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The " Weekly PaEss."—The wonderful work of the Radiator butter-making machine, in. which you pub iv milk at.due end aud get out butter and skim milk at . tho other, is described ia the Weekly Frets, and the machine is illustrated. Apropos of the United Fire Brigades' demonstration i» a specially written article, " Fires and Firemen," with illustrations of the Christchurch Fire Brigade and, the engines and ,firo escape, and a good portrait of Supsrjo* teudent Smith. There is an story of the Young Turkey Party, giving* vivid idea of the state of things in OotMtantinople today. H.M.S. Rapid i« iutWtrated. The-Pulpit Portraits of the week are the Veryßeverend the Dean of Christ ~ church, and .the Rev. A. W. Averiil, and both of these are accompanied by sermons. In theraoingpages "Spectator "contributes ; an interesting budget of notes from the North Island, including a review of recant-, form, probable winners at the Hawke's Bay meeting-next week -are .indicated and the latest developments of the dispute between the Premier and tho Wellington Metropolitan body with regard to fcotalisator permit* are given. All departments of athletics are ae v usual fully dealt with. *' Leandor" has a special article on a proposed New Zealaod crew for "the Australasian ChampionshipY Fours. Race, while "Dark Blue refer* especially to the record breaking feat last Saturday ab Lancaster Park, and contribute* a budget of statis'ica, giving the batting aud bowliug averages in representative matches. Musical. —In connection witb'the Trinity College, London, music examination, Su Joseph's Convent of Mercy, Lyttelton, has . been fixed as a centre for ths above examination. The Lyttelton candidates will be \ able to obtain the usual forms on application to the Lady Superior of the Convent. An Incu»ibnx FiUK.—On Wednesday morning there were traces of a fire of broom having Deen lighted against the walls of a<,r large house owned by Mr H. Blackett, oPtf: Rangiora. , ' 0 Masonic.—At the ordinary meeting w *•}£;>.■; St. Augustine Lodge, No. 4 r N.Z.ftt-£k*' Tuesday evening there were present a hat* I - number of visiting brotiiren connected with ; the Fire Brigade Demonstration. The/ were very heartily welcomed, and a most. pleasant evening was spent after tho butttteaH was finished. . -^ Waibewa Boating Club. -At a meeting of this Club on Monday it was resolved that notice bi given to move at the meeting or.;; the Now Zealand Rowing Association, at -. Pioton, that any crow selected for the »»«*% colonial contest ahall be liable to be ■<*»»• <. lenged by any Club or combination of LlaM, and that any anuh race shall be three-milei [i £ al«Oi that, the Wairewa Boatiflg Clan w s willing to con« ributo ita share of the expeuw of sending a crew to Australia in proportion of the. number of its members eomp»r«t with other Clnbs. The Club will»» r «P"* £ sauted ab the Picton champion meetta* «.~ follows:—Double sculls, Chapman and »«>«» single auulla, C. Chapman. ' " „ Business Announokmsst.—Messrs w.y. <v ffopkio* and Col, tbe well known •took 5 vendors, desire us to intimate that weic place of bosioes* will he closed all day Thnrsday and Friday. The firm i» qoesttou have purchased the whole of Messrs Ai. . O'Brien and Co,Vwell known English imported boots, shoes and Blippera,- in fact, have.swept the wwohouse of ito ««*«* contents, the delivery of which will occupy about two days, Business will resume on Saturday morning. An advertwem«>b appears in our columns. wow

AWWAMAN Mail.-The Rot.miahana, from Melbourne, arrived at the Biutf yesJwUy morning. Her mails should reach ChriMchnrch by to-nicht's express. nisiiiOßA "Riklbj — Lieutenant U D'At,v«rcne. Eerweant Gulliver an,. Private i; Humphries, of tho Rangiora Rifles, take wit, >n the Rifle Association meeting. Mr \>. McKay, of the Honorary Reserve Corpi, .;«> is ;v competitor. b'HKM-WoniuiN': House--At Rangiora M ,TMilv suudry siicsp wero noticed to have l' cn butt•», and dogs were suspected, but a ,>,- or tmi since shs owner of the sheep ,l,,iVcud a horau in the act of lifting a sheep off iho ground with its mouth and shaking it, f..iO'li!y. _ W.Wtli AND CD'S. Kr.KV.ERY PIOSIC — Oi Tuts!ay a most enjoyable picnic of the eiiiit'" v-es of Ward and Go's, brewery, with thcr wives and families, was held in the KWDoi Domain. The party had the jVfivt!<»sc granted to inspc-cs the Woollen l-om./anv's millf. <rfi» Shebp SSai.k.— Messrs Georg* King n ,l O Limited, have shipped to .Messrs Wrrv Bros., fif Masterlon, the well-known li, coin breeders, twenty pure Koglish T.;-.'i.«t*r ewes and rams. selected from !S; u bred by Mr P. C. Tfarelkeld. These * ~ '(£,,„, the nucleus ot another stud Hock f j.''«Jj»h Leic-'ster-i for the North isiaud. <'i'u-'iuT.—The annual match, Veteran Ct {.' •ct'iiinb v Fruiterers, will be played on Hi'lev I'* r k to( ' A >"- ihia is a n,atca which u*t*i»ve interesting, because of the talent i„ wicket engaged on each side. „.1,,.,i. of theCommitteeof Management wae ffi lS «iaht. Mr J. S. Kemp, ViceXi icent of the Club, was in the chair. i„ attractive programme was approved. • nvrFRT.—A concert iv aid of tho Primwill beheld at the Odd--s.W'*' Hail ' cliJie!cl Btieet ' oa Fnday meeting of those interested j„ f u t ruing a Hockey Club was held in the City Hotel last evening. Mr J. A. Mitchell wis appointed Secretary, aud a strong working Committee was formed. About forty name* wero handed in for membership. It was decided to name the Club the "Christchurch Hockey Club," the uniforms to be bine stockings and knickers, with white sweaters and blue cap?. The Comniittoo were instructed to draw up rules, Jtc. iinrl report at, a further meeting. Football. — The twenty-ninth annual gener il meeting of the Christchurch Foothull Oiub was held at tho Clarendon Hotel lut evening. Mr E. S. Harley presided. The annual report stated that the play of the Fitst Fifteen in the earlier part of the seatou showed that they could hold their own with the beat teams; but later on, with no lets than eight of the team disabled, the form naturally deteriorated. The play of the Second Fifteen was most consistent, a fact all the more creditable seeing that their numbers had been severely drawn ujfon to strengthen the Senior Fifteen. There were three foreign annual matches daring the season :—The first a ' draw, the second lost, aud the third won. The balance ahect showed a credit badauce of £11 10* lOd. The assets were valued at £6418s 101, and there were no liabilities. Tho report and balance sheet were adopted. The following officers were elected:-President, Mr R. J. S. Harman ; Viea«Vresidents, Messrs H. J. Beawick, C. H. Croxton, E. 8. Harley and J. R. Evans ; Cuptaio, H. Thompson; Deputy Ciptain, , A. Bemckamp ; Hon. Sec, C. R. Smith; Hou. Treasurer, T. Wilson; Committee, ! the Captain, Vice-Captain, and Messrs L. W. Appleby, L. W. Harley and F. W. rtobbi; Delegates to C.R.U., L.W.Appleby, 1% Frost* F. W. Hobbs and 11. Thompson; Auditor*, A. L. Styche and E. F. Nicoll.— It is intended to hold a meeting of the j Ksitpoi Football Club, to consider the oueitioD of registering under the Unclassified Societies Act, 1895. Laws Tennis.— A very enjoyable match was played between the Anuat and Darfield Clubs on the courts of the latter. The Annat players won by 37 games. The following are the scores :—Singles—Miss Pengelly (A.) beat Miss Poison (D), 6-3 ; Miis Moore (A.) beat Miss Gillauders (D.), 6—3; Miss McKee (D.) beat Mrs Thomson (A)„6—s ; McLeod (A.) beat Shelden (D.), 9-3; Dr. Inglis (D ) beat E. Colthart (A.), , 9-4; McNao (A.) beab Witheil (D.) f 9—7 ; Reid (0.) beat Field (A.), 9—B; T. Colthsrt (A.) beat J. Gillauders (D.), 9—4; Nelson (D.) beat W. Wright (A.), 9—Br Doubles—Miss Moore and Misa Pengelly (A.) bsat Misses Poison and Gillauders (D.), 6—4; Misses Poison aud McKee (D.) beat Miss Moore and Mrs Thomson (A.), 6—2; McLeod and McNao (A.) beat Sheldon and Dr. Inglis (D.), 9-2; E. Colthart and Field (A.) beat Witheil and Reid (D.). 9—B; T. Colthart and Wright (A.) beat J. Gillanders and Nelson (D.), 9—B; Rev. Porter and Witheil (D.) beat E. Colthart and W. Wright (A.), 9—7; MoLeod and E. Colthart (A.) beat Sheldon and Dr. Inglis (D.), 9-2;MoNaeand T. Colthart (A.) beat Reid and Nelson ID.), 9-8; E. and T. Co!th*rt(A.) beat Rev. Porter and Witheil (D.), 9—3. Combined Doubles—Miss Pengelly and McLeod (A.) beat Miss Poison and Sheldon (D.), 9—2; Miss Moore and MoNae (A.) beat Miss Gillanders and Or. Inglis (D.), 9-4; Miss McKee and Reid (D.) beat Mrs Thomson aud Field (A.), 9—4. Totals-Annat 155, Darfield 118. Kaufoißoard op Health.—On Tuesday the Borough Council of Kaiapoi met as a Board of Health and received a report from l)r. Parsons of a case of enteric fever in fcewell street. The Board then adjourned. The Cyousq Record.—The Press Association telegram of Mr Shorland's time to Dunedin was incorrect. The oycliat's exact t irrie as published >yns on Tuesday is 22h lJmin, which breaks his own previous record by 2h lOimn. Tub HospiTAL.-The Seoretary begs to acknowledge the receipt of illustrated papers from Mesdames D. Craig and Crosbie, end periodicals from Mrs Tait and Mr Smith. Political.—Mr Meredith addressed the electors at the schoolroom in Rotherham on Monday evening. There was a large attendance, end Mr Cook presided. Mr S U i h,po i k< i a 6,80me len « th on g« n «»'> political, and local questions, and was accorded a unanimous vote of thanks and conudence in the present Government. Board op Education—Messrs T W AtUma, H. \V. Peryman. and T. S. Weston tW.St 6D fr i> SCtod men,b «™ of the North tXnt«b«ry Board ot Education, the voting a. follows :-T. W. Adams 110, HT }fl* " 9 » «• *• Webb 37, R. P. Pole" 21, Geo W ToS3 h 3 ÜBe 17 ' J ' M ' D ° U S laM 12 ' and 1W? P M al ■ B » rd WM d lre.eut-.M W ,r S R. D. Ihomu (Chairman), tltwJfcK o ?, , a^^* ,nHtOn » D ' Wallace, Uyrili SVi 1 - X Weatenra, J. Ihi'rlVi • l eryman and Dr - Stewart. i«£.J? ma . UexpWned that tUB meeting SUM? 'k lO , oon « ider »«on the amendELV he > ,aWa - Tne proposed amendww»i / v . CMaed iv deUil « farther iraJSreid* th<s by ' lftWß M altered were

**h3«W -Vit *, rt h now on view m the •stebSTw i 8 9 nr »Jtchuroh Press Company's .2«2l ft T nt "\ CMhel "wet. The work a n &ddtesßWmca hw **•» most iSuS* 11, and which is to be SETS' i" M , r J - M - Batham on *»»• ««»• C °?S d la a handsome cover of f. lwd wifch oak panelling, and tOT^Jffl 1co&b V™- a * d the riLSls ', A A dreM to J - M. Batham, "■hoi2,«rf Cw . d,t , l 0 colonial industry, and l U h WVely what P ro « MM hM been h3L£ ftrt of i,laa,iflatia « and * »ycdicaS I ! EUI \ tE Bra * d *°* Meat.-A ? |i!w?i.ii M >t? formed the XiiS ht Y° New Australia. ' tS 'J Araerica , a «<* England, ot a iSKbli Tt*** Which ta c * aimod to be very D lii;,„ Mea t 6 J** the l * iUin CMC •» to il. ™ J * Ku, S ht ' H igtt »treet, and * tffectiv?T ranee . U . ie . brand » while being ! * «ffiv» ,„it P, ato f n i«« » to provide some •«SSSt? ?. f dißti the meat the Ji° t? u » d « .»»&» uem! to meet «P ofT'«„ik braad,D 8 apparatus is made kftli ™k C . a while i 6 " "till warm. iSlvrela *a° h * P«rf<»ctJy plain Vnd 'J MndK«n? B "P"*™** ti to be made aor r huaA *P* ro7ed of b *

A Foix Train*.—The Southern expraas was a pretty full train yesterday, f ijt passengers consisted largely of Volunteers and others on their way to the N.Z. P.iße Association's meeting at Oamaru. Among the number were representatives from tiouth Australia. Band or Horu.—A very successful entertainment was piven by the Central Mission Band of Hope in the Worcester street Bine Ribbon Hall on Monday evening. A Sodden - Illness.—Tho Dunedin team at the Fire Brigades' Demonstration has to undergo an alteration on account of one of its members having contracted a severe illness. Secretary J. Salmon vzbn has been suffering from a slight attack of iutiufuza was taken bo bad on Tuesday nizht, that he had to seek medical advice. The doctor pronounced him to be suffering from pleurisy, and ordered his immediate leturn home. He went South by the express yesterday morning.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9363, 12 March 1896, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9363, 12 March 1896, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9363, 12 March 1896, Page 4