment and Plilsi Only 6d and is Sold every. Whewon earth. Agents, Kempthorne, Prosser and Co IF you have a sluggish liver take NoxoL If you are troubled with sick headache* take NoxoL If yon have constipation Noxol will anon help yon. If» a remedy that aoon wakens up the liver. Is 6d a box. at all Chemiats and Stores in Christchurch. ft\o you feel sleepy and languid on rising, take the JLr new vegetable medicine, Noxo!; eoaaU dose but large effect, ii yen have a pain between the ■boulders it will Ax it—NoxoL Is — aD Chemists aad Storeft HEALTH and happiness go hand, in hand when you take NoxoL Little caree which a dig. osd—ed liver magnify into _tr« one* disappear after •course of NoxoL Noxol help* the sick to get wen ~ l»t— a pox, at afl Chemists and Stores; WW WAHOO" regulates bowels withou* taking pills, cures headaches, heartburn, pains in sMe. constipation, aa fed chemto, grocer-. _^ YirAHOO" nmoru nil tncMWioqnwii ~« V V burn, flick headaches, clean*— and purifies qrhoia system. _6d chemist-, storateepers. PORTS and School Oo_mittoes will obtain spec_l fj ■ tem_ aad attention at Mi»oa*B Cheap Depot, 320 Colombo street. -. IF yon arc Stout and Wish to be Thin, then Use Phytolacca, the. new tat reducer. A, vegetable eemedy; safe for young anil old; no fecial dieting geqoired. — 6d-od4s6— Chem-rts. and ROSS, Chemists, nave large stock \j Loasby's "Wahoo." best fiver iavHroratot tnacre. Cores constipaUon, piles, fee. _~t 80. BONNINGTON, Chemist, Agent for Loashy* "Wahoo.'* Positive cure for flatulence, heart born, acidity, paias after eating JTfVIE new remedy for Liver and Stomach trouhle, JL i» Noxol. It you are troubled with b—ousaess. lU—ioess, headache, conatrpation or add risings take a.Noxnl Water night and morning; they net like magic Is 6d all Chemists and Stores. "I^^fiYTOLACOA—The~New and Abaoiutery Sate Jt Anti-Fat, Cures 75 per cent, of all corpulent <*■_, Entirely vegetable in compoeltion; not * patent medicine. Juice, 2s6dand4aM; Tablets, _ 6d, ARCawmistau JIOUNP— For coma use "Bteom—e," 6d; for in > digestion use " Sepoy's Prairie Cure," _ 6d; or rheumausm use " Sepoy's Prairie OU," 2s 6d- Sold •ferywhere. AgenU-KeiapthorDt, Proaeer and Co m TOM WAHOO," the. roost popular remedy for In digestion, 3m 6d per bottle,. at Fletcher Bros., Cheapiide; High street, Chriatchurcb; and at B_t street. A-hhurtoo. "OKOPLE affected wSth Rheumatism, male or JL female, should try Phytolacca, a remedy that has cured hundreds of lons-standing cases. Juice s<»6d and 1 6d. tablets 2b 6d. All chemists WATCHES Cleaned and warranted 12 months 4«, Clocks do 2s, Brooch Pins 3d. All work Warranted. Alfred Butcher, Watchmaker and Jeweller 191 High ftreet TBTUCJHTKKN CARAT Weddm« and Encagement t_ „ngs best, stock in the City, a Clarke and CoT; 148 Colombo street- - TCfTAHOO," tor Indige«»ori, is to be Obtained YY from _ W. Hah, Madras and Armagh streets, 2s 6d. ;5& WHEN your hver b sluggish and your stonweh out of order get Marshall's Special Podophyi«mi. This remedy is a p-«riect Ijver regulator. Sold at aU Chemista, Is, Is 6d t and_ 6d a bottle. SEASONABLE GOODS-MenTCardigan Jockete, in our usual good value, from bseach. Black, Meattie and Co. ■ WATCHES, Clocks, and Jewellery of every de criptiou sold on time pay—ants by Alfred -*»tcher the Cheapest Jeweller in town. 181 High ■stieet. MEN'S Waterproof Overcoat. We hold a splendid range of patterns in all the best mokes. :, Beattie and Co. 'IkTOXOL i» stirriug up the livers of hnndreds, JL — making them feel well and happy. Noxol is '■*_mg that nasty taata out of the months of those , who suffer from a disordered state of the stomach, latatol will clear your skin if it U v_ow from disordered liver. Price _6d a box. at aU Chenis— aad : Storea. Value—Men's Dark-grcv Frieze Overcoats, •\X fly frorrta, SOm. long, 2456 d oil oists. Black, Beattie and Co. ■ F RESENTS — Immense assort—eat at Mnsca Cheap Depot, Call aad see. IfcA/IS all know that _c lm»r w the impel— orgaa .YY of the body. Noxol exerts a marvelioo* |»werov«r it when it is deranged A sluggish liv*r ijmjms you feel sleepy all tbe time, causes cooatipati«L headaob* and aad tisings. Noxol soon re_ <_es aUthia. Only la 6d a box at Chemiate and Stores. HOUSEHOLD Requisites in Ironmongery, Cattery Plated Goods, Lamps. Chi—, <__w«re aad at M_m_'s Cheap Depot, 2_ Oak—ho atreet. DKPRKSSION of Spirits, h-reK__r sctioa of _> ... he_t, p_ns under the shoulder_tades, a tired wwn-out feeling, these sympton_i dSrly indicate ■hJwderaoeemcnt. which V«g*UUe Syrup speeduy cures. Price, Is fxL ■^*° 1 _I tbe . Be *»_— Men's Hrown Fri—e Overcoats, i-d bSf * *W *" **■*•• "**• B * ttio ** Bard times will came again bo toon," if youonly use No. 1 EXTRACT OP SOAP. No. 1 EXTRACT OF SOAP. The Moat exktence. Ho. X EXTRACT OP SOAP. Ciothes, Kiteheo Uten._». p,;«» Work. y i^^^^ k- n—-— JWanufa,—tared oniy br THE EMPIRE COMPANY ..-» A ' H> A—_T^_£»&SS£v9qyr. g^-^f«r^n~~gf~~L

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9736, 26 May 1897, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9736, 26 May 1897, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9736, 26 May 1897, Page 2