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Hahiseb ___a_ns.-—_*here aue quite a' -roMnher of visitors- to Maamer this Easter. Cyc__3«j.— trip-to-the Ot___43oc_e, Ri_s_i___- M___E__rs. —There wrth be bo** market ; Vo__-_*a_-___3s«.- —-Che -mem-er- of theCoHege Rifles, to the n-t-xtber of abao-. thirty-four, ye_ter~ _iay morns-g i_--th-- Gaver-_me_fc!a-a_-sfeKto*' join the MountedSßifles-aa a -"yLag-cot-nun on Akmv-4.

C-_USTCHCrRCH TrAmway Coj*_pany.— The Garrison Band will proceed to Sumner to-morrow by the 2.5 p.m. tram. The special time tables for the Easter holidays appear elsewhere. Svdenham Band Art Union.—The art union in connection with the Sydenham Baud will be drawn on Easter Monday at 8.30 p.m. Tickets are announced .to-be sold up to 7.30 p.m. New IJrighton Council. — A special meeting of the above Council will be held on the 27th inst., at 7.15 p.ra., to fix the statutory half-holiday. Samaritan Home.—A public meeting in connection with the above will be held at the V.M.C.A. Hall on the 22nd inst,, at 8 p.m., to receive reports, "fee. li*-_»_--r Famikk Fckd. — Tho following additional subscriptions, have been received :at the Press Office*:—Scott Dods, Akaroa, 3s ; " Opawa " 2s, M.B. 6d, J.B. 6d.

The Temple.—The services at the Temple are to be resumed on Sunday, when the subject of " The Resurrection " will be lectured upon by Mr Corrie Johnston. Thb Ashburton A_____r-. Mkkt_s*g.— The Secretary of the Canterbury Amateur Athletic Club has received a telegram that owing to the insufficient entry the One Mile Walk has been struck out of the Ashburton Club's programme for Easter * Monday. There were four entries from Christchurch.

Masonic.—At the usual meeting of the Ashley Masonic Lodge at Rangiora on Thursday, there was a largo attendance, when a reception was gi% r ev to P.M. Bro. G. P. Milsom, who is on a visit from Launceston, aDd was the first W.M. of the Ashley Lodge in 1878-9. A considerable amount of important business was got through and a pleasant evening was afterwards spent.

Cb_cke_.—A match yesterday, Lyttelton Naval Artillery and Kaiapoi Rifles, was played on the ground of the latter. In the first innings the visitors were unable to make a stand and went out for 9 runs, the Rifles making 140 (Private Featheratone 50). In a second innings the Artillery made 70 (Gunner Martin 34).

Game Laws.—At the Magistrate's. Court, Waimate, on Wednesday last, several cases of infringing the game laws were heard. Richard Rich, William Gordon, and John Turner, for having Native game in their possession out of season wore each fined 20s and 30s costs. Daniel Griffin, Albert HoUamby and Albert Thomas Hollamby were charged with trespassing in pursuit of Native game. After hearing evidence in the latter cases the Magistrate reserved his decision.

Elite Band.—The annual meeting of the Elite Brass Band was held on Tuesday evening. Mr W. Dean was in the chair. The report for the year showed an increase in members.. The following ofi-cers were elected : — Bandmaster Mr A. G. Heath,, Chairman Mr W. Dean, Vice Chairman Mr J. Hislop, Sergeant Mr J. H. Peek, Corporal Mr J. Hislop ; Secretary and Custodian, Mr E. Leaver.

Reserve Cobps. —An adjourned meeting of the members of the above will be held in the Orderly room tonight, at 8 o'clock,*when arrangements will be made with regard to the field day on Easter Monday, and prizes allotted. *The matter of the Bisley team-is*, to-be discussed, and subscription lists will be opened. The field day promises to be a great success, as the members have contributed liberally in the way of prizes. The Trilby Company. —-Mr Collet. Dobspn, Miss Idrene Thornton and the members of" the Trilby Dramatic Company will open at the Oddfellows' Hall on Monday night in a dramatic adaptationmf i-Du Maurier's work. It is claimed for this, version.that it is different from the one played here some little time back by the American Company -under the auspices'of Williamson and Musgrove. The part of Svengali will be played by Mc--)ob-on»and that-of Trilby by Miss Idrene Th__ntoß.

Tkp_d Swimmtwh Bath. — The tepid' swimming bath erected by Mr R. Kentin -London street, Richmond, was patronised by over 300 people d_ring*the-s__t week. "The average temperature of the-water.has been 78deg., and the new heating arrange-; merits are giving every satisfaction. As will be seen by a notification the bath is open daily,, tfaerhoiirs for bathing, 005 Sundays being ficom 7 to 9F* a,m., and holidays from 7 to*9va.m. and 7 to 9 p-tfn. CoAiiGATB.—-A.very successful concert was held in the Coalgate Road Board office «on April 9th in aid of prizes. The > room and stage were' very nicely decorated by* Mrs Harte and Misses i-ragda'e. Items were given by Misses Thorhe, Barlow"( 2), Drummond and Mrs Beech, Messrs Cochran, Bealey, Nelson, Drummond and Jeffs. Then followed a very enjoyable farce, creditably > given by Misses A. Langdale (2), 'Miss J Drummond, Messrs Mcllraith, Williams, I Cochran and Derrett. A dance was kept up j to-an early hour. . 1

St. .Andrew's Caledonian Soc*ie_y, KAiapoi.—A meeting of the Athletic Games Committee was held on Thursday evening at the Mandeville Hotel, the President in the chair. The offers for booths were received, and it was decided hot tohave a licensed booth, but the offer of Mr B. Mfiht w_a __fres_j_i_i4t_-nd l-LX-cheo--. ___- xn-LZ__t-_-e_r -o£ _j9-_.-tt_-»_?s cormectecl -voit-i .. -fc-X-- . sa-rsxtxexnents •_>_-_ -£_-_.«> - <__-__?- '■=-___*__ -re_-*t#i-*ff=_s to "tlie 7tC-_.i_tx>oi -ES-vncl- -wi-i-at-'. -*-ri_-L BittooipiiTiipiiil ! I_MW3Sr Tbnms. **sE_ster<__y afternoon a pleasant match was played at Linwood between the local club and Rangiora. 'J_he result was—the visitors 111 games, Linwood 110. Singles—Gower (JR.) beat Sutherland (L), 9-8; Baker (R.) beat Bristed (L), 9—6; Burns (L.> beat Bean (B.), 9—7; Good (R.) beat ___in (L.), 9—7.; Nicholson (I_.) "beat Gumberwo-th. (B,.); 9—5 ■; Ogdeh (R,) M Mi6u Sinpoq [I/.), Hto MM.;,Simpson (I—) beat Strong (_—.), 0-—6 ;■- Schmidt (Li.) 9—6. DouWes —Gower and Baker (R.) beat Burns and Sutherland (L.), 9—4; Bean and Good (R.); beat -Jriated and Nicholson (-—.-)» 9—B-; • Kain and Miss M. Simpson (L.)beat Cumber worth and Allison (R.), 9—7 ; Cumberworth. and Strong (R.) beat Schmidt and Miss Simpson (L.), 9—5; Kain and Miss M. Simpsonr(L.) beat Allison and Ogden (R.j, 9—5; Bristed and Nicholson(L.) beat Baker and Good (R.), 9—3; Gower: and. Bean (R.) beat Burns and Sutherland (L), 9—l. Mrs Barlow -provided afternoon tea. A match was played on Mr R. Kent's asphalt courts, Richmond, yesterday, between teams from the Richmond and Melrose Lawn Tennis Clubs. Some capital play was shown, and many of the games were very close and exciting. Richmond won by 70. games to 67. Results .-—Gentlemen's Singles—X. Bassett (R.) beat S. Longuet {M.), 6—5 j F. Nicholson (R.) beat W. Fabling (M.>, 6—3; S. Morley (R.) beat L. Longuet (M.), 6—5; T. W. Lewis (R.) beat F. W. Dunnage (M-), 6—2; C. beat A. W. Minson (&.), 6—V; A. Marshall (M.)beatH. T. Roberts (R.), 6—4. Gentlemen's Doubles—S. Longuet and W. Fabling • (M.) beat K. Bassett and F. Nicholson (R.), , 6—4-; A. Marshall and* L. Longuet (M.) beat S. Morley andH. T. Roberts (R.), 6—3; C. Hinton and F. W. Dunnage (M.) beatT. W. Lewis and A. W. Minson (R.), 6—3; T. W. Lewis-and K. Bassett (R.) beat C. Hinton and W. FabHng (M.), 6—-4. Combined doubles—S.. Longuet and Mrs Hinton (M.) beat K. :-Ba__ett and Miss Kent (R.), 6—4; F., ?_fs__olsonand Miss Gwen beat. irF. W. Dunnage and -Miss- Fabling (M.),. ■?_•■—_**,--- A. W. Minson and-___» Roberts (R.) >be__'A. Marshall and Mra ____-_l_*ll (M.), &— _»;.l_ Longaet-and Miss B- Fabling (M.)* IjeafcS. Morley and Miss C. Watkins •6-S. Ladies' singles—Miss- C. fßiy beat Miss EaWing (M.>, 6—3. The. ■ ; _-dy members-of the R'rehxaond Clab<pro-< • video*. refreshments. F_kk.—__-___s-G._A_Jeatfca_tdC*o_._egte' rMormtbat customers and the publicthat* ■.ths-salvage "saawsd. from the recent fire wilb on Tuesday next--amMohowragdays, but thatnothingin'thev a._al_-__r-T__» wiU be-__uied. $831* Bb-sb Nov_-n_-sapoß Bogs ak-o-Giels.—- : Hubbard, Hall bac-t-Co-, are giving free to boys and girls ■ , -. : B03«-0P _&ER_SH«rB» the best. First m\ *-888, foremost ever since. Beware of? '_p_r___*i--H-it_on_. 2751Save Your Babies. —Use TownendsThese powders • ..cannot be-exceSed ia in ''teething. All storekeepers. W, P.-Town- > end, 183 1982k -festWE.—-The-'hesfc brain and nerve-onie.? jtoefc d_*MO¥___d ia Compon-td Syrnp oP Hypophosphites. Bsraett and C0.,,V-ctoria -jtreet. 6938

AfiA-N Tee jFro"r*_. —T. _S__k___> t--wonted on-a- "SmffiMcde, secured first *p___e in the ____&__3e< Cl_-__p-ons_i_i, -and: iß eeond_h_*t_e ten- ___-sa-eentfy -tOazn-aru. Inspect oar stock. Austral* Cycle Agency, , -tree-, 6326

_*OREEs*mv.-~The next meeting of Court Star of Canterbury, A.0.F., will be held on Wednesday, 21st, instead of Easter Monday. The Roktijek Rats.—Mr Gow, who waa here some little time back with the kinematograph, has arrived from the South to make arrangement, for the exhibition here of the Rontgen X Rays and ftuoroscope. Popular Concert,—As will be seen by a notification elsewhere, a popular concert will/be held in the Druids' Hall, Worcester street, on Tuesday next. Among numerous and varied items will be found selections by the Primrose Striug Band, a laughable farce, songs, recitatious, Sec

Thbosophicai. Address. — Mrs E. J. Richmond, F.T.S., President of the Christchurch Branch oi the Theosophical Society, lectures to-morrow afternoon at the Lodgeroom, Opera House. As will be "seen oy notification elsewhere, the title of the lecture will be " What Theosophy Is." The lecture begins at three o'clock, and all are* invited. " Cavau.-ria Rostican*a." — This celebrated opera is-to be given _a-.ccmcai , t form by the Musical Union on Tuesday, 23th inst., at the'first subscription concert of the season. Those who- intend becoming subscribers should obtain their tickets beforehand, so as to-be able to secure seats when the box plan opens on Wednesday next at Milner and Thompson's. Pioneer Cycling Clob.—Ata-Committee meeting of the Pioneer Cycling Club it was \ decided to hold, a road race on _4th.May I (Queen's Birthday) from Riccarton Hotel to J Wtteatsheaf Hotel and back again. The entries close on Saturday, -fifth' May. Itwas arranged that a billiard tournament be "held, ; also card tourneys, fee.,, for the coming j months. Cart. Hertz. —Mr Hertz br ought -his ■ very successful season to-a close-on Thursday, when-ho gave two performances, in-th. afternoon, and eveniug. At the former a* yen* large,number of children were present, and" they seemed most thoroughly to -enjoy the various 'items on the programme. In the evening there was again a large audience. Mr Hertz gave a capital perincluding- a display of pictures by the Cinemtttographe, all of which were loudly applauded. He left for Dunedin yesterday,. opening;at'the*Pr__cess ■ Theatre tfiere to-night. St. Mary's -Catholic Chorch.—The services at this church to-morrow (Easter 'Sunday) morning, at eleven o'clock, will bo of special nature. The choir, under the conductorahip of Mr H. Rossiter, will be supported by, a large orchestra. The principal soprano solos will be taken by Miss Moir and Miss Luoy Ryan. During'the o-Sectory'MissMoir will sing Gounod's "Aye Maria," and in the evening at "vespers Miss Lucy Ryan will sing the"Aye Maria *"* from " Cavalleria Rusticana." Po-xard OrEnA C.-iPiUs-e*.—The. members -of the Pollard Opera Company arrived on 'Thursday ft-omWelKngion, where they have just concluded a very successful season. When Mr Pollard was last here he gave several novelties, notably "Rip Van Winkle." This time he brings two new operas, " Falka " and ■*;* Boccacoib:" It- is «■ the latter with which the company open their season to-night, and its production elsewhere-has been-jpoken of ;__tte___s*of "the: highest praise. The (first act'wiU.depict a*> squarein Florence .during, the height-of-the carnival season. It scene will be one inass_jf„artistic*cotour__g, -•made-even brighter-by* the,app_aran_e of; a number of students in their gorgeous costumes. The -second ;act will show the ga.d«ns..of "Lambertuccio" and ""Lotter''ingh-"'' atid%'is .n-. of 'the' opera reaches its' heig*_t,.,nothing>more -amusing than the celebrated "haunted tree" seena behig'knowntat-wwhole"range of comic opera. The~th_ed" act will W-<t_.e garden of the Ducal Palace, ilruminatt-din j hononr of*'-tJie.___noei3\-a___nced, In thiss-aot j Mr Pollard will introd_ce one- --of his -eele- j brated marches. The dresses, in thia act -alone cost*no.-eBS tba__-£2OO. The-cast-will include the full the company, I 'therebeingavei' twe_*ty ; responsible<_>a-ts. ' NatiO-_-& progra?nme-j for the first of two national?concerts, to be | given, at the Opera House, appears elsewhere. Miss Alice' Gray will sing " The l! , <!_Tyj_tan , * i and * r _ .trust you still," Mrs E. T. Robinson ""'Noraof KiHare "■ -and*" _3*e Swallows," Misß *V"eMe Flower ""We'd better.bi__.a-weß'" and "Dear Heart," Mr "A. Millar "Scotf wfca hae" and "Simon the Ceßarer," Mr R. Millen «■*"'___& Emigrant,""'" Fause MaggieJ-trdine," "-Scot-ish. Emigrant "and "Uncle Wall's W_d<_hr!,"' Mr C. Read '* The harp that once-"* and "My Pretty Jane," Mr Harry Deal "_?he Gallants of England." There mil also-be, -ata-io-and dancing, both ..cotch.and Irish. i

CHRIS-C_njß.OH * ShOETHj_MD W__TE--l' ,Assooi-_*iO-r.-7-A special meeting of the* .Association was.held at the V.M.C.A. room on Wednesdaysevening. Mr T. S. Weston, Vice-President,tj>resided. On the motion-of Mr C. H. Gilby, seconded by Miss Carr, it was decided to reduce the annual-subscrip-tion to 2s 6d and abolish the entrance-fee. The annual meeting was aft*©.wards-held. The=repo_t .stated that the Association-bad. had a ?ery '.ucccßSfulycari tSeyerai toofiures

-were gi*W-3__,, _i.-_.--l two social _aet3t.*Dgß —wroiro __r.c_l<_L, -____. of - -cvl-ic}- --vwero IxL-trggaXy ___bt->_-__*__-_«_L_. •__"__-__ «Xi_x_.t_io-_. o£ o-Et-ce-'B - _?«=-FX-_-t>--M_L' 3-3. fc>__-arvu--- _

—President, Mr T. S. Westou: Yice-Fresi- '■' " I I , _ dents, Misa Carr and Mr C H. Gilby ; Secretary, Mr H. A. Pyae ; Treasure., Mr C. H. Hemlett; Conductor of reporting practice,* Miss E. A. Rout; Librarian, Miss B. Smith; Committee, Messrs. T. lasle, Wallace and Atkinson j Auditors, Messrs A. F. Wrightand J. G. Brow.n. -A. vote-of thanks to the outgoing officers, closed ithe meeting. Gooz> T-MPLARY.— -A. very successful coffee .upper and concorC m given last niglifc in tbe Temperance -Hall- Gloucester, street,. in >• connection -with tlie Dauntless

Lodge, No, 7. Bro. J. J. Parker, C.T.„ presided, and there was a crowded attendance. Representatives were present. frbnj.

Oamaru, Lyttelton, &c. Sister Gwnnell,J P.G.V.T.,-gave an address, and the follow?" ihg also contributed to the programme Sisters Aynsley, Manhire, Stanton, Miss/ Nicholls, ■ Mrs Ashton, Bros. Allpress, Oates (2), &c. It was-announced during the •evening that" a Juvenile Temple had been instituted in connection with the Mariners Pride lodge, Lyttelton, and bad started with 114 members. Votes of thanks were passed totbe*perforr_.ers and to those pro--viding the refreshment., &c.

Wat-TEr Guthrie and Co.—Our Inver* car gill correspondent writes :—l>u*-__g the last few days a commercial matter of some importance to Invercargill has been brought to a head. Tenders were called for the stock of Walter Guthrie and Co., Limited, and-thetender-of Messrs Thomson, Bridger and Co., of Dunedin, has been accepted at

6s _d"in the £-, but whether it is -the pur- I chasers' intention to extend their business to Invereargill permanently-is not at presentknown. Tiie-stock referred to is that of the great ironmongery establishment carried onin Invercargill for so - many years pa.t,, which, when closed, amounted to about *£40;000. Outside of this- there is a group,of Companies which are at present being carried-on by the Liquidator as going concerns. What it is intended to do with these -ha 3 not yet heen deternrined upon. Their future, is* with us a more important-*, matter than-was the fate -of -the big rron--oongery business, inasmuch as the labourlarge- and: of much conse-' .quence-toithe-town. and -diiatrict. School Cowmu—sss: —The-final monthly,; 'meeting of the West Christchurch Com-'

'rmittee was held oa Wednesday' evening.. ! jEfresent—Mr W." ;fG. Tombs, G. T. Chisnall, W. J. Watson,

r G. Watson, J". W. Bandford-and Dr. WEoor~bon_e. Mr~San-_ford handed in___i resigna- - .t-oa-asaniember-of the^Cbmmh^e,-having': •accepted an-appointment ___ter-the Board' of Education, and his. resigEmtibn was accepted with regret. The Secretary sab-, emitted a-draft report for the nr-**efcing-of-.bo_s__»ki_r_, .which, after some verb-fe -amendments, was adopted. It-was-deetdod' toprint lists of tbe non-Jiations-eceived for election on the Committee to _ac_trtato. 'voting. A hearty vote of thanks was* l passed" to-the<C*_airn»n*-or-l_« *i-h-t*e__-ieiit manner in which he has fufelled the duties pertaining to his office..—A special meeting of the East Cbristchnrch Committee was, held on Thursday. Present —Messrs M. Sand-tern (Chairman), J. Tippett'Smit-i, F. J. Board, D. Lam-den, S. Clarke, J. R. Brunt, and J. S. WilEams. Apologies were-, received .for the absence of Messrs-H. Allison and J. Jamieson. The report-and balance-sheet to be presented at the annual meeting of householders was- . approved. It was unanimously resolved i 1 'that ai_pe_i_-*vote-rof thanks be recorded to Mr Sand-tein, for the very able and' courteous manner hi which he had, carried wfe^-tf--jat-?fla_^h--i-ia_M

Youso People's-Q*. ad__x*-B Assembi.-'."** The Women's Social and Political Young People Qnadrille Assembly held its first dance on Wednesday evening in the Art Gallery. Refreshments were provided on a liberal scale in the drawing-room. The music was provided by the Misses Creagh and Mr H. Hollow. The Committee reported that a large number of ladies and gentlemen hail joined the League's young people, and would attend immediately after toe Easter holidays. Art Exhibition.—At tlie Art Exhibition on Thursday evening the art union was drawn, and the result appears elsewhere. For to-night, *«*_lch is the closing one, a special entertainment has been arranged. Mr Salter will read "Tho Death of Little Nell," and Mr Seager will show a number of Dickens's pictures by means of the oxy-ether light. Mr Oorbett will sing " They t<pld him gently she was dead" and "Sauy in our alley." Miss Meadows will sing "Tlie Brook" fand "-Lillar-ey," and Mr Millar "The Better •Land " and "Village Blacksmith."

Assessment Court-.—An Aresessmeiit Court to hear the Lyttelton borough was held by Mr R. Boetham, S.M., at the Courthouse, Lyttelton. Mr Stringer appeared in support of the Councif s v&vluatibns. Mr NaMer ap-peared-on behalf of several objectors. The .following alterations were made■•:—H. N. Nalder, property Sumner road,, from £50 to£36=«*. Unanimity Lodge Freemasons on hail, Sumner road, £80 to £7S; A. H. Treadwel-, R-esbyterisuv-manse, £52 to £50-; J. Redpath, £30 to £25 and £20=to £12>; J. Bowden, £45»t0£35; J. Dlingsworth, Si_m« ncr road, £16 to £14 aud £30 to£2spJ. Knowles, £60- to £30. The d*tsputcd cases of the ossessmont of tbe Harbour Board's vproperties were then taken. Mr ifcliier appeared for the Board. The vatner'stassessment- were office £200, store _"_OQ. It. was decided to ask Mr Whitelaw to assess '-tins store, and the assessment;, of the office .waa upheld, with costs -S3 3~. Valedictory.—Mr George B." Barclay, auctioneer for Messrs-Guinness and LeCren at Waimate, was entertained by his friends •at the Waimate Hotel on Wednesday last-. Folly fifty wore presentfrcmian^partsofcthe district. Mr E. C. Studholme occupietHahe chair, and apologised for the- a-sence- of -several respected friends, In proposing the •toast of the evening the Chairman said-he guest _f the evening, Mr Geo. B. Barclay, had been a resident of Waimate.-for-naiiy years, and as-an auctioneer ho,had_ewecjua-8. He was sorry Mr Barclay had toaad it fiecessary on account of bad'»>tetke a trip Home, but felt _ure the wish.ofieveryone was-,tha. he might return and resume his duties as an auctioneer, thoroughly re- [ stored in health. A .pleasing duty devolved I upon him, the. making, a presentation to Mr 'Barclay of sixty-three* sovereigns, subscribed by his friends and well-wißhers. He onrly | regretted it was not larger. (Applause).IMr E. Guineas, aa a partner of th&lixm employing Mr Barday,eaid<be.f-lt prondfto see such a reprfisentsctive gathering to L-do honour to their servant. He reI gretted the iieeessity of Mr Bi_rcl_3*?s temporary absence, as l»o knew the [firm would have a cEfficttlty in I filling his place. If lie _dundr that six months leave was not sufficient, thev,firm were<|uite •wiln-ig..tO'extend ttre time to--suit Mr Barclay's convenience, and _i_*_ei**erly hoped ba womd iris duties in a t*roi*o4igi_ly good state of heaifeh. Mr LeCren endorsed what Ms partner had said. Mr Barclay, in responding, ssrid he hardly knew how to thank, tbose prese_-_f_r their vory valmiible gi_t. It was qjsaieiH--expeoted, aridr itiorjo t_wel__d. Itrctearly showed to mm what good fellows there-were about Waimate. He wo__dLp-B_-chase something with the present t-iat be MU-d always'_»Bp kindness. ■,

Thb.Ea.x__-; -Festival. —As at Easter .he varions Anglican ctorches will be decorated to-morrow, aad music ofSa festal- character will-be>__Bg. T-nssT-ac-J-.-—A very «nimie programme . was issued recently in Meibou-be, on the .occasion. ;of~.the Ben-fit for the Distressed Actors Fnnd. The inside pages were.-en-tirely occup-3dwHhautogra|-a'-reprodactionß of the actresses' and actors- taking part in theperformance, making-a.nwjst'intereating f .souvenir. Sato_*.d_.v.'9 "Tril-H.''*'—A- fni*_B-S_stal« , ment of Hail Caiae's. new serial "*Tl_Christian" will appear nr to-day's eight page edition of Truth, ir-ad-fitka- wali'b. found short stories' entitled of the Lofty Mountaia." "and "-Judge CVockett-of Hell Corner.'" A large bod-get of -_te.a_t__g _e___og matter will also appear under the headings of the Dracna, Ladies' Gossip, the Garden, * Alleged Humour, It_m&-»and the Traveller. , Influx op Visitoes. —There _is at present a very large number of v-ritors in town, which. wiU,_tf»»dou_t be added to by, the boats from the North,, and -the-.Sbuth express. SbouM tbe weat__*_ p-fiatf© fine Mr Wanklyniwiil .'have *__e*__leasar_t of re* porting!a .record*. attenda_CQt'-*at->the«€!.JjC. Autumn Meeting. Pbksentation.—-On Wednesday evening the employees at the Pioneer -Cycle- Works n_____M Mi< J. ML ooa-of _hei_ <miffl__., -writ Ax-- «>f ~fa___t xi_._i.c3.--* **_■_-__-> - on- l_vt-___c___r -_-£ *t___-_» Hi diiipiiiif iM"

lodged'the gi-b. C.J.C. Atttomn _______SG.—^The-auf-unn meeting of the C.-J.C. will take P*<w» a* Riccarton on-Easter Monday Tuesday. The first race -stracts. at noon,, and trainleave Christchnrch at.tf_._Cv, ft.l 7, 1U&, .TL.Z2 and 12:10.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9704, 17 April 1897, Page 7

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9704, 17 April 1897, Page 7

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9704, 17 April 1897, Page 7