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••.-. ■ _ .—.■», '—— v •. • :, .'. MiKiSTEaiAL —The Hon; Mr Caaaian, Minister for Railway*, 'fo expiated to arrive from WoUington to-day, ■•■.*. BaiGilTOX Sailisg Clcb •—At a Committee meeting of the Bcightoa B»iliDg Clab, held on - vVedoeeday evening, it w« resolved—"Thftoae a murk of respect co the late Commodore of the Clab and hie tiotnrmdee, who were victim* of the recent yachting fatality, the season bo deoiared closed. , ' Motions of sympathy to' the relatives of those who lost their lives were pissed. , .-■■ ■.■. ;. ;,' v . ■ ■■"■■;

Cvcmko Oarjtival.—lβ will have been eeen by a notification already published, ihe Ladiea' Cycling Carnival has beeu arran"«d to be hold at LancnatPr Paik on Suurdtv March 21st, and Thuraday, M*rc!i 26th' The novelty of the evont should dr&\v j larce attendance.

Suprkmb Court.—lt is underatood that Mr R. l>. Maihia*, Deputy Registrar of the Suprema Court-, has received uotice of removal. Daring Mr Mathhs' occupancy of his prosent position here he has made a number of friends, who will regret hie departure from amnug us.

bcNsms OitciigsiKAT, Society's Cos. csRTs. —A. meoiing of tiio Committee was held last evening at, the Cafe do Paris. Mr G. Bonmngton occupied the chair. The sale of tickets was raportcd ac being very satisfactory, a large number of seats having been already re£erved. Amphitheatre of Varieties —The Company appearing iv the marquee opposite the Theatre Royal gave another performance last evening, when there was a good at* tendance. To-night, ac will be a-jcn by notification elsewhere, a new performer will appear, aud to-morrow a matinee will be given. Political. —On Wednesdiy evening Mr G. W. Russell, M.H.H., addressed his constituaufca at the Town Hall, Belfast. Mr J. Longman presided, and the Hall was crowded. At the close of Mr Russell's speech a hearty vote of thanks and confidence wan carried with acclamation. Rakaia.—A concert aud ball under the auspices of tha Rakaia Cricket Club took pkoe in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening and were very successful. Rifle Match.—The team for K&iapoj Rifles against N Battery, at Lyttelton, on Saturday next, is as follows:— LieuLen&at Simpson, Sergeant Pearco, Privates Higgtus,Baloh, Tenipleton, VV. L'earco, Hauuaj Fraser, Hayman, B&te ; emergency—Private G. Simpson. College Football Cr.Oß.~The annual general meeting of the Canterbury College Football Club will be held at the College ou Tuisday, 17th inst., at 7.30 p.m. SwiMMixo.— The Lancaster Park bath lifti jtiac uetm cleaned out for the awimmiug races to be bed on Saturday. The programme consists of two inter-club events Diviog for Plates, Old Women's R ice 1895,' Neatest Header, Summer Handicap and two junior events. Tiie entries number 130. Cycling.—Yesterday evening Mr Harry Thompson, P.8.C., made a successful attempt to lower the two-mile amateur bicycle record, doing the distance in 4min 32 4 sth sec, and beating the previous record time made by Mr J." W. Jones, by ovei 13«ec. Thompson was paced by Messrs VV. Frnnklia and E. Casbolt. The timekeeoors were Messrs J. French, J. W. Jones and J. Kirn;. Mr Thompson rode an Atalanta machine. Druidism.—The members of this Order, residing at Islington, are eudeavounug to start a branch Lodge in that district. The minimum number of candidates have been obtained and a mooting attended by the Grand Lodge officers will be held in the Local Library to-night (Friday), to make arrangements for the opening of the Lodge. Cricket.—A very enjoyable cricket match was played ab Hagley Park yesterday, between teams representing the Christchurch Veterans and the .Fruiterer*.' The luncheon, which was provided by the Fruitorers, Mr J". L, Smith, of Sydenham, being the caterer, was done full justice to. The following are the scores—Veterans, 98 (Dawe 59, Homer 29, and Browning 8); Fruiterers, 56(Browu 19, Hickinott 17, ami Lord 9). Blake aud Goring bowled well for the winners, and Hiokmotfc and Taylor (2) trundled best for the losers.

Surplus Labour League.— The regular meeting of the Committee was held on Tuesday. A great many itemn of business were reported. Amongst other thing? the Government had been communicated with and requested to remit the travelling expenses, where practicable, to hands engaged on co-operative works away from home, and that they be permitted to worfciorty- . I eight hours per week, weather permitting. An amended aeb of articles of association and rules woro submitted, the final discussion being held over. School Committee.— A meeting of the Eichmond School Committee was held on Tuesday. Present—Mr Snowball (Chairman),, and Messrs Paul, Bell, Darlow, Shaw, Atkimoa and Sorensen. The Master's report showed the roll number to ha 555, and the-average atteudatice 469, 'and uguin " called attention to the little regard of Home parents in the matter of their ohildieix'a attendance. The bath was reported to lie in good order, and muoh appreciated, £49 19i 4d having been received from that* sowce through the ueasou. An account for £1 Is 6d was passed for payment,'the Bank credit ~ being about £7 121 6J. A letter from the Board ro the lion. Mr Reeves' book was received.

V.M.C.A. Football Club.—The second annual geusrul meeting was held at the rooms, Cambridge terrace ; Mr P. Hercu* presiding. The report, dealing with the last yaar'a performaucea, ami Itie balance sheet, showing receipts £18 17a Bd, expeuditure £18 143 SJ, cash in hand £3 3», assets £1 161 2J, liabilities £2 9j, vera adopted. It w&s decided to enter teams for ' the Junior Flag and President* Cup com. petitions. The following. officers vote elected: — President, Mr A. W; Bea\ en; Vice-Presidotits, Messrs P. Horous, R. A. Bradbury, J. Calleuder, R. W. Kugland, W. Chrystall, — Purdie, and Rev. S. J. Baker v Club Captain. Mr \V. Roxburgh ; MTvoagirg Committee, Mosors A. Mille, U. Howard, , D. Burns, W. Pike and W. O. P*vtyljrHouoiury Treasurer, Mr J. M. Telfontf , Honorary Seorefcary, Mr A. ti. Howard} - Delegate to C.R U., Mr W. 0. Pavitt. . ASUBUftXON BOEOUOII COOXCIL. —■ The •'•' - monthly meeting of the Aahburtou Borough - ■ Council was held ou Monday evening, hie ] >\ Worship the Mayor presiding. Thn debit bilattos at the B,*nk was stated to be £137112 a 3d. • Correspondence was read i from the Navy League, tusking the Council* ; co-ojaoration. A motion was carried eX*; pressing sympathy with the objects of the • League. A grant of £25 waa made lor tjift library. D. , . Greouwood reporcei four cases of typhoid fever, two at Himpitead:. and two within the Borough. The Inspector - of Nuisances, reported several cneet in which back premises were in an insanitary condition. Instructions wore issued to institut* legal proceeding against an offeader, a: d the Borough Eagineor was iustrocted to puc on sufficient labour to keep the aide channel i clean. A uew building by-law and a new by-law dealing with stray oatUe greying oo : the .public streets were passed. A license was granted for the new Oddfellowi' H*H . and tor the Orange Hal). Workman's Waoks Casb.—At.the Oxford B.M. Oour6 'yesterday, before Mr H. VV. Bishop, thft caee oi James -Taylor v the , '.. WftiumJcariri-Ashiey Water Supply Board (air Fisher), claim £13 10s for wages, wa« heard. The plaintiff had been employed &• - a workman under Mi* Cratghead, who bald 'a contract from the Board, but had given it . up, and he sought to recover hie wages from the Board under the Workman's Act. t After evidence had been taken Mr JFishrr contended that the contractor having been paid up to 75 per cent., and the b*!»nce '. ;r being retained tor due completion of the . contract the workmau had no claim upoii j ; that. It bad been stated in evidence thas tbe Board all through understood, co far cc ; it could ascertain from the men, that they were being paid. A further point raised that the action was brought ai >,-'■• common debt, instead of under the Work>.man's Wagea Act, after tafting primary proceedings against the contractor. Mr Bishop reserved his decision. It is under* stood that the case is a test one, and th»6 clain>3 amounting to aver £300 are awaiting -' the result. . National Association.—A wellationrled :. meeting of the Council of tho Natioual Association was held at the rooms, Morten's . - Buildings, last evening; the President, Mr "■ W. in tbe oliair. Deiegatss from : several of the jbranohee were present, and * number of visitors from varibue p*»'t ß °* .' Canterbury, trho addrees-d tbe meeiisg »»« .■expressed the widespread desire in their ; desire in their respective diatriota that ; local branches of the Association abonld be formed at once. A large number of we l " members- was elected, correspondence = read, and routine baMnesa transtcted* 1" was resolved that Canterbury should oe represented at tho Conference of the ditferenb eec Hone of iho Association, to Oβ held ivt Wellington at. an early date, »oo » Sob-Cummittee wan appointed to draw up And submit a programme to bo supported by delegates to said CoMfereuo*. Most eatw ' factory reports wore received from, eeveral of the* branches in C*i»terbury, cml It **» .■• decided, in response to requests, to t**9 - aleps towards the formakiou of uewbranoho" in several outlying dUtrioti. ,

JiRAPEWi Football Cluk.-A cental JJL of the I7niie.l Drapon Footha- 1 Cub 5 £ heW at the Unworn! Football Club liiwma tonight at eight o'clock. MAsuMC.—Tlie or.-Hnary mcetiup of the Certify MMonfa Lodgi will be held l ln* ,J'r,i-. t ; in the St. Augustine Masonic Hall *\lm:<. K •RrFLKS-The annual general . n. of the College X.flea will b« held at 570"W»y Room on Thursday, 19.h iust., SATUN-α Ctw -The folX sailed on Saturday n»xt, starting at 3 * I the Hentlicote-Avon course:— C«S"*h «•• G,MWn - Petrel ' Pakeha, /' „, hftVe arranged with Mr Kuighr, Sffif*See*, to marl! with their indelible ? * I and o have on view a 6 his shop in v> * Set, to-day, the prime Southjligli stre«, MrUariorth which d0 ":i?"SS .dminilfon at the Addington netted well J d , Mt# fc - ome of the ee °iil, a fao beahown at the K»m Sale ""f'rXe of Distress.—We have been ..r,d io draw attention to a case of disifquesie" , , nemis men . treM , whichi we is ja o{ old uoniDg to Dβ heen reai(lcnt ia Christ . Tr' c h whole wlftdiert on Wednesday, but church, wop geric3 of miafortuneß , he has ~*ruitf i» the buria i expenses. He f l * S of five, three of whom are prac h **ul He™, whe ia suffering from a liall y Z l,i,n»!f. Yesterday two ,eV V«. benevolent persons started a subitl'Jf the' Executive of the Wellington Industrial Jixhibitioß.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9364, 13 March 1896, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9364, 13 March 1896, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9364, 13 March 1896, Page 4