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WANTED. ! , *' - • INDIGESTION OR WAHOO? •VtfT" HIGH IS_ 11 TO B8 YOU CAN HAVE EITHER BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH. * 2b 6. EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE AGENTS— KEMP'.iIORNE, PROSSER AND CO. New Zealand Drug Coiupanj*. '* THE GOLDEN ME-UP IS RECOMMENDED for its St'mulatini- r». vigorating and Digestive Properties.; *_~ _ awes oi Constitutional Weakness, Meuttl Diprasslnn Langour, nnd Wan!; of Nerve Power. ' J. S. "COOKE, THE PEOPLE'S CHEMIST 180 Cashel street. ' **XT ANTED KNOWN-Snowclrop Sugar .id _.. TV lb, or 21s per cwt. At Kima-d'at-. I.e. *•*"■ WANTED KNOWN—For .jjrrrs Cheapest, we must go to Kincaid'. C.1.0. WANTED KNOWN - Kincaid's IJ*E_ —i**. Ceylindo Tea. *"~ R ** WANTED Buyorseolomal tweed mackintoshes 26s od, boys' suits 8s liv ru »i . 3s lid and ss6d, Mucfarlaue's Amberley Stock' .it Kenneth Matheaonand Co., 'X'he Uall. " -•■ «. WANTED KNOWN-Tlie '' Linen ".iSS ls now B_d dozen, Boxes of Fancy Note 1-»m aud Envelopes 9d per box. Kenneth Matheson a-_ Co y Sale ot Mivotiu-lftne's Stock. of the body Noxol exerts a marvel)*-! p„u-rover it when it is devauged. a sluggluh hvei makvs you feel sleepy all the time, causes eon-tina! tion, headache and acid risings. Noxol soon r<.ru«li„ all this. Only ls 6d a box at Oheiiiisu and Stores, WANTED KNOWJN-People with uefcctlyelST, can be supplied with Spectacles at a , e „iu moderate cost. Do not injure yovir eves. Au\£\ _ once to Kennett, Watchmaker, *re, 18. High su* e _ An enormous stock co select from, all the latest si vie. and shapes, frames, or in steel, nickel silver and gold. v • ANTED KNOWN Have yon weal; SFTI so, apply at once to Kennett, the iWile'i \\ f.vchmaker. He will test your sight and sufiuiu you with Spectacles at a moderate cost. Eurrinou. atock of lenses, concave, convex. Periixscouie Psaudonoptic of every power. Latest shapes. Fold antl other frames. 183 High street, under the verandah. ANTED KNOWN—Patterns of the NeS Designs in Kaiapoi Ureas Tweeds, ■■ SniUa™. Ttoviserings, Cycling Cloths, &c, can be obtained q^J application to the lending establishments. Ask for . tiieni. ANTED KNOWN—The Leading Novell* Ib Mantles for the Coining Season is the Kiiapoi Csipe, made from lovely reversible Cloth. _extu» ana Colourings are alike beautiful. meriiio son 611 knitted sox Bid, cotton vuiUer sinrt. iZ working shirts ls 6rt, merino pants ls 3d, white siiiils '6* lid. Kenneth Matheson and Uo., The Hall, ANTEO^fFolVN—Tha'riUmpoiT'loUTintloi Men's and Boys' Wear gives the _reott«t > -utafaction. Buy nothing eUe. ANTBDICNOSvN- UnbleacTieTi' , j V w'ilf Sheetiii. for double beds 7\U yard, 1&0 coloured Shirt Lengths ls 9d the piece, J-iien 'J'lible Damask (mi. bleached) ls now Bjd yard. Kenneth Matheson nod Co., '.Che Hall. WANTED KNOWN—Kincaid's U. 1.0. for tilt Best Hams and Bacon. W'ANT-njnfN- WN—Mrs ' Quanernmiiie „~\ Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gents', and Ohll (hen. Left-oif Clothing. Letters by post or other wise attended to. Address Mrs G. CJuartei-iiiaine, 15 High street. km TnTED KNOWN—Heath and Co. make men. suits to measure from 425, splendid stock ol rt-any-made ANTK-TkNOWN—Sykes's People's Furnlnhing Warehouse for quality and cheapness caniifit be beaten. Inspection inviteu. Comer of Oajhel »a<l Durham streets. ANTED KNOWN—Sykes's People's Furntehlng Warehouse for Furniture and Bedding. &tn\ .. wurkmariship and best material only used. Corner Cash';l and Durham streets. Tea drinkers to know that Saxon Tt» II relies on its quality. Only one brand, Saxon, Is lml, 2s. \\f ANTED KNOWN— Heath and Co. are showing 7 V lovely mautles, jackets und capes from tin Kiitfiiai'i, French and Berlin markets. W— "'-a"N__l> KNOWN"BeatTTamI Uo. are showing latest novelties in ladies' and children's millinery from London and Paris. ' A-KrElTTtNOWN—BeathTnd Co. areshowinf giund new ranges oi men's and boys' cloth* ing, macintoshes, overcoat* and hats. W" ANTED KNOWN—Be-lh and Co. are showing a, splendid stock of blankets, flanneli, calicoes, sheetings, daniaskt), Al value. ANTED KNOWN — Knitted Underwear fof Ladies', Gents' and Children's Use, made ok the new Kaiapoi Hosiery Machinery, c«m now to* obtained from all the Leading Drapers. ANTED KNOWN—Beath and Co. are sltowlilj a charming selection of all new dreßS nut*. li-ds, blankets, llannels, &o. , " \%T^rtSo "kl^WN—Sykes's People's Fura_Wng W Warehouse for Iron Bedsicads direct fi-oaa the makets. Full size from 265. Corner Oashol »nd Durhatn streets. , WANTED KNOWN — Kincoid's G 1.0. tW Ceylindo Tea. . W" ANTED KNOWN—Sykes's People's t*_rnißhl_i! Warehouse for Carpets, Floorcloth, Linoleum, Fenders, Fireirons, Crockery, &n., atcheapert prices. Corner Caahel and Durham streets. 485'J W'ANT_D~KNOWN-Th_t Enipfre Company. Teas are blended by an expert from t_t fineat growths obtainable. ANTED KNOWN—That all Grocers and Store. keepers Bell Empire Company's Teas becantt it gives the highest satisfaction and is unlvenu-ty admitted to be the best article. ANTEDICNOWN— I am having a dd-ring Sale, for one nu'nth only, of Watches, Olocks. and Jewellery of all descriptions at very Urgely Reduced Prices. Karl Grieshaber, Watohjaaker and Jeweller, 236 High street. ' __ WATCHES Cleaned and warranted 12 month* 4s, Clocks do 2s, Brooch Pins 3d. All work warranted. Alfred Butcher, Watchmaker ana Jeweller 191 High etreet. _______ W' ATCHES, Clocks, and Jewellery of every d» cription sold on time payments by Alfretf' |j Butcher the Cheapest Jeweller in town. 191 lllga - "J street. ■ ' W"E are still giving half-dozen Teaspoons tj> every purchaser of one of our grtarauteed'H carat Gold Wedding Rings. Alfred' Butcher, IB :' High street. - J "*_7_7ANTED KNOWN—Kaiapoi Dress Tweeds tor f VV Walking und Cycling Costumes are now we i Leading Feature ot the Autumn Season. ANTED KNO\VN-.Beath and Co. are showing - immense stocks of men's shirts, pants, iota, pyjamas, hats and football jerseys. '■_ WANTED KNOWN—Pure wool combinations lto 6d for 8s lid, flannelette chemises 1» M, flannelette night dre-ses 2s 3d at MaclorUnes Slock Sale. Kenneth Matheson and Co., The _--._- WANTED KNOV/N—Splendid range o/Nfewßreß Tweeds just opened, 8s 9d now 6s lid, WM 15s od now 9s lid the dress. Macfarlane's Stock _««., Kenneth Matheson and Co.* The Hill. *_ ANTED KNOWN—Beath and Co. are sho*A* all the fashionable fall nets and goßM~._l> . magpie, jackdaw, poppy, pink, _c. .' ANTED KNOWN—Profeueor Bickerton reps* that Saxon Tea is pure. Try it. __, BUY your Bananas and Grapes at Cuinraii*J( , «-. They are cheap and second to none. Beauura . Pot Plants, including Ferns, 6d at Cumming-. IF your sight is failing have It tested, and a pal***} Pebbles for ss, Clirystals from Is. AUrw Butcher, Watchmaker and Jeweller. 191 High street TTOU may catch a weasel asleep, but yon wiK. Inever catch the Empire Company selling toy thing put the purest and Cneßt Teas. Requisites in Ironmongery, CuUery ■ "Plated Goods? Lamps, China, 01^™*?_*5Fancy d.oods, at Minsbn's Cbeap Depot,- 220 Colomto street. ''■ - - *47 OU can get first class Pears and spienaia De»e» X. Plu-jsfor 3d, and jam Melonu at 1- fi«* ■•* w . -- GEO. BONNINGTON, Chemist, Agent for lf*™r ' •' Wahoo." Positive cure tor flatulence, _e«n burn, acidity/.pains after eating -- WAHOO, the popular remedy /or In^gaiJon,« obUihablealtheNew.Zealand Farmers' W perative Association, at 2i 6d. — THEnewreimedyfor Liver and Stomachi troaWe is Noxol. - If you are doubled with V"™_Tr ' dizziness, headache, constipation orucid r_ing»"j a Noj;o1 Water Aoteht and niorninc; they «» »* magic. Is 6d all [Chemists and Stores. —__. HEALTH and happiness go hand in *»***• W SS!V , you take No-01. Little cares which »*■ j ordered liver majmify into large ones ™R \ a course of Noxoj Noxol helps the sick to p* w» Is 6d a box, at ajll Chemists and Stores. .__, i PEOPLE affloted with ltneumatlsm, ■ female, should try Phytolacca, • - has cured hundrteds of long-standing cases, w** 2s 6d and 4 6d, ta/blets 2s 6d. All chemists ORDERS for Ki-it from the country will s***Jg , best attention. Cumming, High and Oolqmw streets. ) . ! T>OYS' KAIaJpOI TWEED SUITS, 4» U* j 4<* LONARGAN'S. j DO you feel sleedy ond languid on '*« B . in S^ e __2 new vegetable medicine, Noxol; JJ_^ but large effeSt A you h*v«««'SS shoulder, it wiU fix it-Noxol. Is 6d all Chem-t- ««- ( ■ Stores. __.. ] "rriOUND-itchinji, smarting and »*{riW*3jJg. . F tions cured wfeth" Spring Btonon , 6ff and 1_ everjVhere. Agents — Kempthorne.. Prosser and Co. . —_. .rt. ** I DEPRESSION oi Spirits, irregular action of heart, pains i mder the '*»' ol ' lde *; bl^*7 n d k _.t; : worn-out feeling, 3hese liver derangement, fwhich Worker's Vegetable byr**P speedily cures. Pri**r-> ls 6d. . _Tw_4 FECIAL I'urcha je-Men's ColonyeaKmttViJi Drawers 4s 9d per pair, splendid value. BWC-, , Beattie and Co. — —"L Lj" FOUND-Chilbloi m. chapped hands, curs,, M*™' sore legs, sore eyes, curedi with J***. Blowom Ointment," 6d and is everywhere. AgenwKempthorne, Prosse • and Co. . ~-_r OU can net 121b of Quinces or l*^ m Wg£ * at Cummiiigyor is, High and Colombo streei* Vl-EW AUTtJMN DRESSES 4» & ____- , made. Cures constipation, piles, fa*. ~ AHOO," _*> Od from alt chemists *"f_~^^^. Wholeaale agents, Kempt-Ora** : s , Prosser and 00,->°".Z Drug Co. j- - ; "AHOO," Uhe moat popular remedy '_* "■ .'■ digSuo-Ji, 2» 6d per bottle, at JPletcM J Bros oheaMide; JUgb street, Christohuroh; and at _ — ~+i i -i.-r-TAHiACJ!. r*nd CO for " W alioo." Best Ninefliß J W lor ln«!li(}eiUon made. , imulates wW l^*;-"] JLjp, 9aw9imamt tenia

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9704, 17 April 1897, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9704, 17 April 1897, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9704, 17 April 1897, Page 10